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P: 905-758-2326 E: adamtomlin20@hotmail.


Technical Memorandum

Project: Sewage System Revision for Public Works Department of Redding, California
Client: Michael Wallace, Niagara College, OLS, OLIP
Subject: Sewage Pipe Source Drawing Queries to Classify, Map, and Calculate Sewage Pipe Revision Costs
Date: March 14, 2014
GISC9305: Deliverable #3

1. Introduction
The City of Springfield, Oregon, U.S.A.s Public Works department is revising the condition of the Citys
sewage pipes. The City has hired GEOSPATIAL OEPRATIONS to classify and map the different types and
sizes of sewage pipes that need to be replaced. This was conducted by executing multiple SQL
statements to extract the identified pipes from a CAD drawing dataset within AutoCAD Map 3D
software. The subsequent task was to calculate the total replacement and relining costs of the Citys
sewage network to supply to the Public Works Department. The cost of each pipe type/size was
communicated in the terms of reference. A map of the study area follows this section along with the
methodology, findings, and conclusions.

179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

1.1 Study Area

Figure 1: Study Area

179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

2. Methodology
2.1 Define Drive Alias and Attach CAD Drawings
The data source containing the sewage pipe drawings must be attached in order to extract the
necessary data. Figure 2 below outlines the first step, which opens a window outlining CAD drawings
available to extract through the computers file folders.

Figure 2: Select "Attach" drawing option

179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

In Figure 3 below, the Create/Edit Aliases button was then selected, which allows the user to select a
data source within the computers files that have not yet been connected to AutoCAD to be utilized.

Figure 3: Select "Create Aliases" button within the "Attach' window

179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

The workspace file folder URL path was then defined and named to access the pipe drawings (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Define Source Drawing Workspace

179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

2.2 Attach Source Drawings to Workspace and Study Pipe Attribute Data
The next step was to attach the necessary drawings to the AutoCAD canvas in order to query the
necessary sections of pipe (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Example of attaching drawings

179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

Before any queries can be executed, the supplied drawing data must be investigated in order to discover
the naming conventions to use in the querying language. Figure 6 displays the activated sewer pipe
drawing and the first step to define and execute a query.

Figure 6: Deactivate and define a new query

179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

The location button shown in Figure 7 below was selected in order to query the whole sewage pipe
drawing at once by selecting its entire location in AutoCADs digital coordinate system. Figure 8 displays
the locational boundary type selection method for the location query.

Figure 7: Initial query by location

Figure 8: Query the whole location of the sewer pipe drawing

179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

The draw query mode is then selected to execute the query as a CAD drawing output (Figure 9 below).

Figure 9: Set query mode to "draw" to output the query results as a new drawing

179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

Figure 10 displays the properties for one of the pipe segments in the queried drawing. This is attribute
data that will be used in the queries to extract the drawings containing the necessary object data
specified in the terms of reference.

Figure 10: Attributes/Properties of a pipe polyline

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P: 905-758-2326 E:

2.3 Query Criteria

The next step is to build the queries. Instead of a locational query this time, a data query will be used
instead, which selects specific pipe drawings based on their attributes. Figure 11 below displays the step
to initiate a data query.

Figure 11: Select Data" query type

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

Figure 12 displays the parameters to be used in the first query statement based on the supplied criteria
in the terms of reference.

Figure 12: Select "Material" Field and insert desired value and operator type

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P: 905-758-2326 E:

Figure 13 displays the parameters for the second SQL statement.

Figure 13: Example query for the concrete pipe sizes

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

Figure 14 displays the two SQL statements used with an AND conjunction. This query structure is used
to extract all of the other sizes of clay pipe drawings.

Figure 14: Example Query for Clay Pipe Sizes

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

Figure 15 displays the complete query statement for concrete sewer pipes. PVC sewer pipes are found
with the same structure except it only contains the material type statement in the beginning since there
is only one size.

Figure 15: Example of ranged concrete pipe size query

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

2.4 Export Data

Displayed in Figure 16, the executed query drawing can then be exported to shapefiles to be used in
collaboration with ESRIs ArcGIS for more sufficient cartographic aesthetics and accuracy than a
traditional AutoCAD layout.

Figure 16: Export Drawing to Shapefile

AutoCADs ability to create and query digitized infrastructure files work exceptionally in conjunction
with ArcGIS ability to cartographically sort and present the information.
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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

Figure 17 below displays the coordinate system of the CAD pipe drawings in AutoCADs interface.

Figure 17: Coordinate system for Springfield defined in AutoCAD's coordinate system library

The coordinate system for Springfield is UTM Zone 10 for California. When the files were viewed in
ArcGIS, the units were in meters, when they needed to be in feet. This means the coordinate system
needs to be changed in order to meet American standards as well as consistency when presenting pipe
locations in regards to the lengths of the pipes that are relative to the replacement costs. Figure 18
displays the new coordinate system provided by ESRI to present an accurately measured map that is to

Figure 18: Adjusted coordinate system for units in feet for pipe measurement

This coordinate system was provided for the pipe drawing shapefiles displayed in Figures 19 and 20 on
the next page.

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

Figure 19 and 20 display the AutoCAD pipe drawings converted into ESRI shapefiles.

Figure 19: Exported Concrete Pipe Drawings as Shapefiles

Figure 20: Exported Clay Pipe drawings as Shapefiles

Figure 21 displays the newly projected shapefiles that were then exported to Geodatabase feature

Figure 21: Export Shapefiles to Geodatabase feature classes to add a Shape Length field

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

The shapefiles then took on the icon of the feature classes in Figure 22 with the added Shape_Length
field, displayed in Figure 23, which calculated the length of each pipe polyline segment within each pipe
size class. This information allows for the calculation of the total sewage revision costs based on each
pipe type and size costs in relation to the length of each needed for replacement.

Figure 22: Clay and Concrete Pipe Shapefiles as ArcGIS Geodatabase Feature Classes

Figure 23: Spawned "Shape_Length" Field resulting from Feature Class Conversion

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

2.5 Copy and Calculate Pipe Lengths and Costs

The feature class records were then selected and pasted into Microsoft Excel to calculate the costs of
each type and size of pipe based on their lengths (Figure 24).

Figure 24: Copy records in attribute table to paste within Excel

Table 1 on the following page displays these calculations.

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

Table 1 below displays the replacement costs for each type of pipe and the total length needed for each
Table 1: Pipe Material Replacement Costs


Pipe Size
6 to 8
10 to 12
15 to 18

Total Length

Cost Per Foot


Total Cost

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

2.6 Classify and Map Sewage Pipe Sizes/Types

Figure 25 displays the symbology and spatial orientation of the classified pipe sizes along with the
supplied tax lot boundaries and street drawings.

Figure 25: Locations of Sewer Pipes Needing Replacement

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

3. Findings and Conclusions

The City of Springfield must pay an exact total of $245,676.71 to revise the current sewage pipe system.
The use of AutoCADs ability to supply, attach, query and export segments of data from specific
drawings allows for high applicability in urban planning, and urban and environmental maintenance in
government and public sectors. The technical use of AutoCAD with the advanced cartographic
presentation abilities of ArcGIS provide an especially strong duo of geospatial software for conducting
these types of projects unlike other cheaper software such as Manifold and MapInfo. Although totaled
at a larger price, the collaboration of AutoCAD and ArcGIS present project outputs at a much larger
qualitative extent and is well worth the investment for quality public sector maintenance and service.

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

P: 905-758-2326 E:

4. Bibliography
Ellis, R. (2012). A Practical Guide to AutoCAD Map 3D 2013. United States : Cadapult Software Solutions,
Inc. 2013.
Wallace, M (2014). GISC9305 CAD and GIS - Deliverable 3 Source Drawing Queries/Report. Terms of
Reference. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada

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179 Bradley Street, St. Catharines, ON

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