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“Randy tain. 90 Tal eet tate Phi yet Wok od Dos a ‘The Formation oe af Nepional States n parecer Roe see cemanet emma baretarcereninr in oa Mires etree Eoaeocae ae ce WP char Pap Cee A Ree ye Wont CHAPTER! Ruruzcrions on TH Histon oF [EUROPEAN STATE-MAKING Poli! Deelpment and History ‘Tus svatvsts ov poll development har fad abut the same selionip to Rsoral experince a dog on + lng leash tothe tte atthe ter end ofthe lsh The dog can roa alot ny ‘Brecon He an even ga the lain of rhing of on kx own. Bat Jechim rs ooo fat nd scala wll eck Ri cy sy even kouck the wind et of Bim. Some poli sete ent to teak the leah or at eat move the te." ators of this Bs ranted, + Ta which io very lng bat very sure. Our min tio pron i thi: naj pla tranfortione which ected in th ps may not repeat hemes inthe present and ftir and fre very likly to repeat themselves in early the ime ay, bat ‘ny theories which cam to campus gener proces of police trnsformation must be cossent with pst expen, and ought to be chested carefully agit that eine Efore giing we ‘cepance. We often mote beyond tht minimum postions me eo ‘Ser the sora experince to be more importa an cotepe ‘ry observation in the formulation or verfetion of ame kinds of (geralinaone abot geal pola changes. Palit analy at2‘whle har never syed fr fom the te. ‘The French Revalsion the Athen stat the Chins rec rary have slvaye ond as cierto be conjured with example to ilaerate an argument, realises apse which to achat opener’ theny. Since World War Il neverthley «nase of teste of Inge politi! proces hve sought fo ep the rane’ of the as through the employment of tchiqus developed in Elds ort {ned mainly t the preset: urvey recy itrmtoal qua tive analyes of dats fram censuses or buresucrtc reporting, and “no Cink tos wh hag ects 6 4 on. The eatin of scores of independent state made he sing tomrd the pret poole, anderen prening Te had = fu # widened the vison of thoe wove tetas had ld the ‘tat compursve government” conte saialy inthe epee Scruiny of epubian, fact, commun, and moar ons ‘ston “Poisal developmen” led atest to dang, pros, eget the pron andthe frre, "The move toward the dyami aalyis of the present enaled seriou ts some of wich were avideble. To expel com term usher. If the pan of time stm in very thor—ither ecru the sates unde ay are ae or bemused are oly sv thle for one or two pot in time-it wll be impale t det tren ad to veny theo bout what the end should be. The amp exapolte the exper of Gham, Jordan, or Jamaia ‘maps of fe or ten yes rik ele Ad the serie wt sf nermtanal conparsone t= single pti ine (asin tat (Gran, Jordan, Jama Helgi, and Tralee say, stand tdi ‘erent pits on ane cotati of pole develope all of thems sell eventually wovese) bags the wery question mich tears ef Polis development are svugging to anon. "The sco rl cnt (Chi re aveidabl in pipe bat neverthe Jes widespread isthe imple itu of mioncived madels of Western experience a the eer of polite development, Mi Conceived nthe senses: (1) dey often cated the Western txperence by astuming 4 fly coniniouerasonaiation of gov enmeny boadening of pole paripation, pacfcasan of the Imus, and wo on; (2) even where resonbly sunt, they sited {he posible hat the Western experene wat Icky thoy a aber ‘i, dead endo imply ne among many pat open fond en" government, whatever that may bey (2) the eva of mo. ‘Seriy tended to wit the queson of path of development into thother one under what contion an through whst anormans Imight we expr the governments of todays new mode fend ooking lie od ord goveraments? "The mew profound historia! analyse nthe weld wl ot tra inte dvoyanes Yet arefl examination of the Inge ru of Tora expen wll tlt defend thew who ardenly dee to tule som ofthe cempeary world ad the word of te faire este oe Kin of ero hve devi nde we Sd ny paltial snl who ban with contemporary afsns moving tack @ to grapple withthe lng ron: 4 Barrington Moore trsertng is enon fom recent Sovee polis tothe orig of the words fr politi aerate,» GW, Sinner gliding frm the Chines fn modern Thailand to China over its vst imperial story, a Su ‘el Hurtigton branding frm contemporary solder to the pels tal developmen of the mijor western pores and mers others inthe company ‘Tha volume, then, may be sp nt tandwagon already in mo on, We hope 2 eh the ep ile gracefal and ine Origin of is Bock ‘The Commitee on Comparative Polis gave us x springboard anda sing shove, That commie ofthe Soul Since Reach (Could slrendy beled shape the charac of Ameria studies of Ingoeals polteal Gange thratgh fa petrmage of quien ently publahed wader such eles x Baronrcy and Pala! Development, Commariaions and Palical Desopment rd The Chie Clr Early 196 the ommend a group compo of Sve of ts member plo two ntereted outers Satel Hat ington, Robert Ward, Myson Weiner, Arid Zallerg, Cabri) Al mond, Raji Kotha, and Charles Tillyto formulate plan of Feseurch on stead atin bling i Western Europe wich ee mittee might beable to suppor. The planning group recom mended “workshop” forthe summer of 1970. The plan Was a ep Almond and Tilly tok on the ce responsi For org ‘ang the 1970 meeting ‘The gene plan Ws srighforwaed: doe diverse but inter Joan et fav in whieh all European sates engeged 0 some degree and whose changes and vations were eral to the se {pet development of the wate srt whole, pera one oto spe alts inthe my of each of thse aces 0 pepe syne ‘cays comparing the atl epenence of aver European ‘te bring together the autors of tore ey pn few oer [fore alt of poli development for ewo monte of dca ‘Sin of the popes ual city farther search and rowing range + rela (but not overwelming) Bow of wing expert: {ed cue. And tat i what we id. The authors Of th volume free the core group. At th end of x sme wrk tthe Cer {or Advanced Seay inthe Behavioral Soe, we were ently convinrd thatthe work we bad Jae was intresing (i nt exe ts ‘ily wld deve) that we desded to bring together the Sst ‘reson ofthe papers we had been dicing pus same general ‘efecto the papers in acalive volume lee ix ‘We gan or work itending to aaae statomaking and the foxnaton of tains interdepedestly. Aa out ingiry prowede, we cancenrted our atentoninreasingly onthe developmen of Sats eather tha the baling of ations There were seer fe ‘ons for thi die One was he gree eae with which we coulda five at some working agreement onthe mening of the word “st.” “Nain” remains one of the most puaing ad tendenoos items in plies Apher ay tino Pa in which the pomaysfxes ws still open to serine challenge, they were not generally periods of nationalism, of mass polite! ‘deny or een of gre carl homagenety whim the boundries oft eae, The third wa the as nour igi st of top toad ‘he etntve sad rprenive cts of ate The bas was delete. The singing ove of the orgeiation of armed fre, tation poling, the conta of food supply and the formacon of teens personnel sueses actives whch were Sf felt coy, and often waned by large pars of the population All wore suena tothe ceaton o rong sts all se therefore Fly t tell ue someting ingorant sur the cndone under sich srong or wen cetalzed or decentralized able er stem 1, mater cine ito ining, OF coun, ether active might bare nd their oy eno team let eared of mamactting, er Secomece of bbe meray, pregued, clonzaton and’ i ein, and to on. Ths pariclar lat emphasizes activin wich frame inporane carly ip the sutemsking experince aad tine s for along Gite, and on which there sled ei a tanta body of kink works Arce work proceeded the cif ‘omison which th group tame to regret wat the jude syste. ‘Bese courts, judge tod judi predingsartedte sonal ste and appear into any wntly gun i cay to Forget how Tage 4 part eran nds of cours plage in the iytnay com struton of Water sts The ie cores Up of cours paper Galing with sation, foedsepply or poling, bt the velume as 4 ‘whole wats the jal stem mach Jes adeqtely than we would ae ied ‘Another delete decsion signify fected the characer of ‘ar wrk, an ofthis Book. We might ave ated our peli 0 ‘mvt ther paper an ommensrie on sme parsaarm oF thesries @ concrsing pliial change. That would have fed our jit in gry fom the very bganng Te woul, however, have red Exng the inquiry on iad schemes, on problems of teminalogy, 00 i ‘er ich mined the sutunce of the phenomena we were tying to understand: Tnead, enh purcpane received the ination ‘rte aboot his objet He he ew how, long the tetnent ‘res pthc and compartve.(Regares of sve guage ing Belly exch parce repre he ots in Engh where that produced bscrs, Tired to ei the language sto compre- Inlet not alway iiomatio Eaghh) ‘ven che kine spn tas ee open. Aa worked out the greet arf ourcolleive effort wen it the seventeenth and eighteenth entre. An eter focus would have produced moe dscsion of ‘he antecedents of fll edged sates than this bak coon; a ater fone would have weighed the dicusion towed the accmolaton ‘of fancins and powers by essed sats and the elaboration tEnong essing sates in raving heres ofthe weld ito asst of ates. The evntent- and eigheenthcentary fou hs del Sng mth penne in which foros of Europe bath the primacy and ‘he lima form of the sate were moch in si, Perhaps that ‘he most important itor isight the Dock bas to oe 8 seen ‘rom 1600 ot, the developmen ofthe sate was very contingent many airing sates crumpled ae fl along the way ‘OF eure ll ofthe priipane were sate of open ies inthe: coves of pola change to which eur codons might be relevant four runmers daca reinforced tht aaron Bu the freedom {act ech problem nom terms ere made the individ con tebutions more valle aswell as mare variable then they would ave been they had concentrated on few subi general schemes. The Nae the Edom ‘These with which we work in thi ok wl have a ptr. fail foe ey a plea erat. They wl ein to of (Edad Ince nots ood contin snd lr sure. Yet very fo of our readers wl caren be stemping to conromtthearct, of polital development ith sptematally amembled ioral ‘Sau Even fewer il ever have worked Stand with the seul Ascument left lind by aate making, a opposed to the tadard ‘cots of stateratng busted tow by pail stra In eng wih the bead topes siqad to them, all of our authors haves tone would cape red Reavy on sees poured by a ther abla. In our own routine work we vary rely in our we ‘of prinary terial wares. Yt one way or ecterall of = reader and writers abke—aze ultimately peioner of he dom tment And the chine re ard oe “The chun ofthe eine now ave coening the wae luiling of two or thr ture age sets important Limits 00 oar alli to frame or valdte hypothe aout plital development ‘We mus ely manly onthe reduce ofthe peperork ied ons par ofthe very conuracion of the ster we ae eadyng. Bese SF the way such rocrde are produce tnd prenrved the reduce overepreent the Sal, ofl, legal, oganetion, public wider of the airy we sal always be hardpreed to find sete doc ‘entation onthe preimiary, neal, legal, informal immoral, hd prime pete of sutemaling. To the extent tht or a ‘Ren requis eluble evidence onthe atuder and intone of Satemakers or zeny we ae bound tobe dapoited. What it ‘ore before the nietennh ema the mote or lee continous snd tomprehemive desiption ofthe bse populason now provided by zn survey, andthe Ike i only nab for etonlsall fEapments of time and space; rich snple operons a esting per opt goverment revenue by ropontherey bese dif Fringe ‘Ancompared with hitorias ofthe family or of poplar cle, evertelem we ae in + privileged postion. For satemkers are Fapemongers ther fs become our achive, From 1500 onward the documentation teams ever more abundant. By the rinetenth ‘antay itis amo inconceivable tht single pero ld aster in is fee the whale range of documentary erence avaible for mor than tenor testy yest of any important Baropenn sts im, "The documentary resides of satomaking fall ito several die ‘inet eateries For convenience, we might isingush among () ‘Sect inde reporting of the conduc of public airy (2) resting ‘bypredus of ergantasoeal work, and (9) reads and reports of ‘merncions between governents and members ofthe general pop- ‘ion. Adminsraste corespendene bulls Irget fa the St ‘ategor, both in voume and in value few sources an give + mare ‘pid and dramatic sens of the problems and prestpatone of ‘Satemakers than the exchanges betwen + Richelieu snd Bs prov Gal agets The mens, jours tod personal erependana of " sestemen (wich are rrr, les scale and harder to ntereet ‘farsdinarstve corerpodenc) sl belong here “he routine bypraducs of ergaiasonal wor indlade some ivi reporting, to be sur bt tey aso nla avai of futerals which must be stray clit and reierpeed tefere they yield rele information on how the government id ite work In Western Earope, the large sre of thi ind ae re ods of txaon and regitratn, persone le, budgets nd fran ‘Samaria and the resides of poling ene jada preedings The rere and repo of iteration betmeen goverment and members of the gers popultion oveap mth the routine Ogen Tratonal byprodace nes major pat of goveramental acti Conte of rach tings a alleing tae from ini eer: tng bry drafong young en, sreting them or veying thee ‘Sle for pli vance. Yer wide enge of eleva docest ome into extereeontae th bares: the roulae papers of ‘ther onpeaton (em meet, muslin, gui poli {al soon) which hie to deal with he sate; te repar of tracler o ether cues, ke the Beh consuls whose duit ‘lege mer of nds lecal group: Seon espe the pha by which the satematers could gun acca fo thew r= ‘oures: Eric Wol (1966: 90-91) has framed some pomefl ener ype abut the cree of the presence or alae of age, Kerbaced alton linking pesnts to porertaldey ouside ther Such culitins cau it Toi the Near Est and China. They bo ot ec in manorial Europe, pstConqust Middle Amer fot tnd the Andean ate, the Mediterranean, and nestecaie ope. The dination appars to divide soe: Ie on entre and desptc power, exerdsod largely through the Aelegaton of prebedal domi, rom than whch power ioe detained, The decentralized syste, however, sho two sbpateras. The Sst urate of the Mediterranean, Thule tp legely in dyads terme erough patronage reltion ships. The seond, found in maieval Europe and in Mble Amero and the Andes after the Spas conquest, sully ab feo diated 4 corporate pest commanity t 2 daminen do- ‘in omer inthe vy Tha gue then oped = pate Comerds th convo “The veoad major dition vies all the stems from othe Europe, wishin tr empha on aconal frm fas been able to caostrat yea relasonhpe on = Sagi ‘eunded ther ana many stranded ts As compared with pial enterenear cewhere inthe mel therefore, European somaters ad to contend rather Le wih ‘sly organized Ineages, ie and the Be. But the aloe was (Poca. amb lng cold form elton withthe aloes, ould amp to deseo subvert oF bypass them of (more tly) ‘Sold try combination al of thee i He eau no ignore ‘hem, marly wher the he aniong them formed selonus hereiaey cea ality Darlin Pail Scare “This tof power reltine drain sustenance om & peat tase villy imple the thr general codon ofthe European Satemukng experienc the emergence of sate Hom the mit of fh oensv,deveotrazed tu relatively frm pli srutie ‘The debs of several ufangempren remained. Acad to Jo soph Stnyes, moteal teorits woking with, Roman texon, the dacrin, andthe ries of feo Ife had aay fs Ione «workable thay of the sovereign ste—wich omy st ‘echerene jini wich cauld te widely ed in the coal ‘hon of power, The agent ofthe relively afer pola rc. ture—prine pop, poles, faramenane—eomtimes led Chemie with King the mating Idee, they mee themselves ‘fen Lng inthe aking But by the same taken ty sapled the tot ori ls ofthese Who saad and the mat retened Sppoents ofthe pro an whole "Two fates of the bcgroued to European satemaking de sere erp bese cartier aon of “pli develop Ime” tend to dg hems (1) the ely pli sparen Elbertve sombles, whih the re of cenmlizd tes geerly tclpeds (2) te tao and widespread regan tothe expan Sil at ome. bn Before the perid of sate praminene, pore ildng delve tive snerblit wor tings level of lial Ie fa the lage coun to the Electors ofthe Empire, The itu di nt, cf couse, represent individuals he radial democrat manner of the ninety and twentieth centuries But the Palen the Coney and’ Estes id ordiarly icrporte the encase mets of the population which Ind aque or maintained ers, priegessncsond by lr ia the face ofthe sveegn. Soh a. ‘emblsnermally had tome cont of eton which pial took ‘he form ofan exrrdiy grant fra specie purpose. Balding ‘rong rojl power meas coping, raborising or Sotoying ‘hw tn; that program sboried large pt of the energy of seventeenth contr lings and fs outome songly aed the ‘ee phate of posal hiory. Loal smemblae everywhere lot ove to ciuning sre, wii range Bom the enon of cme ‘doable suonon by Swan eommunes tothe Freeh sop ‘fcating comma seri inc the state rire to th vr {hal detruinn of sch intone in much ofthe Germain, “The fate of provincial and national bes war ore various and sno dob mors important fo these ler pital expect In [England the Parlament survived serious thet fom the Todor andthe Stars, then went onto govern In France aad Prania the ings were able to undermine the Eases sftrconderable efi, anda the expense oferting Inge aminitrative rues to ap ‘ln hem. And in Spain own and Cortes lire to a stands In 1500 the goveraments of Europe bare condenbly rete re ‘emblance to one another than two or thre entre er. One of {he che reas for ht increasing divergence i the varying costse ‘ofthe conte Between canta per and powering sembes om the seenth century onward "Nor were te existing asembls the only groups which rested satemaking, Thee broad chases of people rested: (1) the od ‘ary people prewed to surrender men, cops abr, god may, loyal, a sometines land tothe emerging eaten (2) the ete Ihe stores prewed to rlingaah or share thr power and (Gye rl damit sorergny ‘For all tir reputed dacty, the ordinary people of Earope fought the dims of ental sate for antriee In England, fr spl the Tudor put dawn ers rbelbone in 1489°(Yortie), "437 (Corll), 1596 (te Plgrimage of Gru), 47 (the Wer) (aa} 549 (Kets Rebellion), 1555 (Wyats Reelin, all sponding inane may canter tthe etralng ors othe own. Thee fave prvicalrbllins dwnded ter 16o0. Yet the revo ‘ons of the wevententh ecntry—depite the modrtting cone ‘pects we are tow icine to ety with them —grew mat. ‘aly from the Starner to cncnte ower in the owe “The rele war an enormous amout of confi snd rasane As reset det of the period afer the seventeenth century Eaglh ‘evcitione fs writen, “By 4688 conic nd rebel ton fn plot were ape ofthe tory and experiene of at Test tree teers of Elshnen,Inded fo centuries the country, had SSrly been fee fom trblen for more thn + deade at ime” (Plumb 196715) The pola wanton ofthe nett three or fur dere, arding Yo Plumb, Semly seated an olga thin satin England, slough even that ent of pla 9b ig dct, by any meats, eliminate lent cot fom English Pala fe, Many’ ofthe ame eqns of demand estan, r- Prion and comrl were for iotaney yet to be mpested Ie Trend "Nor wee shings calmer srs the channel, Fane experienced the boedy reign war ofthe stent centr, whch peed to some een on qusins of royal prergaive wes real ib ‘en The clear coed, and nen resitance 1 the postion ‘ste central fm to ete inthe sreteath try the ‘rom demanded gree tak revenuts Eom the French popula, tnd aed to newline we deroy the autores Which fond in ‘ay. Wale ner on he posing or omerpin of en fr mila series andthe foe delvery of grin t Sta and army inctod ‘depres, load, relion throughout Europe he ext, ‘mot Gri and tow invent forms of pop cess co ‘ered on ation. After al maton as the eet mean by wich (he balers of vate in the seth eeatry and ater sported ‘ee expending sonic, which were ie tar the pica iar ‘pen in ebliting conta of thi Forse, puting them oy de fending them agait enteral incon, tod seeing thar ome ry inthe oe offre mhin thon frontiers Camel, le Say nec were i torent entre the man nective fr the ‘pont of new eer sn the repularanon of ld ones, The need (el af Rcermore the verconing of sean to tan fe (pred the maintence of a miitry foe. So tuned the tight Gr ts] de canneing state rating, military inion and the extraien of are restr fen eat poplin, ‘The satemaers only imposed thee wills on the. poplace through entries o ruthie effort The er ack many forms te sig inc salle depensent onthe cow sh loyal ymin ‘hove sas (armies and bureaucrats alte) reliable eflecive ines ‘mens of poly blending cserson, coopatn and legion ‘eum of gunrnecng te succes fife segments ofthe popu) aequsing sound information abou the county, peo ‘le and its resourry promoting ecnamic acvies which would Fre or crentereoucs forthe ae of the sate, In al these eos ad more, the satemakers frequeny found the exon autor {Ss alied withthe people against thems Thus t Beare a game of shiing coins: ge rallying poplar appar by oferng ger mer agus coc and array lal magnates or by challenging ther claims to gonde, money or series but noe Resting to sh rebelion when the pple were vided br a sufientmultary force frat at hands magne faring a defenders of lel eres gsine rojl opprenion, ut not hestang to argun wih he ‘ora whenitappared adntageus Uimatly the people pi "There mer se + ultade of exenfal Pal Claant—the rina, tsops, dues and brigands who bed for soverig poe be fied. For the rucon of Europe from some ve funded ‘mor los independent poll! wits in 1300 to eee sites ‘in 19 produced nrg mumer of lors. Unie the Chinese an ‘Roman tateblders of ealr time, the Europeans of 1s00 thd Inter dd not oriarily expand fom = highly ogaioe center nto weily organized periphery. (Which not tay there ae Mo floes Lethe Engoh cong of Ireland and the expenon of Brandenburg Praia through Cental Earope,o ht eloal rate sors inthe rperd made to dierence.) Only in European clon ‘Sansna dd ater the drinant pein. ‘Nor did the European sutebuldersafen have the cance to sae and srengthen 2 angle pressing pial stature, a hat {oe te fone expert of tational rls cee the Amer cies of 1775 Indeed, bling slots in much of Europe ‘pawe anubing tunerous pols unis which already exeresed Sigiane cams to sovereigngy—fee ci, penpals, Bahop- ‘iy and vary of other ent The Euopean tate mikey ee teal ret in the work of combining, conan, netaiings manip (lag tough cmplisted ad wcllet we of pla flons, ‘They sought feakion srebing larger and stronger than hd cessed before. Tn order to ncomplsh ht they bit teat or di toe lage par of the ey and fae Faron resstune hey ‘ids. "Yt one feature ofthe eave pital srasure gral ford the enterprise. The Earperns of 1500 had + tadion of Kingship ‘which seched back i diverse ways to Reman ties, Jue bein them lay evenhanded yeas o King aking experince ich (for le cic) ad eatin ste every open ting a ea rominly jot tone own on ater The tata wh fo: lowed were forthe mos par kingr and agent of King Thy were very ch merler ofthe sate they were gradally derying ‘They commanded a meme of sabmion ‘on quite tien! rounds. Te genie beaks with the tradition cme ith the fr fon of federated reps lke the Dah oe the Sway and ih the eenion of European power into oeneas clones Conditions Fevering the Nations Sete In onder to inte the coditons which fore the ining orice of nana sates over dhe peopl of Western Europe me have o playa ncemly tid om ator. We have fo consider what ‘Sul have happened ited of what a. Without some mach com frnmieple or copittoewear at ctred and. at {ould have secured, we have meats of separating the Wil a tered of sate mang from the Mog ones In order to Binds time wt the atonal ste det ok ae sem to bare Pe Campa sll the steaives,Frthermor, me probly ave tg tick farastheirtenth etry. "ven the, sorngt Jongh Stayer, the form ofthe Barpean states lendy well, the tine of is dine already begun By 1300, wes evident sha the dominant pits frm i Were Europe was ging t be the sovereign sate. The ui veal Empire hd meter been anything but dream the i eral Church had to adit that defers of he india ate took precedence over the Terie of the Church o the aims tthe Citi commonwealth Loply to the wate wa srg. bs than ay oer Iya and for fo invidals agely {governmental fal) loyalty to the sate was aking on some tf he overtones of patriots (Stayer 197" $7). Sryer tet forthe emergence of st, however, i reletnly ‘oft ove: the eppearane of pltial wi pring i ie td aed in pc the development of permanent penal nit ‘one agement oo the eed foe an authorty Which ge al jingment and acetic of the iden that eh author sould re txve the base loyalty of ts abject” (Seajer 1970 10). The tet ‘clades governnet by epporte groupe or oetocks Whi ae Either gcograpicly Fragmented or consul on the mow, eren 1F they eserteprimary cams to the obedience oftheir meter. Te in ealades goverment bythe saison oe fersn (rr thee mater, campeon) of muleple authorises exeraang jr tion over the same populations. Te exlad, Sn, the ident crc of pola conte! by «suture who rica acy ‘ttn, contr of mariage, maniplaton of sae res and ay Tuller smething ce ofthe sore The tt de not on the ther od, rere any parila ale of goverment, any parca de re of itegrtion among the "permanent, perma nso Gr any grestcncetason of power inthe ceria sathory. When i cones wo Geng the sattening potners of hte matron, ‘thse eter on the preset importa ‘Ara matter off, Strayer exp bring empires and dy tte under his heading; e presumably would not hive great dcly Twingig in ale By Dope and popes a well jt long a they conralled seine initeson of gorermest. So the chim for ‘soy predominance of the wae in Barpe doe not have que the ‘wep Sin scrap have. Inthe thirteenth entry, then ve ot omer tay ll ave Sen open: (4) the form of masnal ste (whch sally emerged; (2's pla felerson or emp con tolled ely lol fom sgl enter (3) a teste ers tin commonwelth—eld tether by the err of the Cath fle Chueh; (4) a5 tensive wading network thous legesale, ‘ental poliial oration; (5) te pester of the Hew” ‘trocar which prevailed inthe thirteenth cetry. The rail ap Pratl of ay sch at t 2 pear tay sic sm cary to give asons why events which dd not happen could ot appen. (On ‘esng ths lst, Jouph Strayer har ad fo me thatthe pola ed (26) tin wat 9 more than rely posible the theorai federton ‘Epomible ce the church fad skedy conmeded the trporl pe ont ofthe sey the pester ofthe Meu” sroctre ely Spoil, bess that arctre ws already gone by 1300) New. trtheles exh of the unreal outa carespoeds to developments ‘whch i at at bein in Western Europe "Not oly ad the Reman Empire prevailed in Bape, nt only ad the Holy Raman Empire prin sudo, bu he pe args scully kept ther own cary Federation operating ito the ‘inetenth entry. At ines they even dominated the oinet. A ‘ordomiated federation sees nplasle bese We 50 eB lay eppoe church and sae. Yet some churchmen held get por Fi power well in the mer peri. The peal sae survived somehow nthe rncterth entry. And there ae examples ee froin the world (incung the nary Neat Ea) of large, Yet decentralized, goverment by rete, Te imerloked trading {Sse of Germany and mothers Tey cya ft, lng et enol ‘con ito aon sates They ceed commercial fderstins ke ‘the Hane, bt ot common tents, emo bueaacis oreo ‘mon Gal sractres: Filly, he “feudal orguizaton of manos, ‘own, and orerlcs—for ali the impression of the word feudal ars spec cic prodaminsted ss Wesera Europe fr sever] “The src which beame danas in Europe after 100, he sane! watydiflred fen thaw sllersive palit in evel Sait wap: (1) coal a welded, coniaues te tory (2) ewes relatiely entrained (3) ewe difretted from ‘her orgainatns (4) renfred aime trough «tendency to aque 1 monopoly oer the cncntrted mean of psa fron within te eriey Sins em, explining hw the ation Ste won out amount ty scouting for tara oman, ‘entlintion, erentiation ofthe itrmens of goverment fom ther srr of orpazaton, and. monopoles (plus cose. on) ofthe means fern “The common candiduns me have already aod a prevaling cand 1500 dvigaly aed al thw pce Tt aw ea, however, ht they ctuzed the daminanr of the state. The cond ‘Som prevailed ei than #400 Tn 1900 at wel, Bape wae eb ‘rely homogeneous clay, dew the gre bulk off raoures from » peasant tse, and maitsined a decal! pola ne tn are, or ter a congeis of pla sutures. Homogensiy i {=I probably didnot pedpone Earope toward maton ste, Eluorbere it the world lege bomogenco populations have leat themelves well tothe balding of enpies;ateugh tral hort: fgeoety makes the poly of dhade ot pore les fase, eres the ify of extending niferm adminsttve arange- ‘mens ovr Ive populations and rakes oman allele ee {© pra, The peng my in whch the rltive homogeneity of ‘he European popsltion foliated the emergens ofthe natal ‘ite athe tun some ther polit dri comet me a i aing i xy to dvd the conten op inka ually excaive ‘etre wih were M one raher ary tod sje to co ‘erable cane, "Nor does there em tobe any pata afinty becween pests sc tational eats, no only have pent borne the burden of em pire and cysts, bur alo European feu arangenents de Fede fra te begining on the proces of x sth peas ‘Siry, My exter pt se ttt pomnats ae cami tre Faves tothe eaton of onal ey ie war rather at te predomite of pasts drew satsmakers willy ito sup {les and coalitions with the men who controled the lind. The ‘Rronget argument one cl make for the pst bse a 4 ce ‘fhe wes vcory, I supp, tt the presence of pects Ee ower to major Indl and the ncety of saline with [Boral prope of landlord (who had same’ ae wh which au thor or woul auth, ally themselves) bath imted the sale st which prinas could pert and posed them toward tertoral agglomersson, Those ceumancs, however, rested mmo dvesty from the desetlzed pola rate tha rom the proaminane of eae Tracer odd t onde thet polial ingmenttion a one of he endian oetrnung oth Sl danse of atonal wate: Did ‘nthe extemal stale only spain fragocnnon? Ye, atthe very preseice of mllpe contenders for power, mtully sce and elavely lin stength, promoted & pros of cr ‘olidtion by means of shiting cealisons among gearaphially eocentated eles, made i ely that more than e0e wah pose Srold be going on a= tine, and hampered any er et ne De an authority without cntigour terry ot mbit large prt of Europe to = ingle sutorty. We have the rac ad (a) srarda of the coin 8, N, sens ayes in Polit Sy toms of Empire (3963): large, Fanctoing epi gos through = Contnaos cle of bling ap power in piper rie only toons the wh ave dre sca to at power tur fo Git on ‘nde and agit the cera tracer when an empire dengan {the Roman Empire did perhaps follow that fs fragments ae that muck harder to rag ck into amon suc. “The wares of corporate dracares,epecaly tho Linked by inatip, in Barpe proably ated tis proces of growth evaugh the manipultior of shiting csitions If lineages contain Ind, Iabor and lp had spree seronthe European map wold ave ben harder to ret up the population nt drt ero, ouptpowefl mentere of lal cea without extending priviges te thir clemeles or renting the Incest wh dierent [forerment from Kn and oon. The rcirent confrontations fn our omn tie between corporat Ka groups snd non Earopeant rho ave sought fo contr tater on the European model ri {ire thi aan, Peep the apparent difclty of mata ing in thom porto of Europe with dd bate fly powerful corporate in groups (I hive snubeatern Europe eel ia tind) pies th se dein All he terplnsins® ofthe itary ofthe mona ate one ite thenealy pose aerate I ave propo ofr fll tothe (Gtegary of preciso, But tome fetus of sate buldng poe ‘Seon atd ofthe creumnances ich sctmpaned them in Hoop, Sb dre ing. Fine, specalzed organization work. I te tak at and is wall defined and const of maniputing the onside world, the ruler who builds » special prpo organization and {pei applied with remus ens tp have the santage oer [rae Sass in aria notable empl the cera of see se reatrely dey he man lets of oe tk ( not the ect of hee seamplhment) rather dest and the speriorey of he ‘ellauppliedopeclorgeieation ute il to el nthe long rn For the purposes of ratine regina amination fsa comodo the season of supe forthe seeds of goverment rear sping barersracy fas 4 suber of advantages over kn group, 1 puronclan chai,» tadingnetrck or the cher erature Dat inthe theres serie tothe sta ate, "Tha asin i tobe sre, far from selfrden. One cn chal lenge ic eter by relng the importance of erin nde of bo bt exuracy in imperil China an ancient Bayon or by inating on the cit and inicences of cotemporcy buresuraca: I do ac ‘nt argue out that whole pole hee 1 simply want sages ‘Bat in meal Europe pines who spcied ther irons tf government by forming = spate echeue, a group of legal a ‘try and oon ued the counizatoalndvtageand that he ‘ery tanforeaan ofthe irumeats of government nth die tion promoted the Formato ofthe lrg, stonomany ferent, ‘etary tice we el te nana se. ‘Another srmstante which probly favored the fora of the tal ste aver it pole alternates im Europe wa the open test ofthe Raropean periphery. have ia mind both the lc of Dorant conantrons of power sound the immediate aris ih ‘Thick was were forming, td the avalibty of teria forex Janien, compet tad etacion of new restrain The Byzandne [Empire andthe various Muslim empies whi formed around the ‘Metierancan pat the mot inimeate prone on Esropesn polit ta life Europans were relay fee fom that ort of presare found ome twothds of the perimeter. Ae x comoyuene, rn ‘rely small polite ne could grow without being gobbled wp (or let darned) by adjzant empire. Furthermore, the rive 1yamall powers had roomcretaly fading land howe the At Mae—te epund colina and etablsh thor com imperial on tcl. Wihou hs combination of crcumstics, Tat to sige, mach larger rgiato than the European mona te might ‘ellhavebeen he onan that ould have vied ‘We should nt, aly, neglect the coins ofc, ede, merchant, manufacturer, snd eariy capitation. No doubt if he ‘recht nd burghers of the thieeth or fouranth emu Bad Tid ours ple maser plan fr Europ, woald no have ide ronal aater They wore mush mare interted is maining the attocmy of ca ad the las among them, Yet the inten of merantle acy in Earope before the tion sate probly ajed a major role in feng resources rouking tation ad ated fos of governmental exracin febl and matiraing ol author ‘ata develop new forme of otro oe he population ater on a powerful repro telneip between the epanon of cpl andthe growth of sate power developed, dept the freqoent efor of eps themier to ght of sate pomery ‘Romnd Bode he made the conjunction mujer thee of hs vo sanalyes ofthe European seeth century (Bratl 1949 1966) ‘Well before hes, However, he perce of table wel trade Was helping an Engish monarchy py for tx operon, and the eer chante of Pais were dicoering that they fad to Beep the crn Supplied wih money. The interment but stl expansion of uropean ade and industry ge + compte advantage to Oe palit sithriies who cold deve. means of diverting the Te ‘oars to thee en pape Th Joking back over thee spond ess ofthe mona wat’ secreig we mat agin dings beween the ey version ofthe ‘td the hard ne. Obvious f thee condon (82 {he erent that I have potiyed te codon preving a the be Anning of Enropen atemaking acutely) sfeced the way onl sts formed and grew. The point is vi: The bard gue Sows are: (1) what sour erates were poses and (2) ‘whith semaine rater than the other? Ihave enti the em ire, the theoeatie federation, the trading newark and the fade {psi at youl alteratve I ave then gone on fo propor ht Ge prectttng plital fegueresdne, ch ween of xports surture the eecveren of pecalzed eraenton, the per ts of the European pespery andthe goth of tad, me ‘hant, manufacturer) and ely capitals weighted the eacme toward the nana wate, Sich sotenen pis that narer of other factor ike he parca peogrphy of Europe its altura omogenciy, and largely pss poplaon did not af the choi among osm to mach. The way to chee oat rch er ‘Soni throgh + dell comparative examination ofthe creates of stealing and the trative prose bth i Eorpe and ‘aowhere. Butts bok ante on me than preface to tit able nee Dien Exits from the Common Conon The common condins—the reltively standard care, the pesant bas, the preening, deastred poll erature Shaped the sate which developed sn Western Europe muliceny that they have all remained reegizably of the ame spss up fou own ime, Nott hei jeans have been dena Gree, Switzerland and Tay profced rater diferent Kinds of ste. Let ts sve the deviled cmpuson of individual histories fr ister. Tight nw te problem ito entity the largest Fetus td gromet on itis ie te Rewpan stemaing apie fom 10 Tints simples version the problem as oly te elements Fist ‘ther isthe prpuain which cries on tone cllecive pola ie if only by vraeof being nominally sje to the sme central suber. Stcind thee es fovernmentlorgntauon which sr es cntrol over the pina conetaed enn of een with in the popidon. Ted, here are routed relation betes the fgoveramonal erpanzason and the popalsson. Historian and po: {Edad scents fave at oe tine oraneterlled ato AC hage range of aratersic of sad popultions, goverment ‘era at rls betwen them. In rig pci gues Sons about the alertve paterms of satomabing ia Europe, 1 ‘wut call atenton to aly ete toad carci of ech af the Clements Fit the pen of motion wikia the poplaon ‘bjt to each se T mean eh deni, sue sale and s- ex of the varia segments of the poplason which formed, 2. (gored calleive conta over renurcenandparipated in nail ‘rages for poner. The candi the degree of Mater” 0 the pveramenl src. Borowing from JP. Net 1968), Lexa Ee degre to whch the ietuments of government ar diferet ed fom other onion centred, sutnamour and for tally coonated with eachother. hid, the forms of poi ‘igh eerie by the popu with map to the goverment ‘ucts I fave nid the ener cine tat meso the pln can make on agente of the goverment—bothconpeling them to do something and preven them fom dang something che Mesbiaation Altbough the clue homogeneity of rope retited the Kinds of group val for mobliaton anywhere tad leough he ge. rly of wluizason, indusilaason, 2nd apitaliaton ven ‘ualy guaranteed tat cery country would experience sme degre ‘of mabilintion othe prt of urban and it rua working ses, the pattern of mohilaaton have vatied aking over tne sd ‘pace. Nevertheless since 1500 Baropeans have rarely mobile on the bas of color, Kini, age, sexo elope poston. The p= Sal exeptons are, no dow the nineeetheenary deve for tal vromen' righ and the recent mavements of youth, Earopeane ie, on the other Mand, fequraly modlied ot the ba or Tipo, nngage, pevow posal satu, community memiantip, cls and, more roy, epatin ‘As mas pols grew op from the Frenck Revlon caver clas lnguage, and religion trae relatively more important 2 tse of mobo. Sen Roan (197! 101) atl the shit inaiewy: “Teves oppsions wt ie to te proc of rato bil ings pushed fo thir extreme they lad fo war, selon, os Uy even population tranfers Puan opposton cn eal develop afer some inal conldaton of the rao tee tory. They emerge with ncrening neraton and commie ‘Son ser the caliber and the repay and they opr through = proces of acl mobilen” The gromag ation tear coped u wide range of sgences of ovkaton ae Sandirdation and gradaly pened the bons of ‘mora lal clue So di the organization of the Chur, Sometimes in cls caperaon withthe sult sistas, tte in eposon to and compton withthe oes of the Sate. Ad's» dd the many sutonomoss agences of economic Sevlopmest and rom the nermorks of tars and mer ‘hay of tanker and Souner, of artane and data conocer “The early gromh ofthe atonal bureaucracy teed to pro- due ‘cuentally testoral oppositions, bot the seen widening of ee spe of governmental aces and the a Cleation of ersenal traction gradually made for mach ‘Sor compler gio of ligunenty ome of Cfo Tate ad ter er and hin oon “The order and resve weight ofthe ive forms af maiaaton epedod in Rola view, on tree main fare (1) the se ‘ttre relationship etablse, is atthe Reformation andy sx da he adent of mass paricpation in mao! ply (3) he ‘elite tnang of proton snd of fdilinaen and (3) the ‘altual~and pec religcn—dversty of the poplaton an- er the jroo ofthe stein qurtion (Relat im Chapter # sl refamalstes and etn the eer argument, baton the quein ‘kmobilason ts ener remain these) ‘The ent of mobiiaton on the bat of language and bei de pended to an importans degre onthe form sed pay of te ote [cist onthe bas of cs potion within the dal tem caved repudles of the Chacer of the sat, although {wenlethcenury sets sometimes aed to promote moringe ‘aiiaaton (a ssl egies) ort ce a es Fe {Ge The sats oom ply with regard to cual bomogensa fen, lesan of goverment penoenel,contal of mobliing (Gps another istrcionfntven goverment aod pope ill Alpe shape the pte of manson Both psn nd wrkare wee slow to noble at» mtoal scaly before fly nts the intent centy, thir mba fms erdisrily shorter tnd defenive. Beore then there wat {reser variation in the mobilation of the lendowning and eran. fle cuss, everywhere some kind of accommodation Seween nd leeds andthe crown plage anspor part in the enn of ttt pos, cr Gengh hdl ee pled the mow acim ‘ertos ts aatebildey. Tat hardly suring, given the i prance andthe diversty ofthe people who quay somehow se Indo in an agrarian iy, Stents Daring the la canary or 2, all Went Ruropean governments arrived ats relavely high level f atray » mesure by formal tonomy, difretition om songveramentaloraetios cn Traleston, and itera cordate, They have elaborated with tach ater and with thir overs athot in promating the di ‘on ofthe ene mold int tele ate Tt as ot aay ben sor Although the dt afer 1500 througout Europe ran toward i Creing mateben, diferent governments moved at very diferent fates A a rou intrstanel pares In saten incensed Sharing the seanth and semen entre, BY the ction the Seen etary was time of signify sing teen the ter seventh entry 1 fey of satemakng, tbe eighteen eiry {cuss} snd the Bast» pid of condi, the nineteeth cn tary and ely entity an age of convergence song ‘ramen which mere sl sigantly diferent from exch other in too on Such summary exaggerates the reguaity of the procs and cre cra lends nad lage, With rept 1 axtonomy, dire ‘ition, certian ad internal eordation, Pnee led Europe ‘rough alot all the prod ter fo, wile Hnglandscaumulted ‘atenas ss slower pce and tower level, Yet in 1650 England Tay under the ene of + cenralingmlity dtr, wile Franc undenent the fragmentation af the Frond, for that bt moment the English goverment was very ley the mot ae in Europe. All things conidere, honever, England (hich id 0 ‘uch of government bane through utes ofthe peace, pi. tate corporation, merchant Set and sar group ely rcely Seach to the ctrl sure) survived ne thesineeeeh on tary with + aber low level of sxtene. Apa, Spin. pred 4 sSieenhentury spre of satemaking whieh if conned, could ‘aly have bough her to Europe's high level of centration, ‘Efereniaton autonomy and sovdiatn; the proves sawed and ‘sometimes reversed nthe setetenth and eighteenth cents. As ‘rel, Spin entered thea of ndistry amd empire with ore of ‘the len setely goverment srucre of he tne "Eereme sutenes, of cure, neber puree pli! ably toe etre power the intrainal aea One sight gm that “inqruefrnntenen dee adnan pees a government ‘and ofthe mcile rescres within saje:ppulato, doef ‘ee it capcty to free recurs which embeded in ton reworks of cigar, ad thereby augments the goverment’ over to aplyreoucs to objet t& natn or tration foal, Bue Whe Europes expeens i gd, the shore ct ian ina in the Heeoed of ressante and revel. Hen = lowe Histor conection among inex in wate, expansion ‘farmed fos, esi ttt, and pope reli Pola Righe Beene the development of tenes, onthe on Ra and the peter of mobiasen, onthe oer comes the acqoan of Jo Tiel sighs tndng on agents of the gverament bythe members ofthe mained groupe ihn the sje poplaon. Extensor of te surge for wampe, donot follow fom the pace of ate ‘making lone from the puern of maianton sae, bt fom an Interacion between the two proms One cul, itty make st rable ce for two sly complementary. proposition: (1) ‘toog European goverten’, thse which were higher in states ‘by te nineteenth etary extended he sfrage farther and faster, (G) bac extensions of the stage were more durable and suppred by rarer guritoc inthe lew sate ike goverment (cf Hoban {gy 4-88). The popoatins woul, however, rk dows ety if tpl to ange ore ine, ce the overt to Wier oo frage and the continued growth of sstene cced together, yet fn noshing lke theme Phythm. To understind the ety (i tem rary) advent of manhood surge in Fane (1793) of Praia (rag, we stall have to grasp the vst mobiiaon of pean and worker which cccared ft Before the yeary and the see po: Tica penr i paed the managers of he atesinqeson. ‘Amber of ther pital rights ought (at lest in penile) to yinld to the tame str of campursine alse wick bar aed. theorising sat elesorl stems he sates waren of the forts of jt the right of sembly, freadom of te pr the ight of ttn, ration of sigs inert, defense of ile and prop ‘ry. and oer cin of idvadde or group the tae which 6 {Graneed in pine and in gene eur than tig personal {nfsne or wpeialtanneion The development of ach fight much harder to deine, detec and compare than the sqution of Voting High They fusute frm regime to regime: They ae val henble to invsble abridgenents. Converly, they often ace lowly snd incnapinaiy before being nce in Iw They a rage eply neq inal pace. And the managers of states lye cm that they are more general than reality shows them 9 {In compenation for thee dials inthe sytem ay of poli righ, they cuter to rome degre and may even fom a nd ofl. Ter present parpns the signet hing abou uch ight ot ‘haz they ahold ens i healt, Du thatthe ate the ha tome other argrizason, should became the fr of thr enfere- ‘pent. Indeed rather than thking of abstract ight which ar eo Ford (or vilted) by ste, i would be more illuminating to ‘honk of pla right cle nding the agents ofthe ate to sect groups of people: eligoasminarits an cll on the state (2 defend ther guint persecute, ada inns cn int the sate {Bre them their dy in Coury he indget ean ci sasenane fro ba eset These are pla igh lrg erp in that ‘hey conte binding cine on the agents of goverment, reher ‘han on ame ther gros “That speifcton cies «lage historia tranformation, The ‘European rational rvlues ofthe hat few ceed ot 20 ‘much expand pols right as cnet thom inthe ete and ‘lc heir avert inher soo goverment Aare prt Of the proce conse of the tes abridging, Senroying or 2. ‘orbing igh previously lodged in other pltial ante: manor, Communities, provnan, est In ces Ike the ote nue of tonal ver nr frm manorial lr churches and commit, the gh tel conned in more o les the sume for but Under ew mamgeeat Tn ober ons the right Speed ety. The eos Rowehold to paste i fico the vile commons = aris empl, the right of the Roauols heed to punch ‘tember na lon bose ‘Nething could be more desimental to an understanding ofthis srtle proce than the old Hierl cnerpten of European Airy The grail craton and exteson of pial sight. Earopeans ‘eted and ted wide varity of epretnve ination though ne, ofc, inthe mage ofthe nneteentheetary Far Famers) before the heyy of the ations ate ar from promt. ing sh intraons, cariy sneakers struggled aint the ‘Brand Gade ges wean dnote futentcntry pede nthe mile ofthe foureanth century, mos ely becween 14s and 136, the chal ders mere bor the progress of Ibretatnason war ceed for Tong time to cme the Be [great revolutionary wave sme sows Europe, representative ‘Semble ad there great oxen and he peoples oF Europe ied ther mot hanome igs ram the pin ily yer ter the weight ofthe Engh Parlament wat 0 vt tat St sald perk of Laratan parlament ‘am; new revolutionary wave Was cosing Pane and Cate Ton, the Beaten were acticin egrets eng in Get ‘many the Cauncl of Cotte mehened the foundtion of pl morarchy, the Hite revolton shook the Erpire and Challenged he il crer, Alera mete ei Lite by Tele he ope andthe pincer got grip an themselves demo to rte conviciors faded, the orders of evry dd, and the ‘retention began again (Gane 1971405). For longtime after then, the bildes of tes worked to samp ost oraior xsing righ, nt erend he Rights nthe form of cms onthe exe emerged though nin teraction berween populasons molling = tora sale and (premmnens aug grater end grater eaten, The eb fag groups ordinary made the kins lng and intently before sthtese, with good grace or bad horoed them, The Hight ofa ‘embly israes the pois ery well: Fue fom biog Fight well ‘abled i thease i ames ito Bing a6 «ci of specie Segments of the population and speiie types of grouper, ‘Young eine, wspwbonds revsioarin parame pails he protean of the sate inthe collesve opaian of publ lnc or thie enn, changer im the wand in the pling of Fie smcrce se stong cor mow valle sig of the seu Ton and low of pola poner by iferet segments of the ppl, “The tre oto ola change I ave singled ot fr examin. tioo—change in sates aterm of mobiain, aston sed Tomes of pti rights—do not together into any angle patters swe eld confident ll “pil developmen” Bach ince: one of the tamfrmaton which amos of the comemporry ‘weld ave put under that heading For our pups rather San cig the bere lel seems mare tefl to prey the gent Pisa caages involved in the emergence ofthe Earopean sat ‘Sytem as an interaction between two ply independent proces, ‘Balilzadon and satemaking, with he syuion and las of ih ty diferent segrens of the population being 2 produc of hat What Disinguss the Surin and Vir? Most f the European ects old ses filed. The enormows ‘majority of the pital units which wee around to tid for aston ‘my and wren in 1500 dinppeared inthe et few centres, mathe or sbsrbed by other eatesinthe making, The sober ‘majority ofthe unt which gor no fr ant aque + regia (tenes a nes dung thew cents ell appre, hd of the handful which survied or emerged into the nttenth entry Gn 1 autonomous stats only ew opted efeivelyregurdls of ‘that citron of efeiveress we employ. The dapoporsonate dix ‘outon of sxe and falar py in the unplenant ston of dealing with an experience in which mort ofthe ces 6 eg veh only the pontine cer are well dosent "Yet we ak what dines the pote efron the ret. We rata let ras the queion, we ean to confrot arable ge ral ideas abot satemaking, andthe ides have to do monly ‘with exes ane fare: Untotustly, mast of the avilable ess Str the level of generality a hich we are atempting to work CSthersbaracing s greatly thatthe prpoins come cow to e- tng mater of devon, or saying wow to one Hotral adel tha all other ster bea, inter en way flares, Neverthe let lar enough t what fren of pola experience mat the vale tere allo attention. By ad ne we get the {tugs of tre rather atnomctsctere of procomer the fe dt ter vary lied socal ange, moderation or scl and ec tamie development tbe send distr lied poll madera See, pla development or even ron bing, Obvioly he ‘old von beeen ste and xy bas ge into mon. The two ‘hater of procs are upped titer drpting ofa Ing esc ther. Ths the managers ofthe pola rare fe two sors of “protien”: (1) coping withthe cule produ by ‘osal change; and (2) reting cl change toward sme desired tof etcmenPeriormance thn ores (which mph Gly ocde the survival ofthe goverment self) thn provides the ‘hi of ces, “The dingresments within thi predominant radon of choosing geserlly cover the recon of col coneton between the ‘Socal td “poi” proteus (to what cent doe change inthe goverament amply rel change ih socal stacare?)y the gov fenmenal arrangements most Itely to prota the (Wo kinds of ‘cs the ders to which each ofthe two cater of proce fo lows the sme pth every country, and al the proper termina ogy for ducing all tee ie unions Bent the wrace ‘debate about the proper and pouile roles of government als Contin, To my mind the mon iterating thing abut tis way of ering the ingury nts perf comisancy wih the wold vew (of the high admire oa. There th oubide wold to be (oped wth or tranformed by means of governmental ingruents, fro) themes abject to improvement or dey. No dou tht is the Plenomenolgy mest compat wih the apr to wring aking nstretions othe present rm the experience of he past “The main guesions Tam rating here, however, are somewhat ese inarametal snd somewhat more mature. At ech eit i ine ‘rom 190 onward, what Fetes of pil it would hve Pe smite wo smite meter would (1) survive int the fallow ing petid as a dstinct wit (2) undergo terri casalidatin, cenvaletion, dfereianon ofthe intrument of goverment fom ‘ther srs of orguczaton tad menopoltion of the mene of ton; (3) become the mucous oft anal ae? What fete, (of populason wuld have permited wo make the sme Kinds of predoas about the polit nits ining juriicion oper i? Tn eer i ses to me the anaes ave to do wth whether che ranger of the ola! anit were active whith were ex Pensrem gods and manpower, and Balan appara which ee Evaly drew the neeaury reoures frm the lal populiin aed ‘Sesed the population efor to ree thatexacon of rou, Sitch sstement to be sr, spy shoves many ofthe more inter ing guesons lack oe ep. (It ety, for empl the prob lem af how England grew powerfl and survived into the eieteth ceomury with trlately puny eeatal srutre) Nevrthles, 2 the degre thatthe statement corre we shuld ony cone the form of representa, the geoolitial potion, the clue of the laa popelton or any mamber of ether ator in so ar 8 they a fe the propensty of plisal unto carry on expensive ats nthe aly ofthe wnt to extras the etl resets fon he popular “Toe indivi papers in ths vlume contin a umber of ober ions on hee very gues Tall emis the sem arguments which emerge fom the papers ltr inthis chapter. Here T oly Tat eo metion the mot genera condos wich ape, in the ‘Burpean experience, to pred survival and steak: (1) the svaliliy of exractble resurts (2) a reatvely preted pos tion in time and space (3) comtnoos supply of pli ene press (4) sues in ary (3) homogeety (end homoge: on) ofthe sbje population; (6) song calon of the centre power with major gent ofthe land elite. A high sanding co tne of the fare can make up for alow tanding on aster. Brat ‘Enburg Prone, for ermpl begun wih an imprered ery, wo texts aceon of pla entrepreneurs outed every available reware fom the popultin. Frm, on the othe bud ent ‘hvough several tortages of enreprenerial talent tthe ene, bat trae eda contin on hand pels ern. “The svalty of erable raourae earl to doewangle from the atl ft of their etaon. The vale of recur de ods on thei we, and hie we depends onthe aay. Nev ‘thle ie isa sy that the cant tax onde pang trough ‘he Sound gave Danh satemaling a pret tompory, tomy {het Spun alt= beesl sate parte wth Amen silver ore e sevenuenentiry slowdowns and ht he levying of customs due on Wool eed the Eaglsh may toa dune mata "The Spiced poston inte and ase” peel ding he Scandinavian powers fom the prnopalses of Germary—al- ‘hough any such generalization depends oh where and when thor Consens of power are gaming upy in the tine of Swedish ex fansun, the sth Sandinuvan sates had» preaas old on thar etitena For mach ofthe ine under conerston ber the ols ad the AusranHpaurg ound there in spond on Aine while Porgal bed only Ber neighbor (and sometime ‘pome) Spin 9 woey about In any cs, the pala wits Which rere vlnenble to mliary ack and/or adheent co ening ates bad rent ily maintning thei autonomy and in ecping the ds poplaton under conta ‘Where single dymty execs srong cine onthe cowny 2 continue sppy of poll enreenus may depend on erty hd geeck exdermert, One an ake sce ht te metiorhy be ler dake of Burgundy Sotojed the real opportunity for {argu kingdom to he norte of Frac, o that Spin St Py ean into annie string of hinge i the seventeenth eenary. Is, tho ae ut ident” bat more ole loroxable one sooner of png cle op inheritance fl the entrepre ‘ruil positon Roya shen was nt for tht mater an ‘ule fac of fe. We ought to remeber thatthe Engh con tied to change te ung amily tee of for times inthe seven teemh century a ate atthe azn of George T (1784) tere ‘ails real chance tha the magnates would intervene to pre ‘Crore amepiable King. In any se, over the whale European tine the sly to erat lested nites ee x Crome, 2 wa Colbert, + Pont, o a Cavour was probly more importa than ‘he gene poo a the ryal home And hat was onsen ‘Shuman war wil resoe «god del of ateon Ler in this nok Teal atentnn to itn for more than the trivial ron that ‘ot ofthe pla! unts whith daappened pera in war The Iii oft eflecive miltnry mackie imped 2 envy buen fon the population invaved: Uae consxption, requtons and more. The very at of bling when Workedprodced at ‘angements which cal deliver rewire tothe goverament fr ‘ther pope (Th alot al the major European tates began “Gxraordiary lei” earmarked for paler ary and eee rosin sures of goveramental reverie) Te podud the means ‘enforcing te goverment wil oer ff ena he sny Tt tended, indo, fo promote tertocal consti, etalon, ‘iret othe struments of goernert and monopolizson ff the means of cen, all he fundamental sate-maing roe us War made the wate ad these mde wa “The homogenety of the sje population wa, by contrat, no more than» sntrting fcr. The proense of = calturaliy home [fteour poplaion a0 duit lowered the crt of ste making by Suing urlorm edmnkertive rangement fea, by pring Tepaly and soldany ofthe sujet ppultion (o log athe mar ager of the sate Lelongod to the tne calle), and by puting Feadjimade ommutiction stems atthe dpa of the rules Joseph Sirger makes the importa dsinion eewen the wiry ‘ate and the monic sat: the fis ike England forming by 2 Poe ‘ce wich Lenses no gies provincial Iter the snd Iie Frame, refeing the scmive abortion of are with sitet trains and pols nsitton inthe penitence of arable law {nd vannle alminitcaion (Great Bin, by drawing, Sree ‘hd Irland under the control of single rows, boame more of Ionic wate, bat ely afer ts Englh core ad. produc gut + sturdy sate apart) Serer gives crengrster empha to the ‘sion between the ate formed of single regu (2 popl ti hich sckoonedged te atachmert tame parila royal Family in he ped afer the elle ofthe Roman Emir) and these whch snl fagment fuck repnum, H arges Both these diferences are imprint in the nest tage—chang ing these into x ation. Where a whale roam became ta sat, ntinaion developed cary and satura, with ao gest Sun oe exaggerated email appeals In uch 2 ate, pope trere gradually brought into cnr and cloer amaiton with heh other The rng of he ste ct them oft same ex ten, rom the rest of the words they were fred to wok ther and eo asp to ech ther, They had time to gin ear ‘Eze of ideciy to noth ou some ofthe regional die fens and to bine suche 9 ther ler sd the inion: through wich herald. Where the Framewa of the state wat ‘rong enough and prstntenagh, even cated a common ‘stone st of very deen ngs and trl group TLangoedoc ms very the Catslons and very uke north Fane, eit ll eae thoroughly Frend Tes ao clear that the unitary wate had an adeatage over the smowie” te, The ental goverment of wiry Sate 4 not have to worry abe provincial prleges, nor 8d it veto crete» hag, and ten urpoplr, bruce 9 Cede and control verse and gual lol author, {Coal lender dd ot hve to be Icke with spon ot ‘ten whee primary lea was to thet prvi. Tata thy Could te ed to explain and adie the goverment’ program to thi commusiten They gradually Bega to kin em of the atonal eee Hesse here were fo provincial interests te dia thr stenson. Common lame sad common nis hone created ger ses of Heri than there wari ah tee where man fom one provi: cul not undentnd the ipovernmental prdure of: neghbring pron (Stayer 197 36349) As compared with the amounts you wil nd ltr in this boo, ‘Seayer alin hs ther lat of consensus and rater Le co tron inthe pro by which sae Formed. Once tamed into Sttement about the com of seng comple under Weng Conditions of homogeneity, however, Sayers smmary Bs neeiy With he ine of argument we posi, ‘Over and above the eslyhomogeniy ofthe poplation sje to sparta pola nt the un sxx fale of homoge ‘ng poplin als aed the likelihood that would be Come ad remain an asocomous sat. Alms all Eurpesn govern ‘nen evenly tack wep hich Ramopenied ther ppalions (al the adoption of tae reins, expuin of minors Hike the Meors td the Jom ita of teal Langage eventually the [Bruton of am pubic itraon. The flere of the tts of ‘Ether Enrpe for lnguticaltrl ad religios diversty tod in aarp crt tothe interne of thet Northwestern Tete, and srly stood in he way of efleivesatemaking, Toe fare to amogeie nresed the Helo tht a sate exiting sta given pit time mould fragment int cura abivsons cme oi inthe aur Fly the fvule efx on sate ming of rong clon: ‘eeren the cental power and major segments ofthe landed elite rested frm a ple recy we dace exer the gest pe ‘dominance of pens in the Earopern poplason. The predons ane of peasantry meant (1) tat te al ofthe resus which ‘might be orb forthe balding of tates were cmt tothe Tind in one may or anothers (2) tat coauol over eat land was widely dipred sad (3) tat lndlordoapecaly alors who ranted referent in thir flrs to care the lal psy ‘ame indispensible ales and formidable eoemes in the efor ‘ay consi and reuion “Tis summary dae nti the let cota the fa that the Prasianeecor, the Freh kgs and most other Euopean sv rege ad o ives a rest deal of thei energy i raglan: frst magnates and corporate basis of the nobly. The electors, er ll helped create + divin of labor ermen Junkers ae. reacts (af the expense of pens and townnen ale) which ‘Grd oni the nineteenth centr; azorng ts Hans Rosberg {og and Barrgron Moore (1965), tha divin of toe Beane the ly to the moran Prin sae, Where no tong cl tin fanned sad where te landlords completely corweghed the ‘com-Spuin and Poland sre two ikly examplerthe work of Satemaking tended to ator cube ‘A Tet one big thing is mining fom ths peimiar inventory of fazrs promoting the survival of some sates andthe diapear See of others That inthe interna comet oF any parte tse emergence and groweh Ize fo set the pele: (2) the changing uracure‘of the European cosomy as whole, and (6) thecrergec and evoltion ofan inteetnal pom of tee Temancel Wallertin he dove sper analy of the way wa he cle the “European worldecacmy” came into being fram the tua) mid teeth tothe mideevententh centres (Wallin 1974) "re pints wo the emergecs in that pared of + args eanamic Aivion of lib, exending ouside of Europe wo the Amerie aed ‘erhere Within tat world exoomy, by his aso, «small and Changing st of core wats dominated the commercial tiation, {dhe ans share ofthe manafacuring, and ped the peripheral tas toward lrgesale minal Inthe procs, the oe ing maruscuring and cmmars ofthe periphery dwindled, sme {hero thingy even splendid Vesie dell, Farmer to ‘ay are ie Bland beame central ‘Wallen pots out thatthe frmaton ofthe European word ‘conomy was ceeponl,perlagsunigun ot leading to + Sngle Stepron ofthe tet which bad tame to govern the get eco Spaces of Rome, Byzaun, and Chia, stead ule sats st test pay independent of ech eter, sprang up. The fact wa in inl ery Htly eral for the development of apis, sic redued the epaiy of any pear government to apie (oF other) the srangementr of insets, lending, produ oF ‘Gusbaon, Morcove,steming efl's at he enter of ths emerging wirlleanomy, fed by the dow of magus fom the Perpery snd ened by the monaizaton of ecoamie fe around fhe enter, had = far grater ehane of suas than thou athe tier, The crrepondene bs impefe: Holland ood st the Iiddle ofthe entre pros and yo id tot mount» parsley Seng sate; the commercalaed eons of western Germany re ‘ee incorporation ito staal stesso is dear Oa the Sa: teemhcenery eminence of Spun depended on i being 4 ire st” inthe ame seme that gland was. Sl the poston of any Ppltion or tay pole une within the world exosomy exphy Heed pepe or ‘The ses inerational rome which my anaes fas 10 fa egled isthe eyralzaon oft ito of tates anol 2d to sme extent guraecog, ich others exten Perhaps the ‘Treaty of Weiphals (1648) a the dla of the Thy Years War, Sine made ed ht al of Europe ast be divide ito dint tia sovereign sats whe boandiee wore deed by iterations ‘Over the net thee hundeed years the Europes and ‘hae decendans minnged to impose Oat sate sue on he ene trrld The recent we of decloiaion Salon completed the ‘mappagl the glbe ino that sem, lost ‘The Gilingia ofthe state scm signieanlycontsne the ate purpens in European srtemaking. Where the trary eve fully to be cotoled bythe Pra or the Spin ofthe Scnth entry ws sill quite open, che masimum spue—at leat within urope—which a tnted Tey cold im i the nieeeth etary sentially st bythe oteme ofthe Napoleonic Ware Further ‘or, the new sates ame icesnly to form as consequences of ‘rr among exis members of te sate stem and Of the he (gision whch ended tone wars The Treaty of Wem, te Congres of Winns and the Trety of Verles provi ices lngly drumate demenratone ofthe pont ss come, the Ink he necking expenene unde craton, the lew ely the wets often ponies 1 enpinaed crue to peri ‘equ cxplantion of the oration survival or growth of aa The Tabs of Ow Papers ‘Sill, we have to get how inter prosnes ight. They abr moat of the stenon of the ey in ths book. Out authors tet thei commision hae tothed on a great variety of ution, ‘ach in is own way Some, ike Bayley, have strongly empha {he stmt str qesos nt manner dary infeed by th ple of compare pole, Ober ie Brau, have ince con the Byway, particular, and continaes in = manner js a ‘arly ined by Htc ining» AS res any atempt to thy the papers af they were repented anor te se nite ‘qostion wil be prenimpraar and afar Preumpeana, bee the pretense that oe knows Beer than the authors whe they ‘rere fining ot, Uns, Dome ofthe meres ofeach paper ep steric and coherence ‘Nevertelen, my atempt at yates fellow jut auch an unr prosmpranar cour: Here T attempt to sce wt sora of gener ‘Sodlaton cnsring the ways acora sts actly formed in ‘Western Kurup emerge from ou varied es Inthe sl caper, rye tre theme stra more anally king wht go teal eatenens show the formation of matioal sate might follow IF eye European experience rere the univer ae, and how thane atement je with eng thor of ges pola ange “Athoagh the wo eis vel the Be pred mil from te ‘erste of Matrythe cand many Ir the perpeive of po: Fal ase, In either as the Bose mec hope fori st of prox 81 inal conn: mre si hn waking hype, pertgm, a an tas oc mip, clleg all he wl Seen ef long nay “Grates ai more. They ave to ksi oa. gu sim och tiny Eno al dat wh Flac Sa ‘is hime tothe wow tat he Brg Rec of 1654 Sifts have te mw frag osu forte fre Poly ad ts diincive stamp pon the tary frat tl educa jem aoe snd in many repel wal nto he {ir ure th intent cary” Tso ings Fe commis inst! cot open quo, He tarts hil o some exe from an argument Bargton Mee, where 16 pp = nly oof eying and alcng of es Selec canta the pst hadi ad the owe in Brann tein "one of ins hi punts reins wil hemes de see ue Esco once tt i he in ped pms Show of the ret quis ha move maa ge ‘Ss il be wend el My ont as oo pp, for camp adopts the and argent infu Englsh lend f te svete and epithe eet tis ere actly sled inthe export of grin ad posing te gy rent ord py of ing efor erent horton ‘Leman of agli cotaners Ta coud te mong. To be neat he wrong ny ening of varios nl aed ply to the mae Gans fated by the sown lows pou So ith wth grt many pots th soe be adopted po ‘nly sed win opin We persian ar vali ln ed tothe now ered Spates toy oir fr th tn of spies ere Sr Spon, lena tn ognty leet hr copes a0 hn Gal Aran ai the Spyasogy” of ateng hw he ‘de of ts aay peformed oid pear the ne Sy core and ors de thr wrk Thi pack on ‘mechani dws steton ayo the form of stra he ‘Wend caso unten toward the inpiatn of semaive pub plee At many pty utter are wisn mf Sar ae 750 800d ot et ewe he es were I egen a they were ing the petal compen of {py or ace om te ao x mae poms lanl tem than war scully avble to anyone a the tine, They gem ly opt tht iy fr a prbalose analy over = determine fe, forthe sty of elsoshipy over the iy of recurrent eens Suen and fra propeive rather than rtropecive sate makng process, Some Biases ofthe Popes rom the prapesivepoit of view, however, the pepers hate sore agnant basen Paey a early weighted towed wile ‘tay and ig wnt ke France and Spun a that. They make i (te ov wo plac omvelres i the sr of pover in Vera Madi tanto eet the clclatons of an Andalian ld lord or of + Geeman princling. They ae hese weighted toward the sites hich survived pst the ighteath cenry: Eagle, Praia, and Sweden rather thn Bobeia Seudand, Loraine, of ‘rea Naples And they ave somewhat weighed toward fore of {Ete wich ere vile within the ln cea: bareaucy rather ‘than the ale of oem, ma pfeil arms rather tan malts, Speiined poe fors tbe than pomes If vei lta eed res wore ot dnp the fading fntares of the old gine bt he ‘ermedneiauone which were cil tothe emergence of the ses we ow, our ales wil tnd to miepresne te develop. ‘mental pres which created ad then destroyed the. T'do not mean thee remarks atacka on our autor, Thee tines rel fom the orginal charges we give them: to compare the earying ot of same parcalarsxomating svi in vera ‘major European countries overs sabtunl segment ofthe Fetod ‘Snr 1500 Ph bases toward what survived, frthermore per ‘ade te tting Hirt irate: To sme extent hey’ ere ervade te sae thot Whatver ther gin, the bins ‘ean dat we bave ely ben party sustain oor am of eng ‘prospec aaljiol te rmakng proses "The orignal agenda lo gave Iie weigh several ntitaoes snd peas which ou ppes dics sera the phenomena ‘re selfconsionl set ott to sly, Chur at religous organ ‘nation should have reve mre dire atention from the sat for ‘wo reasons: (1) cures and churchmen wee sighs pola ‘ora the toa nd tration! evel throghost mos ofthe [riod we are examining x tine hey compre the moe form Ble ly als, enemies, or intrament of the great watery us) and (2) for sve centuries of ou erential and atnton tlie ale astamaly wore the mantle of religious fh grat tse like France and the Netherands wore ent by eroggles Wad inersiably combined religion and pita: For thereon con tel of Bele and devotion sould prabuly have een om our iia gen Tikes, Hinge and ctrl poses deere mere dec tention da oor geeral plan alloted them, Tf Sn Reklan ight in suering that early cara homogeny within 2 terry strongly fasted the emergence of «dnble ste, tis abe Signy Tinted the apacty of ay sate to mubilze is ro Sotresy and ta the sucesful Baron ste generally engaged na deliberate program of homogeniation, we hae sped oe of the major dimesons of eu problem, and one of the mos interes ing pits of contact between the early history of Europe and the ‘ret experine of the molds many mula ates T mented ele aneber anion which we often noticed in cour dscns the amiitration of and joie. Tn ping, the pipers on arms, eutin, poli, and consol of fod spy it- Ely make jodgmens on Iw ad este But one of he del traely wet in sown terms the eof cour lawmakers poe power and leg jorsicsom asa meas of extending the power of the state The res Tes 0 ake less dete than eed be the ‘hs resontip betwen pling and the ether proses of cn trl and extraction we analyze. Bayleys argument linking anges in he organtaton of ping to the emergence of new challenges {to the exsing dst of power pins in tht iecton. Te dees rot git tring out the exe to whith European sates wd thor Tegal appr not merely oho ff hens opie orde, bat © ine Mord” rete “order and pres the ight oppress thetame “deren” Finally an emison which now seem od inden, Nove of oot apes contin stineddacaion of the general adminitaive Struc of the varios European sates, or of thee change oer ‘me. Foers paper naturally sye 2 great deal about the organi ‘So of armies, Brun’ plenty aboot the personnel of fsa aie ‘eto, and soon. Facer and Landpreen are setialy conned ih the may Europeans, judged ad acured the qaifations {or fie. Ye jut awe tend tp sume wedge of the jal system, we als tend take the general adminsoaive organ sl for grate. This meskes, toy Hows from out erga sting of the problem; we empbasned fancion rater than form. Since one four recurrent dicoveres harbor the cain son emerging funeone by eating form, we pay = mbantal poe for thet copie All hs means tha our apes fal fr shor of presenting can prebenve or blanc! portal of the whole Bure satel dng proses that was never ote purpose. The coat, prod in stuns and prosasesunder ste ae sme toward those Which Yield the clearest pres of efeive extction cen, and cot {ol onthe age Sale. The advange of tat leon is reveal ‘le relaiothipe teewen ferent Kind of etricton, cern, {nd coral; Fines reat formulation of “je of extn, ec tmyechnolgy, ec. lays. out the interdependence more deli frtely than the oer arguments do at eery paper ens rel Monae of ths End. Tatton, for mpl, edna show op Europa Retres (908 to mention theo of pola! deep: rent) sean epphenomenon—and smth spistereting one a he (Gide by Arde and Brat, we bint ee how ea he fom tnd efecrene of tation tore to the mltary rng of ior (ne European sate, on the ene hand ad 0 the Hkeoed of mas ‘elon saint thes ates onthe ther, ‘Ain spsalized poling often seer to be x mor o less ‘mate pone to sia! or eallestivethrest aun plc o es mopone who vigor and eBecvenet vary from ove ing to anther bt whom chracer is prey much wt by the fehl problem of convalling criminals and rater Beyley shows the di Eretton of poli fers in the comtemporary vere fom the ‘much wider age of acivises and penonel inpled by the Ger. ‘tan Plt or the Ian poli He shows thatthe degree of ferention varied condenbly from qurtry to country, im re sponse to the domestic patial stuaton. Mt imporanly, he ‘ows (or rather argue se the hypothesis rsh and the er ‘ence fer rom abut) that changes in he frat of pling de pended clnly on the national ele respons tothe pected {hres of new gospr making bid for power frm oud the po [Bia sytem The analyses of twin and of poling arate very swell what i means to tale satemabing £3 sis of reson ‘Sips rather ‘than ae a at of recurent evets or of wandard vega. {so A Review efoe examining th ete st of papers for major relationship, Jet re review thers indy for he mala tome the short hemeler fave sred: That wil erp, relee the author of the bane for er mispitions of te colons S. E Fier traces the relationship heween the development of rar features of the moder wate (xrtoral comolidton pe Calne personel, integrity recognized by other tater), i special fae the modern natontee (whi adds wlfeoacnune of ‘on deny, sy well ar some matul ditshuton and sarng of Shier and benefit) andthe changing carter of maton med Fore (cpesally ts sumed up Sloat” which cade bs cf ery sae composton and areitin). Hs praca method {ie Gempue de Cumfermato of Francs, Bet, end Prat Germany im bth rears arguing cul conneson by emparns [And his chief compel deve the Menlation Gf clare of varie, or ele (1) eanomytechnalgyfomaty (2) sea sti format; (3) bells format) (4) Format opts (5) etc ‘ineneron; and (6) sateblliing. Having dented the jee Jn ths way, Be then forms his argument abs seis of sxtements shou inks among the eee ‘Within this complisted diawork, Finer lye pate empha sis on the fet ge economy technology format He shows. how ‘ach major miley ieventon over a thousand years (West of the Carlie oventone™ being ongeiatinal and atl eater than ‘cehsial in any muvow sete) drove thowe rules who wabed to Ceotnve the pura of th ejeives by fore of arto ph hit ‘Mbjet populations harder and’ mere continsouly for the nseary esses Thoee who auceded weed tht amed strength to con tolidte their otrol of a terior be wll to ssn exteea Acceptance of that cotaly snc they caraterialy promoted ‘he formation of scized personnel forthe perfrmatee of oe ‘aks, the miltary enterprise played 4 mar prt inthe eatin of sil tree dante sigs of the modern sate’ terrtoral onze ‘ony secialied penonel eagened itgety. Many fled thie tats or prot fll ita rebellion, ditegration o serpin ty others For the survivors iad ofa caninuots sazeson of ‘lara power, we wins an alteration of long pate wth ist 0 ps coy following changes in military technology andthe ele cfs ‘Finer fo aarow technological determin. He se the ple ec of multary rogarnaon ws eontoned by the exert and eceliy of raourcs within the sje popalstion, om he one nd, the ogres of popular cosiment tote noel exes en the ole. This cme ou deny in hs dicuson of the mas "> ‘iiaton called for by Nepleasie warfare, and of inning de rman of mar since the Sine of Napleon. Ii also precy a this ‘it that Finer brings out mo sharply anther aument wich Tis hidden trough most of the paper that the veateakers were actually bung an interlocking tom of tates: general wars te fave the penal means by which the reagents of the pri pants and thet boundaries cured, the pencal moments st ‘Thch muliple changes of member and altace ocurred 8 elles prin oeaons cn whch the relations Between let {nd rale changed rapidly. The Pench Revolve, the Napoleonic ‘Wars and the Congres of Viena bring ost thee interdependent Bers st fly and drama. The vite of Finer aa to sbow tat 189-1815 wa no od exepion to the lng ran of Bs ‘pean experince, That colon bag 4 tei tne #0 is Sl famager For # cme clo toying thet war is the charceriie floditon, and armed fre the charter Imerament of the ate oem abvelArdani ar fom a incarble eps but be is mre invent ha Fie on drawing praca less rom the past He aks himself whch franc polices will work under wat soil cod tions with what sol co Tm his analyse poly enter on tate, but nclades monetary regular, pblie edi andthe Sole range of proces ty whith goverment conta he eve use Obvioaly thee procures intertwine wth thoe by which {overnment sttempe t intervene inthe emacs on which they re bud income pole nsntivs for invest, and 20 oh ‘Ardareisinterted in tem mainly in w fara they corte to ‘he vibly ofthe sate ely and toi aby co puso the gals I rulers have ot for The vol anions co which be atch reste importance ae the Forms of production snd marketing, And (sa) the socal cs he considers mt serowly are pital ont: the Impacto a itary rue onthe ove had, the ous of body ‘eben on he oer Aci imple moments Ardan’s model ofthe ste contains oly hand of warble: (1) at of expensive gual aoc and rue by the rales ofa ate; (2) 2 bundle of Sana poles (Esgoed fo draw the rewares nesary forthe port of tone tga rom the poplaon under he ates otra (3) a8 eonomse Ecrearcrre profcing tad cotaning sth ross mth pop Tis hae a dopo (4) nc eonequencs of applying = pera set of polices to puter sort of infratrture snd (5) sec and poll conequnces of varbles 2 (plies) and 4 (Goal consequence), ili the een © which the rer? Gale were ally scompliie, ‘Schemataly the model seni Figue 1-1. \ 2 Fine \ In his cher works, Ardat ha pid eonerabe atemion to the Inge of funda poly on economic inratracue, for ample, Cirvugh the tdeny of tain in money to die leant pina into the markt Here, thatcoaation remains almost us fouthed Ain he sare of the wy tat he exiting emi uttre afice goverment gely the eomy inthe vlune oes not deal stemstialy with Wat relasoesi. The diagram rep (sd ress the cml selene he strane in Bs arguent: fron goal Topolino comequrct and then ck agi Fer parpne of sale, Arane generally tks he gals nd the cone inrerucire a0 given. What ines him the efi ‘oF raching or matching Racial poly mth infrasrutre. O- ‘Sinarily he coders 4 match to car when the ply brings te fase bigh rearm over the medium and long rane witho de ‘ering produon. To be sue, he inst tat fl sytem deed tnd lined by public lw monk eter than epi fre does. ‘With Bale (i Cowine Rat) we beat tim saying, “Lair, sla démence du pouvei™ (aritary rl is power goee mad”). He alo hia that the lng ran an egalitarian te rediibative Paley cot only more jut bot more eens. Hower, ater be Tesajpean tote atl to hin argues ‘The segument centers onthe matron tat x poy appetoing fal cbigtion scrdng to acm to wenkh nds tr pre & igh retreat low poy mca and coo tto he ent tht (1) maveeting i etensve and intents (2) the Sul rules ae now, binding onthe ate ad widely cosdered fo be equitable, sd (3) the economy is produce, Much of Ardanty bstoil ‘lyases of comparing England, Pri, the Hapsbirg por ‘essons and Fran in thee regude! comparing them with the ideal, with themselves a other pats in ine and with ech othe. rane is the prime ase under dcusion though a many pints gland provides the sandard agains mich the oer ae meas ted. Only a the end does it become lt ht the el pan oF the compre aml (0 produer eons forthe gudanee of can- temporary sates "Nevertels Art makes evel fundamental historia ober ‘tions on his may tothe lesan: The fet which aly eames pa Unnt, echoes ner: the lrgen and more persone simula toi fener or changes in atl Sal burdens over the ret period ff Baropean wate making was the effort bud armed fr and Srage mar The second oberon goes beyond Finer: oper that Sane period the mo serous and pertent predptant of violent ‘onfie bermeen Europese satemaiars and the populsns they ‘Renple true were tempt to cles ts Tid nthe erly eid of aemaling she mow inprtar ingle pur to the expan Ein ind svoguieaton of faldcn wns very Lely the eet to (sad cole ts from recline poplin the les een the tare the more herogeers he ppl snd the pete he ‘Eon for rep vee to tal pod n Anda Sie peuerla o he germane pps seed te frie Reali ced on comely, Se poe fo ented he lings, mevate cael mccoy ie epee ta ‘wong dm sd gneraly dew he a of he mal pope Si poll Hey wii we marbd the ncn etry fa Eps one toa npr degre fr the oa ea of he (get clin and since madines tough tong by SEE Napoeonk War We sal return fo se of the cron inert adolf Braun adopts «rater diferent aprach to tation fom that of Gab Arde. He devotes himelf more suid tothe oneracion of 4 antinus axon of ial poles in Eaglnd ‘rd Brandenburg Prams from th uateeothceary onward. He i ‘much more conered to pin dow the difrenes between the 190 ‘Garten and to explain them in hstral terms, Wheres Ardant ‘cmphasze the entice &o the sues of diferent Hinde of Sal ples and the respec in which the economic infratrctre con ERrined te tm of anon, Bevan usally begins wih he pi ‘A stition which ed the Beit oe German aes to adopt «ven ‘eto police ats given time then aes the extent of at ot of polit ata fet whee longum consequence Ione the fois of Rosa aveigaon. “The rable wih condoing sch an analy through the com> pric of two cout is hat sh hrge numberof eer ier fs berween them are publ candates forthe explstion of ‘he diferenses which intr the analy. Inthe cota between ‘he eonomiebistarie of England and. Bradeoburg Praia, we faves larger number of inereing cna han we can poly Inde: the power ofthe Junkers Prosi the greater arbanty of England, te ature of mar onthe Consnet sad in England, he ‘vary of arial regions within England, the mol tide vere ‘the grin ne, the enlvare vera he ne sri,” and wo 0 ‘Gren hs comple, one cn ty eo eliminate potently cal ‘vatahes one a Sine by inenying the cmp and ince ss) ing thei range in ine and spacey oon an ry to deat diferences inthe confgursions of the variables Braun chower the on Sgurtions le pape parc atenson to three clases of longrun cons suena of foal poliys (1) the Kind of aeonal administrative Sutures rented (2) ie infunce on pater of pltial power fd paricpatan; (3) impact on cance grows Ia ths Sly SS, he des with che thd warble ss an cutcome of he eto; the dest nen of aerate tema of eon on iene, Ssving, factor mobility, te, Aarly Sgures in hs anal (Else Where I fasten oad, Bras has show tat he plenly cp Teo dealing with the impact of economic gromth en adnate structure, pital power and partion) We get picture of = Prasian wate smitherng the ecnomy with bulk and ranglng the economy wih ts enrncivene, The Eng ate o oversimplify Brau's sible acount, esaped i evoluion in the sme resion through svt war whch droyed the prospering roy Saree re we cme won an hit point which recs elewher in ‘ur paper: With the ltr Tudors and the Stars, the English ‘own maw tong sength and balk in mye which rele the sscbulding of the comnetal cunren Although J- P- Cooper Conplsi abou the tendency to asumint: Englah Knghip of the ‘arly seventerth century t9 the abet of Spin or Branden Brg Pr, be event spans that England wat well aware of continent pola pater: End thre were last the ponies of sir developments Snder the carly Stars) even the prkamentary sphere the temps of Salibury and Crnld to solve the cowa} pcb- lem had been suo the sina with ther sembes ‘right lave len gente’ Buti fact the Cl War, though a tome ways 3 refecan of fresgeerally at woe in Barope, Sealy casbated x patern very diferent from that of ext Bropenn ates (Cooper 1960: 90) The Civil War consolidated pattern of goverment by Pemest in alae withthe nobles of cy and eur. Bat inthe previous Cer, the ality of the Tudor to draw ssn return fom ther awe domains had reduced their dependence oo Pelament, (581 jim the Hobensallern monarchs were ler to beef poitlly fromthe silty to draw go $0 percent ofthe goverment reve ‘cs ey frm the ropa domain. Thi paral inependene be ‘Sie cal to royal power) Estes and Parament everywhere {a Europe ued tha approval or daxpproral of ter (once te witht thei allaberaton sel sed wal the crown dpe Independently of strong miltary fora) to setre Tanation of ‘het own pies ano ret the pertain of the royal bo enc) io thtr om opheres of infuence. As Br showy dit proces went on bth in Ben and in Brandenburg Pro Even ‘sutras Pri, the eminent domain of the own tended to Stop atthe gts of the Junker estates the istiwion ofthe rua Commsioner (Landa) only nomialyincrpoesed he wiley Int the ut cetraiaed rare of government “This way of pang it omever, slightly miscate Bras plyic Ie sagen «royal thoy slone agit the worl, when in Both ‘eats and randenburg Pr tec allan of the own (Gnd sine the crown) sere cue. The tracing of Sal plcy in ‘BeanderbuPronia permite wr tose the gest landlords aliying th elecars and ings to ml the weakened cts in one way pst the helo petanty in another way, renfre thee pe Tepe pain in Whole vary of ways For all the wide bse of ‘ation n England there we find the great Eaglsh landlord ing ‘hee nBacee nthe cous tk semen of the land ay from themselves and ther infunce in Paenee 0 sre sch sentra the ony on exports of gran Brau arly mente another fear of the cry modern sate ‘hat ruled from the search for expenses which ll ‘monarchs had to puree what appear (in otr ious rao) {oie ther exenvecrrpton snd we, H.R. Trevor Rape of ‘enscllecive seh So the Renae Ste consisted tbat, ofan enero pinding burenuracy which, though 2 it 3 working Dieu Foy, bd bythe end ofthe stent entry Become» Fa See burentrcy, and hit everempanding tareucragy wat ‘Ruined on + ealy expanding margin of “omte™) we ‘whch ay betmee the tes impo on the jt andthe rev ue coleged bythe Crow, Sie the Crown could ot afoed ‘aoa loss freer, eis dear Out this expan of he tsa sre had tobe athe expeme of set Tt equly cle that ies te bore only if ocey elf wee expan in welch ed numbers (Trevor Rope 196768). ‘The wate iced the open magne ofthe Reminance cut, the conde of ater wary andthe everprnet pays brie, ‘Secres or utght tee wich drained sey the payments the ‘aly ced fr public end “Trev Roper conlsdr thst the Renimancr ste deryed self inthe seventeenth etary by pusing i ecions beyond =n {Spay ofthe population to por them That angen doves ‘ily mith Avent inten on the centrality of fal onions in tbe frequent rebelion of the vevententh century. Then Brain sand Ardun lke pat compaay with Trevor Roper Tae conser the farming of use the alo fies te private handing of opal loans the enrichment of fvories and anders toe Been amos Incapable cotequncs of the sae for exedets to extend the ‘monarchs pome. They atcha relatively smal questa role to Congest ensunpeon a uch, and tae the greet demand for ‘fads back to the roles to wage ar snd strengthen ther mad Foran The mermaling efor of the Hohersallrny the treskerecoomie hoe of eaten Germany, the eased power (fhe Junkers combined to produce «far gente erie appa fas in Brandenburg Pra-the coupling of the War State win the Pele Sate That i the pot of conta Rerween the ses of tution and David Bayleys analysis of pling. Thi hataral union i not ‘vely clear, eee Bayley concentrates on the evod ding ‘which diferetated,profesnel polze foes were farming ia Es ‘pean sates: the nineteenth and tweets centre. Ose ales of tansson have much more to ay about the sevetenth and ight oth emu, What more, Bayly aks delierstely retro. spesive oe of hi problem; hess biel wha sun fr ‘Sonal diferencia po fers which are vse scar owa Sines ‘Nowe of eu ther autor inenrts so much on preety ont tomer Filly, Bayley lay uth sagen tele propor flvayle, relating specie dependent vables—he spe of ple Tat, the rte of pole forces th tre of scum, the 8) shin their tess and the general approaches to tema Ing they had developed in toh regards the form of allan hong wte cic edlors and merce were cra. Inthe tar, the ches of food polices cemented the caw clon wih ‘whch the state etered the modern ery afoaed the mma of Fal poly by stlnting or impeding the commentato of tgyicle, augmented or nike the bull ofthe extra be essere, promoted or hindered economic growth and governed ‘he form ad severity fens over cntrl ofthe fod sappy. “The camstie megh of all hese choles produced sekng a tional diferences in patterns of regulation. Toward the end of the ‘eghteeth ear we an se an England far on the rond toa ‘ional market and to agrarian capitals, entaing sch regulation ofthe domerie markt still ment. ont the juts of the pss, ‘diving baci to exporters of gran. By contrat we wee ‘Spa eamtabed int grt web of prteve regulation, © Freee svg eergesaly bar incassently to fee the gai ade” and ttrre dlveres to greece, 4 Beandeorg Pinta wih ‘crm regltive mathnery gered tothe ply ofthe aed Ferns. Over the very long rye et lose Win spent Be 1 general wend in the Buropens state Ding experiene: 2 move neve amy from relatively se forms of pian in the fur teenth or Bent canary to 2 great divert of sluos in the ‘eveneerth and eighteenth centres, followed by erin amet of convergence on the same sandard forms of mechanisms during ‘he nimsneth and twentieth centres, ‘That double movement of ery divergence and late convergence sho sper in the recruitment and taining of tcl peso, fs portyed ly Father and Lundgren. In compuing the exper eet of Britain, France and Proper the ete peo sce the ‘Mile Age they discover an evolton fom relaiely sme rangement of pescnel among the proto, inten nao 1 Giereces in solusons to bony smile probleme ding the ‘pis pines of wate makng to exentve borrowing and sander: ‘on of rgaiatin inthe bursa expaon the lt entry (ra. Facer and Landren interpret the term “tech ‘5D bray, So they myo deal withthe changing snes Of (ea) ferent sorts of ater and ils oper the cena they survey. [At oe tie or another all European steaks had 9 cea tp or subjugate judges solder oa sdrintratry tnt elector, ngacen, seountanty apes, demograper, sre, sea cnn, {tlen, plkenen, end propegiedits Which ntrel cx changed (fem one desde othe tx "Father and Lundgren nist on the lemma of loyly vers ecivenese Mary governments have id servans) who were either eecive or loyal. A few have had strana who wae Both ‘ecive and loyal. Yet the wo vues do ot weal xe, ‘oped in the abort rum And the goverment which das ot 26 ‘teil «nim of ath des acarvin. Ta the eave phases of European statemaking, loyalty (at est in the sense of some guaracee that oficals would no apropiate i the resurer ented ty themy and would not become the furs als) posed the more presing problems. That was tae for fro main esos: (1) every apie bler of trong and ston mou sate in Rarope found himself rcrounded by serious sal, eek ine and oat the territory curly under Bis conta ht ng eid ot ute ste may even ave inbted thee Forma tion, If Arant i right farhermor, the lew commerclzed the ‘stony, the more exhaudive the exact apart the ste as te mount to gt the ame er, hens the blr the ae a ch Yet ihn ich exiing ste commerciatonFaliatd the om of revenes tothe goveraments. Replons (er periods) of misial inde blocked goverment efars to extn roi 28d ry fn capenive tas Tht it oe ofthe main connections Ferand Brasel (194), £966) hain mind when be rac the He nd fll of sates sound the Mesiteranean to lenge singe inthe Europes ‘Sonony. Ts Earope, ommerialiatin andthe deri ofthe pastry cured lngely a+ congue of the spread of palit prop- cry eli and pecducion Our papers bag ot the conserable [Exosalconetion between the rae of eae sates andthe x ion of cpio, enpcly its aeain vars, They do ot (Gre ue grounds for Gerling thatthe conction wi fatima or SFelusbl, ace early expt verte ie the Hanae were quite foreign to vatemaling, and sce carly song sats Uke Spin and rane femed outside the prince comme of cpt, The ie tered coonnion hed two side (1) th expanion of alm (feed the renee wich waterabenycptred for aia end the conoidtion of previuly fragmented property rights i land, for example, faltated x tations an (2) the growth of ce and of india produtin (len ode the ces) in others ng. lind, Flanders the Rhineland, northern tly, and eewbere Wester Europe produced poftble markets for tig agree produars ebewhere in Europe incentives for landlords to hagen the eaon of» doce, anor Iter fre and eon for po- Tia allance tetween great landlords and aspire sxtemates. ‘With variations raning fom the extensive proletraiztion of ta Midlands England to the new sero” of Poland and Prt tat alin bese one of the sapler of European stein, (C'B, Macheron (1962) tas proposed = ted rlaorhip be ween expanding cpl ad the European brand of ate fig. thechtortion of spoil teary cf ponenive individ ‘Eb mdeled onthe property rations of api. Likewie Kal olay (1957) he led te emergence of the aw poli and ‘oral dactigs mace expily to the increning deminance of the ‘ask. Sne cr papers catia rather ile dus of doing, they bear nly indy onthe vali ofthe arguments, Never ‘hel they sugges tht the ft toma governmental adoption of heral dorines which was in acy widespread in rope afer ‘750-grew ot only from the scenion of eptalits topole power andthe penton of marke relations into every le, Bic als from te experience of watemen wring to put ger 2 Inger erent the dapnton of te ate The elatorhip was resp and complicated. The growth of goverment alte infin of sri he expo of eat of fPveramen, the iment serch for now refenus all contuted Snvaous may to the raving (or ing) of peripheral are ito atonal marke, 2 wks, and tothe extension of citi Properyscator. It mma deltable whether the ext of er. ooce regulation andthe sheer weight of government lowed tonomic growth in canes Eke Span and Brandenburg Pini. (Among oar sur Ardast and Braun tend to dngree on that pine) The masive expenditure of resources on the mitary eta. Tskmene may have dry cial aay from industry. The eft of satemaking en he ltr core of omic change was therefore ‘ontngeat Bat mas power “The formation of standing armies provided the largest Single in cenive ty execion andthe largest Single means of sate canon tre the log ran of European sate making, Recrreatly we Gnd 4 ‘hain of cation running from (1) change or expansion i and mies (2) new efor to extract resource the subject Pop Iatin 0 (3) the development of new bares and amine {ie inovatine (4) reste from the sujet population t (5) renewed curaes to (6) danble ines inthe bulk of execve- ‘ae of the ste The cain eeched more tightly in sme sates ost than in ther the clase comparton sete military Praia agit ‘ilan England Eren in England, howeres, the bldg of New ‘Model Army enue the ame series fee ‘The consecions among semaking, the bailing of armed forza andthe maimeance of nena anol help aout for he tendency of revolutions to ori conjunction wth the pepaon Sc the termination of wa, As Wale Laqace mye "War spear, te bare been the deve Extor in the enengnc of reeltonary ‘Stason in modern times; most modersrevalton both sucefl {nd sbrtie, fave allowed nthe wake of war” (Laquer 1968 $01). Our papers iendly two main pth othe revalusoary out one: (1) the exsction of mes supplies and—pcly—ases fo the cndat of wer ines eter fen ral itso import ‘mass; the European reoluon of the 1640 exemplily i pat term and (2) the serpton or meeting of goverment repre five ‘apacty by war oopled wih # die in the goverment’ tly to mex te domestic ommitments, encourages enemies 0 ‘ebay the Rosan Revluon provides the type oe. These ae oot fecsary, or even prbsble fee of warmakings They are only They the government sero depletes cere raves The purdar thatthe balding up ofthe goverment? conve cape fy for war sometimes bas tat very congue, bee lea 0 AEvenion, luton, diloylty or deft ofthe foes dined for ‘demetecoctrl. "Wher te poptltons remained doce, war sill weighed fen iy, Jn Sayer (1974: 39) tlle tat he Sat pert pce ‘ea for general tation bythe on ce from the pope’ tn of fred contre to rane the Third. Crumde Kings tree oo slow in asping that newly legitinzed procedure to ther Ce seclar liey needs. Upto our on ine dum acess in'raonl badges, sonal deb, numbers of governmeatal ex ployes oe anyother inator of governmental sale ia European fountres have cured almont celuivly ae a conequene of prepartions for war. Te gerera rule, frtermore, hs beh for Some contac in governmental sale wo ocr afer 4 wur—but slim ever 4 return to the prewar sale. Peprason for a Bas teen the great te buling acy. The pros ha een ging on ‘moro le continu fr a at ve bund years. ‘A an intraoral level wars and war stents hae ben the eat apr ofthe Earopean sate stem a4 whole. The Pace of tal Weep (1648), the Congres of Venn (1815), the Treaty of Vernlls (1919) andthe provionlstlemens ending World Wer prota iromparahy greater relpmnents of the ets, ibn and relat sregl of European ats han any an pe duo ncrementl ange wees ter "To be wre, sme of thw efits came afer whan delays 1 sn imporane degre, Ialy aod Gerany owed ther exten ari fed independent sites tothe ous andthe element ofthe Ni eoic ars but those wo onal sts id nor ncually Ce hape tl dade ater. The immedi rstemaking ees ofthe (Congress of Vena were noneteles profound not oly mas Franc ‘trunken to her nearly ensive orders, bu he sinking process Tele behind» come Pram,» emiated Aur Tangean Enpie, + Netelands soon to alt defatvely ito Belg and Hill, and'a twopmcied Enropenn emp, vith the enters el bended fo onciation ints aller sd wale uber of Folia unis without mich redeving ofthe rnin tional boar (avis conrmed in 1815, andthe southeastern pel headed for prot eaton through the Yeap of the Ottonan and Atsro Hun eran Empires Thu wi shaped and reshaped the Euopst sate Speen. ‘The cosliton of the ste sjstem alo consiced the oppor. rts forth baling of ne states by wat. That si es being 1 paradox whch many eberes of contemporary sttomaking have ‘cedars of nesses ich sell eer th a n= Cerna war adope the lew armen ator the large part of the publ reverts, employ thee might im puting down dic ene and gue, play the pars of arsters Enger ad 00 ‘easion, ngs jer Hl repestedly i their efor a tanto the Soeal soucre. Tha they have «ested intr i the tt 0" ‘of cours tue nw dhe sateng monte whe one ‘helen ranted Bao ‘The convention! explanations of millarim in contenporsy counties ufo theese with which miltary mode (a oped ‘motels of idl production or of family sructre) ean bei ported by new sates the advantage of any army in a power van, dissed signe as the most oder?” insttuon in poor country 4 majoras for edoation tne communis «Hey Inaramen for cleive te ranning from eluding to te conal. Our authors do not deny the eles Ise, they all bs sttenion to their plaement within dsincivetwenethcentary in ‘eenainal erate: tremendous inqulies of military and ec ‘ome pome, detest esortton of miliary models and asi nc bys handalof gre powers, tly invavement of several of ‘he sine gret power in any war anjwere,comouen ieleanse ofthe small sates mltary emlshment tr part of inter: Sonal abjecies by meane of war. Au a rol of hs itera Staton, military fr teeame favored Tinks with (and nar ‘mens of) the gre powers and become mick free than tir pred conor to intervene in damart pli. The baling of tural mol foc on the cher hand, Pcmes mich es ley to proce the gradulsbordnaton ofthe mbes poplason, the tanforma Yon of the Seal sucture,the feng ted abeorpon of rears thst id ip whe European seveneeh and ightenth cee Tes sexomaking imac appears to have diminished and change. A sate em enbrcng # relatively small eumber of pats nts emerged from centr ofcontetonanag what had once fen ques lage numberof virally independ poli uni ‘The sous watelie anit apaering the paliial map of four. teenthcntry Earpe dmndled oferta hy by World War TLE plrdar pou might serve ar the European mato. Purber ‘mor, throughot the entre reduction prow the European far nclided not one dinars power but = mamber of rls Un Ti mth of te Renn er Chine expercoc, the mull of ‘aati and pestmatial Earoe wntet saya ade poesble fr clin to form aunt the gener power which cad over ‘coe that power alone, Aran iatretonal level, the Eropean pol ‘al proce therefore cated the con formation and refers ‘inf ealtions ‘Multpicty marked the Buropean sutemaling proces st ¢ seller tele a wel. To the euler phases of satemaking, every Spiring ruler found himself sounded by rale—even within the teres be nominally cotlled. Landlords wh exe rey ‘itoomoaecnrol of thir own exten (and thereby of mato he resources newsnry for the waging of war, the mainerance of ours and other wtely tus) iad and rested the princes st the Heal level Great magnates, royal eosin and negboing Prins eed or eltomed thor way into the prince's own jr oa fon, In sexy on amet fon, Far shor a mara Sie he ease of eer pone po Sul xem ‘edhe or desay ow of imme a “Te rat spi ey pled onic mh of he nme tts rk, Yr feel fer dt sre he Eo. ‘epean monic fhe gre eae bldg pd lie! emetes twin he nod of hr ere whe aed srt Hoe osseous ote ele pany, Lado ts gli conind te naer lhe aed fe he eo th eee copped in cesing the ely for of nace © ‘Stocking, bil of lal simuuarien oy nomie pp Tia pine!seld fave formed ich cto wine mais fol yds ps mach eng Tt Soayens eels, set the wegen of he rt a tela popston to 2 sation cnn, ie pore in the Een re ugh te sealed ge of seit td ated Ghee natn of badon open tragh mh doves suiern ne fara of this colon pro wo sich srl of oar ssp (oy ht of Pacer nd den al set the Sop of pte opent of tn sae cheagh spel Sine mation Ie eae of pbc ee Alhogh Pane Froid the ttn ce, ot European momen wea Et the al of wine swanal wt of oer Cong veal, {ky proeninee sd rl frm shove wee oping" SCs Engl lle wt emeralds Genel te eae! Shel nor. Here te inp wgomens ofc pepe fon theoplcr wanes of ragun Newey Se! Orie of De ‘Bolpaod Doar (1968) The slaratines of ry, de fmol or ogey whi Gary Started Ea fon pebial qs nt nsec ony wo regi th Els nce sade ye eneaien of We poe Orme Largely 184 reat ofthe previous uieon vader te Roman Empire, European satemaking ingen in sting of consider tata homogeneity: na world perspire realy ile i ary in language, kicip system, comology, religion, sothete Form, or even pls radon. Th nveRamopenciy no doubt om fasltated the movement of mntemaking models, desl, teh ‘orn aed preted frm one ares to ncther Ae compared, for ‘nimple, withthe earl dversty of he Americas or Afi of the ‘ine fourtendhcentury Europe provided x fveatie sting fr the “nro of snl wed sen, "Yer European ae making volved a fartber move toward homo- geri witin sae, long two ersten pbs (1) via the de ‘here arempe of ttemakers to hamopeize the clare of tir SS pps egy ine Sine SiS? and fcc gee a Neos 1 Englund sls af msjor cis ended before 1700. Yer ewe ten_| in the achoquer, at lent nec abounded. Sir Rakert Howard, a aan sdminirrtor a be was poet old no be ‘removed fo hs potas Anco of he Enter, wid he Fd tough and obeld fore Hs secaitypeited the Ie ‘ey of pital oppotion tothe King. The Eechequer slo p= ‘ded nib amy of efi that were dcharged by deputy, tnd vo provided outdoor rei forthe lucky lie that eld them Few however, wees orate asthe Far of Walle, ‘tho held he feof Usher of the Exchequer. Te had been gested chs fen perpiy by Henry Ty and member of the ‘Ely were sll drawing the sipensin Willa TI reign (Plant 964: 884). For all heir dead weight fcr ofthis Kind generally commited ‘he holders tothe connucd ester of the poverent. Sin- Inly, the eng of contrat over Prin lcl goverament to the ‘epoca loti copronicd the pore of thes pil, tut helped se the clarion of the Junker inate expla. ‘ee ofthe penser andthe urban ppl "Tee fom of ca allances thus worked out by the ee state maker signify afeced the ltr poll pattern ofthe sat. ‘The cain of rn Junkers and breasts prepared Brae Praia fer(3) Vee ste eg ei ely hongetoas popalatons to sve and proper, whe thine ‘ontining wide caltral diaries tended 0 sagnate orto eplde- ‘We ned ot emggeate the reste homagenety dvesty ithe soak in trade of Ina hstoranein Frac, Germany, Tey oe Eng lind: histral trading dialects, Seld fstems, ethnic origins do oa sary from region to regan In a age perspective, everest Eurpaan sotemaking proces minimized the cultura veraton ‘win tats and rained the variation among states. Hence the Bln of dstrns of nati! seledeterinain to nineteenth fenary Barpeane—jit so longs they wer ot dealing with thie te ne/egows mores ‘Why should homogeney make zy dierence) Oaly the Fischer. Lundgren and Rotem paper take up the hee, They get Oo complementary ane Fine honopencous population Ws more kaly to remain loyal 2 rine ffs own Kd sta Was more ely to mount suaenful webelonaguine foreign domination Sand entra ples of extrcon and contol were re ie Iyto yids high return tothe government (in terms of rears rece by the set popalatin per ant of presure ected by the goverment) whee the population's routine ie wan organized In retiely uniform ‘ways There = ingle race policy could ‘aul te geberazed tll pare of te The mare hteroencou the poplason, ce more atm & py notly scant im one plac woul al tel in another, td the more cot and pera fel aterbed inthe elaboration of erative pny and the get the relive payee ples which pues cendeable stare of the aval ears nt the bands of lca magnates and taion- soto Hens the inetive of watemaker to homogenize Gabe Arn’ convoversia aegumeat thot te Bsa nc tives forthe exersion of ola partepation thes the aay ne pia furthers nt at at lly hen ale nation bldg” Gael Almond and Bingham Powell dinnguich Setween wat bling aod ston balding nthe follwing may We need sme way of aking abot tho challenges which may lead to pital development, thax change inthe mage ed content of he flow of inputs which pt the exstingcalure td src nr stan. Ara bong me ay sigge foot ‘pp of pres for lenges toa pla stems The St thee the problem of penetration and itgraons we refer to thi the peablem of sueduldng The ond pe a 3p temdevelopentprelem i ht of lojaly and commitment, ‘thc we refer tous naowhulding, The thd problem stat 2 priate peste from groups inthe ety fr bat ing part in the Geom mating ofthe pm. And the fourth bt Ss the problem of aribaton welfare the pesre fom the metic scety t employ the curve pore ofthe plea fyuem to edatshute income, melh, opportunity, and honor (Alon and Powel 196: 33), Ardant dos nog far nt denis ado Almond and Powell, tte he appear to have sim ation in mind. Tn thee terms, Ardartsamerng tat beyond 2 crinleel of state ulin, the Unles found ea hey had to grey nce the np, comit. men, and asc of the bj population (2 maar ulin tak) order co expand sate power and that oly wabanl Cress in parcption Would acmplish Uae ebjeivey thus they treame wing to azaed much wer avlvement in governmental sist the gener poplin; pays x res ofthe expansion of partiption, ssrding to Ard hey fund theme ners Ing involved in dition and recarbwion. OF enre,Ardant ‘nce on the fal spect of thee prec. By the very co trly of fal acy inthe operation of sen however, Aas ‘Spent as iene forthe whole ange of eae work ‘Our papen-on purpose ne dest with mason baling nly so fall a» ih sateldng. Therefore, they donot provide the ‘eas for tesing ths porson of Anda argument i deal. Thy rovide ut eng red evden and conrey argent to make Ear tint Andry postin in a contre ce. He stiches (gra inprtanc the seed and plane of stator in eae fig forthe inetcnhcentrybreenng of parcpation it ati Other papers (acably Beye Reka and my ows) ‘rtk with model of song pesre fom below and geet ress thee from above, lading toa Felocan conesion of pla Fights ted guaran of diferent maize segments ofthe geerl op ‘Uasn, The eontonery is familia. Tei the theme of sch din tio buck ss Remar Bendis Neon Balding and Ciaon {hip (1964) T. . Marhal's Cizonsip ond Soil Cl (1950), tnd EE, Sebati The Semi Sovereign Ppl (1960) 1 reals the very old argument among polit horns about the ‘eltive weight of opal demande snd of stxeame's conceions [nthe ges nincecnhcentry tanformaton of England o Ty (Oar papers lend upto tha amor old quan and connec with the lage of aes, They donot eave (80) Why Europe Will Noe Osan Ags ‘The European stebulding experiences will not repeat them scien new sate The cannons of the Rew ates othe eof ‘he world ve changed tp mech. The suman ofthe conten ‘ary word Gad threlver fazed wit arsine mols of wate Tiling otto ention eng promoters of thre mle The an ger oft contemporary sate may well be ineecive and/or wrong, [it he kel ose the ety of promoting an fie ard Suive Geil servi, = general and ulorm stem of taser ‘vellenined ative miliry force and + bigh level of industrial ruin In Burope ofthe fifteenth o been cenary the ava Ble models were fees diferent es welled eed les cious Iyapproprite forthe bjs ofthe power “Moreover, the European vstemakers tnd a few non Barons collaborton, through fae, congue and alin, eventually fh Toned worlwie spe of sta. As the nineteenth andere ‘entre hve morn on the newcomer othe sae fave fad es ‘hole ofthe poston they mould ecopy in iy even down to the ‘tc cert they wuld contol Amen eter thing ht por ‘tence of «sate stem bs fandameraly altered the ae of the nly forces inthe sale ates sce thei strength ov weakness to longer make the major diflerens inthe territory ontrled by ‘hes orin elation with ther es “Aguin the resources on whch todays tatemakers dra and the forces agit which they erugple are deeply ferent from tone of the early European epersnc Allee builder of Eup ‘te scp therein ne ay or acter, i wreing oct ‘herewith frm legelyslfamaingagraran populations, They Gould not borow miery might, telus! expetie, or develope tment fans from teighboing sates. They could not ase the rsteae ofa weld market for any of ther reduc of the Fad es of ther predues to respond to workd markt it were ‘They could pot dapowen form captalies(anlew one wits to pres the atlogy of the Cathle Chrch with Kenen Capper). ‘They cold nt even astinalize the land. On the other hand they ould we ther penonal postions sb suzson and ardor 0 ‘ing mer, food, and ret tothe service ofthe crown} auld forge allnnen with flow lndlode to tenre the sopcence of te ‘al poplin in tir groupings and ould drum up pi: funds fc by such devices selling oie Mont ofthese contin ae entice 1y gone nd uae tere, FFauly, tke managers of contemporary stutcs hve undertaken Seren tas from thie proeosos Dlling 4 cera kind of ‘ononie stem, cresting epee Fis Tike research isan, Steel mil izparsor holiday resorts maintaining some minimum ‘of public wellvey promating one wary of patti oe anothers Increning the ply of went and thers. The oew tla om in ft from the aie models of tathuldingy in part frm the Tog of the imernanal system, part from prestures win ack ‘individ country. In th rege a wel, ou ability 10 infer the Probie evens and sequen in cotemporey ats frm at in oer reading of European itory ido il “The profundity ofall these changes might make worthless ny it ference whatoeve fon Baopean exec to tlsys world. The authors of his volume ake x sighty more anguine vw of the mat ter. We think there x reonabl cance thet tome gener ee. ‘nships amoag the way of buting sate power the forms of re Tasonshp beeen me and government, and the huracer of the pola nstitaons which emerge from the prow of atebulng Inhich eld within the Earopean world ell hold tay. There ap ‘ers, for emmple o be + mong and geal comenon between ‘he slimate bulk of matonl goverament and the extent of ther ‘else on lind arms in thar formative periods We pope = ‘umber of hypothe along thee ins snd ate to nt them Cages catoeay win eur prea are of capt nthe sbsutve canyon armed Fre, poli, tition an 0 y= Bt ‘pore ly inthe othe ena. The Plen of he Book At ite asongest pits, analy wil present welLfoanded hy. thee, nt fects for the agen. The papers which follow are ‘Som the authors hve st themelves demanding queso; they ve tried hard toi the anowere Yet everyone of te fee thei completes and impression of what he ha to report. Tf level of ‘anfdenee is the menue, in ft ths book takes ep bakward from previ statements abost pola developmen” even tothe ‘exe of puting the pace lf ino qucton marks "Not 0 ea ‘all hat” we fequeatyconlude. If we have made it clear hy (sa) 2 not wo cauy and wht the ponte aerative to easel de. ‘near tat il veto do ‘The papers themclvs appear ins roughly decnding order of cenativene: the mor ebpomly exteive ates Sst Samuel Fier, + poisal sentation begins with seeping com praieaalyss of the most eesive governmental acy fal: ‘he building and maitranc of armed forces Gabel Aran 8 teonomit and economies, treats franca pig and omic infatrasare, witha tong cncntaton onthe meas by trick sats exc reoarasftom majo poplstions Radelph ewan,» tern with dong solo! Igy fan Up may of the sme themes sta sty focused on tation ik Be and Praia Dovid Bayley, «pla sats previously kaown fr bis werk on new sates, crs out + sjtematc comparison of pole syuems in We European couties Chavis Tilly, 4 txlogst sto often works wih trial material follows wth 2 somewhat Te systematic vey’ of problems of fond map and the kine of configs they involved: Wolfram Picker and Peter Landgren, 2. ‘land eeotamic Nira, eth peclzed cays with = cm prtive sep of sate nvlvement the rene and tn {ig of vaio Kinde fecal sd echisane Then et to ewe general en, Scin Rklan pola scent wih Bnges i ot SF the oer socal scenes, props et of vale wilh Wh {© analyze the Baropan etperene of stealing and eae ‘naling In the fal ey, Tilly coors the implaions of che ‘Were European experienr with nates for exiting theo of polit al development sn pla deny. (31

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