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The Portable ENLIGHTENMENT READER Edd and witha endo by Isaac KRAMNICK 6 PENGUIN BOOKS ‘Totte Memory of uh N. Stl (1928-1992) “Teer, zhlr, rd A palsope from ae “Soca SSE mores Termite no aaah, 8 cng ieaeramareretinerens Semi ‘SERS nd a Oe tf ie es ot Sin yd Spence te es BS ee UPS a rugs tte gerd ech ern ttre rer ‘Permian of ry a hs Pe ees Eee eects ESSE MS tenn engimpand on nese po Speee tee tremince CONTENTS Introduction [Note to lnedacion Sggetons fr artes Reading act Ov: The ENuceranaecr SPILT: AN OVERVIEW ‘What npr? —Kane The Human Mid Emeged fom Buble “Eacycptite'— Dae Detain of Pape Daman Le mane Fg Bement ‘he hae Fae Nose “The Fue Popes ofthe Human Mind Conder Par Two: RAAGON ax NATURE “Toe Rew Scimer—facon Maeno Pail of Nita! Paopy—Newton ‘The New Pace Cate (On Bacon i Newlin The Ushi of Scence—Condercet, “The Opin of Sec Reach —Pieley Lear Jeph Poiey Fria PART Tesi: Reason an GoD ‘On Sopeson and Telennce—Bape ‘A Leer Cones Talentia-—Lecke On Bathe —Seaty “The Annee oa Dey Neweon [A Dioae of Fe Thinking Coli “dee Gad" Mowtnen (OF Mics ad the Ong fein Home Refeiom on Rein -Valate Prison of Fath as Soa View—Reva PARTI THE ENLIGHTENMENT SPIRIT: AN OVERVIEW WHAT IS ENLIGHTENMENT? InmanueL KAN 1m hs tho ey unten in 1785, the gat Geman pibspher Iinmanel Kan (1724-1809), whose wing a ll ra ny ot dy of hls, dei Enlghoments cred Soper de! "Da et” Eighenment i mas lene om hit elncucd uae. Tuto is man's inability to make we of is undentanding without direction fom another Sleincured hi ttle when iene es nota lack cftexon bu in ck ofesluion and courage to ne i without econ fom another. Sapa! "Have courage we you ow texan" that i the moo of enlightenment. ines and cowardice are the textons why Ho et 2 portion of ‘mankind afer nature hs lag sce dacharged them fom ext ‘ection (analy mate), nevertle reais under hing tte lag, and why i is 50 ea fr othe wt theeves up a their grdans. eso easy noe be of age IFT have a book which under Stands for me, a par who bas 3 conacieace fr fe, pcan who ecdes my dit and v0 fd, 1 need not wouble mpl. 1 need not hi, 1 an only pay—othes wil realy underake the ieaome Work forme Tha the Hep co competence i held wo be very dangerous by the fr rater pornon of mankind (i by the entre fa ex) spe ffom is being arduous een to by doe guaran who hive 10 lan sumed upenmtendence ove them. Aferthe guaran ve Sint made ther domestic cate dumb and have made se that thee lcd ‘reac wil ot dre ake 2 single ep without the hares of he cart to which they ae confined, che puri then show them the danger which denon if hey uy o go alone. Actaly, howeve, thi anget Ie now rest, for by ling few times they woul Sly ears to walk dlone. Bat an ample of ths fare makes den dd aad ordi fgiens ther aay fom afer els For ay sage individ! to work hima out of the Bf under tutelge which hat Become almost his nature very dlicul He has ene fo be fond of thi wt, ance i fr the present really icepble ‘ot king we of hn reno, for 90 one his ever ee hin yi out Stes sd mui, howe mechanic tol ofthe onal employment for rather mierploymens of bis mtr, ae the feuen of sn eve= ang mclage- Whoever trae hem of makes ony an ence ep ‘over the narowet dich been he not accustomed to that kind of fe mation. Therefore, ter are oly Gow who hve succeeded by ie ‘oon ever of mind both in Seeing tamueves Som sacompetence snd in achieving 2 sendy pace ‘Bur tha the pale shoal enlighten tel” s more posuble; indeed, stony feedom i granted, enlightenment esos ne fallow For ‘here wil aways be ome independent hinken, even smong the ead Inted guardians of the get mas, who, afer throwing of the yoke cf tatage fom their own shoulder, wall divert the opt of the ‘onal speecation ofboth thar owe worth and every man's yoestion for thilong for hime? But be noted tha the pu, whi hs Ek been Brought under this yoke by ther garda, foxes the guadans Ahnclver 0 temain bound when i acd to doo by some of the (pune who ar themes capable ofsome ealghenment—t0 ar>= ‘il aco mplane prejudices, for they Iter take vengeance on thee fukitor oon ther decendans. Thus the puble ean oa dwly en elighenment Pehl of pesonal dips or of atancious fe tyrmnsal oppeesion may be ascomplabed by rerohtion, bot never {ue ref in way of thinking, Rater, ew pues wi serve at ‘wala old net wo hae the gest uth mane For dos ealghenmeat, however, nothing required bo feedom, 1d indeed the mom hare among al the hing which eh em ‘om props be ppd. the eon eo ene publ we of eos tenn a every pomnt, Bot I hear onal siden "Do now ang!” The fice ays “Do not argue bu ill” The tax elector: "Do no ange bot pe” The clei. "Do not ange bu Ble” Onl one prince i the world uys, “Argue as much 2 you wil ad about what You wil, bt abey™ Everette ceiction oa eeom “Wich esritonw an obi to enlightenment, ad which moe an clade burs promoter of I answer The public te of oe eon ‘must aways be ee, and alone can bring abot enlightenment among men. The pate ose ofeson onthe otber handy oflen be very na row eared without parc hindenng the pogo xin rent By the public us ofone' ref undertan th re whicha enon taker ofc ar cho before the reting pbc, Prvate eI cl ht ‘which one may mike of in » pera el pow or fice which trated to him. Many airs which are conducted nthe tere fhe Conmsmuaty requ sceuin mechinem through which ome members of the comemancy mat paul Condit thenelve with sacl rani, atthe goverment may deer them to pul enh, oF ea prevent them fom detoying Wave end Here appamene = ‘aly aoe alowed one me obey. Bot vo i at «pare of the mec tion regards Rie at dhe te tine at 2 member of the whole coramuniy r of society of would ezen, and thsi the roe of ‘choke who addenes che pube Ga the proper seme of the word) rough hs wing, he cerainty can argue withow hurting the et for which hein pat ropone st panive member Thos t woud be mous for an ober im termite #9 debate about the sutbity oF sry of «command given to him by hi supe, he must obey Bat the ight co eke sears on enon fa the matary sere and fo ‘hem before the pb or adgment cannot equity be eid in 2 2 chor The elten cannot refine wo pay the tee ped 09 iy ‘dee, an impaen ompline x thot levied on inca be nied 1 sandal (6 could ccesion geen refaetorines). Bot theme hor nevethel does ao act conuary tos dary a+ eszen whe, 12 acholar, he publicly expree his thought on de lappoprisenest fr even the injce of thee levi Simty# clergyman i bled (make his sermon to ie pupil in catechim ane is congrepiion onfoan tothe slo of the church which he eves, for beh een Accepted on this condition But ats scholar he hs complete freedom, tren the eing © commune to the pub al early end fd wel/meanng thought on tat which i eroncou in he symbol nd co make saggeions fo the beter organization of terion body And church. In doing his, there noting at could be aids burden (on his conscience For what he teacher a3 comequence oft ofc st { repesentaive ofthe church this be comidens someting abot which he has no Geedom 0 teach scoring to it oven igh something which he is appointed to propound at he diezion of and inthe me (of mother He wily. "Our church teaches this of Uae thse ae the prof which fe aldo.” He tho excel praca es fr ht con- [Began fem sata w which he imulf would nr bebe with fal envicton butt the enunciation of which he cn very wel pledge Imulf esau tnt imple a uth eden i thet cd, si any ce, there a lea nothing them conmadicny to anet religion. For if he belived e had found such in them, he could not conacienioudy dicharge the dates of hoffe; be would hae t give ‘up The we, therefore, which an appointed wacher makes oh reson tere his congregation i merely prea, becuse thi coogrepstion only + domestic one (even fe Be 3 lage gubeing); woth rex 0 14 poe, he nsf, nor can he be fe, bean Be car ot the fonder of another, But a «schol, howe wrangs speak tos publ, {he worl the clrgyman in the pai te of hit reson joe 8 luted eedoos to wes wa rnon and 0 speak in hs own pena. ‘That the gud ofthe people Gn spinal dns) sould themselves be competent it a aburey which amount the eeraliation of strane, "But woald not ose of lergymen, perp 3 church conerence| ox a veeabie cass fs they ell hems among the Dut, be sified in bang wei by onh to a cera unchangeable symbol ‘onder to enjoy an unceningguadenstip over cach oft mene and thereby over the peoples whole, a event make itera answer that ds aogether spore. Such # oat made to shit ofall father enlightenment fen the human rc, abestely mal and vod ven if confirmed by the spree power, by pment, and by te ‘most ceremoniou of peace eesti An age connor bind oe and od {o pu the screding one int such acondion that canoe ented 5s fr bet very oxansoa inowege, purify ei of eon and progres in groc eligheament. That would be a rime again human mre, the proper deinaton of which Kes precy in his progres and the docendants woud be fil jug in rejecting tho decrees having ‘ben made in a unvaraned and malcous miner ‘The rovehitone of everyting dat can be cnclded 2 law fra topes inthe gueison whether he people could have mpoed ich 2 iw on iselé Now sacha religous compact might be poral fo + Shor and desta lasted te, a # wer, n expectaon of beter (Ope gh et ever tien, and expecially she ergy, he role of schol, ake he comment ecly snd publicly, he, thongh win, fn the eroneous specs ofthe preset ini. The aewy heed onder might tuo insight ito the mae of thse Ege had become wo general and widely approved hat shrough uniting the Wes (cren sf not unanimous) they could bing a proposal wo te one take hove congregason ander protection which had united sto 4 Changed vagus crgazason scvordng thee beter ese, withoot, however, hindenng others who wih fo remain in the order But 10 lake ia penmanet relics iaason which not we maby (0 out: before the poblic even inthe Lime of one man, aed heey to make» peti of te Ente in the progres of mankind towed lenprovenet, Uns working tothe didvmage of poxry—thar bene forbidden. For himself and only fr oe ie) 2 man can potpone enlightenment in whst he ough to know, but to renounce for hime and even mote wo renounce oc pousiy, oles ‘wampleon the rights of mankind "And what people may not decree or ul can even let be decreed for them by 4 monarch, fo his ving shot reson his uniting the general pe wil a his own. It he cly sotto eat al ve oF lege improvemeat sands together wih i ore, he can eae 1, Ing fabecs to do what they nd necessary fr the pal ele ‘Tas sno his concer, dough i ncurbet on hi 9 prevent one of them fom vole hindering another in determing and pomoung, this wel tothe best of in ay. To med in thse mate lower Ins own majony, nce bythe wntangs io which hi bec tek rset thes views he may evaluate is own govemance. He an do this Shen, woth deepest endensnding, he lye upon hinsl the reproach ‘Con oe sup rma. Ft more des he injure is om ey when he degre his vpreme power by epporang the ecclesia eporin of ome fant in hi te over i ober mbes Ife re ated, "Do we now ie a edged ape” the newer 18, °No.” bat we do live in an ae feltman. As things now and, ‘ch lacking which prevens men fom being, oe ely Becoming, ‘Spable of concty sang ther ow rein in relows mate wh ssurace and ee fom ouside drecion But on the oer hand, we Juve cer indications dat the Geld as now been opened wheres men ‘aay Geely del withthe thing and tha the bce 9 general en- lighteament or the reeue fom elinpoed tutelage ae gal being seduced In hs respect, th the age of enlightenment, or the cent of Frederick, 'A prince who dos at find & unworthy of helo sy that be Ik ito be bs dt t pnt aohng to en i religous mati ‘burt give them complete eedom whe renouncing he baught name ft, himself eaightened and deserve to be etered by the (etl wos and poerey the Bn, alent fom the eof gove- ment, who dived the human race of i tatelage and let each an fee to make we of his soon in maton of commence, Under tim venerable eccleuatc re alowed, 9 the foe of schol, aad wahout infonging on the ofc dues, ely to vbr for public vesting thee _dggeot and vir which bes and hes diverge on the eed ‘ymbul. And an even greater fend x enjyed by those whoa r= Steed by no oficial dates, Ths spin of feedom wre beyond tht land, erent hove im which s mut smugpe wih exert obese rece by 2 goverment which understand fv owm interes. For ‘ample gives evidence to such «goverment that in feedom there i rot the la cus for concem about pubic peace andthe sabity of {Be community Men work thenacivesgadualy out of bbarty fly Intendonal aces se ot made to hold ther ini have lice the main point of enlightenment exape of en fom the setPincured uelage—chiely i mater of elon because ‘ur rales have no interim playing the guaran with remot othe {0 and sence and so bere repos ncompetnce ent ony the ‘mow harmfl but alo the most degrading of all But the manner of {Binkng ofthe head of tate who for religious enlightenment get fare, and he ses dat there no danger os nwpiving in allowing Jus subjees co make poble we of thar reason and to publah ther ‘Bought ons beter Sommastion of i lpition ad even thet open- ‘minded ccs ofthe hws end made. OF this we havea ining ‘ample wheren no monarch i eperor im whom we hoDot. ‘But only oe who i ims enlightened, not af of had, and has numerous and wel-dscplined amy oasure plc peace can Say: "Argue zach as you wil and about what you wil, only obey!” ‘Arepabbe could not dare sy wth a hing Here shown» range and ‘expected wend in human sin which amor everything, looked Jean Le Rend WAlembert ’ i the lage pardon A greater doe of cl eed apps ‘vanageous to the Beedom of mind ofthe people nd yet pce ‘nepal tenons upon lower degree of el cedar, cm he Coney, povides the mind with room fr each mts to ened hme to hs fl expacy. As nate hat covered on wnder ts had sel he see for which sh mos tend ares—ehe propensity and vocason | to fie thiking—shis gradually works tack ypon the chars of the ‘People, who derby gadualy become capable of ean fcedom, fil, i afc he penile of government, which fing to a ‘antigo mea men, wh ae now more dan machine, m accordance swith tg THE HUMAN MIND EMERGED FROM BARBARISM, JEAN Lu Ronp p’Atepent 1 the tase Sob (1717-1783), Foch maton ‘hin, pape, and pip ei of the Beyopeie, ike pen nary of Enlight atte Theft fom the tendon he woe othe ft volume of th Encyclo, nd the werd, «sing fo of is fel Frc phlsopbs, Se 1760 enuy, "Reins onthe Dron St of te Rep of ples ‘When the human ming emerged rom atari it found infin 2 Kind of eldnood, eager to accurate eater neapbl at ito asin ‘howe of erin order Decne the nels ees had ben for 0 Jong in sag te "While ceria svenarie, ether men of nal tinea or of er ‘ntent openly made war on pionophy, he pilwopic pint ie ook refuge the wets of wre pest men, Wothou dang ota the

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