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Calm Before Another Global Market Storm Cooper ’…And given just how

far this market appears to be manipulated it will have to be the bank trading
desks who decide to put on their short positions and catch the rest of the
market snoozing. Market timing How long will that take? If only we knew.
But being positioned away from a crash is more sensible than being in the
middle of it, unless you go short too. Realistically this should not take too
much longer. We know from past crashes like the one seen in 2008-9 that a
rally is followed by a sharp correction, and the longer the rally the sharper
should be the correction. When the bank trading desks have killed every
short then they will go short and kill the bulls. It will not be a pretty sight.’

Approaching a Soft Patch in the Economic Road Hansen ‘…The CFNAI and
the USAIP show declining February numbers and blame the results on
weather. I have argued that weather is not a problem. Please see February
Economic Data Enters the Bermuda Triangle and Fed Composite Index:
Where Down Is Up. My belief is that the economic recovery's rate of
improvement will begin to slow. This recovery is a predictable bounce
which occurs following economic bottoming, and is due to inventory
depletion, pent-up demand, rationalization, and efficiency / productivity
improvements. And there is no evidence the economy is building a head of
steam to rocket out of our current depression. This economic bounce has
not filtered down to Joe – this is a Wall Street recovery. The Wall Street
recovery is an improvement on terrible recessionary data. We will remain
deep inside of a debt depression which will last many years. We continue
to watch the crisis unfolding in southern Europe as these countries
struggle for fiscal control, while the vast majority of our States contract
fiscally to match income to expenditures. The southern European fiscal
crisis will cause GDP contraction in the affected countries which will spill
over to the rest of Europe – as well as trading partners such as the USA.
But anyone who suggests they understand what the fallout from Greece or
the rest of southern Europe will be is delusional. The range of plausible
possibilities range from little or no effect to another depressionary liquidity
crisis. Because we see this danger, the most likely scenario is that there
will be little or no effect – but the uncertainty will weigh on bond and equity
markets. Our debt crisis is coming to another pivot point this month as the
Federal Reserve's intrusion into the market to keep credit moving and
interest rates lower is ending…’

Four Lenders Shuttered as US Bank Failures Reach 41 This Year

BusinessWeek - Phil Mattingly March 27 (Bloomberg) -- Four banks in
Georgia, Florida and Arizona were shut down by regulators, bringing
the total for the year to 41 as smaller lenders are pressured by bad
loans tied to commercial real estate. Key West Bank, 3 other banks
closed Regulators Shut Four Banks New York
Times Massive Deficits, Debt Overhang and Rising Bond Yields
Asian Currencies Decline for Week on Euro Region Debt
Concerns BusinessWeek - Yumi Teso, Bob Chen March 27
(Bloomberg) -- Asian currencies declined this week, led by the
Singapore dollar and South Korean won, as discord among
leaders in European nations on how to solve Greece's debt woes
curbed investor appetite for ... Video: Leaders Say Eurozone
Plan to Stabilize Euro The Associated Press Video: Leaders
Say Eurozone Plan to Stabilize Euro The Associated Press
Greek Aid Agreement Takes Heat Off Euro Wall Street Journal

JPMorgan, Lehman, UBS Named in Bid-Rigging Conspiracy JPMorgan

Chase & Co., Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and UBS AG were
among more than a dozen Wall Street firms involved in a conspiracy
to pay below-market interest rates to U.S. state and local governments
on investments, according to documents filed in a U.S. Justice
Department criminal antitrust case. The Federal Reserve as a
Confidence Game

Senile greenspan Discusses The Fed’s Inability To See Bubbles, Is

Confident There Is A “Bubble Waiting To Burst In China” The old pot
calls the kettle black and managed to run away from the old folks’
bent on monetary destruction home just long enough to carry this
amusing interview with Bloomberg TV’s Al Hunt.

Go to following pages for above links:

AT&T sees $1 billion healthcare related charge AT&T Inc (T.N) said on
Friday it would record a $1 billion non-cash charge for the current
quarter related to the new U.S. health care reform law, as lawmakers
called on the company and three other large employers to testify
about expected cost hikes. Flashback: House Speaker Pelosi admits
JAIL is fair for not buying health insurance – 11-9-09 During a press
conference at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, Nancy Pelosi skirted
a surprise question, twice. The questions pertained to 5-year jail terms
and $250,000 fines for those refusing to buy health insurance under
her plan. However, she did say her plan was “fair”.

Don’t Be Fooled: Republicans Love Government Enforced Healthcare Kurt

Nimmo | Both Republicans and Democrats are enforcers for the global
elite and transnational corporations. Good News: Former Pentagon
Spook Withdraws TSA Nomination Kurt Nimmo | Obama’s selection
of retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert Harding to run the TSA was an
obvious signal the government plans to further militarize airport
security. Obama Just Got His Private Army Nancy Matthis |
Obama’s private army is buried in the Senate revisions to the health
care bill. Leaked CIA Report: “Public Apathy Enables Leaders To
Ignore Voters” In Waging Endless Wars Washington’s Blog | Public
apathy enables leaders to ignore voters.

Ex-Scientology lawsuits reveal Sea Org slave group (AP)

Go to following pages for above links:

Search for survivors of sunken South Korea navy ship as officials ‘rule out’
involvement of the North The Long, Long History Of False Starts
Of War Between South And North Korea History suggests that this
sinking of a South Korean naval vessel off the coast of the country
will not be the restart of the Korean conflict.

McChrystal admits failure to cut civilian death The top US commander in

Afghanistan has acknowledged his forces failure to reduce civilian
casualties, as the US-led alliance faces Afghan anger over high
civilian death. CIA paper reveals plans to manipulate European
opinion on Afghanistan ‘Out-of-the-box’ CIA think tank proposes
concerns over women’s rights, fear of terrorism as ways to boost
support for Afghan war

Peace process may be a total failure: Moussa SIRTE, Libya: Arab leaders
opened a summit on Saturday determined to send a clear warning that
the Middle East peace process is doomed unless Israel freezes Jewish
settlements in annexed east Jerusalem. Israelis quit Gaza after
worst clash in over a year GAZA: Israeli troops and tanks left the Gaza
Strip on Saturday, witnesses said, after the bloodiest clash in the
Hamas-ruled enclave in 14 months killed two soldiers and a
Palestinian. Shoura denounces Netanyahu's bellicosity RIYADH:
The Shoura Council on Sunday denounced Israeli Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial statement on Al-Quds
(Jerusalem) and his government’s move to construct more Jewish
settlements in occupied Arab territories.

UN Human Rights Council condemns Israel's construction of

settlements in East Jerusalem
The operative paragraphs welcome the international community's
reaffirmation that settlements, the separation barriers were built on
occupied lands, demolition of homes and evictions are illegal under
international law and constitute an obstacle to the peace
Palestine-Israel-UN, Politics, 3/25/2010

EU condemns construction in East Jerusalem

The EU's foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, condemned an Israeli
decision to continue construction on the site of the former Shepherd
Hotel in east Jerusalem.
Palestine-Israel-European Union, Politics, 3/25/2010

Jerusalemites in dire need for international protection

Following of a terrorist attack carried out by an armed group of illegal
Israeli settlers against the home of Abu Shaban family in Ras-
Alamoud neighborhood adjacent to the Old city of Jerusalem, Fateh
Revolutionary Council Member Dimitri Diliani called for international
protection for Jerusalemites.
Palestine-Israel, Politics, 3/25/2010

Israel responds to British expulsion of diplomat over Hamas killing

Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said two days ago that "Israel has
not received any proof pointing to Israeli involvement in the matter
and regrets the British decision" to expel Israeli diplomats who are
accused of being involved in the murder of a Hamas official in the
United Arab Emirates using forget British passports.
Palestine-Israel-UK, Politics, 3/25/2010

Gazans receiving Caritas aid marks 1000th day of siege

For more than 1,000 days, Gaza has been under siege now, with
devastating consequences for its already poor population.
Palestine-Israel-Germany, Politics, 3/25/2010

Israeli navy wounds Gazan fisherman inside Palestinian waters

His condition is currently too unstable to risk removing the pieces of
shrapnel lodged in his brain.
Palestine-Israel, Politics, 3/25/2010

Clinton's Speech at American Israel Public Affairs Committee

the status quo in the Middle East is unsustainable and threatens
Israel's long-term future, urging Israel to pursue a two-state solution
with the Palestinians based on its 1967 borders with agreed land
Palestine-Israel-USA, Politics, 3/25/2010

News from around the web:

Iraq vote recount calls rejected - BBC

Iraq, Politics, 3/25/2010

Iraq's tight race prompt warnings of violence -

Iraq, Politics, 3/25/2010
Iraq's Kurds could lose some of their influence to anti-American Sadr
movement -
Iraq, Politics, 3/25/2010

Iraqi election accentuates country's deep divides -

Iraq, Politics, 3/25/2010

Iraq election increases women in parliament – regardless of vote count -

CS Monitor
Iraq, Politics, 3/25/2010

Syria stands ready if 'war is imposed': Assad - Yahoo! News

Syria-Israel, Politics, 3/25/2010

Kadhafi hosts first Arab summit in bid to 'rescue' Jerusalem - Yahoo! News
Libya-Palestine, Politics, 3/25/2010

U.S. presses Israel for Mideast goodwill steps -

Palestine-Israel-USA, Politics, 3/25/2010

Arabs to raise $500 million for Jerusalem: Mussa - Yahoo! News

Regional-Palestine, Politics, 3/25/2010

Israeli settlements standoff with US: Netanyahu fails to defuse tensions -

CS Monitor
Palestine-Israel-USA, Politics, 3/25/2010

Israeli soldiers on trial for misconduct in Gaza war - Yahoo! News

Palestine-Israel, Politics, 3/25/2010

U.N. panel asks to quiz Hezbollah on Hariri murder -

Lebanon-UN, Politics, 3/25/2010

Saudi Arabia announces arrest of 110 Al Qaeda suspects - CS Monitor

Saudi Arabia, Politics, 3/25/2010

Dubai assassination puts tough-talking cop Dahi Khalfan Tamim in spot -

CS Monitor
United Arab Emirates-Palestine-UK, Politics, 3/25/2010

Lebanon's archaeological sites a pillager's paradise - Yahoo! News

Lebanon, Local, 3/25/2010

After Years of War and Abuse, New Hope for Ancient Babylon - NY Times
Iraq, Science, 3/25/2010
Iraqi foreign minister walks out of Libya meeting -
Iraq-Libya, Politics, 3/25/2010

Saudi female poet whose verse inflames and inspires - BBC

Saudi Arabia, Culture, 3/25/2010

Yemen Socialist party editor freed: official - Yahoo! News

Yemen, Politics, 3/25/2010

Somalia insurgents take over radio stations -

Somalia, Politics, 3/25/2010

Yemenis Wary Of U.S. Aid To Fight Terrorism - NPR

Yemen, Politics, 3/25/2010

Bin Laden Warns U.S. Over Fate of Qaeda Figure - NY Times

Regional-USA, Politics, 3/25/2010

Cairo Journal: A Synagogue’s Unveiling Exposes a Conundrum - NY Times

Egypt, Politics, 3/25/2010

Egypt prayers for Mubarak health - BBC

Egypt, Politics, 3/25/2010

Yemen: Ban on Child Brides Is Imperiled - NY Times

Yemen, Culture, 3/25/2010

Dubai World gets $9.5 bln injection for debt plan - Yahoo! News
United Arab Emirates, Economics, 3/25/2010

Go to following pages for above links:

Victory in terror war declared by america as Jihad Jane goes down!

'Jihad Jane' pleads not guilty Colleen LaRose of Pennsylvania appears in

federal court, accused of working with foreign terrorists in a plot to kill
a Swedish cartoonist. Video: 'Jihad Jane' Terror Suspect Pleads Not
Guilty The Associated Press 'JihadJane' pleads not-guilty |
Philadelphia Inquirer | 03/18/2010 US rep: Pa. Jihad Jane terror
suspect cooperated (AP)

Jihad Jamie: Corporate Media Hypes Another Blond Terrorist Kurt Nimmo |
The government will need to come up with terrorists who are not so
obviously mentally or emotionally disturbed in order to sell us on an
interminable war on terrorism. “JihadJane” was laughable, Web
watchers say Philadelphia Inquirer | For years, “JihadJane” had been
a joke to those who kept tabs on her online.

DRUDGE... Senate Tells Employees Not to Read Drudge Report
Drudge Report | Just as the healthcare drama in the capitol reaches a
grand finale, congressional officials are warning employees to avoid
the Drudge Report.
Senate declares Drudge Persona Non Grata, Internet Jihadist!

Troop deaths double in Afghanistan...
Approval/disapproval gap starting to widen again on health spending bill...
FBI terror raid of Christian militia group in Michigan...
Agents conduct raids in Ohio, Indiana...
'It was like a small army had descended on the area'...
Feds confirm 'activities'...
Gun charges...
OBAMA DIVIDES: 47.1 % Approve, 46.7 % Disapprove...
HE DID IT: Obama announces 15 recess appointments, scolds
Supply fears start to hit Treasuries; Worries about demand after poorly
received bond auctions...
Social Security Payout to Exceed Pay-In -- This Year!
Personal Income Drops Across USA...
MORE AND MORE BONDS: Rates rise after weak auction...
Majority of Homeowners With Loan Modifications -- Defaulted Again...
Obama Orders Lenders to Cut Mortgage Payments for Jobless...
Obama's Campaign Fundraises Off Threats...
Shot Fired At GOP Rep. Cantor's VA Office...
VIDEO: Clyburn says Republicans 'aiding and abetting terrorism' against
Rep. Markey asked for police patrols at home...
WHITE POWDER: NY Congressman's office evacuated after threat...
Dems Accuse Palin Of Stoking Liberal Hate...
President mocks Republicans for acting is if bill is 'Armageddon'...
Threats against lawmakers spread after vote...
Obama dumped humiliated Netanyahu for dinner..
FBI investigating threats...
REPORT: 8% of Troops Given Drugs for Psychiatric Problems...
Republican Lawmaker Calls for Special Prosecutor to Investigate White
Sales of New Homes Drop to Lowest on Record...
Almost quarter of Republicans think Obama 'may be the Anti-Christ'… but
then there’s war criminal bush, etc., ...
SHOCK AUDIO: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually 'Control
the People'...
'Your Medical Records Aren't Secure'...
Law Signals US Empire Decline?

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