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General (in regards to writing with Terp Farm)

1. Is the writing you do typically more independent or collaborative (or both?)

2. Is your work day more routine or does it vary day to day?
3. What percentage of the work you do with Terp Farm is writing based?
Grant Proposals and Funding
1. How to you go about researching potential donors?
2. How do you decide which of these potential donors you will write to?
3. What types of documents do you use when asking for donations (ie. same
document for every donor or does each donor require a different format?)
4. How do you decide what information goes in the grant proposals (do the donors
ask for specific information, or do you include what you think is most pertinent?)
5. What information is the same for each grant proposal (ie. Terp Farm history,
budget, issues, etc.)?
6. Are there any contributors other than yourself involved with constructing grant
proposals for Terp Farm?
7. What types of editing processes are involved with the grant proposals (do other
people edit the documents or do you do most of the editing yourself?)
8. How often do you reference other documents when writing grants and what are
9. How are the grant proposals submitted (email or online application?)
Student Involvement
1. What mediums do you use to reach the student body?
2. What aspects of the farm do you think get students interested in participating?
3. What are the differences between marketing to funding organizations and
marketing to students?
4. Are there certain students you target your marketing towards?
5. What, if any, changes need to be made in your writing to appeal to students?
6. How do you gauge what are the best methods to get students interested?
7. Is student involvement necessary to the survival of the farm?

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