Fire Revised-1

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PO Box 11130, Honolulu, HI 96828

Tel: (808) 947-4788 Fax: (808) 373-2849

Introduction to TCM

Ruler or Monarch of zangfu
A.) Governs Blood
1.) Transformation of Gu qi into Blood takes place in HT.
2.) Governs circulation
B.) Controls the Blood Vessels
Blood vessels are physical structures which contain blood
C.) Manifests in the complexion
State of HT reflected in complexion.
D.)Houses the Shen
Shen refers to:
mind, as in mental faculties
Spirit, the whole sphere of emotional, mental, spiritual aspects of
== Shen is often used to describe the vitality appearing in the
eyes and face.
E.) Opens to the tongue
HT controls color, form and appearance of tongue.
Related to tip of tongue
Related to speech: stuttering, excessive talking/laughing
F.) Controls sweat
Body fluids , Jinye, constantly replenishes Blood and makes it
thinner so that it does not stagnate. Body fluids and Blood both
yin, interdependent.
== The HT loathes heat.
Heart Syndromes:
1.) HT qi Deficiency
Palpitations, shortness of breath, sweating, pallor, tiredness,


PO Box 11130, Honolulu, HI 96828
Tel: (808) 947-4788 Fax: (808) 373-2849

Tongue: pale. Pulse: empty

Due to blood loss, emotional upset

2.) HT Yin Deficiency

Palpitations, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, propensity to be
startled, mental restlessness, malar flush, night sweats, five
palm heat
Tongue: red, no coat, red tip, sometimes cracked
Pulse: floating empty and rapid

3.) HT Blood Deficiency

Palpitations, dizziness, insomnia, dream disturbed sleep, poor
memory, anxiety, propensity to be startled, dull pale complexion,
pale lips
Tongue: pale, thin, dry
Pulse: choppy
Due to improper diet or weak SP qi, chronic worry or anxiety,
Postnatal depression
4.) HT Yang Deficiency
Palpitations, shortness of breath, tiredness, listlessness,
sweating, feeling of stuffiness, cold, bright white face, cold limbs
Tongue: pale, wet, swollen
Pulse: deep and weak
5.) HT Fire
Palpitations, thirst, mouth and tongue ulcers, mental
restlessness, feeling agitated, impulsiveness, feeling of heat,
insomnia, red face, dark urine, bitter taste
Tongue: red, red tip, yellow coat
Pulse: full, rapid, overflowing
Due to emotional etiology: chronic mental depression that turns
to fire
6.) Phlegm Fire harassing the mind:


PO Box 11130, Honolulu, HI 96828
Tel: (808) 947-4788 Fax: (808) 373-2849

Mental restlessness, palpitations, bitter taste, insomnia, dream

disturbed sleep, propensity to be startled, incoherent speech,
mental confusion, rash behavior, tendency to hit or scold,
muttering, shouting, mental depression
Tongue: red, yellow sticky, midline crack with prickles, red tip
Pulse: full, rapid, slippery
Due to HT fire and SP qi deficiency, excessive consumption hot
greasy foods
7.) HT Blood Stagnation
Palpitations, pain in HT, oppression of chest, cyanosis of lips and
nails, cold hands
Tongue: purple
Pulse: knotted
Usually derived from HT yang deficiency, but can also be from
blood deficiency or fire.
Small Intestine
Receives food and drink after digestion by SP/ST. Separates further clean from dirty.
1.) Controls receiving and transforming
2.) Separates Fluids
Clean part goes to LI for re-absorption, dirty part to UB to be
excreted as urine

PC functions as external covering to protect HT
Pericardium is the ambassador and from it joy and happiness derive Simple
Questions, chapter 8
In Yellow Emperors Classic, the PC is an appendage of the HT, therefore the zangfu
always referred to as 5 yin organs and 6 yang organs
PC channel has many functions of HT: Governs blood and Houses mind
San Jiao


PO Box 11130, Honolulu, HI 96828
Tel: (808) 947-4788 Fax: (808) 373-2849

Debate whether SJ is an organ or avenue

1.) SJ as a fu organ
function of letting go/out:
Upper burner:
defensive qi to LU
Middle burner:
nutritive qi to zangfu
Lower burner:
body fluids to UB

Bodys thermostat: regulates homeostasis by regulating

distribution of water/yin and fire/yang.
2.) SJ as Avenue for original qi
Classic of Difficulties, Chapter 66: SJ has a name but no form
SJ functions to spread original qi, located between 2 kidneys, to
zangfu, then to the 12 channels where it emerges at the Yuan
Source points

3.) SJ as 3 divisions of the body

*Upper Burner is like a mist
LU distributes fluid in form of fine vapor.
UB consists of : HT, LU, PC
*Middle Burner is like a Bubbling Cauldron
Fermenting of food, transformation and transportation
Refined essences of food connects upwards with HT and LU
Consists of ST, SP, GB. Fullness, indigestion, lack of appetite,
loose stools.


PO Box 11130, Honolulu, HI 96828
Tel: (808) 947-4788 Fax: (808) 373-2849

*Lower Burner is like a swamp

Further separation of clean form unclean, excretion of wastes
Consists of LV, KI, UB, Intestines

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