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FOL Scavenger Hunt

Due Date: Week 3, Friday at 11:59 p.m.

Value: 5%
Graded from 10
The FOL Scavenger is a small assignment that ensures you are familiar with
FanshaweOnline (FOL).
Please note: the Scavenger Hunt is the only assignment that will NOT be printed
and handed in. It is an assignment for which everything you do is through FOL. All
tasks must be complete by the Friday of Week 3 at 11:59 p.m.
Complete the following tasks (worth one mark each):
1. From your program homepage, copy and paste your coordinators welcome
message into a Word document. Save this document as Welcome
Message. Submit the document to the Scavenger Hunt dropbox.
2. From the Content section, copy the 2nd Learning Outcome on the course
information sheet (for this course) into a Word document. Save this
document as Learning Outcome. Submit it to the Scavenger Hunt dropbox.
3. Go to the Course News. Note the Important Academic Due Dates. Rewrite
them, or copy and paste them, in a Word document. Save this document as
Due Dates. Submit it to the Scavenger Hunt dropbox.
4. Review the Course Calendar. Note any dates you find for the first four weeks
of class. Record them in a Word document. Save this document as
Calendar. Submit it the Scavenger Hunt dropbox.
5. Complete the Scavenger Hunt quiz. Submit it.
6. Introduce yourself to the class! In the Welcome Discussion Forum, under
Class Introductions, place your introduction.
7. In the Discussion Forum titled, Favourites, under Favourite Class Links,
post a link to a favourite video, article, or website. In one sentence, describe
to what your link leads.
8. Access and Read Assignment #1 under the FOL Course content.
9. Access and view the PowerPoint presentation on Academic Policy under Week
10.Send me an email through FOL with the Subject Line: END OF MY SCAVENGER

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