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What particular purpose is best served in the dedicating of

a book, irrespective of its classification has always been a de-
batable question. To the extent that a wise custom decrees
the commending of the pa.ges of such a book a's this may be,
this history is dedicated to that spirit of unselfishness, under-
standing and loyalty which found expression< in the formation·
of The Mask an'd Wig Club of the University of Pennsylvania
through and from the inspiration of



Should anyone ask of himself or of others as to why I, of

all persons, should write a history of the Mask and Wig Club,
I can but reply there is no good and sufficient answer. Any
experience which I might have had to justify the assumption
on my part of such a responsibility is more than limited, it is
negative. Upon opening the morning mail some two years
ago, to my utter astonishment and without warning, notice or
consultation, it appeared my name had been placed in nomina-
tion for an office called "Historian", which I was hardly aware
existed, and as a member of the Board of Governors. Since
there was no contest these nominations were tantamount to
Sensing that one, for whom I have always had a deep and
abiding affection, had, with his usual exercise of discretion and
tact submerged the dubious honor 0'£ an incidental office with
the fundamental compliment of becoming a member of the
Board, there seemed no alternative but to accept and meet the
situation in the spirit of an adventure.
Whatever may have been accomplished with respect to the
assimilation, compilation and identification of the data and
various papers relating to the history of the Club has been due
for the most part to the generous spirit and sympathetic
understanding of the Board of Governors during the Presi-
dencies of J. Ferguson Mohr and Thomas Hart. All the
records, reports, photographs and other documents of seem-
ingly historical value have been identified, indexed and filed in
properly marked boxes. These have been placed in steel
cabinets stored in the fire-proof rooms of the Pennsylvania
Historical Society at 13th and Locust Streets, Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania. This opportunity for the storage and at the
same time acce·ssibility of these archives was due to the help
and cooperation of Mr. William Reitzel, Librarian of the

To establish a working basis for a proper background and
understanding of the beginning, growth, development and
influence of the Mask and Wig Club, resort was had to the
minute books of the meetings of the Club, the Board of Gov-
ernors, the Administrative, Production and House Commit-
tees, together with reports of various Spe'cial Committees,
which were appointed from time to time. There were also the
Treasurer's Statements, which unfo'rtunately were not com-
plete. In addition there were the original papers of Dr.
Charles N. .E. Camac which proved of great interest and
much value. Other sources examined were the programs, the
publicity books and countless newspaper reports and criticisms,
much correspondence, miscellaneous papers, the By-laws and
finally the personal recollections and comments of various
members of the Club which had been carefully collected and
The checking, digesting, recording and verifying of these
sources of information covering a period of about two years,
required no little patience, care and accuracy. The results,
such as they be, could not have been reached without the help
of a number of undergraduates in the beginning of the work,
a large group of the Alumni members of the Club, my own
secretary, Evelyn B. McGuire, who somehow caught the spirit
of the "Wiggers", but most of all, Mrs. Louise Macmullan,
who has been executive secretary of the Club for the past
eight years. Driven at times to the point of referring to my
title as the "hysterical" department of the Club, nevertheless
she was unfailing in her interest and loyalty. Blessed with
patience, humor, tact and fortified with a seemingly never-
ending energy, she always rose to the occasion and so relieved
many a tense situation. These various sources of help account
for much of whatever was accomplished.
However, throughout and over and above all, there was
always available for help, advice and encouragement, Edmund
H. Rogers. Without him, I am frank to acknowledge that
what might have easily become a task and abandoned became
a pleasurable experience and this history of the Club, if it may
be 'so dignified, is the result in no small way of his faithful
interest, critical fairness and constant inspiration.
Whatever may be said of the pages that follow, the final
assimilation of the data and the comp>ilation and completion

:round ana
?ment ana of the work has taken place here in a pleasant little garden
had to tOf in an atmosphere abounding with historic incidents occurring
lrd of Gol, in the early days of America and teeming with the memories
se COtnrnil,
of the hopes, ambitions, struggles and tragedies of a sea faring
people. Whether or not it be mere coincidence is incidental,
lere also to~ but it is of interest, at least to me, to recall that in the Spring
re not com,
of 1926 the Mask and Wig's, "Sale and a Sailor", inspired by
one of the many Nantucket legends, was as outstanding and
rers of Dr
well rounded a production as any in the history of the Club.
linterest lij~
rogram!,I~1 W. A. W., 2ND.
nd critlc\lm\
By.laW!1 6 Gull Island Lane
s of Vln(/,! Nantucket Island, Mass.
collecten l~j August, 194 I

~ing oflo~~
out two fea~
Tne re!ul~
tnout (oe ~fl~
~ of tne wO!\
~lunJ mf ~w~
gnt tne !~iil
for (ne ~ll,
errin~ (~m1
lessen ~~
'ngly nml'
so relier~
elp acco~!

there WII
t, Edmun~
ledge th!1
ed beCIWt
if itml1
~ faithful

the nnll


Had the line of least resistance and the easiest way out been
followed, the Board of Governors without difficulty and free
from little, if any, criticism, could have determined there was
but one founder and he, of course, was Clayton Fotterall Mc-
Michael. Before reaching any final conclusion, the Board
gave careful consideration to all the available documentary
evidence as well as to the personal recollections and opinions
of those members who were qualified to speak authoritatively
upon the facts.
In the light of the information published in the 1890 and
1891 year books, together with the statements in articles
appearing from time to time in the programs of early days,
coupled with the report and findings in 1911 of a Special
Committee, consisting of Messrs. Rosengarten, Donaldson and
Borie, there was no doubt at least eleven rightfully fell within
the classification of a Founder. The problem to be decided,
in view of additional evidence and after discovered facts, col-
lateral for the most part, was whether there were four others
who could and should be included in such a list.
Motivated only with the desire to reach an honest and
proper decision in the interest of those who had been mainly
instrumental in the ultimate formation and establishment of
the Club, the Board of Governors at its meeting in March
1941 assumed the responsibility of a finding that there were
fifteen who were historically enti tied to be named as Founders
of the Club. A bronze tablet bearing the names of these
Founders, together with the "original call" signed by Forbes,
Neilson, McMichael and Camac has been erected in the Grill
Room of the Club House at 310 Quince Street. This decision
of the Board settles an important fact which with the passage
of time had been passed by and all but overlooked.

The Mask and Wig Club 1889-1941
The history of an organization is naturally a record of its
achievements, its policies, its growth, its mistakes and the
position gained in the field of endeavor for which it was
created. In addition, it must reflect the personalities, the char-
acter and the influence of those individuals whose spirit had
accounted for the drive and the force which has kept the or-
ganization alive through the years of its existence.
The first fifty odd years of the Mask and Wig Club were
during a period of American history that may well be called
the golden days. It was an era which may never again be
witnessed in the lives of those who were privileged to enjoy the
student life and the benefits of education offered at institutions
of learning such as the University of Pennsylvania. In times
of great flux, which inevitably affect the social and economic
life of a nation, it is only those institutions which derive their
strength from fundamental truths and are adjustable and
flexible that will survive.
A most casual analysis of the purpose, the background and
career of the Mask and Wig Club would seem to clearly indi-
cate that it fully meets the requirements of an exacting world.
Based on the fun and carefree spirit of youth coupled with a
sense of service to the University, yet ever mindful of the im-
portance of education, it is evident that those responsible for
the formation of the organization and who have guided it in
the succeeding years merit the highest praise for their insight,
perspicacity and understanding of human nature. For without
these principles ever present, "Lurline" might have been a
story complete unto itself instead of the first link of what has
become a lengthening chain strongly forged to an honorable
past and facing the unpredictable future with hope, courage and
calm assurance.
No more truthful and uncontradictable statement can be
made, in any approach to the history of the Club, than that the

personality ot Clayton Fotterall McMichael and Mask and
Wig are synonymous. To what has sometimes been tenned the
pre natal days can be traced the germ from which the Mask
and Wig Club was ultimately born. Though the name eventu-
ally adopted is clearly attributable to Charles N. B. Camac,
it was McMichael who was the organizer, cre'ator and the
source of inspiration. Dramatics, such as they were, had
reached a constantly receding low at the University. A group,
of which McMichael was the ever dominant force, found an
outlet for their dramatic and histrionic ambitions at the 40th
Street Grand Opera House in West Philadelphia. Here were
given a series of plays, inter alia, "A School for Coquettes,"
"The Marquis", "Two Puddifoots", and "The Loan of a
Lover", for the edification of their friends and no doubt for
the satisfaction of their own emotional indulgences. However
the parts may have been' cast, the programs consistently listed
in addition to McMichael, the names of Forbes, Camac, Rosen-
garten and McKean, then but mere boys, and some of whom
had not as yet matriculated at the University.
In addition members of this same group found a similar
inspiration from burlesques given by their friends in the
Amateur Drawing Room, located on the site on 18th Street
below Market now occupied by the Mid-City Post Office. A
further outlet for these embryonic dramatic ambitions was the
lure of burnt cork, a popular and healthy means of entertain-
ment of Victorian aroma but long since passed into oblivion
with the complete sophistication of youth. As inevitable in a
young and growing nation, the Minstrel Troupe with its black
faced artists seems to have served its time and purpose.
Information, admittedly truthful but unfortunately not
provable, clearly indicates that in the year 1888, some have
named the exact date April 24th, ideas were exchanged and
plans laid by and between McMichael and Neilson for the
formation of some sort of a dramatic organization at Pennsyl-
vania. It is to be wondered if either of them had any particular
objective in mind other than to get started in some way on
something theatrical. The "original call" issued presumably
in the Fall of 1888 and signed by McMichael, Camac, Forbes
and Neilson can be accepted, in the language of the surveyor,
as the place of beginning. Unfortunately, there are no de-
pendable sources which record the names of those who actually

Mask ana
termed tn~ responded to the notice posted on the Bulletin Board in the
hthe Mal! basement of old College Hall or just who attended the various
lame eventu. meetings held subsequently, during the formative period of
. B. Camar this youthful and ambitious group. But this is incidental
tor and tn; except in the interest of accuracy, a "must" in the demands of
~ were, naij an historian.
y, Agrou~1 Certain it is, however, that numerous meetings were held,
ree, founa l~ some of them at the residence of Thomas McKean, Sr., lo-
IS at the 40~ cated at 20th and Walnut Streets. It was here at the meeting
. Herew~11 of January 29th, 1889 that a name, for what subsequently
r CoqueUe!t turned out to be a prodigy, was discussed. Discarding sug-
~e Loan of I gestions of "The Harlequin", "The Footlights", or "The
no douo! fw
Pierrot", it was voted to adopt "Mask and Wig Association",
es. HOWIHi subsequently properly christened as The Mask and Wig Club
of the University of Pennsylvania, as the name of this un-
sistentlr lill~
heralded but aspiring organization. It has been said that the
name chosen was the inspiration of Charles N. B. Camac
some 01 wn~
from the impulse of the moment. , In this instance, at least,
the spark of youth supplied a name which proved perhaps
ouna a !imilll more acceptable than if the matter had been referred to older
friena! in !~I and wiser men for deliberation and decision.
on I~tn ~lml While it is true that McMichael and his group witnessed
Oit Offire, j performances in N ew York of the "Hasty Pudding Club" of
oitioni 1m ~I Harvard University and other productions of the students of
hi of entertam, Columbia University, the factor having the greatest influence,
~ into oolivim was that in the fall of '88 there was playing at the old Walnut
inevitaOle i~1 Street in Philadelphia a burlesque, "Mrs. Esmeralda", spon-
witn itiOila sored by the London Gaiety Troupe.
rrpoie, '!ihis coterie of neophyte Pennsylvanian actors who attended
r,ltunatelr MI
these performances of Letty Lind, Sylvia Grey and their
8, some nan famous Troupe came away convinced that this sort of burlesque
[changeQ a~~ offered the safest medium of entertainment and dramatic art
Ison for !~I and one well within the limitations of undergraduate life. It
~ at Penn!!I,
would be well, at this time, to point out that the significance
and meaning of a "burlesque" as staged and produced in the
late eighties and subsequently utilized for Mask and Wig pur-
Ime war O~
poses is in no sense to be confused or identified with the vulgar
presum ao1l
and all too often indecent theatrical ventures of the so called
nac, Forofl
burlesque of the present day and age. That such a decision
proved to be not only a happy but wise one would seem clearly
are no Q~' dempnstrated since the Club for over a half century has never
~o actual1r
once deviated from the policy as originally established and has
as yet to meet with any disastrous repulse of or from a de-
manding and critical public.
In any theatrical venture there are innumerable factors which
contribute to a success. There must be some sort of a vehicle
to produce not to mention the financing, securing of credit and
assurance of something substantial in the way of an audience.
To finance the initial production, with a treasury then com-
parable to the cupboard of old lady Hubbard, required no little
ingenuity. Faith and perhaps prayer coupled with a little
parental assistance seemed to be the answer. The Colonel,
father of Clayton F. McMichael, who was then Editor of the
North American, a Philadelphia newspaper, somehow made
possible the initial deposits and guarantees. To assure an
audience, the time honored system of patronesses was adopted
and for many subsequent years proved to be the answer to the
hopes of the Committee on Production and the worries of the
Business Manager and Treasurer. So on a warm, if not sultry
evening, June 4th, 1889, to be exact, after some five months of
rehearsals, the first performance of The Mask and Wig Club,
"Lurline", or "The Knight and the Naiads", was given at the
Chestnut Street Opera House, between 11th and 12th Streets
in Philadelphia. It was a musical burlesque in four acts, ar-
ranged by McMichael from an old play. It was a sellout.
Perhaps outside of the faithful and indulgent members of the
families of the participants, the rest of the audience attended
with a sense of reserved curiosity and wondered whether they,
instead, were to be the ones sold out. But su~h was not the
case. "Lurline" was a tremendous success, enthusiastically
received and richly praised.
Slim as the records of the early days may be, in the light of
the Club's growth and development, they cannot help bu prove
of lasting interest to those who will reflect upon the ambitious
but inconspicuous beginning of the organization. The atten-
dance was some 1530 persons with receipts of $1636.25.
Expenses totaled $891.62 leaving a net profit of $743.63, a
balance no doubt far in excess of the fondest hopes and dreams
of those responsible for the venture. To be fair, it must be
admitted that some of the items incident to the usual overhead
costs and operating expenses were absorbed by the friendly
lished and ~I
or fro rn aJ ij~,
spirit and generous cooperation of the families of the boys
comprising the cast and chorus.
efactors w~Q Rehearsals for "Lurline's" debut alternated, no doubt in the
ort of aveni~ interest of parental relief, between the Borie mansion at 1035
gof credilll Spruce Street and the McMichael brown stone front located
at 2°41 Walnut Street. Costumes for the most part were
of an audifn~
made and supplied by the nimble fingers of unselfish mothers
surr then t~~ and sisters. Though McMichael, Camac, Forbes and Neilson
equlred no Iii! may be s·aid to have carried the full responsibility for the suc-
led with ali~ cessful production and staging of the show, they were suf-
'. The Col~t( ficiently wise to engage the services of a figure well known in his
I en Editor olt own world, "Sammy" Speck, associated with Brandenburg's
somehow m:, Dime Museum, an institution famous in its day, but long since
. To a!!ijr/> obliterated by the march of time. For music, popular pieces of
sses Wa!aaOi1 the day, with suitable lyrics for the occasion, we-re "borrowed".
the an!Wello ~ Little did those who were responsible for such an incidental
the worrle! 01 ~ theatrical venture realize that when the curtain was rung down
on the finale, they had in reality created an entirely new activ-
arm, if notl~t
ity for undergraduate life which was destined to contribute, in
me nve mon~lt its own peculiar way, so much to the value of unselfish service
sk and Wi~(li for the welfare, advancement and interest of the University.
l\m~Vfnll& Somehow, it seemed this initial and single production in
and Iztn ~Irt(; 1889 was accepted by the University as well as the public at
ein four atlll ( large as establishing the Mask and Wig Club as a permanent
It wa! a!f~~, institution. A reference to the list of patronesses who in effect •
t memDmol~ sponsored "Lurline" would clearly indicate that socially there
audience aUf 1:. was nothing left to be desired, since Philadelphia's "best" and
red whetnfr tt~ "foremost" had given their blessing and stamp of approval.
such wal nol ~ The evidence of their practical support was clearly indicated
., enthusial~([ in the statement of the Treasurer. To carryon, however,
required an organization to sustain the interest and enthusiasm,
e, in theji~lf since the responsibilities entailed were of no mean proportions.
~t help DU\~w~ It is difficult, at this time, to properly analyse the motives which
on the amoi~~ prompted this original group of youths to continue with what
on. The aUG at first was little more than a whimsical venture. Howe'ver, in
s of $IOJ0.lj the course of time this experiment became not only a vital and
an integral part of the life of the University, but established
~ of $f4}0j,1
for itself a reputation of achievement throughout a large part
pes and dm~
of the United States.
~air, it mu!t ~ So it was as always, the guiding hand and never failing spirit
usual overnfl:
of McMichael which not only made possible the production of
Iy the frien~
"Lurline", but also formulated a Club organization sufficiently
sound to carry on for future years.
When another year rolled around, with the interest of the
original group sustained and encouraged with the reputation
gained from the first effort, "Ben Franklin Jr.," was given in
the Spring of I 890. The increase from the previous year
from one to three performances was fully justified, since the
results at the box office clearly indicated that the Club was
confronted not so much with an indulgent as a demanding
public. In I 89 I, the third year, after the Philadelphia season,
the Club ventured for the first time outside of its own territory.
It gave, with modest success, performances in New York and
Washington, D. C. Then in 1892, with "Mr. & Mrs. Cleo-
patra" as the vehicle, the Club played Easter week throughout
in Philadelphia, the first time in the country a college dramatic
organization had ever attempted, and with marked success,
such a lengthy run in a metropolitan city. And from this time
till 1936 with "Red Rhumba", Easter week and Mask and
Wig in Philadelphia became a permanent fixture. During eight
of these years, in the turbulent '20S, from 192 5-"Joan of
Arkansas", to 1932-"Ruff Neck", the annual production was
given for two consecutive weeks. The drastic economic
changes then taking place caused a return to the former sched-
ule of a single week stretch.
It must be remembered that from the beginning and for
many years thereafter the coaching of both the cast and chorus
had been exclusively undertaken by members of the Club.
McMichael, Kelley, Ernst, Deehan, Gilpin, Donaldson,
Howard Mohr, Morgan, Mellon, Rogers, Lavino, Harten-
stein, just to mention a few of those who assumed production
responsibility in whole or in part, during their respe'ctive asso-
ciation with the annual production.
., There was a period in the life of the Club, during the reck-
Ie'ss 20'S, when the experiment of using professional coaches
was tried out. Haskell from New York, and Jasper Deeter of
Hedgerow Players, were among those engaged to assist in the
training of chorus and cast, but in spite of their professional
ability, the idea did not fit in with the Mask and Wig system.
And so in the early 30's, when financial problems also became
a serious consideration, the Club returned to direction and
coaching by Club members. Bo Brown, Frank Kelly and a

ationsuit '
succession of younger graduates stepped into the picture and
carried on until recently when an arrangement was made with
einterest of ~
Walter Keenan to train the chorus. This particular association
·h the reputaf has proved a most agreeable and satisfactory solution.
r II l~
" Was given'
In 193 I, the effect of the business depression first made itself
le ,previoul 1~
felt in the receipts of the box office. To help meet this situ-
usttfied1 lioce ~
ation, the program for years past exclusively printed and
at the Cluo Wt
financed by the John C. Winston Company, was taken over by
,as a deman~ the Club. With that spirit of sustained interest indicative of a
l~adelphla lea) true "Wigger", a number of the older members for several
•Lts OWn ternl~ years procured all the advertisements for the program. By
In ew YO rKt this means, the figures of the annual statements showed black
r. &Mrl,o.l: instead of red, thus turning the tide during these difficult years.
week tnrou~, But there were other problems. The annual trip having be-
a college dram!' come more extensive and falling within the middle of the second
h marked ru~ college term, resulted in a growing feeling with the University
dfrom(ru!~ authorities that the students were forced to absent 'themsdves
ek and MalKt far too much from their studies. Coupled with this situation
ture, Durin~f:t was the recognition by the Board of Governors that there was
[~2)_IIJOi~i a marked change in the habits of the theatregoing public. Due
ual production n to the advent of daylight saving time and the growing interest
drastic eCOQiji: in outdoor life, Easter was no longer as popular with them as
the former!rnl: the winter season.
Traditions, and particularly so in Philadelphia, are difficult
De~nning anU to sidestep, let alone break. The Club always alert to the
the cast ana rOOK vagaries and demands of a fickle public, and desiring to co-
ers of (ne G. operate with those in authority at the University shifted its
'Ipin, DonaM~: weekly run in Philadelphia from the Easter to the Thanks-
Lavinol Hart~ giving holiday period. There were not a few of the older
members of the Club who felt such a sudden and drastic change
sumed proau~::
in the date would be a serious blow to the fame and reputation
.r respective ~
of Mask and Wig. Such a feeling was natural for there
generally comes the time in everyone's life when living in the
during tne fI~' past is the right and luxury of advancing age. Changes as
essional coat~ such are, for no good reason, abhorrant. But the die was cast
asper Deetm: and though the annual Easter production in 1936 of "Red ~
to assist in II Rhumba" was given, it was followed in the fall of the same
eir professio~i year by "This Mad Whirl" and since then Thanksgiving and
nd Wig srsttB Mask and Wig in Philadelohia have become a settled custom.
s also De(l~ It proved to be a wise decision as so realistically witnessed in
direction af the financial health of the Club. Confronted in 1936 after
kKelly anal
several profitless years, with a serious and uncertain financial
outlook, the Club as a direct result of the change to Thanks-
giving week, found itself again by 1941 in the strong and
healthy financial situation which it had enjoyed for almost half
a century.
Throughout this period of some fifty odd years, in addition
to the week's performance in Philadelphia, there was gradu-
ally and with caution developed an annual road tour. Modest
in its beginning, by 1940, the Club had given a total of 828
performances, spread over thirty-one different cities in various
parts of the East and Middle West. The highest number in
anyone year reached 29 in 1930. It is safe to say that these
annual undertakings of the Club have done perhaps more to
spread the name and fame of the University throughout the
country at large than any other undergraduate group or organ-
ization of its Alma Mater. Such a policy has with propriety,
attracted men from other places to the University with a result
that its horizon has become broader and more cosmopolitan.
A student body from various sections of the nation cannot help
but expand the point of view from one somewhat narrow and
provincial, pleasant and comfortable as it may have been. It
is unfortunate there are no available records to accurately dis-
close the number of people who have attended Mask and Wig
shows. If the gross receipts can be used as a guide, together
with the known admissions sold in very recent years, there have
been close to two million people from various parts of the
country who have paid to attend a Mask and Wig performance.
And the word "Paid" is used advisedly, since a hard and fast
rule, never once deviated from is that there are no "papered"
houses, even to the point of Club members paying full price for
their tickets. Such complimentary passes as may be issued must
fall within the limitations of the Business Manager's exercise
of wisdom for press and publicity reasons.
In the undergraduate mind breaking a record is the big thing
whether it be in track, football or crew. Looking back over
the years, Mask and Wig was continuously breaking records,
which in theatrical parlance means, "the box office". A single
peformance of "Yankee League" on April 8th, 1893 estab-
lished a "new High" for the Chestnut Street Opera House with
receipts of $2312., while ten years later, April lIth, 1903,
"Sir Robinson Crusoe", at Atlantic City played to a house of

ncertain ~"
ange to U $2787.5°. Three years later, May 4th, 1906, at a special
tne !tf~ijl' benefit performance of "Shylock & Co., Bankers", at the
afor alm~: Academy of Music in Philadelphia given for the sufferers of
the San Francisco earthquake, the "take" was $3696.5°. These
ear!, in lij~
figures are of interest not only in the light of the subsequent
years, but illustrative of the growth of the Club's popularity
tnere Wi! ~
with the public. Glancing through some of the minutes and
dtOUf, M~:
reports of early days discloses that at the Annual Meeting of
the Club in June 1897, Clayton MclVfichael cautioned the in-
t citie! in fI:: coming Board not to anticipate gross revenues of over $9,000.
igne!t numy.: Evidently the success of "Yankee League" with a hundred in
to !ar tn!l~ the cast and chorus, grossing over $ 15,000, had convinced
erna~1 mij~ some Club members there was no end of constantly increasing
tnrou~n : receipts. A year later, again with his usual caution and
grou~ ~rm! restraint, McMichael admonished the members, suggesting
witn ~ro~~ tha t as the years rolled on the most optimistic outlook would
iry m!n lIi' justify a season of not over $7,000. gross so that expenses
eco!m~~~ incident to production should be adjusted accordingly. Yet the
tion mn ' years rolled on and McMichael's forecasts were swept aside
nat nitWit by a constantly growing and demanding Mask and Wig public.
nave ~1 For on Saturday April loth, 1920 at the Forrest Theatre, now
accurilflH the site of the Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Building, the re-
Ma!K!nijl ceipts of the matinee were $3712.00 and in the evening,
guiae,l' $4139.5°, or a day's total of $7851.5°. An all time high for
em, (nm~ the Club as well as for this particular theatre. Figures such
us ~art!~.
as these would impress even the most hardened and jaded of
ig ~erf~rmj'
the professional theatrical world, especially when it was cold
hard cash paid by the public to witness a show put on by the
rankest of amateurs-college boys. In later years, when a
eno II~!~I'
two weeks' run was ventured the gross in Philadelphia alone
gfull ~ncr~
was $72,639.55, and for the season of 1926, "A Sale and a
I Dei!!uw~
Sailor", $1°7,002.71, leaving a net profit of $19,787.98. Im-
pressive, the most ardent of cynics will have to cheerfully
admit. Even in 1941, with the run of a single week in Phila-
delphia, grave wrinkles will appear in the Business Manager's
brow if the gross in the City alone runs much under $3°,000.
But to return to earlier days when such glittering and semi-
staggering figures were unheard and unthought of. After all
the patience and indulgence of interested families rightly had
their limitations. So with the growth of the Club and the
accompanying responsibilities, rooms were rented in 1891 at
I 006 Walnut Street. A Constitution and By-Laws were me setti
adopted, and officers and an Executive Committee elected. Re-
mtact the
hearsals and meetings continued here until 1893, when the
Blion an(
condition of the Club's treasury, due in no small part to the
manas 0
great financial success of "Yankee League", warranted pur-
chase of some sort of a property which could be used and called
a Club House. ~i!contri
Somehow it would seem McMichael and his group were
ouring d
blessed with infinite wisdom and uncanny judgment for, their
choice has, so far, withstood the test of time. Known from its
inception as "3 I 0 Quince Street", what became and continues rounaers
to be the Club House was purchased in December, I 893. It moitect
has remained, except for the installation of a few modern irtistiC el
comforts and conveniences, as originally planned by its creators. Reno~
The history, the background and the tradition of this little but liKe~issB
unique and incomparable Club House is fraught with interest or~amza
and redolent with memories. o~corate
Originally the site in I 834 of St. Paul's Evangelical Luth- matter,
eran Church, later used as a dis.secting room by embryo student were l fOJ
physicians from Jefferson Medical College, it was bought in a~o, witfJ
the early eighties by the late John B. Ellison, a member of a ana the
well known and distinguished Philadelphia family. In those In this
days, Spruce Street, East of Broad was the heart of what was ~rname,
looked upon as the center of the social and aristocratic life of rontribut
the city, a carryover perhaps from the days when the blue House,
bloods were suffused with the Whigs of English lineage. It
TOree, 11
was the era of the victoria, brougham, runabout and surrey of
lor the I
the Philadelphia man of affairs. Mr. Ellison converted such
structure as was then in existence on the premises into stables
eo to the
for his horses, harness closets and carriage rooms.
Room th
Among the properties inspected was Mr. Ellison's stable
in the A
and with the vision and hope indicative of youth, it was pur-
ana the
chased for the sum of ten thousand dollars, some cash and the
balance on mortgage. To convert the stable into a usable Club were ere
House presented a problem at which many might have tne repr
quavered, but not those of stout hearts and great courage like exaggeri
those who were responsible for the formation of the Club. new the'
Never wanting for friends, they enlisted the services of Mr. risn , in'
Wilson Eyre, later a distinguished architect of the City of successfl
Philadelphia, and a conversion was made. With the exception ~iano, a
of a few of the small windows in certain of the stalls, which lora! ml
went de
nd. BL
y. IWll
. Itteeelett~ windows are still intact, a complete transformation took place.
ttl I~n, wk The setting as originally planned by Mr. Eyre has remained
o"small ~ln I: intact these some forty-seven years, a tribute to his genius, his
e 1 \Varrlijl~ vision and to his understanding of what would survive the de-
dDeU!~IM( mands of succeeding generations. These services, so well
rendered by Mr. Eyre, though not a member of the Club, were
~d nil ~O~'I his contribution to the young and struggling organization. Such
Judgment 101' changes and alterations as have been made from time to time
e. KnOWijfr::
during the last half century were under and subject to the
ecame ana ~;: planning and supervision of Charles L. Borie, one of the
Founders of the Club, who, as one of Philadelphia's leading
architects, has with consistency and care preserved the original
of alew m:.
artistic ensemble.
~ned oy i~! crt:·
tlon of tni!li~:
Renovating and rebuilding the structure from a Church-
like-dissecting room stable to a building suitable for a dramatic
raugnt wit~ ~
organization was in itself an accomplishment. To finish and
decorate the interior in an appropriate manner was still another
s Evangeli~lt
matter, for, it should be remembered, the interested group
Dyemoryo!o: were, for the most part, just boys at college, some fifty years
e, it wa! ~o~t ago, with little enough funds, but fired with the spirit of youth
on, ameffioo and the ambition to be of service to their University.
family, !~1 In this same period there was a youngster, Maxfield Parrish
neart 01 ~~ll by name, then unknown in the world of art, whose artistic skill
aristocra~r~! contributed so much to the charm of the interior of the Club
ays wnen ~I House. An original painting, King Cole and his Fiddlers
glish lintl~ Three, was the inspiration for the mural subsequently painted
Dout ana ~llITI for the Club by Mr. Parrish. This is said to have been his
on convtrt(~: first commission. Bought by some of the members and present-
emimintom' ed to the Club, it has since hung on the South wall of the Grill
rooms, Room these many years. In addition, the mural over the stage
r.Elli!oM in the Auditorium, recently restored to all its former beauty,
youth! it~' and the early figures with the pegs on the walls of the Grill,
some (a!~!I! were creations of Mr. Parrish and bear convincing tribute to
into aU!l~[1l the reputation he subsequently achieved. It is, perhaps, no
any mi~~t;
exaggeration to state that this Kin~ Cole mural introduced a
new theme in the world of art and for which Maxfield Par-
reat cou~r-
rish, in his time, became recognized as the outstanding and
tion of t~f l
successful exponent. Under the King Cole painting stands the
piano, a gift in memory of Francis P. Steele, a devoted and
of the r~
loyal member who lost his life when the S. S. "Burgoyne"
ith thet![q. went down. It is this same piano that has given birth to
the stall!1 i
\mven each
countless Mask and Wig melodies and beat the rhythm for
dancers, glee and all who gather round. :i;tlo~ed inb
On the walls throughout the Grill Room are seen the names,
with °an appropriate cartoon, of each alumni member of the ~iion of th
Club. On a peg hangs his stein, which upon death is chained Iif,latent t
to the wall, a silent reminder of a departed friend. Today nioehind
there are some fifty permanently secured. ~rt, these f
In the hallway is a stately and handsome Grandfather's [I was at
clock, a gift to the Club from the late Robert Glendinning. 0j~ was he
Though not a "Wigger", Mr. Glendinning gave it in memory :Jrlhe Eas
of his brother-in-law, Clayton F. McMichael. On the walls If Mask a
are hung framed, the drawings, many of them the originals, of itmthestud
the program covers from "Lurline" to current shows. On the J~lines, e
walls of the stairway and in the Auditorium on the second m~ thence
floor are separate panels containing photographs in costume i~tlwindo
of individual stars and chorus groups of each succeeding show, :malto mal
constant reminders of the days before yesterday. From the :iitnted,
Club House have emerged some forty-seven productions, for oo~uafford
within its walls are the cast and chorus rehearsed, trained and ~(h uimensl
finally whipped into a finished product for public perfonnance. °roer, p
Here for many years in the late fall the annual preliminaries, ~rried evi
a short play, written in some instances by an undergraduate ~ou~! ove
and at other times by an alumni memberof the Club, were given ~Iintaining
for the purpose of selecting from among the students, the most
Ijlj, how
likely talent for the cast for the "big" production. There were
Iluwell ser.
two distinct casts, from each of which were chosen the individ-
II ex~resse
uals best qualified for a final Saturday night performance.
This was attended by the graduate members, the families,
~liry of Cl
friends and of course the "best girl", now known as the "big
moment" of the ambitious and hopeful young actors. Later so WI\ ueserv
called "skit nights" were held, in Houston Hall on the campus, llievery fin
offering an opportunity to the individual to demonstrate the l ie annual
particular talent, be it musical or otherwise, with which he was ~ront!, cam
endowed or thought himself possessed. For a number of years lillie supp
this method served its purpose for in this way the Committee ijlhereities
on Production could select those who showed sufficient ability ij!Governo
to qualify for the cast of the spring production. But with the w!th the p
change to Thanksgiving week, freshmen were no longer per- With the n

mitted to participate in the "annual production". Accordingly, ~ons bYml

the undergraduate members of the Club were offered the op- ~em that ~
portunity of supervising a play open only to freshmen which itnous m
Ina its 0\\1
eat the rn~
is given each spring in the Irvine Auditorium. This has
ar~ seen ~ijf :' developed into what is now known as the "Freshman Show."
mru rnemij~r (/ I t is entirely written, produced and staged under the sole di-
on deatn i! ~l' rection of the undergraduate members of the Club. In this
ed frIend, i way, latent talent is often discovered which eventually finds its
way behind the footlights of the "big show". For the most
orne Gra~ijIl~ part, these freshmen shows are self-sustaining.
Ooert Gl~ij~ It was at the Club House on Quince Street that for many
gave It i~ rot years was held the advance sale of tickets to the patronesses
ael. Onttfl for the Easter week show. So great had the popularity of
em tneori~,\' the Mask and Wig become that the public at large competed
ent InOW!, ~ with the student body for tickets. Irrespective of the weather,
ium on ili(~i long lines, extending from the Club House door down to Spruce
ograpn! ~~ and thence as far as Eleventh, were formed, days before the
en lucceedinil:
ticket window opened. Indeed it became part of a freshman's
ritual to maintain his place in line for whatever group he rep-
terday, froo'
resented. With the speculators and the hirelings of those who
en proou~ij~
could afford to employ a substitute, the line each year reached
such dimensions that the city police were detailed to maintain
" order. Photographs in the daily newspapers of the time
nual prelimirr carried evidence of a "Coxey" like army huddled in little
an unoer~l: groups over fires, often under umbrellas, forcibly at times
neCluo,wmi maintaining their positions until the doors were opened. By
studentl,tmt 1913, however, the value and need of the patroness system
etlon. Tnm had well served its purpose. There was a growing resentment, ,I)

cnolen In( i~I' as expressed editorially and in articles in the undergraduate

ight perlmJ publications against the Club for what was believed to be a
WI to( f~[: policy of catering to a preferred class. That such criticism
nown a! Wt' was deserved could not be denied, yet it was a fact that from
actor~ 11:: the very first and for many years thereafter the support given
all on tn(~C;, the annual productions, which resulted in such substantial
demon!tllll' profits, came for the most part from the generous and enthus-
withwoitHt iastic support of the patronesses, both in Philadelphia and in
anumo(rij!~ other cities in which the Club played. Over the years the Board
of Governors tried various ways and means with which to cope
ay the Co~:
with the problem. Eventually the issue was squarely met and
on, But ~~~
with the new system in effect today of applications for reserva-
tions by mail, fairly and without favor administered, it would
re no loni~~ i'
seem that the Club has solved what might well have become a
" Aceor~
serious matter, to the satisfaction of the students, the public
'offere I~II
e e I' and its own members. For performances in outside cities, a
~~tner evd
like system of ticket allotment is handled by a "Special Com- ,J/lor!t lntd
mittee" of local alumni. Too much credit cannot be given to ;'Ion! nJee~
these groups of loyal Pennsylvanians who have contributed so jlrtend wei
much to the success of the shows on the road. Recently seats ;110 meett
at half price on the opening night in Philadelphia have been ~w !rom t
available only to the students at the University. II~mO!t su
During the past three years, the' entire house for "Student Jm~.nve e
Night" has been sold out in less than an hour at the ticket )m took P
office on the campus. This is evidence once more of the in- ~~t factor i
terest and support given to Mask and Wig by the entire ;Wi~ Dut t
student body. fuou~o al
Then again there is the business and social side at the Club :imtne qu
House-Board meetings, Committee meetings, luncheons, ~r~ for ov,
smokers, entertainments and receptions for our own as well :~rintermil
as other college and university athletic teams and various 1{i~nt ho
undergraduate organizations. Parties are likewise given for mle cancer
• stars of the professional stage and members of the newspaper :IIDe digni
world. :~ofnaive I
There are many Club functions each year, but by far the :ID~!e inci
most important is the Founders' Night Dinner, an evening ~t~into and
when Club members gather to do homage to the Founders. :~Ilne mel!
There is song, fun and merriment except for the moment when :Irnn all b
in silence a toast is drunk to those who have gone before. :~Ievening
Starting with "Lurline" and coming down to the current show, ,!!oeso
the old stars assembled from near and far, sing their songs,
:TInting ap
yes, and even dance to the music of yesterdays. Who will ever
;t~1 for unt
forget McMichael, Frazier, Forbes singing "Tic-Tac" from
iWig Club.
the very first show, and Carl Martin's "I Cannot Find My
Trilby", and Charlie Morgan's "Little Red Riding Hood",
'Mife, PeD
and Stanley Reinhart's "Listen to the Eagle Scream", but
:111 ran hnd
why go on, they all bring happy memories of bygone days.
It is interesting to note that on the 50th Anniversary Dinner,
seventy-five per cent of the living Club members were present "Th
and all but one surviving Founder. He
"Open House", as it is called, takes place after the last
Saturday night performance in Philadelphia. At this occasion M
the graduate members and their families play hosts to the boys AI
in the Show. Supper is served in the Auditorium and the cast Ki
and chorus go through their routines, interspersed with num-
bers by the old "Grads".
Another event born in recent years is Fathers and Sons
Night, first introduced in 1932. Graduate Club members and
their sons meet for dinner at 310 Quince, then in front row
seats attend the show in the evening and between acts go back
stage to meet the cast and chorus and inspect the workings of
a show from the other side of the curtain. This party has
proved most successful and the sons varying in ages from eight
to twenty-five enjoy the old time stories of the days when their
fathers took part in the cast or chorus, and it has proved a
potent factor in bringing these sons closer not only to Mask
and Wig but to the University of Pennsylvania.
social !ian!~ Through all these various occasions and club gatherings
meetin~, [', appears the quaint figure of John Weaver, the faithful colored
for Our ~ij' (
steward for over thirty years and his devoted wife Carrie, the
tiC team! l~h former intermittently discharged and always re-engaged within
are liKeHi!!~ forty-eight hours. After Weaver's death came Gilpin Gant,
her! of ilie~;,' likewise concerned and interested in the welfare of the mem-
bers, the dignity and the standards of the Club, possessing a
sense of naive loyalty so often characteristic of the Negro race.
year, ~u! ~j:
All these incidents, episodes and many more unrecited are
I Dinner, ~f
,woven into and are part and parcel of the traditions, the mem-
age to (~d[
ories, the mellowed feelings of the Club House. Even the
t for tnem~m(:I'
echo can all but be heard in the Grill of that memorable and
ho nave ~~ut ~ critical evening of October 17, 1899 when Clayton McMichael ~
nto tnerulf" rose, as he so well could, to meet a challenge and with that
far, !in~ l~tii[ convincing approach and firm manner preserved, it is to be
rday!, m~r; hoped, for untold generations the life and force of the Mask
'ng "Ti~Tu'. and Wig Club.
"I Cann~!~' Sentiments do and should have at times a place in every
Red RiQi~l~ one's life. Perhaps the feeling of a "Wigger" for 310 Quince
Eagle &m' Street can find no better expression or meaning than in the
of brgone ~i: poem written by Thomas B. Donaldson,
Anniver~lry ~ "There is the Door which marked a League,
embmwertf Held in the Bonds of Mask and Wig
Each Dog, each Door must have its day.
Much more this Door had nights they say.
All those who through its portals stept,
Stood equal-Rank aside was swept.
Kings were with Fools comingled, then,
As in one Brotherhood of men.
No Portals e'en in all this Earth
Did open into Greater Mirth
:'~\lea the g
Where Welcome was the counter sign, ~~t~, On 0
In all that Welcome can combine ,'~ wnlch wa
Good Fellows young and old passed through, ~I fh
,r~~ve 0 t
Did Homage to the Red and Blue.
Old Door Vale-Your Duty's Done
'~rlf and fr
One Time-"3Io"-your Race was run, ,~11O ail orc~
Rest for "'TIhere's only room for one." :11~nn!rlvant
Though there have been upward of three thousand men ml~reate~t
participate in fifty-four productions, there have been only 249 l~ld,
elected to graduate membership in the Club. In the early '~rullna wit
I ,
years under the By-laws, eligibility to membership was limited ~I~ eXI~tenc
to those who had a speaking part in the annual production, J~niversl~
which may explain a legend that at the final production of ,~tl ufiaergr
Saturday night in Philadelphia often a member of the chorus ':~~t time
would be given a line to speak and so become eligible for ~~, Illis de
election to the Club. :i~l~ated t
It was the custom in early times in selecting candidates to ::i6llone ar
issue an annual call in the college paper and the lure of the :Fillulisnow
chance of appearing on the stage always produced material ;Itllining n
for the show. The successful candidates were even willing to
formally agree to pay a forfeit of $3.00 if they withdrew be-
lilji~One by
fore a given date and $5.00 if they quit thereafter. Such a
::l~f a grad
policy served its initial purpose, but with the original group
graduating with their respective classes and entering the bus- ~Itm(ne u
iness and professional world, it was inevitable that a decided Jrurce~~, t
and drastic change would have to be made if the Club was to ,mrmusicwa
survive as part of the life of the University. Inklings of this ~nf the d
were first to be found at the fifth anniversary in 1893 with "The 'In/lime ill
Yankee League". Though financially a success, the partici- lOO11l~o~ed
pation in the production for the first time of graduates created .Ii~,~ut it IV
a problem which came to a head at the end of the first decade l;near~
of the Club in 1899. Perhaps it was constant success coupled ~~, Man
with a normal amount of egotism that accounted for a real ;'Illnd will
division in opinion among the members as to the future of the :~t~to! tim
Club. That there was a strong and decided opinion among not :I~~nt years
a few that the Club should no longer be an integral part of the ,I!lndhas w
University was clearly evidenced from the Minutes of a meet- ;!wnr~ is evi
ing held October loth, 1899. Even Clayton McMichael was :l.lrl!forMa
strongly disposed to a severance from college ties and the
:IWtrlll the
continuation of the group as some sort of a Bohemian and
vagabond dramatic association. Fortunately final action was :~~dnrst b
':lijtlails o!t
deferred for a week during which time the members conferred
'II~~I( of 0
and discussed the gravity of the question with which they were
confronted. On October 17th, Clayton McMichael delivered
a speech, which was remarkable for its clarity of thought and
as run, so indicative of the broad vision and bigness of the man. He
one." had clearly and frankly reversed his position. McMichael's
plea not to divorce the Mask and Wig Club from the Univer-
:hree tnoijl~ sity of Pennsylvania was carried by a vote of the Club members
have D~f~ ~l and the greatest crisis in the history of the Club was faced
luo, !~ ~I and settled.
oer!llirWi!~ Openly and without reservation the justification for the
annual ~r~ continued existence of the Mask and Wig as part and parcel
hnal ~roiju~ of the University was clearly and firmly established. At the
moeroftt,> same time, undergraduates, by amendment of the By-laws, were
oecom~ f~;" !"
for the first time given recognition in the executive affiairs of
the Club. This decided and healthy change in policy has con-
eetin~~~:: tinued unabated throughout the years till today the under-
and tn~ 1m graduates alone are practically responsible for the production
prOaUCfijl i of the annual show, the Alumni Advisory Committee, however,
ere ~ven r~ wisely retaining final decision as to matters of policy and
f theJwiloo: expenditure.
therealttr, ~ In days gone by with few exceptions, the book or play was
the oriW~11;
written by a graduate member of the Club but in the more
recent years the undergraduates have likewise taken over with
marked success, this additional responsibility. For many
aole tnatlK
years the music was for the most part "borrowed" from popu-
if tnt (I~~r
lar hits of the day and suitable lyrics substituted., Over a
.' I~ID~' period of time many good musical numbers appeared in the
in Ii~Ji~ shows composed by both graduate and undergraduate Club
•uccelll t~:
members, but it was Charles Gilpin who about 19°0 first and
f gradualfii for many years thereafter produced a complete musical score
oitndr,; with lyrics. Many of his songs are still sung today at Club
ant lurce~j( functions and will always be recalled as melodies which have
counttij 1m, met the test of time.
oilieruwll' In recent years Clay Boland has taken over where Gilpin _
opinion if left off and has written complete musical scores. The merit
integral~l~' of his work is evidenced by the demand of nationally known
Minutt!nll' orchestras for Mask and Wig mUSIC. Boland's songs are also
n Mc~liroii heard over all the large radio net works and have many times
]lege titl~ been ranked first by the listening audience polls.
a Bont~t The details of the Club organization are of no great moment
Iv nnal ld: and at best of only passing interest. The dignity of a legal
~~~, a~gle.
status of a corporate body was acquired by securing a Charter l~i~atlOg 1
in the Common Pleas Courts of Philadelphia County in N 0- ;"'
ued •

vember, 1892, through the services of George Quintard Hor- ~~ am~le 1

witz, an able and well known member of the bar of his day. ~~n,
Suffice it is to say there is the usual provision for the standard ~('tne de
offices, President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer to )ro~,r! of t
which was later added a Business Manager and an Historian. It~ [ue con
The Executive Committee, once called a Board of Govern- ;~n, indiv I

ment, now named the Board of Governors, consists of graduate '~Ili(e or a

and undergraduate members with majority graduate repre- ";m~led ou
sentation. Upon this Board is placed the executive and
administrative responsibilities of the Club. Many other im- 'rro~riate
';!~I (oulst
portant Committees have been created, the principal one being
the Committee on Production which has the full responsibility ~fi~,Merri
of staging the annual show. The Administrative, House and ~1!nd Tr
:JltO in II
Elective Committees are standing Committees elected or ap-
pointed for the full ye'ar period, while Special Committees are 'Iml}' y
appointed by the President as the need arises. '~!nd ste
Since 1899, membership has been two fold-alumni and l~O~ was
undergraduate. Eligibility to undergraduate membership ~uihJs. F
requires a candidate to be a bona fide student of the University :Ilno~erso
of Pennsylvania who has taken an active part in some capacity ~j,m has
in an annual production. U ndergradua tes are elected to mem- ~m\mhip t'
bership by the Board of Governors upon recommendations of lffi1measure
the undergraduate Club members. Undergraduate Business Wm any
Managers are elected in the same manner and are responsible ;!~rular out
for the publicity, properties, care of costumes and many other IRference tl
details involved in the production of a show. Today the under- J~no oettf
graduate members have their own Chairman and Secretary ;lnwns are I
and hold regular meetings on the campus. Undergraduate J]t!lned a
membership terminates with the graduating year of the mem- If\urlesqu
ber's class. Graduate membership is composed of three types, I l't .
Alumni, Life and Honorary.
Upon graduation the name of a man properly nominated,
seconded and endorsed by graduate members appears before
~l i few eXCt
the Graduate Elective Committee for consideration and vote.
Elections are based not only on personal character but upon 'l~u!te mer
:\0 matter
the record in the show and the qualificatio~s to carry on the
work, traditions and responsibilities of the Club in the future. ~~moing bu
Statistics indicate that an average of only four have been ~rtr~ermit!
elected to graduate membership each year, which from the per- :Iffiemoers
s:curing aG:
ilia Couo~' centage angle is quite small considering the number of men
rge QUIOhrijl participating in the annual shows of the past fifty odd years.
he bar olrul' The continued success of the Club throughout the years would
n for theit!I" seem ample justification of the wisdom of these methods of
I and Trellij; election.
and an Hiitiji Since the death of Clayton McMichael there have been many
Boaro 01 ~~~ members ·of the graduate club to whom may be rightly attri-
onsist!ol~i buted the continued success of the organization. To mention
ty graaUaltl' anyone individual, however, might well be interpreted as an
l injustice or a lack of proper appreciation to or for others not
the exeallirf
so singled out. In a few instances the Club itself has taken
. Manrm~1:
appropriate action. At the Annual Meeting in November,
principal onf~
1926, Coulston, Forbes, Frazier, Kelley, George Kendrick,
efull re~~~.
Meigs, Merrick, Frederick Neilson, John Mohr, Rosengarten,
trative, H~li_
Starr and Trotter, the then surviving members who had parti-
cipated in "Lurline" were elected to Honorary Membership.
'al Conuni~w.
In 1933, J. Warren Coulston who had served the Club faith-
fully and steadily for over forty years in most every official
fold-alul capacity was elected as the first and so far only President
duate memkl Emeritus. Free from the bias of fraternity ties, social stand-
t of tne Unirm ing and personal favoritism, the policy of the Club throughout
rt in !Ome~~I, the years has been guided by a de-sire to elect to graduate
are electeijlou membership those whose spirit s·omehow will, in the course of
ecommenijl~~l time measure up to a sense of loyalty and service.
rgraduate ~m: Were any attempt made to discuss, however, briefly, any
and arem~: particular outstanding production, it would of necessity include
es ana manll: a reference to practically everyone of the total given. Per-
TodarWft haps no better instance can be found to illustrate that "com-
an ana &c~ parisons are odious" than that all Mask and Wig shows. have
, Unaerw:: maintained a high level of excellence within their chosen field.
year oHM; The burlesque or the travesty has been consistently used as
sed oftnm~ the vehicle, interspaced with musical and dancing numbers and
accompanied now and then with a "take off" on some outstand-
ing professional production of the time. The book or libretto
operlr no~::
with few exceptions has been the product of alumni or under-
rs appear! k
graduate members of the Club.
eration a~~ r.
No matter what the dialogue, lyrics or scene may be, an
haracter ~UI\
unbending but healthy rule of the Committee on Production
15 to carry 00'
never permits an audience to draw a conclusion other than that
"'luD in tne nt the members of the company are boys and boys alone. How-
"' \
Y four nall ' ever natural it may be for a group of any given period to
hieh frolD~~
.~~l ili~
believe that the productions of its time, with incidents, ex- ;,Jltd the 1
periences and episodes everlastingly embedded in their mem- :(I~~ has b
ories, were outstanding for their success and fame, no such mr other
viewpoint accounts for the place the Mask and Wig has made ~ij~ whle'h

for itself. Rather may the answer be found in the realization :mt, The
that the pattern is but a composite picture of some fifty-four ~ijwn its st
shows, interwoven with the spirit of an unselfish devotion to a ;ro ina its I

common ideal. ., It was t

In searching for a formula to explain the constant and con- ;ij! i1Capt
sistent growth of Mask and Wig, a realist will try to assimilate :~~(titme
the facts, the critic resort to analysis, the cynic seek for the ltyer fa
motive, the sentimentalist look for an emotion, but none of
these approaches would seem to lead to the sought for solution.
Perhaps the answer will be found in reflecting upon the gamut
:Int roste
of over half a century of time, out of which there cannot help
but come a flood of memories. Memories suggestive of a :'i~iteQ in ~
kaleidoscopic picture-rehearsals-dancing-music-each sug- ~~m attain
gestive of practice-coaches-instruction with the familiar ,],mfakal J e
personalities of McMichael, Morgan, Gilpin, Rogers, Lavino, :6jiijnsas w
Hartenstein, Boland and a host of others-overtures, with the 'u~ijn, Per
genial "Eddie" Beale as conductor from "Lurline" till his If to cou
death in 19 I 2, followed by Richard Schmidt and in more recent i:m~onl that
years, "Joe" Follmann-curtain-opening chorus, actots, a I rnrteristie
few of whom have gained a modicum of success behind the ~~!! neen sai
"bright lights of Broadway" and Hollywood,-costumes,-the :v~~tt To I
first visit to Van Horns, who have with but two or three ex- )Ina Wig
ceptions costumed all of the shows-wigs,-paint-powder- ~~ijwever,
Herr Boch and ponderous "Father Joseph", in real life Paul 1(I~n nas a
Albrecht, who for two generations in their own gruff but i;lml an inffu
friendly way made handsome girls out of homely boys, suc- ]l~rsto co
ceeded by "Daddy" Lerch, held in such high regard by later
iffilUtr of p
day "Wiggers"-flowers-handsome bouquets, yes even in the
l)lfiU shape I
long long ago there were sweethearts who did remember their
flaming youths behind the footlights-applause-thrills-en- :I~! achang'
cores-Club Nights-somehow the old timers always come '~ln the un
back-Philadelphia's last night-farewell speeches-finale- ~niture, It
Hail Pennsylvania-curtain-an endless stream of memories ~1Hocome
fitting together to form a vivid picture. J~t1will in
Perhaps the justly deserved and well merited fame of the !I(!UO will co
dancing chorus for all these years offers an explanation and ,~!l~trsi~ 0f
suggests the real answer. In 1897 from "Very Little Rid- l~lI(1Vas wri
.~~ all thes

ing Hood" there emerged a figure to whom may well be
attributed the inspiration of the dancing choruses for which
the Club has become famous. For Charlie Morgan, more
than any other member, set the standard of terpsichorean
execution which with changing ingenuity, has stood the test
of time. The Mask and Wig has never been out of step-it
has known its stride and kept within it. Its field is peculiarly
its own and its productions are designed for Mask and Wig
·Constant ~~iji
alone. It was therefore not surprising that after a successful
1I trytoall~
season of "Captain Kidd, U.S.N." professionals endeavoring
cynic leeK I~I'
to produce it met with disastrous results.
60nl ~ut ~[I'
Whatever fame a "Wigger" as such may attain is short
ougnt for w~:
lived for to single out anyone individual as outstanding would
gUpon t~efi' be to ask the impossible. But the Club is proud, and rightfully
tnere tann l
so, of the roster of those who have throughout these years
es Sug~eihff(, participated in Mask and Wig productions. It includes many
USiH~ml who have attained leadership and recognition in the judicial,
witn tne It legal, medical, educational, diplomatic, theatrical and artistic
I RogerlJl' professions as well as in the commercial and industrial life of
\'ertuml~~: the nation. Perhaps a contributing reason for the success that
"Lurline" ~ has come to countless "Wiggers" can be traced to that sense
ana in ffi~rlliir of devotion, that spirit of unselfishness, that feeling of loyalty,
cnorm, ~ct~~ so characteristic of the spirit of Mask and Wig.
uccm ~e~~: It has been said that no wise man ever commits himself as
-cOltUffifll-: a prophet. To forecast or visualize what the future of the
t two orlmff: Mask and Wig may be is not the prerogative of an historian.
palnt-~~I'I:· It can, however, be assumed, and justly so, that the Mask and
in real lilt Wig Club has a future. To what extent it will continue to be
ir own ~ as potent an influence with the public as well as on the campus
homely Oo~
in the years to come, as it has in the past, would at the moment
h regara ~1,~
be a matter of pure conjecture. It can and should define its
policy and shape its course to meet the necessities and require-
ments of a changing world. Its foundations have been solid,
built with the understanding of the truths and decencies of
human nature. Its leaders have been wise and courageous. In
ers alwaj!~
the days to come may those who are to carry the responsibility,
peecne!~ni~ which they will inherit, do so in such a way that the Mask and
earo 01 mtml! Wig Club will continue to serve, the reason of its existence,
the University of Pennsylvania.
ited lam~ ~I A lyric was written in the early days by Clayton McMichael
explanallOO and sung all these years as the song of the Mask and Wig.
Very Liuld
Diligent search has failed to disclose the original source of Im~re or
the music to which the words were adapted, but the song l~' Moun
"There's Only Room for One" became the toast of Mask and j !~e conse
Wig and so with pardonable pride the "Wigger" can raise ;~ funos ,
his glass, filled to the brim with glorious memories of the past .i~inoWll
and drink a toast to the loyalty and enthusiasm of countless ~Im~ry of
undergraduates, to the several millions of generous and under-
~ 1~o1'
standing friends, to those of its own ranks and to competitors
of other colleges and universities and looking with confidence ,\lln~rears
to the future, ask, "Why is there only one Mask and Wig :ijniversi~
Club ?" Because 'wr!for th
There's only room for one, :Iuuggle b
There's only room for one. ,~~ to the
Then here's a swig of a toast so big, :ijlwisoom
Straight from the heart of the Mask and Wig, :tritaole II
There's only room for one,
There's only room for one. :,1~r oespit
We'd drink to you, ytne ever
A toast for two, !Mwith t
But there's only room for one.
~lmra to t
,llr~for wo
;li~l!eO and
l'l~1 tne nnal
An inquiry quite often made, and naturally so, is "Does the ~l~n~ negoti
Mask and Wig make any money and if so, where does it go ?" .~ In~ Univel
The answer to the first part of the question is "Yes", while to Jli ~ront fr
the second, "With certain reservations, to the University of .~il,lne Boar
Pennsylvania." :'OOtro with
From the very first the Club always seemed to be able to ijiolten left
turn in a sizable profit. A substantial portion of the earnings ~!n the h
in the early days were naturally and rightfully used to establish i111 for ano
a workable reserve, build and pay for the Club House, and its
"in~ from 1
furnishings. It is quite evident, however, from examination of
minute books of the early times that the Mask and Wig would
seem to have been the one and only organization which could \~ivtr!ity au
be counted upon to help support the athletic teams, the musical I,m l~j~ beg
clubs, and other kindred student activities. Indeed the Club ,miu/1. Rea
must have been looked upon as a sort of rich and indulgent ;Il!!tm with
close relative, for in the minutes of the Board of May 15th, ,~: ~r and for
189 I, there is a notation to the effect "that after paying bill ~lln(e, the B,
of the Glee and Banjo Club, no bad debts of college organiza- ~fnl Detweel
tions to again be paid." ~f rrnnsylva
~nal !ou~.
1 but tn~). For a number of years the contributions and gifts were made
stof Mill. on a more or less hit and miss basis; a sort of first come, first
g~erll tan ~ served. Around 19°° a sounder policy was formulated so that
rtes oft~q with the conserving of the annual profits over a numbe-r of
sm 01 to~~ years, funds were available for the erection in 19°8 of The
rous anQ~1
Mask and Wig Dormitory at the University of Pennsylvania
in memory of Clayton F. McMichael who died on September
dto com~~~~
28th, 1907.
wltn conij~;
MasK ln~ ~ As the years rolled on various gifts were made, such as funds
for University students' ward, the Training House, shells and
launches 'for the crews, the Provosts' House, yet there was ever
the struggle between those who argued that all profits be-
longed to the University and those who thought it the better
part of wisdom to retain a portion in the Club's treasury for
the inevitable "rainy day". The beliefs of the former domin-
ated, for despite the cautious and sound advice of Howard K.
Mohr the ever increasing revenues were distributed in toto.
Flushed with the easy profits of the carefree 20'S, the Club
subscribed to the lure and beauty of the installment plan and
pledged for worthy purposes, such as the Chair of Dramatics, •
anticipated and unearned profits. With the collapse of values
in 1929, the finances of the Club could not help but be affected.
so, I! IID~5L Having negotiated a bank loan in order to meet th~ pledges
ere do~!itl:: owed the University and exercising every bit of ingenuity to
IYes1l1W~[ make a profit from the annual show and meeting with little
eUnivmi~ success, the Board of Governors during the early 1930's was
confronted with a seemingly never ending financial problem.
ed to Dt 1\11' It was often left to the flip of a coin to determine who should
meet with the hard headed banker and assure him that a
01 tnt ~m~
I' renewal for another year was the wisest of fiscal policies.
used tOt!II'
Changing from Easter to Thanksgiving week for the Phila-
delphia production and with close cooperation on the part of
examinl~ ..
the University authorities, the darkened financial plight of the
and Wi~W1. Club in 1935 began to brighten so that all indebtedness was
tion wniw«: paid in full. Realizing that it was time a sensible and intelli-
ams, tntm~~ gent system with respect to the future earning's of the Club
ndeed tnt ( be set up and fortified with the knowledge gained from past
hand InQ~I~ experience, the Board of Governors voted to create a trust
of Ma!I!; ag'reement between the Club and the Trustees of the Univer-
fter ~a)1fii: sity of Pennsylvania. Briefly summarized, it provides that
liege or~~ Club contributions to the extent of $ I 0,000 shall constitute
:'1 Ire 00
fund "A" and be subject at all times to withdrawal by the Club. ~~dake
The University is to invest such money as may from time to lf~as 10
time comprise the said fund "A" and interest thereon is pay- ~~~ consl
able annually to fund "B". So long as there is $10,000 in fund 'lm~ Den
"A", additional contributions form a second trust to become it is r
permanently part of fund "B". When such accumulations ;~one m
with interest, added thereto in fund "B" reach a sizable sum, )w~nies
it may then be expended on some project for the University 'fwnsylvl
subject to the consent and approval of the Trustees of the
r~~ total
University of Pennsylvania and the Board of Governors of
the Club. Such a plan would seem to meet foreseeable contin-
:llt~~ Ma!
gencies and it is hoped that in the not too distant future fund
"B" will permit Mask and Wig to once more make a definite
and concrete contribution to the University. This agreement
became effective on November 7th, 1939. At present there is ~Iimita
$ 10,000 in fund "A" and interest accumulating in fund "B." 1m C
i!i!~ Fo~tb
There follows a statement, as accurate as the records will .II~ UDiV
permit, o'f the contributions made by the Club to the University li:jl Debt
as well as a list of the gifts to non-University interests. , Univ
It must be remembered that the net profits are available each · Leidy
l,'jl Rega
year for distribution only after deductions for the cost of • Leid
production, rail transportation and operation of the Club I~ Athie
House. The income from the small dues and occasional ing

rentals received from members and college organizations are

admittedly insufficient to meet the Club's carrying charges. The
total of the cost of Club House overhead over a period of iJl Rowi
fifty odd years approximates at least $ 15°,000. :11!n Inter.!
Where the actual figures have been unattainable, they have
been estimated, so noted, and are on the conservative side. To
the direct contributions made to various phases of University
life, there has been added an estimated proportion of the '111u !peci
charges of the railroad for the annual trip, now taken in a Fran~
special train. A Pullman car has been named for the Club, a mated)
distinction enjoyed by few if any other amateur, collegiate or ill! AthIe
~I!l Marin
otherwise, organization in the country. An examination of the procee
available Treasurer's reports irrespective of the system of for
bookkeeping, clearly indicates in practically every instance that II!! Rowin
even if all the performances in the respective cities on a given :~ !pecia
tie R
trip shows a gain, the cost of transportation acts as a decided hene
offset. This deficit is met from the substantial profits generally afuleri~
!~ !nit!
accruing from the performances in Philadelphia. Since these
·Ij~ Athlen

aWal OJ (n~~
ay fromli~ trips are obviously in the interest of the University and can
t thereoni! only be taken with its consent and approval, it would seem fair
$!Olooom;r. as well as logical that some portion of this cost of transporta-
trust (ok tion be considered as a further, if indirect, contribution to and
eh accumw!!
for the benefit of the University. As a result of these annual
eh aSiZI~I~ trips, it is reasonable to state that the Mask and Wig Club
or the Unill~
has done more than its share in spreading far and wide the
Tru!l~~!ijl philosophies of Benjamin Franklin, Founder of the University
of Pennsylvania.
of Gov~mij~
The totals of the figures are not only of interes.t, but they
istant furur~~
are startling and impressive for it must always be remembered
that the Mask and Wig Show is composed of a group of college
ema~~ l~f:
boys finding their inspiration in service to their Alma Mater.
Thi! I~U: Following is the list of contributions, subject to the fore-
t pm~ntl~rl
going limitations and explanations:
gin fun~lIi,:
Year Contributions to University Outsid~ Contributions
sthe mm~ 9/2 5/89 Football Team $ 100.00
to th~ Urnrrr, 12/6/90 University Hospital 250.00
5/ 1 5/9 1 Debts of Glee & Banjo
inteml!, Clubs . 115.70
University Hospital . 100.00
aremill~II' Leidy Memorial Fund . 35. 00
s for (n~[! Regatta Committee . 25°·00
Leidy Memorial Fund .. 25.00
tion of ln~ [ 5/ 10/92 Athletic Assn. for Train-
s and ot~i~ ing House 75°.00
Yale University Infirm-
organiZ!~ool ary $500.00

.ingch!r~fl,: 4/ 12 /93 Children's Country Home,

Washington, D. C 200.00
om I ~ ',! 6/5/93 Rowing Committee 500.00
12/2/93 Inter-Scholastic Cup 100.00
3/28 /94 Special performance of
ainaole,tnt!l "King Arthur" for City
Charity Fund (Estimated) 250.00
ervabn !i~/. : 4/ 13/94 Mrs. Lincoln for Wash-
ington Charity . . . . . . ..
ses of U~i\lf 4/19/94 Special performance of

roportio~ ~I "King Arthur" benefit of

Franklin Field Fund (Esti-
,noW tIKW: mated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250.00
ed for (n~. 6/5/94 Athletic Association .... 500.00
3/27/95 Matinee "Kenilworth" net
teur, CO~~~I\ proceeds given to Provost
for use in University
xaDlina~o~ . (Estimated) 250.00
of tne IfII 7/1/96 Rowing Association 250.00
5/5/97 Special performance "Lit-
very in!la~«~ tle Red Riding Hood"
ecitie! on i : ben e fit undergraduate
athletics (Estimated) ...
acts a! a~1;
6/3/99 Suits for Freshmen Base-
I prohls ~ft~ Team
11/21/99 Athletic Association
hia, ~i~~~
fto r
Year ContributionJ to UniverJity OutJide ContributionJ 11
'IIII 19
II/II/oo Combined Musical Clubs : III Truste
,II Fund
debt ... . . .... . ..... . 3$.00
1217/00 Penn - Columbia debating alII AlulDn'
teams 2S.oo ',/11
3/2 3/01 Special benefit perform-
ance for Williamsport liMI! Photog
Hospital (Estimated) 200.00 ,Vll 19 12 C
2/22/02 New University Museum 1000.00 :'IM Extra f
1/14/0 3 Athletic Assn. Football 11 1
1II Trustee.
coaches .............. 200.00 I Fund
2/18/03 University gym n a s i u m 1110/1 1Crew
Fund ............... 1000.00 1'1 / 11 General
4/2 7/0 3 Athletic Fund ..........
100.00 'liIl Trustee
12/1S/03 Athletic Fund .......... 100.00 Fund
4/ 12 / 0 4 Athletic Fund ........... 1°3.00 .'l/ll General
S/10/04 Students Ward University ;)lll Trustee
Hospital ............. 2S0.oo Fund
S/10/04 Marble for new swimming (This pl
pool ................ 100.00
bon w
Cathedral House, Manila 100.00
9/12/04 Photograph Fund . 180.00 amounts
12/8/04 University Training House Soo.oo was spe
1904 Mrs. Reyburn, profits of purchase
Washington Show for lo- House,)
cal charity 434.1S ,II~ Universi
Profits of Wilmington ol/l!General
Show for local charity .. 800.00 :~111 Base Ho
S/22/0S Country Home for chil- Base
dren, Baltimore 200.00 1111/11 General
6/20/05 Trustees of U. of P. Trust 'II/Ii
Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5000.00
II/27/05 Tutoring Fund for Base-
ball Team 15°.00
Gift for Robt. G. Torrey,
Capt. of Football Team 7S.OO
S/IS/06 Pittsburgh Alumni Society 300.00
" Mrs. Reyburn, Washing-
II/Ii Equipmenl
ton Charity 300.00
Iwlla University
6/1/06 Trustees of U. of P 1788.87 Special Performance "Shy-
lock & Co.," benefit Cali- cil '"
fornia Earthquake Suffer- IjW University
ers loso.60 Camp
6/1/06 Trustees of U. of P.
Trust Fund SOOO.oo Ilw U,oIP, CI
S/13/07 Senior Fence 73.58 I~
6/6/07 Trustees of U. of P. Trust
Fund sooo.oo IPI Memorial
5/14/08 Trustees of U. of P. Trust for men
to Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25000.00 I war."
8/26/10 (This sum with $15,000. 111I University'
heretofore appropriated :1~/li Fumishin~
represented cost of Mc- , Dormitor
Michael Memorial Dormi- 1/11 Cup for R'
tory.) 11/11 e
417 /10 Trustees of U. of P. Trust
Fund for Provost House 5<x>o.00 '1/llAlterarions
10/I9/10 Athletic Association .... 100.00
12/1/10 Trustees of U. of P. Trust ~lll Dormitory
Fund furnishing Mask &
Wig Dormitory 1854.9°
3/2/II Rowing Committee 50.00 ~I Miscellaneou
to U. of 1
Iv/sid t COlin
Year Contributions to University Outside Contributions
5/8 / II 19II Class Record 30.00
1O/17/ II Trustees of U. of P. Trust
Fund for Provost House 5000.00
5/22 / 12 Alumni Fund 200.00
5/4/12 C h a r i ty Club, Wilkes
Barre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 100.00
5/28/12 Photograph Fund 205.35
9/5/12 1912 Class Record....... 25.00
9/25/13 Extra football coaching .. 400.00
10/31/12 Trustees of U. of P. Trust
Fund for Provost House 5000.00
10/10/14 Crew Launch 250.00
10/27/14 General Alumni Fund... 200.00
7/1/15 Trustees of U. of P. Trust
Fund for Provost House 1500.00
10/6/15 General Alumni Fund... 200.00
10/7/15 Trustees of U. of P. Trust
Fund for Provost House 8500.00
(This plus the accumula-
tion w~th the Trustees
amounts to $25,000, which
was specifically used for
purchase of P r ov 0 s t
6/9/16 University Camp 50.00
10/27/16 General Alumni Fund... 200.00
7/24/17 Base Hospital Ambulance,
Base Hospital No. 20 .. 3438.50
10/26/17 General Alumni Fund... 200.00
5/22 /18 Emergency Aid of Phila.
(This sum includes $200.
which was won by E. M.
Lavino for writing the li-
bretto in competition the
right to which he gener-
ously waived.) 2015.73
tyburn, Will:., 6/31/18 Equipment for Base Hosp. 254.34
ari~ """".. 10/10/20 University Debating Coun-
PtrfOnDaflU :~ cil 100.00
OJ.," ~nf~1 rl~' 1920 University Christian Assn.
Earth~uale ~:i' Camp 10.00
, ",,,,,,,,,, " Seamen's Church Inst. .. 722.21
7/2 /20 U. of P. Club of New York 1000.00
1920 Special contribution not
designated . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00
Memorial at University
for members killed in
war . 77°·00
3/4/21 University Boathouse Fund 500.00
11/29/21 Furnishings Mask & Wig
Dormitory .
5/ 1 / 22 Cup for Relay Carnival .
5/ 1 3/2 7. Belleau Wood Memorial
Assn . 500.00
10/10/22 Alterations Mask & Wig
Dormitory . . . . . . . . . .. 2806.87
Burton T. Scales Tribute
Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200.00
1923 Miscellaneous contributions
to U. of P. 645.00

Y tar Contributions to University Outside Contributions
u/3/24 Salary Graduate Manager ! Lurline
I; r Ben Franklin
of student activities ... 1500.00
Medal for best officer 1 ColMumb
5/6/ 2 5 "
qualifications R. O. T. C., 11'I~Mr, an d rs '
Carlisle, Pa. 100.00 l;r~Tbe Yankee
61'3/25 Salary Graduate Manager lij;~Kin~ Arthur
of student activities .... 1500.00 'l'I~Kendworth
11/11/25 Trustees of U. of P. Non~ 'II-No Gentlemal
athletic activities 5000.00 :;~~VerY Little ~
111!~The Hous~
" Mrs. Prettyman 300.00
1!lrCaptain ~,dd
11/3/26 Sending delegates to an-
nual meeting Associated ,/»'"'Mr, AgUlnal
Pa. Clubs in Indiana- 1~I~Baa, Baa, Bl
polis 400.00 ,prOl~ King Col
Trustees of U. of P. Non- ;~i-Sir Robinson
athletic activities 5000.00 ,;-Alice in Ano'
Chess Club 633.02 :~-Mr, Hamlet ~
Musical Clubs 1000.00 ~nylock&Co
Exhibit at Sesqui-Centen- [VJ-Herr Loheng
nial 17.79 ;a-Uncle Sam' ~
11/2/27 Chair of Dramatic Arts .. 7500.00 :~~lerely aMo
1927 Special Contribution to lil~Tne Desert oj
University - not designated 264.20 lill-Tne Innocent
Chess Team 462.38 IIO-Miss Helen o·
Debate Union 687.57 r,ll-~1ai~ in Ger
" Graduate Manager of stu- F)JI-Tne Royal A
dent activities 1500.00 IIII-Para~ise Pris
6/28/28 Chair of Dramatic Arts . 7500.00
1928 Graduate Manager of stu-
dent activities 1500.00
2/141'30 Chair of Dramatic Arts . 7500.00
(Note: By reason of the economic
upheaval in the co·untry,. the Club
ran into severe financial prob-
lems and accordingly the balance
due on the plcdge for the Dramatic
Chair was cancelled by mutual
agreement with the University and
of course discontinued.)
1938-1939 Trustees of U. of P.
Contribution to Endowment
Fund 'fA" subject to the terms
of trust Agreement of n/7/39 $ 10,000.00

Total direct contributions .... $140,839.96 Total outside contri-

It is fair to include as an indirect tions $8,232.69 Tne foregoing i
contribution to the University ~uflal Magazine a
approximately one-half of the ~~/ University of
railroad transportation charges ,.ij~for the mem
during the past fifty years. This !Iances permit
I"'" l JS
sum is a legitimate charge for '~~rellensive his
publicity and advertising .... 90,000.00 ijlll~ei as well as a

Total direct and indirect con-

tributions $230,839.96 $8,23 2 .69
Phila. Gross Phila. Net Seasom' Gross Seasons' Net Railroad Exp.
$1,29 1,874.35 $309,248.79 $2,142 ,95 6.1 5 $318,185.63 $186,883. 0 3
Note: In some instances due to insufficient data and incomplete Treasurers'
Reports conservative estimates were made.
n oll.u: I889-L urline I9 I6-Whoa-Phoebe!
RO.l~ I89o-Ben Franklin, Jr. I9I7-Mr. Rip Van Winkle
.,"""", I89I-Miss Columbia I918-The Bridal Not
I892-Mr. and Mrs. Cleopatra I9I9-Revue of Reviews
1893-The Yankee League I9zo-Don Quixote, Esq.
I894-King Arthur 192I-Somebody's Lion
I89s-Kenilworth I922-Tell Tales
I896-No Gentleman of France 1923-Here's Howe
I897-Very Little Red Riding Hood I924-That's That
1898-The House That Jack Built I92s-Joan of Arkansas
I899-Captain Kidd, U. S. N. I926-A Sale and a Sailor
1900-Mr. Aguinaldo of Manila I927-Hoot Mon!
190I-Baa, Baa, Black Sheep I928-Tarantella
1902-Old King Cole I929-This Way Out
I903-Sir Robinson Crusoe I93o-John Faust, Ph.D.
I904-Alice in Anotherland I931-East Lynne Gone West
1905-Mr. Hamlet of Denmark I93Z-Ruff Neck
I906-Shylock & Co., Bankers I933-0ut of the Blues
I907-Herr Lohengrin I934-Easy Pickins
I908-Uncle Sam's Ditch I93s-Drums Fortissimo
I909-Merely a Monarch 1936-Red Rhumba
I9Io-The Desert of Mahomet I936-This Mad Whirl
I 9II-The Innocents I 937-Fifty-Fifty
I9:rZ-Miss Helen of Troy I938-All Around the Town
I9I3-Maid in Germany I939-Great Guns
19I4-The Royal Arms I94o-High as a Kite
I9Is-Paradise Prison I~I-Out of This World

/ CIln~' The foregoing is a preprint from the April and July, 1942 issues of The
....... ,,~h General Magazine and Historical Chronicle, the Alumni quarterly publication
of the University of Pennsylvania. This small edition has been printed and
bound for the members of the Mask and Wig Club. It is expected, as cir-
cumstances permit, sometime in the not too distant future the Club will publish
a comprehensive history which will include the now compiled and completed
statistics as well as appropriate pictures and illustrations.




(a) (e)
Pice-President Treasurer (e)
Secretary Business Manager


Administrative Committee
William E. Almy Paul B. Hartenstein (a)
Clay A. Boland Richard M. Keator
J. Ferguson Mohr
Houu Committee
J. Allison Cochran Robert E. Walton
J. Townsend Sellers Edward Mellor (c)
Elective Committee
ROBERT L. WOOD, Chairman (a)(b) (c)
Louis DeV. Day, Jr. J. Ferguson Mohr
John A. Montgomery Edmund H. Rogers (a)(c


Adams, Burton M., '36 (c) French, J. Bedford, '19

Almy, William E., '24 Gates, Thomas S., '93
Baker, Elias B., Jr., '39 Gay, James H., Jr., '16
Bartlett, Albert R., '98 George, P. Hacke, Jr., '39
(a) (c) Bartol, Henry E., '98 (a) Gilpin, Charles, '01
Beale, Joseph W., '30 Gilpin, John C., '01
Bell, John C., Jr., '14 Glading, James B., '3:l
~ONMOm Glading, Taylor B., '29
(c) Bell, Robert W., '18
(c) Grove, Louis R., '23
Bliedung, J. Alexander, '30 (a) Guthrie, Dr. Malcolm I.,
(c) Blynn, Bryce, '18 '07
M,KEA'm1 Boland, Dr. Clay A., '26 Hake, Frederick J., '32
(b) Borie, Charles L., Jr., '92 Hare, Emlen S., '06
Bowker, George C., Jr., '29 Harrar, James A., '99
(c) Bradbury, Dr. Samuel, (a) (c) Hart, Thomas, '16
3 rd , '05 Hartenstein, Paul B., '23
'G. RooM!! Brown, Robert F., '28 Harvey, William S., 3rd,
(c) Bullitt, Orville H., '15 '35
H, Room
Burr Wm. A., '39 Hess, George Elliott, '39
RlK:!Il,Jl Carnwath, Joseph W., '05 Hewlett, Joseph M., Jr., '23
D D, ~!SI~ Carrier, Lester R., Jr., '34 Hoff, Joseph H., '22
(c) Carson, John B., M.D., '07 Hughes, Charles D., '32
(c) Carson, Joseph, '0S Huggins, Joseph W., '28
F. ~1'!KG!1I1 Chesley, Castleman D., '37 Huggins, William M., '33
R'TOSTAYJ.(I Coburn, Charles, '35 Hyatt, Dr. Thaddeus, '23
E. WA~lOi (a) (c) Cochran, Joseph H. (c) Jones, Dr. John F. X., '07
Cox Edwin R., Jr., '25 Jordan, T. Gihon, '31
WIlIWHIW,ID Curtis, Francis L., '28 Joy, Leslie W., '16
L. WOOD Curtis, Harry L., '22 Justice, George L., '37
(a) (c) Davis, C. Poultney, '13 Keator, Richard M., '30
(c) Davis, L. Howell, '01 Kelleher, George C., '37
Day, Louis deV., Jr., '41 Kelly, Francis J., Jr., '31
Day, Wm. L., '32 Kelly, Andrew J., '37
(a) (c) Deehan, Sylvester J., M.D., (c) Kent, George R., '12
'02 (c) Kneass, George B., '18
della Cioppa, Guy, '37 LaFarge, Christopher, '23
Deichler, Richard E. S., '31 (a) (c) Lavino, Edwin M., '09
(a) (c) Dixon, J. Shipley, '08 (c) Lee, Alden, '15
(a) Donaldson, Thomas B., '99 (c) Lee, Philler, '16
tein Donaldscn, Wharton L., Leedom, Harrington A.,
atol Jr., '37 '3 0
(c) Dougherty, Winfield T., (c) Lewis, Francis A., 3rd, '10
'19 Lewis, Shippen, '07
Downs, Ellason, '29 Lower, Edward S., Jr., '26
Downs, Robert N., 3rd, '23 Ludlow, Alden R., '06
Dunham, Dr. C. Dary, '30 (c) Ludlow, Benjamin, '04
(c) Ellison, Norman, Jr., '19 Ludlow, John Price Cro-
(c) Ellison, Dr. Richard T., '15 zer, '37
Felt, Eugene C., '24 McChord, Hood S., '41
Follmann, Joseph F., Jr., McClure, Harry B., 24
'3 0 McClelland, Dr. George
(a) (b) (c) Forbes, William 1., '89 Wm., '03
Frame, Fred C., '33 McCrone, Andrew M., '40
(a) (c) Frazer, John, Dr., '03 (c) McFadden, John H., Jr.,
r (c) Freeman, Morris deC., '18 '13
McHenry, Maitland A., '30 (c) Shannon, Spencer S., '17
(c) McMichael, Clayton, '17 Sharninghausen, Wm. S.,
(c) McMichael, Henry M., '12 '36
(c) McMurtrie, Robert F., '20 Shellenberger, James A.,
Madeira, Louis C., 4th, '38 '37
(c) Maris, Arthur N., '10 Shryock, Raymond deS., (c) Allis~
'26 (c) Austll
(a) (c) Martin, Carl N., '96 Shumway, Dr. No,rman P.,
Martin, Eugene A., '09 Bell,
'26 Bemen
(a) Martin, Warren F., '00 Sinkler, Arthur B., '33
Mellor, Edward, '38 (c) Smith, Darrell H., 'II II(C) Black,
Menihan, John C., '30 Smith, Darrell H., Jr., '34 Brocki
(a) (c) Merrell, Thomas R., '15 Smith, Lawrence M. C., '23 (c) Brook
Merrick, Harold E., '26 (b) (c) Starr, James, '91 I~)(c) Cama
(a) (b) (c) Merrick, J. Hartley, '90 Stevens, 1. Roger, '28 (b) Coulst
Miller, Albert G., Jr., '27 (c) Stevens, Raymond D., '17 Craigli
(a) (c) Mirkil, Wm. 1., '13 Stokes, John P., '39 Cramp!
Mitchell, John A., '25 Straitiff, Harry T., '32 (c) Dissto
(c) Mohr, Howard K., '95 Stroh, Dr. Edward, Jr., '33 Dough
(c) Mohr, J. Ferguson, '17 (c) Stroud, Dr. William D., (c) Downin
(c) Molten, Joseph G. B., '16 '14
Montgomery, John A., Jr., Dunn! l
Stull, Franklin G., '33 Eisenbr
'3 8 (c) Taylor, C. Newbold, 'IS
Moore, A. LeConte, Jr., '40 Erns~ ~
Taylor, R. Stockton, '36 Flemin
(a) Morgan, Charles S., Jr., Thayer, George C., '26
'95 I~)(c) Frazier,
(c) Thomas, Walter H., '96
(a) Morgan, Samuel R., '99 Thorp, Dr. Francis Q., '12 Goodin,
Mullett, Walter H., '30 (c) Townsend, Harrison, '12 IHuidek
(c) Neilson, Harry R., '16 (a) Townsend, Joseph B., '08 (~) Kelley,
(a) Oliver, Hon. L. Stauffer, Troup, Robert W., Jr., '41 I~) Kendriel
'00 Truitt, Birney B., '29 (a)(c) Kendricl
O'Neill, Frank A., Jr., '32 Tuton, Fred M., Jr., '33
(c) Owen, Dr. Hubley R., '0S Tyler, Thomas L., '41
Parry, John C., '41 Uhle, Dr. Charles A. W., "-Killed
Paton, Francis C. S., '26 '27 [a)-LifeM
(c) Porter, W. Hobart, '04 Ware, John H., 3rd, '30 (b)-Honora
Preston, Edward H., Jr., (a) (c) Warthman, J. Harris, '01 (cHerved
'25 Weber, Dr. Charles H.,
(c) Ramsey, H. Nedwill, '21 '9 6
Read, Dr. Wm. T., Jr., '27 (a) (c) Wetherill, W. Chattin, '10
Reath, B. Brannan, 2nd, '14 Wetherill, Reeves, '36
(c) Reinhart, Charles S., '09 Wiederseim, Theodore E., JlIIlJ Bird
Robb, Harry B., Jr., '20 '94 ~raonS,Bodek
Robb, William S., '34 (c) Wiedersheim, Wm., A., ~avia R. Brumba
(a) (c) Rogers, Edmund H., '09 2nd, '10 ~lO! CDristoph
(b) (c) Rosengarten, Adolph T., (a) (c) Wiener, Edward, '97 ~u~ Wm, Close
'9 2 Wier, Dr. Richard R., '30 I. Allison COChran
(c) Scarlett, Dr. Hunter W., Wister, Dr. James W., '95 ~arles A, DeLonl
'°7 \Vilcox, Dr. Archa E., '99 Curet! Ditmars
Scott, Wm. R., '28
(c) Scully, Charles Alison, '09
Wood, Grahame, Jr., '39
Wood, Dr. H. Curtis, Jr., rr ge H, Dixon

Selby, Edgar F., '37 '26 ~~oy C, Everett

Sellers, Coleman, 3rd, '15 ~rt D, Frey
Wood, Robert L., '08 I~ijo Eaward F'
Sellers, J. Townsend, '29 Zimmermann, Albert W.,
Severn, Wm. B., Jr., '24 '23
~~oala J, Gra{~:
Illlericl R G'fli
11\0 C ll' rl
(a)-Life Member. ~I '/lambrook
(b )-Honorary Member. ronA, Rardwi
(c)-Served in World War 1.
Inno~ ~~
l .
~lIen~tglr )
31 '
ryoct, ~IW
U!IlllaYDrj. (c) Allison, A. C. B., '02
z6 "'ii:l Ledyard, F. H., '21
(c) Austin, J. M., '15 (c) Lewis, David Jr., '92
~Ier, ArThur!, Bell, William H., '97 McMichael, Clayton F., '91
~ili, Dallellij',: (a) McMichael, William J., '10
Bement, Russell, '06
,ili, Dallfll~r. •• (c) Black, William B., '16 (a) (b) Meigs, Frederick R, '91
ili, Law,e~tt~i Mellor, Walter, '04
lr, Jam/!,'!I '
Brockie, John H., '90
Mellon, Louis A. K., '05
eo!,1. i~(~'! (c) Brooks, Edw., Jr., '9 1
(b) Mohr, John K., '91
veO!,iaJm:.i (b) (c) Camac, C. N. B., '92 (a) (c) Morice, William N., '96
(b) Coulston, J. Warren, '93
~~, Job 1"1 Craighead, Magruder, '05
(b) Neilson, Frederick B., '93
aniflJ Har~l, • Newbold, Trenchard E., '96
h,Dr,~!,11 Cramp, Francis L., '96 • North, Edwin, '96
(c) Disston, Hamilton, '08
Or,~: Patterson, Charles M., '99
I Dougherty, Sherbourne, W., '92 Pilling, Robert Jr., '98
(c) Downing, Charles L., '06 (c) Remington, J. Percy, '96
I~Fra'~,1 Dunn, Sampson, '97
ylor,CXef Robb, Thomas Jr., '91
Eisenhrey, John K., '9 8 (a) Rich, Edward B., '03
ylor,~ litL Ernst, William, '95 (c) Robinette, E. B., 'ro
ayel, G~I~~ Fleming, David Jr., '97 Steel, Francis Penn Jr., '95
mI., Wt\/It (b) (c) Frazier, Chas. H., M.D., '92 (c) Taylor, Hollingshead N., '03
OIP, Dr./rliil: Goodin, Charles E., '08 (b) Trotter, Wm. H., Jr., '89
wo eo~ ijl[,~ • Huidekoper, Thos. W., '91 (a) (c) Wetherill, C. A. H., '12
wmeoQ, J~i~1 (b) Kelley, Albert B., '92 Wheeler, Samuel B., '92
up,Ro~rtW,i (b) Kendrick, George W., 3rd, '93 (a) Whelen, William B., '96
i~Bimjr1 (a) (c) Kendrick, S. Murdoch, '95 •• McCall, Howard C., '13
lo~ FI~!~I~
ler, T~omll~'~ ·-Listed as graduate member in program.
e, Dr, C~I~lil
··-Killed in World War I.
(a)-Life Member.
1 (b)-Honorary Member.
re, Jo~o H,jl; (c)-Served in World War.
I, Dr, rk~
erill,Rmfi: James Bird Thomas Hart, Jr.
meim,TI.I. Edmund Rogers, Jr.
Gordon S. Bodek Kenneth Hewitt William F. Scheeler
David R Brumbaugh Robert E. Heidt Raimond D. Senior
Hans Christoph Howard B. Hosmer Lathrop P. Smith
Hugh Wm. Close William Hyland Donald J. Stalker
J. Allison Cochran Jack C. Lugrin Robert F. Stengelin
Charles A. DeLone, Jr. Richard M. Lund Gordon D. Stevens
Garrett Ditmars Robert H. Martin George E. Stock
George H. Dixon, Jr. Thomas H. McCabe, Jr. Craig D. Vail
LeRoy C. Everett Stuart McCash Robert E. Walton
Robert D. Frey Eugene E. Mulligan Malcolm G. Watson
John Edward Friend Thomas O'Connor Michael Waris
Donald J. Graham William G. Owen, Jr. Paul U. Weaver
Frederick R Griffiths William D. Patterson Sidney Wertimer, Jr.
John C. Hambrook Raymond J. Regan Emery W. Wheeler
Gordon A. Hardwick, Jr. Charles G. Rodman

~e shallper
Governo rsm
BY-LAWS Section l
Governors a
(lis Amended May 1, 1(40) Committee.
appointed ea
ARTICLE I Section l
contracts, ot
Board of Go
Section I.-The officers shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, Section
a Treasurer, and a Business Manager. cise all the po
ARTICLE II Clu~, and of
andspeda! ~
At the Annual Meeting the President, the Vice President, the Secretary, and one wee~
the Treasurer and the Business Manager shall be elected by ballot. They shall and by posti
be ex-officio members of' the Board of Governors. There shall also be elected
by ballot sixteen other members of the Board of Governors, which shall thus
be composed of twenty-one in all, fourteen of whom shall be Alumni and seven Section 6
Undergraduate members. oilier papers 0
Section 2 . -There shall likewise be elected at the annual meeting an Elec- Club, and sh
tive Committee of five from the Alumni membership of the Club, two of whom connected wit
shall be members of not more than five years' standing, and they shall be I~e Club or
balloted for by Alumni members only. Section 7.-
Section 3.-There shall likewise be elected at the annual meeting an His- from rime to
torian. Section 8.-
Section 4.-The officers of the Club, the Historian and the members of the By·Laws or t
Board of Governors and of the Elective Committee shall hold office during the Section 9.
term for which they are elected, and until their successors are chosen and and securities
qualified in their stead. ~uarterly stat
Section 5.-In the case of the death. resignation or disability of any officer, GoveIDorsat
or of the Historian or of any member of the Board, or of the Elective Com- bon of the An
mittee, the Board of Governors may fill such vacancy or vacancies from the inlufficientti
eligible members of the Club. bal eIpenditur
Section 6.-The President shall, at least twenty-five days before the annual regular set of ~
meeting, appoint a Nominating Committee of five members, no one of whom 01 all its fun
shall be an officer of the Club, and the said Committee shall nominate candi- Treasurer in s
dates for each office. The Secretary shall notify the members of the Club of ~eBoard of G
the appointment of this Committee, and of the name and address of the Chair- ludited annual
man thereof. Any member of the Club may, in writing to the Secretary nominate allointed by tti
candidates for office fourteen days prior to the annual meeting, provided, such
The Trea
nominations be seconded in writing by five members of the Club, and the names Alumni membe
of all candidates for each office shall· be posted on the bulletin board in
alphabetical order, and notice of every nomination for each office, in similar ~,
Section 10.
order, shall be mailed to the members by the Secretary at least ten days before eaction of ar
the said election. ~eBoard of
Section 7.-The ballots for use at the annual election shall be printed or ~e Club Budgl
suitably prepared. They shall be voted by striking therefrom the names of Cluo moneys
those candidates for whom the member does not desire to vote. None other oftne Business
than the official ballot shall be received, and it shall contain no device what- ofilieHouse C
ever except the words "The Mask and Wig Club Official Ballot," the date of own responsibil
the election, the offices to be filled, the names of the candidates for each office knance of the
in alphabetical order, and the number of candidates to be voted for; Provided, 'hll o! submitt
however, That the ballots to be voted by the Undergraduate members shall be ~e snail notify
of a different color from those to be voted by the Alumni members, and shall ~ IYno h
!olif aVe
not contain the names of the candidates for the Elective Committee. ! Y persons
,e~!laryof the
Section I.-The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club; and
he shall perform such other duties as the Club, the By-Laws or the Board of
Governors may direct.
Section 2 . -The President shall be ex-officio Chairman of the Board of
Governors and may at his option be ex-officio Chairman of the Administrative
Committee. He shall also have all the rights of a member of all standing and
appointed Committees.
Section 3.-The Pres.ident, with the Secretary, shall make and sign all
contracts, other than theatrical, for the Club, subject to the approval of the
Board of Governors.
Section 4.-ln the absence of the President, the Vice President shall exer-
cise all the po·wers of the President.
Section 5.-The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the
Club, and of the Board of Governors, and give notice to members of all stated
and special meetings. He shall give twenty-days' notice of the annual meeting
and one week's notice of the special meetings of the Club by mail to members
and by posting in the Club House. He shall duly notify members of their
aPipointments upon Committees.
Section 6.-The Secretary shall have the custody of all the records and
other papers of the Club and of the seal of the Club, except the archives of the
Club, and shall superintend the printing and publishing of such papers not
connected with the production as may be authorized or directed by the By-Laws,
the Club or the Board of Governors.
Section 7.-The Secretary and the Treasurer shall keep each other advised
from time to time of changes in the addresses of members.
Section 8.-The Secretary shall perform any other duty that the Club, the
By-Laws or the Board of Governors may, from time to time, assign him.
Section 9.-The Treasurer shall receive and be custodian of all the moneys
and s.ecurities of the Club. He shall render monthly reports supplemented by
quarterly statements of the financial condition of the Club to the Board of
disa~i1i~ol.:' Governors at their stated meetings. He shall be responsible for the prepara-
r olilie!!~n. tion of the Annual Budget and shall submit the same to the Board of Governors
or I!~ootih in sufficient time for approval by the Board p·rior to the incurring of substan-
tial expenditures in connection with the annual production. He shall keep a
regular set of books containing the accounts of the Club, showing the disposition
oari~!Ji/~: of all its funds that pass through his hands, and shall keep his account as
~w,nH::!' Treasurer in such bank or banks, or such other place or places of deposit, as
i\all [:;:;1. the Board of Governors may from time to time approve. His accounts shall be
~flol~' audited annually before being presented to the Club, by a certified aacountant
dao~r6!d~' appointed by the President.
ilielttl/:ll!,' The Treasurer's report shall be printed and forwarded by him to every
medin!,':';'::' Alumni member of the Club at the conclusion of the fiscal year.
IheClu\,d~' Section lo.-The Treasurer shall payout Club moneys as authorized by
me hillll'.~ the action of any annual or special meeting of the Club, or upon approval of
r each o~~,u the Board of Governors in accordance with the By-Laws, or as provided for in
allelilllD~~ the Club Budget as approved by the Board of Governors. When expending
Club moneys authorized under the said Budget, he must have the approval
'on shall~P of the Business Manager for Production account expenses, or of the Chairman
therdrom~l~ of the House Committee for House account expenses. He may, however, on his
own responsibility expend such moneys as are necessary for the routine main-
re to vole, !~
tenance of the Club, or to meet emergencies, in which latter case his actions
cootainnoolll shall be submitted for approval at the next meeting of the Board of Governors.
cial Blllo\n~,. He shall notify the Elective Committee of the names of Undergraduate Mem-
aooiOIWlol,I" bers who have become eligible for election to Alumni Membership. He shall
be vote~ IGrJ notify persons elected to membership of their election, and shall notify the
.dualemem." Secretary of their qualification.
JIloi !Dem~I\~
Section H.-The Treasurer is hereby empowered to vote any and all shares to adopt, al
of stock, insurance policies and the like, held by the Club. His vote shall be 0/ underg ra
the vote of the Club. 01 Club a
Section I2.-The Treasurer shall settle at the boxoffice with the Treasurer Section
of the house during every public performance of the Club. In the absence of to make dis
the Treasurer, the Business Manager shall make such settlement or the same purpose, to
may be made by any accredited representative of the Club designated by the
Treasurer and for whom he shall be responsible. year,
Section I3.-The Treasurer, upon election, shall give bond in such amount
and with such surety as shall be determined by the Board of Governors.
expressly c(
ilie Univer
Section I4.-The Business Manager, or in his absence the Treasurer or any ilie Board (
accredited representative of the Club designated by the Business Manager and IUch lawful
for whom he shall be responsible, shall have control of the front of the house oy these B!
at every public perfo,rmance of the Club. He shall have charge of the trips of
or directed
the Club, making all arrangements for the same, and shall have authority in
all matters of discipline on the trips. ClubmemlJ
Section Is.-The Business Manager shall attend to all matters relating to
the business of a production. He shall sign all contracts pertaining to the or in conn
Production for the Club. He may appoint one or more assistants to aid him for tbe car
in the performance of his duties. Sectio
Section r6.-The Historian shall keep a detailed record of the Club's ilie approv
activities and an individual record of the activities of each Club Member. He put into e
shall have custody of the archives of the Club. a continua
ilie Univen

Section I.-Regular meetings of the Board of Governors shall be held

monthly, except during the months of July, August and September, at such time Section
and on such notice as the Governors may from time to time determine. Eleven for Alumn'
of the twenty-one members shall constitute a quorum provided that at least Sectio
six of the eleven shall be Alumni members. Special meetings of the Board tary at the
may be held, on not less than one day's notice in writing,. at the call of the nomination:
President or on the written request of two members of the Board.
Section 2.-At their first stated meeting after the Annual Meeting of the
Club the Board of Governors shall elect three standing Committees, namely: Section
(a) An Administrative Committee all of whom shall be members of event of th
the Board of Governors, which shall have charge of all matters affecting mittee witl
the Club finances, real estate holdings and general business relations. This Alumni or
Committee shall appoint its own secretary, who shall keep a record of its
(b) A House Committee, which shall have charge of all matters af-
fecting the care and, management of the Club House and of the University
Dormitory Memorial Room. Section
(c) A Committee on Production, which shall have charge of all Undergrad
matters affecting the Club's private and public dramatic performances, members.
including selection of scenarios, librettos, scenery, costumes, music and all Section
other theatrical accessories, and which shall have power to add to its School of
number by appointment from the membership of the Club, and also to ilie regular
appoint such assistant or assistants as it may select to aid it in the work one year h
of staging a production. The Treasurer and the Business Manager shall illinthe e
be ex officio members of this Committee. to partieip
Section 3.-Each Standing Committee shall report to the Board upon the 80me good
matters lying within their respective spheres of action. Action by any Stand- Governors
ing Committee shall be subject to the review and approval of the Board of amajority
Governors. the Secreta
Section +-The Board of Governors at any meeting shall have the power ~eeting of
in their discretion to appoint a stage Director and/or a Director of Publicity, right to ap
with such powers and authority as shall be vested in such appointees by the olthe By.]
Board at or after the time of such appointment. Seetiol
lelllain So
Section 5.-The Board of Governors shall have power from time to time
to adopt, amend, and/or rescind rules and regulations governing the selection
of undergraduate managers and assistants and other workers in any department
of Club activities, and defining their powers and duties.
Section 6.-The Board of Governors shall have power in their discretion
to make disbursement of Club funds by gift, for any University of Pennsylvania
purpose, to an amount not exceeding One Thousand Dollars in anyone fiscal
Section 7.-ln addition to the powers and authorities by these By-Laws
expressly conferred upon them, but subject to the limitation respecting gifts to
the University imposed upon them by Section 6 of this Article of these By-Laws,
the Board of Governors may exercise all such powers of the Club, and do all
such lawful acts and things, as are not by statute or by the Club's Charter or
by these By-Laws expressly forbidden to be done, or exercised by the Board,
or directed or required to be exercised or done according to the vote of the
ttefilfll:·j. Club members at a meeting of the Club.
rtainiri;l Section g.-No part of the funds of the Club shall be used or disbursed for
nhloi:. or in connection with social functions or activities, or in any manner except
for the carrying out of the purposes of the Club as expressed in its charter.
d 01 ~t Section 9.-All matters of broad policy shall be submitted to, and have
the approval of, the authorities of the University of Pennsylvania before being
uo ~lt:~I.~
put into effect by this organization, the purpose of this By-Law being to insure
a continuance of the existing close cooperation between this organization and
the University of Pennsylvania.

rjatln~!l Section I.-The Elective Committee shall consider and act upon proposals
,ermine, [\~ for Alumni membership.
Section z.-The Elective Committee shall elect its chairman and its secre-
iolUl tary at their first meeting each year, and all communications relating to the
~f ~lli! nominations for Alumni membership shall be addressed to, the Secretary of the
la, Committee.
~!ffM!II Section 3.-It shall be the duty of the Chairman or of the Secretary in the
mIDal~!: event of the Chairman's failure to act, to call a meeting of the Elective Com-
~mfl~11 mittee within thirty days after receipt of any nomination or nominations for
attma!i: Alumni or Life Membership.
ltlatt~~, I
alfl'O!jal ARTICLE VI
Section I.-There shall be four classes of membership in the Club, namely:
Undergraduate members. Alumni members, Life members, and Honorary
Section 2.':-Any Undergraduate member, who willIe in an Undergraduate
School (If the University, fails in any year to participate in or contribute to
the regular Production of the Club, may be suspended for a period not exceeding
one year by a vote of a majority of the members of the Board of Governors,
if, in the opinion of such majority of the Board, such Undergraduate's failure
to participate in or contribute to the Annual Production has not been due to
some good and sufficient reason excusing such default. Before the Board of
Governors can take such action it shall have before it the recommendation of
a majority of the Undergraduate Committee and the members shall be given by
the Secretary of the Club seven (7) days' notice in writing to appear at the
meeting of the Board at which his case is to be acted upon. There shall be no
right to appeal from any suspension declared by the Board under this Section
of the By-Laws.
Section 3.-A member once elected to Undergraduate membership shall
remain so only while he is an undergraduate at the University of Pennsylvania,

call aspe
provided that if such member leaves the University before the class in which he 01 decidi
originally matriculated shall have been graduated, he shaIl become eligible for final.
election to Alumni Membership when such class shall have been graduated. An
undergraduate member graduated at the February Convocation, however, shall
at once become eligible for election to Alumni membership. Students in the
Graduate Schools shall be ineligible to participate in the annual productions of
the Club. Secti
Section 4.-Men who (a) have been Undergraduate members of the Club, members,
whose Undergraduate membership shall have ceased, and who shall have ary, pro
become eligible under Section 3 of this Article; and men who (b) have con- a life m
tributed to a regular production of the Club, have been bona fide students of lile, all
the University of Pennsylvania for at least one fuIl year, and shall be recom- Secti
mended by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Governors, shall be eligible to members!
Alumni membership and such of the foregoing as shall have been favorably Universi
acted Oil by the Elective Committee, shall, upon payment of an initiation fee be payab
of twenty-five doIlars, and the dues of the current year or half year, become ~roducti~
Alumni members; and the election of any candidate shaIl be void if he fail to Seell(
make such payment within thirty days after notice of his election has been than Phil
mailed, addressed to him at the place given as his residence by his proposer. !hall ha~
Section 5.-Proposals for Alumni membership shall be made to the Elective years he
Committee through its Secretary, signed by the proposer and seconder, stating Secti
the name and residence of the candidate. No such proposal shall be acted upon space of
by the Committee unless notice of the same shall have been mailed to every ~aid wit!
member of the Club, with the names of the proposer and seconder, at least ten aodunle
days before the meeting at which action may be taken. cease; an
Section 6.-The Elective Committee shall vote separately upon the names be not a
proposed, and no person shall be elected unless he shall receive the favorable thereupon
votes of a majority of the whole committee and not more than one negative vote. of the G
No person against whom two or more negative votes shall have been cast shall Alumni n
be eligible for nomination for six months thereafter; but any person who may
have failed of election by reason merely of not having the votes of a majority Secti
of the whole Committee, may be again voted upon at any subsequent meeting. dollars,
Section 7.-Any Alumni member of the Club who has paid his annual dues
for a period of five years next preceding and who is in good standing may apply
to the Elective Committee for life membership. All applications shall remain
before the Committee until final action shall be taken thereon, or the names Seeti
be withdrawn. No application for life membership shaH be acted upon by 00the
the Committee unless notice of the same shall have been mailed to every Alumni
member of the Club at least ten days before the meeting at which action may Secti
be taken. A majority vote of the Committee shall elect to life membership. No business'
person who has failed of election to life membership may again make applica- I.
tion for a period of twelve months. 2,
Section 8.-Honorary members may be elected from time to time from
amongst the Alumni or Life Members by a two-thirds vote of the Alumni and
Life members present at any regular or special meeting of the Club. Election
to Honorary membership shall carry with it remission of dues from date of
Section 9.-All resignations must be presented in writing to the Secretary
of the Club. No resignation shall be received from any member in arrears
to the Club.
Section lo.-Any member may be suspended or expeIled for the wilful
infraction of any By-Law, stage rule, or house rule, or for acts or conduct
which may be deemed disorderly or injurious to the interests or hostile to the 10,
objects of the Club, by a vote of four-fifths of the members of the Board of
Governors: Provided, The said member shaIl have been given seven days'
notice in writing by the Secretary to appear at the meeting of the Board at
which his case is to be acted upon. Sect'
Any member shall have the right to appeal from the judgment of the Board Board ot
of Governors by filing his appeal with the President within thirty days after not Ie!!
the rendering of the judgment. The President shall, within ten days thereafter, any spec'
at aspec
clas! io~,
!tome eli I call a special meeting of the Club, to be held within thirty days, for the purpose
engrd~I~1 of deciding the said member's appeal, and such decision by the Club shall be
on, nOW!I!I,.' final.
, ~tuQeij~'
ual proQij((~, ARTICLE VII
net! 01 ~~
wno I\!II ~
Section I.-The annual dues of all members, other than Honorary and Life
ho (n) 111I~
members, shall be $10,00 a year, payable in advance on the first day of Febru-
na nQf !1~11I1
ary, provided that any Alumni member of the Club who has been duly elected
a life member of the Club, may, by a further payment of $250.00, retain for
nd Inall~~~
life, all the privileges of membership, without the payment of further dues.
venetnlirl Section 2.-No dues shall be payable by men elected to Undergraduate
membership following the annual production who will be graduated from the
faoimbliil University in the succeeding February. One-half the fixed annual fees shall
nal~lflf,~ be payable by men elected to Undergraduate membership following the annual
V01Q il ~I~'
production, who will be graduated from the University in the succeeding June.
e1e~onr~', Section 3.-When a member of the Club shaH be domiciled elsewhere
nrn~prift;t than Philadelphia or vicinity, the Board of Governors, upon written request,
adelO~ftb shall have the power to reduce such member's dues one-half for the year or
dleCOOQll, ~~ years he is thus domiciled.
nallnflrtN Section 4.-When the dues of any member shall remain unpaid for the
nm~lthR space of two months, the Treasurer shall notify him that, unless the same are
ndfl,lll"Ot paid within two weeks thereafter, his name shall be posted as a delinquent,
and unless paid within two weeks after such posting, his membership shall
cease; and in case such dues be not paid pursuant to such notice, or such default
be not accounted for to the satisfaction of the Board of Governors, he shall
thereupon cease to be a member, and shall forfeit all his interest in the property
of the Club. No former Undergraduate member may become eligible for
Alumni member hip while he is in any way financially indebted to the Club.
Section 5.-The initiation fee for Alumni Membership shall be twenty-five
dollars. There shall be no initiation fee for Undergraduate Membership.

Section I.-There shall be an Annual meeting of the Club at 12:30 P. M.
on the third Wednesday of January of every year.
Section 2.-At the annual meeting of the Club, the following order of
business shall be observed:
I. Reading of the Minutes of Previous Meeting.
2. Communications.
3. Report of Board of Governors.
4-. Report of Officers:
(a) Treasurer.
(b) Business Manager.
S. Report of Historian.
6. Reports of Committees: /'l
(a) Committee on Production. fl ~/J>f' J c...-"".."
(b) House Committee.
7. Elections.
8. Unfinished and Deferred Business.
9. New Business.
10. Adjournment.
This order of business may be changed by a two-thirds vote of the members
Section 3.-Upon written request of fiv'e members, or at the request of the
Board of Governors the President shall call a special meeting of the Club, on
not less than five days' notice in writing. This request, as also the notice of
any special meeting, shall state the object for which the meeting is called, and
at a special meeting no subject not so stated shall be considered.

Section 4.-Twenty members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of oilier tn
the Club, provided that none other than an Alumni, Honorary or Life Member resultiD
shall have any vote upon any que tion affecting the property of the Club or House, ~
involving disposition of Club funds. Sho
Section 5.-No stranger shall be admitted to any business meeting of the thaD 10 I

Club. forms s
me natu
ARTICLE IX ors, who
Section I.-When any member of the Club takes part in any performance No
or entertainment of any kind whatsoever other than under the direct auspices thereto,
of the Club, the name and title, The Mask and Wig Club, or The Mask and Governo
Wig Club of the University of Pennsylvania, shall not be used or published, or
in any way advertised in connection with said performance or entertainment,
unless by special permission of the Board of Governors. No
Section 2.-All members of the Club shall be admitted free at every public
performance of the Club when it is possible so to arrange. All
Section 3.-All members of the Club shall have the privilege of using the ilie Cha'
Club House or rooms at all times, subject to the restrictions in the By-Laws,
and to the Rules and Regulations of the House Committee.
Section 4.-Whatever title or interest any person may by reason of his Evel
membership acquire in the Club property, shall, upon his death, resignation, House, e
suspension, or expulsion, vest in the Club: Provided, however, That none member
other than an Alumni, Honorary, or Life member shall acquire any interest in thesecOl
the property, either real or personal, of the Club. permissi(

Section I.-The fiscal year of the Club shall begin on the first day of bmas
February, and end on the following 31st day of January of each year.
ARTICLE XI book too
duction s'
Section I'.-These By-Laws may be amended at any meeting of the Club
by a vote of two-thirds of the members present.
Section 2.-Notices of proposed amendments shall be printed and mailed by Not I
the Secretary to each member of the Club at least seven days before luch ancetaki
01 twelve
without (

The Club House shall be open daily throughout the year.
The Club House may be rented by members of the Club, application to be
made in advance to the Chairman of the House Committee, for their individual
use only, and upon the following terms.
$10. for the Grill Room alone.
$30' additional, should the second floor be used for any purpose whatso-
ever, in connection with the Grill Room.
$30. for the second Boor without the Grill Room.
(In either instance the sum of $2. will be applied as a fee to the Janitor,
and no further compensation to him is necessary.)

Neither the Club House, nor any part thereof, shall be rented to anyone
other than a member of the organization; and any violation of this rule will
result in the offenders being denied any further privilege of renting the Club
House, or any part thereof, at the discretion of the Board of Governors.
Should members desire to rent the Club House, or any part thereof, other
than for their individual entertainment, written application for the same, upon
forms supplied by the Chairman of the House Committee, with explanation of
the nature of the proposed entertainment, must be made to the Board of Govern-
ors, who, at their discretion, may grant this privilege.
No article of any description which is the property of the Club, or loaned
thereto, shall be taken from the House except by the authority of the Board of
Governors, or by the written consent of its owner.
No member shall give any money or gratuity to any servant,
All suggestions or complaints must be made in writing, and addressed to
the Chairman of the House Committee.
Every member of the Club shall have free access to all parts of the Club
House, except (I) to the office, which shall be used only by the officers and
members of the Board of Governors and of standing committees; and (2) to
the second story during the progress of a rehearsal, unless with the special
permission of the Committee on Production.
No one who is not a member of the Club shall be admitted to the Club
House more than once in one month. This rule applies only to such non-mem-
~t full~!j
bers as are residents of this city.
tl~fm, VIII
Any member of the Club may introduce a stranger upon registering, in a
book to be kept for that purpose, the name and residence of such stranger, and
the date of such introduction, which the said member shall sign. Such intro-
duction shall not confer the right of re-entrance.
Not more than 200 tickets shall be issued for any entertainment or perform-
tcoanomlilul ance taking place in the auditorium.
olfl ~loll~
The non-exclusive use of the Grill Room by any member between the hours
of twelve noon and nine P. M., having not more than five (5) guests, shall be
without charge other than actual service and a fee of $1.00 to the janitor.

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