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I n f o r m a ti o n

M a s te r

Progressive Era Panel Discussion

Round 1
Panelists: Give a 30-second to 60-second introduction of yourselves.
Audience members: Begin your Reading Notes by filling in the first column of the matrix with
appropriate adjectives.
Round 2
Panelists: Discuss this question:
Is something wrong in America?
Audience members: Begin filling in the second column of your Reading Notes matrix with
answers to this question.
Round 3
Panelists: Discuss these questions:
Have the progressives improved life in the United States?
Have the progressives gone far enoughor too farto improve life in the United States?
Audience members: Begin filling in the third column of your Reading Notes matrix with
answers to these questions.
Round 4
Panelists: Answer questions from your fellow panelists.
Audience members: Begin filling in the fourth column of your Reading Notes matrix with
questions you would like to ask.

Teachers Curriculum Institute

The Progressive Era 1

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