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We envision PLM Chemical Engineering Students Society to be an academic, non-profit, non-political

student organization that will develop a responsible, competent, productive and God-fearing chemical

The PLM Chemical Engineering Students Society, an academic, non-profit and non-political student
organization, will be the frontier organization that will develop responsible, competent, productive, and
God-fearing chemical engineers.

Guided by the Vision, the organization commits itself to:

Develop unity among its members, the ChE faculty, the students, the whole PLM community and the
general public;
Provide chemical engineering students opportunities to develop their skills and talents through various
activities; and
Help the administration in improving the academic community, assist the College of Engineering and
Technology and the University in the fulfillment of it missions and objectives.

1. To foster closer relationship among its members, the ChE faculty, the studentry,
the academic community and the general public;
2. To provide B.S. ChE students a medium and opportunity to develop their
organizational abilities and other talents;
3. To achieve and maintain a good reputation and fine distinction as the
representative student organization of the ChE department;
4. To encourage association and cooperation with other legitimate student
organizations, as well as professional, technical and scientific organizations and
5. To help the administration in improving the academic community, assist the
university in the upliftment of its mission and objectives;
6. To develop among B.S. ChE graduates a strong and steadfast inclination towards
the AdUChESS and their Alma Mater.

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