MCP Meeting Minutes 2015-08

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Madrid Cultural Projects Meeting

August 3, 2015
The Madrid Cultural Projects (MCP) is a 501 (c) (3) organization, with a mission to preserve
and protect Madrids historical structures and foster cultural projects. We support and promote
community, provide for the arts, recreation and education, encourage youth projects and
enhance the sustainability and economic viability of our historic town.
The meeting, held at the community garden, was called to order at 6:07 P.M. by president
Amanda Bramble.
Officers, board of directors and members attending: Amanda Bramble, Clinton Anderson, Stella
Linder Byrne, Glen Neff, Bruce McIntosh, Ellen Dietrich, Lori Woodcock, Craig OHare, Peter
Christensen, Terrell Newman, Carol Carpenter, Ruth Aber, Mike Wright, Mark Bremer, Trevor
Burrowes, Laine Patterson, Joyce Roetter
Minutes: Stella moved that the minutes of the July meeting be accepted as published. Peter
seconded. The motion carried without opposition.
Announcements: None.
Treasurers Report:
Stella gave a summary of the Treasurers Report in Alysons absence. A $25 donation to the radio
station was received. $18 was received from the Albertsons Community Partners program,
together with a note to the effect that the program will be discontinued at the end of 2015.
Expenses for July were normal. Nancy Duncan is taking over the bookkeeping work.
Proposals for Voting or Action
By-Laws revisions:
Amanda got some insight into the 2011 revisions to the by-laws from a meeting with past
president Steve Shepherd. He had wanted the by-laws to reflect the actual practice of the MCP as
it was back then. The general effect of the 2011 amendments was to shift power and
responsibility to the general membership from the board of directors. Our plan is to shift some of
the power back. Under the 2011 by-laws, the committee chairs were automatically members of
the board of directors. We shifting the responsibility back to the board to reflect the fact that the
MCP has grown into an umbrella nonprofit. Not all committee chairs come to meetings and are
active in the regular mcp decision making. This change will help keep our MCP leadership
accountable and engaged, and following through. The new by laws also better define the
responsibilities of the committee chairs.
Ellen Dietrich pointed out that the advice of a CPA and the recommendations of a SCORE
review were incorporated into the table she had prepared, copies of which were distributed at the

-2MCP Meeting Minutes August 3, 2015

Bruce McIntosh and Ruth Aber noted that, under the 2011 by-laws, a vote of two-thirds of the
board of directors (which included the officers and the committee chairs) was required to amend
the by-laws.
Stella moved that we accept the changes to the by-laws set out in Ellens chart.Ellen seconded.
VOTING: Four officers in favor, none against.
MCP to umbrella fund-raising for ongoing Back Road/Cave Road maintenance:
Carl Carpenter gave the backstory to her proposal: After the flood of September 2013, Carol
raised about $22,000 to fix Cave Road and Back Road, funneled through the MCP. Three bids
were obtained. Felix Hernandez won the bidding and performed the repairs with a county permit
and insurance and following MLA rules. The committee included Casey Duncan, Andrea Fiegel,
Steve Taylor, Mike Wright, Clint Anderson, Carol Carpenter Gail Snyder, Jeff Carroll, Stephanie
Coulthard, Rebecca Nafey [as MLA liaison]. The roads are beginning to deteriorate again. Carol
is requesting a renewed fund-raising project to be on-going rather than a one-time emergency
response. The MLA dues are grossly insufficient to fund the road work.
Amanda notife4d Carol of the MCPs administrative fee, the need for a committee chair to be
designated, and the responsibilities of the committee chair.
Stella moved that the MCP umbrella the Roads Committee at a 5% administrative fee, as
proposed by Carol, until the end of 2015, to be continued thereafter upon review, with Carol
herself to be the acting committee chair. Clint seconded. VOTING: General membership: The
motion carried with no opposition. Board Members: Unanimously in favor.
Support and Brainstorming Sessions:
Craig OHare of the Santa Fe County Public Works Department passed out copies of a
presentation describing what the Public Works Department does, which he discussed at length. .
This is the first year that Madrid has been included in the community meetings seeking citizens
input on what the county should do next. Madrid is in Santa Fe County Commission District 3
and Robert Anaya is our county commissioner.
One project already in the works is a proposed community center on 7 acres of land west of the
post office in Cerrillos, hopefully not in the flood plain of the Galisteo River, for which Craig
OHare believes the county commissioners just voted at their most recent meeting to authorize
the purchase of the land. As several people at the meeting noted, it would have been preferable
for such a center to be sited in Madrid (assuming a smaller plot of land would be adequate).
Trevor Burrowes suggested that the county modify the arroyo to slow down its flow.
Mark Bremer added that the Abandoned Mines Land Program did considerable study and
planning on how to do just that, and expressed the hope that the county could get hold of the
AMLs plans for improving the greenbelt as a whole and implement them.

-3MCP Meeting Minutes August 3, 2015

Joyce Roetter and Ruth Aber expressed hope that the county could somehow improve the
parking situation in Madrid.
Trevor Burrowes, Mike Wright, and Ruth Aber suggested that a town sewer system would be
desirable; Glen Neff suggested that promoting composting toilets would be preferable, and
Amanda Bramble noted that at least one person in the New Mexico state Environment
Department has expressed the opinion that composting toilets should be legal.
Ruth Aber suggested trash cans and flushing public toilets.
Carol Carpenter said that it was her understanding that the town well does get some recharge and
that our usage of water from it is only about 20% over the sustainable amount, so she hoped that
the county could encourage or facilitate water catchment sufficient to defray that 20% of current
usage and render the well sustainable.
Ellen Dietrich suggested that the broadband service in the area needs improvement.
Stella said that it would be useful to know where the items on the countys wish list come from.
Review of Action Items:
None needed
Next Meeting: October 5 at 6:00 P.M. Mike Wrights and Joyce Roetters
Meeting adjourned at 8:14 P.M.

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