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Section 3 Task 7

A) Page 259 Question Two

Civil negligence is when a person is found guilty for acting a certain way in a
situation where a reasonable person in the same situation would not act the same
way. Civil negligence has to involve injury or loss. Criminal negligence is when a
person commits a crime, but not intentionally. They did not take the necessary
precautions to avoid the possibility of a crime occurring. The crime is still seen as
unreasonable whether the person meant to or not. Criminal negligence has to result
in injury, physical or emotional.
Bochicchio, K. L. Sport-Related Crimes: Criminal Law and Sport. In Cotton, D. &
Wolohan, J. (2013). Law for Recreation and Sport Managers (6th ed. pp. 249-251).
Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
B) Page 274 Question One
The state of Ohio defines hazing as, doing an act or coercing another to any act of
initiation into any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial
risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person. (p.262, Cotton, 2013)
Florida has a more elaborate definition for the act of hazing. Florida includes the
same basics of Ohio, but they include the terms associated with all acts of hazing,
such as: whipping, beating, branding, exposure to the elements, forced
consumption of food, liquor, drug, or any other substance, sleep deprivation,
extreme mental stress, exclusion from social contact, and many other actions that
can harm a persons physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Staurowsky, E. J. Hazing. In Cotton, D. & Wolohan, J. (2013). Law for Recreation
and Sport Managers (6th ed. pp. 262-263). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing
C) Using the FAMU or The Ohio State University Marching Bands hazing
incidents, combined with Section readings, describe what you would
do to make sure this sort of problem does not happen in your
In order to prevent hazing within my organization I would follow the same guidelines
as given on page 262, (2) questioning and monitoring the initiation activities will
be done so randomly as to not give members any indication to be on their best
behavior, normal behavior needs to be seen. (3) formulate anti-hazing policies and
(4) develop anti-hazing education programs will be done to educate all members of
the organization of all aspects of hazing including the penalties. Each member of
the organization needs to be informed of the local, state, and national laws
associated with hazing as well, so that each member knows the consequences of
their actions if they are to participate in an act of hazing.
Staurowsky, E. J. Hazing. In Cotton, D. & Wolohan, J. (2013). Law for Recreation
and Sport Managers (6th ed. pp. 262). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing

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