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Zikeya Hickman

LEI 4711
RT Treatment Program Protocol
Rational and Purpose of Treatment Program: The purpose of this treatment program is to
build fine motor skills in clients with disabilities that affect their hands. This treatment program
will help strengthen the muscles of the hands with continued sessions.
Staff Requirements/Competence: A CTRS is required in order for this activity to take place. If
there is a CTRS assistant, intern, or volunteer who would like to direct this activity they must be
in accompany of a CTRS during the activity. The facilitator must be able to work with their
hands without minimal assistance and they need to be able to work with small
numbers/calculations. In addition, the facilitator must also be comfortable working with clients
one on one and have patience.
Entrance Criteria / Diagnosis and systems to be treated: In order for a client to receive this
type of treatment, they must have one of the following or similar: spinal cord
injury(quadriplegic), loss or damage of limbs (hands), cerebral palsy, and Parkinsons disease.
These disabilities are recommended for treatment because the hands are affected by each one of
these disabilities and requires muscle strengthening in order to participate in leisure and daily
activities without pain or limitations.
Exit Criteria: At the end of the treatment, the client should be able to move the hands more
efficiently, have improved fine motor skills, and more strength in the hands (including the
Safety Considerations: The room being used during this activity will be a small classroom,
clients room, or a small room reserved for the duration of the session. There will be a table
placed in the middle of the room with two chairs on the opposite side of each other. The table
will be placed in the middle of the room in order to provide enough space for the facilitator and
the client to evacuate in the case of an emergency. Also, the room will be well-lit, so that the
client nor the facilitator will have to strain their eyes.
Client Risks: There may be emotional risks during this treatment if the client becomes frustrated
about not being able to complete this activity in one session or over multiple sessions. There may
also be physical risks to the hands due to the intensity of this activity. The client may feel
physically uncomfortable trying to adjust to the constant movement of their hand muscles.
Environmental Risks: There are minimal environmental risks during this activity. The activity
will be held in a closed room setting in order to provide privacy to the client.

Zikeya Hickman
LEI 4711
RT Treatment Program Protocol
Facility and Equipment Required:

Facility Required: Any recreation center, rehabilitation center, nursing home, school, etc.

with an option for a closed room to provide privacy to the client.

Equipment Required: One table, two chairs, corks, rubber bands, pencil, and paper.

Outcome Criteria (Expected change): The expected outcome of this treatment activity plan
will be to improve the fine motor skills of the individual in order to provide the maximum
strength to assist the client in participate in their daily living activities and their favorite leisure




Rubber Band Magic

This activity requires the client to guess the
number of rubber bands around three
individual corks. The client will do so by
taking off the rubber bands individually and
counting them. After, the client guesses the
amount of rubber bands around the cork they
are to unwrap each rubber band from around
the cork until every rubber band is
unwrapped. Lastly, the client will count the
number of rubber bands that were actually
wrapped around the cork to see how close
their estimate was. The guessing of the rubber
bands is used during this activity to give the
activity a little fun, instead of just sitting and
taking rubber bands off of a cork. Pencil and
paper may be used during this activity, in
order to write down the estimate and actual
number of rubber bands.
1. Client will be able to pick up or lift
items of interest with minor
2. Client will develop fine motor skills
that will improve their ability to hold
their hands steady.
3. Client will be able to participate in
leisure and daily living activities that
involve the use of hands
The client is being taught to think of ways to

Zikeya Hickman
LEI 4711
RT Treatment Program Protocol



pull and stretch the rubber band in order to

remove it from the cork. Similar to pulling
and stretching the way you normally do things
in order to achieve a specific goal.
Approximately one hour
Corks, rubber bands, pencil, and paper
The client is to guess the number of rubber
bands around each cork. After, the client
guesses the amount of rubber bands around
the cork they are to unwrap each rubber band
from around the cork until every rubber band
is unwrapped. Lastly, the client will count the
number of rubber bands that were actually
wrapped around the cork to see how close
their estimate was. The guessing of the rubber
bands is used during this activity to give the
activity a little fun, instead of just sitting and
taking rubber bands off of a cork. Pencil and
paper may be used during this activity, in
order to write down the estimate and actual
number of rubber bands. The facilitator is to
encourage the client and provide support
when they become frustrate during the
This treatment program is designed to help
strengthen the clients hand muscles in order
to provide independence. The client will find
independence in daily living activities and
leisure activities that they enjoy. This activity
treatment program will provide support in
building the clients fine motor skills.

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