Maths Year 1 Unit 6 Lesson 19

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Year 1 Maths

THURSDAY 22ND OCTOBER: Middle Session 12pm-1pm

Solving Subtraction Problems
Key Teaching

1. How am I using positive reinforcement to engage the students?

a. Use descriptive encouragement: be specific abut the
positive that is being recognised. E.g. That is good use of
capital letter sand full stops in your writing
b. Be careful not to overuse.
c. Use positive reinforcement to cue parallel
acknowledgement praising students to encourage others.
2. Focus on giving instructions.
a. Be clear that the instructions have been heard and
understood before moving on. Check for understanding
e.g. Can someone tell me what you are meant to do now?
3. Focus on scan and wait.
a. Use the wait and scan approach to ensure there has been


Solve subtraction problems


Today you will:

1. Practice solving different types of subtraction problems using partpart-whole processes.
2. Reinforce checking for errors does this make sense?


C2C Year 1 Maths Unit 6 Lesson 19

MAB blocks
Individual white boards
Unifex Bears and blocks

Curriculum Links

Represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using

a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and
rearranging parts (ACMNA015)

Key learnings

Addition and subtraction part-part-whole (partitioning), process and

operation, representation concrete and abstract.


1. Check for understanding through questioning in discussions.

2. Use materials to demonstrate and model and reinforce process of

Year 1 Maths
Warm up

Remind students of partitioning and using number facts to help solve

addition problems. (use this to check for understanding).
Talk about addition strategies that we already know: counting on,
counting by tens, using doubles.
Whiteboard rainbow facts: ask students to write their rainbow facts
on their white board.


Work through each of the problem sets in the materials.

For each problem set follow the process: Model the process; Write
the number sentence; Check if it makes sense.
1. Frogs in the pond
2. Part-part whole modelling
3. Model doubles and rainbow facts
4. 20 frame
5. Number lines
Key Focus areas:
Look for opportunities for positive reinforcement with an explanation.
Focus on keeping students on task and redirecting to work where
needed (Correction skills).
Use selective praise to demonstrate desired behaviours.

Wrap up

Recap of information covered today:

what have we learnt?

Check for understanding.

Next lesson we will be


Check on progress while students are contributing to discussions.

Make a mental note of the students that may require more help
during the next lesson.

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