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Guided Practice: The guided practice for this unit will be a reading, listening, and comprehending activity based on ‘Author's purpose. I will frst read aloud @ passage found on pages 223A and 2238 found in the student edition reading book. | will read aloud the passage “Coretta Scott King’ which is a story about a woman who worked hard for the fights of others. After reading the passage, | will model for siudents how to find the author's purpose of the passage, which will be to inform others about Coretta Scott King and her fight for others. | will then share other examples of Author's purpose which will be Biography about Barack Obama, Magazine about sports, and @ Book about why everyone should have a new pet. As a class, we will complete a graphic organizer where we will compare and contrast how these reading materials are alike and different even though they all present a different purpose. October 19, 2015 Objectives 4 and 2 Independent Practice: For the Independent practice, students will eceive PIE reading card, which represent Persuade, Inform, and Entertain. Using their PIE reading cards, students will have to read the seven different passages and determine which of the three purposes (persuade, inform, or entertain) the author had in mind when writing each passage. | will have students sor their PIE reading passage cards into the appropriate categories, and underline any clues in the text that led them to that decision. I will also have them glue their final sorted passages down and turn them in to me as a grade. October 19, 2015 Objectives 4 and 2 Integration of the Arts: The teacher will have students read a fictional story with a clear plot (introduction, rising, climax, falling action, and solution) and a non-fictional passage. Alter reading the story, students will choose the author's purpose for each of the writings and use their imagination to draw a scene from either passage that stuck out in their mind the most. October 19, 2015 Objectives 4 and 2 Integration of Health: The teacher will read with students a passage abou! the negative effects of eating junk food such ‘as potato chips, candy, and cookies. Students wil then write a short paper about the effects junk food can have on a person’s body. Students will also be asked to determine the October 19, 2015, Objectives 1 and 2 ‘authors purpose for wriling the passage about ihe negative effects of junk food. Integration of Physical Education: The teacher will have students read a passage on exercising and different types of ‘common exercises that people do on a daily basis. Students will then choose the exercise that they liked best and write how they can incorporate that certain exercise into their daily routine. Students can then present and demonstrate the exercise they chose October 19, 2015 Objective 2 ‘SUBJECT: Mathematics Length: 1 Day Working with Equal Groups Instructional Plan for the Unit Tait Objective ‘Actiuitios/Stratogles MatorialsmResources Timeline Number(s) “Anticipator Set In order to catch students attention, | wilall play the “Addition Ball Toss" game with students, | will get students to form a large circle around thelr group tables, and | October 8, 2015 | Objectives 3 and I will ask @ math question and randomly throw the addition 4 ballto a student. The student has approximately 3 seconds to answer the question, and i they fail lo do so they will have to be seated. Students willbe asked 1) 949= 2) 6+6: 4) 141+ To find out what students already know about tis topic | will ask questions like "What did you notice about the numbers we added together during our ball toss game?"; “What do you think wien you see the topic “Working with Equal Groups'?’; "How do you think adding the numbers we added today relates to our topic for the day?" Direct Instruction: During the Direct Instruction partion of the lesson, | will teach students that they can model addition or repeated addition with an array. | will first show them that October 6, 2015 | Objective s 3 and arrays always have equal rows, | will then present students he with an array of plastic coins, 2 rows and 3 in each. After we determine that the coins represent an array, | will show them that once they know how many rows there are and how many are in each row, they can write the addition sentence that represent the array. | will get students’ ideas about what they think the addition sentence is by questioning them first. Aer they share, | will show them thatthe addition sentence that represents the array is 3+3=6. | will explain to them that this is the addition sentence because there are three in each row, and we are trying to find out how many there are in al, so therefore, 3+3=6 Is the only sentence that would represent the array. Guided Practice: wil give bags of counters, beans, coins, and other small objects to small groups andlor partners. ‘Together, we will arrange the objects into equal groups and aiscuss different ways o organize the same number Of objects. Every once and awhile 1 must remind students that the groups should have equal numbers of objects and must have the same type of objects because arrays always have equal amounts, Together, we will also draw the different arrangements and practice counting the groups. | will give my assistance to help students write adcition number sentences to go with each arrangement to calculate the total October 6, 2015 Objectives 3 and 4 Independent Practice: Students will perform an activily where they have to find information about arrays. Students ‘will work with a partner. With their partner, students will use Paper and markers to make an array. One student will have their partner write a repeated addition sentence that describes the array. This activity will be repeated several times. After students repeat this activity several times, they will present their arrays and findings with the entire class, Students will also discuss new ideas they may have come Up with while performing this activity. October 6, 2015 Objectives 3 and 4 Integration of the Arts: The teacher will have students to draw and color two sets of arrays. In their arrays, students will create different pictures within their arrays on each row. For example, in one array, students may draw houses or basketball, and in the other, they may draw computers or rave cars. October 6, 2015 Objectives 3 and 4 Integration of Health: Students will be given different vogetabes and fruits. Such as apples, oranges, grapes, and watermelons, to create arrays with the fruits. After students have finished creating their different arrays, students will present their findings to the class and explain which fruit they used to create their array is thelr favorite and why. October 6, 2015 Objectives 3 and 4 Integration of Physical Education: Students wil form groups of four, but their groups will be formed based off their heights. Students will create arrays with their group ‘members using themselves as the objects, One member of the group will record the array that was created based off of October 6, 2015 Objectives 3 and 4 Their group formalion SUBJECT: Scienco Unit Title: Using Inforences to conduet Simple Investigations: Sink or Float Lab Longth: 1 Day Instructional Plan for the Unit Tait Objective IsfRosources Number(s) “Anticipatory Set: | will show the class my container of water and tell them I am going to test some objects to see if they sink or float. | wil tell them they're going to get to guess if their objects will sink or float and then they/ll get to test each object at their table with their respectable groups October 18, 2015 Objective 5 Direct instruction: | will show them my container of water and tell them how to properly use the water, not splashing or playing init. | will then show them @ worksheet lke they'll be using and tell them what each column is for. !willthen take | October 18, 2015 ‘an object that | know will float and one that will sink (ones they're not using) and show them how to predict, then put them in the water and show them how to record their data, After that is done, | will pass out all materials needed to complete the experiment. | wll then have them test their objects and record their information. After everyone's tested all their objects, | wll pass out t-chart sheets and have them complete those sheets using their first sheets for reference, ‘After everyone's finished listing, students will share what floated and sank. The students will then write a journal entry about why they think things float and sink based on what they saw in the experiment, Objective § Guided Practice: I wil pass oul the objects to each group and give them their container of water. Once each group has their objects, | will pass out the water containers and have them test whether the objects sink or float and remind | October 16, 2018 Objective 6 them to record it on thelr sheets, writing the name of the object they're testing in the sts colurnn, whether they think it will sink oF float in the 2nd column, and then their 2 trials in the Src and 4th columns. After everyone has tried their objects twice, will pass out the t-chart sheets and tell them |

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