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Marta Tarazona

Carmen Escudero
Marina Vendrell
Macarena de la Puerta


Assignment 1
1. Choose a story to be told to children aged 2-8.
The story that we have chosen is Brown bear, brown bear what do
you see? .
2. What pre-telling activities can you think of? See Carol Reads
book, section I-Listening, Speaking. Pronunciation. Choose an
activity from the book. Adapt it. Explain.
With this book we want to focus and teach about the colours and the
animals that appear in the story. For this we thought of different pretelling activities that can be used in class with the students.
Activity 1: Abracadabra!
With this game we want to teach our students about the animals. The
aim of this game is to show understanding through mime and
physical response. No material is needed.
The procedure is the following; in first place we will have to teach the
children simple mime to go with the familiar vocabulary such as
animals. For example, for bird we shack our arms, for duck children
make a beak with their hands.
We will call the students attention with a magic wand and a magic
hat while we are explaining that we are witches and that we are going
to make spells to change the children into different animals.
The spell will be:
Abracadabra! Listen to me!
Youre a..!
One! Two! Three!
So the children will have to mime the animal that the teacher chose.
Activity 2: Pass the secret!
With this game we want to teach our students how to pronounce the
name of the animals or the colours that appear in the story. In fist
place, the teacher will have some flashcards, showing the different
type of animals that they will find in the book. As well, the teacher
can use the flashcards for showing them the different colours so that
they can revise them and learn then.
The aim of this game is to listen to and whisper the vocabulary words
that we had previously shown them with the flashcards. With this

game they will show their understanding by responding to words

taking turns following a prescribed order. No material is needed.
The procedure is the following:
First we will get the children to sit in a circle. We will explain and
demonstrate that the child should whisper the vocabulary word next
to them clockwise, and so on round the circle. We will start
whispering to one child a vocabulary word that we had practiced
before. We will emphasize that the word must be kept as secret as
3. Post-teaching. What vocabulary will you reinforce? How? See
Carol Reads book, sections 2 & 3. Choose and adapt 2
activities suitable for the post-teaching.
Activity 1: Get into groups!
The aim of this activity is getting students to recognize a certain
vocabulary word that might be shown in flashcards with how its said
the word.
The teacher will collocate in the floor of the class different coloured
papers. The teacher will say aloud a colour name and the students
will have to run forming groups on top of the right colour.
Activity 2: Brown Bear straw toppers
We thought about including a craft so that the students could elaborate in
class. We thought about making some puppets with straws. They would
make the characters of the story, the different animals with their own
They were fun to make, and they will have a great time retelling the story
with them. Because nothing brings a story to life, more than puppets.
The procedure was very easy. We will cut craft foam into the desired shapes
and then cut little slits for the straw to fit into such like this:

We took the pictures from the following blog:
Activity 3: Brown bear, brown bear what do you see song!

We propose the Brown bear, brown bear song for concluding our
lesson. Its a very fun way to review the vocabulary and the story we
had read before. The students like to sing always and its a great
opportunity for revising all the vocabulary we had thought before.

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