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Faraz Akhtar

Eng. 12 Per. 01
Mrs. Craig
Date: 10-29-15

Annotated Bibliography
Gregoire, Carolyn. 5 Scary Health Effects of Sleep Deprivation during the Teen Years. The
Huffington Post. 24 July 2015. Web. 12 Sept. 2015.
I agree, sleep is very important for well being and functioning of our daily life. Less sleep can
effect both of these. In order for me to get enough sleep. I take a 2 hour nap after school and then
and then go to bed at 11 pm and wake up at 6 am. Doing this helps me in the school and I
perform better at the school.
Lachnit, Annie. The Lion King L.A Times. July 1994 Web. 9 Sept. 2014.
The argument made by Anne Lachnit in her article The Lion King is that lion king glory
sexism, racism and violence. To support her argument she writes, Disney male lions take center
stage while few take a seat at the action. In this quote. Anne Lachnit is suggesting that the male
lions appear on stage but female do all the work. In conclusion Anne Lachnit thinks that females
should also be on the center stage not just males. In my opinion, Anne Lachnit is wrong because
she doesnt have a good analysis of female lions and male lions. More specifically, I believe that
female lions are more featured than male lions. Although Anne Lachnit might object to male
lions being superior, I maintain that because they do most the struggle. Therefore, I conclude that
both male and female lions are showed superior.
The Learning Pod. The Learning Brain. Online Video Clip. YouTube. 16 April 2010. Web. 3
Sept 2015.
The video Learning the Brain. It told about how brain controls our body, and whats inside it.
The brain weighs 3lbs, and it can power a light bulb. Cerebrum is in the brain that makes us
solve the problems and speak. Neurons are microscopic cells and they are in billions and it has
tiny pathways called dendrites, and electrical signals travel through them. The more we use
brain, the thicker these pathways become. The brain effectiveness can be affected by stress. It
can make it difficult to learn. Stress also results in chemical reaction in our brain releasing
cortisol. Water can be used to calm the brain. Without brain we wont be able to do anything, and
we can learn a lot by staying calm.
You Can Grow Your Intelligence. Mindset Works. 2002-2014. Web. 3 September 2015.

Faraz Akhtar
Eng. 12 Per. 01
Mrs. Craig
Date: 10-29-15
In the article You Can Grow Your Intelligence, researchers states that the brain is a big piece
of body and works exactly like a muscle. By training the muscle, it get Stronger. The brain
develops by practicing. By practicing, more connections between neurons and dendrites become
stronger. Babies are born with very little neurons connections. By practicing, to speak the neuron
and dendrites becomes stronger, and a baby starts to speak. Trying different ways to learn helps
make the brain smarter. Nobody is born dumb or smart. Practice makes the brain smarter.
Practicing is hard, and people fail. The key is to keep practicing to achieve the goal. Same is with
the animals they are born with nothing but as they grow and practice these neurons develop they
are able to do much complicated jobs. The more the training, the better the performance.

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