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Fate and Free will

Analyzing luck

By ShriRadhe
In my childhood, some of my family members would spent time in the family discussing astrology, our
destiny luck and other technical astrological things.

I had heard people saying “he is lucky so he won”. “She is lucky so she scored high” as I grew up and
took to study psychology, I distanced myself from this luck aspect of life. Since then I wondered what is
more important taking responsibility to work or Luck?

In astrological considerations, Jupiter is considered the planet which brings in luck and Saturn is a planet
which brings about responsibility in a person. Some believe that Saturn only brings all kinds of

“I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.” 
 - Thomas Jefferson said.

One personal experience I had, was when my Saturn transited my chart, and it’s considered a very
difficult period.

I would say it was a very important phase in my life; Saturn brought the LUCK OF LEARNING. It was a
great learning experience. I learnt many things in life. We learn faster when difficulty in life prevails.
When we have everything we want and need we may become lazy and proud that we miss the
opportunity to grow.

So Saturn isn’t necessarily the bad influence people think it is.

On the contrary, Jupiter period isn’t necessarily good or lucky, I know of someone who has Jupiter well
placed is his chart, and is in a very comfortable situation In life and is taking life too easy and is doing
nothing because he has money, he has good family and everything he needs, so he just sits in front of
the television all day enjoying his Jupiter, so what good it does to his mental and personal growth is a

Actually, much of what other people label luck isn’t Jupiter at all, but very Saturnian in nature…not luck,
but rather hard work, self-discipline, and preparation that pays most celebrated works of people in the
fields of music, art, writing spirituality etc.

Saturn’s traits include persistence, self-discipline and follow-through. Under a Jupiter transit, you may
have the nicest stroke of luck, but miss out unless you are already prepared to take advantage of it; or
you may actually be given the opportunity, but unless you have the self-discipline to follow up with hard
rest my case: Jupiter and Saturn are the co-rulers of luck. 

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