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Mountain View, CA 94043 Tel: (650) 864-2010

Dec. 2015
M.S. Electrical and Computer Engineering
Current GPA: 3.5 / 4.0
Courses: Data Structure and Algorithm, Cloud Computing, Web Development, Machine Learning, Java Smart Phone
B.S. Electrical and Information Technology Engineering
M.S. Agricultural Engineering

Jun. 2014
2011 Beijing Outstanding Student Leader GPA 3.7 / 4.0
GPA 3.8 / 4.0

Technical Skills
Languages: Java, Python, SQL, C++, XML/HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails
Stack: Hadoop, Django, AWS, Android, JDBC, Lucence, NoSQL(HBase), MySQL, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, Linux

Projects and Research

Dreamrise: A Crowd-funding Website

Mar. 2015 - June 2015

Realized features including registration, login system, create/edit/search projects, customized-profile, user interaction, payment and time-line module.(Django-Allauth, Stripe).
Developed frontend with JS, backend with python Django, applied Squite and PostgreSQL as database, files stored
on AWS S3, website deployed on Heroku(HTML/CSS, JS, Python Django, AWS, Heroku, PostgreSQL).
AWS-Based Tweet Analytics Web Service

Nov. 2014 - Feb. 2015

Designed frontend with Django and implemented a tweets-analytical Restful API (Cloud computing, AWS).
Applied MapReduce to Extract-Transform-Load over 1TB Twitter data into database(Python, Mapreduce).
Designed master-slave architecture and configured MySQL and HBase schema to support 6 queries(MySQL, HBase).
Mining Business Intelligence on Yelp (Best Project Award by Google Pittsburgh)

Jan. 2015 - Feb. 2015

Loaded 1GB Yelp Dataset to database and build reviewer/social network based on three types of cities and targeted
the most influential user for promotion and explored location influence(JDBC, MySQL, Gephi, Network)
Schedule Management Android Application

Dec. 2014 - Jan. 2015

Implemented schedule management app to help work efficiently(Android Studio, SQLite).

Set up a web service synchronized with Android Application serving as back end database(HTML, MySQL).
Side Project: GirlsOnAMap Website Design

Sep. 2014 Dec. 2014

Realized feature of local host registration Flow and profile customization on-line billing system with Stripe, to set
up notifications and allow people to find and book a local host in desired location(Ruby on rails, PostgreSQL).

Professional Experience
Software Engineer Intern in Bank of China. Beijing, China

June 2014 - Aug. 2014

Research Assistant in National Precision Agriculture Research Lab, Beijing China

Model-based research for the risk prediction of silage bale deterioration suffered from aerobic impact

July 2015 June 2015

Built web which is just launched using Python-Django and Postgresql and extracted the sensor data in database
Designed 2D-thermal PDE diffusion model to simulate silage fermentation process(Matlab, MSP430)
Visualized and interpreted the tendency of temperature, oxygen, and water content during silage fermentation(CFD).
Electrical Engineer Intern in Beijing Unism Technologies Inc. Beijing, China

April 2014 - June 2014

Processed Data from Sensor, improved and conducted calibration tests of WDO10 dissolved oxygen sensor

Publication & Copyright

Publication: Qiang Cheng,Yurui Sun,and Jia Guo(2013). In situ Determination of Soil Freezing Characteristics for Estimation of Soil Moisture Characteristics Using a Dielectric Tube Sensor. Soil Science Society of America Journal (SCI)
Software Copyright Soil profile parameters acquisition and processing software based on embedded system

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