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Jos Marcelo Llobet

Marcelo Llobet, the manager of Llobet store, is a lover of

the social, visual, and human side. Now he is an essential
part of a large company that was inherited from his
Marcelo was born on February 28th, 1976 in San Jos,
Costa Rica. Since his childhood, he was a privileged boy
thanks to his family owns an important capital. In summer
time, Marcelo had the opportunity to travel to many
countries including Spain because his grandparents lived there. Since he was a
little boy, he enjoyed photography. Everything that he could see, he took a picture
of it. However, every child fears; in fact, Marcelo was not the exception, he was
very afraid of monsters and the devil. Otherwise, he was always a happy and
darling boy for his mother.
When he went to school, he enjoyed a lot as a average kid. His favorite subject
was social studies; moreover, his academic efficiency was always regular. In high
school, he was a diligent student; he was always focused in his studies. He was an
average teenager who enjoyed listening to rock in Spanish. He assisted to tree
different universities: UIA, where he studied advertising; in Latina University, where
studied business administration; finally, he studied marketing in Interamericana
University. Although he is very proud of his elections, he regrets not to have
studied sociology and psychology. Those are other majors that he likes.
He invested many years studying, but working was the only thing that he could do
to apply what he had learned. He applied for different jobs; however, he had not
have success. So he decided to travel for two months to have vacations. When he
came back to Costa Rica, he continued looking for a job. Two months later, he
received a phone call from Natural Learning Corporation, where he worked for the
first time. In that job, he learned a lot and got experience working; for example,
speaking in public and team working were some skills that he learned there. Even
though Natural Learning Corporation opened him the working doors, it was his
worst job because he had many difficult experiences.
In the family aspect, his parents have been his closest family members since he
was a kid. They have influenced him in many aspects during his life; as well as, in
his personality. They thought him responsibility, and love. In fact, the word family
for him means union and love; that is what his parents had shown him along his
life. Marcelo really admires his father, who is a hardworking and very sociable man.

They had share many enjoyable moments together; also, Marcelo is very thankful
with God for his life.
Although Marcelo does not like to talk a lot about love, he can show it with genuine
gestures. He is not married, but he believes in love at first sight. In the past, he had
this experience with his second girlfriend; however, it did not had a happy ending.
Furthermore, he is not very close with politics; neither he admires anyone nor he
would like to meet any of them because those are not trustful people. Actually, if he
has the opportunity to change something about political environment in Costa Rica,
he would like to enforce the laws, and those tasks should be compensated to the
In addition, he does not like corruption; that is why, he would like to be
remembered as a humanitarian and correct person. Also, if he could have any
power, he would like to have love and forgiveness. As a conclusion, the biggest life
lessons that he has learned are: humbleness, valuing people, and save money to
have a better life.

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