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Formative Assessments Used in Unit

Formative Assessment Given:


This type of assessment will continually occur throughout the days lesson as the
teacher continually observes and talks to his/her students, being mindful of ways to
alter instruction. The first instance of formative assessment will occur as students are
given time to write down their thoughts about the things that they would like to buy.
During this time, the teacher will circulate around the room, checking for
understanding, making sure that all students are on-task, and clearing up any
confusions. This instance of formative assessment relates back to the first learning
outcome (1). The second instance of formative assessment for this lesson will take
place as students engage in the first Think-Pair-Square-Share activity, during
which they will be brainstorming and discussing the ways in which they think they
would be able to earn money at their age. As students do so, the teacher will circulate
around the room, listening in on each group of students, facilitating their discussions,
and clearing up any possible confusions. This instance of formative assessment
relates back to components of the first three learning objectives (1, 2, and 3). The
next instance of formative assessment for this lesson will occur as the students are
asked to engage in the second Think-Pair-Square-Share activity, during which the
students will be asked to brainstorm and discuss some of the ways in which they
might like to use money to help others. As students engage in the activity, the teacher
will circulate around the room, listening in on each group of students, facilitating
their discussions, and clearing up any possible confusions. This instance of formative
assessment relates back to components of the first four learning objectives (1, 2, 3,
and 4). In addition to the instances of formative assessment previously described, the
third and fourth learning objectives (3 and 4) will also be addressed as students read
and discuss the story of Alex Scott. In addition to this, the last portion of the lesson
during which students use information from the textbook (i.e. words and visuals) to
preview unit content/vocabulary will address the fifth learning objective (5). The last
instance of formative assessment that pertains to this individual lesson is the exit slip
filled out by students during the closure portion. Being that the students have
freedom in what they will write on their individual exit slip, there is no one specific
learning outcome that this will cover. However, because students will be writing
things that pertain to the days lesson (one new/interesting thing that they learned
during the lesson; anything that they are still confused about; at least one thing that
they would like to learn more about throughout the remainder of the unit) this item
should relate back to the learning objectives/outcomes in some way.

The teacher will circulate the classroom and check up on each of the
students to see if they are working on the assignment.
The teacher will ask the students to think of a few questions to ask the
guest speaker after he/she is done.
The teacher will ask the students to jot down a list of

workers/consumers in the community and share with the classroom.

The teacher will ask which worker/consumer they chose and why they
decided to choose this type of profession and what it means to them.
The teacher will ask the students to tell them one thing they learned
about workers and consumers.
The teacher will have circulated the classroom, check up, and observe 3
on each of the students to see if they are working on the assignment.
The teacher will also see if the children fully understand the lesson by
asking questions about how producers and consumers relate to their
community and lives.
The teacher will collect their We are Producers and Consumers
worksheets to see if they have wrote three examples of goods and services.
The teacher will collect their Name of Producer worksheet before
the milk carton activity in order to see if they understood the procedures.
The teacher will display the students finish product of their milk
carton in the classroom.
Thumbs-up, thumbs-down: I will do this several times throughout the lesson (i.e.
during vocabulary instruction, understanding types of materials, etc.) as this will be
the teachers way to check that students are comprehending the material that is being
talked about. If students put their thumbs-up, the teacher will know that she is safe to
continue, assuming the students are understanding what is being addressed. If there
are thumbs-down, the teacher will know that she must spend more time on that
material and further discuss any questions.

At the start of the class activity with the assembly line, the teacher will ask the class
what resources are being used in the activity. By having volunteers from the class say
what they believe to be the types of resources, this is showing her a deeper level of
comprehension being done by her students. She will assess this by seeing if they are
correct in their answer or incorrect and explain why to them aloud for the class to
Formative assessment will occur throughout the lesson through teacher observation.
The teacher will observe how the students interact in their country group and within
the other countries to form trades.

This type of assessment will continually occur throughout the days lesson as the
teacher continually observes and talks to his/her students, being mindful of ways to
alter instruction. The first instance of formative assessment will occur when teacher
circulates around the room as students engage in the initial Think-Pair-SquareShare activity and discuss within their groups the different types of communication
links, as well as the impact these communication links have on different aspects of
trade. This instance of formative assessment relates back to the first three learning

outcomes (1, 2, and 3). In addition, these specific learning outcomes are formatively
assessed when the students work with their teacher to complete a graphic organizer
relating to the same information on the SMART Board. Another instance of
formative assessment will occur when the students use their fact/opinion cards to
evaluate different statements displayed by the teacher on the SMART Board. As the
students evaluate the statements and hold up their cards, the teacher will be able to
assess his/her students understanding, and alter his/her instruction if needed. In
addition, as the students create their own fact and opinion statements and Turn and
Talk with a neighbor, the teacher will be formatively assessing his/her students once
again as he/she circulates around the room and listens in on student conversations,
also taking some time to see the types of statements that students have written. These
last two instances of formative assessment relate back to learning outcome 4, as well
as learning outcome 3. In addition to each of these things, another instance of
formative assessment will occur via the exit slip filled out by students during the
closure portion of the lesson. Being that the students have freedom in what they will
write on their individual exit slip, there is no one specific learning outcome that this
will cover. However, because students will be writing things that pertain to the days
lesson (one new thing that they learned during the lesson, as well as anything that
they are still confused about), this item should relate back to the learning outcomes in
some way.
Formative assessment will occur throughout the lesson through teacher observation.
The teacher will observe how the students interact in their groups during the work
sheet about how money is made. The teacher will also observe how students work
with each other to barter/trade their items that they made.

Formative Assessment: teacher observation, class discussion and questions.

o What was the most popular item?
o Was your supply able to meet the demand for your product in the classroom?
o Do you feel the prices of the items were reasonable/ why did you price your item
at the value you did?
o Was there any competition within the classroom/ were there any groups that made
the same product? How did that affect the selling of your product?
o Did anyone make a profit from selling their products?
o Did any group come across the problem of scarcity?

The teacher will be circulating while students are working on their budgets. While
students are sharing the teacher will walk around to ensure students are respecting
each other as they share their budgets and goals. At the end of the lesson, the teacher
will collect the exit slips from students to read over and ensure that students were
able to complete todays task. (Learning outcomes 2 and 3)

The teacher will be circulating while students are working on their applications and
deposit slips. While students are sharing what they have learned, the teacher will
walk around to ensure students are respecting and participating in the discussion. At


the end of the lesson, the teacher will collect the think, ink, pair, share slips from
students to read over and ensure that students have learned at least two things during
the lesson. (Learning outcomes 1-4)
For the venn diagram activity, students will be showing the teacher what they
understand so far about businesses and what workers must do to make a profit.
Because the teacher will listen to what the class has learned about their classmates
work, the teacher will be taking mental notes to see what students are learning or
may still need to learn. Also if there are any misconceptions made while the students
are making their diagrams, she will correct these and help them learn the correct


3-2-1: For this activity, the teacher will ask the students to write-down 3 things that
they learned, two things that they have questions about, and one thing they want the
teacher to know. After class, the teacher will read these and see what common
questions may be asked within the class responses. The teacher will then address
questions asked during this activity to help students understand what has been taught
in the lesson.
The advertisement created will show the teacher what the student comprehended
from this lesson as a whole, but is not a summative assessment. Given a
brainstorming worksheet while working, they will see that they need to incorporate a
lot of the information about businesses that they have learned not only from this
lesson but also from the previous social studies lessons.
Teacher observations, class discussions and questions.
o What was your favorite activity?
o What did you learn from the different activities?


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