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Joseph Vanek
Professional English 12
16 May 2014
Michelle Obama: Overlook the Impossible
You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to
solve all of the world's problems at once but don't ever underestimate the importance you
can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take
on a life of its own (Michelle Obama, Brainyquote).The above quote by MichelleObama expresses that anyone can overcome discrimination and challenges that the world
throws at them. She is just an ordinary individual who has the gift to lead and serve her
community in extraordinary ways. The First Lady uses her influential power to create a
better today that in return will produce a better tomorrow.
Obama lived and grew up in Chicago, Illinois , a place where the majority
population was caucasian during the 1960s. Her family rented a house owned by a white
person, and at the time they were one of the only colored families in the South Shore
neighborhood. The schools in the area were trying to keep the majority white and few to
no blacks. Obama was a gifted girl and was given the opportunity to attend Whitney
Young High School. Whitney Young, was a school that cohabited kids of all races and
hosted some of the top academic students. The ride to the school was a 30 minute bus
ride, but to Michelle this ride was worth it. Craig, Michelle Obamas brother stayed at the
local high school to play for their well known basketball program. Obama was given
many freedoms at Whitney Young that she wouldnt receive in the real world. During

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her time at school she was ran for senior class president and was up against a girl name
Christy. Christy was white and a good friend of the first lady, at the end of the race
Michelle Obama beat Christy by one vote and was elected senior class treasurer (Mundy,
Obama, and Brozovic 15, 53, 55, 89). Her time at Whitney Young taught her that it
doesnt matter what your skin color is, anyone can be friends and get along. This school
also gave her that outlet that started her political and leadership career that contributes to
her many accomplishments in her life.
As a result of her hard work during high school she was able attend Princeton
University and Harvard Law school. During her time at these schools she realized that it
was nothing like Whitney Young, the students at Princeton didnt understand that colored
and white can coexist in one community. One example is with her first roommate, she
was white.They got along just fine, but when the roommates mother discovered her
daughter was rooming with a black girl she pulled her daughter from that dormroom.
Later on the mother went on record saying she was wrong for doing that and is truly
sorry(Mundy, Obama, and Brozovic 89). Michelle Obamas experience during school
helped her be the person she is today. It showed her that not everyone will accept her, but
you have to use your own talents to show them that youre special.
Attending ivy league schools have their perks, especially the doors it will open for
any career goals. One of her first jobs was being the mayor's assistant. This was a great
first time career, with a pay starting out at $60,000 a year. Once the mayor saw her
extraordinary talents he prompted her to the economic development coordinator (Mundy,
Obama, and Brozovic 128). This was the career that highlighted The First Ladys
political talents. In 2002, she became the director of community and external affairs for

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the University of Chicago.This position fit her well because she was known to be a talker
and this allowed her to have an outlet for her passion. It was also a good match because
her husband was promoting his political career in Chicago during the same time
(Obama, Michelle, Britannica). Throughout her career she always had one priority and
that was her family. Michelle Obama was a mother first before anything, and made sure
her family was taken care of before she went off to work (Mundy, Obama ,and Brozovic
Michelle Obamas life was forever changed on November 8th, 2008 when her
family got news that her husband, Barack Obama was the newly elected President of the
United States of America (Mundy, Obama, and Brozovic). Michelle has been helping
people since day one in the White House. A big focus item for her is giving back to the
ones that serve. The First Lady started a program that would help military warriors to
have caregivers (Oklahoma).
Michelle Obama also believes college is a vital part of the well being of our
country. Michelle once said it's our responsibility to make sure they have programs that
support them, and universities that will seek them out and give them a chance, and then
prepare them and help them finish their degrees once they get in." Ms.Obama continually
strives to better her nation by opening windows of opportunity (Sanusi). First Lady or not
First Lady, Michelle Obama has always been a woman that looks out for the common
good of the people.
Michelle Obama, the First Lady is best known for her help with the Lets Move
campaign. This campaign is utilized to help promote healthy eating and activity choices.
This campaign was launched after legislation passed the Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.

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The act made it so school lunches would have improved lunches that gives kids a healthy
meal (Glazer).Obama continually uses her resources and got major school lunch
providers to switch to healthier options. Some of the companies include Sodexo,Aramark
Corp, and Chartwells to meet the levels for fat,sugar and whole grain foods (First Lady
Pops). Lets Move represents how Michelle Obama has used her power to enhance the
lives of billions.
Michelle Obama is one of the best known First Ladies throughout history. April
Stamford told Newsmax Michelle Obama is classy,accomplished,dedicated and makes a
wonderful mother and wife.She will bring a whole new character to the White House/
She is being compared to previous First Ladies, but I believe that she is in a league all on
her own. (Wires). Michelle Obama is often on screen for her country. She has made
appearances on many shows such as Nickelodeons iCarly and other channels. Most of the
time she is promoting healthy choices, or she is supporting military families (First Lady
Pops). The First Lady is not just an American Celebrity she is also an international
incon. When she first took office London fell head over heals for her. Michelle Obama
has also been a favorite among world leaders because of her extraordinary character and
compassion (Sanusi).
Michelle Obama is a leader who puts the needs of others before hers. Throughout
her life she has overcome adversity, and let downs, but she is best known for turning her
cheek and doing what is right. The First Lady is so beloved not because of her skin color,
but because she is truly a leader who uses her power for the good of everyone! Healthy
eating, supporting military support, or promoting education Michelle Obama does it all

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and we see results when she is delegating. The First Lady uses her influential power to
create a better today that in return will produce a better tomorrow.

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