Work Report Assignment

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KIN 3090: Work Report Assignment

Andrea David (0793169)

Wednesday April 1th 2015
University of Guelph-Humber
Dr. Leslie Stefanyk

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

Work Report Assignment

During my third year in the Kinesiology program at the University of Guelph-Humber, it
is a requirement to take a field placement position within any field related industry. I chose to
have my placement at a St. Josephs Morrow Park Catholic High School and be a teacher
assistant to the head of the Physical Education Department. The teacher supervisor was named
Jane Hudson-Fraser. This field placement opportunity is an essential way to gain experience in
the work force as well as gain new skills.
Goals for Placement
Within the process of placement, there were several different tasks/goals that were set out
for me to achieve. My main important goal was to make a worksite project. This was planned out
during the last half of first semester of the high school, so that it would be completed throughout
the second semester. The work site project agreed upon between my teacher supervisor and I was
to teach and plan out the grade 9 basketball curriculum independently. With this as my major
goal, there were minor goals that were made in order to achieve this task. Minor goals consisted
of making a lesson plan outline (II), written rules for students to understand the sport and use as
study material (III), as well as both written (IV), and practical skills evaluations (V). The reason
for making the lesson plan was to organize the specific lessons that would be taught throughout
the semester in a certain amount of time. This allowed the project to be specific, measureable,
achievable, realistic and done in a timely manner. Written material such as the basketball rules
sheet (III), was necessary in order for the students to read and use as a study guide in addition to
the kinaesthetic learning that was taught during their physical education period. In order to test
the grade 9 students knowledge, a written assessment (IV) and practical skills assessment (V)

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

were created in order to measure whether my teaching skills were successful or not. The major
work site project goal was achieved to a great degree.
In addition to my work site project, another goal that was set was to help with the
schools extra curricular activities. It turned out that I became the head coach of St. Joseph
Morrow Parks ultimate Frisbee team. Again, this major goal included many smaller goals such
as preparation for try-outs and practices, organizing and building the team (VI), and joining a
tournament (VII). The major tournament will be held on Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 all day, this is
also my final day of placement with the school. During my preparation for the ultimate Frisbee
extra curricular activity, I had done some research as to what type of drills can be done during
practice for the students to gain the necessary skills of the game. All in all, the team consisted of
a total of 16 girls plus a student team manager (VI). Practices were held on the days of the week
that I had placement at the school, which were mainly early Monday mornings and after school.
The school was able to join an all female ultimate Frisbee tournament that will be held in the
Aurora sports dome. The tournament consists of specific rules (VII) and a schedule was given to
the students (VIII), with a total of 4 games that will be played. In achieving this goal, it was
successful due to the fact that the team gained more confidence and rapport through preparation,
hard work and dedication. The growth and progress of the team was a measureable observation
of my success as the head coach.
Other minor goals such as helping the teacher supervisor organize her lessons, showing
examples of how to do perform certain fitness exercises and sports, as well as doing fitness
assessments for the physical education classes were also achieved during my time at the

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

Rewarding/Non-Rewarding Aspects of Placement

Throughout the couple months of placement, there were many valuable and rewarding
experiences that I had been given. One specific valuable experience was being able to teach
special needs students who had Down syndrome. This student gave so much more value to the
experience as I had never taught a student like her before. It gave me such a rewarding feeling to
see her walk into the gym class everyday and greet me with such a cheerful tone. No matter how
different the student was, or how much time it took her to learn a skill, she managed to achieve
anything and do with such a bright and happy way. She specifically was in my grade 9 basketball
class and every time she would shoot the ball and it would go in the basketball she would jump
for joy, knowing she successfully made it. I felt the same exact feeling seeing her learn the skills
and information that I specifically taught her. Not everyone has an amazing opportunity to work
with kind hearted, optimistic students such as the ones I had taught in my placement.
Another rewarding aspect of the placement was being able to help the students that were
in need of help. I was their student resource for information about post-secondary school, and
just another person for them to come to for advice. Many students used me as their person to
speak to when they needed to release their frustration or stress of school to. The feeling of being
able to relate and be needed as a resource for the students made me feel special and part of the
school community. I was not seen as just another student teacher, but rather a role model for the
future generation.
The only least valuable aspect would have been experiencing the small amount of
students that seemed to not care about their education. It is a sad sight to see when students with
such potential just waste their intelligence due to laziness. Not being able to reach out to these

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

types of students was certainly not the greatest feeling. Time can only tell what their future
Skills Acquired for Placement
Prior to the field placement, some skills were attained in respect to the safety of the
students. I had the opportunity through the University of Guelph-Humber, to obtain my FirstAid/ CPR certification that required learning several different skills. I learn how to use an AED,
when and how to properly perform CPR, as well as how to deal with many different emergency
situations. This was an essential certification to receive due to the fact that anywhere, anytime,
any place, an accident or emergency can occur, and with being certified, I have better knowledge
and skills to help a person other than emergency personnel. In a school setting, there are many
different ways that accidents can occur, especially being the teaching assistant to the Physical
education department and teaching gym classes, there are greater chances.
Additional technical skills that I have learned throughout this placement would be
gaining the ability to put forth the knowledge that I know and express them to the students in a
way that they understand. It is not simple to explain a concept in your own words when you are
teaching because it may not make sense to the students, so manipulating information so that they
can understand. Also, learning how to lesson plan (II), and use time wisely was a great skill to
acquire because it can be used not only in teaching but with every day life planning as well.
Planning productivity is a key to successful getting a job done.
Personnel Dynamics of Placement
Personnel dynamics of the placement consisted of several different working relationships
such as principals, different department heads, as well as other support staff. The environment in
the school was very comfortable and welcoming. The fellow staff and teachers were always

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

ready to help and assist me with anything I needed. The head principal was very approachable
and always thoughtful of her students. In general the working environment was more of a unity
than a segregated type of community. This made it easy to in this type of environment and
allowed for productivity to run smoothly and efficiently. Working together as a whole team has a
lot of impact on how well work gets done. In the span of time that I had placement at the school,
there were many times I hear announcements of after school department head meetings, which
expresses that the school keeps themselves organize and continuously working together. There
are 3 different physical education teachers therefore organizing time for use of the gym was
necessary to avoid any conflicting gym classes. Everyone works well together and makes
working at the school a better experience for both old and new members of the school.
Effect of Placement Experience Towards Future Objectives
This field placement opportunity was a very important experience. I was grateful to have
the head of the Physical Education Department be my teacher supervisor as well as my mentor.
She gave me the best teaching experience possible, and allowed me to independently with little
to no supervision teach students. She allowed me to have the freedom to control what was being
taught and how it was being taught by my own ways and strategies. Being given this type of
training allowed me to gain more confidence and learn independently with a good amount of
guidance. I would definitely say that not one part of my field placement experience was negative
and nothing is needed to make it better. Taking initiative for my own lessons and days allowed
me to really feel what it is like to be a teacher.
This field placement really opened up my mind to other career options. I did not know I
had the ability to teach knowledge that I already knew and be good at it. I found myself having
some sort of authority in the establishment but also having an approachable personality towards

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

the students. I enjoy working with children of all ages and of all learning styles and capabilities,
they not only are your students to teach, they also teach you how to be a better person, teacher
and role model all around.


Field Placement Off-Campus Hours Log Sheet


St. Josephs Morrow Park Grade 9. Basketball Curriculum Plan Outline


Basketball Rules Sheet


Gr. 9 Basketball Rules Test


Gr. 9 Basketball Skills Rubric


SJMP Ultimate Frisbee Team List

(VII) Ultimate Frisbee Indoor Tournament Rules

(VIII) Ultimate Frisbee Indoor Tournament Schedule

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

(I) Field Placement Off-Campus Hours Log Sheet

Name: Andrea David

Teacher Supervisor: Jane Hudson-Fraser

Co-op Position: Teacher Assistant at St. Josephs Morrow Park CHS



Total Hours:

Jan 12, 2015


7.5 hours

Jan 19, 2015


7 hours

Jan 26, 2015


7 hours

Feb 9, 2015


7.25 hours

Mar 2, 2015


8 hours

Mar 9, 2015


8.25 hours

Mar 23, 2015


8.5 hours

Mar 26, 2015


7.25 hours

Mar 30, 2015


9.25 hours

Apr 2, 2015


8.5 hours

TOTAL HOURS: 78.5 hours

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

(II) St. Josephs Morrow Park Grade 9. Basketball Curriculum Plan Outline
Semester 2 Week 1: Mon, Feb 9: Fitness Assessment Day
Initial fitness assessment for grade 9 physical education class
Running on the spot
Butt Kicks
High Knees
Jumping Jacks
Lunges with twist
Fitness Tests:
Push-ups, Sit-ups, sit and reach test, bicep curls, and single leg balance test
Cardiovascular/Aerobic Test:
Beep Test, Step Test
Week 2: Mon, Mar 2: Day 1 of Basketball
Team games:
Monkey & the Middle, Dribble Tag Game
How to properly dribble the ball (Finger tips not palms)
Passing Drills (Chest pass, bounce pass, over head pass)
How to position on defense (Athletic stance)
How to set up for a Jump ball (Start of the game)
Week 3: Mon, Mar 9: Day 2 of Basketball
Dribbling Drills- around the pylon, suicide dribbling
Defensive drills- one on one dribbling and guarding, shuffling around gym
How to do a lay-up (Part of Skills assessment)
Scrimmage, gym court split into 2 courts (half court) for 2 games to be played at the same time
Week 4: Mon, Mar 23: Day 3 of Basketball
How to set up for a foul shot
Dribbling rules: traveling, double dribbling, and carrying
Basketball Rules Sheet to be handed to the students
Scrimmage, gym court split into 2 courts (half court) for 2 games to be played at the same time
Week 5: Thurs, Mar 26: Day 4 of Basketball
How to properly shoot the basketball (Part of Skills Assessment)
Review of rules sheet and any questions students have about sport
Prepare them for test
Full court game to be played so students imply the rules of the game
Week 6: Mon, Mar 30: Final day of Basketball
Final Basketball Test Day
Written Test 45 mins time given to students to write test
Practice practical skills
Set up into 4 different teams
Skills evaluation done with Ms. Hudson-Fraser
-performing a proper shot
-performing a proper lay-up

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

(III) Basketball Rules

KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment


KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment



KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

(IV) Grade 9 Basketball Rules Test





A. Fill in the blanks. (10)

1. A basketball game begins with a ______________________________________
2. When dribbling with your hands, always use your __________________, not the
_____________ of your hands.
3. How many steps are done for a lay up? _____________________ steps
4. How much time does the offensive team have before passing the half court line?
5. How much time can a person hold the ball before a violation is called?
6. On defense, your should position yourself between __________________________ and
7. If the player on defense hits the hand of the play with the ball, its called a
8. How many fouls can 1 single player have before they are out of the game?
9. What does it mean when they call an over and back violation?
10. If one shoots a basket and she is fouled at the same time but the shot goes in, how many
free throws is she given? ______________________________


KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

B. Short Answer (3)

In your own words, explain what a charging, situation is. *Hint someone gets
called for a foul.
C. Diagrams (9)

Please draw and label the lines of a basketball court:

Half court

2. Draw the set up for a foul shot using X as the offensive team and O as the
defensive team.

(V) Gr. 9 Basketball

Skills Rubric


KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

Name of Student:


Basketball Shot Evaluation

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

-Ball not at/above chest/head height

-Body is not positioned towards the basket
- Needs improvement in coordination
-Ball Is held with two hands to shoot
-Body is positioned towards the basket
-Coordination is satisfactory, has room for more improvement
-Dominant shooting hand has been identified, while other hand
is at the side of the ball
-Squared to the basket, has good stability and foot stance,
knees bent before shot is up (good coordination overall)
- Dominant shooting hand is established, positioned above or at
the forehead level
- Ball is released with arm extended
-Used bending of knees for more power as they jump during the
-Excellent coordination overall

Lay-Up Evaluation
Level 1

-Did not perform 2 steps before take-off/jumping for lay-up

-Did not dribble to the basket
-Ball does not hit the backboard/net
-Needs improvement in coordination
Level 2
-2 steps were not performed prior to take-off
-Dribbled to the basket before attempt of lay-up
-Ball hits backboard/net
-Coordination is satisfactory, has room for more improvement
Level 3
-Ball is dribbled to basket, 2 steps were performed before take
off on lay-up
-Knee and shooting arm goes up simultaneously
-Shot was not successfully made
-Good coordination overall
Level 4
-Ball is dribbled to basket, 2 steps were done properly, take off
on one leg
-Knee and shooting arm goes up simultaneously
-Ball taps backboard and is successfully made/ ball goes in net
-Excellent coordination overall
Teacher Comments:


KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

(VI) SJMP Ultimate Frisbee Team List


Destini Allen- Buckimire

Mariel Pahayahay
Joy Austria
Angeli Castro
Lina Tam
Alexandra Arcangel
Desiree Juno
Danielle Legaspi
Shania Aglosolos
Chantel Lam
Shania Jayasekera
Christine Arago
Cassandra Bolaton
Ayomide Akisanya
Petra Alked
Melisa Hernandez
Kristine Aquino- Student Team Manager

Congratulations to all the girls that made SJMPs Ultimate Frisbee Team!!!

(VII) Ultimate Frisbee Indoor Tournament Rules


KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment

(VIII) Ultimate Frisbee Indoor Tournament Schedule


KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment


KIN 3090 Field Placement I: Work Report Assignment


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