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Assignment #4: EQ-i Development Plan

This assignment revolves around the results of the EQi test taken during Week 4 of
our course. It consists of 2 parts (outlined below).
Assignment Details
1. Due Date: Week 13 specific date to be assigned by your professor (25%
late penalty for each late day)
2. Value: 15% - graded out of 45
3. Assignment should be bound and submitted with a title page that follows APA
4. Assignment should be submitted in class at the beginning of class.
Part One-Applying EQ (15 marks)
Find a case/situation/example in the news or media (past or present) that reflects
one of the 15 skills on the EQi. Answer/complete the following:
1. Include a 200-300 word summary of the case. (6)
2. Identify the EQi skill that is in question within the case. (1)
3. Does the EQi skill demonstrated reflect the high end or the low end of the
skill (as discussed in class)? (3)
4. In a minimum of 200 words, explain what could have been done differently to
make the outcome of the case better? (5)
Part Two-EQ Development Plan (30 marks)
Read through your EQ-i Higher Education Report once more. You should have
printed and saved it when you completed it online. Now that we have discussed all
of the skills, we will re-examine the assessment.
Complete the following:
1. Now that you know more about EQ, do you believe that this report describes you
accurately? Explain. Your response should be about 300-500 words in length.
2. Which skill do you think was best assessed? Reflect on this skill. In 300-400
words, discuss this skill. Reflect on a time when it affected you personally.
Would you have changed anything? Explain. (5)
3. An important part of looking at our EQi results is the goal setting that arises
from doing so. As a step towards personal goal setting, please complete the
following table. (15)

A. What is one skill listed

on your EQi Report
that you use regularly
in communications?
Explain. (3)
B. From the EQ Report,
what is one EQ skill
you feel you are using
too much? Briefly
explain (3)
C. List 3 strategies you
will use to improve
your skill identified
above. (3)


D. From the EQ Report,

what is one EQ skill
you feel you are using
too little? Briefly
explain. (3)
E. List 3 strategies you
will use to improve
your skill identified
above. (3)


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