SP ST Internal Medicine

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PO Box 11130, Honolulu, HI 96828

Tel: (808) 947-4788 Fax: (808) 373-2849
Email: wmi@worldmedicineinstitute.com

Introduction to TCM
- SP& ST
Granary official from whom all tastes derived.
Root of Post-Heaven Qi
A.) Governs Transformation and transportation
B.) Controls the Blood
C.) Controls the muscles and limbs
D.) Opens into the mouth and manifests on the lips
E.) Controls the raising/ascension of qi
F.) Houses the Yi, Thought
Common TCM Syndromes:
1.) SP qi deficiency:
Sallow complexion, anorexia, limbs tired and heavy, abdominal and epigastric
distension after eating, fatigue, acid regurgitation or vomiting, loose stools,
diarrhea, shortness of breath, sallow complexion.
Tongue: pale, swollen, scalloped
Pulse: slippery and weak
May be due to irregular eating, over consumption of cold and raw foods,
malnourishment, prolonged exposure to damp conditions, excessive thinking
2.) SP Qi Sinking:
Same as SP qi deficiency but with signs of prolapsed: hemorrhoids, prolapsed
uterus, urinary incontinence, etc. bearing down sensation in lower abdomen
BU ZHONG YI QI TANG = Formula to lift the spleen
3.) SP Yang deficiency:
Pain in epigastrium with cold sensations, watery stools with undigested food,
bright white complexion, cold limbs, feels chilled, mental fatigue, watery vaginal
Similar to SP qi deficiency but more severe and with cold signs
Tongue: pale with thin white coat
Pulse: deep, weak, slow
4.) SP not controlling Blood:
Menorrhagia (bleeding between periods), no appetite, sallow complexion, loose
stools, shortness of breath, blood in urine or stools, uterine bleeding, bruise easy
Tongue: pale
Pulse: fine and weak


PO Box 11130, Honolulu, HI 96828
Tel: (808) 947-4788 Fax: (808) 373-2849
Email: wmi@worldmedicineinstitute.com

Root of Post-Heaven Qi (along with the spleen)
Sea of water and grains and the great Source of nourishment for the 6 yang organs.
A.) Controls rotting and ripening of food
Transforms digested food and drink by process of fermentation.
Prepares for SP to separate and extract the refined essence from food.
After separation food passed down to SI for further separation and absorption.
The book. Simple Questions says the Yin Organs all derive Qi from the
Stomach, and thus the ST is the root of all five Yin organs.
B.) Controls transportation of food essences
Together with the SP, responsible for transportation of food essences to whole
body, especially the limbs.
ST closely related to tongue coating.
Thin white coat is ideal
Thick white coat indicates cold in ST
Thick yellow coat indicates heat in ST
Lack of coat = deficient ST qi
C.) Controls descending of Qi
Role is to send food down to SI.
If impaired, maybe burping, acid regurgitation, belching, nausea and vomiting
D.) Origin of Fluids
To ferment food need abundance of fluids. ST ensures that part of food and drink
that does not go to making food essence condenses to form body fluids.
ST likes wetness, and dislikes dryness.
ST easily suffers from excess (SP easily suffers from deficiency)
ST prone to heat (SP prone to cold)
ST ends to suffer from deficiency of yin, (SP tends to suffer from
deficiency of Yang)


PO Box 11130, Honolulu, HI 96828
Tel: (808) 947-4788 Fax: (808) 373-2849
Email: wmi@worldmedicineinstitute.com

Common TCM Syndromes:

1.) ST Yin Deficiency:
Epigastric pain, dryness of mouth and throat, no desire to drink, hunger but no
desire to eat, abdominal distension after meals, constipation, irritability, dry
vomiting or hiccups
Tongue: red with little or no coating, may be peeled in center
Pulse: Fine and rapid
Due to irregular eating habits, chronic disease that consumes yin fluids,
excessive or prolonged vomiting
2.) Food Stagnation in Stomach:
Epigastric distension, acid regurgitation, detests food or vomits after eating,
loose stools or constipation, foul breath, nausea, belching
Tongue: thick greasy coating
Pulse: slippery
Due to irregular meals, unrestrained diet, overeating, excessive emotions
while eating, eating too quickly
3.) Stomach Fire: ST-44 to release heat
Burning in epigastrium, thirst and cravings for cold drinks, excessive appetite,
foul breath, acid reflux or vomiting of undigested food, constipation, bitter
taste, bleeding gums
Tongue: red, thick dry yellow coat
Pulse: slippery, rapid, forceful
Due to LV fire invading ST, excessive hot or spicy foods or rich foods, or heat
pathogen that invades ST
4.) Rebellious ST Qi:
Nausea, vomiting, belching, hiccups, acid reflux
Can have cold, heat or phlegm components
Often associated with emotional problems that knot up qi and interfere with
descending of ST qi.

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