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Diary of a Nazi Girl

Extracted complete American magazine "Selections" November 1945 (Taken from an official
document of the U.S. Army)
Bierganz, Maria is a 17 year old living in Monschau, Germany. Her journal, is composed of a
series of letters written to her boyfriend who served in the SS.

Monschau, October 7, 1944

I think there will be no shame in my life I will touch after seeing enter here the Americans. If you
could even know where you are, Peter, I'd feel better. Yesterday I learned that our beloved colony
was again the victim of the cowardly and brutal air strikes. Yes, my dear Peter, little by little I
realize that this war by our sacred right to life is not a war against the fair value of the value, but an
uneven and abominable war materials. Nor do we have a fault, poor Germans, it does not have a
country as rich as the U.S. We also have a character class that is needed to explore how bad the
people small and helpless.
Here the U.S. has not advanced even one step, despite their incessant bombing. We can only
shake one's head and again, as we say, "Of course, there is no better than the German soldier."
The cowardice of Americans is simply indescribable.

October 8, 1944
Today the sun shines in a splendid blue sky. Nice day, if not by continuous explosions of
grenades, the hum of rocket bombs and cannon deaf wince. The Germans argue with
superhuman amount of mass attacks, but, unfortunately, have to give ground inch by inch.
Peter dear, have we done to deserve this? Did not Germany have worked tirelessly and with the
fairest of intentions? Everything will be in vain? No,Peter no. I feel that we, the young women who
are experiencing bitter proof, we will be hard as fierce, our target is to continue the struggle for the
ideal of our irreplaceable leader. When everyone has left, you can still count on the youth. We will
never betray. Maybe luck again be favorable to us and allow us to reach, who knows how,
parading on the Arc de Triumph.
Fear not, Peter, that recent events have converted your girlfriend in a creature without judgment.
Or an old crybaby. Rather. My quiet baffles people in my family who are so nervous. Cry? No, do
not even think about it. It may not have laughed as much as before but cherish the good humor,
thank God.

October 9, 1944
Today there is much shooting. Within a few minutes I'll go to town to know the latest news at the
club Heimatstreue (loyal to the motherland). I must confess to you that I am ashamed of being a
woman. I'm the one that has the club. Whenever I think of it, I feel mad at myself. But if you can
trust faithfully in the club. All of them are leaders of the Hitler Youth. Peter, the poor Germans have
always been victims of a cruel fate. Demonstrate, however, that we are worthy of our ancestors.
One of the things to hate Americans is because many of them are German renegades.

October 10, 1944

Peter, the betrayal of my beloved city and the neighboring former companions borders on the
indescribable. One of the faithful heard by chance that two girls from the direction of a club, now
living in Monschau, were dancing with Americans. It's a betrayal that has no name. Today was
amazing. The machine guns fired by all parties. It looked like a shower of sparks accompanied by

sharp whistles. We do not have left the worst. Peter. For our forests roam scattered troops of
defense. Squadrons of U.S. bombers cross constantly and now flying very low.
Tonight we talked about at the club the speech of Dr. Goebbels. Never forgive him for having said
that the inhabitants of territory occupied by the enemy has ceased to be Germans and that by
staying here, we have surrendered to the Americans. At the club we were all angry. Where we
could go? Did the Rhine, exposing us to the terrific enemy bombardment? Peter, now give me
perfect account of the great happiness that we assume can call us Germans. Being German
equivalent to a fight. Our club has been reduced to three people: two companions and me.
I just know that the Americans were the defenders of Aachen with an ultimatum: if the ten have not
surrendered, the city will be shattered by aerial bombardment and artillery fire. Surrender the
troops of defense? Still not believing that follow. It is truly horrible that Goebbels call us traitors,
just because we want to continue being the Germans.

October 11, 1944

This morning the American artillery fire savagely and without plans. The colossal cannons shudder
by all parties and huge clouds of dust rise into heaven. What will Aachen?

October 13, 1944

I could not have finished my letter before yesterday. We had to leave all at home. German soldiers
were seeking. This morning, we had just returned, three Americans came back, rifle in hand, and
they supervised all parties. We must abandon our house within half an hour.
October 16, 1944
It has given us an apartment on the rue de Laufen. We do not like one bit. The neighbors in this
neighborhood were very poor and lack the most indispensable to it.
Where it is today, a day of your birthday, Peter baby? If I knew where you are, like others of thy
companions, living in the nearby woods, I would pick you up.
Duisburg and Aachen had been a tragic fate. The same is true for our splendid Cologne and other
beautiful cities? Do not have to think about it. It's amazing. Everything should be left up to the time
and destination. It is not in our power to change things. The only thing is we can stand firm and
wait. No doubt your father would correct if he spoke of strength and hope. The mean, why do I
have to keep a daily struggle with my family because of this.

October 17, 1944

Today I have spoken to a soldier who was defense troops prisoner. The recruited had made two
weeks. How lucky are you who you were one day, this very unexpectedly, presented itself before
Today I come home and I brought with me a radio. It's small, French-made. I tell you that for a little
ground in a mine buried. An American saved my life. Dear Peter, how many more soldiers to
defend the troops come here, the greater my desire to see you again.
Colony, Colony of mine. Does there have justice in the world to punish those guilty of such a
crime? Our hearts seek revenge!
One of "our groups" surmised yesterday that several leaders of the Hitler Youth had been taken to
France to work on debris removal. Before you let me through them, I would defect.

October 19, 1944

What about the "popular army" German? Here the qualifying crime and killing, or more than that.
In my opinion is the clearest sign that we do not have new weapons. Peter, the heart becomes me
to pieces to think that so many sacrifices and achievements of our young people during these
years have been in vain. No, it is not possible, Peter. What would then be in the youth? A heavy
German machine gun firing has begun again for some time. The fight is much disputed in the
woods of Eiffel. The Americans come here but they are. If our soldiers have the elements as they
stray, there can attack the United States. These types are not soldiers, but jazz dancers. Fight for
them and feed are empty words of meaning. Maybe we can give them yet another good
Peter, when I think of the time we spent together in Monschau, no hit to understand why we had to
be over so soon that wonderful time. What has been done of human compassion? Humanity does
not frighten the unfortunate creatures. But what I mean? We do not want pity. To live is to fight.
Being German is to be faithful and I will remain faithful to the work and purpose of these years. I
will create my children, inspiring them with the same principles, I swear.

October 21, 1944

Why can not we continue to be Germans, dear? In Monschau are not already more than three
loyal. Do not you think it terrifying? The youth are demoralized. Give cigarettes to the U.S. 15 year
olds, teaching them to smoke. Do not hurt my heart to know it, Peter? That has been our ideals
and morals of the German youth?
Two Americans yesterday separated her little boy to our squad and former boss took self. They
want to tell them where she has been the district administrator and all other employees. Peter
never tell her. Maybe one of these days comes my turn to be interrogated. Look what they'll say,
marched to Aachen and is easy to recognize that it has lost both legs. Lie, but it lacks significance.

October 27, 1944

Yesterday was unleashed hell. The machine guns fired incessantly, the sky was red and caused a
lot of noise and new artillery cannons of U.S. tanks. In the midst of that infernal noise was heard
the hum of our rocket bombs. It was indescribable.
Today we have to go to the offices of the military government. It is very likely to be the last time
that allow us to go home. You know that sooner or later the Americans eventually show its

October 28, 1944

Peter, I'm still pale as a corpse. We got permission to spend an hour in our house. In the dark I
stumble on something that was on the ground. I felt immediately that it was a human body, and "I
froze my blood." Needed all my strength to suppress a scream. Finally, I found some matches
and my suspicions were confirmed ... A dead German. Terrible! The soldier's body features were
completely disfigured. On the first floor we found a wounded man. Because he knew what had
happened. Some of our soldiers, who had "entrenched" behind the house, had a fierce and hungry
entered with intent to "calm it down." Soon after they heard voices on the floor underneath and
suddenly appeared before them a few Americans. Well you can imagine the scene that followed.
Pigs (those same), charged with three boxes of wine and left nothing in the cupboards and pantry,
everything was on the ground. Had washed down with raspberry juice wherever it is, and white

linen, rolled in a great heap, that was soaked juice. Something amazing, I tell you. Pigs cowards!
Shattered the desk with an iron stove-to-wood. It is simply amazing.
Peter dear, I have to ask you something. You're a soldier now and you're struggling with the
relentless defense troops. Do me this favor, Peter: Take care of the houses, if you are hungry
between any of them, get something to eat, but you walk away. Do you understand me? Cases
like what we had here are horrible!

October 29, 1944

Every 40 minutes ripping the air with their infernal buzzing bomb rocket. Are aimed at Brussels
and Liege.
Has returned to our neighborhood the girl who was injured for six weeks. Probably have to stay in
the house two or three months. She had a piece of machine gun in his right leg. Just on top of the
knee. Since there is no electricity in Monschau in Eupen, the American Red Cross took the
Welkenraeth, Belgium. There have examined with X-ray. They saw that she had broken her leg
and slapped a cast. Therefore let the poor girl was consumed with fever. Two days later
transferred to a hospital in the U.S. camp in Hombourg. Soon they took it to Brussels where he
suffered the hatred of the Belgians and the terror of our rocket bombs.
Where may be, Peter? You ever reached these letters? Peter, I want to continue being German, I
have been following me. If the new weapon would ... Could still save us. Do not believe all this
misery must weigh on the conscience of the traitors? How many days-after-day, has passed the
enemy, failing in their duty to the Motherland? Dislike myself with the thought, dear. But it must
have value and will to continue fighting. To live is to fight. I draw this thought and will join the
words with which say goodbye: Be brave!

November 1, 1944
When this is over, shall we lost as we had, but there is one thing that cannot get us out, and is the
mode of thinking and living who taught our youth. This is embedded in our hearts. Have not we
grown up fighting? We begin the new life inspired by the old principles? We must be optimistic and
trust that saw better days in Germany.

November 3
Now do not give enough meat (one pound per person per week), but I fear qu8ando winter arrives,
we will starve. The potato crop has not yet been collected. I had to wait four hours to get bread. Do
not you think shaking?
I just heard the news of five. It looks very bad. I follow belief in German victory, and have many
discussions with my family for this cause. I'm sure my mother will change her mind someday.
Maybe eventually open their eyes and see what goes on here. Living in our time is to fight. There
should be marched me out of here long ago. (And thus forget the second spine of socialism
nationalism indispensable for all: the family. For the first mother is supreme: Nature).
November 5, 1944
I'm always hungry. The bread and butter is increasingly scarce. I get angry when I think that our
enemies intend to rule Germany and suppress the use of our beautiful and ancient language. Why
do we have to endure all this? Just because certain individuals who spend their lives lying and
inventing stories. I do not let even a moment of trust in our good German soldier who is the best in
the world. The enemy has enormous resources, but their soldiers are afraid (actually, sometimes
recruited in haste and without basic instructions), which does not happen with our (nearly 3 million

soldiers well prepared, that even trained with Olympic athletes). This is a war material. How do we
resist someone who takes so overwhelming abundance?
This morning I awoke the curiosity a bomb V-1. Very close and spent a few minutes we heard a
tremendous explosion that shook the whole house, opening doors and windows. There should be
dropped near Eupen. Perhaps you have a light of my fate would be. Wherever he looks he sees
planes in the air. What a disgrace for our poor boys and all these beautiful cities!

November 8, 1944
I can no longer suffer with the family. Last night I had a fight on the table, just for having said that
"went hungry." "You should see the doctor," replied my brother. The grandmother said some
sarcastic things. "Now your calls for Hitler and his gang, but nothing you will, that are already
reaching them time." I could not take it anymore and leaves the kitchen.
Today we had a shooting here quite large. Believes Fuehrer speak tonight? If you do, I hope not to
turn off the radio home for I have many desires to hear it. I wanted to be a man to fight for my

November 9, 1944
Today it is snowing. Other years in a lot of fun, but now we can not go outside or allow us to use
the sled. Our quantity of potatoes has been completed. In addition, we have to put up occupying
the streets these Americans. How would I give to see here again the Germans! We are very glad
to know that they were dropping bombs V-2, which a little good to improve our situation. Last night
we were waiting for the speech Ferer. But it said. Just yesterday I was willing to do anything for
Ferer. But I am somewhat disappointed. Is it true that Himmler has caught our Ferer? The high
command does not mention now. I believe him and trust him yet, as in a better future. The victory
belongs to our flag, and that you always follow it.

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