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Day 10

1. For students to finish up their completed final drafts by the end of the period.
2. To give students a checklist of what to include with their final autobiographies on the due
date next week.
3. To give students a schedule/outline of what next week will look like.
Standards: 9-10.W.4;
9-10.W.3.3; 9-10.SL.2.1
1. Students will finish revising and editing their autobiographies by the end of the period.
2. Students will work on or perhaps finish their visual aids for their presentations.
3. Students will collaborate with peers as needed but will largely work independently today.
White/computer paper
Colored pencils/crayons
Portfolio folders
Portfolio checklists
I will begin by reading aloud from Knots
1. For students to tie up loose ends and finish autobiographies.
2. Prepare for presentations next week.
3. Time to ask final questions regarding writing and presentation.
Read-aloud: Knots Today, I will finish reading Knots. This reading time may last longer
than usual, but I will continue reading until we finish.
Next, I will present a mini-lesson concerning the portfolio checklist for the students final
autobiography projects (which will be due and presented next week). I will explain that the
students must include in their portfolios the following: All prewriting activities, all printed
copies of rough drafts with corrections and comments, final draft, picture of visual aid, and
portfolio checklist with initials. In addition, the students will post a self-reflection to the
class weebly (which I will assign later).
For the next 15 minutes of class, students will look over the checklists and gather their
papers into a folder which I will provide for them. For the remainder of the period, students
will workshop their autobiographies to finish any final adjustments and they may also work
on their visual aids. The computers will be available to them at this time. For ten minutes
towards the end of the period, I will announce that the students will conduct mini
Fishbowl readings in their Writing Communities. This will be a more informal fishbowl
than normal.
Closure: At the end of the period, I will explain that on Monday, students will be holding
their final Book Clubs for the majority of the period. On Monday, I will also explain what the
presentation days will look likeorder, procedures, etc., and I will read through the rubrics.
Completion of portfolio checklist
Completion of autobiographies
Visual aiddue next week
Self-reflectiondue next week via Weebly

Because the read-aloud may be longer today than usual, I will provide all of my students
with paper and crayons/colored pencils to draw images that come to mind as I read. This
will not only help my students who have greater need for stimulation but it will help all
students focus. For students who are nervous about presenting final drafts, I will give these
students the option of using cue prompter during their presentations, so they can be
looking up and out at a laptop instead of the paper in their hands.
On the Monday following:
Students will have their final Book Club meeting. The first half of the period, students
will discuss their reading, share their roles, and prepare an informal presentation to share
with the class about their books. Students may choose to act out a scene from the book,
share their comics created, or provide a sales pitch to the class as to why they should read
the book.
On the Tuesday and Wednesday following:
I have predetermined the order in which students will give their presentations. The
students will each have 2 minutes to present their autobiographies (share the 5 episodes
written about, but will not read their entire projects) and explain how their visual aids
correspond and contribute to his/her life story. After each student presents, peers will
respond by sharing what they like about the presentation. Each student must receive three
encouragements from peers about their story or visual aid (this part should take about 1
minute). Each student will automatically receive 5 participation points for the day, but if
students are causing distraction, are behaving poorly, or are being disrespectful during
presentations, I will deduct points from those students total. For example: If a student is
talking consistently during a peers presentation after I have asked him to stop multiple
times, I may mark off the five and the four, and the student will only receive three points,
The presentations should take about 36-40 minutes on each day.
Prior to beginning the presentations and after explaining the procedures and my
expectations for the students behavior during presentations, I will model thoughtful
responses and will give examples for how students should respond and support their peers
during this time:
No, I liked your presentation responses will suffice. Students should respond
thoughtfully like, Madison, I really like that you shared about the difficult times
in your life. I know that it can be hard to share those things with other people,
so thank you for trusting us with the hard parts of your story. Or Your visual
aid really helps me understand the purpose/So what? of your autobiography
because I am able to see the emotion you have put into the art piece. The colors
you chose to use convey this emotion well and contribute to my understanding.

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