Best Diet For Your Hormones

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THE BEST DIET FOR YOUR HORMONES The best foods, drinks and cooking for hormone treatments ‘What and how to eat to optimize your hormone levels and strongly increase the beneficial effects of hormone treatments The essential dietary changes to introduce, without which no hormone treatment works well Hertoghe Thierry, MD People with a bad diet are... the heroes of our time! ‘You need to be a heroe to eat the wrong foods for your body. You need to have an above average ‘courage to eat junk food such as sweets, chocolate, com flakes, sandwhiches and drink soft drinks, coffee or alcohol. These foods may, after a misleading 15-minute energy surge, make you tired, Nervous and look badly, after 40 minutes and often for 24 hours. You need to be a real heroe to Continue eating and drinking day by day the wrong type of foods and drinks for your hormones because they make your life so much more difficult. When you eat the wrong foads, every thing you do in life is harder and requires @ greeter effort. Putting a smile on your face, being friendly with others is ‘more difficult, while inside you feel tense and nervous sucked by the bad foods. Finishing your work is ‘much tougher, while you feel dragged inside by the wrong drinks. Tolerating your poorer physical ‘appearance as @ consequence of an inadequate diet requires a great deal of bravery more than what is necessary for people who eat the right kind of foods for their hormones. You need to be a modern heroe of our time to face and lead your lfe well after havingmade it so complicated and difficult with the wrong type of foods and drinks, but what is it tring to be a heroe! Cemeteries are full of heroes, People with a diet good for the hormones, simplify their life People who follow a diet good for their hormones, simplify their life, They can work for longer hours because they have more energy. They are happier because they feel better. Everything is more fun, because easier. Why junk foods make you tired and look not nice Why is there such a big difference in energy and mood between adequate and inadequate diets for the hormones, When ‘inadequate’ foods or drinks are taken, Initially during the first 15 minutes @ peak of energy and well-being follows appears, makes us falsely believe we have the good foods and drinks for our body. Indeed, 40 minutes later, these foods considerably depress hormone levels and ‘we become tired, nervous and look wom out for many hours, often for the next 24 hours, because of the 24 hour-long hormone deficiencies we have created. Even ingesting just a third of a chocolate bar or drink @ halt a glas of wine, for example, is enough to induce 40 minutes later the feeling of being dragged and irritable, losing eneray. Small errors in the diet may be enough to spoil your day. Continuous consumption of popular, but wrong foods and drinks for the hormones end up by making you overweight, achieve lower professional performance, age prematurely and get prone to cancer ‘and cardiovascular disease. Alet that is adequate for the hormones does not bring these desirable ‘side effects’, but brings on the contrary permanent energy and make you feel more relaxed, ‘So make your life much easier, don't try to be a unnecessary heroe: eat healthy, eat the right foods ‘and take the right drinks for your hormones. But which are they? A healthy diet is essential for your hormone treatment ‘To make your hormone treatments safe and get all the benefits, you should cook safely and eat hormone-enhancing foods and drinks. if your diet is inadequate, hormone treatments won't work wel. ‘You may be lucky, get 30% improvement, but most often, you will feel less benefit and will even have side effects. Bread, pasta's or sweet intake during female hormone or cortisol treatment, for example, wil cause swelling and weight gain, while showing few benefits. Here some golden tips for your diet, tips that will be seen more in depth later on: Preliminary GOLDEN DIET TIPS: + Eat and drink healthy at least five days a week. Most people do not need to strictly follow a hormone-edapted diet every day, seven on seven days, fo benefit from hormone treatments, Eating and drinking healthy atleast five days e week may be sufficient. Trespassing the guidelines ofthe diet only on the weekends for example offen doesn't harm the trestment much, Beware not to trespass more than two days a week. Three ‘dietary’ bad days per week is eready too much and will adversely effect hormone treatments. Limit and concentrate the intake of wrong foods and drinks to @ maximum of two days @ week. Taking every day a least one wrong food or eink wl spoi the hormone treatment and not make you heppy. One wrong food or drink a day may be sufficient fo put your hormone levels down, and break dow the benef ofa treatment. + Drink more water: your body needs water. Twosthrds of your body is made of water andthe digestive tracts @ sponge full of water that needs water to Work well and digest wel. Chidren | should crink 0.5 to 1 liters per day; adults on the average 1.5 to 2 Iters per day. + Chew well. Take your time to eat and chew meticulously, Food that is insufficiently chewed and too quickly swallowed, is hard to digest and mekes the upper belly bit. tis better to skip a meal - rat o ea, than to hurry on in a speed tempo when eating, swallowing every bit of foods quicker than you can chew + Vary your diet as much as you can. Eating the same breakfast every day, even a breakfast of healthy foods, ends up wth causing food intolerance, food allergies and intestinal dysfunctions. + Est fresh foods as much as you can, Fresh foods provide excellent energy and the best hormone effects. They have higher levels of vitamins ang have lower risk of yeast or bacterial contamination, Fresh vegetables and fruits are better than vegetables in cans and cried fruits, which themselves are better as foods than carn fakes or slices of bread with chocolate. Fresh meat is better than packed meat (packed for long duration preservation) + Eat organic foods as much as you can, especially organic frts and vegetables. Organic, pesticide-free foods are better for your hormones, but not as essential for hormone effects 28 making the right choices in type of foods you buy atthe store (fuit and vegetables rather then bread and pastas fr example). + Cook foods at low temperature, not higher than 100 degrees Celsius. Eating foods raw, steamed, bolled, heated in the oven at less than 85 degrees Celsius, ae safe and tasty ways to prepare | foods, while panfrying in ol or butter, griling, and barbecusing are unsafe methods that may harm you + Eat sufficient amounts of high-protein foods: chicken, fish, mest, eggs, sprouted grains. Most people need to consume a sufficient amount of 200 to 300 g @ day ef these foods. + Avoid sugar, sweets, soft drinks and alcohol at least 5 days out of 7. Sweets such as candies, chocolate, ice cream made of dairy products, pasties, sweetened drinks, cola, can decrease the secretion rate or efficacy of growth hormone, testosterone, cortisol and other hormones, cause dental erosions, obesity and fredness (after a frst 15 minutes of burs of energy, 24 hour of tiredness). + Avoid foods based on grainsicereals or considerably moderate their intake, Do not take bread, pasta, pizza each day. The good alternative Isto eat only sprouted grains. You can sprout the grains yourself by soaking them in @ bowl of water during the first 12 hours and, afterwards, puting the Grains ina bot in a éry environment, rinsing them with water every 12 hours untl suflent germination). Considerably reduce or even avoid milk products. Eat at least 400 g (slmost a pound) ¢ day of low-sugar containing fruits and vegetables. The best diet for hormone treatments The best diet for your hormone treatments is also the best one for your health Hormones dominate our health. if some of hormone levels are low in you, you simply can't be ‘completely healthy, and won't feel or look so good. You need optimal hormone levels to be fully healthy. The first intervention to optimize hormone levels is to take healthy foods and drinks that improve your hormone levels before considering taking any hormone supplementation, What type of diet is the best for hormone treatments and health? The diet of our ancestors Basically, the best diet to optimize hormone levels and increase the benefits of hormone treatments is the one our ancestors had before the advent of agriculture. During millions of years humans have adapted to a diet basically made of fruits, low sugar fruits and vegetables, fish, and game. In the Paleolithic, our ancestors ate a diet that was fitfor their body. The foods they are, are also the ones that now sii increase best our hormone levels, while many modern foods such as sandwiches milkshakes, candies and soft drinks considerably reduce and imbalance hormone productions and concentrations. The diet of our ancestors is called the Paleolithic diet because it is composed of food ‘types that existed already in the Paleolithic, the time when our ancestors hunted prey and gathered {ruits, vegetables and roots. The Neolithic is the period that followed with the emergence of agriculture. The human body functions much better with Paleolithic-type foods Mankind nas achieved fantastic progresses in knowledge and techniques. We have now cars, planes, houses, heating, clean water at home, moblles phones, computers, an exceptional scientific knowledge and know how, philosophy, religions, but .. the human body is stil the prehistoric body ‘adapted to the type of food on earth since more than 10.000 years, the foods humans consumed before the appearance of agriculture. It takes tens of thousands of years for an animal species to adept well to new types of foods. But agriculture and its specific new products only exist since a mere 16000 years. New foods such as chocolate and alcohol are too recent, just some hundreds of years of discovery and invention. The human species has had virtually no time enough to adapt and to be able to produce specific digestive enzymes for their digestion. When times changed, humans left a meat-eating society where the hunters ate up to averages of 800 g of game per day and had lots of physical activity to a more vegetarian-cereal-eating society. ‘Anthropological studies have shown that atthe time humans began to cultivate fields, eating typical agriculture food such as grains, and cooking food at high temperature, ‘civilisation’ diseases such as dental caries, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer, which were virally non existing before, emerged and became panepidemic, Human life expectancy dropped from the Paleolithic into the Neolithic by about 20%. Early Neolithic humans lived not only a shorter life than Paleolithic man, but became smaller, as their food was not anymore as well adapted. Its very likely that Neolithic men and women who ate tunsprouted grains, beans and other hard to digest foods, not only aged prematurely and therefore died eariier, but also were more tired and less happy, because of hormone deficits and imbalances due to their inadequate agriculture diet. General Overview: Foods and Drinks In the following table is an overview of the foods and drinks that should be taken or not taken. The DIET for optimal hormone levels and treatments Priviledge FRESH foods AVOID mainly preserved foods To improve Thyroid hormones | To improve growih, adrenal or Sex| - Fruits (do not mix them with eommnes) | other type of fruits) Animal-derived foods (boiled) | _ avoid animal milk - Organic, sprouted grains, |- Soft boiled eggs piedincts (cise raw or cooked (such as + Rawham, bacon ea egechesen | quinoa, Seracen, small spelt, |- Other animalderived foods) futtermilk mik, etc.) alone or mixed with fresh | (meat, chicken, but not pacing fruits Products), possibly a part of| : [sess eae teary Oe |m as moe omen | = AOR augers; honey, t Fraiaoe candy sugar, biscuits, Breakfast | Altomatives: chocolate, jam, cakes, aa ice creams...) Oleaginous seeds: consume only occasionally - not every day -| ig alcohol after soaking 12 hours (almonds, walnuts, linseeds, sesame seeds, | “ (vos SECON apricot seeds, Peking walnuts, Brazil walnuts, ..) to 2-3 days| (beers, wine,» an (hazelnuts) in filtered water — - = Avocado's awn) ~ Vegetable soups with or without meat or chicken (without milk ey = Avoid preserved = Drinks: water, fruit or herbal tea, moderately: decaffeinated coffee| Products (cans, ..): of decaffeinated tea, unsweetened soy, coconut or almond milk fconteln| preset valives) Which ere antiseptice/ - Fresh fruits: preferably seasonal and low sugar fruits such as antibiotics berries, avocedos, grapetrut, and possible apples and coconut cuttings (rather than apricots, mango's pineapple, detes, etc) | - Avold unsprouted = Occasionally: organi dry fruts, preferably soaked 12 hours in] Gerazls (rene (eno Snacks filtered water before consumption. muesli, pastas, ) between | - Occasionally- not every day: oleaginous seeds: only use after 12 comfickes meals hours of soaking in filtered water: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts (3 Gays of soaking), ne seeds, same seeds, apa! seeds, Petra]. avoldeafene walnuts, Braz walnuts. Comet) = Very occasionnally sprouted grain cakes flavored with dry fruits cor even better with sprouted beans and other vegetable sprouts | - Avold fruit juices, or admint them only once = Vegetables (at lunch: raw, boiled or steamed; in the evening:| —Srtuice per week Lunch & boiled or steamed) Supper | Fish, mest, chicken, eggs, ~__Additionall : sprouted rice, rarely: normal ce, boiled potatoes Foods following their sugar content ‘The human body is adapted to foods that are low in sugar such as meat and most vegetables that do not or hardly raise the blood sugar level. In medical terms, these foods are called ‘low glycemic. Index’ foods. The consumption of these foods usually improves both hormone levels and the balance between them. The best low sugar foods can be easily eaten and digested raw The best low sugar foods for your hormones are easy to eat and digest raw. Cooking these healthy foods at low temperature, by boiling or steaming them for example, makes them even more digestable and usually keeps the beneficial effects for the hormone system, as they are persistently healthier than other foods that you must cook to be able to absorb them, Even the best foods may not be eaten every day: vary and vary! Try not to eat the same type of foods every day as even the healthiest foods may induce allergic reactions when you consume them dally. Varying a lt the intake of healthy food intake not only reduces the incidence ofthese food allergies, but may decrease mortality by 42 %, which may correspond to 5 to 7 years of longer life, in particular years of quality of lfel Avoid foods with high sugar content Foods that excessively raise the sugar level such as sweets and bread suppress the secretion of ‘many ‘healthy’ hormones whose are essential to your energy and physical appearance, and that partially protect you against aging such as the sex hormones and growth hormone for example. These foods are called ‘high glycemic foods’ and must be less frequently consumed or even completely avoided. In the following table Is a lst of common foods following their sugar content and the ability to excessively raise the blood sugar (glycemic index > 39). ‘= te et HEALTHIEST FOODS: to regularly consume, Bul nak every Gay (Wice par WeRK, ad PONG Of SOaNOHAIy OW ently, otro are eibe afar pie preparaion) Fish Sealood Meat ‘Organ (vee, aay. ot Pout Eno optie eal (crecodle, eto) Insects (snails, Parsley Absl Oregano ‘Ginnamon, el ‘Amands Hazeluts Peers Waruts Cashew nis aca vans Stevia Lemon ee MODERATELY HEALTHY FOODS: "Yoghust (organi, natura) Gy for enigren win poor grown ith unsweetened soymik 28.38 Ragsieh ‘Ove. ‘Sprouied tesa (peas lentils, bocca ef) ‘Sprovied gains (utes, wheat ost pet) Brose ‘Cabbage Gaulfower Courgeties, Zuehina Celery rons Green arperaai vba Seaweed, Sprovies crane (ee richer Asparagus Totu, soybean x, Boied 2 Peas, died Tenis Beans (for baled kichey & nancot Deana o broad beans) Garo, raw & pooled Caras, cookes otal stesreg BOI. 32 39 sie Teeate Lemon ‘Cherie Berries. ack goose, DI or Blusberis Rag ‘Sravberres Grapefruit aril “Tack Prunes. Tomato Pomaio Ropes, Ged Soakin wate) Pears Pure MODERATELY HEALTHY FOODS Peaches ‘ranges: Grapes (res) Ki est Banaras Tengo. ‘Apres Papaya 33 Figs (od Bi Raisins (d 64 Aprils (ne FG (Ganaloupe melon. 65 Pineappe 8 Watermelon | 72 flow clon Tyches (su 73 Dates (deed) 703 Frit ce ecrbet 35.80 ‘UNHEALTHY FOODS: ad for HORMONES and HEALTH to avol or lake concarvated in matimum 2 Gays Tweak (weekends 2 (Cheese Yoghurt Wik, se ars Bar ‘Chocolate Bar (oth suger) Hone} ‘Sugar 50 Sugar 100 To completely avoid o ake once of Wie <5. 2538 2% ra er 3-70 70 7 700. T chips French Fes Whole grain bread Rice ues Crackers Cake ‘Croissant White bread Wafies Doughnut month Appi ies Tis ‘Orange Cole ‘Grange sod Rice milk Wine [7m Popoom Rice erie Com fakes ics pasta Baguetie (Frend The foods to avoid ‘The major problem with hormone treatments: they make you react more adversely to ‘wrong’ foods ‘Once you are on hormone treatments: you become more sensitive to the food. ‘Two bad consequences: 1, WEIGHT GAIN: You can gain weight easier if you eat the wrong type of foods, in Particular sugar and sugar-containing foods and drinks, caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, cereals such as bread, muesli and pasta's; and mik products. In general these foods make you gain at least two kilos in weight, but this amount doubles with hormone treatments. One ofthe reasons is that these types of hormones may considerably lower the leve's of fat-reducing hormones such as testosterone, DHEA, Growth hormone and several others. The solution is simple: eat the right kind of foods such as low sugar-containing fruits and vegetables, and low temperature-cooked ‘meat, poultry or fish, and you will experience weight loss, ifyou have overweight, rather than weight gain 2. DIGESTIVE TROUBLES: Greater digestive troubles may be experienced after a period of healthy eating. This is normally not due to the administration of a hormone treatment but to the better health ofthe digestive system that becomes reactive again toa wrong diet. Abdominal pain and diarrhea appear typically in people whose gastro-intestinal tract previously did not react anymore fo wrong foods because it wes 50 profoundly disturbed and iritated since a long time by the overioad of wrong foods that ithad ‘decompensated’ (collapsed) into a permanent swollen, bloating, sick organ unable to respond anymore to errors in the det. The troubles appear as soon as unhealthy foods are taken again in the restored digestive tract. Here too, the solution is simple: eat the right kind of foods such as those found in the diet of our ancestors, with possibly an exception. if there are digestive troubles, for several foods ‘such as fibre-ich vegetables like caulfower and broccoli, avoiding fo eat them raw or boling or steaming them to make them more digestible, may be helpful How to recognize yeast overgrowth? By finding typical sians and complaints + Hair: dandruf, itching * Face ; coated tongue, eczema, itching eyes ‘Abdomen: bloating belly, intestinal gases, alternations of diarrhoea and Physical constipation complaints |, Body: red itching peeling spots, eczema, urticaria, allergies, Toes: peeling skin between the toes, calcar nails Women: vaginal wite losses, itching: premenstrual tension Men: white spots on glans penis, itching skin ofthe penis Paychic|+ Ups and downs of energy and mood E Pressure on the head ofyeast 5 infection _|*_ Sugar cravings Yeast overgrowth in the intestines causes not reductions in hormone levels, but also hormone Summary: foods and drinks to avoid Foods to avoid | Alternative J Drinks to avoid [Aitemative ‘Sugar, organic, cane sug ‘aspartame, Filtered, purified wate (use charcoal with reverse osmose Pieces of fresh fruit Fresh lemon juice pepereet retin chlorine eyeamates, | Cinnamon fiter Sertuee, ste | CHP Frits, PeIeTaEH Tow suG6 | Boiled mineral water containing fr with high sulfate {Chocolate with 88% to too% | with lah sult Bottled mineral water low in Sugersich foods: | 1eseso eed once ewesk | exacted trom palkted | Sultes n¢ peeenres area) sweets, candes, "| (Dried fats moderately J aaa consumed once or tice weekly Plain water at tne most) (Sparkling water (Organic sprouted grain cakes | Soft drinks with dried fruit or sprouted beans ‘or lentils and no sugar added) Fruit sorbets with unsweetened | cacaomilk and fresh fruits leocroams (sirawbortos, biackborris, Danana’s, melon, et.) often & mixture of two futs tastes best ‘Organic sprouted grain bread, Grains: bread, _| pasta, muesli, rice you can get Water with fresh lemon juice Eat the whole fr (slow ‘absorption ofthe fut sugar, avoids any high blood sugar peaks) Fruit juices (quick absorption of the sugar ofthe fut, Gavees Tigh peaks of | Take fresh fruit juices not move the Blood sugar level) | than 1 to 2xper week Creamy vegetable | Vegetable soup without soup such as irectional | (animal) milk, possibly add 2 pasia, meal ie | frm hough heinorator | toma or pumpkin "| soy caus one heath Yoostrs) s0up.2| Nite soup : Soy oF almond me Wik Beans, tents | Srouted or (0-12H) soaked Tyan, pute | sugronce or ce per wesk 2 masinaly (Decaffeinated coffee) ((docatfeinated cola)), but may Coffee, cola be unhealthier than the caffeinated cola because of ts actives) ‘Soak preferably raw nuts during a night (elmonds e..) to two full days and nights (hazelnuts ©.) Nats, grilled nuts pra —] gare yoghar pT : fealnvaas | eaeet ania na ion Decade's ft or (Soy sauce, fresh | exceptional use for children with ee eee ci ctins CRcsecak coy: | Gaa peau cuneate | Taher Seong cup ote yoghurt without | (the mik growth factors will help sugaronce or —_| them grow, yoghurt being pre- twice per week | digested by baciera, is easier to maximal ‘digest than other milk products) Eat meat raw such as tartare Grilled, pantied, | steak or carpaccio, steamed, barbecued meat, | bolled or oven cooked at 55 C fish or poultry "| (remains tender}-85% (hardens) ‘meat, fish or poultry, first cup (black tea) contains most ofthe caffeine). the second Is relatively decattoinated ‘Sparkling fralt Beverages without sugar such as Kidibul Take an alcoholic drink once ‘or maximally twice per week, ‘ot more than two glasses at 2 time ‘Alcohol: wine, beer, ‘strong alcohol, ‘champagne ‘Smiaked meat, oF ‘assorted cooked Bolin water (also in cooking Cooking in oil or pans) butter at the traditional | (Cook at low temperature < 65 170-2600, ‘C—very slowly in clarified butter (ghee) or coconut ofl) Raw, dried ham (with salt, but eet. without nitrates) such as Parma (delicatessen) obtained Sehas sausages, | Na”. some Saran hare, Bayonne ham, salami, ete. ‘Smoked fish such | Fresh raw, bolled or steamed ‘as smoked salmon | salmon ‘Sushi fish, elgues | Sashimi (pure raw) fish ofthe ‘and rico) Japanese restaurant Margarines, butter | Clarified butter (ghee) The foods to eat Vegetables following thelr digestibility Lettuce (soft varity) Cauliflower Potatoes Radish Cabbage | Beans (unsprouted) Cucumber Courgette Peas (unsprouted) Carrots Redlyelowigreen pepper enfis (unsprouted) ‘Spinach Courgette, zuchinni Onions. Tomatoes (if ripe) Broccoli, Asparagus Sprouted seeds (quinoa, ree, ee Rhubarb Arichoke ‘Sprouted legumes (lentils, ey Beetroot Brussels sprouts * Note: low temperature in the oven (85%), boiled or steamed, but preferably not cooked in ol How to sprout grains? Grains are sprouted, by 41° Soaking them in @ bow of water during 12 hours, and then: 2 Drying them by draining off the water (by turing the bottle with grains upside down) 3° Rincing the content of the bottle with water every 12 hours in ofder to provide water tothe grains and cleaing them until full sprouting ‘See the table below for picture explanation: Sra eR ee ae ae at ae aa i 08k 2-4. fet rout canbe very biter greens, you can amaranth: | 5 Spo spre cante vr senate =a ‘Wa ya pare wan Bor | Sesh cpetsae| tes Cn acne tne tos | bent come a Pp 41.5 days. | tough: people with stomach or testinal ulcers | also, hnas gluten sprouts. _might find hulls irritating. Tair ea ar Telex gore ot teres sos Biceoet eet cian comarereine, scoigaiaoe me ag | Veet ra” buses gets Basement pl non Buckwheat | Soakis20 | Sorutt15 | Beau atatanr Scicmch tern | boess soho saratin | ony eas omnes wear nts epste ‘Stee etn eal Sa panne bcs prose whch etsy Fpeuenive song | THs conten spestely ines ogre Faidcora SHORZOF Pop corn pea days Pop corn sprouts ‘Pop com shoots. a eaay | hate go a et: has Sprout 1.5 | precng ey ary ne. Ure ibs ‘gluten Soak 8-14 | Gaye ‘Sprouter, but Pulls very crunchy and sprout ls ‘Sr land Bex wed nrscoee ‘Oa F7 Spron aS | Manteno oa oat ae NFO rong alga wanted Gea trad nat ee | Chip a pase ao with easier at = ‘similar to mak. Thick hul makes it difficult to eat; Ses ten Beatusedi ces fe at ak ep) SoakTTR Sat eed, Quinoa: Do not put too Very fast sprouter. Must rinse sesds multiple White beck | mesyre’ | coroutson, | ueswoumerscepy amg spetineeet | g umosvare” | oycoer cher. | SPOU12K. | Soe vetrwatepectr Stentor omeny | CONGR sE rene Sratane,” | wae genset ee Spanceqvess secraes Da EG, FOSSETT PT TS fe nore ate dead ost sree Soak 1248h ‘Sind long praise coos souk re Sknplyplcing ‘median ga bom re, also brown basal ut fet Tess) no rat ss Brown‘eevey | sproutt.or | Bre ot apotum fovcan beeen bt | Wo etic ceseeina | Gaye Sites Bang, cory ofeg Oren rot | NO rtinceos mane tppen' re spat vr iter Lidieg rg as Fir “hor rca good specy rox mata tepoatt cays) (ripe Beles iter ban trgiak ot potscioure neces Spans | tessoet getter Rena seaceisn. || cot t-15) | mutes s Kean renee enhanc os Unpectat hres hoe Saxe Ck has gluten oe ‘mold possible) ae Wr Haar vat bter ans Sing west indung | soaperan, | Sout 115 | Vnescangatocesurcysnecta fe ayeal” | Wheat ye Kort pat, amut & spat; | $9 cays sprouting. Spelthas nice texture bul spelt and Milla canbe used for have gluten. “Kamut are more expensive than ordinary wheat. _| 9°55 S#°- Spelt Frépecure: Sprout -1.8 | spot~seni-enest aan tht can ake hasless gluten | Se@k6-14h. | Gaye! wheat. tance, 10 Sprout day. Sprout | Best to pee! sprouts before eating (peeled have and storage | credo fave). Pesing teu, reduced by Almonds Soak 10-14. | tMeshCUIS | ranching in warm water (15-30 seconds in hot ot exceed 2 | water trom faucet) One of the very best sprouts! ays or Peel contains tannin, ‘pret may iunrene. ‘Sprout 1+ | Very sverg flavor, bes used as favoring in] Canaao’be grown ro (Cabbage: Kale | Soak 6-14 I
  • 20 *Celsius), sprouts may beco me quickly rancid. Soaking and sprouting time should be reduced, + Howto sprout rice: Sprouted Brown Rice ready highly nuttous, mainly because the hull i retained, which ‘contals ron, vitamins & minerals, & much fbr (whe ee has the bull removed andie ead eannot be sprouted) + rown ice special heath ret-much more nutrtous than brown + Sprouing of brown ee practice that originated In Japan => Increases the amount of vtaming and mineral, ron & even protein + Mont tas about 2¢ house sprout brown eb simply lacing the mount of brown rice you desire ina mason jr, adding bx se much water soit ean eoake > Ate 12 hours» ins, pouring the water out & adé the same amount ‘cf water agin => Soak for nother 12 hours => Brown ree sprovts have about ineh ong root, very ty. Ifthe rice sprout roots are not ean after 24h repeat ls process for another 12/h=> Prope your brownrice es usual but noe het wl eran take less tne to cook, spprox. 20'versus 50" => Those wh eat am wil want to ‘uch safer than i was oily. this sprouted Hee asi, snee ile How to sprout rice? |e shar ania brownie htabes 2 dye te spot so have 2s Th es yor tay eras ew ee ‘Staysey Pulte coin one dee coaritypce dean ‘ot 8 ietiteaa tou 10h ‘Tan t gts nes wie ay wih tp water. Pour water in ther, swish the gra aroun, ong pout te wate’ ou. Lalt susie dwn for sb te cfain The spouting lars have wre mash so you can rae be gah ‘tana raving epen er alsa ges te soroving gran a. __, ner 2 ays => spout, You can let go lenge you g ie ee ae Bc ea aera oon bout 1-12 cupe water Ba pinch of et ol fr 25 edit tor 10 before sowing. Itanes the sees Uesproued brown ee, bursite mere stay Cassa Tono ana hing ‘Srewoningin bees Ags ee 2 EAT MEAT, FISH, SEAFOOD, POUTRY, EGGS but cooked at low temperature Daily Nutrient supplementation for vegans ‘The dist of begans is inadequate in various nutrients: Daily Nutrient supplementation for vegans Vitamin A. 10 000 to 25 000 IU. Tron 7010 80mg per da Vitamin B's (B12 | High-dosed vitamin B complex | Zine 20 to 40 mg per day esp) 3000 ig oral vit. B12 per day ‘Vitamin D3 2000 to 4000 IU per day Todine 100 to 150 Hg per day (except if alot under the sun) Vitamin ‘200 to 400 1U of mixture of | Multivitamin | 1 to 2 capsules ofhigh= tocopherols and tocotrienols | preparation _| dosed preparation /da} Vitamin K ‘50 ug vitamin Kt ‘Omega 3 1 to 2 9 per day of fish oll, or polyunsatu-rated 1 soupspoon of rapeseed fatty acids | or perila oi Branched amino acids: valine, leucine, Isoleucin, | 100 10 500 mg per day of these aminoacids Sulfur-containng amino acids: cyseine, methionine | except not of methinine Donot supplement (indces tack of carnitine) with methionine as it produces homocysteine (risk factor for atherosclerosis) 13 Summary: Recommended foods and drinks [Foods to take | Restriction] Drinks to take | Restiction Fruits, peteaby. low sugar- containing fruits Fruits low in sugar work best for ‘optimal hormone levels and balance Filtered, purified tap water Use a fiter combining charcoal wth reverse osmosis:Regularly change the fiters), atleast every 6 months (Dried fruits) Diy organic Tle In a dehydrator ‘Consume moderately, not more than ‘once or twice weekly ‘Soak them in water Several hours before consumption; ater soaking, 1 can dry them, Plain, still ‘mineral water with low sulfate content Prefer glass bottles to plastic ones 288 plastic botties release hormone- disturbing compounds in the water. Waters with high sulfate content come from polluted areas ‘Siovia Cinnamon Pleces of frult Lemon juice ‘Vary the kind of flavouring hat you add to your cet (avoid taking every day the same), Use fresh fruls rather than dry ful Source water Tinay sources are now o-poluted Drink source water only when you ere ‘sure itis 100 % pure water from a non polluted area (Chocolate with 99% to 100% of cacao) itis a compromise to fake not more than once or twice a week, asthe chocolate is preserved and some people may not tolratefike the high 5 in cacao or the 1 % sugar Deuterium- depleted stil water For cancer preveriion (= 125 ppm Deuterium in the water during 3 months), or cancer therapy (water at ‘successively 125 ppm D, 105, 85, 65, 45,25 during 2 months each) Sprouted grain ccakes with dried {ut pleces and ro added sugar Sprouted grain ‘cakes with spouted beans ‘and no added sugar “The cakes are generally made oF organic foods. Take them with moderation as the {food is preserved and prepared at an excessive 1206, where excessive ‘amounts of sugar are released from the sprouted grains and may cause weight gain, ‘Sprouted bean cakes are less sweet than sprouted cakes with ory fruits, may even taste bitter and stimulate less the appetite. Sparkling water Water with fresh Jomon julce or 2 fruit favour without sugar Sparking waters an acceptable alternative to soft drinks, butitis on the everage 10 times more acid dan ‘tll wate, which may not be the best {or ll patients, except for patients with low stomach acidity and difficulties to digest maat ‘Check that there is no sugar or artical sweetener in the water as ugar rake decreases hormone levels Vegetables such 26 lettuce inall varieties, Fiber-rich vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli They are easy to digest raw They are dificult to digest raw and should be preferably steamed or boiled to break the undigestibe fibers Frosh fruit juices, preferably diluted ‘Don't drink rut juices more than once lor twice weekly because they Concentrate the fut suger too much, which causes high sugar peaks in the blood that reduce hormone levels {and faciltate weight cain; Consume whole fruits Instead as their sugar is bound to fsres, which makes the sugar stowy absorbed and does not ‘cause any sugar peaks. Fiber-ich vegetables ‘such as beets, Brussels sprouts, ‘They should be boted before consumption Vegetable soup Miso soup Frosh fish soup Possibly add soy milk, but not cow milk cream ‘Sprouted grains are easy to digest, but must preferably be taken during the first half ofthe day; Avoid taking ‘much of them in the evening, as they ‘may keep you awake ; depending on their type, grains must usualy be soaked during a whole night, and then rinsed every 12h, remaining dry in between; Most grans sprout in the ext 24 to 48 h. ‘Avoid or take with moderation, not ‘more than once or twice per week: (Check that sugars are not added. Daly soy milk intake may lower thyroid and sex hormone levels and cause alleries. Rice, oat orhazelnut milks are often ‘sweetened; As rice mik is naturally sweet, i facilitates weight gain Organic sprouted, rice TWiakes 2 to 4 days 0 soak, rinse and sprout the rice, methods are explained on the internet, Purchasable through the internet or in ‘some health food stores) Unsweetened ‘coconut milk Herbal or fut toa's ‘Recoptable alternative to Cow mk taken not more than ence to three times a week “Acceptable alfernaive to regular Tea ‘or coffee, but vary the tea 14 ‘Organic "Take with moderation as these Totannk mporiant amounts of Sprouted oain | sprouted foods are usualy preserved ecateinated cote ane gling breed snd prepares a 208, n excessive sf eoten beans produces fone orgenie temperature that releases too much compounds end ie dink acs the Sorat pants | inet cule ne posted gar, Seah oaen cessor ; intake may enuse weight gsr: nateg | cole as se cf pesterdes Organic | Topurcasein fat ood ree or | Osetennted |e in nemal cate! sprouted muesil | by intemet. Decaffeinated cola may be Uineate than te eafenates cota Sprouted or | Soak thom at least one wholo night: because ofits additives ; Drink Soaked beans, | Some vl sprout, fers can ony De ecffenated cofee when the fens, sonkedin a kien, cefene nee been exreces wih rater an catonedionae, To soak beter consumo Use Take the second cup of real ea crganicraw nus 2s they reactbeter | Decateinated | prepared witha taba, ate fst soaked raw |S seakng and ae re cine ovcty | tea's fut or | up (lack tes) contains most of he a cf red pescided nus; Soak ther | herbal a's. | cafe). whe te second is Gunn eunle non amondse) 0 robivey wel dsctenates ash (razsinuts 0) iovater. then | NonaleoRole | rake nonalcoholic drinks wih youcen lf hem cy 3 mmoderaon es they have aight eneraly ot very fresh itt once | Sparing fut | yer index Choc at tae is Fresh tofu eels eee neal coe ‘no sugar added to the natural fruit cone Saiy make oeoyren proce may | without sugar | To SU" aed reduce hyd and sexhomone | suchas Kabul levels ‘lech: wine. | Avo conpaay or ake an aCOTSTE Noty rare Ran anos orice wesiy| beer strong.” | cnk once or meatal twice per soyyoghun | 28 a mesores eed netcompiet | sleoho, wens nat more than wo glasses ata Soyyoghurt | feen; Creckinat heeiero uses” | champagne _| time Suga" (oten 2 ors of sugar per 100 | Frit sorbet To consure madara a he fun ams, hich aleedy excess), _| feecrean wth | te sorbet hos etre pyeomc index ‘Organic whole | For exceptional se in citren wth | unewestenec” | that exceeds or engulf that of ut (cow) yoghurt | poorgroutn and’ good hyo (ne | eaczomik and | jee Regu coneumption may (Gosstly. | mic gomn factors wielp tern | fresh fut | Gaose moserate weit gan Check Sweetened win | growYeghutisbetertnancther | (sravberies, | that no sugars adaeu, You usualy pieces ofresh | thx prosuns ass preaigested by | Sectberres, | haveto mate hem youre etre ft Tacha, ends eos toagest.” | banana's.et2) _ | th abeene of supa. ‘Raw meator | Organic resh raw meat or fish, fish as tartare | without parasite, is perfect. Sf ach crean aa pre sek pene eer er pee tea ea {rae butter by cooking organic butter sapacee Clarified butter | at very low temperature fo separate ‘steamed or (Ghee) and throw away the white protein teamed or | A168 C meat and poultry remain layer from the tansperent heathy fat Bolted meat, | tender, while at 85% it harcens layer poultry Raw, dried ham | Tho hams ar preserved wih eal, but ‘Take butt with moderation, ence such as Parma’ | not vith nitrates: check that heres three times per wook arGhende and | no added sugar (dextrose, ets) or | Butter contains essential fatsoluble vitamins some Serrano | nitrates (salpeter = sodium nitrates) in butter are necessary. hhams,, etc. _| that may cause tyreid nodules Clarifies puters beter Fresh fish ite ee ee Take these vegetable os preferably pled octane at lunch; Avoid or take moderate Sashimi pure | Excelent as he ishie acovery | Vegetable oil | Such: Avoid or take moderate Faw) fen ofthe | rath; Avid he stooge onee- | sueh a8 ove | Hoy uop yu ana en, Japanese | containing sushi foods ofthe Pele ieee y restaurant __| Japenese restaurant ES ‘Sofy bol tre eggs or eat he egg | Soy sauce | Accepiatle alternatives to sauces yolk ran; Omelet at iow "is OK __| Coconut sauce _| based on cow mik ar Use inox, cast iron, ceramic or terracotta pans end nof ne unsafe tel pans as fe Synihate layer of plastic of tf poultry, fish or eggs (boll arate Sra scrambled), st 3 for butier or oll aan ‘Cook meat, fish or eggs (omelette) at < 65 ver y slowly in clarified butter (ghee) or coconut oil, avoid higher temperatures ‘Cook in the oven at 58 10 85°C temperature 15 Adapt your food to particular conditions Foodsldrinks to avoid (as they faciliale he Condition | disease) or deficiency or deficient behavior __| Foods/drinks to take Lack of wate ne * High fiber fruits and vegetables © Only boiled foods for 2 to 4 © Food allergies due to monotonous diet days: mainly Axdominal |* [Semptne sana poise vprortero | ‘seat, pouby Srescoe ail 88 Vajru © Stress (retention of anxiety (upper belly) or | * Drink more water anger (lower belly + Sugar and sweets, especially chocolate, but also candies, biscuits, and cakes, com fakes (always mixed with some sugar), soft | Fresh foods such as low “pit cdeinks, milkshakes sugar-containing fruits ‘© Milk products, especially yoghurt, but also (berries, grapefruit, ete.) milk, buttermik and cheese and vegetables ‘+ Baked fats (so avoid eating foods cookedg in butter or oil * Eating too quickly, not chewing thoroughly | + Eating slowly, relaxed, ‘+ Lack of gastric acid (hydrochloric acid), chewing well and gees Undigested meat, poultry (difficulties to digest | abundantly Tearkeny protein) + Hydrochloric acid tablets ‘+ Alcohol (beer, wine, champagne, strong at the beginning of a rinks) protein-rich meal (meat, + _Antiacid medication intake fish, poultry) * Lack of pancreatic enzymes (biosted middle belly), difficulties to digest fat, carbs * Fruits, especially high in fibre such as Bloated Binesprse. ‘+ Pancreatic enzymes ‘+ Mixing of fruits with other foods, especial thoelae cal proteinsch foods such as meat andin |* Eatoods separately particular when taken after protein-rich foods High fibre vegetables: caulifower, cabbages, Brussels sprouts, broccol |]? seed eva sich ac reap] Unsprouted cereals such as bread (whole gain bread even more), pastas, rice, pizzas, © Boiled foods: bolled meat, fakes, oo Bloated lower |« Milk products: yoghur, but also mik, pouty, sh, low fre belly buttermilk and cheese 9! = Pancreatic enzyme + High fibre vegetables: cauliflower, SSlaTerS cabbages, Brussels sprouts, broccoll + Constipation ’* Caffeinated coffee and cola, black tea ‘© Alcohol (beer, wine, champagne, strong drinks), especially > 1 glass/day ‘© Meat, fish, poultry cooked at high Ae eee temperature, grilled, smoked or cooked in |? CONKMOre Water Particular in oll (creates toxic trans fatty acids) |° (oti protective losine) ‘© Sugar and sweets, especially chocolate, but also candies, biscuits, and cakes, com flakes (always mixed with some sugar), soft drinks, milkshakes Breast cysts 16 Lack of water intake Coffee, esp.y caffeinated coffee, black tea (due to the caffeine and dehydration) Alcohol (beer, wine, champagne, strong rinks) Unsprouted cereals such as bread (whole gain bread even more), pasta’s, rice, pizza's, Drink more water Drink deuterium-depleted water * Organic fruits, especially fruits with low sugar content c sre |S ara chcin andes, |, nechaeturtdfe mare chose candies, |, Sraanievegataties, 100 Celsius), iat es concianDers: expertly holo bute grlled, baked, panfried, barbecued stack ope + omsuppements Drink more water ca ier ere Prats eopecty forts 2 Mikro thet n weer vac a cae Constipation |* Lact igh fie us nd vegeabeinake |, AO © Lack of gastric acid (hydrochloric acid), red in water) meats + Vegetables, especialy he een Tovcheat vopeeties in ee eter uch oo concurs 7 Eases wTeUninGT TS Dianhes © Milk products ‘* Probiotics; especially + Whale gran brea, high re cereals Cicobectve sedoprus tof acta ora © Sugar and sweets: chocolate, candies, biscuits, cakes, corn flakes (always mixed wath some supa), sot nts minsrakes «+ Unsprovted cereal ouch 2 broad (whale gan bread oven mor) pasa, ne, paz ahs o + Fresh ood, especialy erie 5 cane rutin etieeay amen te oeseeel| eaves milk, buttermilk and yoghurt High sugar ~containing dry fruits, especially dry fruits: mango’s, pineapples, dates Alcohol (beer, wine, champagne, strong drinks) ¢__Thyroid and cortisol deficiency + Baked fat Gallbladder, © Pork meat + Boiled vegetables + Meat, fish, poutry + Boiled meat liver = Oignons problems | « Chocolate and other sweets Mile products ‘© Unsprouted cereals such as bread (whole gain bread even more), pasta's, rice, pizza's, cakes, etc. Muscle * Sugar and sweets such as chocolate, but wasting also candies, biscults, and cakes, corn flakes (always mixed with some sugar), sof drinks Male hormone (testosterone and growth hormone )deficiencies ‘© Meat (the best): red and) white meat © Egg white, poultry © Organ meat * Fish, seafood * Amino acid mixtures (capsules), creatine powder (teaspoons), camitine tablets or capsules) 7 Prostate hypertrophy = + _ Caffeinated coffee and cola, black tea + Alcohol (beer, wine, champagne, strong drinks) Low fat milk products * Drink more water © Fruits + Vegetables Cooking in oll (creates toxic trans fatty acids) Rheumatoid arthritis: Thyroid nodules Lack of water intake Coffee, especially caffeinated coffee, black tea (because of dehycration) Unsprouted cereals such as bread (whole gain bread even more), pasta’s, rice, pizza's, cakes, etc. ‘Sugar and sweets, chocolate, candies, biscuits, and cakes, com flakes (always ‘mixed with some sugar), soft drinks ‘Acid fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, apples and pears Cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts (contain antithyroid substances) Nitrates in preserved meats such as in some dry hams and most smoked hams, (altpetre is sodium nitrate), especially when ‘meat riche in nitrates is cooked at high temperature: formation of nitrosamine: thyroid nodules Todine and/or thyroid deficiency Fresh food ‘+ Raw vegetables ‘© Boiled or steamed vegetables + Low sugar-containing fruits * Foods rich in iodine: seafood, seafish Weight gain, overweight Yeast infections ‘Sugar and sweets: chocolate, candies, biscuits, cakes, corn flakes (has nearly ‘always some sugar added), soft drinks, milkshakes Unsprouted cereals such as bread (whole gain bread even more), pasta’s, rice, pizza's, cakes, etc. Milk products: milk, buttermilk, yoghurt and even cheese (contain growth/swelling factors: that, if you cannot grow anymore in height, will make you ‘grow in weight; Furthermore milk protein reduces the level of active thyroid hormone T3, by reducing the conversion of 1073) ‘Sugar and sweets: chocolate, candies, biscuits, and cakes, com flakes (always mixed with some sugar), soft drinks, milkshakes Unsprouted cereals such as bread (whole gain bread too), pasta’s, rice, pizza's, cakes, etc. Milk products, especially cheese, but also milk, buttermilk and yoghurt High sugar ~containing dry fruits, especially dry fruits: mango's, pineapples, dates Alcohol (beer, wine, champagne, strong drinks) Vinegar (preserved wine) Preserved foods: in cans, packages * Vegetables rich in water: ‘concumbers, radishes, ete. © Vegetables that are easily to digest raw: lettuce in all varieties * Fresh food; especially vegetables + Meat, fish, poultry 18 How to lose weight To obtain weigth loss, the first step is to choose well your food and have good food habits Berry airy Eucla pee ed Ey TO AVOID Avoid foods/hormone defi that make you gain weight | ‘Sugar and sweets: chocolate, candies, biscuits, and cakes, com flakes (elways mixed with some sugar), soft drinks, mikshakes Unsprouted cereals such as bread (Whole gain bread even more), pasta’s, rice, pizza's, cakes, etc Mik products: mik, buttermilk, yoghurt and even cheese (contain growth/sweliing factors that fi you cannot grow, increase your body volume; the mik proteins reduce thyroid function, especially the level of 3, the active thyroid hormone) | Fruits high in sugar such as oranges, | banana’s, apricots, pineapple, grapes, | Fruit juices Caffeinated beverages (caffeine increa ses the fat hormone insulinlevels} arom EUs Take foods! hormones, which correct, a hormone deficiency, that accelerate weight loss. Vegetables rich in water: concumbers, radishes, et. Vegetables that are easily to digest raw: lettuce in all varieties ‘Small amounts of whole fruits low in sugar such as berries, grepefrult = Thyroid deficiency ‘= Corrective thyroid supplements ‘Avoid foods/habits/hormone deficits that increase fat Carbohydrate-rich foods ‘© Sugar and sweets: honey, chocolate, candies, biscuits, and cakes, com flakes (always mixed with some sugar), soft drinks, milkshakes Unsprouted cereals such as bread (whole gain bread even more), pasta’s, rice, pizza's, cakes, etc. Sedentar Thyroid, growth hormone & male hormone deficiencies; insulin excess, “Avoid foods/habits that increase appetite © Carbohydrate-rich foods * Sugar and sweets: honey, chocolate, candies, biscuits, and cakes, com flakes (always mixed with some sugar), soft drinks, mikshakes + Unsprouted cereals such as bread (whole gain bread even more), pasta’s, tice, pizza's, cakes, etc Sleep deprivation + Melenocyte-stimulating hormone and cortisol deficiencies Take foods/use habits that increases muscles ‘+ Meat, poultry, at least 200 to 300 giday Eat more minced meat such as tartare steak, organic sugarless and additive free hamburger meat ‘cooked at low temperature Regular physical exercise (average 30-80'/day) Corrective growth hormone & male “Take foods/apply habits that reduce tite Fatrrich foods such as clarified butter, egg yolk Protein-rich and fat-rich animal foods such as meat, lard, bacon, cooked at law temperature Sleep more Corrective melanotan ll (and ‘methylorednnisolone) ‘supplementation 19 Weight-loss diet program: GENERAL PRINCIPLES: Water DRINKS Herbal toa and decatfeinated drinks without sugar or sweeteners {00 alcohol, no fruit juices or then very duted with lemon juice for example) Fish, meat, poultry, e995, Vegetables: raw, sieamed or boiled, preferably fresh and rich in water such as concumbers, radishes; Minimize intake of tomatoes and carots richer sugar ee Content), fresh vegetable soup (without cream), deep-freeze may be an acceptable option, although they contain less vitamins Sprouted grein, beans or lentis Occasionally: small quantiles of low-sugar fruits such as strawberries, respberries, blackberries 50 g of strawberries, raspberries, Diackberries or 7 grapefruit (no arapatful for SNACKS | people with liver disease), or ‘Salad with vegetables and cold-pressed vegetable oils No fruits, not raw vegetables afer 160 TIMING Raw, steamed or boiled vegetables at lunch Bolled vegetables at supper “ hour of physical activity (walking, Jogging, aymnastics, ela) 4x or more per weak hans ‘Sleep more: 7 hours or more Relaxation to bring calmness (and reduce anxiety), apply a peaceful attitude of Worry-reduction, make peace with people, reduce the number of stressful events. ‘Type 1: ideal for those who have difficulties to lose weight on regular low-calorie diets 2 days of relative fasting: 1 meal a day with ~ fish, lean meat or poultry: 200 grams per day = Vegetables: as much as wanted, in particular vegetables rich in water; possibly vegetables or vegetable soup throughout the day on condition they are not calorie rich: no sprouted beans or sprouted lentils, no tomatoes or carrots) = _ timing of the meal: whenever suited, but best in the morning or at lunch or 16h, but evening meal may be acceptable 5 days of reduced food intak: = moming: © salad or vegetable soup with 50-100 grams/day of poultry, beef or fish, or egg white, or © low-sugar containing fruits such as berries, grapefruit or an avocado: 120 to 180 g = _ lunch: salad with plenty of raw vegetables + not or some tuna, chicken, or other protein-tich food = supper: 100-120 g of meat, fish, poultry + bolled or steamed vegetables 3 meals a day ‘Type 2: ideal for those who have dificuties to fast and skip a meal 7 days of reduced food Intake: 3 meals a day PROBLEMS: PROBLEM 1; INABILITY TO LOSE WEIGHT What to do when you lost weight, but then your weight stabilizes, ‘refuses! to go down anymore despite your efforts. ? (Check what's wrong and apply the solution: INABILITY TO LOSE WEIGHT Cause Solution = People on thyroid medication must increase thelr dose by 10 to 20% on a low calorie/high protein diet Whyroks deficiency: + Take a breakfast of low sugar containing fruits to stimulate the thyroid Eat less meat (reduces thyroid function), but more vegetables = _ Stop coffee and take herbal tea as caffeine increases insulin, he fat need enhancing hormone = _ Stop daily alcohol intake as it Increases insulin & fat mass, parlally by Alcala, |ntake lowering the levels of fat-reducing growth hormone and testosterone Milk product intake = Stop all mik products, including cheese a = _ Stop all bread intake, even a slice a day can be too much Bread, pasta’s, rice intake |” Take only sprouted grains, including sprouted rice > Take less salt Fluid retention = Increase vegetable Intake (rich in potassium, which increases fluid excretion) ‘Sedentarity = Exercise dail ; = _ Express more emotions, especially positive feelings such as inner Eke calmness, acceptance, friendliness, love ai PROBLEM 2: EXCESSIVE APPETITE, HUNGER What to do when you have too much appetite, you are too hungry and can't stop eating despite your efforts? (Check what's wrong and apply the solution: TYPE Cau ‘Solution People on Uiyroidadealion mu ineaaaa He dose by catti dcgietort canes 410 t0.20 % on a low calore/high protein ciet Sspuriceis hice '™™ | Tega avalon suareonarng aso stmute Rus Insane oreaee, ‘Take less meat (as meat intake reduces thyroid function) ‘Tako mare vegeatios ‘Swoslonart inrease the] Stop clo ana tae harbal ea as cafene revoasee appetite for sweets insin, the ftenrancng homane ilk Buttemik and yoghurt Intake (high in lactose, he ie aeeee Intake high niactose: te | stop at ik products, including cheese ‘om appetite) rae) Bread (including whole grain |- Stop all bread intake, even a slice a day can be too much bread) pana’, leo niake’ | Take only sprouted grain, including sproted rcs People ating thyroid need te nerease ter dese by 707 — 20 Stihen hey go ona ow calorifigh protein elas Leth {his type of alt lowars thyroid function; but not more. f | they tne 20 to 40% more, they get hungry for al ypes of foods, in pariclar fr sweet fads, Taek of seep (educes se cae | Sleep mor, at ast 7a Tritansineeczesappette- |S! watching TV or work onthe computer until ate at enhancin hormone Ghrelin) pee <—Reasaton {Take nap to calm down Anaiety + Inereateapitualy in your lf (prayer, mestatlon) {Express moce postive ematons such as ine calmness, cag aczoptance, faendinss, ove ca {Tpeteasehighore vegetable nak he fbre prov ; 1 Inetease high-tbe vegetable take (the Re provides a Sedentarty, {cel af tales = Rod unsorted whole grin bread eon - _ Express feelings, especially positive feelings of love, acceplance, humor Sally Tood cravings serene Corea eosterone decency with fudocorsone or (chips, salted. acs irelie denoieny? aldosterone peanuis, 6) ‘Suppl the afeant ronan daiences Multiple hormone deficiency |: Reduce sress a stresses sepletes many hormone Stores or improve your reason to sess. Task af water intake (SRT people donot ecagnze thirst s Piet Becrle do rarcoanze rst |. pik more watretleast2 tr a dy during the ct epee) pevaiis 7d aio bar oho dl or do youre by Gravings for | «ack oftat or protein intake | eiinatng the wnt protein yer fom ie raneprent fat aes layer ater low temperature healing of te br) Lack of sleep Geducts ‘Sleep more, at least 7h epee dire Stop watching TV or work onthe computer unt ate at japtn and increases appeste- |” S10) enhancing hormone Ghrelin) gk Bierce daly piece Increase highflbe vegetable intake (he fre provides @ . feeling of fullness), but avoid unsprouted whole grain bread 22 Mixing foods at meals Before you make menus for your meals, some basic principles on food digestion need to be understood. How can you recognize meals that are easy to digest? By the absence of intestinal gazes, the absence of middle and lower belly bloating and a feeling of being light and energetic after a meal Principle: Do not mix too many foods at time: Soparato foods as much as necessary. It is easior to digest one type of food at a time than to digest than two different types of foods, taking two types of foods is easier to assimilate than three types of foods, etc. The best is to avoiding mixing too much different kind of foods at ‘one meal for optimal digestion (because the digestive tract has to adapt its acidity and pancreatic ‘enzymes to each type of food, an easier task when the same kind of foods are taken). 2, Some foods may not be mixed together: do not mix fruits with foods other than some vegetables and sprouted grains, do not mix unsprouted cereals such as bread with anything else other than vegetables; etc. The reason is that the passage in the stomach may be excessive for some types who are eaten with foods that remain long in the stomach to undergo the digestive action of the stomach acid such as meat and poultry. ‘Aa same eal Besser Rae Paes eee Paseagein | ater meat Can be mixed with ‘Avold mining with: Pemagein | se pou Omer mite; | Eesytocgest vetbles + Hard to dget vegetables Fruits: | Sproued grains cabeagesoods, tors eauctoner shoudbe |” Sears andes Brees epost, leone ~ Some low sugar-coniaining fruit zicchinni, beans and sige, | sompoenaytecamnwinhecers | louincicentieree |aypay | 268h= meat oras It « Unsprote cre: sam, | rothansomentanrymangs.or |” Rew pts sce | pret conta ct seen as Melons and banana’s have to be eaten | - Meat, poultry, fish, eggs separa am anyother ype ofl Tanara'e, | Soperai fon al aber oot heb | paanas ; Tes melons other fruits ESOSOSS ESN Not, 2 fruits rotten Some it, bu no bananas Sprout gare = Unsproutedcaeas and stosh Vegetables | Soaked ns ois 201060 | may sttbe Neat shor pouty (when vegetabies | - Ursoaked nut oe bre piferaby eeamed or oles) vainay | Sorte rare & cereal ay mi wh Grain, | everging but best ith Ungprouedcereas end — | 4153, | ston Vegetables a ai Trae Huts oe soaked, toy canbe mined | ~ SO8K@d notable wth | ango io gn wth are soaked, | 3to9h Nuts = Vegetables oP reins, | longer ifnot_ | may still be meter Unsoaked, not mixable Pate iss © Meat pouty Lrsoatad ret miabls | Setorehand Soaneyhat idea Fru, cep sone fue | FER ST + Vegotbies vegetables arboted or | 2MINSUEEr (pp, | | FOU as, | og nas Fish, oored aie ae Shoyseer | 8h Seafood | - Raw easyio clgest vegetables such | Rerveatabes, esp, | foanmeat | Gx” Ga Terrier cera one high-fiber ones such as | meat (ony breecol caulfower 23 Ideas for a healthy breakfast ‘Small errors in the diet often cause 24 hours of fatigue, nervousness and @ worn out face ‘Many traditional breakfast foods such as bread, muesli and cornflakes are treacherous tionds' thet after @ short transient energy peak of 15 minutes, cause, forty minutes later after ingestion, tiredness, excessive ‘nervousness and a worn out or bloated face. These changes last for many hours after intake, offen the next 24 hours. A small errr in diet is thus followed by an excessive prolonged punishment. Unfortunately, that is how it ‘works out and there is not much you can do to avoid the fatigue and malaise if you continue on doing these small errors every day. Even a small piece of chocolate, a tiny slice of bread or a teaspoon of sugar can be sufficient to ‘spol your energy, mood and hormones during the next 24 hours Take a healthy breakfast ‘Start the day with a breakfast that improves your energy, mood, health and hormone levels during the next 24 hours. Inthe following list are some suggestions: EEESSnGnncnt = Boiled egg (soft), omelet cooked at low temperature (do not overheat; brown color = burned) with (sugar-free, unsmoked, dry) ham, chicken filet or shrimps = (sugarfree, unsmoked) bacon boiled in water - Dry ham such as Parma ham, Gandha ham, etc. without nitrates (salpeter is sodium nitrate) {and without any sugar (thus, without dextrose, sucrose, maltose, glucose or cane sugar) = Avocado mixed with fresh fruit = _ Natural soy yoghurt (without any sugar), possibly sweetened with small pieces of fresh fruit, = Ezechiel or Essene bread (bread of sprouted grains, sold in health food stores) Sree vita © Fresh fruit: + Preferably low sugar-containing fruits: berries, grapefruit, etc. ‘+ Fruits should not be mixed with foods other than fruits, except sprouted grains and some easy-to-digest vegetables. ‘+ Ifthe fruits are not organic, remove the peel. ‘© Possibly in the form of a fruit salad, but avoid eating each day the same fruit salad (containing the same type of fruits) ‘© Sprouted grains: rains of various tastes exist for sprouting. For each species, various types may exist. For Quinoa or rice, for example, diferent forms exist with differen tastes. Moreover, sprouted grains can be prepared in various manners, which change the taste: raw (preferably to keep all vitamins), boled, possibly mixed with nus in a mixer (after soaking the nuts in water for a few hours) or mixed with pleces of fresh fruit to change the taste. What to drink? Water (best), herbal tea, tea without caffeine, soy milk (without sugar, the absence of sugar may make the taste more insipid), nut mik (almonds...) rice milk (without addition of sugar, but only cocoa) Taking nutritional supplements at the time of the breakfast? Daily supplements of 500 mg or more of fish oll (omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - very good for the intellectual functions and the state of mood) and a multivitamin complex are advised as even ‘organic foods do not have all the optimal amounts of essential minerals and vitamins 24 Menus for breakfasts Breaifasts:_| Principle: vary a lot the ype of breakfast (Iimay extend your Ife and tastes bation a Recommended peal pee eee maximal frequency | Protein-ich | Sof bolled egg, with (unemoKed) bacon bolled | Diuted grean tea, breakfast 1_| on s layer of water ‘or plein water ‘Serambled eggs cooked at very ow temperature (do not make the preparation tum | Herbal (mint, brown = burned), mix with ether died ham (such | verbena, Protein-rich | as Parma ham, Ghanda ham, some Serrano | chamomile), or breakfast 2 | hams with no additve other than salt, thus fruit tea (Rozebottel without addition of sugar, no dextrose, no tea, passion, apple sucrose, maltose, glucose or cane sugar, nor | teas) or plain water any nitrate), or chicken filet or shrimps. Eggs: maximum twice per week Slices of Ezochial bread (organic bread made of ‘sprouted grains, sold in the healthfood stores) | Infusion, plain with clarified butter (called ‘ghee’, without the} water, sightly \white protein layer) with dried ham (such as scented botanical Parma ham, Ghanda ham, some Serrano hame | water (with plant with no additive other than salt without nitrates | estract) (caltpeteris sodium nitrate), without sugar Protein-reh breakfast 3 Maximum Wwice per ‘week Ezechie! bread; regularly ‘change the type of bread by using bread based on another seed (e.g Breakfast soup with fresh vegetables and Occasionally with preserved fruits such as ‘organic dry fruit slices of high quality (prunes, ‘apricots, pears, mangos, apples, pineapples, coconut chips, ec), preferably soaked during 12 hhours in tered water before consumption Maximum 1 to3 ploces of meat or poultry poss favoree | Plain wator breakfast 4 | Cin soy cream (avd mika fees Wetereh tl pecba ress oo mus vea soe toc | Paper el POISE Broteinsich | sprouted grains, ten putthe whole ina mer | insonfrbal toa | tmos por wosk Pain water Tone Organic soy yoghourt (without adaion of alr To Poteinch | S989 butpossbly add some spare ruts towin | Gecfcsted ea | wigan 1102 Becta | baer eun a avbores, Satoeres, trash rate vay | times per week ees _| econ of sugar Freeh Wak + "the tts cannot be mixed wih ater types of {ood (except sprouted grains) «thefts re nat organic, remove the peel {atmos aft sala, but avoid eating each Vitamin | daythe seme tut sla (ontahing the same vs ruts) deeause ofthe isk of causing f000 | pi, aor 2toatimes Tem saat | _sletuos towards the rts inthe slags per week «preferably rsh ‘A dish with organic sprouted whole grains such as ‘millat, spelt, sesame, buckwheat, etc.) with fresh or dry fruits soaked the night before inwatr Sprouted grans: rin fr spouting wth Yarousteeus ont Each poses ay nave vitamin | vereus sutepecis,foresample gun orca | eral, oh eR eet| exo in iret varnish changesin taste. | The sprouted grains can be prepared in various ‘ways, which improve the taste: raw (preferably to keep the vitamins intact), boiled, mixed with nuts in a mixer (after soaking the nuts in water for a fow hours) or wit pieces of fresh fut Maximum 2 to 3 times per week 2 Menus for snacks Good snacks Proposals of acceptable snacks for the morning (10 o'clock) and afternoon (16 hl = One or more fresh fruits (but vary the type of fruits: each day another type of fruit) + _ Dried fruits: apples for example, and possibly (very) moderate amounts of slices of igh ssugar-containing organic fruit such as mango's, pineapples, dates (the largest dates are often the best, the smallest are often invaded by mols), for better digestion, soak them (plunge them in water) for several hours before + Nuts: may only be eaten after being plunged in water during a few hours or a whole night, before: for hazel nuts, two days of soaking are necessary) = Drinks: water, plain water (the best drink), possibly with lemon juice but without any sugar, take herbal teas ‘Shacks Vary them as much as possible ‘Comments ‘Snack Tat | Ono or several pleces of fresh fruit (bul vary 4and 16 | the type of fruits, each day another type of fruit) | More fruits if thyroid insufficiency hours Organic dried fruits (apples, and more rarely ‘Snack 2 at | P2cause of their higher lyemic index: mangos, | Drink: water, plain water (the seach ie | Pineepple, dates (the largest are often best, the | best drink), possibly wih fey smallest being often infected by the molds); to _| juice of lemon but without digest them better plunge them in advance in. | suger water a whole night ‘Oleaginous (oll-producing) seeds (nuts) In an ‘Snack 3 at | occasional way - not every day - after soaking 40 and 16 | themiltered water (almonds, hazel nuts (3 days of hours soaking), linseeds, sesame seeds, apricot pips, Beijing nuts, Brazil nuts, sesame.) Cake of sprouted grains; regularly change the Soaking is essential or difficulties indigestion appear Snack 4 at Maximum 203 times per foand 16 | Yeyps of aed uses tomate na cre eprouie | week (Cerause of thei hours richness in calories) spelt, sesame, millet
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