Journal of Borderland Research 1970 - 09

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VOLUME XXVI - No. 5 Round Robin SEPT-OOT 1970 The deournal of Berderland fteseareh TABLE OF CONTENTS THE SILVER GHOST MINES OF THE poste By John R. Elsom. . . . . alley eA Soe hh THE MAGNET AS A HEALER By Dr. A.K. Bhattacharya... ...... 5-12 "CALL ME DURIN" Through Channel Joan Dixon... ..... 128-15 WORD OF GOD EXPLAINS NEGATIVE FIRE By the Hon. S. Shuttleworth... ... +. 16-17 AN INITIATE AT WORK. By Maurice Barbanell and Riley Crabb. . . 18 - 24 CLIPS, QUOTES & CONMENTS A Slippery Business For Average Person, Six Killed John Kennedy, Oswald and Ruby Bed Mates?!, Jerusalem The International City of Peace, The Bravest Man Tn Washing- ton, Nader's Raiders Take On Banks, Passing Is Easy, We Are Under Surveillance, The World-Wide UFO Grid, Project Magnet, Bridge Girder Explodes, The Adelaide 1970 Conven- tion, UFO Mat and Demat, Meade Layne On The Ethers, One Answer To Cancer, A Prayer For Babies, The Five Rites Do eee The Sun-Moon Magnet Whizzie . . . S525 36) THE JOURNAL OF BORDERLAND RESEARCH BSRA No. 1: Published by Borderlard Sciences Research Foundation, Inc., PO Box 548, Vista, California 92083, U.d.A. Edited by the Director, Riley Hansard Crabb, Doctor of Metaph in the Society of St. Luke the Physician. ics The Journal is published six issues a year, vith the assistance of the Associates, at the Director's hore, 1103 Bobolink Drive, Vista. It 16 mimeographed, 36 pages an issue. The Foundation wes incor- porated under California law, May 21, 1951, #254263, and has been in continuous existence since then. Address all correspondence to the PO box, The Journal is included in the association membership of $6 a year. Single copies of the Journal are $1.00. If you dont care to join you may receive the Journal by donating $6 or more a year to the Foundation. The Director's wife, Mrs. Judith Crabb, 1s office manager. PURPOSES OF BSRA: This 18 4 non-profit organization of people who take an active interest in unusual happenirgs along the borderlani between the visible ard invisible vorids. In the words of the late Meade Layne, founder ani director of BSRA from 1946 to 1959: "BSRA publications are scientific in approach but employ few technical expressions. They deal with significant phenomena which orthodox science cannot or will not investigate. For example: the Fortean falls of objects from the sky, Teleporta- tion, Radiesthesia, Pk Effects, Underground Races, Mysterious Dis- appearances, Occult ani Psychic Phenomena, Photography of the In- visible, Nature of the Ethers ani the problem of the Aeroforms (Fly- ing Saucers). In the year 1946 BSRA obtained an interpretation of the phenomena which has since come to be mown as the Etheric or 4-D Interpretation, and which has not been radically altered since that time. This continues to be the only explanation which makes 00d sclence, sound metaphysics and common sense." The chief present concern of the Fourdation 1s to make this kind of unusual information available as a public service at reasonable cost Headquarters acts as a receiving, coordinating and distributing center, An important part of the Director's work is to give recog- nition, understanding and encouragement to people who are having unusual experiences of the borderland type and/or are conducting research in one or nore of the above fields. For consultation on dorderland problems, or for Spiritual Healing through prayer, write or phone (714-724-2543) for help op for an appointment. Donations toward Foundation research programs and expenses are welcome. The 20-page list of BSRA publications was revised March 1968, It 4s available from Headquarters for 50¢ in coin or stamps. Listings and prices of Mr. Crabb's tape-recorded lectures on borderland sub- jects are included. Write to BSRA, PO Box 548, Vista, Cel. 92083. Bae, ot THE SILVER GHOST MINES OF THE WEST, AND HOW THEY Gon THAT WAY From “Lightning Over The Treasury Building" By John R. Elson (Soon after your BSRA Director and Mrs. Crabb arrived on the mainland from Havaii in 1957, he went to work in the Industrial Relations Office of the Marine Corps Supply Center in Barstow, Cal- ifornia A few miles to the northeast’ in the colorful Calico moun- tains was the ghost town of Calico, site of several prosperous sil- ver mines in the late Nineteenth Century. Like any other eager tourists, we visited the place several times while living ard work- ing in Barstow, on the high desert, but we could never get a satis- factory ansver from anyore as to why the mines closed down; for ap- parently plenty of silver is still there in the ground for the tak- ing. Several years later, in reading Chapter VII of John Bleon's book, we found the answer and here it is. Hope you enjoy it!) Silver Demonetized. During the period in which the bankers, by the Powers given them by the National Banking Act of 1863, were collap- sing the currency of the Nation from $50.46 percapita down to $1h, 60, they were scheming another method whereby the people could be further impoverished and the bankers' control strengthened. In 1816, in England, the Rothschilds had succeeded in having silver demonetized as a base upon which currency could be issued. Gold vas made the only base for the issuance of paper money. They and their stooges in America decided, in 1872, to have silver de- monetized in the United States, Tnis vas desirable to the Roths- childs because England had very little silver, but much gold, while America had much silver and very little gold. The bankers on both sides of the Atlantic knew: that so long as currency was based on silver in America they could not obtain absolute control of the morey systen in this Nation. (Ard silver money does not pay inter- est to the bankers! RHC.) ‘They laid their plans in a most subtle manner. They sent paid emissaries to America with vast amounts of money with whigh to bribe the right persons in Congress. In 1873 a harmless looking Bill, entitled "A Bill to Reform Coinage and Mint Laws" was introduced. It vas a voluminous document. Much verbiage concealed the meaning of its contents. The title itself, as intended, vas most misleading. The Bill vas sponsored by Senator John Sherman, who -- you will remember -- figured in a banker's letter in the preceding chapter, Sept-Oct 1970 RR, Page 2 and by Congressman Samuel Hooper. According to the Congressional Record, Senator Sherman said: "T rise for the purpose of moving the Senate to proceed to the consideration of the Mint Bill. I will state that this Bill will Probably not consume any more time than it takes to read it. It Passed the Senate two years ago, after a full debate. It vas taken up in the present House and passed there. It is a matter of vital interest to the governvent, and I am informed it should pass promptly.” After a short debate, in which Sherman assured the Representa- tives that the Bill only affected the manner in which silver should be coined in the government mint, it vas passed without a dissenting vote. Tt was not until three years later that the full import of the bill was realized. Je peeved to bee cenouttagea le - monetize silver so that currency in the Nation ea je further Reape ace cankars gain tore complete control of our money system. It was, perhaps, the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on Americans, the for reaching resulte of vhich ve vill consider shortly. General Brant, who, as President, signed the Bill, stated, after the fraud had been discovered, that he had signed the document without reading it on the representation that it was merely a Dill to reform coinage and mint lavs, and had no intimation that it de- monetized silver. According to the Congressional Record, none but the menbers of the Comaittee which introduced the Bill understood its meaning. To what pover, or influence, was the Committee subjected that those composing it should becoue traitors to the high office they held ard to the people whom they reprenented? Ernest Seyd -- a supposed authority on the coining of money, and a representative of the Bank of Englami -- was sent by that Bank (to America) in the winter of 1872- with 100,000 pounds sterling in his pocket. He had the authority to drav on the Bank for as much more a8 was required to accomplish the Bank's objective, He was invited to sit with the Committee and to offer his assistance in the drafting of the Bill "To Reform Coinage and Mint Laws". According to his own statement, made to his friend, Mr. Pred- erick A. Luckenbach, of Denver, Colorado -- who under oath has given us the story -- he said: “I saw the Committee of the House and Sen- ate and paid the money and stayed in America until I knew the meas- ure vas safe.” Congressman Samuel Hooper, vhen introducing the Bill in the House on April 9, 1872, stated: "Mr. Ernest Seyd, of London, a dis- tinguished writer, vho has given great attention to the subject of mints and coinage, after examining the firet draft of the Bill, fur- Bished many valuable suggestions vnich have been incorporated in the Bill." (Congressional Globe, april 9, 1672.) Sept-Oct 1970 RR, Page 2 ‘Thus ve see that this representative of Rothschild's Bank -- the Bank of England -- Mr. Ernest Seyd, did not. only supply the cash motive for this Nation's representatives to sell the Nation dovn the river, but he also furnished a liberal portion of: crafti- ness while the Bill vas being drafted. To even the casual obser- ver it is quite obvious that the banking institutions of America are but subsidiary branches of the notorious Bank of Englend and that the combined unscrupulous, unpatriotic and undemocratic bank- ing fraternity, operating as they do -- outside and above the lav spare masters: of industry, trate and comerce, and lords of the universe SATAN'S FALLEN ANGELS AT WORK When the people's representatives got around to reading the enacted Bill to Reform Coinage and Mint Lews, they found that the "Crime of 1873" had been committed. Silver had been demonetized in Anerica =~ and with what tragic results! It was not until 1878 that the bankers had the nerve to show their hand by beginning to exercise their privileges under the Act -- the destruction of mon- ey -- but when they began, they prosecuted their maniacal job with Satanic zeal, In 1878 the per capita currency in circulation was withdrawn and deatroyed from $14,60 down to $11.23, This resulted in 10,478 Dusiness failures and multitudinous property foreclosures. In 18- 79 the issuance of coin by Congress brought the circulating medium up to $12.65, which reduced failures from the preceding year to 6,658. But in 1882 the hideous program of bringing the Nation to its knees so it could be delivered into the hands of the money- creating, interest-taking, mortgage-foreclosing Shylocks was re- newed and prosecuted vith fiendish determination and skill. During the next five years (1882-1687), the per capita money in circulation was reduced from a meagre $12.65 to $6.67. During the 14 years in vhich money was being destroyed under the Bill "Zo Reform Coinage ard Mint Laws", (1878-1892), there were no fewer than 148,703 business failures in the Nation -- an average of 9, 986 annually, with the resultant profits to the Bankers, through the acquiring of those properties, together with a proportionately greater number of farms ard homes. (Now we can see how and why English "investments" in America had reached the staggering total of over $24 billion by World Wer II, picked up cheap by foreclo- sures and banker-created depressions since 1872. And all of these ill-gotten gains were blown avay in the mortal struggle to save England from capture by the Germans. RHC.) Although business vas ham-strung by the shortage of money, high interest rates and high taxes, and although unemployment was general, vith the vages of the few who worked extremely low and hours long, the avaricious money masters were not yet satisfie Their object then was the same as nov -- the absolute control the Nation, On March 11, 1893, the American Bankers’ Association Issued fts famous (or infamous} panic circular of 1893. It was ad- Sept-Oct 1970 RR, Page 3 Gressed to all bankers and read as follows: "Dear Sir: The interest of the National Banks requires immediate financial legialetion by Congress. Silver certificates and Treasury notes must be retired, and National Bank notes upon a gold basis made the only money. This will require the authorization of new bonds in the amount of $500,000,000 to $1,000,000,000, as the basis Gf olnculation= You wil2 at, ohog. retire one-third of ‘your eireula- tion and call one-half your loans, Be careful to create a mone: stringency among your Gannon .- Eaeetaaie “among influential buei- hess men, The nike of the National Banks, as fixed and safe invest- ments, depends upon immediate action as there is an increasing sen- | timent in favor of government legal tender notes and silver coinage. The command was obeyed immediately and implicitly. Loans were called. The ordered money stringency was created and the "Panic of 1893" was on The great Commoner and Statesman, William Jennings Bryen, fought desperately for the free coinage of silver at a ratio of sixteen ounces of silver to one of gold -- but the people, under the influence of their bankers (who they foolishly did not suspect of treason), refused to be enlightened on the money racket. His vas a voice "crying in the wildernesa", and he was crucified on a cross of gold. From Judge P.E. Gardner's book, "Our Money System" -- which contains a wealth of valuable information -- I quote the following: “The money trust knows no Ged but Mammon. It declares alle- glance to no country. It capes not who are elected to office so long as it creates the money and regulates the value thereof." (From the Fifth Edition, Copyright 1941, of John R. Elsom's "Lightning Over The Treasury Bullding", Meador Publishing Company, Boston, Massachusetts. ) a tote In a previous edition of the Journal we noted that the Prime Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi, had begun to nationalize the privately owned and operated “natinnal" banks of India. Now a South American nation, Peru, 1s going even further. In the LA "Times" for June 28, 1970 we read: "Even in the present (earthquake) emergency, however, the military leaders have not lost sight of their goals. Less than two weeks after the quake, Gen. Francisco Morales Bermudez, the minister of finance and economy, took over the nation's second largest bank as the second phase of a sweeping re- form program. The first step had come late in May with strict new controls on foreign exchange dealings. The government 1s now deep- ly involved in bankirg and credit. . ." ‘These dedicated and patriotic political leaders know that there can be no permanent solution to the economic and social problems of their nations until control of money and credit 1s in the hands of those who represent the people. ‘The draining off of wealth into alien and foreign hands must be stopped. Sept-Oct 1970 RR, Page 4 ‘THE MAGNET AS A HEALER By Dr. A.K. Bhattacharya The Greeks had a word for 1t! It was Magnesetos (or Lithos meaning stone), the stone of Magnesia in Lydia. Legend has it that @ sheperd called Magnets (or Magnus) discovered that a piece of rock, Known as loadstone, had a strong attraction for his iron crook. That was 2500 years ago! As early as 800.B.C., the loadstone was known to the Greeks; hence ve find a mention of it in works by Homer, Aristotle, Plato ard others. How well advanced was the knowledge of the ancient Greeks in these matters is evident from De Rerum Natura (On The Na- ture Of Things), considered as one of the greatest philosophical poems of antiquity, written by Titus Lucretius Carus (96-55 B.C. a contemporary of the great Essene Teacher of Righteousness and heal- er, Jehoshua). The poem explained all phenonena rationally and selentifically, as being subject to natural law and order. It vas in this poem that Lucretius explained that the loadstone could sup- port a chain of little rings, each adhering to the one above it, thus indicating that in those ancient days, the phenomenon of man- netisation by induction vas known. This knowledge of the ancients about the properties of the mag- net remained dormant for centuries. The therapeutic uses of the Magnet had gone out of vogue as modern medicine and surgery advanced, However, the ancient "know-how" about the therapeutic uses of the is being resurrected and revised with expectations of increasing the use of the magnet as a healer. The magnet offers relief from so many aches and pains and vari- ous diseases, at the minimum of cost, without any harmful side ef- fects. The purpose of this brochure is to interest the physician in the therapeutic values of the magnet; so that he may add the mag- ret to his existing ermamentarium as an useful adjunct. We all know that the Earth is a buge magnet and it is radiating the magnetic energy to all things; human and animal -- and, of the plant life. Even the ebb and tide at sea are governed by this prin- ciple. Man is composed of billions of cells, each of which is an electrical unit in itself. These cells vibrate or oscillate at specific frequencies, picking up their rates from the atmosphere. Every human body discharges static electricity. It varies from one human bedy to another. Dry hair on the head which has just been pomaded can yield sparks when combed; or, the comb may be so charged as to pick up tiny fluffs of paper, like a magnet! A human body can act as an aerial to receive more powerful wireless signals by putting one's hend on the aerial socket. With these preliminaries, the povers poswessed by a magnet for healing may be looked into. Sept-Oct 1970 RR, Page 5 DESTROYING THE HEAD OF THE VIRUS Philippus Aureclus Paracelsus (1493-1541) the Swiss alchemist and physician has said thus about the magnet: ", , . there are qual- ities ina magnet. . . and, one of thesequalities 1s that the magnet leo attracts all martial humours that are in the human system." He goes on to explain: "Martial diseases are such as are caused by auras coming and expanding from a centre outvards, and at the same time holding on to their centres; in other vords, such as originate from a certein place, ani extend their influence without leaving the place from which they originate. In such cases, the magnet should be laid upon the centre; and then it will attract the diseased sura towards the centre, and circumseribe and localise the disease, until the latter may be reabsorbed into its centre, and thereby, we may destroy the head of the virus and cure the patient, and we need Not wait idly to see what Nature will do. "The magnet, therefore, 1s specially useful in all inflammations in fluxes and ulcerations, in diseases of the bovels and uterus, in internal as vell as external diseases. The above observations made by Paracelsus centuries ago are true even today. It is the bounden duty of physicians to invesigate the claims made by Paracelsus and others. A surprising variety of curative powers and other properties are attributed to the loadstone, It 1s said that the loadstone with honey is a purgative nedicine and helps elimination of faecal mt- ter. It 18 also believed that a magnet can drav out pain from the body when properly applied. The magnet 1s also recommended as an amulet for headaches, It was also believed that vounds inflicted with weapons that had been magnetised caused no pain. The magnet vas also considered as a cure for gout, dropsy and hernia. Magnets vere used for healing purposes in ancient Egypt, China and other countries. At that time, users of magnets did not know wyy in some cases there vere aggravations -- or side effects -~ from the use of magnets; and hence gradually the use of magnets came into disfavour, Today ve are more advanced than our forefathers and can ansver many pugzling questions which remained obscure to them. It is found from experience that the two poles of a magnet act in op- posite ways. The north pole controls bacterial action; the south pole trans- mits energy, Many experiments have been made to determine the pro- perties of the two poles individually and collectively. In the pa- ges that follow some of the healing characteristics of magnets which were discovered and extablished as a result of experiments, are laid bare. First, the effects recorded in animal controls, from the use of both poles, are to be seen. In experimental research, using white mice, it was noted that when sores -- white growths in the eyes of the mice were exposed to the radiations of the south pole, Sept-Oct 1970 RR, Page 6 the sores grew worse and the eyes*vere more infected. The reason was that the south pole being the energy-giving pole, the bacteria ee st and hence the sores spread and the infection in- creased. CONTROL BY THE NORTH POLE But, when the north pole was applied, it was found that the Sores healed up rapidly and the eye condition also improved. This was also noticed when the white mice were implanted with cancer cells. The south pcle spread the cancer cells; whereas, the north killed the cells and healed the area. This also applied to skin vashes, skin disordera and other kinds of infection, The north pole controls bacterial action, kills or renders ineffective the cancer cells, tumours, sores and skin rashes -- and these seem to die off within a week or two, Dr. Harold S$. Alexander, of the North American Aviation Corp- gration Missile Division, has made the following observation. "Mice lose malignancy and increase their life span in treatment with mag- nets. Mice live up to 45% longer than other mice, after they have been treated and subjected to certain types of magnetic fields; and, cancerous mice lose their malignant growth after similar treat- went." To prove this point, Dr. alexander provides photographs of two mice from the same litter, which had reached an age equivalent of 90 years in humans. The one which had lived for a while ina mag- Retic field appeared only about one-third as old as the other. Several leading cancer researchers are already pursuing the experiments poineered by Dr, Jene Barnothy, Hungarian physicist, now working in Chicago. Thomas R. Henry reports: "Magnetic fields, it has been found, inhibit rapidly dividing cells." This has raised the prospect of an entirely new method of treating cancers. Mice kept for weeks between the poles of an electromagnet shoed a greatly increased rejection of any transplants of malignant cells and almost complete inhibition of spontaneous breast tumours. This advance has been reported by Medical World News, chiefly on the basis of work reported by the Biomagnetic Research Fourdation of Chicago. Adenocarcinomas from a British strain were implanted into a strain of Swiss mice. The transplant was rejected by five out of six magnetised mice where sixteen controls died. Forty mammary glad cancers vere transplanted into forty host animals of the same strain. Twenty non-magnetic controls vere dead within a month; mag- netised animals remained alive much longer. The ext group of experiuents involved mice vith spontaneous tumours. Control animals all died within 50 days after the carcin- oma first appeared. The magnetised animals vere all alive 80 days afterwards. When the magnetic field was stopped however, the cancer started to grow again, and all the subjects died vithin a month. Some more research results an animals are also very interesting and Sept-Oct 1970 RR, Page 7 they give an indication of future research on human beings. CURING A BRAIN TUMOR A dog was brought which could not walk. The hind legs were dragging when the dog attempted to walk. It waa felt that a brain tumour or growth was pressing on the dog's brain which resulted in thie condition. A small bar magnet was taken and the north pole was taped on the dog's head for five minutes in the morning and for five minutes in the evening, Ina veek's time, the dog was walking and running about without any sign of his former affliction. The above case was reported by Dr. Albert Roy Davis of Green Cove Springs Florida, U.S.A. The experimental results obtained were remarkable. $0, these experiments gave a clue to.the physicians to experiment on human beings Now for the purposes of such treatment, a bar magnet is used. The science of treating with the tvo poles of a magnet is known as Blomagnetics. Whenever erergy is to be supplied to a person, the South pole of the magnat is to be used; and, where the action has to be restricted, the north pole 1s to be used. This is the basic law of Biomagnetics When the South Pole of the Horse Shoe Magnet is to be applied on the surface of any part of the body and if it 1s to be kept for some time then the North Pole of the Magnet should be taped (covered) before application. If Bar Magnet is to be applied then the South ote. ey wie Bani ie as may Fe required should be held on the af~ ected part by another person (Or suspended by string from an over- hanging shelf or lamp. RHC). This is because the circuit should not be completed by the applicant. Bar N Magret ©, An elderly lady had arthri- 8 hy tic pain in the smell] fin- ims da ger of her right hand and she could not bend her finger. The South Pole of the magnet was applied for ten minutes and to the ourprise of the lady, the pain was completely gone and she could fold the finger without any pain. Another lady had a severe toothache which kept her awake at night and no analgesic helped to relieve the pain. The south pole was applied from the outside for fifteen minutes and the pain was relieved immediately. Dr. K.2. Maclean, M.D,, of New York City, hes been using strong magnetic fields in the treatment of advanced cancer cases as reported by Joseph F. Gocdavage in "Fate" magazine (July 1964}, Results are said to be rewarkable. Dr. Maclean at 64 is said to Sept@dct 1970 RR, Page 8

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