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Dear Alex,
How are you? Hope you and your parents are fine. Thank your for your letter.
Im so sorry about your fail1. I know its not easy to pass those exams because they are really
difficult and if you have a bad day, it is almost imposible to pass them. But cheer up! Its not the
end of the world.
Nowadays there are even more2 choices, away from the university. Have you ever thought of
spending a year in a foreign country, maybe in Germany or France? At school, I remember you
were the best in learning new languages and some friends told me you continued speaking
German and French very well. Why not staying a year there3? Afterwards, you could try to
repeat the exams.
There are several more options, such as looking for a job or doing other courses. The most
important thing is to do something. Dont stay in the sofa waiting for a miracle!
Hope these tips will help you and Im waiting for your answer.
Best wishes,
Daniel Sanromn.

a fail is used as a noun to talk about a particular grade from one exam Im sorry, its a fail;
otherwise we have to change it to failure, but calling it this way wouldnt sound like youre
trying to help your friend at all. So maybe: your situation, your trouble

even more than when? Nowadays there are many more choices than in the past. Or
Nowadays there are plenty of alternatives to going to university

It would be acceptable in a real-life situation, but at the exam we need a bit more accuracy.
Why not stay.? Why dont you stay? How about staying.?

Length: +
Letter format: +

show that youve received and read his letter: +

friends problem: +
advise: +

Grammar: +/Vocabulary: +

Grade: 4/5

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