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Processes of humanization of the nature

Nature establishes conditions to human beings, who can transform the nature to meet
their needs. The relationship between nature and human beings is not static and
societies can realize changes into the natural world. To realize these changes people use
natural resources and transform them into man-made resources.
Transformation is the change of something into something else (e.g. water as a liquid,
can be transformed into ice as a solid, and into vapour as a gas)
Natural resources vs Man- made resources
A natural resource is something found in nature that people can use to meet their
needs.(e.g. water, tree, sun... etc... )
A man- made resource is something that doesn't exist in nature, but is obtained from
natural materials through chemical processes (e.g. table, airplane, pen... etc...)
Economical relevance of natural resources
Each country counts on some natural resources, that can be converted into
wealth.But a country also needs:
1) an 'environmental counsciousness'to protect the natural patrimony
2) a group of institutions in charge of verifying that the processes of creation of wealth
benefit all sectors and won't leave problems for the future generations.
Harmonious relationship with nature..
Our precolombian ancestors handed down to us the importance and necessity of
respecting the 'Pachamama' or nature. So, it is important to create a balance between the
natural environment and the economical needs, to protect and safeguard our world.
Art. 71
Nature or Pachamama , where life is produced and developed, must be totally respected
in all its forms.
Art. 72
Nature has the right of restoration In case of serious or permanent environmental
impact, the State must organize the most effective devices to restorate and avoid
negative consequences.
Art. 73
The State will apply precaution and restriction measures in all the activities that can lead
to the extinction of species, the destruction of the ecosystems or the permanent
alteration of the natural cycles. The introduction of organisms and organic and inorganic
material that can alter in a definitive way the national genetic patrimony is prohibited.

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