Hypothesis of The Study:: (It Needs of Course Rephrasing With Garmamatically English Right Way)

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1. Hypothesis of the study :(IT NEEDS OF COURSE REPHRASING WITH

o Is there any significant disparity between urban and rural
environments in QOL 6 Domains according to socioeconomic
variables (age, gender, monthly income, No of dependents, marital
status, and level of education) and the Residence in Provinces.
o At which provinces does the 6 QOL domains high and low rate.
o Is there any relationships between domain 2 and "monthly
income ,educational"
o Does domain 5 and 6 rating high at urban provinces than rural
o Domain 4 satisfies at urban provinces by according to No of
dependents and monthly income.
o Advanced ages at rural provinces for both sex ( gender ) ratting
high than urban provinces.
o Employed respondents at A. city has a significant and high rate
than all provinces either urban or rural.
o 8 - The 6 QOL domains rating high with regard to Housing
ownership" owns the house" at rural provinces than rural
o 9 - Domain 3 rating high at rural provinces .
o 10- There is a relationships between Unemployed with domain 2
and 5 at rural provinces.
The sample consists of 1476 individuals , the
places of cities and vilages can be seen at the
map which shown the location of the studied
area. " which sample drawn"
1. In statistics , analysis made under Amos cor
calculating Structural equation modeling,
Evaluating the assumptions of CFA, Path
diagram of confirmatory factor analysis
model, GFI, CFI, CFA, Coefficient of reliability
and validity,
2. GIS approach:
Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) will be
used and other gis tools for mapping and
plotting the weight and the visions of people
about the 6 dimensions of the quality of life
at urban and rural areas.

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