Essay 2 - Problem-Solution

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Essay 2: Technology and Society

Problem/Solution Assignment
Main Premise:
For your second major essay, you will identify a problem involving digital technology in our society and offer a
solution to that problem. To support your points about this problem and solution, you must use evidence from
the authors we have read in class about technology. You will need to cite ideas from William Powers in
Hamlets BlackBerry and one of the authors from Chapter 11 of Language Awareness: David Crystal, Alison
Stein Wellner, Joseph Kahn, or David Carr.
Consider some of the following technology problems we have read about in class:
Brain Problems (lack of concentration due to digital overload, lack of productivity, distractions)
Social Problems (lack of human-to-human interaction, relationship problems, rudeness)
Emotional Problems (lack of depth, inwardness, and balance; isolation; addiction)
Communication Problems (using text-speak in inappropriate contexts, neglect of older skills)
Please see Ms. Ferry if you have other ideas that you would like to pursue.
Getting Started:
1) Choose a specific technology problem that interests you.
2) Consider parts of the problem: what is the problem, what causes the problem, why is it a problem, when
and where is this a problem, who is involved in this problem, etc.
3) Brainstorm some possible solutions for this problem.
4) Consider some important aspects of the solution: what is the solution, what is necessary to bring about
this solution, who will this solution help (individual, society), how will this solution help fix the
problem, why is this solution a good one, etc.
5) Consider what William Powers and one author from Chapter One have said about or related to your
ideas. Where have they identified similar problems or offered similar solutions? Do the two authors
agree about this issue? Disagree? Brainstorm how these authors ideas can work together with yours.
6) Reevaluate your points in relation to the evidence from the authors. Are you seeing connections between
your ideas and what the authors are saying? If yes, proceed to pull relevant evidence from these authors
(summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting as needed). If no, go back to questions 1-5 to see where you
might be able to change and adapt your points in a way that can incorporate the authors ideas.
Task Requirements:
3-4 pages (with a minimum of 3 full pages)
Double spaced (no extra spacing permitted)
1-inch margins
Times New Roman 12-point font
[essential rubric terms underlined]
This essay will be more focused on academic language and a formal tone than the narrative piece. Concrete and
relevant evidence is necessary for you to support your claims. This evidence from the authors should be
integrated with your ideas, but it should not overpower your thoughts and your voice on the subject.
Deadlines and Dates:
1st Draft/Peer Review: Oct. 28 (Blackboard +1 printed copy)
Final Draft: Nov. 2 (Blackboard)

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