Student Learning Objectives 1: First Country Identified: Nepal

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Student Learning Objectives 1

1. Country Name
2. World Region it is located in
3. List EACH of the major type of the following cultural features found in
each country: climate zone, topography, language, religion, ethnicity,
political system, economic system, and major natural resources.
4. For each country identify the major interrelationships which exist between
human cultures and the natural environment, and explain how they interact
and affect each other (5 sentence minimum, not including list of countries
cultural features) . You will have to conduct outside research to complete
this discussion. Please be sure to cite your sources. Some resources for
research include CIA World Factbook (Links to an external
site.) and World Bank (Links to an external site.).

First Country Identified: Nepal

1. The Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal

2. South Asia
3. Climate Zone: Highland Subtropical in the North but Humid subtropical.
Topography: Nepal is located between China and India. It is fairly a small country with
about 800 kilometers along 250 kilometers across. The country mainly located in the
highlands. Parts of Mountain Everest are shared with Nepal in the North. The North of
Nepal can be 10,000 feets high with the high mountains, but the Southern part can be
ground elevation with rivers and valleys.
Language: Nepali

Religion: Hinduism up to about 80 percent and 20 with Buddhism. Totally religion based
Ethnicity: Chhettri 16.6%, Brahman-Hill 12.2%, Magar 7.1%, Tharu 6.6%, Tamang
5.8%, Newar 5%, Kami 4.8%, Muslim 4.4%, Yadav 4%, Rai 2.3%, Gurung 2%,
Damai/Dholii 1.8%, Thakuri 1.6%, Limbu 1.5%, Sarki 1.4%, Teli 1.4%,
Chamar/Harijan/Ram 1.3%, Koiri/Kushwaha 1.2%, other 19%
note: 125 caste/ethnic groups were reported in the 2011 national census (2011 est.)
Political system: Was a Monarchy until 2008, overran with the Federal Republic.
Economic system: Agriculture up to 80 percent and tourism. Since the country is too
small, the GDPs are not in the top lists.
Major natural resources: A lot of Minefields along with the different bird species and
other wild animals. Herbal plants such as Utricularia Bifida also lines up with the other
4. Nepal is a small country in the world today. However, the people lived there
appreciate their lives with not many outside contacts. Nepal remains about 100
percent religious citizens, and they have every day religious practices. The
mountains in the North are higher-ups with elevation up to 10,000 fts. These
mountains are not the everyday hiking ones but the famous Himalayas and
Mount. Everest. The Nepalese lives in the Southern or the Central part of Nepal.
They usually interact with the environment by tourism. Taking people around and
introduce their beliefs and in other times, they collect herbs for medications as
well as producing them to a wide use medicine in Nepal. Also, the country have
unique buildings for tourism that was build centuries Mainly the people interact
with the environment is not so much since they dont have a large population and
not using the resources as an economic booster.


Second Country Identified: Malaysia

1. Malaysia
2. Southeast Asia
3. Climate Zone: Subtropics& Tropical Rain forest
Topography: Two major parts of Malaysia. Each located on a different continent but
close to each other. The east part is connected with Thailand, and the West part is
connected with Indonesia. There are a lot of rain forests in Malaysia due to the location
(Close to the Equator). No actual seasons and the average temperature is around 26 to 30
degree Celsius.
Language: Malaysian, a form of Malay Language. English also remains as the second
language. Since a lot of Chinese immigrants that moved to Malaysia in the early years.
There is a large portion of people who spoke Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien and Fuzhou.
Religion: Official Religion is Islam but also a large portion of Buddhism and Christian.
Ethnicity: Malay 50.1%, Chinese 22.6%, indigenous 11.8%, Indian 6.7%, other 0.7%,
non-citizens 8.2% (2010 est.)
Political system: Constitutional Monarchy
Economic system: Agriculture in the last century but it shifted to traveling in recent
years. However, the top that is leading the economy is the manufacture productions.
Major natural resources: Mining Industry is the major one. Since the location is near
the equator, there are not many other productions besides mine and traveling. A lot of the
items are handmade by the local labors to sell as souvenirs.
4. Malaysia in the Southeast Asia has a good tourism place since it is in the tropics.
However, not much of production that boost the economy compared to other
manufacture industrial The environment that Malaysia offered to the people there
is tremendous. Since there are no heavy industries, the air, and the water remains
a good quality in compare to other industrial countries. Usually people there who
work in the rain forest or the tourism. People who work for the rain forest focus
on studying the ecosystem of the forest, testing the different hypothesis in the
forest, and as well as keeping the rain forest well with no future damages. There
was one incident in Malaysia years before when people heavily produced wood
from the trees, but it didnt go further since the rain forest is getting damaged. The
government quickly took action to fix and to protect further damages. Nowadays
people at Malaysia interact with the environment-friendly and maintaining them
well to keep the tourism running.


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