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Intelligence Report

LDC Prompt: What defines intelligence? After reading: Flowers for Algernon,
Are Americans Smarter Than Ever?, What is Emotional Intelligence?, and
Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligences, write a report that defines
emotional and intelligence quotients and explains the emotional and
intellectual development of Charlie Gordon throughout the story. Support
your discussion with evidence from the texts.
Click here to see all 3 informational text articles (also in Edmodo Flowers
Click here to see the rubric for this assignment (also in Edmodo Flowers
Define IQ:
Find a quote from the informational text articles that defines IQ:
IQ tests gauge abstract intelligence- the ability to solve logic problemsrather than verbal reasoning mathematical skills, literacy, or creativity.
Article Title: Are Americans Smarter Than Ever? (Article)
Define EQ:
Find a quote from What is Emotional Intelligence that defines EQ:
Emotional Intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to perceive, control and
evaluate emotions.
Article Title: What is Emotional Intelligence?
Describe Charlies IQ in beginning:
Find a quote from Flowers for Algernon that shows his intelligence
I dint see nuthing in the ink but he said there was picturs there other
people saw some picturs. I couldnt see any picturs.
Pg #: 673
Describe Charlies EQ in beginning:

Find a quote from Flowers for Algernon that shows his emotional quotient:
Their really my friends and they like me.
Pg #: Pg. 679
Describe Charlies IQ in the middle:
Find a quote from Flowers for Algernon that shows his intelligence
The unforeseen development, which I have taken the liberty of calling the
Algernon-Gordon Effect, is the logical extension of the entire intelligence
Pg #: 705
Describe Charlies EQ in the middle:
Find a quote from Flowers for Algernon that shows his emotional quotient:
Now I know what it means when they say to pull a Charlie Gordon. Im
Pg #: 686
Charlies IQ and EQ in the end:
Summarize how Charlies emotional and intelligence quotient changed in
the end of the story:
Cite Your Articles!
Be sure to introduce the title of the article or story when you include the
quote. All titles for this report should be in Quotation Marks, not
italicized! Page numbers can be cited at the end of the sentence in
parenthesis like this (679). You do not need a works cited page for this
report. Instead, please include all citations within the body of your text. You
can include the article title in the text like this: In the article, What is
Emotional Intelligence, the author describes EQ as

How should I organize my Intelligence Report?

Organization: Your report can be all one paragraph, or you can split it up
into different paragraphs as you see fit. When you are ready to turn in your
report, please title the document Intelligence Report and include your
name in the title. You should organize your writing in the following format:
Introduction: Begin with a hook, of course. Then define IQ and
EQ using text evidence from the articles.
Body: Trace Charlies IQ and EQ from the beginning of the story
to the middle of the story (after the surgery) using quotes from the text
to support his varying levels of intelligence and emotional quotient.
Conclusion: Summarize Charlies changes in IQ and EQ
throughout and explain his intelligence and emotional quotients at the
end. Conclude with a statement about intelligence overall (an end
Due Today: The report needs to be in your TURN IN folder in your
Language Arts folder in your drive by 8:00 pm tonight! (Wednesday
November 18). Please use your time wisely in class today. You can do it - I
believe in you!

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