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The French president, Franois Hollande, has said France will have to carry

out airstrikes against Islamic State in Syria.

The announcement came after Paris ordered reconnaissance flights over the
Islamist groups positions, in response to the refugee crisis that has seen
thousands of Syrians flee the country.
At a press conference on Monday last week, Hollande had said a decision over
whether France would join coalition air attacks on Isis strongholds would
depend on information from surveillance flights, which he ordered to begin
the following day.
On Monday, he said a decision had been made. We announced
reconnaissance flights would be carried out allowing us to envisage strikes if
necessary ... and it will be necessary, Hollande said at a press conference with
the Nigerian president, Muhammadu Buhari, in Paris.

France considers Isis strikes as Hollande calls for engagement on refugee crisis

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Until now, France has not taken part in airstrikes against Isis, fearing that
such action might maintain the regime of the Syrian president, Bashar alAssad.
Last week, Hollande said the only solution to the Syrian crisis, that has led to
an exodus of millions of Syrians from the country, was for Assad to go.

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