Hard Times

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Kostantewicz 1

Chris Kostantewicz
British Literature II
Dr. Terrance Riley
20 April 2015
A Hard Times 2015 Adaptation by: Chris Kostantewicz
Chapter 1: Little Boxes On The Hillside
If youre going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.
*the alarm blared The Mamas and The Papas*
We live in this world thats essentially built on checks and balances we created. In a way
were attempting to make structure out of pure chaos. In the midst of this chaos I feel that the
only way I can maintain my humility is by adding a little flare or something soothing in place of
an essential task that is otherwise unpleasant. Its that seemingly minuscule tidbit of color and
creativity that innately makes us feel more human. This is why I believe the only proper way to
be rudely awaken and torn from the comfort of my bed and forced to walk to Shadybrooke
Highschool was to a good song.
The walk to school was cold, the sky was gray. I jogged parallel to the bay where silos
billowed carcinogenic smoke in the distance. Sometimes in my monotonous day dreaming I
envisioned myself to be the reincarnation of Hemingway with a style as grungy as James Dean.
Its never until I pass a barren storefront or see my reflection in the water did I realize I was
disillusioned; Im Jay Parker, maybe Im just a victim of societies tendency to put us all in little
boxes. When are you not daydreaming Jay? It seems as though youre never here anymore and

Kostantewicz 2
Chris Kostantewicz
British Literature II
Dr. Terrance Riley
20 April 2015
this is life, you have to be around to for it. said Marcy Quinn Im here I just dont agree whole
heartedly agree with Dr. Cuadros philosophies
Alright class, I know this is a seemingly abstract question that may be open to
interpretation but I want you define life. exclaimed Dr. Cuadro. I proceeded to raise my hand
and exclaimed Well I feel like life has become a series of seemingly essential tasks that only
became a crucial part of life because we made it this way. Take money for example. Imagine an
Indian Village long long ago before humans were encapsulated by materialistic tendencies. They
believe in communal values and helping one another, from the children, all the way up to the
elderly members of the tribe. It wasnt until one day the tribes most fierce hunter realized he was
providing far more than his fair share of goods and services and realized hed be far better off on
his own. This alpha male went to the top of a hill, built a grande hut, and stopped sharing with
the community; in result, he prospered and became materialistic and greedy. The other villagers
realized they could live a better life if they were selfish and disregarded their communal values,
so they did, and here we are in 2015 where an education can be bought online, your phone can
order beer and pizza, and everyone in developed nations are fighting over the top spots in
society. Life is actually about the fundamental aspects like loving one another and making sure
were all happy; not this toxic lifestyle and materialistic tendencies that came out of that
tribesman decision long ago *I said over complete and utter silence*

Kostantewicz 3
Chris Kostantewicz
British Literature II
Dr. Terrance Riley
20 April 2015
Are you living in a diluted hippie fantasy? Thats rubbish. replied Dr. Cuadro
life is actually the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter,
including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change
preceding death. said Marcy Very good Marcy, hey Jay, you could learn a lot from your friend
over here. said Cuadro
I shrugged it off but I was emanating anger. It wasnt the fact that Cuardro thought of me
as a fool but rather because he was so ignorant and unaccepting of anyones point of view but his
own. I understand he believed in cold callous structure but how are we to prosper as a society
with the likes of men like him around? To an extent people like him truly delay progress. Sorry
for the rant, its just Im antsy and stressed. Class let out and I ran down the monotonous
expressionless white hallway to the exit at the end of the corridor.

Chapter 2: Mischief Night

*phone rings*
are you coming out with us tonight bro? I hear Rodney Dangerfield is throwing an insane party
since his parents are out of town. screams my friend Sage. I dont know man, I planned on
lying low tonight or maybe seeing a concert with Marcy.

Kostantewicz 4
Chris Kostantewicz
British Literature II
Dr. Terrance Riley
20 April 2015
Jeeze man, things seem to be getting pretty serious between you two; which, to me is pretty odd
considering youre polar opposites. Shes like Harvard and youre like Im going to drive a
broken down VW bus across the country and blaze with my bros, not sure whatll happen
Thanks for thinking so highly of me Sage ill keep that in mind. Ill hit you up if I end up
changing my mind alright?
Sage was the type of guy that believed that only way to change the world was through
violence, sex, and being a spectacle. He was the rockstar type you hoped your parents wouldnt
find out you were seeing. Countless used condom rappers and McDonalds paper bags would
litter the interior of his busted down Camaro but yet girls still fell all over him. He in himself and
his persona were a symbol that just contradicted societal norms and the professors hated him for
it as he stood there with a grin on his face smoking a cigarette. While I would occasionally stand
up to Dr. Cuadro, Sage was completely and utterly reckless. If he felt disrespected hed insult
and spit in a professor's face; at least thats what nearly happened when Cuardo told him he was
stupid. I needed people like Sage in my life to balance me out, much like a Yin Yang type of
thing. He was the hippie counterculture wildcard and I was his counterpart in crime.
Later that night I hit the road without any plans or intentions set in stone. I just wanted to
take in what was left of the clean crisp air the night had to offer. I cooly lit a joint I had stashed
away for a night like this and proceeded to smoke it with my convertible top down. Crusin

Kostantewicz 5
Chris Kostantewicz
British Literature II
Dr. Terrance Riley
20 April 2015
down the coast going about 99 blares eerily from my stereo as I blast down the bridge into a
town parallel to mine. I called Marcy and got nothing but a dial tone. I felt my stomach drop as I
contemplated the possibility of spending the night alone when the phone rang.
Heyyyyyyyyyyy, I know you said youd call me but this party is insane you have
to come by. screams Sage
I guess I could swing by and check it out. *gripping my bottle of Jack Daniels
Whiskey tightly*
When I pulled up the street was littered with people, nearly anyone I came in contact with
the past couple years in High school seemed to be there. To be honest, I feel much more lost in a
crowd than I do with one good friend so I always tended to stray away from the common notion
that everyone needs a lot of friends. Sage and I both thought the scene was a little too
overwhelming so we put our liquor in brown paper bags and proceeded to walk down the street
to the convenience store on the corner to get a sticky buns.
No way, thats not Dr. Cuardo is it?
It definitely is man, Im sure hed have something to say about this here joint I have.
Well Ill be damned, this is why were friends after all now mate.
The marijuana smoke bellowed into the air as a symbol of resisting societal norms. We
knew it was illegal, but we knew no one ever died from it. We often joked that the only way

Kostantewicz 6
Chris Kostantewicz
British Literature II
Dr. Terrance Riley
20 April 2015
marijuana can in fact kill you is if you get hit by a brick of it. This is how Sage and I lived our
lives, on a hedonistic principle; if it feels good, do it. Dr. Cuardo was approaching more quickly
than expected and definitely noticed us smoking. I feverishly threw down my joint and stomped
it out.
What a surprise, if I was to guess out of all my students which ones were
delinquent potheads, Id guess itd be you two. says Cuardo
*Sage blows his smoke into Cuardos face*
Give it a try sometime maybe you wouldnt be so uptight. Sage says laughing
You two are everything thats wrong with society, you think youre visionaries and
creative thinkers but youre just the lost generation. Society is put into little boxes for a reason
and you two still try to challenge the status quo. Cuardo says disdainfully
That night I stumbled into the party barely coherent; as I sipped the final drops of
whiskey from my bottle I could hear Cuardos words of ignorance bouncing around my head like
I was stuck cold looking up into the sky just to see a hot air balloon displaying the message
youre a loser, and youll never be successful. Dr. Cuardo had the right to comment on my
lifestyle, at least he thought so, because he was rather successful in life. Aside from being a
professor, he owned a packaging company that was known for its cold and fluid periodic timely

Kostantewicz 7
Chris Kostantewicz
British Literature II
Dr. Terrance Riley
20 April 2015
deliveries. He was as calculated as a well-crafted Italian leather watch and rarely left things up to
I couldnt fathom living a life like that constantly living within restraints being as
mechanized as a well oiled machine, but since my parents kicked me out of the house I realized
perhaps I needed some guidance and it wouldnt be the worst thing in the world to ask Cuardo
for help. The next day I woke up with a mission to apologize and befriend Cuardo so maybe hed
allow me to work at his factory to gain a new perspective on life. I was never the most confident
well spoken guy, but rather the silent one that would peer out the window to contemplate life;
therefore it took a lot of courage to request such a thing from Cuardo. At the same time I realized
a commitment to factual accuracy does not lead directly to selfishness, and a commitment to
imagination does not signify a commitment to social equality; so perhaps I was being

to be continued

Kostantewicz 8
Chris Kostantewicz
British Literature II
Dr. Terrance Riley
20 April 2015

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