Lesson Plan Subjects: English&Chemistry

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Subjects: English&Chemistry

Topic: Water in nature.

Lesson aims.
General aims:
Students get to know the role of water in nature and name the physical properties of water.
Operational aims:
- describe physical states in which water is present in nature,
- list the types and incidence of natural waters
- discuss processes of the water cycle,
- explains the importance of the water cycle,
- explain why ice floats on water,
- explain the impact of the physical properties of water on the environment, eg. increasing
the volume of water during freezing.
- know the water consumption in the household,
- understands the need to save water

Didactic resources:
Interactive whiteboard, worksheets for the groups of students.

Methods of teaching:
Discussion, practical exercises, experiment, communicative method.

Whole class, individual, pair and group work.

Lesson stages:
1. Introduction:
What is water?
What is its chemical composition?

2. The main part:

1. The teacher puts on the table the teacher beaker with water and gives the students the
Give physical properties of water:
physical state -

color -

smell -

boiling temperature -

melting temperature -

density -

2. The teacher puts a few ice cubes into a beaker with water.
- Explaining the phenomenon of ice floating on the water.
- Discussing the impact of the physical properties of water on the environment.

3. The teacher displays the scheme. The students name the processes.

3. Kinds of natural waters - presenting pictures.

- Reservoirs (ocean, sea, lake, pond);
- Glaciers;

- Atmospheric water;
- Groundwater;
- Water in living organisms;
- The water of crystallization.

4. Circulation of water in nature filling the scheme and discussing it.


5. Final part:
Tips how to save water: https://voicethread.com/share/6480068/
6. Homework
Writing an essay describing ways of saving water at home.

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