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by Shimon Goldblatt


On Sunday 15 November, Shimon (10), Malka

Dina (9) and Shevi Goldblatt (7) were taken by
Leah Goldblatt (20-something) to Warwick Castle,
as a treat half-term outing.
At nine o'clock am, the Goldblatt trio were greeted
by Leah to be driven to the castle. They were
pleased to find that the drive took no longer than
the estimated hour and a half. Upon arrival at ten
thirty, they received their tickets and walked on a
path towards the castle.
They walked through a portcullis and saw holes in
the roof above them. This, a sign explained,would
be used by the castle defenders to throw rocks
and other similar articles at the attackers. Next
they saw another portcullis and more holes in the
roof. This made it barely possible to enter the
castle illegally.

walked to where other birds of prey were

kept and saw many different types of
eagles, vultures and owls. This was
followed by a walk around the castle walls
and seeing the mill and engine house.
Next, they participated in a Kids' Tour of the
interior of the castle where they were told
many different stories about the castle's
history. They even saw a secret passage!
An adults' tour followed which went into
more detail about the castle rooms which
they found most interesting. It was then
time for home and the exhausted but
happy children piled into the car for the
long hour and a half journey back.
In an exclusive Goldblatt Times interview,
Shevi said, It was a brilliant outing and we
are very grateful to Leah for taking us. We
had lots of fun.

They then watched a video of the castle's history

and previous owners of it, during which they
walked through several rooms .
After this they went up a staircase and saw a
magnificent view of all the surrounding
countryside. They then saw the Bear Tower, a
tower in which bears were kept for sport. Next they
walked all around the battlements, walking up five
hundred stairs with bird's-eye views of the area.
Shimon in particular enjoyed pretending to be an
archer and firing make-believe arrows through the
arrow slits. I really enjoyed feeling like a real
archer and defender of the castle, he said.
The entertainment continued with a fantastic bird
of prey show featuring two different types of
eagles. They experienced birds swooping over the
crowd onto a log to receive their reward of a piece
of chicken. Next they saw live peacocks and ones
cut out of hedges in the beautiful peacock gardens
where they had lunch, after which they

Shimon, Malka Dina and Shevi Goldblatt

outside Warwick Castle

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