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bill bowler sue parminter coursebook with CD-ROM Module 1 4 Home and away * Visit Brighton * Describing places Facies ina © Reading: understanding main ideas pages 2-5, This is home now ing be and have got town 1 Speaking: expressing persona 1 Articles and : preferences; asking for and giving serminers feral information about ace * Listening: understanding key * Pronunciation: weak forms 2. Other tives Living abroad (radio “dking about general © Verbs to tak * Listening: understanding gist pages 6-9 truths (present shout daly information simple vie * Speaking: asking andl answering isis my life * Phrasal verbs personal questions giving a shor talk about daly personal presentation rou Reading: understanding and transferring key information {© Writing: note-taking fora presentation 3 Wea small world © Staving in touch * Describing # Numbers 1-100 * Listening: extracting specific ages 10-13, {communication things happening © Telling he ime information; numbers © Mobile world (as now (pre * Pronunciation: cn oF -p your mobile phone) continue * Speaking: asking for end giving personal information; making and receiving phone call © Reading: scanning a factual leaflet for specific information 4 This month 1 World evens (art Talking about © Counties and Reading: understnding specifi ages 14-17 and cule) frequency (adverbs adjectives o information * Internationa ine of frequency nationality * Speaking: aking about events up (the London, (© Months and snd dates Marat es Listening: understanding specific 5 Review unit pages 18-2 ® Extra practice pages 22-25 * Grammar reference and wordlist pages 26-28 * Listening scripts pages 30-31 * Communication activities pages 29, 22 Lead-in nee eae Reading and vocabulary Can describe places using be and have got ‘© Cantalk about town facilities ‘= Can express personal preferences 41 Which of these things are there in or near your home town? Tick () the boxes. 2° Work with a partner, Ask and answer questions about your home town. Example [Az Is there a hospital? Bs No, there isn’t Yes, there is, I’ in the city centre, [As Are there any parks? B: Yes, there are lots of parks. Visit Brighton 1 on Read the page from a tourist guidebook about Brighton, a city in Britain, on page 3. Lit the places in Lead-in Ex 1 that are mentioned. 2 Complete the text with these headings. ‘a Entertainment b Student life ¢ Placestosce d Getting there 3 Imagine you want to study in Brighton. Tick (/) four questions you. want the answers for. 1 How faris Brighton from the nearest airport? 2. How many universities are there? 3 Are there a lot of foreign students? __| 4 Isitan expensive place to live? | 5 Has Brighton got any famous buildings? |_ 6 Where are the good shops? [| 4 Read about Brighton again and answer the questions you chose in Ex 3. 5 Find adjectives in the text which mean: Example: full of people busy 1. it looks nice __ 5 not dangerous 2. alot of people like it 6 new 3° not large a 7 not boring 4 8 very good a old and famous 6 Use the words in Ex 5 to make true sentences about your home town. Example: It n't popudar eit tourists BRIGHTON Ager of tog og 's popular with vi the world. There are fast sins from Brighton station to London, and Garvie sien Sy 40 km aovay city, but i is easy well a students, The night there are many excellent Pubs and nightclubs. The city s tadents because it 1 place to live, the lly and ies very Speaking 1 Discuss your ideas. Example: In the morn beac, ard tn th Home AND AWAY |e Mier enstion teres soncting nd funk to reggae. The streets are busy all year, In spring there's a street theatre festival, and in summer there's ao opera cinema on the beach, and there ate many open-air concers 10. Brighton marina is leisure and shopping o hhome to a modern lot of IF you've gor ime, visit King George IV's palace The Royal Pavilion. I's a beautiful old building, On Sunday afternoons there are concerts there. The Brig Museum is interesting too. Brightor beaches, and the shops in the historic cay centre, are also popular, The old ‘Work with a partner. You are visiting Brighton for a day. What would you like to do? like to goto the old Lanes. Inthe afternoon Ti lke to go 10 the 2 What things are important for you when you choose a place to live or study? Put these thi gs in order. 1 = very important good hospital __| friendly people good schools |_| great shops _ international restaurants Compare your lots of nightlife 10 = unimportant ood leisure facilities |_| interesting sights near the sea _| safe with a partner. How similar are your lists? Tell the class. uNtTs city Oxford Ud Describing places using be and have got Underline the verbs in these sentences. Which are singular (S) and which are plural (P)? 1 Brighton is a small city 3. There's a cinema on the beach in summer 2 The streets are busy all year 4 There are a lot of theatres in the city Look at the sentences and complete the rules with have got and has got. Brighton has got two universities. If you've got time, visit King George IV's palace. 1 With J, you, we and they we use The short form is ‘ve got. 2 With he, she, and it we use . The short form is 's got. Look at these sentences and answer the questions. There isn’t a good shopping centre. Is there a good shopping centre? Ithasn't got a film school. Has it got a film school? 1 How do we make negative sentences? 2 How do we make questions? Grammar reference page 26 4 Look at the poster about Brighton pier. Read the questions and write the correct answer from the box Yes, ithas. No, it isnt Yes, there is. Yes, itis Yes, there are, No, there isn't. Example: Is the pier open all year? Yes i is 1 Is there a cinema on the pier? 2. Are there any restaurants? 3. Has the pier got any shops? 4. Is there a pub on the pier? 5. Is the pier new? Speaking 4 Choose one place from thelist or a city in your country. Make notes about it, Ankara Buenos Aires Cambridge Dubai Krakow | Madrid NewYork Pisa Riyadh Sydney Tokyo Venice Xi'an | Size Bythe sea? Old or modern? Attractive? Historic sights? Good nightlife? Great shops? small 10 old yes yes yes 70. 2 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to guess your partner’ city Is it an attractive city Yes iti Are there any historic sights? Yes, The unizersity buildings are very famous and there are treo museums. Bree Listening and pronunciation — Eynsham, a vilage in central England York, a city in the ; north-east of England 1 Barrow-in-Furmess, 2 town in the north-west of England, Speaking HOME AND AWAY ™ This is home now 4 Work with a partner. Look at the places in the photos, What facilites do you think there are in each place? 2 @o2 Listen w three people talking about where they live, Number the places. 3 Listen again. Which sentences are about which places? Tick (¥) the correct column. York Barrow —_Eynsham 2 Itisn't very attractive. 2 There are some great shops. Itisn't very interesting, Its by the sea. There are lots of factories. The village centre is old. It's an expensive place to live. It's got seven pubs. There aren't many foreigners. 20 Ithasn’t got a cinema, 4 Complete these sentences. Example: I'm a. student at the university 1 It’s___ expensive city to live in countryside near York is beautiful Te’s__large town in_ north-west cb Eawtand Banow-in-Fuess York 4 Tlive with English family 5 Itsnext to ___ River Thames, 6 There isn’t nema. yrsham 5 @¥o3 Listen and check your answers. Practise saying the sentences 4 Choose a town or city. You are going to persuade another student to visit it ‘Make notes about sll the good points. 10s an old town, It's got a great leisure contre There are lots of nightclubs and bars 2 Work in pairs. Student A you are a foreign student. You are thinking of visiting student Bis town. Student B you want student A to visit your town. Speak about all the good things. Use the language in the box to help you, You must visit... Really? Itsgot.... Tsee There are... Yes? That sounds interesting! i 3 Would you like to visit your partner's town? Tell the class something interesting about his / her town. “2 Other lives eta an talk about general truths an use phrasal verbs to talk about daily routines © Canask and answer personal questions Living abroad Lead-in 4 Work with a partner, Read these sentences. Which of them are true about life in your country? Do you know any countries they are true about? Discuss your ideas. a tee ne ag We eat 2 lot ost students study at fast food universities near home. Most people in offices y work from 9 to 5. We kiss people three times aie? hello. 2 Make true sentences about life in your country using the underlined verbs in Ex 1 People smoke a lot We have a big meal in cafes and bars. at lunchtime. Listening 4 @ 04 Listen to part of radio programme and choose the correct alternative. 1 Tes the beginning / middle | end of the programme. 2. The programme is about ood | music {people's lives 2 @¥ 05 Listen to the next part of the programme. Match the speakers to the things they talk about. Write '§ (Sang Jin) or A (Annabel) in the boxes the language (| the weather _] food Ol wor = L relationships | free time] 3. Listen again and choose the correct answers about Sang Jin and Annabel 1 Does Sang Jin work in Korea? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t 2 Does he have a Korean girlfriend? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 3. Does he miss his family? Yes, he does, | No, he doesn't, 4 Does Annabel come from California? Yes, she does. No, she doesn't. 5 Does she understand Icelandic? Yes, she does, / No, she doesn’t 6 Does she speak English in her classes? Yes, she does. | No, she doesn't. 4 Work with a partner and discuss the questions. popular magazines radio and’TV chat shows TV reality shows 1 Think of examples in your country of the things in the box. 2. What do they tell you about people's lives? 3. Do you like them? OTHER LIVES = The present simple 1 Look at these sentences and answer the questions. alive in Reykjavik. b My riend plays the guitar. © My irliend’s parents help me alot | don’t come from Iceland. © She doesn't like Korean food. 1 When do we use the present simple? a foractions happening now. 'b for things that are true all the time, and things we do repeatedly. 2 Why does the verb in sentence b end in-s? 3 Which ofthe sentences are negative? 4 When do we use doesn't? Complete the questions and short answers. a ‘Annabel come from Californi » ‘Sang Jn lve in Korea? No, he Yes, she How do we make questions and short answers with / and you? Choose the correct alternative. 1 Do Does you speak French? No, | don’t / doesn’t 2 Do Does you come from Spain? Yes, do / don’t. Grammar reference pages 26-27 4 @¥ 06 Listen and repeat the he { she | it forms of these verbs. Pay attention to the pronunciation of the -r ending, Example: live lees 1 come 6 te 2 2 drink speaks sole 3 0 8 smudy pe 4 have 9 watch xe 5 kiss 10 work __ 5 Guess how to write the verb forms in Ex 4. Then check your answers in Listening script 06 on page 30. 6 Write questions for a partner using the words in the boxes. Example Do you come from a big family? ‘come 3 in the evenings rink 7 from a big family go + on your own have « albroad on holiday live § 6 a rest inthe afternoon ply < ? chat shows on TV watch 72 a musical instrument work x ( wine with your meals 7 Work with a person in your class who you don’t know well. Ask and answer your questions. B Tell the class about your partner, uniT2 Reading and vocabulary My day 41 Work with a partner. Ask and answer these questions about a normal weekdi your life. 1 How long do you spend at work or at school? 2. How many hours do you sleep? 5,7 3. How much time do you spend on fotir own? 4 How long do you sper! travelling? 5 How much time do you spend with your family? 2 Tall the class one thing about your partner, 3. Look at the photos on page 9. Check you understand these words. Which article do you think they are in? cculture hostel library medicine port pub sea ship swimsuit 4% 07 Work with a partner. Student A read about William. Student B read about Ashley. Read your article carefully and complete the table. Name Age ‘Comes from Lives Studies Hobbies 5. Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions to complete the table for the other person. Example: Student A: What's Ashley’s full name? 6 Read the articles again and underline these phrasal verbs athe sede ep pact 9A getback getoff getup go-out pickup puton sit down take off urn on wake up seijausewe Mala ad aratye 7 Complete these sentences with the phrasal verbs from the article Example: When I cake up early, I spend some time in bed. 1 1A wp early because I don’t want to miss breakfast. 2 gd gh your coat - it’s raining! 3 pete the bus at the last stop, 4 Most days,1 _ge? Agra home at about 6.30 in the evening. 5 Remember to close the door when you ge’ _! 6 1_tucr# ex the computer and read my emails before breakfast. 7 WAY efasees in front ofthe TV late at night, fll asleep. 8 fale af” your sunglasses in class, please! 9 I gileZ ug my son from school and take him to football practice, 8 Work with a partner. Think about 2 normal weekday in your life. Make eight sentences about your day. Six must be true and two must be false. Use as many of the phrasal verbs in Ex 6 as possible. Listen and guess which of your partner’s sentences are false Writing and speaking OTHER LIVes [ Ay VAL ZL Ca Ashley Boone, 20, student on the Semester at Sea programme Studies 9 hours: At sea we have classes every day. There are no weekends, just port days and sea days. My favourite course is World Stucis. I's about the history and culture of the countries we visit on the ship. At ‘colege back home in the United States | study Social Science, ‘Sleep 5 hours: | ove sleeping on the ship. When | wake up in the morning | put on a swimsuit and a T-shirt and get tothe dining room fast. Me 15 minutes: There are 630 of us on the ship, and we do everything together. We even 'shower’ together — we take off our T-shirts and jump into the sea. After dinner | goto the lounge and play the piano ~ my only time on my own in the day. Travel 24 hours: We travel all the time — except when we get off the ship to viel the countries that we stop in, Family 15 minutes: | spend 15 minutes every day wing to my family | send the letters when we stop in a port ~ and | pick up my letters from home, William Coulter, 22, medical student at UCL Sleep 7 hours: My alarm clock goes off at 8.50. | tum it off and go back to sleep. Then Alex, my roommate, bangs on my door and | get up. No time for a shower! ‘Studies 8 hours: At 9.29 | sit down in my frst class. find it hard to think fst thing. We have five hours of classes a day. Most afternoons | go to the Iorary or study in my room. Studying medicine is alot of work! ‘Travel 10 minutes: | con't travel much. | ve in a student hostel and my ‘lasses are in a building down the road. In the evening | go out with ‘fiends, We walk to a pub ot watch TV at a frends house. At the weekend | go cfmbing. That's the only real traveling | co. Family 20 minutes: When | get back home after class, I turn on the computer {and check emai from my family and friends in Edinburgh. | go home for the weekend every two or three months. It's a long way from London to Edinburgh, and expensive too. This is my life 1 Imagine you are a radio programme guest. You are going to prepare and give a 30 second presentation about your life. Look at Listening script 05 on page 30, Think about your answers to these questions: ‘© What's great about your life? ‘+ How do you spend your days? © Do you have any problems? Write notes for your presentation, Work in groups. One person is the radio D].'Take turns to give your presentations Use your notes to help you speak. PUTIN 0 osc ssotan ans "Str. t’s a small world - ut Can describe things happening now Can ask about and tell the time ‘+ Can make and receive phone calls Staying in touch 1 Which of these means of communication do you use? Tick (/) the boxes. emails |_| a mobile phone |_| letters _ postcards |_| birthday cards achat room || text messages |] MSN (instant messaging) 2 Tall the class about yourself. Who is the most frequent communicator? Example: Lsend about ten emails a day, T use my mobile phone about 15 or maybe 20 times a day. Listening and 1 @9 08 Listen and match these photos 10 vocabulary ‘wo of the phone calls 2. Listen again and choose the numbers you hear in each call. 10258 0471/0258 2471/8258 0471 2 11/12/20 3 14/40/44 4 19/90/99 Pronunciation teen or -ty? 1 @¥ 09 Listen to each pair of numbers. Is the order correct (/) or incorrect (X)? a 13 30 [x] 17 70 [ bau + oT © 15 50 s 19 9 [] 2 @) 10 Play bingo! Gircie)six numbers. Listen and cross out any of your six numbers d 60 16 that you hear. The winner is the first player with six numbers crossed out. Say “bingo!” M12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 3 Write six numbers that are important to you on a pieve of paper. Swap papers with a partner. Ask your partner questions to find out what the numbers are Example: 453 9 27 12 36 Do you live at number 45? 1s 36 your lucky number? Lone @ two B three 4 four B five 6 six 7 seven B eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 1B thirteen 14 fourteen 16 fifteen 16 sixteen 1 seventeen 18 cighteen 19 nineteen IT'S A SMALL WORLD Ud Describing things happening now The present continuous i. 1 Look at these sentences from the phone calls and choose the correct alternative. 1 He coming to pickyou up. 4 mot watching TV ith vers th ASAT ore dM =m ge? ice oa nacre nv tat 3° Ofcourse he isn’t working. 6 What are you doing: stat tss 1 We an use the present continuous fr ee actions happening at the moment of speaking es b things that are true all the time. | 2 We make the present continuous wit — athe verb to be + the infinitive the verb to be + the -ing form of the verb. Grammar reference page 27 2 Complete the email using the present continuous. H Darvel, Great to hear from you. | (1 write) am writing this email now because all my housemates are busy. Pascale (2 listen) to music in her room ‘and Ben (3 have) ‘a diving lesson. His testis next week, Marek and Lucy are at the supermarket We (4 have)_____a barbecue in the garcon and they om ‘Some more food and drink. The weather Is warm and the garden (6 look) reat. Hope to see you again, soon. Best wishes, Jenny 3 Look at the pictures and read the questions. Choose the correct answers from the box. ‘Noy he isn’t. No, they aren't. Yes, she is. No, she isn't, Yes, he is. Yes, they are, ample: Are they talking on the phone? Ys, zhey are. Is he sitting on the beact Is she walking past the cinema? ‘Are they watching TV? Is she wearing a blue and red jacket? Is he wearing trainers E 1 3 4 5 6 Is she looking unhappy? Is he holding @ mobile in his hand? Speaking 4 Work with a partner. Student A turn to page 29 and look at the picture. Student B asks questions to find six differences between the picture on page 29 and this page. Example: Student B: Js he holding the mobile in his right hand? Student A: No, he isn’t 2 Student B turn to page 32 and look at the picture of the woman, Student A asks questions to find the six differences between the pictures. 20 twenty 21 twenty-one SO thirty 40 forry SO fifty 6Osixty ZO seventy BO cighty 0 ninety 100 a hundred unir3 Mobile world Speaking and 1 Interview a partner using the mobile phone survey questions, reading mobile phone survey 1 Have you gota mobi phone? Yes © No, but Fite one © No, I dont want one © 2 What make is it? | Nokia © wotorla © Something ee (What?) 5 Which motile phone network are you wth? Vodafone © TWebite O- Aether 4 What do you do with your mobile? | Test finds © Use it for wok © Use tin the ear © Cal fends O Play music © Send emails © Tae photos & videos O oer | 2 Tell the class about your partner. Example Alberto’s got a Nokia. He's with Vodafone, and he uses his mobile to text his friends. To make a call from Britain to a city in Country code City code Local time Sn oe Ga fe Penne te ks Buono Alecia og ASD aa 28: ‘se dgeares Beijing 86 (China) (010 +8 Seer era netr ec ea Leu eee Ped al dtr hath Example for the Cairo number 202 415 46 12 ‘international code 00 country code 20 city code 2 local number 415 46 12 81 (Japan) (0). + 9 3.) Read the text again and answer these quesons. What's the number of te Helping? —/ What’ the number ofthe TopUp line? 25 ‘What’ the country code when you phone Sto Paulo? ‘What’ the city code for Moscow when you phone from Beitain? ‘What’ the city code for Moscow when you phone from Russia? ‘What’ the time diference between London and Tokyo? Vocabulary and listening, Listening and speaking a ressuven el ti a ‘Match the times in the box to the clock faces. l 2 ¢ 2 a quarter past four ten to twelve half past six twenty-five past two one o'clock a quarter 9 nine ten past seven _owenty 10 eight (©) 22 Listen and check your answers, Repeat the times. 15 Listen to the extracts, What's the time in these cites? 1 Sydney 2 Istanbul 3) Manchester 4 NewYork 5 Cape"Town Use the mobile phone guide on page 12 to prepare six questions for your partner. Example 1 half past sein the morning in Moscoe What’ the time in London? ‘Work with a partner, Ask and answer your questions in Ex 4 Read the phone cal, Guess the missing phrases. a pier Br Hello 2) Amy please? As This is Amy. 3) ? B: Hi Amy. This is Brian. jn APE Sod RD Bi: Pm in New Zealand. A: Wow! 5) there? BB: Is half past seven in the morning A: And 6) ree aad B: Well, I'm having breakfast right now, 7). A: Tim making dinner B: Listen, Amy. Can vou pick me up atthe airport on Friday? aA: 8) __. What time? B: ‘The plane arrives at twenty past eight the evening. As OK, no problem B: ‘Thonks, Amy:"That’s very kind of you. a: OK.9) then. Bye B: Bye! ©) 4 Liston and check your answers, Write the correct phrases ‘Work with a partner Student A turn t9 page 28, Student B turn to page 32. Read and complete your rolecards. Act our the phone call. Student A phones Student B. WORLDWIDE e —_ 4 This month aaa ) SIENINIG @) © Can discuss the frequency of events © Canuse adjectives of nationality ‘© Cantalk about events and dates World events Lead-in 4 Work with a partner. Find these countries on the map on page 15 Britain Colombia France Germany India _ Italy ra Mexico Morocco New Zealand Poland South Korea ania the United States, 2 Match the photos to the events. Wimbledon ‘The Academy Awards ‘The Cherry Blossom Festival The Oktoberfest Dhow countries Festival 3 Look at the events in Ex 2. What are they? Where and when do they take place? Reading and 1 @ 5 Read the World events calendar on page 15 and compete the task as fas s you can. vocabulary Find two sports events. 4d a Koreaa event. giifisd omocc cris $4 Finda Betton 3. Find two aro even, 5, Penis Monee 3 Underline the months in the text. Then complete this list with the months in order: 1st: January sth: M ‘9th: September 2nd: F 61h: J _ 10th: October 3rd: M 7h J. th: November 4A th: August 12th: December 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer questions about the months, | Example: | Which isthe sixah month? Which month comes after July? 1 first B™ second 34 third 4 fourth S™ fifth — G™ sixth 7 seventh 8 eighth 9" ninth — 10 tenth 11 eleventh 12 twelfth 18% thirteenth 14" fourteenth, ») Rio Carnival Brazil (Rio de Janeiro) 17th-20th February The world famous Braziian cammival takes place in Rio de Janeiro every year. Thousands of samba dancers and bands fill the streets with music and colourful costumes for four days. 2) Ironman Competition New Zealand (Taupo) 4th March Taupo fs the home of this Tronman’ triathlon qualifying race (swimming, cycting and running). It takes place on 4th March this year. There ae big money prizes. Up to 1,500 people take part, usually half of them from overseas. 3) Sand Marathon Morocco (Quarzazate) 7th~18th April This long race across sand takes place near Ouarzazate from 7th-18th April. The marathon course is 150 miles. (240km) long and the race lasts for a week. World events calendar G THIS MONTH ‘Seoul Cartoon and Animation Festival South Korea (Seoul) 24th-28th May ‘This Intemational Festival of animated feature films, short films, TV films, and adverts, takes place in the South Korean capital, Seoul, in May. Glastonbury Festival Britain (Glastonbury) 24st-23rd June This rock music festival takes place ‘n June near the British town of Glastonbury. People come from all over the world to camp and listen to the different bands. Medeltin Poetry Festival Colombia (Medellin) 24th June-2nd July Thousands of people go to Medellin’ International Poetry Festival. Tt takes place at different places around the city over nine days. a Vocabulary and 1 @ 46 Listen and complete the dates you hear speaking 1 April 4 October 7 November 2 March 5 January 8 May 3 ___ June 6 ___ July ‘Work with a partner. Tell your partner about four dates that are important to you. Example: My birthday is on 26th April. 2 NOTE We say the 26th of April but we write 26th Ap 3 Work with partner. You are going to ask and answer questions about other events. Student A tur to page 29. Student B turn to page 32. Follow the instructions. 4 Work with partner and discuss these questions, 1 Would you lke to attend any of the events 2 What kind of events do you enjoy? Ex3? 15 fifteemth 16% sixteenth B1* oventy-first 17 seventeenth 18% eighteenth 19% nineteenth 20" twentieth BO™ whiriech BA chiry-frse INTERNATIONAL ine up More than 90,000 runners from 56 different countries want to mun in the Flora London Marathon next April. European countries are at the top of the list with 422 French runners followed by 345 Germans, 303 North Americans, 279 Italians and over 200 Spanish athletes. Competitors come from far and wide, There are 41 Japanese runners on the list as well as 43 Australians. The favourites to win the men’s race are Kenyans Limo and Lel. In the women's race the favourites are Romanian Dita-Tomescu and ‘American Deena Kastor. Thousands of British athletes train all year to compete. Others wear funny costumes to make ‘money for charities. International line up Vocabulary and 4 Read about the London Marathon, Find the nationality words and complete the table. Pronunciation Country Nationality Country ‘Nationality Australia Japan Britain Kenya France Romania Germany Spain a Iaaly the United States (of America) __ 2 @¥ 17 Listen and underline the stressed syllable in the words in E In which two country and nationality pairs isthe stress different? Ustening 1 @9 38 Listen to ewo people talking about the marathon, Write Windy or Krishnan to complete the sentences, 1 f © _is watching the race. Z 4 _ is running in the race. 3 42 is nervous. 4 de is having fun 2 Listen again Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 It’s Wendy's second marathon, F 2. She's wearing 2 banana costume. 71 3° She goes running every evening, 4 Krishnan is watching the race on television, [F He doesn’t like running, Tt He doesn’t want to watch the race next year. [= ‘THIS MONTH & Used Talking about frequency Look at these sentences from the interviews and choose the correct alternative, ''m always nervous before the race. | hardly ever come to London, Inever go running. usually watch the marathon on television. | sometimes run in the evenings. We often go running together at weekends. 1 Which is the tense in all the sentences? present simple / present continuous 2 What do they describe? things that are always true / routines and habits Frequency words describe how often we do something. Underline the frequency words. Jn the sentences in Ex a, Write the frequency words in order, depending on their meai 100% ofthe time 90% of the time 70% of the time 550% of the time 5% of the time 5 (0% of the time Look at the sentences again and complete the rules. 4 We put frequency words, the verb be, a before b after 2 We put frequency words allotherverbs. a before b after Grammar reference page 27 Speaking and 1 Complete this survey about healthy habits writing with your answers. Cia a aC ILC How often do you... s=never 2=hardlyever 3=sometimes 4=often 5=usually 6= always 2 Work with a parmer. Interview your partner and complete his / her survey answers, 3 How healthy is your partner? Write a health report. Start like this: Example: Paula is quite healthy: She usually exercives for more than half an hour every day sand she sometimes exercises for more than an hour RETTIE -0e-seromsnsins ‘E LDWIDE NCVICW Ss a= Lead-in 1 How international are your tastes? Work with a partner. Talk about your likes and ates beer cars chocolate clothes films food music perfume wine Example: At [like English beer B: I don's. I like Czech beer B: I like German cars A: So dol, Language study 4. Look at the people inthe picture. What are they doing? 2 @¥ 19 Listen. Which people in the picture are speaking? What do they want to do? 3 Listen again and complete these sentences from the dialogues. Dialogue 1 1 Are Lene _ any good restaurants near here? 2 Whatkind of food 4 stig (di, | 5 far? No,__1f ig ¢ Dialogue 2 4 What_Aaztyen eccig/ \ here? apes ely aes his birthday on _! 2.04 6 ju hf this CD? No,_Ay Aasuok 4 Check your answers in Listening script 19 on page 31 5. Complete the list of words to describe how often we do something. 0% on, % Oh 50% 70% 0 90% uw 100% a 6 Work with a partner. Make five true and one false sentence about yourself using the frequency words. Guess your partner’s false sentence. REVIEW Vocabulary 4 Work in teams. You are going to race each other Your teacher is going o give you a copie are The first team to write ten words on their card Wins a point, When all the topie cards are completed the team with the most point isthe winner colours Patenee iar Zs a “Topics: adjectives to describe places colours common verbs countries ee languages months phrasal verbs town facilities 2 Use the words in Ex 1 to make 80 small cards, Pu the card face down on the correct squares ofthe Wordwhee! game Blue Rea Play in teams of two. Read how to play ‘Wordwheel’ and play the game. ord Perini Pes Coy SS 4 lives speak > speaks play > plays +-es Verbs that end in 5-3, -ch iss hisses ceash > roashes watch > ruatches + -ies Verbs that end in consonant + study > studies ‘Some verbs are irregular. have has do does. go goes Use You use the present simple: to talk about things that are true all the time: Live in New Zealand She doesn't come from Korea to talk about things we do repeatedly Her classes begin at 7 oeloc. He doesn't travel by bus. He comes by car. Unit 3 Describing things happening now Present continuous Positive and negative 1 ‘m (@m) ‘mnot Yo * we re (are) aren't working. They watching TV. i She anc EN it isn't ‘Questions am ' you ‘What they: doing? he is she it For yes/ no question and short answer forms see be (page 26). GRAMMAR REFERENCE = Spelling: present participle (-ing form) ‘Most verbs add -ing to the infinitive: work > working do doing —_g0> going Verbs ending with consonant + -¢: come> coming write > writing ive > living ‘Verbs with consonant + short vowel + consonant: sit > sitting get > getting Use ‘You can use the present continuous for actions happening at the moment of speaking. ‘Are you twatching TV? Yes, Lam. ‘They aren’e watching a film. Adverbs of frequency ‘You use adverbs of frequency to say hoe ofen you do something. om 100% VT never hardlyever sometimes offen usually always Adverbs of frequency usually go between the subject and the verb: Thardly ever go running They never drink alcohol. With the verb ¢o be the adverb of frequeney goes after the verb: We're sometimes nereous It's always hot in the summer. Prepositions of time time My birthday isin july. in ¢_[gorunning nthe morning / iy ‘afternoon /evening. of day But note: at night at +time The class starts at nine o'clock. +date The four starts on ast February. on day My class son Monday. (ur classi from nine to ten. fom (Get) The festival takes place from and to 24th une, | --the2500mos common tgsh words ary common wads *fty common words nts tony fn ree vis Sen top See enn Meee a Hee a eer cto Bile sere a on theta ty pes oie pcan See Bias a vty we feet te Set a le | sete ids Se Pauw eh pt Sethe pet == we en ie de fama eto, four Seetenber heyy a they ae eit eyed (ote fs ay esate pasta ees ys may eee ay famed en Settlons beremiet cata BPR ae Saat oy te west ee oo otto tne Pete Rey on eta ‘tan eli Ieattg nce Sony seth ieege cn seca Achy i ey eas he Sy Bh clea i om! Sots ey Bae i Ae la Reo cro ty ren feta Beet ah Ser hota cape ee Saher et ey we Ses (ey nt a ny Neale eau ce cst ims seni at Se Pent wan sere sagen semen foc in) ga fel Seite a ay tena a ere na Seat cy fav Beate pay Seat facet ey, shi ie Seats foe aes Bp ts nec 8 etic iat Sr on ese | " Seren eat Fecara Re Seat ty Wen an Belen een xt sore hese eet iy fe hones Amem sid at fay fa Nertstd ps ata Spend es and yy soca eens oe eee rol a Toe cn a sar Ben ey Senta lense a ly Bonet elon TE ado Saints fais Bt hse ta pod sane et Unt Pra eae Sh Shoe ee Star ey eam pow ten hal ony hes ea Sater pth reece Sut ran amo ies pan fd het fave a a Bs cetirgs esa fe ae ha SN Birthday ard ede kl the United States (oF America) no janasd faba ie tt oechet ses cents getoff feet of i tip i seal ie ot fead ed ‘go out v /gou ‘aut/ fetter a fete oe an i Went ft Se ery a fey aa alee mp a * 1 Nato fore aoe Paes ates Nt ney a fe wave iS e atar Ee pono unt gaye Bee Rettig nk fend igo Dickupy fain third. Yes See Bitoni aa Ly oe sendy ed Ber nets oe ‘sit (Gown) v sat (aun *** ‘tenth Aen6y mei ry a Seay fea sean ey ies Sr hay ea fant iSacen eay saehts Ramen fee aa seats ares a ey eee Sete eetan Saat ee een aa SSN ey WORLDWIDE Student A Unit 3, Speaking Ex 1 page 11 Unit 3, Listening and speaking Ex 3 page 13 You're on holiday in (place) (ime) you're (activity) (country) Unit 4, Vocabulary and speaking Ex 3 page 15 41 Read about some other international events, What kind of information is missing in e ‘The place, the date or the kind of event? Patio Waly ( 6th August This very old Italian horse race takes place around the central square of the town of Siena in Tuscany. International Mariachi Festival - Mexico (Guadalajara) sst-1ith September This takes place every year in September. There's music, dance, paintings, and lots of food and drink. International Film Festival ~ Poland (Warsaw) ‘There are over 130 films in cinemas across the Polish capital in this festival. They come from countries like Chile, Taiwan, and Bulgaria. ommunication activities ____, (country) __ Wes ‘You phone your friend in because you want to say what you are doing. ‘Santa Claus World Championship - Switzerland HAR nets 2h Ss ei) 26th November ‘This Swiss competition takes place at the end of November to start the winter. Over 100 Santas take part. There are prizes of £5,000. Winter Festival - India (Mount Abu) When you'r feeling hot in Rajasthan, go to Mount ‘Abu. This Indian festival has music, dancing and watersports like boating on the lake. New Year Challenge — USA (New York City) ast January Start the New Year with ‘near Coney island. Or perhaps keep your clothes on, stay warm, and watch. 2 Work with a partner. Ask your partner questions to find the missing information, Example: Whar hind of event is the... ? When does the Jake place? Where does the take place? Unit 1 Worldwide © Listening script o: © Ustening script o2 rsenter, R = Reb, Hisashi) Today in “This is home’ talk forieners who now lve in Brita. Reb Suid and his fe Zaina ar fom Syria at ven York Rafa tll uv abi about York {Wel wer happy ere esate we've got Jot of good fends inv a student a the ‘university, and there ar los of foreigners ‘here Not many Syrians though. York has 08 some god international fod stores, nd restaurans, and there are some great shops = butts am expensive ity t ive in Yes, batt Yes the city entre ld and very atectie, My fvourte bing the ‘Cathedal ~York Minster We go there with allo vistors from Syria. The countryside tear Yok very bean to, but he ‘weather sterile! Crna You'e fem Spain but your ome ‘Yes Ive in Barrow-in-Furnes Is large town in the north wos of England. Tim here for si months o practise my English ke Barzow: ei very tractive an ‘ere are eof factories, but there arn't many focigers here ~s0T speak alot of English ‘Barrow hasn't got many historic sgh, uot the great thing about its Ua is By the sea and nea the Lake Distt ~ a realy ‘nul area The nighlife hore Is good toad the people = dae people are realy fcndly ‘My third guest from Japan. Hisashi, your home eres quite different, ght? “Thats ight. Five ia Eyesbam - sll village near Oxford THe with an English family They've got tre cilren and Bynsham ea bent vile Ie nt very big and i's next to the River Thames The wilge centre i old and very attractive tnd there ae some small shops, Thee are Seven pubs, but there isn'ta cinema. Ks ‘ery qUlet here and very safe~ bu st © Listening script 03 t 2 4 Trova student atthe univer. Wan expensive city toe in “The countryside per Veet s bem [Wa large town inthe north-west of Engand ive with an English family Ws net tothe River mes. There in cinema WORLDWIDE istening scripts Unit 2 Other lives © stoning seript Hel and welcome t Living Abrond~the Deere dont er poe Sr Sean to ts your sen sound the wkd shoe Now ove and he es She mater 90 Wat rat abou youre? Dov ve ny pobemst How do yo open yours? Te key to et ae cH snd Annabel Sang i, © stoning script 05 (5 = Sua ins A = Anne $5 Hm Sangin Tame from Koreas bt tov Tein New Zedand Ta sent ter andy gcd ws New Zander vig hr very eye fom Ieingin ore For example Tse peat rns eth gin’ far an Sey rely help me be Ment eins Ty he gio end sng wi Boe Drs at parent Ts my a tn ends in Rees, bt me) Say ire ip only prolem i my tend eat end he sie Koren od! Dont gh. sa pen! Afni ls names Annabel Konkin ve Rotini he cpl eed tat Son come on eta Tina florian, Ta spor acer and wok ere a8 Sees eres aslo cus ising in ela realy differen fom ving in California, People gt up ets 10 to bed eal, and dent go out he Evenings in winter This all because of fone thing ~ the weather The eater here cold and is dark~ das all winter. Apart fom the dark I have one other problem the language. I don't speak or understand any Iceland, That's OK in my clases Tite cscs in English. BucT doa’ understand street signs or anything on TV and T have terrible problems sometimes vith the eepone! © Listening script 06 nk he lives & stuies 10 works } Listening script o7 Reading texts om page 8 Unit 3 It’s a small world ©) Ustening script 08 Aum by Sao Hay, Mm? Hijo. Whee ary? AL ston Whats dn? Ihe wring? No cusebvler ysis Bet Sew pk Det er He B a & & 2 (Ce husband, D = wile) Git Hallo, Waat are you doing? (C: Wel fm sil athe supermarket. Pe wut to py Ds Could you get some bee? I fongot wo pat it on the bt D: A packof 12 cans : OK. Fine, Do we need anvthing ese? 1D: Noy tats al think See sou soon = woman, F Hel. Ts that Tees foes? Speaking. ste, This Emma Rose from Design Taorpoated. Ihave a meeting wih You thi afternoon. FF. Mes, that’s right Everyone's waiting for you inthe meeting 0m, 1; Tm ell sory, We've coming into Oxford tom the MAO an the ali tribe 0 te there in 10 minutes F: OK. Thank you for phoning See you soon. , Yes, Thank you so much % (G= teen boy, H = teen git) (GH Jobe What do you ra? Whats hat music? Are you watching MTV? oP not watching TV! I'm doing my ‘maths homework. Have you got the answer tothe last question? Gi: Yen Teveasy HE What it hen? G99 HE Right Thanks See you ater then © listening script o9 this heen foarte ory fy cen sigiteen eight LISTENING SCRIPTS. @ Listening script 20 Unit 4 This month Unit 5 Review twenty one, leven, went fifty one hundred, twenty three, seventeen, twenty-four, (® Listening script 15 Listening script 19 twenty-eight iy, ten, owen OY, Reading tea from pags 13 Game Se feaecn sn, ecen wen scr : twee sty nee teen ac ‘A: imhongs: Do you mang ofr twenty-nine, shi, ewenyfive sista eee Os pak bia’ ons A SELOK Ae tee ay good rears My girlfriend's birthday is on 19th March. ed neat here? (Our wedding anniversryson 13th une rapa ean bet ete im geting married on 28th October lke? Indian, Chinese, Mesican? 1 & Ustening script as 2 3 & ‘ 5 Wea shila at 1: How abou Indian? Tove nan food bt 7 & 8 & & Reading text from page 12 ©) stoning script 2 iv one toc. My hobday sats on 15th July ‘ye haa ever et at home. {se gota driving test on 27th November apoio a 1 er ree (My new job stars on 31st May sy 3 Ite quarter past four Tear? 4 @® Listening script 17 'No, it isnt. I's just round the corner, 5. Isha pasts case ae at is Rete Be Great. Let go. ety brea wat ag: 16 (C= woman, D = man) 8 Westen wo owe © Ustening script 28 (t= irri W = Wendy Hoe © useing sats cee E_ HL, Wendy. Is this you first race? “This is Radio Sydney and the time ishalf past Wp: Nose ant, He my ted. eleven. Tam Chase Snow and oath show Wate sour er tme 2 CC Hit How are you? D: Hil rs nice to see you, What ae you doing bere? CC: Tm looking for a present for my brother. [Ws his birthday on Sth May D: What kind of music dos he ke? G pay W: Well, T usually take about five hours, but ‘Well, he ee guitar asia Eins : ‘Tm not feclng very well today, 30 I don't ‘the guitar. The problem is never listen to Fe wil soon be ann in Imabul Thee NOW : ee Secnnepescanioeveicm t Cinytlnesaarorcaberiote @ round is dear. awit oearae D: Let see. Has he got his CD? It's great. ae oer C: Let me see. No, he hasn't. That's a good 3 ‘rag, fs more fn for wes ‘Here we are in Manchester at Otd Trafford. ‘= and for the other runners. ‘ie. Thanks Se pane help, Te fee desend Uehta Sie miuien How on you enn rhe mineicn? Tes a cold day here ‘WT run every morning and I sometimes run @ Listening script 20 ‘ RavackewouaemairsOr sae aureess ‘My bosiend is running today to, and we ‘fen go running together at weekends. I's ‘our hay eto and weleome to Breast with America Wa beau day here in New ork and its quai past sre So, i youve tll in bechits.—y, ‘Tier awes i 15 minutes, How ore {mew get up and go for a run in the pak. anata y \W: Teme want to go home and gor be, “The wain now arsvng a plaorm 2 is Fm alvays nervous before the race! she 12 o'clock expres fom Cape Town 12 Johannesburg, Pease stand cltr ofthe ine. Te We're here in Greenvich near the ster swith Krishnan Tate. Krishnan, do you @ stoning script 14 ws watch the race from here? K: No. This is my frstime- usualy watch it tm television The tafe avays terrible fm marthon day a é 1. Why are you here today then? This Amy: Who's that? [Wall some of my ends from college re 1, Am, This is Bran, running and I want sce them B a B A Brian! Where ae you? ‘Why are you running with them? BB: Pimin New Zealand & B A B (A= Amy D = Dri) ‘At aS8 0373 Hello ll. Can I speak to Amy please? E A XK: Me! Tneier go runing. That i owl What ie there TE And what do you tisk of te maton? [es al pas even in he morning 1 ies great! Tinea having fn. es He Ad what ar you din 1 ig rect party! my eter come o Wem ing af ght sow How Loon but i eat So hk stout your ome an sc the marathon very seat ‘8 Tm making dine. eae Bo Bs: Ltn, Amy. Can you pick me up athe sport on Fed? ‘Yes ofcourse What time? the evening (OK No problem. ‘Thanks, Am. That's very kind of yo ‘A: OK, See you on Friday then. Bye, B x BB The plane arrives at erent pas cg in re B Brel “Comn Student B Unit 3, Speaking Ex 1 page 11 ommunication activities Unit 3, Listening and speaking Ex 3, page 13 les (time) You're asleep in bed. It's very cold in your house and you aren’t feeling ver phones? Unit 4, Vocabulary and speaking Ex 3 page 15 4 Read about some other international events. What kind of information is missing in each text? ‘The place, the date or the kind of event? Palio Italy (Siena) x6th August This very old takes place around the central square ofthe town of Siena in Tuscany. International Mariachi Festival - Mexico (Guadalajara) This Mexican music festival takes place every year in September. There's music, dance, paintings, and lots of food and drink. International Film Festival - Poland SE es agth-zand October There are over 130 films in cinemas across the Polish capital in this festival. They come from countries like Chile, Taiwan, and Bulgaria Santa Claus World Championship - Switzerland (Samnaun) This Swiss competition takes place in Samnaun to start the winter. Over 100 Santas take part There are prizes of €5,000. Winter Festival - India (Mount Abu) 2gth-3ist December When you're feeling hot in Rajasthan, go to Mount Abu. This Indian festival has and like boating on the lake. New Year Challenge - USA ( ) ast january Start the New Year with a swim in the icy cold sea near Coney Island. Or perhaps keep your clothes on, stay warm, and watch. 2 Work with a partner. Ask your partner questions to find the missing information. Example: What kind of event fs the ...? When does the take place? Where does the ... take place? Module 2 Ourselves Being different Talking about * Clothes * Reading identifying key information pages 34-37 © A question of syle (clothe ability: ca © Colours ¢ Pronunciation: cam / a sn * Speaking: asking for and giving per information about abilities; deseribing clothes: choosing and buying clothe © Listening: for specific information 2 Fammly matters ¢ Relatives (family relations ‘expressing kes Family words © Listening: idenifsing specifi 1 We ike different chines and dls (nets @° Frequency information five time activities) in) phrases * Speaking: talking about families re time + Reading: checking predictions: actities ‘understanding ke information 3. Are you caxy?—* Crazy collstions © Countable and © Prepositions of © Reading: understanding specific pages 42-45 Line things (strange habits vuneountable moun place information aan, some | an © Phrasal verbs © Speaking: describing where things are with talking about routines * Listening: ening min information; 4 Men and women [sa chore (a mother goes on Talking about * Household ‘+ Reading: understanding gist and ages 46-49 strike) the past (the past _ selecting a tie ' Gender challenge (male and female simple) * Jobs ‘Speaking: talking about chores and who roles does the ‘Listening: understanding specific information; note-taking ‘© Writing: a short text about people's ives 5 Review unit pages 50-53 © Batra practice pages 7+ Grammar reference and wordlist pages 58-60 * Listening sripts: pages 62-63 © Communication activities: pages 61, 64 OURSE lead-in 4 | Short and tall Reading 1 VES , eing different a Tene Ey Can talk about abilities * Can describe clathes * Can choose and buy clothes Which of these statements do you agree with? Discuss your ideas. ‘Your first impressions of people are very important. ts difficult to be happy if you don’t have a perfect body: Plastic surgery is a great idea if you want to change your body. It's important to be happy with yourself as you are. Your clothes say a lot about who you are. Look at the photos with the articles. Who do you think has these problems? Write (Sandy), ¥ Gackie) or B (both) in the boxes. 1 Ws difficult to drive a ear. Lil People in public places look at you all the time, | It's difficult to use a litt. [2] Ir’ dificuleto hear people when they tlk to you. 5 Is uncomfortable rouse public ansport. 6 Wes difficult to buy clothes. & § a1 Read the articles quickly: Which of the problems in Ex 1 do they mention? Read the texts again and answer the questions. Why do people look at Sandy and her husband? Why does Sandy need a good imagination? ‘How does Sandy feel about being short? ‘What is the Europatreffen? How do very tall people feel about public transport and public places? ‘Why is Jim Briggs happy with his height? Work with a parmer. What is the secret of happiness? Discuss your ideas. Sandy Marshall Lam 4ft 2in* supermarket People remember me and my husband. When we go to together I see people thinking, ‘There are two of them!" My husband Andrew is. small too. He's 4ft 6in*.The world is not made for someone like me. You need ‘imagination to solve the problems. When I go to people's houses I can’t reach ‘the doorbells. In lifts I go up to the floor I can reach and then I get out and walk up the stairs. People often ask me, ‘Can you imagine your life as a tall person? I say, ‘I can't. This is me’ I can't imagine anything different. Y'm not saying its easy being so short. It isn't, but it's about learning to live with your body. I'm happy with myself. And I feel special. Being short is my life. “in = inch (1 in = 2.5 em) om 2 Sac Marta a dt Pala Coosa for The Guaiotshad BEING DIFFERENT. This week the Europatreffen ~ a meeting for tall people from around the world is taking place in Edinburgh. Jackie Timbs, a member ofthe Tall Persons Club (TPC) for Great Britain and Ireland is one ofthe organisers. ‘Here I can look at people when I talk to them; says Jackie. ‘Ts so nice. I usually bend down because I can't hear properly. This week I can stand up straight. ‘Most cites in Britain ae dificult for tall people. We cant sit comfortably on trains and buses; says Timbs. We cant eat or sleep comfortably either, because restaurant tables are usally too low and hotel beds aren't long enough. Buying clothes is big problem too! Jim Briggs, 6ft Sin, is a member of the London TPC. ‘Many people have problems with their height when they first come to club meetings’ he says, But people in the club are very friendly and positive. Thanks to the club, Tam happy with my height now, and [actually enjoy being tall” ‘aft 2in = 1 metre 27 cm aft 6in = 1 metre 37 cm “6ft 9in = 2 metres 5 om cud Talking about ability: can / can’t 4 Complete these sentences about the picture with can and can't, 1 Pete reach the doorbell. 2 Alice. reach the doorbell. 2 What form of the verb do we use after can / can’t? Grammar reference page 58 Pronunciation can / can’t 4 @ 22 Listen and repeat the different ways we say can and can 1 can fon) I can sleep on buses or tains ~ no problem! 2 can't/kam/ can’t sleep after a big meal. 3° can fkxa/ Lean, 2 Choose the correct alternative to complete the pronunciation rules. 1 We say the seeahserong form of can in short answers and at the end of sentences. 2 We usually say the eocaljstrong form of can in questions and in the middle of a sentence. 3. There is only one way of saying can{can's, thas no weak form, UNIT Listening and speaking 1 @ 23 Listen to Matt. Tick (/) the things he can do. Gross (X) the things he can't do. Matt Me Speak three languages. [ Play a musical instrument [ sing _] [ ‘Swim [ Ride @ motorbike f B Drive a car [ Cook a Draw nyc [ Take good photos ieee laa) 2 Complete the list for yourself and then for your partner. Example: A: Can you play a musical instrument? B: Yes, ican. / No, can’t but Ii lke to learn the piano, 3 Tell the class one thing that is different about you and your partner. Example: Paula can ride a motorbike, but I can’ A question of style Vocabulary and 4 Read the descriptions and complete the labels with the words in bold. speaking 1 Alex is wearing a smart jacket and trousers. He’s got a pink shirt with a red tie and a black coat, His shoes are black, 2 Grace is wearing a purple skirt, a brown belt and a white top. She is also wearing a yellow searf, a pink hat and brown boots. orange 3. Sarah is looking casual in blue jeans, white trainers, orange T-shirt and a green yellow jumper. She's also wearing a red scarf and a grey hat, red pink brown black white sey green blue light blue purple Listening and speaking See page 64 fora size conversion chart. 2 Do you like the clothes in the pictures? Talk about them like this. As [like Grace's boots B: I don't like her shirt very much. 3 Write sentences about your style in clothes. Example: I soear dark-coloured tops most ofthe time. Hats dow t suit me.P've gota lot of diferent jumpers. 4 Give your sentences to your teacher. Your teacher will give you someone else's sentences. Ask your classmates questions and find the correct person. Example: What do you tear most of the time? @ ag Listen to a ialogue in a clothes shop. What does the customer buy? 2 Read the dialogue and complete the gaps with the phrases in the box. I = ——_+ | Have you gota size 14? Can Thelp you? Can I pay by credit card? [Can Try them on? How much is thar? I’m looking for #1 take it Cond nena ee @ tomeing to wear 1. wedding. How about a aire and wp? ‘Oh, yes. I love these. u Of course. The changing room's over there Excuse me. The skirts a bit small, : Yes, here you are. and the top too. And have you got any ‘That's perfect earrings? ‘Yes, we have. Here you are, Those are pretty. I'l have them too. Az £131.49 please ms ‘Yes, of course. 3 Listen again and check your answers. 4 Work with a partner. Student A you are shopping for clothes. Turn to page 61. Student B you are a shop assistant. Turn t0 page 64, Act out a dialogue using the phrases in Ex 2. RETIN eects enone © Can express likes and dislikes ‘© Can talk about families ‘© _Cantalk about free time activities ae Lead-in 4 Look at the photo. How old do you think the people are? early teens forties in ie mid twenties ‘ities a ighties hes late thirties sixties cou 2 What do people usually do at different stages of thei lives in your country? Discuss, using these ideas and adding ideas of your own, buy ahouse buy a sports car fallin love for the first time get married get their first job go to university have children / grandchildren learn to drive open a bank account puton weight retire take exams | Relatives | Vocabulary and 4 Look at the family tree. Ask and answer questions about Adam's family using these words. | listening aoe 2 aunt brother cousin daughter father grandchildren grandparent mother nephew niece parents sister son uncle Example: A: Who are Jasmin and Ian? B: Jasmin is Adam's aunt and Jan's his uncle. Bert Irene | (died 2004) >———_ Caroline — Chris Jasmin divorced 1999) = Laura ‘Adam Harriet Emma FAMILY MATTERS. 2 @as Listen to Adam. Are these statements true (1) or false (F)? 1 Adam’s got a parttime job 2. His father is married to an Taian woman ji 3. His sister isa student at university 4. Adam and his cousin see each other often i 5 His grandmother is retired Draw your family tree. Tell a partner about your relatives. Example: My cousin David is at university: He’ got a girlfriend but they don’e lve together Ua Expressing likes and dislikes. 4 Look t these sentences from the listening in Ex 2. Which sentences have positive meanings, which have negative meanings and which have neutral meanings? Z 1 can't stand shopping. She loves being in Africa. 1 don’t mind staying there inthe summer. ‘She doesn’t like doing any sports 2 Look at the sentences in 6x1 and Listening script 25 on page 62. Find all the sentences, that express likes, dislikes and preferences and write them in thre lists. Positive meanings (/) Negative meanings (X) Neutral meat , ‘can't stand shopping. 3. Look at the sentences in your lists and complete the correct altemative.. We follow phrases about likes and dislikes with ‘a theinfinitive b the ng form of the ver Grammar reference page 58 4 Complete these sentences about Adam and his family with the correct form of the verbs in the box. be buy fly go live lookafter speak stay study ‘Laura likes __ in England but she misses Spain, 1 2) Adam prefers in London with his dad. 3° Irene doesn’t like retired. 4 Adam enjoys at university Harriet hates, to people when she doesn't know them, 6 Harriet doesn’t mind _ her half brother. 7 Emma loves___ shopping and__new clothes. 8 Caroline can't stand 80 she never travels anywhere 5) Work with a parmer. Talk about you and your family. Use the table to help you. goon holiday my parents spend New Year's Eve my children go out ‘i my friends hhave Sunday lunch imy sisters / brothers speak on the phone my grandparents, {go shopping for clothes my girltiend / boyfriend Examples: T don't mind going on holiday wih my parent. can’t stand shopping for clothes eth my grandmother untr2 We like different things Reading 1 He likes: 1 sit 2 listening to rock music. |_| 6 3. going out with friends. 4 driving fast. 2 $26 Work with « parmer. Student A read Tim’s account of the day he shared with Jasper. ‘Student B read Jasper’s account. Check your answers in Ex 1. Does anything surprise you? Generation gap Tim Collins and his son Jasper share Tim My son and | like different kinds of musi. My idea of a perfect evening is playing air guitar= while listening to rock— usually Status Quo, the Rolling Stones or The Who. jasper shuts himself in his bedroom and listens to opera. He loves it, but for me it's just an awful noise! Most evenings Jasper and | argue about noise. He says that | have the TV on too loud ~ like an ‘ld person. What a cheek! He only enjoys listening to his muse ifs very very loud! Today sit on Jasper's bed and we listen to Mozatt’s The Marriage of Figaro together —his choice | dor’t understand the Italian words, Im exhausted when | leave his room. Jasper and | are very different. He's more similar to his mother. He's avery sociable person, He texts his friends about every 15 minutes, and he goes out with them about three or four times a week. prefer staying at home. | enjoy sitting in the garden or reading a book. Every weekend | watch a Hollywood | blockbuster on DVD. One of the only things we have in common is our passion for cars. Jasper loves driving fast and so | do I! Next time we have a day together | want to go rally driving with him. We're both competitive and like winning - so that should be fun, Glossary “playing air guitar = playing an imaginary guitar Look at the photo of Tim and his son Jasper. Who do you think each sentent Write 7 (Tim) or F (Jasper) ing in the garden. 5 about? watching art films. | going to the theatre watching Hollywood blockbusters on DVD. ] 8 sending text messages. ich others’ favourite activities for a day Jasper | don't mind going to the theatre with Dad. | go and see an opera once or twice a year. But watching plays is a bit boring. | love going to the cinema, but Dad and | don't like the same films. | prefer going with my mum or my friends. We don't go often — less than once a month, | guess. But we enjoy watching art films and having a good time together. When Dad chooses to go to the theatre with me, | agree, but only after he agrees to listen to some of my music. He spends every evening listening to old rock songs. | can't stand them. | turn ‘up my opera music really loud so can't hear them! The play we see — Rock ‘n” Roll —is all about politics in Prague in the 1960s and 3980s. I's OK. It makes me think about how politics can change people's lives. Dad loves the play. He says it's brilliant I don’t mind it, but m not really into watching plays. Dad can't stand opera ~ and I choose The Marriage of Figaro for him to listen to. It's really funny watching his face while he sits on my bed and listens to Mozart's music. 1 know he hates it! Next time we spend a day together | want to 0 for a drive, Dad’s car is really fast and we both enjoy driving. Vocabulary and speaking FAMILY MATTERS Read your text again, Answer your questions. Student A 1 What does Tim like doing in the evening? 2. What does Tim think of Jasper’s music? 3. What does Tim do with Jasper? 4 What kind of films does Tim enjoy? 5 What do they both enjoy doing? rudent B What does Tim choose to do with Ja What kind of films does Jasper enjoy? What kind of music does Jasper listen to? What do they think of the play? What do they both enjoy doing? Work with a partner. Explain the answers to your questions in Ex 3, ‘What do you have in common with Tim or with Jasper? Discuss your ideas ut these frequency phases in order, from very frequent (1) to hardly ever ( once or twice a year less than once a month | three or four times a week most evenings Find three more frequency phrases in the reading texts."Then ask and answer the questions with a partner How often do you listen to really loud music? © watch a Hollywood blockbuster? + spend a day with your mother / father? © go for a long drive? Work with a partner. Find out how your partner feels about these activities and when they do them, dancing going to pop concerts going for walks going to the gym szoing to the theatre/cinema jogging _ listening to music playing video games having a drink with friends watching TV or DVDs Example: Do you like watching DVDs? Yes, Ido. love it What kind of films do yon lke? A mixture = horror, comedy, love stories Hore often do you go 10 the cinema? About twice a month, Hows about you? Be Pe oe > OURSELVES re you crazy? * Can describe where things are * Can talk about routines Extreme collecting Lead-in 1 Do you collect anything? Where do you keep your collection? Do you know anyone with an unusual collection? Tall the class. Reading and 1 (§) a7 Read the article about collections on. vocabulary page 43 and complete the table. | Mandisa Carlos Jeff Angie | What? How many? Where? 2 What do you remember? Complete the names. 1 2__ keeps her collection all over her room. ‘wants to give the collection to a museum. spends all his free time collecting, ’s collection takes up @ lot of room. s »\__’s collection is worth a lot of money. 6 > has more than 2,000 items from all over the world. 7s ’s collection is under the house. 3 Read the text again and check your answers. 4 Imagine you are a museum manager. You can keep one of the collections. Which one ‘would you choose? Why? Discuss your ideas with a partner. Example: A: [id heep the marble collection because children love looking at beautiful things. B: Really? Ii choose ... | wouldn't choose .. because 5 Look at the pictures on page 43 and match the two halves of the sentences. 1 ‘The marbles are Sa in front of Jeff 2 There's a red sign Ab on the bananas. 3. The drum is se under a large one. 4 There are some labels yd _ next to the mandolin, S ‘There's a small instrument ve behind Jeff 6 There are some beer cans Af inabox. 6 Think of thee things that belong to you~ one old, one interesting and one valuable. Work with a partner. Explain where your things are Example Tree gor an interesting African mask. Is on the wall next to the windows in my bedroom. mevoucun Riis Oe a ny Collec Tions Be careful! Collecting can take over your life! Music: mania Carlos Blanco collects musical instruments. Four Beer can man hundred oF his instruments ae in a museum, and eae hhe keeps the rest of his collection of more than a « a . Rete ei Hi ach 2,000 instruments in a large room in his house near eee Sauder re mn Carlos, a musician travels al over the % A world calecting the instruments, and he ee ae Gea ir eee oon tohis house, and the building is bigger than ofthe "ove my hus Acasa Cab bat Se ae enon ea aerate ae sei oleting, (ove British cans; he tls us ‘ebb ee ee But there are still lots that he hasn't got. ‘Finding them gets me up inthe morning’ he adds. By the way, there isn't any beer in the cans Jeff buys them empty because he doesn't drink beer! Alicante, rn play all Glossary * insane = eraay She's bananas! Angie Knox’ collection doesn't take up alot of space. in fact, she keeps her collection of more than 400 banana labels in her ‘bedroom. stick them on my wardrobe doors, on my bed, behind the door ~ anywhere that there's room!” Angie collected the first label from her favourite fruit when she was 12 ‘but Im obsessed with the labels. When | go abroad | don't buy normal souvenirs, | ars old 'I love bananas, she says, H's marbellovs! Mandisa Sakara's marbles are under the ground. Mandisa’s house in Cape Town, South Africa, has a large room under the house where she keeps her collection of more than a million marbles. ‘| haven't got any special furniture or equipment for them,” -ep them all in boxes,’ Mandisa doesn't want to sell her eit tothe local Toy Museum. ‘t's my passion, she says. I just k callection. She wants ‘and|| want to share it with others. UNIT Pee ~ Countable and uncountable nouns 1 Look at the two groups of nouns. Which group has words we can count (countable nouns)? Which group has words we can’t count (uncountable nouns)? Group A: water, time, music, beer, space, money, furniture Group B: marble, room, banana, can, musical instrument, dolar, wardrobe 2 Underline the nouns in these sentences and eee complete the table. Rowe ehan There's @ lorge room underground. Singular, countable [9 There are some valuable instruments, Plural, countable 2 Have you got any beer? There's an interesting Arabic instrument. Tere aren‘ any Russian labels. There's some special furniture. Uncountable 3, Look atthe sentences with some and any in Ex 2 again and choose the correct alternative, 1 Weuse some / any in postive sentences. 2 Weuse some / any in negative sentences. 3. Weuusually use some / any in questions. Grammar reference pages 58-59 4 Complete the text with a / an, some or any. EE ieee eae es JAMIE PROLIT of tondon, collects Str Wars souvenirs. He has (2) ___ enormous collection of 20,000 Star Wars items. His favourites in his collection are (2) si° orginal Darth Vader costume and (3) :°_ C3PO robot, 1 keep my collection in (é) large room in the attic. I never have (8) money because I spend it on my collection’ Jame has got (6) © Str Wars books in Chinese and (752A Stor Wars dlls from Russia. In Korea they make lot of Star Wars figures; he says. I haven't got en Korean figures, but I want to buy some! . ‘Turn to the picture om page 61. Study the details for one minute, Work with a partner. Write as many sentences about the picture as you can. You have five minutes. Example: There are te guitars on the coll. There’ some 90s bedroom furnicure om the lf Check your sentences with the class, Which pair wrote the most correct sentences? 7 In my collection 8 You have a collection of special items. Think of three unusual things you have in your collection. Example: Some sea shel some used phone card, some baseball caps Work in groups. Play the game. Start like this: In my collection Pvc got some sea shells. B: In my collection P've got some sea shells and some used international phone cards. Ct In my collection [ARE YOU CRAZY? Little things Reading and vocabulary 1 28 Do you have any strange habits? Complete the quiz to find out. 2 ev gt spt og ety. Yu det ARE YOU ae eee ? ‘a Phone a neighbour and ask, ‘Can you check my computer?” bb Drive back home and check the compute. © Forge it. You can tur tof when you come back Do our quiz to find out 3 How ty s your homer ‘2 When something's on the floor, I pick it up, so the house is 1 There are some dirty plates in the kitchen. quite tidy. ‘What do you do? \b Everything in my house is always in perfect order. ‘a Sit down and watch TV. I can wash them € _Itisnt. Ihave more important things to do. ie earn 4 What do you do with your old clothes? Wash them up. I can't relax when there's . erred cats a sna When T don’t wear things for atime, 1 nat about Tak \€ Once a year I throw things away. washing them up. If you've got two or more b answers, you are a little obsessive, ‘Take things easy and enjoy life! 2 Find these phrases in the quiz. What do the words in bold refer to? ‘Wash them up. You can unit off. I pick it up. I throw them away. 3 Match the phrases in column A to the phrases in column B. A B 1 The lights are on. 2a Pick them up. 2 Your CDs are allover the Noor. Mb Turn them off. |. 3 Let's watch TV. Nc Puritdown, 9% 4 This suitcase is heavy, ‘gd Purthemon, sre 5 Those are nice earrings. ye Tumiton Aa 4 @29 Listen and check your answers. 5 Work with a partner. Choose one of the exchanges in Ex 3 and prepare a similar lialogue, Perform your dialogue for the class. As you listen to other students, tick (/) the phrases in Ex 3 that you hear Listening and 1 © 30 Listen to. part of a radio programme about strange routines. Number these speaking situations in the order you hear about them. a going on a journey [3] 4 going to bed [4] b going out in the morning |e _preparing for something important © doing an exam [2] 2 What do the people do inthe differen situations? Listen again and make notes 3. Which ofthe routines do you think are normal? Which do you find realy strange? 4 Work with a partner. Discuss your special routines. Think about what you do before + you goto bed + you leave the house + an important occasion + an exam + along journey QTE meneame, 7 OURSELVES 4 Men and women fetinenns 2 © Cantalk about the past ‘+ Cantalk about chores and who does them + Canwrite short texts about people's lives It’s a chore Lead-in 4 Match the chores to the objects in the pictures, dothe deaning —[X) done cooking] do the gardening i dothe ironing [J dothe shopping (©) do the washing do the washing up make the beds 9) sweep the floor LS take out the rubbish 2 Who does each of these chores in your home? Discuss with a partner, Reading 4 (2) 31 Read the blog extracts on page 47 quickly and complete the best tite + Homelife + Mums strike + Whata week! | 2 Read the text again and answer these questions. 1 What's Debbie's job? 2. Why did she start her strike? 3. Who made dinner on the first day of Debbie's strike? 4 Why did Cire and Mike go shopping? Who did the chores while Debbie was on strike? 6 How long did her strike last? 3 Discuss these questions 1 Do you think Debbie was a fool to allow her children to eat all the pizza? Why? 2. What do you think of her husband, Mike? 3. Did Debbie need to go on strike? Why? 4 What's the right age for children to learn to do chores? 4 Which of these statements do you agree with? Why? 1 I's a good idea for men and woman to share household tasks equally, 2. Menare good at some chores and women are good at others. 3 Men usually work long hours, so they need more time to rest at home than women. 4 Most women like doing housework. 5--Men can't do more than one thing at a time, ‘Ym not sure when it started. Perhaps it was when my 14-year-old daughter Claire looked in the fridge ‘and asked, “Why isn't there anything nice to eat?" Or ‘maybe it was when my husband said, ‘'d like you to iron my shirt today. 've got an important meeting. tomorrow’. But at that moment | thought: “That's enough? My husband, Mike, is an accountant. | work from home. 'm an editor. | never do just one thing. wash up while | print out texts. do the washing while | write emails, and soon. And the problem? My husband and three children don't see what | do at home, and they don’t do anything to help! THURSDAY, DAY + (On the first day of my strike | did the cleaning in the ‘morning. Then | stopped doing chores and started iy strike. | worked in my office all afternoon. In the evening Sam (seven years old) left all his toys ‘on the floor. ‘Mum's on strike,"I said. And he picked them all up! mike and my two older children made toast for dinner. | made myself pizza, ‘fm stupid. The kids were hungry and ate it all ~ and | had nothing! ‘SATURDAY, DAY 3 CChris (26 years old) came into the kitchen at breakfast time. He opened the fridge and looked in. ‘Where's all the food?’ he asked. ‘You didn't do the shopping,’ said. Later that day he went to the shops with his dad. ‘MONDAY, DAY 5 ''m feeling happy. Mike cooked dinner lastnight. Chris washed up and cleaned his bedroom and Claire did the washing and the ironing. “Well done," I said, “its not difficult, Mum,’ Chris answered. WEDNESDAY, DAY 7 Today | ended my strike. In the evening we all watched a video together. “Is your strike over, Mum?’ Sam asked. ‘Maybe. Did you learn anything this week?" ‘Yes, | did. can make my bed now.” “That's good,’ | said, ‘Your older brother didn’t learn to do that fora very long time!” = UNIT 4 Teun Ea ry Talking about the past The past simple 4 Look at these sentences. Underline the verbs and answer the questions. a 1cook dinner while | write emails. & | worked in my office all aftemoon. 1 Which sentence is about things that happen all the time? 2. Which sentence is about the past? 2 Underline the past simple verbs in the article. Use the verbs you have underlined to complete the lists withthe past forms of the verbs. Regular verbs Irregular verbs ste = EE pele she le ke ee ask think ending in short vowel | oe ee ee | ee a5 consonant is doubled. rop ae top > dropped pickup be (you, we, they) stop > stopped | open eat a clean s answer end watch 3. How do we form the past simple form of regular verbs? 4 @32 Listen to the past forms of the regular verbs in the table below. How do we pronounce the -ed | ending? Tick () the sound you hear for each verb. fale as ase es = | 5 Complete these sentences from the text and answer [ [Ad | fal | Pal | the questions. [a took | | Question: *__you_ anything this week” aa | Negative: ‘Your older brother. {odo that fora ve {ong timer oral 1 Which two verbs are in both the sentences? ra | 2. Which verb uses the past tense form? | 3. Which verb uses the infinitive form? 5 open | 6 Complete the rule with the words do and the main verb. 6 end ‘To make questions or negative sentences in the past simplewe = = use the past simple of ___and the infinitive of _. Grammar reference poge 59 7 Complete the text using the past simple. ‘Today, when | (1 go) down for breakfast, there @be) ‘no milk. (8 eat) ‘my cereal without | milk. Sivie (4 have) a coffee. Matt (5 come) | into the kitchen. He (6 look). confused and he | (7 not say). ‘anything. 1(8 say)_goodbye and @ 00) ‘to my class. This evening Silvie | (10 make) dinner and Matt (11 clean) the siting room = but he (12 not do) the washing up! neem ‘MEN AND WOMEN & Complete the sentences to make questions about yesterday. 1 What / you /have / for breakfast? 4“ How many / hours / you / sleep? 2 you /buy / anything? 5 Which household chores / you / do? 3 How / you / go / to your class? 6 What / you / do / in the evening? 9 933 Listen and repeat the questions. 410 Ask other students the questions in Ex 8, "Tell the class one interesting thing you learnt. Example: Karl came to class by car. But i easn’t in his car Tt toas in his brother’ car. Gender challenge 41 Do men or women usually do these jobs in your country? Why? mechanic saeny 2 @34 Listen to Darren. Which of the jobs does he do? 3 Listen again and match the two columns to make sentences about Darren. 1 Darren was born a when he was eight 2. His father was b abuilder. 3. He started dancing. © in London. 4. His older sister din Manchester. 5 He went to ballet school went to ballet classes, 4 @35 Listen to Carlta. Complete the factfile notes about her. Name: Carita Daniet | Occupation: Pace of iat Year of birth: ot Family: ‘Age started racing go-karts: Age started racing cars: Lives: Writing 1 Choose one of these options: 1 Use your notes about Carita Daniel is @ lita © write a short biography of her life. Start like this: ng driver. She was born 2. Write « short biography about someone you know well, for example, a friend or a relative, Prepare factfile notes before you start. GREEN ves moma _5 Review Se! Lead-in 1 Write names on small pieces of paper of a person you really enjoy being with. phone if you have a problem. ‘were very close to but don’t see much now. disagree with sometimes. 2 Work with a partner. Swap pieces of paper. Ask questions to find out who the people are and what their relationship is with your partner. Example: Az Is Danny your boyfriend? B: No, he fst, He's an old friend, A: Hoee did you meet him? Bz I met him outside my house.We lived next door 1 each other chen ee were vouns. Language study 4 Read the magazine article quickly. What do you think the interviewer asked the ‘When did you meet your partner! |What's your favourite romantic memory? ‘When did you frst fall in love? 2 Read the texts. In the first text, choose the correct alternative. In the second text, use the correct form of the words in the box. © 36 Listen and check your answers to Ex 2. w For my 21st birthday my boyfriend bought me (I) 0 / an expensive-looking box. 1 2) open / opened it, and there (3) was / were a beautiful ring and (4) an / some ‘earrings He picked (5) me / my up from work and we (6) went / are gong to ‘ the mountains in his cae He had (7) a / some food in a picnic basket and he gave me the present ater (8) a / some romantic picnic for two. | don't (9) can/ cant think of a more wonderful day! go have live make notgo net | phone visit {enjoy (1) ____ new places and | @ 10 Inia for three months before going to university. My grtriend (3) __ swith me.I (4) alot of phonecals to her but she (5) The back | thought she was angry with me. Wren | got to the airport in Warsaw she was there. And she (6) a big sign x her hands. said‘ can't 7) without Vocabulary 41 Work in teams of two or three players. Read the rules and play ‘Word relations’. Word relations HOW To PLAY Each team needs two dice 1 The starting team throws the two dice. They call out the numbers, 2 Look at the words in the columns with the same numbers as your dice, Choose one word from each column. Cal out the two words. 3 You have 30 seconds to make a sentence using the two words. You can change the form of the words, Example: aunt make My aunt made a chocolate cake for my birthday. 4 The other teams listen and decide ifthe sentence is corect. 5 Cross out the words inthe columns as the teams use them. The words can't be used by other teams. SCORE If you use both words in a correct sentence: 5 points If you use one word only in 2 comect sentence: 1 point ‘The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. boots: aunt dance behind deaning ‘come 6 coat ‘ brother draw can't stand cooking: do hat "ee dias ilo, enjoy ieee cane a: jacket = daughter 9 ‘go to the gym in gardening eat feans ther eae inftont of a wa | jail radchilien | gout vert te Na vate ae srandprents | Utento music | on inog we shin = playa mast ~~ [ease nl] tm shoes hen Blayiteo | patcown | ue tok skirt niece | read i in secretary love te parents —— tow omey | stoping a up ster es ad -ometn ten | pam “nas om om | ur on Sore oe toutes wan er | ashing clothes | prefer bet famiy wan vos | ah work me uNITs Song 4. Read the factfile about Franz Ferdinand and answer the questions 1 How many people are there in the band? 2. Where did they practise at first? 3 When did they make their first single? 4) Is the band popular in the United States? Franz Ferdinand are a rock band from Glasgow, Scotiand. They took thelr name from a famous Austro-Hungarian Archduke. His murder in Sarajevo in 1914 started World War I. [At the end of 2001 Bob Hardy (bass guitar), Alex Kapranos (singer/guitar) and Mick MeCarthy (guitar) started working on music together. The group played in VcCarthy’s house, then they started playing with Paul Thomson (drums) and Franz Ferdinand was born. ‘The band began practising in an old warehouse in Glasgow. They called it The ‘chateau and they had rave-tke parties there. After a while the police stopped ‘the parties, but Fanz Ferdinand was already a popular band in the city. The band signed to the Domino record label in the summer of 2003 and teleased ther first single in the same year. They released their First album, Franz Ferdinand, in February 2004. It was an immediate success in both Britain and the United States. The song Tell her tonight is from this album. factfile 2 @37 Listen to the song and choose the correct alternative, | Tell her tonight only watched her tall / walk /lauugh but she saw it Tonly heard her talk / wail / laugh but she saw it only touched her back / band / lips but she saw only kissed heer bar / lps / mouth but she saw it Gonna’ have to tell her tonight She only blinked her bands / ears / eyes but I saw it She only swung her hair / bead / arms but I saw it She only shook her bead / bips / bands but 1 saw it She only licked her lips / fingers / nose but I saw it Gonna have to tell her tonight Lonly watched her tall / walk / laugh bt she saw it only heard her talle/ walle Jaugh but she sav it only touched her back / band / bips but she saw it only kissed her hair / Ups / mouth but she saw it Gonna have to tell her tonight Glossary Gonna’ = going t0 3 Read and listen to the song again. Choose the best answer. 1 The songiis about the ofa relationship. a beginning b middle © end 2 The woman sees the singer's a girlfriend b new car feelings for her 3. ‘The singer wants to say to the woman. a ‘Idon'tlike you’ 6 ‘Do you like me? ¢ ‘Llove you!” 4 Discuss these questions. 1 Do you think Ell her tonight is a romantic song? 2 What's your favourite love song? When did you first hear it? 3. Do you believe in love at first sight? You are a group of friends. You share a house together. But too many people live in the house and you need to throw one person out Step 1: Creating characters 4 Work in groups. You are going to invent characters for the housemates. Complete a character profile for your invented person in column 1 1 2 Special + sports + languages + housework skills + talents (sing, play music, etc) Likes: Dislikes: 2 Why is it important that you stay in the house? Invent reasons, Example: Ican cook wery nice food. I lke being with people. don't like listening to loud music Step 2: Exchanging information 3 Interview a partner from your group to find out all about him or her. Complete ‘column 2 with his / her details 4 Write two reasons why you want your partner to leave the house. Example: He loves seatching TV and can’t live for a day scithout watching it. He can’t cook Step 3: The debate 5 Work in your groups. Decide who’s leaving the house. Use the phrases in the box to help you. Present your reasons for staying in the house. Explain why you want your partner to go. ‘When other students are speaking you can ask questions and make comments. Decide who's leaving the house. ‘That's not rue. What do you mean? What do you think? agree. I don't agree. 6 Explain your choice to other groups. Unit 4 41 Find 17 words for colours and clothes in this wordsearch. Write two list, Sie ESR Rt Be Ry ae KR Be Ree ae Lk TVA MIX 1,0 UR GEA NIHON ELON 8 bo ee” be gt Ti 10/uP eC /SIMAMR HC OMRES-8. OP Pte ere Ly ee i EN Mn i Pee ee Taw sOMTe B:_ Yes, please. I'm looking for a pair of smart shoes. L] Here you are... Size 9%. [1] “These are perfect. How much are they? [_ Hiow about these black ones? Can I pay by credit card? |_| Hello. Can T help your 1 ep PpeP oP ‘Oh, dear. They're a bit too small. Can Lery a size 10? | ‘Yes, of course, What size are you? Fifty-nine pounds and ninety-nine pence. Size 91. | PRP Pe ‘Yes, you can, Sign here, please. [_] Unit 2 4) Look atthe family tree and correct the sentences Bill- Ellie Jana: Jeremy Nicola- ‘Antonio Jakub Monika Emily Lucy Example Bill is Nicola’s father. 1 Emily is Antonio’s Bill is Lucy's ‘Monika is Emily’s Jana is Lucy's Jeremy is Jana’s Jakub is Jana’s Emly is Jana’s | Complete the sentences using the words and phrases in the box. retired divorced live together married see each other 1 ‘Are you ? Yes, Tam. ‘My husband’s name is Sam. ‘My grandfather doesn’t work now. He's 3. My brother and his girlfriend aren’ married but they 4 Her parents are » and she lives with, her mother during the week and her father at weekends. 5 My cousin and I don’t because she lives in Poland, very often, Rearrange the jumbled letters to make free time » activities 1 Tean’t nisg or eorad but I can cadne wel. 2 My brother Jaysp edovi smage all the time. 3. My sister doesn’t often chart VT but she always stensil ot sue. i= 4 My dad soge ot et mgy twice a week and sojg every morning, 5 Rick egso tou about twice a week to evah a hid with his friends. : EXTRA PRACTICE, ‘Complete the interview with the words in the box, can't stand | doing don’t like don’t mind soing like love prefer reading Interviewer: What do you (1) doing in your free time? Amelie: Well, really (2) watching MTV. That's my favourite thing. I also like (3) books, but my boyfriend doesn't. Carlos: That’ right 1 (4) reading much. I (5) going to the gym instead, Interviewer: Do you like (6) to the gym, Amelie? Amelie: 1) it, T mean, i's OK ~ bur i isn't my favourite thing, Interviewer: And is there something that you really hate (8) in your free time? Amelie: Yes, thereis.1 (9) jogging! ‘Write true sentences about your and your family’s likes and dislikes. 11 (go for long walks) 2 My (spend New Year's Eve with my family) a (watch football matches) 4 My ance) si (go to the theatre) 6 My (g0 for drives in fast cars) What is the ‘in these sentences? Tick (V) the correct columa, has possessive He's gota ginriend. 1) Ellie's very tal. oO “They're Julies trainers. [_] Have you got any children’s jumpers? J oo Its my favourite top. ‘What's he got in his = hand? EXTRA PRACTICE Unit 3 4 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions of place. behind in infrontof —nextto on under 1 The Gone evith the soind poster is the clock, 2, You can buy Apocalypse note posters. They're bo the desk. 3 The Casablanca poster is the desk. 4) There's a Some like it hot poster the wall, the Amelie poster. 2 Replace the underlined words with a pronoun from the box. her him it it them us them 1 Can we throw this old suitcase away? Put vour sister down. 3. Turn the computer on, please. 4 He can pick my brother and me up at the same 5 Can you wash the breakfast things up, please? 6 Put your boots on. I'm meeting Michael's father at 2 o'clock. Are these countable or uncountable nouns? Write C (Countable) or U (Uncountable), 1 shoe v 6 apple 2 wousers © 7 beer yb 3° money -$- 8 music 4 table © 9 guitar | 5) furnicure UL 10 computer U Complete these sentences with a / an or some. Ineed. new shoes, Would you like 9" _ apple? Let’ listen to music. Thaven't got__@ guitar. ‘They've got_o°°% beautiful old furniture. Is there__s Ta like Ss That's expensive costume. computer in the classroom? ‘water, please. Complete these sentences with some or any. 1 Has he got_os instruments from Africa? 2 There's really ugly furniture in that new shop. 3 I'm sorry, but I haven't got “sh money ‘with me, Can I pay you tomorrow? 4 We haven't got 2. bananas. Can you buy some? . 5. There's ‘water in the fridge 6 Thank you, but I don't want as beer. 1 don’t drink. Unit 4 1 Complete the puzzle. 1 My husband does the __ after every meal. Thate going __ for clothes Pleas 2 3 tke out the ___ it smells terrible. 4 [make the __ before breakfast every morning, 5 The house gets dirty very quickly; so we do the every Saturday 6 ee mentee 7 need 90 _ my shire for morrow. ‘Ages i oubide doing the __ Mae is doing the inthe kitchen | cal | 2| 0 a U Ex ee ‘a 2 3) E ow ? 0 : R [ini] "Li | ie | Snderline the verbs in the sentences and mark them R (regular) or I (irregular), Example Jon drops his children at school on his way to work, 1 He starts work at 9 o'clock. 2. He looks at emails first thing. 3 He makes himself a coffee at 11 o'clock 4 He opens his letters and cards after coffee. He has lunch at 1 o'elock, 6 He goes back 10 work at 2 o'clock. 7 He does the housework in the evening. Rewrite the sentences in Ex 2 in the past simple to describe Jon’s day yesterday. EXTRA PRACTICE, 4 Read about Amy Johnson. Complete the text using. the past simple form of the verbs. AMY JOUNSON (1903-1941) ‘Amy Johneon's famiy (I come) came from Hull in the northeast of England. Amy (2 be) very good at Science a school and Glove) sports Most women (A not / go) to university at that time but Amy go) to the University of Sheteld to study Economics After university Amy (6 mors) London, She dct gta job in Economics because se (7 be) atwoman ~ so she (8 work) as a secretary Amy was bored with her job and she (9 want) to do something exctng She (10 start) fying panes in 1928 and by 1923 she (II have) her plat licence. ‘Anny wa a famous pt in 1930 she flew about 11,000 miles fom Engl to Australia in nineteen and aha days, She died in 1941 when she (I2 have) plane cra in London "11,000 miles = 17,700 kilometres 5 Correct the sentences about Amy Johnson. Example: Amy’s family came from Australia Aims’ family didn’t come from Australia, they came from England. 1 Amy was good at Art at school She went to university in London. She thought her job was exciting. 4 She started flying in 1930. 5 She flew from England to India in 1930. Unit 1 Talking about ability: can + can’t Positive and negative 1 You ean He/She/It swim. We can't They Questions ‘Short answers vou ves ean, Gan he swim? tai No, they cant. can and can’t are the same for all persons. He can draw. NOT Hecamsdrace: You use the infinitive without zo after cam and can’t She ean speak three languages. ‘You don’t use Do or Does to make questions. Can you hear me? NOT Be-yorrear-hear-me? Use You often use can and can’t to express ability or inability to do something. Tean take good photos. Tean’e draw. Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives Subject Object Possesive pronouns pronouns adjectives 1 me my you you your he im his she her her it it its we us our they them their Tike black Black clothes suit me. ‘My favourite colour is black OURSELVES Grammar reference _ Unit 2 Expressing likes and dislikes You can express likes, dislikes and preferences with these verbs. Negative Neutral Positive hate don’t mind love don't like prefer Uke can't stand enjoy [After these verbs we use verb + -ing. I prefer staying in London. They don’s lke seeing each other. Does he like looking after his brother? In regular verbs ending in short vowel + consonant, the last consonant is doubled. Why do you hate shopping? Use of 's Possession ‘You use ’5 10 express belonging or possession: “My sister’s name is Harriet. Tasper’s house is in London. ‘You use ‘to show relationships: ‘Tom's mother lives in the country. In short forms ‘You also use ‘as a short form of the verbs bv and have (go) He's in his mid-tecenties. = He isin his mid-tesenties ‘She's gor ito children, = She has got reo children. Unit 3 Countable and uncountable nouns “There are two groups of nouns; those you can count (countable) and those you can’t count (uncountable). Countable nouns ean be singular or plural. ‘Countable nouns bed singular: Our house is in Prague. house or banana plural: These bananas are bad. ‘can of beer ‘We only use singular verb forms with uncountable nouns. Uncountable nouns beer are always singular: food This beer is good. money ‘Your money ison the table furniture a/ anand some / any You use a / an and some / any to talk about the quantity of something. You use a / an with singular countable nouns, You use some / any with plural, countable nouns and with uncountable nouns. Nouns aan some / any singular, countable x plural, countable x ’ uncountable x ra There's a large collection in the house. Thaven’t got an apple. He's got some cans. There aren't any French labels. Have you got any children? ‘You use some in positive sentences. He's got some fantastic photos. You use any in negative sentences, They don’s have any money. You usually use any in questions. Have you got any Franz Ferdinand CDs? ‘But, you use some in questions when we make requests or offers, Can I have some beer? Would you like some bananas? Unit 4 Talking about the past The past simple Regular verbs With regular verbs you form the past simple tense in the following ways: toed ‘Most verbs add -ed to the infinitive form: ask > asked happen > happened start > started + -ied Verbs that end in consonant + -y study > studied ted ‘Verbs that end in consonant + -¢ hate > hased ‘Verbs ending in a short vowel + consonant For these verbs, the last consonant is doubled: drop > dropped shop > shopped GRAMMAR REFERENCE Irregular verbs “These are the past simple forms of some common inregular verbs in English come-> came make -> made do > did say > said drive > drove send > sent eat > ate take > rook fy > flo think > thoughe 20> gor understand > understood 40> wont tell told hhave > had tonite > erote fos > kee Positive and negative started didn’t start 1/ you (regular verb) he/she / it at six o'clock. we they went didn’t go (irregular vero) Questions ‘you Did he/she / visit mum and dad last weekend? it/we/ ave dinner late yesterday? they be ‘The verb be isthe only verb in the English language with ‘two forms in the past simple (was/were), Positive and negative , was If he {she / it Manat athome. were you / we / they weren't Questions ‘Short answers U he Yes, /he / she / it was. Was = /she 1 gg No/Re/ she /it wast, you/ home? Yes, you / we / they were. Were we/ te No, you / we / they weren't. Use We use the past simple for actions in the past that are finished. We often use the past simple with a past time phrase (for example, yesterday, last week, at 2 o'clock) 0 LVES Units abitady foro Bend downy bend and black od) icky = Dive ad fu °° boot au > brown ad rao! *** carn Aad = asual og) Faso ** ‘hanging room ferndsin sus! ‘oat hot ‘comfortably ady Pkamtob **° ‘cooky Auk st edit cad Phd koa) ** Arka) Mak! = dark coloured ad) ck kalo! doorbeln Nobel draw desl dessin Itrey “2 divew fra faring foray * {Go} enough adv fon = at! *** {00d on ou) phrase don us! een) ern eva) area“ et ctl = Belg hw 2+ lp Mel 22 fete you ate vase Ps ju: a How much s.-? phrase Phau mtd Facketn asec) Jeans nian! = Jumper fisames’ * tite ni light oq any o-* long od) tony ** Iooe fry Pik J tow ad ot motorbike Pmoutbaik) * musta instrument hme! stroman Mice ad) fas! = Grange ad) Pann) ** inked pak = Placer (pet) ** Braye ple e Please ex ip pretty ad) Pp blag) endl) ™* Purple cf pn) * Feaeny ffl reddy re Fide ra Sat n Tako! * shirt fis 20° shoe fu" short adh faa *** Sing su)" Ste fad #2 Sein id * Smart) faa ** Snowboard v /snoubos! Stand up 7 [stead ap stalght aise sultry ud Sein take photos phrase /tek Yuu! tallod) al" tiem fal too dy hu) top top! trae Pcmal transport. ansp trousers fraene! teysthon phase ra Wrshn, os wacoat Pcina wedding wean) site ara Yellow od Peau’ ** ‘ony Unit 2 ‘unt fan! #92 Bank account Phank shaun * Boyfriend Pooutend/ * Brother fbrabo) uy Poa = ordlist ‘S | +m 2500 mat common Eatsh wot, ** common words, aly commen weds can't stand phrase (kent snd lathes n Mutat" fousin n han = dancing dasa + daughter Poza) ** Aivored oe arya ** teach ather pron fxd ** early Pd“ enjoy y ftv > next o prep Poekst ‘obsessed ad /absest * ‘obsessive a) /obsesty Bite pe atin down gu sn Pasnony pea Sprints phase fem tin Femme fme = er se aa throat aay fe owed ** want iezemy “ eyed ral {Btilovepeae ftw ho! toma Kora ‘sheen ons Sirah fan =" fr fa ipsam’ i= appar fs Ser pen nt Femme pt ign atl Pet Eid Petend worn ef fsa nce Parente frodatnern fren frandmothernfescamat Ute . pancrtbare feaeamuse Stendtant a /skacmon Sena Te ae dancer ole sno arorotier Phot br) hein fe) hate et hore Aad othe cleaning phrase (du o Ann do the cooking phrase /de 0 Koki ‘do the gardening phrase [du 09 'godauy ‘do the oning phrase fa ary) ‘do the shopping pase 7:2 Jonny ‘do the washing phrase i: 09 Wot fo the washing up phrase /du: 09 ,W9fn ap! eator n festa) fequally adv Jekwaif *** featbalien tbs!) holeresser” Mhcadresa/ housework n /hauswsk) * husband” Mazborl) **= make the beds phrase /meik 00 beda/ ‘mechanic fre) * hursen fens! 2 plot Ppa" poltian n polousal *** Facing driver messin daa Secretary fsekrer shatev flea! soldier ula Ske v sak) = Ponce egy = ig ey 1S Gases oa ** meng Tee epee ase fv gra Weesife o bed reed ld 8 meth fy a a meet at Gro gn 0 ma 22° Sa a yon Seo el alt ae aan cece, aay Bee enter See ae Ses ft cn fae te ‘hed rie ee eateries vty Sater fs Prat trtnrtg eats Sportscar /ypods ka rab! ie hg sre mes wee pase Ki ess es rs wa ea ee ANS ava candy mie oom See a ac gem * wast oa wien Raa Units (rome) computer n {(hovm) konpa *** beer ean Po ken behind prep baa *** check’ fey = lutter kin eallection 7 eslekfa’ ** sity aq) asad = Summ fia forget itsgey *-* free time n i Yammy goto bed phrase /an tse Frousem thas) = Impotent od mpaan -= infront of rep fan ast v/ *** inprep fini ** insane ac nse) Journey n fds! Keepy high =" Kitchen » Pon) *** label er morblem Pel * Relghbout Pnetbay °° , Communication activities _ Studenin Unit 4, Listening and speaking Ex 4 page 37 You want to b Read the rolecard and choose one of the alternatives. ES) | a - 2s a7 6 Unit 3, Language study Ex 5 p: Look carefully at jully atthe picture and try TT tiktoning scripts Unit 1 Being different © Ustening seript a1 Reading wes om pgs and 35 © tistening script 22 Pronsion Ex 1 from page 35 © Ustening script 25 {l,m eng Ti uc ses ery ml tea peak gh an Ian. Tove Sng omc tea aye ead oer ca cag Sn gate spr an ery ene Sa tecgepaune ssios Gere Siulcnotin Lorin seat Meme ‘ay wen Tow gs Tem prey Se brTcaltenpebcrd Iya ofa Sis ner Wt ee cand Wee can {hb motte atlantic ve Contng sd geo wl me uns vy one Sar ean wal my dora ne ay ter bc ype ay ey ot @ Listening script 24 (A= shop assistant, B = custome:) {Good moming’ Can Thep you? Yes, please Pm looking for something to weer toa wedding. How about skirt and op? (Oh, yes Tove these Can I wy them on? (OF course."The changing rooms over thee -Excure me,The sb s bt smal. Have pou goca sie 147 es, ere you ae ‘Thats perfect Tl ake andthe top to. ‘And have sou got any easing? Yeu we have, Here you ae “Those are pretty Til have them 100, How such i du? £131.49 please, Can pay by creat can? ‘Yes ofcourse ee oe bee Be bee se Unit 2 Family matters (©) Listening script 25 {gp to callege—1 say atthe colle during the west and cago bone a weekends ‘My mother and father re divorce. prefer seaping with ny dad beens ees Condon. My sum esa sal ile the county dont mind staying tee the summer ~ but inthe winter hee nothing os My dats new wf Lara x Spanish She's fee years younger than my fate. They've foes one yea ol on Tem He's my hall froth I rely enay being wih Tom. We ae fn together ‘My ser Harriet wo yas oer than me “Ti years Tiwana ith et boven. is ay Ive tee She's wing pare Jina scoot. Shc loves being in Ala, bay duit ofp sbou tHe bates being So faraway fo ht. ‘My sock lan and is if Jasmin ein ‘Matin They've gotone dar ~ mi ‘sin Emon We don ace each ote very site beenuse sees far aay, Were the mee age but weve very different. She oes’ ike doing any sors She thes ting shopping and busing thes na't Stand shopping is boring. My qandnther Tene 92 She Bos next loot omy fac and Laura. She ves on her ow becuse my arandather, Bere ied in 2004 She doesn't wor ofcourse She ‘html ad se en ce very wel owe winking her because tela great stories {Rout won she wat it and she ha good seme of humour ® Uistening script 26 ending es fom po £9 Unit 3 Are you crazy? © Ustening script 27 Reading text fom page 42 &) Listening script 28 Qui rom page 45 @ Ustening script 29 1A; Dont cote the doce. The lights are on in the siting oar, Oh yn forgot to tar ther of Pm som. [Ly Your CDs are all ver the Boor. Gan you pick them up for me? My tande ae fall. ‘There good film on tonight. Let's swatch TV Tred to write some ler but sou an ua ton ifyou ike. “This suitcase is heavy. Ook! Ow! ut down! fe too heey foe You. Pt take “Thoee ae nic errngs. I can wear them to the par. (Great idea. Put them on ~ you look farce @) Ustening script 30 M-= Maga S = Sam, B = Bruce) What do you de before you go out in the morning? What do you do for goed Ik? How do you go to eep? We al do strange things sometimes. Today in opie ‘erythere we talk to some listeners about Some of the speciale things they do that arn't quite normal KK; Bofore I goto work in the morning, walk all round the house and Itouch the doors {wall the rooms fel terible when I don't lo thar [have festing that something terrible going t happen. 1: For goodluck, an exam for instance swear tro diferent seks ~ one red and one ‘black, foe example, Ping on wo socks that are the sume colour brings me bed lick, Ti fi the exam, [M: When T have an important meeting, or an Interview or something. I walk all round the room in my house before and Tsay the names ofall the people in the ows that Tsce thre. don realy Know wy I ‘dot, bt think it brings me good Tuck. ': Pm not a good sleeper. Before Igo 1 seep in the evening, iy everything n my ‘bedroom. [put out my clothes for the next ay too, When things are untidy can sleep. 1: Hore I eave home 0 go on oa journes, Ist dow for abou five minutes lands goodbye to the howe. Everyone ia sy fay does this i's for good ck on the journey, bat I dont real Raow Why Unit 4 Men and women D Listening script 31 Reading text from page 47 ©) stoning script 32 engage sy on pgs 48 @ Ustening script 33 Wc id yo ae fr ea? Daou yang! How dd yougo yur css? How my hos dl yu seep? TWh boca chose dou ds? ‘What you doin even? © stoning script 36 {as bor in Manco tn diy ‘Snow er Sneath ett cay famout rfl ya a ule hae wan tage Manchester Unied ‘anne aed ning ts an “head me Obes ein; ott ung wa wos cht Myr ae, ‘nee babe caves ed west ‘Smo pt er op an hve tng he ncn pyc ota at schoa bu ated ‘Ted ym agin sd gun ke me db bas and ine end she sale Thee sree pein ed ed Fe toy bie dnt mia When wus Tee {batt hla Lando come ie Rania it OR tobe ta bat dncer bet teria Bran ean ope hak nance ©) Ustening script 35 1 was bor in Minis inthe USA, in 1986. My dad was a chef and my mum was « mechanic, ‘My dad rode a motorbike to works I loved ‘tI wanted to race motorbikes when I wae lide When Twas ene moved to California, 1 surted racing go-karts there when I vas 1. oved it and Iwas good, Then, when Tas 16,1 decided 1 wanted to drive cars My aunt lived in Baga and T moved hereto earn to drive, Burope ithe best place for car racing. (My family dnt come wh me = they stayed inthe Sates Alot of male drives have problem with me They aay tht seni for ‘me to win beease im not hey, That’ aot, really tei problem. Their problem is that ‘they don't want to ace agaist a woman! Unit 5 Review © Listening script 36 (= Imogen, P= Piow) Imogen Bates ccouncant IE For my 21st birdy my borfrend bought ‘me an expensive looking box T opened fn there wat a beaut ring and some ‘earings He picked me up ftw work tnd we went wo the mountains in his an, “He had some fod in pn basket and he eave meth present after a romantic picnic for to. dont can think of more ‘wonderful das low Nowak, fis maker . Tenjoy visting new places and [went 10 Inds for three months before going to universiy: My gifend din’ go wt me, [made alot of phones ober, but she Aidt phone me back T thought she wae fangzy with me, When I got othe alsport ‘in Warsa, she was thereAnd she had @ big sign in her ands. He sai, can ive witout you" © Listening script 37 Sone from page 82 LISTENING SCRIPTS. OURSELVES ommunication activities Student B Unit 4, Listening and speaking Ex 4 page 37 ‘You work in a clothes shop. Listen to the customer and suggest clothes in the pictures that he or she can buy. Try to sell as many things as possible. Read the rolecard and follow the instructions. Useful words and phrases Can Ihelp you? How about ..? Yes, of course. That / These look really nice / pretty / good on you. oe a me) Ge a] (a0 ai] 9 >| : a 070) (ema) 72m] 7m 500) [a Size conversion chart (Esa) a [=x aa) ‘Women's sizes Clothes UK 8 10 2 14 6 B 20 Europe 56 0 (8 (ido NaS a USA Bas jaan ae = 30S tactee icomaaa 44 Shoes UK 3 5 Gi 6 7 8 9 Europe Sem Se 38 Sp eg far = Sas USA 5 6 7 8 9 10 n Men's sizes Clothes UK a pth fre yey. ee eas Europe ipa S562 ade E5oigee oem Comes ‘Shoes UK 5 6 - 8 9 10 n Europe 5 Pioaee Vaiz | Tees Pade ts Sas USA 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 1 See the world © Around the world ‘Talking about (© Holiday * Reading: transfecting key information ages 65-69 © On the move (travel and life experiences activities ‘© Pronunciation: connected speech transport) (the present ' Speaking: making travel arrangements perfect simple) * Listening: identifying the situation in transport dialogues 2 Market place © Buy me! (the power of advertising) * Comparing things: © Adjectives © Listening: understanding key © Allin a name (well-known comparative to describe {information ‘companies and their names) and superiaive product * Reading: checking predictions adjectives * Business © Speaking: comparing a variety of words products; giving «short presentation 3 Outdoor life © Working with the weather (an 1 Present tenses * The weather Reading: understanding main information pages 74-77 interview witha weatherman) and future plans © Speaking: conducting a simple interviews What's the weather like? (present simple Planning vst to an event and present «Listening: identiving weather conditions continous for future plans) 4 Advances ‘Inventions (favourite and least ‘© Talking about she * Modern © Listening: identifying main ideas io a pages 78-81 favourite inventions) furue (expressing inventions zadlo programme 1 Tow the future (a chat forum) the future ‘Phrasal verbs: Pronunciation: diphthongs intentions with discovery and * Speaking: giving and justifying opinions; vine ©) development talking about future plans Reading: understanding and responding to main ideas (© Writing: an interactive class chat forum 5. Review unit pages 82-85, * Extra practice pages 86-89 © Grammar reference and wordlist pages 90-92 ® Listening seipts: pages 94-95 Communication activities: pages 93, 96 * Use 2 for listening activities in the module Pen red ‘© Cantalk about life experiences + Can.use words related to travel and transport * Can make travel arrangements Around the world Lead-in 41 Which of these activities can you see in the photos? doing unusual things eating foreign food meeting new people relaxing sightseeing sending posteards shopping for souvenirs taking photos 2 What do you like and dislike doing on holiday? Work with a partner and compare ‘your ideas, Example: A: What do you like doing on holiday? Bs I really lke sightseing, but Ican’t stand eating foreign food. Reading and 4 Which four places in the world would you most like to visit? What would you like to speaking see there? Make a lis. Places to visit ‘Things to see Egypt the Pyramids New York the Empire State Building 2 Compare your lists with the class, Does anyone else have the same ideas as you? 3 B01 Read the newspaper article on page 67 about a couple's journey around the ‘world. Why did they see the world in that way? Did they visit any of the places on your list? 4 Read the text again, Number the places on the map in the order Jules and Verne visited them. 5 Make a list of the places they visited and what they did there 6 Work with a partner, Prepare questions for Jules and Verne about their trip, then ask and answer the questions. Student A: What ..? When 2 Where ...? Student B: Who ...? Which ...? How long ...? Example: What did you do in France? 7 What do you think of Jules and Verne’s choice? Do you think it was a good way to use their prize? What do you think life was like for them after the trip? comers ) Normally Jules (short for Julie) Hollander, 20, and her Canadian husband Verne, 22, work as a waitress and chef in the Haviland Hotel, London. But last month they had a very difficult decision. They won first prize in a magazine competition, and the prize was either £15,000 each or two 30-day airline vouchers and £10,000 spending money. They decided to take time off work and go on a world trip with the vouchers. For a month they've travelled to 12 different locations, and they've done typical things in each place. Theyve ridden camels in Cairo, and theyve been surfing at Sydney's Bondi Beach. From the Colosseum in Rome, to the Grand Bazaar” in Istanbul, they've seen it al Before we started, we got loads of brochures, and worked out our route and travel times! says Verne. Then we booked flights and hotels on the Interet, adds Jules. Their journey began on 2nd October. First came Paris and a magic night at the Moulin Rouge. After that they travelled on to Rome, where they threw coins into the Trevi fountain. ‘Our guide explained that tradition to us; says Verne. ‘Tt mean’s you'll go back to Rome some day: Next they visited Istanbul and Cairo. From there, they flew to Dubai for fut juice cocktails {in the luxurious Burj al Arab hotel. That was amazing, says Jules. Verne's a huge Bollywood movie fan, so in India they visited Mumbai's film studios. That was my favourite part of the trip’ he says. ‘But I think Jules prefered our moonlight tour of the Taj Mahal! In Beijing rey toured the Forbidden City. That was fascinating says Jules. Then they visited Tokyo for a delicious sushi" lunch. 1 tried a Japanese breakfast next morning! says Verne. ‘But I didn't realy like it. After that, they flew on to Australia. Their next stop was Buenos Aires, Argentina, where they watched Tango dancers in the streets and enjoyed the exciting nightlife, Next they took a plane to New York for bagels” and coffee in a small café near the Empire State Building. Their final destination was Reykjavik, Iceland, where they relaxed in the Blue Lagoon Spa’. At last, after four weeks’ traveling, it was time to go home. Verne says: We've rtainly had an incredible journey, but we're glad to be back! Jules adds: ‘We've taken great photos and brought back loads of souvenirs ~ and we've got some realy wonderful memories, too!” Glossary * Grand Bazzar ~ big market * sushi - a Japanese meal of rice with fish and vegetables bagel ~ a small round sweet bread * spa - a place where water comes from the ground units Ee Talking about life experiences The present perfect simple | 4 Lookat this sentence and answer the questions. Jules has seen the Taj Mahal. 1 _ Did Jules visit the Taj Mahal on her trip? 2 Do we know exactly when she visited it? 3 Isthe sentence about an experience at some point in her life? 2 Choose the correct alternative. We can use the present perfect to talk about finished events at specific times in the past b experiences in our lives in general 3 Read these present perfect sentences and answer the questions. | Have you ever been to Boston? | "ve never been to Boston, but I've been to New York. | Verne hasn't been to Boston. | 1 Which two verbs are in all of these present perfect sentences? | 2. Which one of these verbs isin the past participle form? 3. What do ever and never mean in the sentences? Grammar reference page 90 4 @o2 Listen and repeat the chant. Have you ever been to Ieeland? Have you seen the sights in Rome? Have you flown to California, ‘or just stayed alone at home? No, 've never been to Iceland, California, or Rome, 1've never travelled far away. 1 like my life at home. T've stayed with friends and fail, and never once been bored. Ive seen and done things close to home. ‘Who needs to go abroad? 5 Underline the past participles in the chant. What are their infinitives? 6 Write the infinitive form of these irregular past participles. Then check your answers in the Grammar reference on page 90 ‘Example: spent to spend 1 bought 2 driven 3 drunk 4 eaten Shad 6 met 7 ridden 8 sent 9 swum 10 taken 7 Complete these questions, using some of the past participles in Ex 6. 1 Have you ever ‘underwater photos? 2. Have you ever__ foreign food? 3. Have you ever a foreign boyftiend or girlfriend? 4 Have you ever in the sea? 5 Have you ever ina five star hotel? 6 Have you ever a Bollywood film? 8 Askand answer the questions in class. For each of the questions, try to find one person in your class who answers yes. Write the names ‘SEE THE WORLD On the move Vocabulary and listening 1 Match the words to the numbers, Railway station Bus stop | carriage [1] platform ticket [] bus | T boarding cara [ J ticket inspector driver passengers gate plane ticker office [1] train seat terminal 1 On most London buses now, you buy your__ from the | 2 You get your from the desk. After that, you go to the | departure ‘There are five different at London Heathrow airport. Let's ask the man at the _which____our train leaves from. 5 can choose their own on the bus, | 3 @o3 Listen and match the dialogues to the places, Railway station Airport Bus stop 44 Listen again. Choose the correct alternative in these sentences | 1A ticket « / for Oxford, plese Excuse mis this the right top 10 / for Blackheath? | When's a the next bas? Which gate does the fight to Warsaw leave of fom? Is thin the right platform forthe train to / of Bristol? | When does the train arrive in / to Bristol? How long i docs the bus take to get there? 1s the plane in /on time? 5 @ og Listen and repeat the phrases in Ex 4. Speaking 1 Work with a partner. Student A turn to page 93. Student B turn to page 96, Follow the instructions. > Can use adjectives to describe things ‘© Can compare a variety of products, = Candescribe a product Buy me! 4. Work with a partner. What things do you buy ..? ‘© nearly every day * once a week once a month © once a year, o less often 2 Which things do you like or dislike shopping for? Discuss your ideas Speaking and 1 Look at the photos from two adverts. Which products are they advertising? Choose vocabulary from the box. acar adigital camera aftershave hairspray a watch a motorbike contact lenses computer software fish food sunglasses perfume washing powder = 2 Tum to page 93. Did you guess the products? Do you like the adverts? Why? 3. Think about adverts for famous products. Write the makes of some products with these i 3 a comfortable make of shoes 5 a mobile phone which is easy to use a popular aftershave aan expensive watch 4 fashionable make of clothes well-known washing powder 4 Underline the adjectives in Ex 3, Match them to their opposites in the box. Example: fast ~ sloco ) common cheap difficult horrible old-fashioned slow uncomfortable | unknown unpopular | 5, Think of something you have bought recently Make a list of adjectives to describe it 6 Talk to as many people as possible in the class. Describe and guess each other's purchases. Example: At I bought myself something the other day They're very comfortable. They were quite cheap, They're a well-known make. They're nice but they aren’ very fashionable, Br New shoes? (MARKET PLACE 4 You want to buy a digital camera, Which of these things are important to you? Choose the three most important. Compare your ideas with a partner. Ie’s cheap, It looks nice. It’s a well-known make, It’s small and light It’s got a lot of memory. It's easy to use. It’s got a large screen, It takes good pictures. 2° @o5_ Listen to Tanya talking ta shop Assistant and answer the questions. 1 How much does she want ro spend? 2. How many cameras does she look at? 3. What does she decide to do inthe end? 3 Listen again. Complete the Quick guide to digital cameras | Serer ee a | Quick guide Cree | | | Snapshot uickftick Superzoom Price £ £__(on offer) £199 | Size Bbmm x 53x21 95mm x55x25 Bom x 50x18 || Weight 1509 200g 1309 i LCD screen size 415 inches 2.5 inches 2 inches | ‘Memory card included MB —_ MB 128 MB i Picture quality we corey soe t Easy to use ee se oe i te * see | i ‘4 Use the Quick guide to tick (Y) the columns for the makes of camera ‘Snapshot Quickflick Superzoom It’s cheaper than the Snapshot. 2 I's the cheapest. Its smaller than the Snapshot. Ws heavier than the Snapshot. Its got the smallest LCD screen. 1s got the largest memory card Ittakes better quality photos than the Quickflick. Its easier to use than the Quickfick 9 Its the most diffcutt to use. 10 Its the best-looking camera. 5 Which of the cameras would you choose? Why? unit2 1 oso ‘Comparing things Look at these sentences and answer the questions. ‘Comparatives The Superzoom is smaller than the Snapshot. 1 i | | Superlatives The Quickflick is the biggest. The Snapshot is more expensive than the Quickflick. The Superzoom is the most expensive. 1 Which sentences are about the difference between two things? 2 Which sentences are about the difference between one thing and the others in a group? Read the spelling rules for comparatives and superlatives and complete the table. Spelling rules Short adjectives: most of them add -er, est. Those ending in-e: add -r, st Those ending in a short vowel sound + consonant: double the consonant. Adjectives ending in -y: change change to -i, (-ier, -iest). Long adjectives: add more, most. Adjective ‘Comparative ‘Superlative | ‘Short (one syllable) cheap | | big | ee esig Fae : iss oer wal TT arnt : a ormore syllables) | expensive | the Irregular | good a Guess the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives in the box. Check your answers in the Grammar reference on pages 90-91. [ aneey bad busy fashionable healthy nice popular slow unusual useful Grammar reference pages so-o1 | 4 Compare the TVs and write sentences. 1 ‘The PH370X and SN21. (big) of 2. The PH370X and HW40, (expensive) 3. ‘The HW40 and SN21. (heavy) Speaking 1 Read these survey questions and add one more. Answer the questions for you, then interview other students. Which is 1... the most expensive thing you've ever bought? 2. the fastest car you've ever driven, or been in? fad 3. the best meal you've ever eaten? —_— 4. the most unusual place you've been on holiday? 5. the nicest present you've ever received? 6... (your question) _ # 2 Choose the most interesting thing you found out and tell the class [MARKET PLACE, Allin a name Reading and 4 What are these six well-known international companies famous for? vocabula = ae ae = ai [_ Bridgestone Google Hyundai Ikea Nokia Recbok 2 (B06 Read the article and check your answers in Ex 1. 3 Find words in bold in the text which mean: 1 the person who starts a company 4_a word for the things a company makes | 2. two words that mean a company $_a__ company makes a lot of money 3° made something. 4 Complete these sentences with the correct form of the words in Ex 3, 1 Michelin, Goodyear and Bridgestone are large tyre 2 The ___ of Google were Larry Page and Sergay Brin, 3. Hyundai first the Tiburon car in 1996, 4 Ikea founder, Kamprad, first started selling when he was 17. 5 Nokia is very in Burope and the Far East. 6 The Reebok ‘began in 1958, Let’s call it ... ‘They're all well-known companies, but 7 where did they get their names from? Bridgestone ~The japanese tyre company is named after its founder, Shojo Ishibashi. His sumame means stone bridge in Japanese. Google The name for the world’s most successful search engine comes from the word _googo! ~a huge number (1 followed by 100 oughts). It refers to the huge amount of, information on the Internet. Hyundai ~The car firm's name means modern or fashionable in Korean. thea — Work this one out. The Swedish furniture business was founded by Ingvar Kamprad, His family home was a farm called Elmtaryd, near the Swedish village of Agunnyard. Nokia - Named after a small town in Finland that was home to a paper company, They later produced rubber goods and then had the idea of making mobile phones, Reebok - The sports goods firm gets its name from the South African spelling of the word Rhebok, a type of fast-running Aftican antelope. Speaking 4 Work in groups. You all work for the same company and you want to produce @ new and unique product. Turn to page 96 and follow the instructions, (GATE onsen, 30 _ utdoor life Can talk about the weather * Can conduct simple interviews Lead-in 4 Match the phrases in columns A and B to make folk sayings about the weather. Use the sound of the bold words to help you. A B Rain before seven, pur on your hat or you'll wet your head. Evening red and morning grey before a storm. Evening grey and morning red fine weather is coming soon. Red sky at night are sure signs of a fine day. ‘When spiders weave their webs by moon shepherds” delight. Flies will swarm, fine before eleven. 2 @o7 Listen and check your answers. 3. Do you have any similar sayings in your country? Working with the weather Reading 4 Look at the tite ofthe article on page 75. What does a weatherman do? 2 (B08 Read the interview with Gary and match the interviewer's questions to Gary's answers. 3 Read the text again and complete these sentences, 1 Gary become a weatherman, ) because he wanted to be famous. b) by accident. ©) because he wanted to work on television, 2. He likes his job because 4) old ladies love him. 6) he travels alot. ¢) it's interesting, 3 Gary's weather forecasts a) are written by other people. ) use information from many different sources. ©) are on the internet 4 Gary... ) likes the producer of his weather programme. b)_ works on his own in the studio. ©) works with a lot of other people. This month Gary is working 8) until 3.00 am. b) on morning programmes. ©) on afternoon and evening programmes. 6 Gary felt embarrassed because he ... 8) missed the football match. b) couldn't use the tickets ©) got the weather forecast wrong. Meet Gary Yates, meteorologist How do you put together a weather forecast? How did you become a weatherman? Do you enjoy it? ‘Whats it like in the studio? Have you had any embarrassing moments doing the job? ‘When are your programmes on air? A = Well, I was always interested in the weather as a child because I played foctball. We had a match every Saturday and T always watched the forecast on TV on Friday evenings. After I finished at university, 1 worked for a local radio station. One day in ‘mid-December I was in Scotland. There was a terible woman doing the weather ~ she couldn't read the names of the towns. The radio producer asked me to read the forecast. I did it for a week and I liked it. Tt. as like doing a new puzzle every day. Then I went to night school and did @ degree in meteorology. 2 es Yes, I'm working for a satellite TV channel at the ‘moment. I love being on TV. 1 feel much younger ‘than I am and I love being a litte bit famous. People recognise me from the TV ~ when I'm eating out at restaurants, when I'm filling the car at the petrol station and when I'm shopping. I have to say, though, that most of my fans are old Ladies! Seriously though, I like my job because every day is different! 3 — Some people think a weatherman just goes to the studio, stands in front of the camera and reads the weather. Thats the easy part of the job. Most of the time I spend writing the forecast. I use a lot of diferent information - from satellite pictures, the Internet and so on. My job is to put all the information together and get the general picture, Then I make a good story out of it. I think is important for a weather forecast to be like a story. 4 ~~ It’ not like people think. There aren't any cameramen ‘or engineers, Actually there's nobody else in the studio. When Igo in, I put on the lights, tum ‘on the microphone, and press a button that controls the cameras. When I go on air, I click through the charts and tell my story. OUTDOOR LIFE FAIR WEATHER MAN »8®@SeF | ee a et Tt depends. This month I'm doing the afternoon and evening forecasts at 5.00 pm, 5.30 pm, 10.00 pm and 11,00 pm. I start work at 3.45 pm and leave the studio at 11.45 pm. Next month I'm working on the morning shows. I think my wife prefers the late schedule. I don't go to bed until about three in the morning ~ and because I snore* she's quite happy! 6 ee | (Oh yes! One day I got a letter with two tickets for an Important football match. At first I was really happy. T love football. But then I saw that the tickets were for the previous weekend. I read the letter and it said, “You predicted rain and storms, so we didn't go to the I match; but the weather was fantastic!’ I felt terrible for a long time after that! Glossary * snore = to make a noise through your nose when you are sleeping untr3 Pound Present tenses and future plans 4 Match the sentences (a-d) to the uses (1-4). a When | go into the studio, | put on the lights ‘and turn on the microphone. I love football. © 'mworking for a late night channel at the moment. 4. Next month I'm working on the morning shows. Things you do every day. A definite future plan. True in general. True for a period of time around now. 2 What tenses are the verbs in sentences ad? Complete these rules with present simple or present continuous. We use the: 1 to talk about routines and habits. 2 to talk about things happening now or in this period of time. 3 to talk about things which are generally true. 4 to talk about definite future plans, usually with a future time reference. 4 Complete these lists. Write the words and phrases with the tense we usually use them with, always at themoment every day every year__-never nextyear normally now sometimes thisweek today tomorrow usually Present simple Present continuous always at the moment t Grammar reference page 91 5 Complete the article with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs. (Chhus Lago (1 live) Spain. She (2 spend) _ most of the year with her husband Antonio. Every year she (3 take) a month off work to go exploring. This month Chus (4 walk) across the North Pole. Unfortunately the weather has been too warm. The ice (5 melt) and her radio (6 not work) well, Because of this, a helicopter (7 coming) to pick her up on 29th May. After that, Chus Gay) bback to Spain. She (9 arrive) home on Ist June, 6 Write the questions for an interview with Chus Lago. 1 Where / live? Live in the north of Spain 2 What/ do? I'm an aerobics teacher. 3 What /do / now? 'm walking in the Arctic. 4 travel /on your own? No, I'm not. I'm travelling with a friend, 5 When / come /home? Next week. Speaking 4 Work with # partner. You are going to prepare an interview with an explorer. 1 Decide who is the journalist, and who is the explorer. 2 Use the questions in Language study Ex 6 10 help you prepare questions. 3. Think of new answers for the explorer. Think about where he / she is from, what he / she is doing, and what his / her plans are. — Practise your interview and present it to the class. ‘OUTDOOR LIFE What’s the weather like? Vocabulary and 1 Look at the weather words and describe the weather in the pictures. listening wtioud «raining whot ws foggy snowing «warm «sunny td windy «stormy 2 Work with a partner. What do you like doing in different weather conditions? Find wo things you have in common. Example: A: [love sitting on a balcony when it’s raining. like listening 10 the rain on the trees ouside B: I don’t I stay inside cohen it’s raining. I don’s like geting wet. 3 @o9 Listen to some extracts from commentaries a sporting evens. Whats the weather like atthe diferent venues? Listen and complete the weather words onthe website Geo Rone Sree DE eee Ain AL Winter Olympics. uf New Zealand: or MOTOR RACING Formula! Grand Prix, i A bedapese 4 Which sports are popular in your country? When do people play them? Speaking 1 Choose one of the sporting evens in Vocabulary and listening Ex 3, or choose your own, ‘You are planning to go tothe event next weekend, Make notes. Tink about where the event is, what your travel plans are, things to take with you and who you are going with. 2 Work in small groups. Ask and answer questions to find out about the events the other people in your group are going to. 3 In your group you have decided to go away together next weekend. Choose one of the events, Use the phrases in the box to help you. ‘What shall we do? I think Alex’ idea’s a good one. Let’s go to Why don't we ..?- TU prefer not to ... because EEE oe reo, 4 Advances 4 * Can express future intentions * Can talk about modern inventions * Canidentify the main ideas in a radio programme Inventions Inventior Lead-in 4 What are these inventions? Choose one and note down some Advantages of its advantages and disadvantag # They're fast Disadvantages © They're noisy 2 Work with a partner who chose the same invention. Compare your ideas. Listening 1 You are going to listen to part of a radio programme about inventions. Read the programme summaries from the radio website Nicky Moody looks atthe history of inventions. 4" Briain’: most eccentric inventor chooses his favourite and least favourite inventions ofthe lst 50 years 4M Two British inventors tell us about the best and worst <1 The most important inventions aren't abways hi-tech, 2 @20 Which programme are you listening to? 3 Listen again, Are these statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 Tony's favourite invention is the CD. 2 He's got 100 hours of music on his iPod. 3 Annette’ favourite invention is the TV remote controk 4 Her husband watches a lot of sport on'TV. 5 Listeners can vote for their favourite and least favourite inventions by phone, |_| 4 Do you agree with Tony and Annette’s choices? ‘ADVANCES: Vocabulary and 1 ‘These are some of the listeners’ suggestions for their favourite and least favourite pronunciation recent inventions. Match the words to the pictures. device | camera phone electric toothbrush email fake tan G hairdryer microwave food non-alcoholic beer 2 How often do you use these inventions? Write them on the line in the correct place for you. Tuse it all the time. Pye never used it. 3. Which wwo items are most important to you? Find someone else in the class with the same ideas. 4 @ 1 Listen to the underlined vowel sounds in the words. Circle the word in each group with a different vowel sound. 1 feo/ hairdryer where (email) com 2 fa! device favourite “hitech iPod 3 au) phone remote world contal 4 fer) email same fake camera 5 /m/ microwave power aur abaut 6 /a/ chgices ngisy television boy 7 fm) year nuclear beer idea Speaking 1 Use one of the inventions on this page, or your own idea, and write your least favourite invention in the table Name Least favourite invention Why? Susana Electric toothbrush ‘They're expensive and silly. Its easier to se a normal toothbrush. 2 Complete the notes for your answer in the ‘Why? column of the table. Use the ideas in the box to help you. They're expensive /hard to use. It doesnt look / taste good. ‘They don’t work well. don’t have enough time... ‘There are too many Is easier / faster o 3. Work in groups and discuss your ideas. Which is the least favourite invention in your ‘group? Compare your ideas with other groups. UNIT 4 Into the future Reading and 1 Do you ever visit chat forums on the Internet? Do you think they are a good or bad. ! writing idea? Why? 2 (Q)12 Read the chat forum thread. Which of these questions started the thread? ‘© What are you going to do after university? What kind of cars do you like? * Would you like to be rich and famous? 3 Read the thread again and answer the questions, What do you think of sumeeatcher’s idea? Which people in the forum don’t take suntoaicher's idea seriously? Why does Billben want to sce the designs for the engine? ‘What does greencactus think about the petrol companies? What do you think of mikethohazok’s suggestion? 4 Imagine you are sunaeaicher. Write a reply 10 some of the entries. 5. Work in a group. Read each others’ replies. Which do you like best? ‘reencactus Be careful. Dont rush into this. IE Werte pet compan fd au abou they arent going to be happy! The/l almost certainly Kil you before you can market it! sunwatcher Me - Tm going to set up my own company and invent a new kind of car. Its going to use water as fuel and it isnt going to produce ‘any greenhouse gases. What do people think e207 Have you read the Free Enery Handbook? about my plan? Its got lots of ideas like yours. The problem is, the author disappeared! What happened to him? Maybe the petrol companies know. Billben Ie a great idea, and I hope that it works out well for you. But how are you going to get energy fom wate? Id lke to see the GP mikethehawk tve gota better idea. It doesn't designs forthe engine. I want to understand how id Sl aoe Aiton tole" Soins id Repo it works, to you if you use it. Would you like to ty t out? 1 called a bicyele ‘supetmint What are you going to call it? It's going to take along time to develop, T imagine, but dont give up. It’s a fantastic idea, Vocabulary 1 Replace the underlined words in these sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in bold in the text. 1 Sometimes an invention takes years to develop. But a good inventor never stops, 2 Marta discovered a lot about famous inventors on the Intemet. 3 When Laila saw the exercise machine, she wanted to use it straight away. 4 Don’t make a really quick decision about buying a new car. Choose carefully before you buy one. $- Twied to invent and sell some new computer software, but it was unsuccessful. ‘Very few people bought i, 6 I'm starting a new company with some friends, 2° Work with a partner and discuss these questions. 1 Have you ever rushed into something? What happened? Did it work out? 2 Do you enjoy trying out new things straight away, or do you prefer to wait? 3. Have you ever set up a business, or do you know someone who has? What sort of business was it? Have you ever tried to give up something ~ like smoking? Were you successful? [ADVANCES LANGUAGE STUDY Talking about the future 4 Lookat these sentences and tick the correct box below. ‘'m going to invent a new kind of car. It isn’t going to produce any greenhouse gases. What are you going to call your invention? I I I | i We use the going to future to talk about. | a definite plans b_intentions Grammar reference page 91 I 2 What are these people going to do? Write sentences with the verbs in the box. do have listen play watch write Example: He's going to do the shopping 3. Work with a partner. Imagine you are one of the people in the pictures and talk about your intentions. Your partner must guess who you are. Continue in the same way with all the people. Example: Tim going 10 be very quick. T'm not going to spend a tor of money Tim only going to buy a few things. Class chat forum 1 1 Complete one of these questions for your classmates to start @ chat forum thread. Write iat the top of a sheet of paper. Who's going to ..2 Are-you going to ..2 Ts anyone going 10 ..2 2 Work in a group, Pass your question sheet to the person on your right. Read the new question. Write your entry and pass it on. 3. When you get back your original question sheet, read the thread. Which of the entries do you find the most interesting? Tell your group. => “5 Review _ Lead-in 1 Write six sentences on a piece of paper, then give it to your teacher. ‘© Three exciting things you've done in your life © ‘Three things that you've never done but you'd like to do. Te ridden a camel, I haven't been surfing. 2° Your teacher will give you someone else's piece of paper. Ask questions to find out who it belongs to. Example: AA: Gerard, have you ever ridden a camel? No, I haven't Vocabulary 4 @45 Listen to Hugh aking about some of his memories. Underine the dings he talks about 1 his ise car is fthe’s ist car 2 his first journey by train / his first journey by plane 3. the warm weather in Comma / the foggy weather in London 4 is first television the first time he ssatched television 2 Listen aguin, then complete the gaps in the sentences. 1 My father’s car had a___on the outside. 2 Inmy wwe were all boys 3. The journey was very Jong and 4 In London it was always ___ or 5 Tewas for people to have televisions at home. 3 Put these words in the correct word groups. boarding card camera cheap cloudy common_—_computer GPS device easy gate hairdryer hot microwave old-fashioned Passenger platform rainy stormy terminal unpopular. warm inventions transport weather adjectives other adjectives 4 Which of these ‘firsts’ in your life do you remember? Make a lst. ©The first time I saw a lot of snow: ‘My first car or bike. ‘The first time I travelled by plane. ‘My first mobile phone. ‘The first time I went on a long journey, “The first time I wrote an email, ‘The first DVD I bought. My first Mp3 player, ‘The first time I used a computer. 5 Look at your partner's list. Ask your partner questions about the things he or she remembers. Example: How old were you ecien you frst sate snows? Language study REVIEW 4. Read the questions on the ‘Speaking bee’ board. Make some notes about cach of the topics, 2 Work in groups of four students, Read how to play ‘Speaking bee’ and play the game. ‘START smer ‘START sme Speaking bee Ys How to play Pats curt tee ree 1 The youngest player starts. Move your counter ‘one square ~ in the direction you choose. You must speak about the topic on the square for as long as possible. 2 If you speak without stopping or changing the subject less than 10 seconds: 1 point between 10 and 20 seconds: 5 points between 20 and 30 seconds: 10 points ‘more than 30 seconds: 15 points 3 When the first person reaches FINISH, stop the game, This person gets 15 points. 4 The winner is the player with the highest number of points. FINISH FINISH FINISH FINISH Tell us about .. ‘An invention you use all the time. 2. Something you are going to do later today. 3. The most important things you've done this year. 4 Your favourite and least favourite months of the year. 5 Your plans for this evening 6 Interesting places you have visited. 7. The differences between two of your friends 8 The best film youve ever seen. 9 Your weekend routine, 10 Your plans for next weekend. 11. The clothes you are wearing today. 12 Your favourite TV programme. 13. The last sports event you went to or took part in. 114 The places where you have lived 15. Something you intend to do in the future 116 The book you're reading at the moment. 17 The differences between two well-known cities. ray 18 The weather today. 419 Your plans for the next year. 20 Something that has worked out well for you 24. Your earliest memory. 22. The differences between a car and a bike. 23. The worst invention of all time. 24 The longest journey you've been on, uNITs Song 1 Read the factfile about Supertramp. Are these statements true (1) or false (F)? “The members of Supertramp played together at school Their first album was They started playing different music after they became famous. ‘Their most successful album was Breakfast in America y successful In 1969 2 Dutch millionaire gave his friend, Rick Davies, a lot of money to start a band. Rick put an advert in a music magazine and Supertramp was bor. The group made two unsuccessful albums and the millionaire didn't give them any more money. ‘Supertramp had no money and not many fans. They wanted to stay together and they needed a hit. They started playing a different kind of music. Their third album, Crime of the century was a hit and Supertromp became famous. In 1979 they had their biggest hit with the album Breakfast in America. It sold more than 18 million copies worldwide, and Supertramp became ‘international superstars. The hit single The logical song, was on this album. factfile 2 Read the statements in the speech bubbles. Which do you agree with? (1 Childhood is the best time of your life 3 @¥ 44 Listen to the song, Which of the sentences in Ex 2 do you think the singer agrocs with? (a hien tam to use their imagination 2 school. The logical song When T was young Te seemed that life was so wonderful —— A miracle oh it was beautiful, magical 3 Schools don't ‘And all the birds inthe trees el (teach ehidren to ‘Well they be singing so happlly enjoy tie. Joyfully, oh playfully watching me But then they sent me away : To teach me how to be sensible (Atk easy to decide pears erect Pesta aaa And then they showed me a world Where I could be so dependable” Clinical’, inteleeual, eynicat” There are times when all the world’s asleep ‘The questions run too deep For sueb a simple man Won't you please, please ell me what we've learned Thnow tt sounds absurd” ‘But please fel me who Lam “Society makes everyone behave in the same way. Glossary Now watch what you say * dependable = always Or they'll be calling you a radical behaving in the way you A liberal,a fanatical,a criminal expect ‘Won't you sign up your name * clinical = never showing Weid like to feel you're acceptable, your feelings respectable, presentable, a vegetable * cynical = believing that other people only care about themselves * absurd = very funny or stupid horus At night when all the world’s asleep. so logical... digital .. so unbelievable 4 Listen again. Underline the words with this stress pattern How many can you find? 000 Example: sensible REVIEW Speaking: you are what you buy ... Step 1: Making choices © Look at the products in the pictures, You want to buy one of each thing. Choose one that matches your lifestyle. Choose @ product from each group and complete the table. Product Choice Reason car the smallest one it's easier to park, it's cheaper, camera phone computer bed Step 2: Exchanging opinions ‘* Work with a partner. Talk about the things you are both going to buy. Note down your partner's choices. Product Choice Reason car camera phone computer bed Step 3: Analysing the results ‘© Look at your parmer's choices. What do they tell you about his / her character? Look at the choices below. Which do you think is more important for your partner? Put a cross (@) on each line to show your opinion. ‘You prefer ... buying practical, useful things ‘working in an office buying top quality goods relaxing quietly just coming home to sleep buying the latest gadgets working on the move buying useful goods. Cheap is good! keeping healthy to relax spending your evenings at home ‘Tell your partner your guesses. Were you right? Unit 1 2 Puc the letters in the correct order to complete these 1 Sorry, no more p the bus is full. $ S$ AENSGER 2 Can you meet me at the a 2TRP OIR 3 Could Isee your & « : please? DOARING DAR 4 Get out your tickets. The 1 is coming. CKTEI TRSPECON Please go to g number 15.T EA, Here comes the train! Which ¢ are wein? GIEASARR 7 The 2 closes at midnight. ETIK C CFFIE 8 Your train leaves from p__ minutes. OR FLAT M 9 Excuse me, is someone sitting in this ¢__?T EA __6inten Complete the text with the past participle of the verbs in the bos. be buy do drink cat fy meet ride see swim take Tve (1) some really amazing things in iy life, ve (2)__across the Atlantic in ‘hot ir balloon and F've (3), whales at the North Pole. I've (4). lunderwater with, dolphins and I've (5), fephants in India, Tve (6)__ Chinese food and I've (7) rakes milk in Tibet. ve (8) __ photos of princes and I've (9)__ the Queen of England, I've (10)__ souvenirs from all the countries I've visited t00. But the best thing of all ig that Pve never (11), ‘abroad. I'ma ‘virtual traveller you see! I travel in my imagination ‘on the Internet and through books! CHQICES ‘ Extra practice = 3. Jillis an explorer, Write sentences about her life using the present perfect. Example: visit / many different countries Jill has visited many ‘different counties. 1 climb / Mount Everest / without oxy 2. write /a book about her travels 3. meet /a lot of interesting people 4 go/ North Pole 5 send / email messages / from Amtarctica 6 never /be / married 4 Are the verbs in these sentences correct (¥) or incorrect (X)? Correct the sentences with mistakes. Example Last week Melike has been to Vienna, * Last week Melike went 0 Vienna, 1 My mother has been to China, 2. Jim has travelled to Poland last year. 3. We have never studied French, 4 When have you bought that book? 5 Did you buy anything on Saturday? 6 They haven't been on holiday last month, 5 Complete these sentences about you. 1 Tvelived 2 Tvehad 3 Tvenever been 4 Tvemet 5 Tvenever flown 6 ve never done EXTRA PRACTICE. Unit 2 1 Write the opposites of the adjectives in the word pu fashionable horrible slow uncomfortable cheap ‘unusual ‘unpopular unknown heavy Write the hidden adjective: ‘opposite: __ _and its Use the rules from page 72 to write the comparative and the superlative forms of the adjectives. Adjective angry angrier ‘Comparative ‘Superlative the ongriest boring easy happy interesting late tong relaxing sed small Complete the questions with superlative forms. Then choose the correct answer, 1 Which is (su a) Thriller, Michael Jackson b) Bxcapology, Robbie W ° 2 Which is (busy) airport in the world? a) Charles de Gaulle, Paris b) John F Kennedy, New York ©) Heathrow, L 3. How tall was the (tall) a) 2.22 metres b) 2.72 metres) 3.02 metres cessful) _ pop album ome on over, Shania'Twain international condon 4 How many computers are there in the world’s (big) ____ Cyber Cafe a) 1,000 b) 150 ¢) 760 5 Which is (popular) cengine in the world? ) Google b) Yahoo) Searchalot internet search, 6 Which is (expensive) a) NewYork b) London ¢) Paris place to rent Answers, 99% oF a€ a ‘Write a comparative and a superlative sentence comparing each group of products GO Bs 1 abicycle a Harley Davidson a scooter 2 @Rolls Royce a Ferrari a Smart car 3 adiseman a walkman an MP3 player asalad 4 ahamburger a bag of crisps EXTRA PRACTICE, Unit 3 B: 1(6 send) some emails, Frank and I pl) Tennis late this evening 4 Looketthe weather forecast and complete the dation ore chy eee porte Som B: They're fine. Rose (8 stay) at Ana's \ house tonight and Lily (9 wai) fee Around the world | Dan. They (10 go) _to the cinema Weather a A tonight. c ‘Well, give them all my love. And see you on flee, a = ‘Saturday. reece gt tong FB On Saturday? (11 not come) __ back | ‘on Sunday? Buenos Aires 31 87 | No, we (12 get) the plane on ne Sow | Senetay meena ‘Well ... it’s just that I (13 use) ‘the car eet OO | etic Kine tem iemigmlent Ear Bn ee pick you up from the eisport Singapore ote st |g 1 a Why are you wearing a jacket? It’s hot 1 In Buenos Ales it’s _ today. 2 en b Tm usually wearing a dress when T 3° In Budapest is _ ae 4 is today in Cairo but it isn’t pit ee ee ee ir 5 In Singapore its___ and ______with rain ak eee Ee Seen ae ee forecest all day. motorbike racing. 6 Its today in Moscow. b ‘Where's Tim? ‘He rides his motorbike’ 7 InVancouver today i's very —____ 3. a Wedo an English exam tomorrow. 2 Complete the dialogue withthe present simple or Dig fe hae ieee tery, catiot the weecstor present continuous form of the verbs. two hours eee 4 a How often do you play tennis? Bepgee hs mama ere seu? b Are you playing tennis every Saturday? 5 a The horses aren't racing here today because of heavy rain. b The horses aren't racing when the weather is bad 4 Write as many rue scatenccs ws you can sbout yourself using the words below. Mi Great. We (1 have) a fantastic time here in Istanbul Atthe moment ‘ ae easy always B: What's the weather like? usually ; Today and Ms Ie quite warm, but it ged) cold in a fae soemally ee the evenings Next month me B: And what are the people like? ‘This year ‘Mz Thes’re very friendly — and los of people "i (@ speak) _ English. So thats OK, Ai the moment Lm ertng in English, but T usualy crite Bi How's Dad? in Posh ‘Mi He’ fine. He 4 watch) ____ a footba This year Pm going om holiday to Canada, bt I hardly match right now. And what (5 do) > og ge on Unit 4 41 Use the clues to complete the crossword with recent inventions. Across 2 Many people think that playing this is bad for you. Ie’ great if your skin is a very light colour. ‘You use this to find websites. ‘You use these to write to people without using a pen and paper. 10. Programs for computers. 11 An__ toothbrush has power. Down 1 You use it to take photos. 3. You usually use this first thing in the morning. ‘and late at night. Ws quick and easy but not very healthy. ‘You use it to dry your hair. ‘This GPS __ is useful if you often get lost. 2 What jobs are they going to do? Complete the sentences with your ideas. Example: ‘Tom likes making new things. He's going to be an inventor. 1 Ahmet loves fying. fight attendant. 2- Julia is studying medicine at university a doctor. 3. Jack and Ryan play football very well. footballers, 4 We like writing. journalists 5 Lwant to be famous, a film star. 6 You are very good with children, a teacher. EXTRA PRACTICE 3 Bridget had a terrible day yesterday. Read about her day then write her intentions for tomorrow in her diary. ‘She went to a party the previous evening. She got up late and missed her bus t0 work She's on a diet but she had a hamburger and chips for lunch, 4 She fell asleep at work and her manager got angry with her. 5 She went shopping with her best friend Linda ‘and spent all her money. 6 She left her laptop computer on the bus and couldn't get her messages, 7 She watched TV all evening with her flatmates. 1 Lm-not soi to go out tomorrne evening, — 4 Which of your habits do you want to change? Write about your good intentions for the next month, Unit 1 Present perfect simple Positive and negative CHQICES rammar reference _ ever / never and the present perfect simple ‘You use ever in questions or negative sentences to mean “in that person’s life’ ‘You use never in sentences to mean Unit 2 ‘at no time’ have past participle Comparing things fe te “The comparative and superlative forms of adjectives You haven't depend on the umber of syllables each adjective has. We ‘wenever been toEgypt. au seen the Pyramids. ‘Most adjectives with one syllable: ‘ware travelled by bost. add-er J -est ot ‘Adjective Comparative Superlative it 'snever cheap cheaper the cheapest , fast faster the fastest Questions slow slower the slowest Have I you / we /they ever been to Egypt? weak weaker the weakest Has he / she / it ever been to Egypt? Regular and irregular past participles One syllable adjectives that end ine: add-r/-st “The past participle of regular verbs is the same as the past Adjective Comparative Superlative simple form, large larger the largest Some of the most common verbs in English have ieegular nice nicer the nicest past participles. One syllable adjectives that end in consonant + vowel + Infinitives and past participles ates eo ae 40 gone double the final consonant + -er/ -est buy > bought — have > had come > come meet > met Adjective Comparative ‘Superlative dio > done read > read big ane the biegest drink > drank ride ~ ridden fat cate rheacest drive > driven send > sent fee tien ih haat eat > eaten svim > sum ia waiter ineuatat fy flown taken > taken ger > gor twrite > written Adjectives with two syllables that end in -yz change -y to ier | est Use Adjective Comparative Superlative ‘You can use the present perfect simple to talk about an activity or activities that happened at some time in the angry angrier the angrlest past. This is the life experience use of the present busy busier the busiest penfect simple. easy e the easiest peat erala Ge al Boats il healthy healthier the healthiest ‘They've never been interested in travelling, heavy heavier the heaviest Have you ever seen an elephant? ugly uglier the ugliest You don't say when the activity happened. ‘She's Been to Neto York rice in her life. (You don't know exactly when.) Other adjectives with two or more syllables ‘add more | the most: Adjective Comparative ‘Superlative eos rg bern Se rr rte useful more useful the most seul p nee aie Drcive moreatracive the most tactve be eelooteen Conforale more conforable_ the most confortable ve ‘expensive more expensive _the most expensive You use he post simple oy when something happened. fashionable more fshinable the most fashionable He conti aan er Cos aon when happened) poplar more popular-——_the most popular Unusual more Unusual the most unusual Irregular forms Adjective Comparative Superlative bad worse the worst far further the furthest good better the best Use You use comparatives when you want to compare two things. In these sentences you use comparative adjective n + noun / pronoun’ The Superzoom is more expensive than the Snapshot. This camera is bigger than that one You use object pronouns after comparative + than: Jane is healthier than me. Tm taller than her. ‘You use superlatives to talk about the differ between one thing and the others in a group. 1's the best book (of all the books] Pve ever Mount Bverest is the highest mountain [of all the mountains] in the world. ‘Maria is the most intelligent student (of all the students] in the class Unit 3 Ways of talking about present times “Turn to pages 26-27 for notes on the present simple, Turn to page 27 for notes on the present continuous, There are lots of ways of talking about present time, You use the present simple to talk about routines and habits and to express things that are true in general [play tennis on Thursdays. (routine) He drinks coffee at breakjast. (pabit) 17 often foggy in Manchester. (generally true) You often use time references like these with the present simple to help explain the details of the routines, habits cor general truths. Examples: akeays, every day, every year, never, normally, often, sometimes, usually ‘You use the present continuous to describe activities that are happening now or in this period of time T'm watching a football match at the moment Tim Béving in London this mona, but I usually lve in York. With the present continuous for activities now, or around ‘now; you often use time references Examples: at the moment, now, this month, this eovek, today. GRAMMAR REFERENCE Future plans You can use the present continuous to talk about definite future plans. You usually use it with a specific future time reference Examples: at 8 o'clock, om Friday, tomorrow, next year next month. Tomorrow Fm starting work at 8 o'clock Are you coming to the party on Friday? hus isn’t going to the North Pole next year Unit 4 Talking about the futur going to Positive and negative be +90ing to + infinitive ‘m@m) 1 ‘mnot tee ‘re (are) : le invent a new They Ment G2INBIO energy drink. He _'s(s) She “isn't it isnt Questions you wre we they going to set up a new business? he Is she it Use You use the going to future to talk about intentions. One day I’m going to be an inventor: They aren't going to do the exam. When is she going to get married? ith the verb go you often use the present continuous form for future intentions and plans instead of going to. Are you going to the cinema this evening? (not going to £0) We've going on holiday to Turkey in the summer. He isn’t going shopping this af CHOICES units Argertna fsa) bags Po tava Pose boarding card Pout kc! book fuk busin foe“ bus diver fins dav busstopin fous sop Camel Ac nels Ces checkin n het al hina anal departure board n fap ho! destination este = Exyptn Ft Else me phrase Heskjz mid find fama "= Aight tan Fretless * locaton ake" tn tine preset passenger” pes! ™* people Hil =" plane ple ** Platform m flat * postcard Ppa * prize fate falray sation fete tty teasing od Jt seatn bid“ stopping fp!“ Sighsceng atin’ single ticket» Pang souvenir jsurcten™ Span pe surf fsa * Sushi Pa take photos phrase tek totux) terminatn osama Shatandn faend thing) tekst n fay = Micke epector n/t mapa’ ticket ofc nuk i! tournv fay train em = Turkey Res URED fiery Austad) fangs “* vist atl Youchern Peta) Unit 2 advert n fedvoa/* ‘advertise v asda! “* laflershave n foitaes/ antelope nfeiuaup! beauty fou" brand’ frend bridge n fonds) *** business n Pozo cara fas “= cheap ad) Afi *** chewing gum 7 Pfuan gam climbing boot m Palani) bus! ‘comfortable adj Phamiibl *** ‘common a koran! *** ‘computer game n /Komipjto gem ult a 7k °**| ‘igital camera dus emacs dog food n fog ful easy a fy feerlsey feksosatz/ lexpensive aj /ikspensiy/ "=" fashionable ad) fob ** + the 2,500 mest common English words, *= very common words, * fairly common words fastad) fost! ** recognise v frekagnaiz*** firm san) schedule m fed ** fezy adj rit Scotland skotond/ I found v faunal snore v ‘sax! } snowing) v /smaun) source n ss" storm m ftom ** stormy ad stoi | story fori" studio fsjuion! sunny aj sai warm od /woa * ‘weather n Peds) = Weatherman n fwedomaen/ windy a wand = wrong ad Irom *** founder Pind) * furniture n sz) *** slassesn fglosiz” sods n god! *** sgoogolm Feu Fealth jhele/*** horrible adj Phorabl ** lemonade n lemsnexd/ light og san *** ‘magazine maegozin/ ** ‘mineral n inal * ‘modern adj modo *** ‘muscle n Past) **° ice ad ais Unit 4 ‘old-fashioned ag auld tifa author 9 Jo) ** Paper pal" Gaerne nama fd Perfume Puan * Sesign 9 Arai Piano /piznou! ‘develop v fdvelop/*** pilla fp * disappear v /dsopay popula aj /popjoa) ** pala) flectrc toothbrush nlekarik thea) price pray" ie energy fenadsi/ | produce v prs! ** fake tan ffeik ‘tex Pyiamas m foods * find ut (fad ‘au recommend v ekamends ** fuel m ful) Search engine nfs ends" five upY fat sv slow ad sb *** GPS device /d pies vas! stone n soon! greenhouse gas/n rian es! successful a) pakest/*** hakdyer 7 Pheadras! tyren pass happen v Phaspon! *** Uncomfortable ad /skamstbl/** hard to use phrase (bad t ux! unknown ad asian! **| Itech adj hate unpopular ad /npopjoa/* invention 9 venfal ‘amin n Pens washing powder n Awol pac! watch 0 wef! *= weltknown adj wel (nun/ ** Ustenern /lisna/* market v mod) *** Imieowave food 9 /nakrawerv fd! Unit non-alcoholic beer n jnon zlkaholik ‘a! afternoon n/a: *** normal ad non" become v ork ** {at) work out v (ned) wei ‘at! button m bat "= ‘nuclear power n[njuis pass! * chart if petrol petal ** ‘cloudy ad) hla emote control n inmavt konto cold a koa tush into vfesf mt control fhoaeaul “** SetUpY [set ap! depend v férpend ** silly og fs ** embarrassed ad) fmfbros/ * sport ispou/ °° embarassing a) /mrbeosiy)* evening fevmuy/ = television n Relivgn/*** fan feel terrible od) Rerabl"** fine af fam *** the Intemet impel foggy od) /togy toothbeush 7 /wobeal? forecast n fe=kast/** tty sthouty fat. a! general adj fsenary vote v frou! *** hot adj mow *** water a fuse! ** Ice nats *** information n /nfomeifa) Tight m flaw! === match n fae meltv fnel ** meteorologist /mitisologst) meteorology n[misirolad mirophone m /matkofoon * morning n fm)“ (nobody) else ran /(raubed ly ** North Polen no oul! ‘on ar phrase jn es) preditv fed" Brevious ac) prvi! *** Programme n fprcugeany *** Fadlo producer» /rediov pradiusol rain Trem! *** = Communication activities Student A Unit 1, Speaking Ex 1 page 69 4 Look a the pinires You are a tourist. ‘What do you want to know in each situation? Act out the conversations with your partner. Start each conversation with “Excuse m 2 Read the rolecards, Your parmer will start the conversations. Listen and give your partner the information he / she asks for FREEDOM STL a You are a ticket inspector at Newcastle station in New South Wales, Australia, You are wating forthe next train to Sydney to arrive at the platform. The train leaves Newcastle at 18.30 and the journey takes 3 hours, You are at a bus stop in Paris. You are waiting for the next bus to the Louvre ‘museum. You do not know What time the next bus is, bt you know that there is a bus every 20 minutes. I's number 212. You can buy @ ticket from the driver. CHOICES Unit 1 See the world 2 Usteningseript os eating et fom ug €7 © tistening script o2 Language sty Ex rm page 68 @ Listening script 03, PeRBEe Be BY Op DON & weeo g on 9+ nene = ar A tcker 1 Oxford, please Sing or ree? Return, please That £15.98. The next ain eaves {or platform so in 20 inate "Thank you Bxcute mei thie the ight stop for Blackheath? ‘Yes is You can tak the number 54 ‘the numer 89 ‘Thank you, When's the next bus? Tn sbout 10 minutes, Think case me which gate does the Aight to Warsw leave from? Gate 26, That's in terminal 2. “Tank ou ‘Becute myths dhe righ placorm forthe tin to Brit? Yes itis “Thank you, And when does the tain arrive in Bria? [Atal pasts Victoria, please Here you ate “Thani ou. How long does the bus take to get there? ‘About half an hour. But depends on ‘he wai, (Can se your passport please? Here you ae Here’ your boarding pas. Your sear, Inyow 20, next tothe window Ts the plane oa time? Yes eis You cam board at gate 14 venty mines © stoning script 1 2 3 A ticket 1 Oxford plese "Bxcure moi this the rght sop for ‘Blaceath? When's the next bas? ‘Which gate dos the fight to Wares leave fom? 1s thie the ight platform for the train ‘0 Bristol? ‘When does the usin ative in Bristol? How long does the bus take to get there? 1s he plan on ime? istening scripts Unit 2 Market place © Listening serit 05 (T=Tanya, $= mle sian) s: aes es en r s ‘Good aftenoon. Can Thep you? Yoru please want to buy 2 digital Have you got any particular camera in mint No, not ell What would you recommend? ‘Wel, thet depends, How much do you vant w spend? Not more than about £10. (OK. And what do you want it for? ‘Well ake on holiday to ake photos st parses — tat Kind of thing Right This Snapshot isa aice He model Ie comes with «512MB, ‘memory cir Fora good auaity camera it relly fet expensive at 115998. ‘ee, What about that one oer there? “The one that costs £38. [Ah yes The Quickiick a good ‘amern too and fs on offer at £99. Tee bi bigger and aver than the ‘Seapsot, butt takes beer quality pictures Is itlificl to une? Wel, gs abit more dial to use than the Snapshot. The Snapshots fully automatic and is very eat t0 (Can Thave a look at hem? Yes of coure, Lok the Quicklick has gota larger Seren than the Sapo. ts gota smaller memory card though. Only 64MB You can buy more memory, ofcourse, but is rather expensive sce Wel think Pi go on looking “Thank you very much amy. You welcome Have's nce day tistening script 06 Reding tex om pe 73 Unit 3 Outdoor life ©) Ustening script o7 ain before seven, ine before eleven, _Erening ret and moring re, are sure sans oa fin ds. [Evening grey and morning ed, put on your hato youl wet your head Res sky a ight, shepherds’ datighe ‘When spiders weave their webs By noon, fae weathers coming soon Fs war before «storm, 2 Ustening seit 08 edge om pe ©) Ustening script 09 1 (Gcod afermcon rm th Marcin Sum in ols say re sy forth fnendy atch between ro pet {etl teas pet and Bra Pre’ ‘Stone wt bwin in fom tenor Sadie rng ta eve wating fo terse cp oto he ih od or rion 2 This is Christine Wakil herein Sydney, {oe dhe Davis Cup semifinals I's good sy for tennis today 1s arr but clouds fad ight breeze bowing. Tats good news for tennis fans. Over to court one there te young mined doubles pai rom elas are ast going into the second set. a Tn sory say thats a bad day here forthe siers a the Winter Olympics. 1's soning and the slopes are covered in fog Unless things clear within the nex hour, it looks asi today’s races wil he called of ‘Gooud morning rom this year's Grand Prix fn Budapest. Akhough the race doesa't ‘tart 12, crowd ee lead arriving in the boding sun. 1s extremely hot her, ‘wth temperatres op in the high 50s, Unit 4 Advances © Listening script 10 = presenter, R= porter, =Tony, P. This moeth on Adeuacr we've celebrating the wonderfl world of inven in Serios of programmes. Our reporter, Nicky Moody, as Been asking number of Brash ventors about the favourite nd least favourite ne aveations This ‘wee she spoke to Tony Brians and Annette Wizon, Ty works inthe research and development department ofa Well ‘nown music publishing company, and Annette an inventor for an iterations ‘setonice fm. Thnk you for finding the ime to tk wo us today, Tom: Whar your favourite new ‘Without s doub, for me ifs my iPod 1 Jove T have age collection of cords snd CDs- and I dont know sere to put ‘rm. Nowe ll my msi son m Pa ant Tan tke i everywhere with re. tase ot in sy ob 0 thats pret The only problem stat ast year ~ by mistake ~ 1 ‘nped all the muse off the memos. ook me three months to put talon again. I've 0026 days of listening on this iPod, you Eoow 1: Thank su Tomy. Now: Annet, could you tell me about your east favourite modern Ar My last favourite invention. OF course ha easy If the emote conta for the TV — forall sre of reson. My Inusand loves watching sports 0 1 doa. And when want to change the ‘canal, can never ind the remote {contol because my husband lays hides Abo, he sometimes watches TV al day tnd he doesn't getup even once to change {he chan nal that time. Tes a terible Nowy before we hear more from Annette snd Tony remember we're ano inreted Inoue sence To tell ws your ‘pinion, goto our web a he us dares, thas worldadjadrances.ak and ©) Ustening septs. ise, mi compee (ee orth ee od one emote, mor cnl fen sme ak care eras per Ao abot hoses leon, oy fou msie enon 1 Ustening script 2 Reading fom as 89 LISTENING SCRIPTS Unit 5 Review ©) istening sept 3 IWS Lg eo fee fear mache cm ret aeree castes re Se tment outs Tred doe at Satie vie mtaner cneirsle Eley cvaytingm we ov ng va Ta ae es ta ie ef ores br cor prec one awed Se Tram ola by wico Wo Warf srt ‘lal te cde toi income Ui cel enales tay escemea ed seidewt of gd ivan ee¥a7 tat de rpc fr ie Tremont te pery Mes my Sco, The whol wan wes fall den, age oo okt catia wee Sloe thew we 10 ows anasto ee pete te hoy ae Cironfr bine wre dow te Th hl wm ey bent the wethe i Gore ealaasbe Beeld Cdtend windy Iori A re soon Suchen ven wastes te {Sul fd alr of seon Decora eoay erat Oras aS Loaaheee rasan eee santo) tees at clin Ldn foe eee hegeecieagial teed ees it rmerer we ef papeeheegr ey TEAL ln wes fy pre pepper ap eter we mad Repo tober aceinione “hart end oy pact had ore piu ws tock al wes of ure Seen tk sbut ale ng at Fecceni yi ent con eis @ Listening script 14 Song from page 4 CHQICES ‘ ommunication activities Student B Unit 4, Speaking Ex 1 page 69 You are waiting at a bus stop ‘You work for Thal Airways 4 Read the rolecards. Your partner will for te next bis © Steen iis "yids heeded Paki Condon Te ues Shediac at esp sat the conesatons Len and eve Co Syanereyssmines, | checking sensi See The fone takes about hal forte next Tha Aways anhour depending the Might ang nes : : taticAsigeiretcots | fomagtesp ata. A * Stato you wane tokon nach = Pisa esas en situation? Act out the conversations with ine Rete 7, toy to Bangkok. your partner. Start each conversation with ‘Excuse me, Unit 2, Speaking Ex 1 page 73 41 Your teacher will give you a number. Read about your new product 1. Sleeping drink: this fizzy drink tastes like lemonade and helps you sleep at night - or any time during the day when you need a rest. 2 Magazine on a water bottle: take off the label from this new brand of bottled. water and you find a 32-page magazine under it. Its about fashion, health and beauty. 3. Pass your exam pills: these pills contain vitamins and minerals which are ‘good for your memory. Take one pill a day and pass all your exams, 4. Exercise in your sleep: for people with no time to go to the gym. You wear this exercise suit instead of pyjamas. As you sleep, the suit exercises your muscles. 2 Complete the notes about your product and decide why your company should make it. Example: Product description: body cream What’ it for? to make hair grow Why sit good new product? * i's cheap and natural + your new hair keeps you warm in winter + your new hair protects your skin from the sun + with full body hat, you don't need to buy clothes 3. Present your product to your group. Decide on the best new product. Each group can only chose one new product. rr a a | A Coursebook with Additional An interactive ATeacher’s Book three 15-hour teaching ‘Coursebook CD-ROM with games, with comprehensive modules, each with four resources with ‘extra practice, and notes, teaching tips, appealing units and a 12 pages of ‘Common European photocopiable test and review unit. extra practice, and Framework (CEF) resource material, helpful Grammar linked activities. full CEF mapping and A Class CD set with a reference and student portfolio variety of carefully graded Wordlist sections. checklists. listening material. ALA2 ie rroaee

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