Perspective Ws

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Advanced Drawing and Painting

Linear Perspective

One-Point Perspective
1. All perspective drawings utilize the ______________ and the _______________.

rule of thumb in one-point perspective is that straight lines will usually either be ___________,
____________ or _______________________________________.

3. The _____________ is a point on the horizon line where lines that are parallel to the viewers
line of sight appear to meet.
4. Draw room in one point perspective.

Two-Point Perspective
1. Two-point perspective uses two______________set well apart on the horizon line.
2. The rule of thumb here is sets of parallel lines must be either____________ or
3. Draw a building using two-point perspective.

Three-Point Perspective
1. What are the two places that the third vanishing point could be placed? \
2. In three-point perspective all lines_____________________________________.
3. Draw a building using three-point perspective.

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