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My masthead is going to be white.

Since my central image is fairly dark and the background which my masthead is
going to be on is also dark, the white will make my masthead stand out. This is important because the masthead is a
key representation of the magazines identity, therefore needs to stand out. I will also have a distortion effect on the
masthead, this is because I dont want my masthead to look clean and be purely white. This is because it will be
confusing to my audience and go against the codes and conventions of the genre, this because a pure white would
symbolise purity,-however by adding a distorted effect, it will mimic the distorted nature of metal music, as a result
conforming to the expectations of the genre.

I am going to
have my
coverlines as
red. This is
during my
research, I
found that red
is the most
colour in
therefore I
will use it to
meet the
of my

I am going to have the writing on my bottom strip in red,

this is because it is not something that needs to stand out
to clearly, as it is as not as important as other features,
therefore, I dont mind it being next to more red (the
coverlines). However, it still conforms to the genre as
the audience expects to see red on a rock/metal
magazine as it is used throughout the genre.

I am going to
have my pug with
a yellow
background and
with red writing.
As the central
background is
dark, the brighter
yellow will mean
attention is drawn
to it. As red is one
of my house
colours and it has
connotations of
aggression, which
fits into the codes
and conventions
of my genre, its
use is appropriate
I am going to have
my splash as
yellow, this will
stand out against
the darker colours
surrounding it (red
and black),
therefore fulfilling
the purpose of the
splash which is to
stand out and to
instantly catch the
attention of the
reader. I will
emphasise this by
having a dark inner
shadow effect on
the words; this will
make my splash
look bolder and
therefore more eyecatching.

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