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Duane A. Wagner Fide, June 05, 2015 835 AM Heler Darlene L Subject: ‘ONU Zoning - Revisions 64/15, MT-CITY AMENDMENT TO ADD OMU-6-3-15 (HRP Comments). pa MT - CITY ‘Atachments: AMENDMENT TO ADD OMU-63-15 (HRP Comments).co0 Importance: High artene, ‘Thanks for your ie yesterday. tached isthe Word and POF version ofthe OMI zoning revisions with the comments we scussed highlighted in BLUE. We have to keep this onthe agends for nest week. Please give me a call when you receive this mailto discuss ~the urgency is related to our RAPC extension request, which Lew had discussed previously wth the Mayer. ‘Thanks again, vane YTS Review 619/15CHRP REVIEW BILLNO, ‘ORDINANCE NO. [AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA, AS AMENDED THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That curent Article 1302 titled DEFINITIONS, inthe Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended to include the following: 1302.103 Restaurant, Fast-Casual. An establishment that serves food and beverages that does not offer fll table service, regardless of whether seats or other accommodations are provided inside or outside of the building for patrons, but has a higher quality of food with fewer frozen or processed ingredients than @ fast-food restaurant. A Fast-Casual Restaurant may or may not have a drive-through service 1302-104 Restaurant, Fast-Food, AAn establishment that serves food and beverages prepared ina highly- processed fashion, typically prepared on a large seale from bulk ingredients using standardized ‘cooking and production methods and equipment for consumption outside of the building or vehicles parked upon the premises, regardless of whether seats or other accommodations are provided inside or outside of the building for patrons. A Fast-Food Restaurant may oF may not have a drive-through service. All subsequent subsections are hereby renumbered accordingly. SECTION 2: That curent Article 1303 tiled CLASSIFICATION OF DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as ‘amended, shall be amended to include the following: 1303.07(p) OMU_Office Mixed Use District In addition to serving the purposes of the City Comprehensive Plan and the overall purposes ofthis Ordinance, this Distt s intended to promote redevelopment of areas ofthe City that are curently underutilized and are only pataly developed. This Distr aiso recognizes that this area of Bethlehem is unique in terms of its size and its proximity 0 ramps of limited access expressway (PA. Route 378). This District is also intended to provide transitional zoning provisions adjacent toa County Park and recognized historical sit, the Bumside Plantation. This District als is intended o encourage ground-floor retail and service Uses to crate connectivity between the residential and commercial buildings on the overall tract. All subsequent subsections aré hereby renumbered accordingly. SECTION 3. That the Zoning Map of the City of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania be amended by changing all the ‘“CM-LTN ~ Landmark Conservation and Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay District symbols and indications to OMU — Office Mixed Use District as shown on the attached Exhibit “A”. SECTION 4: That current Article 1305 tiled ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended to include the following: For additonal requirements ofthe OMU District, see Section 1314. SECTION 5: That all charts in Article 1305 tiled ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended as follows to include the OMU District: TYPES OF USES (Sc tion in Seton 1302) a ae ‘RESIDENTIAL USES Single Family Detached Dvetng NON ON (Note- Manufacurediobile homes shall met ‘he atonal requtemens of Section 1322) ‘wo Faly Sea Detaebed Dvelig ‘Two Family Deachel Dwelling Two Family Atached Dweling Single Family Semi-Detached Dwelling (Gites). ‘TownoueSigleFanily tached Dweling) (8.1322) ‘Mali-Famiy Dwetngs (S152) other tan ‘omvenioas ofaneaiag anefimily PY Pt ‘Sd wb may also include ling of veils ‘ng hyagen. ntl es ors ols Belo (8.1322) NON NP Po PoP PON P PW Hotel or Mot (8. 1322) Ne Pe eG ee Kena. 1322), NNN Po PON NN ON NON ON Laundromat PoP PON PON N Po NMP PP aud, Commercial o Insti NONLN P FO PON NON FOP ON Micerivewery andor Mirosiery {ln combintion ith retain and oe —asing room) PP PON PON N NN PoP P Motor Veil Restrck, Outoor(S.1522) NN NN SE NN N ON NON W Nigh (8.1322) Nose SN PON NN ON POP P Office (May include medial cnicsorkas) «PP OPP OP OP OP OP OPO pO Paws Shop (5.1522) NS NN N NNN NNN ON Perso Services (ede alrng custom siessmaking bleating wave gery, nalsalon op prooming, cleaning, shoe repr, ange therapy ete” ao closely ‘lar uses) PoP PON NN NW NHN PoP oP Plined Offs Commercial Development ‘compliance with Sesion 113 (which ‘lowe aoa aes inthe CMUDibis) «NON ON ON ON ON ON P PN NW PlintNorery ter thana Realtor) NOP ON POPP PON PP 1° Night cannot be lca within 120 feet of Rese Disrit boundary tine = NS ool evi ean caer wi rive ough sere, « Ladional a aca asaon, ‘sure stares ny bellowed as aces we lt a hospital matical office balding, ocllene oruniversty ‘ulsing provide they do ot hve ter own exterior erane and ace primary designed to serve student Saf ov pit ofthe lation, esas the -O Overay Distt in Arise 1312 Inthe OMU Distr, drive through fetes fora Financia station are limited to $2 anes ‘Mant font on minor arterial rect and must be within 490” ofthe propery boundary ln of highmaylatrehange P= "Permit by ght use (nig dion by Zoning Oc) ‘Se = Special exception use (zoning decison by Zoning Hewing Boat) N=Notpemited Gray see Rditonal Requirements in Section 1122 "TYPES OF USES iN (See definitons in Section 1302) Caen ny oT ow COMMERCIAL USES Gent) Propane Retail Distributor, ote thn preached sales, ths 150 feet minimum tsk rue betvcen ty storage or dpening elites and ay reset Sart and with Fire Deparnert review. NNN ecering Stal, Misie PoP ‘Recreation, Commercial Indoor (S122) (ncles ‘owing allele oe stating rik ating acc, and closely salar wes ote ‘es ted seperately nhs Arie NP oN N PON N PON P PON Recrelon, Commercial Outdoor Ibelaing mitre {lf couse, golf ving rang, cay, orseback Fig, pata and closely ils wes) ther 78 zz ‘Danes ied epurcly mbisSecion309N PON PoP BON PON Po ON Repu Sevice, Household Appliance PoP PON PON N NN PoP ON ‘Rediuet or Benguet al ©1323 ober hana ‘Nigheub ‘wih vedio senvice(S. 182) NP ON ON ON ON ON Nose x Shou eve trough ance pup op oN NN NWO PP P Restaurant, Fast - Casi cera drivetiroagh (1222) PoP oN NON ON NPB pee tout drive-trough PoP ON NON NWP POP oP Restaurant, Fast od ith drivedhrough serviee(S.1822) NP ON ON ON ON ON se NN 2 thou drive throu nerviee pep oP ON ON N NSN P OP OPP ati Stove ining er el nvoly fn ‘his Secon 1305) Any cive-tvough fll ‘le shall mec Sexton 132203. The sly Chrivethrough rea fies he CB, OU orCLaisvietshallbeforapiumasy. PT PP ON PON NM ONY ON Pp peste safSrage Development (5.1322) NOP ON Po PON NN N NON WN Shopping Cotes (81523) pep op oN ON NON N NP PP ‘Target Rags, Fras PO Comply noorandencosed = NP ON PP ON ON ON ON op OW SGiherthan above (8. 1323) NON NN PON NN NONON OW “Tato ot Body PereingEntabishmen (ter than erp tos or ea pling, wh ae penal sevice we) Peer NN yn wn Bere ‘awn oterthanaNighehb(S.sayeeee SEP PON PON ON ON ON POPP TelvsonorRadioBroicasingSudes, =P POPP PON POPON ‘Thane Indoor Movie or Live Thee, oe ‘han an Ads Estbiahnert PoP PON PON Po PON PPP “This se ot alowel ona tit raj oa areal set sh Roe 113) So = Persona serves, resturans witout dvedtrogh service, Indra, fast instiaon, adel ores my be allowed as accessor uses in a hospital, model ace bulge college or aniversty bing provided ty do tot hve ‘hor ove exterior eaane and we primarily designed o serve siden sor past of te eon ‘= Eich Business east shall hae a maximum for arcs of 10,000 eae fet on ty one oro baling, Tis retin shal po apy exising sutra the neo adoption of hs Oran, = Permit byt ase (vag decision by Zoning Oficn) Se Special exception use (soning deison by Zoning Hetng Bow) x ‘Nexpermited (5.1522) See AdonalRequlrement in Section 1522 ‘tot =” Tavern caot be loted wil 12 fet of sien src boundary tine. ssete= Inthe OMU District, any drive-hrowgh fora Fst-Casl RestUrant or «Pharmacy shall be ime 01 ane ‘TYPES OF USES. (See denon in Sesion 1302) ae acs. 3 COMMERCIAL USESICaRD “Trae Hobby Sao! PopopoPp ep ‘Veseiarian Ofc (8 1322) Paseo ‘Visitor Center proving euttion and remota iafertion PPP PP Pe ‘Wholesale Sale se under Indus Uses ,__ INSTITUTIONAL /SEML-PUBLICUSES Cemetery (see Crenatorum lied sparey) PP POON NON College 0 Unive = Eaucstoal an Supprt ‘Ballngs (See so underResienial Use) PPP ON P ‘commnity Recreation Cate inited os goverment ‘sponsored capo fic orLiay PPP PPP Ccromioriom hit snot patos inenitome NON ON SE SEN (CltrlCatro seu PoPRPN Pe Day Care Comer, Adu (1322) PoP PON P P Dy Care Canter, Child. 1322) ‘Gee sso aan acesey us) PoP PON PP Dorm ~ See under Resietal Uses inthis able Booweny Sevion'SttimcrTiahing Farity PP POP OPP Hepa or urge Ctr or Read Teng “Tretment Facies PON NON P Mea Cater (S-1522) & & NON ON ON Membership Cob meting an non-commercial recreational faites, provided hat such se ‘alot be open beeen 2 and 6 AM, nd. [povided ht ouch es chal nly be lowed ‘Sombie wth ane use the thr use ialowod inh dere ond if the resurements tht eae ala et PoP oP oP PON Naming Home, Patsonal Cae Home or Assit Tig (1322) NPN N NON Place of Worship (S.1322)(acades Chueh) PoP OP ON ON ON Pron! Comestional Facility NON NN & ON Schl Publi or Privat, Primary or Secondary (61322) Pop oP oN PON sewage Pump Stations Pee re rr el ‘Temporary Shelter (6.1325) Se SE SEX ON ON Treatment Center (125) NoSEON SE SE ON P Peed by righ use (zoning dexson by Zoning fics) SE = Special exception use (zoning decision by Zoning Hearing Board) x ‘Notpermitea (G.1302)~ See Addon! Regirementn Sesto 1322 zen weew zz zzzz P ~ ee eee Sl (See deftons in Section 1302) a OM RR OMT & URLICSEMEPURLICUNS iy Government Use sn Facies such as Pblic Works Fase Seeaso Section 30107. P oP oP oP oP oP PP PP PP ‘Goverment Fay, oer than ofics and her han useslstedscparaelyinthisSeclon” SE SESE SE PSE SE SESE SE SEP Prison or Sinllr Copectonallnsimton” = «NN ON ON SEN NN ON N ON N Publicly Owned or Operated Pak Peer rea re eer esr ce. Public ity Facility, other tam Ciy-owned fais dete than wes sted separately InhisSeuion Seesko Secion 130106. SE SE SE SE P SE SE SE SE SE SEP Swimming Pool Nowhewsebold(S. 1532) PPP OPO PON OP POPP US. Posal Service Fst, which may inlae eased fy. Popo oP Pp PoP Pp PoP PP oP INDUSTRIAL USES ‘Asphalt Pan NON NN SEN NN NN NN ‘Assembly of lishing of Products Using Materials Produced Elsewhere sucha product os lasios manafcnred ot) NON N PoP PF PON N PON OW Bulldog SmplsendBuldog Mais, = NP N P P ON N NN PON W ‘Wholesale Sales of ta Cente Ren Negeri NaN NaN oN Disebudon as apindpaluse(oterttan = «NON ON PP ON N ON N SN OW “reking Cmpany Terni) lec Power Generating Plat (Other than Energy or Wind Tunes) NON Se PON NON N SEN Indl Equipment Sl, eat and Serie, he than veils primarily intended to eoperated on publi sets NPN P PoP ON NN PoP OW sunk etdor sora, pay or procesing of ‘ethan within an aproved jena or Sold waste disposal ares NON NON NON NON NN WON snk Yad (8.1322) NON NON SN ON NON NON OW ‘Ligudor Gs Foe tongs, Bulk, fr offsite ‘Ssbton which al role 150 Sot ‘aback on residential tc and rove y th ite Deptt any proposed ales, ter han aut service ato, etal propane distributor a ste Separy, prepackaged sles or NON N & SEN N NN NNW ‘el unk or company veils P exited by right se (rong decison by Zoning Ofie) SE = Special excuplin ub zning Soon hy Zoning Hearing Board) N Notpemitied (§.1522)= See Adios! Requirements in Seton 1322 ~ TYPES OF USES (See deinton ia Section 1302) eaeu nm aR IRR ONO ‘3c. ‘Manufacture andor blk processing ofthe lowing, povided mapufactrng osu ely indoor: ‘Apitral Chemicals Pcl Panides NON N Se SEN N N NSE ON N ‘Apparel Tete, Shoes nd Apparel Accessories (ateauo Ca Stud) NN NP PoP ON NN PON N (Cement Mantacie NON NON PON NON N NON ON Commis Produ other thanCatesuig)N NON PP PON ON ON PON ON ‘Chemicals, Manufatre or Bulk Processing of, ‘ther than pharmaceuclsand pests NON SE SESE NON SE NON panty Cy, Brick, lead Refctoy Puts NN ON PoP ON ON ON SEN ON (Computers and lesrosic ad herodecroic rode NN N PoP Po PON N PON WN Cont Lime and Gypaum Produ, NON ON SE PB SEN N ON SEN ON ther tna stl manure foment eicel Equipment, Appice Components NON N Po Po PoP oN N PON W Expleves FrewodsorAmmuaiion N oN N ON SEN N N NON NON Patria Meta Proves (exept NON ON PP PON N ON PON ON xplosies,Feworks or Ammunition) tl Machine Shope Food (aman) and Beverage Pods san nda Sealessopposedwoackeuyraalscae NN NP PP ON NN PoP oN (Gines lns Product (ther than Crate Stati) NON NP Po PON NN PON N Incineration, Redvton,Disilition, Storage or Damping of Slsugherhouse Reise Rancid at, (Guage, Dead Animals or OFA (oer han win Sappovedsatdmachelgy NN ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON NW Seay aod Silverware NON PoP PON NON POP OW {Sta Al Pre an Cs ‘Studi or Taney) NN her Nr Machinery or Gaskets NN re een Manuf or Modula Housing Nanutenge NeW ern Ns Modal EqupnensmnéSuples © NP oN P PoP PON N PoP OW Metal Products, Primary NON N Sf Po SEN NN NN ON ‘Mineral Produc, Noo-netlieothe has ‘Mineral Extracto) NON N POP FON NON POW NW ‘armed by i we ening deo by Zoning Omen ‘Speialexception se ong dion by Zoning Hearing Baad) Notpernited ‘See Adon Requirement in Section 1322 TYPES OF USES (Gee defo in Seton 1302) ZONNG DISCS tN Oe TER OM = RDUSTRIAL OSES icant) ‘Manufacture andor blk processing of the elowing, Provided manufacturing cous ony Indes Paper and Paper Prost (nteing resyling, but ot inhing manufacture of paper up) y Pager- Raw Pulp x Ping Mater ote than alk mamuactie of asphalt ‘ ‘Pharmaceuticals and Medicines N Pls, Plymes Resins, Vn, Coatings, Cleaning Compounds Soups, Adisives, N Pains, Pring nk oF Photographie Film Prods fom Previously Manufctured Matias, eer alpan tes rubber of syne rodber N Fong Metals td asp Sauraed NN Material or Natural eSythte Raber Scene, lesronic and Ot rebion ‘Sparting Goo, Toys, Games, Musial Insrument or Sian ‘Transportation Baumert Trek Sop ‘Wd Pri nd unto aig 2 zz zz sz ozs zz z zz x zzz 2 zz er ple) SES 305.0 for mest ae ot isd Mineral Exton (S. 1322) and related processing, stockpiling and storage of materials removed fomtbesieubetanaspat NN ON SE SE N NN ON NON W ‘of prepanton of development te Packaging NPN Po P PON NON P POW Package Delivery SevieesDisrbuion NON NP PP ON N ON PON OW Comer Polen Relig of Manufictre of Ethane! or Otter aemative fe NON NN SBN N N NON ON ON Pring or Bosbinng Nee Ne ee Ne Nee oy Reeling Cte, Bul Processing, provided ll ‘pens of nodal sale oer eth shenelosed balding (i use does notte Solid wastedsposalorcansterfaaliy) NN ON oP oP ON ON ON N PON W ‘exited by ih se (aol acon by Zoning OTe) Spi exception we (zoning Jevson by Zoning Heariag Boars) = Notpormites nm ‘Sev Addon Roquiemeat in Section 1322 se x TYRES OF USES ZONNGDISIRICIS. es (Gee defnions in Seton 1302) cee n Nh oT Ow mie acs. = TNDUSTRIAL USES. (Canty Research and Development, Engineering or Testing Fly ofLabrsoy (ther han medal aborts, ‘shih consid an offs e) and elit ‘panalctre of pte pes, NON N PoP oP Pp NN PoP oN ‘Sowmill Planing Mil NON NP PON NNN PON NW SImghtrboue, SockyadorTanoay,wiheN oN ON ON S€ NN ON ON ON ON OW 00 fect mii sea rom allot ne Sold Wate Landi (8. 1522) NON NN SN N NN NON ON Sold Wate TranfrFalty or Puvesceat Waste to Energy Fol, 1322) WON NON SEN N NON NN ON Tricking Company Terminal (S-1322) NON ON SE PON N NN SEN ON Waebousiegersiragessepincgeluse N ON ON PP ON N ON N SEN ON WarchousingorStrngestanonsie POPP OP OP OP ORONO OP ON Walding ene hr Nea “Wholetl Sales (otherthan Motor Vebiie) NSE ON OP oP PON NON POP ON ACCESSORY USES Sse tis fave! pert uses in Secon 1306.03, ‘uch as Resid Acessry Stuctre or Use ‘See Aitonal Regement i Sesion 1322 fr Specific ‘cso Uses us Sete (8. 1522) PoP PoP P PoP PoP Pe PP (Camposting (S522), ter ha avs, woe ‘whch are permite rie y Day Care Contr sexes) 1 snd onthe same ot aan ‘riding aw Pace of WoshiporpemiteduseP PPP OP POPP Day Cae, 132) a seoy fo an xing deling ‘ay cao maximus of} adult x you, i dont relives ofthe cari, which oes ot pols permit Pr penn Nr re rina ry, Day Care (8 1322) as cessor oan exiting dwelling re Group Day CucHome(S-1322) PPP ON ON ON OP PON PoP OX 2 FamilyDeyCareHome(S.1322) PP PON ON ON Po PON POP OF Home Occopion, MijororMiner(S.1522) P oP OP Po P PR P RP PP pp Meal Center. 1322) Fee ne ‘nado tl sale a accessory oa Prins (Comercial Use (8.1522) PoP PON N NN N PoP ppm ‘Our Storage nd Display 8 secesury toa ‘ness se shall so comply with blr ya pes me pN_N_p_p_w ‘=X maim F259 oa sal be we fr otdor soe, whi sal be second y bulls aor Tadseping fom view of sees Perit by right use (zoning decision by Zoning Ofer) Special exception use (zoning Jsslon by Zoning Heavies Board) ‘Sov Addon! Requirement in Seton 1322 ‘Oudoor Real Sales shal only be alae tthe buling on the frat sidewalk basal siti walking patho a sows TVPES OF USES ZONNG DETACTS (Gee denon in Section 132) cee uN RR OMT i ACCESSORVUSES (Coat) Retsil Slesas Assos iPr indwviN NON Po POP ON ON ON PP ON Use init items prodaced or distbued ‘nthe probes, and into to masimum of 3% ofthe lor reno the principal we Unit for Care of Relative (81522) one tof ‘ein dveling PoP oP NN NNN PoN ON MISCELLANEOUS USES GrpFaming wd WioiealeGremboues = NP ON POP OP OP OP OP OPP ON Forest (8.1822) PoP Po PoP Po PoP PoP PP Livestock orPoulty, Raising of(S. 132)" NON ON ON N ON N NN NN ON Nate PreenetEmoumenalEducaion Centr =P PPP POOP Parking Lota sn soesery we PoP Po P Po P PoP PoP PP Pking Lots pispal ue that doesnot pinay serve tractor bucks ot tales Nop pop P Pp PoP PoP pp Parking Struct of? More Levels tht docs not prnarily serve wator-taler trv or lers No eee ee ating Lotor Ste hat pimaiy Sevestaciorcalermeksortalets = «NON ON PP ON NN ON SE SE ON aking Lt for Carpooling Mere Mr reese res ere N Recycing Collection Center Gee Nie Peg ree Nery Sevage Tearent Pant NON NN PON NN NNN W ote Brgy Colton Systane PoP Roe RP Poe PR ROP OW Wind obine: ‘Maximum oforconaiothatisan =P POPP PROPOR p ous lead I deslaned prinarly for teste lei se (8.1522), Onecemere windturine certian =N ON ON SE P SE SE SEN SE SE N stove 61523) All Uses that wil Be abl to comply wth che ‘efomace sandr of hs rinse See the Envseaneata Protection requirements of Arisles ee . ‘See Ciy Orne aii 1159 e Parmie by ight se (zing Schon by Zoning OFF) se Special exception we zoning dectson by Zeal Hearing Board) N Nos permits (6.1522)~ See Addon! Rouremens ia Suton 1522 SECTION 6: That the table in Setion 1306.01(a) titled DIMENSIONAL REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, k amended, shall be amended to include the OMU District a follows: ‘epepr0 20N) et omy papas es as “set ae cca] ooveta snpiony mp0 (4 non 8 ‘bus bat oma si 10) nso woe | _ sae serps x smiwv | somay | smn Toon “sump pa niet ons suv a pens ompR =S amore a] core : om 2s-smpans sn Pas081 soot | oat ssoiv| ema] “somuy oe oe] srammapsison ssa su Fe "T w surraaes woot | Go| Gao) osoet | Bap vows | sfuanap | snoop © a csjans | seowoaat | “aupine = ramsey | (aw) ween | weoog | ang Cospeees | unun | Cube ery cwnupen | waupeet | mane peqwouray | TIN | ierapy | asngoadAn sma fez 20 vos aoe or o o ow 00 wane os poy sans wong VO HOS fom | — o2w 408 wor « = ow ‘oe tape 21 PaM end [ann api vos] eo] OP) RT| tome «| owe way Spe 5 (20 g0e1 yd 24 agg 98 ee 094 esi ory BSH = = = sang 8099 99 eo90e1 0901 ones exCw)| —_woroag os ome a5 ras | a5 (0210) {a20x) Nien | weomy | youd pra) pa] cu) ammes Cubs) sary vwouixeyy | umupenyy | camarew | apys"ue | aeow une | paca org uy, 28 ad, a2unsig Bauer, «oxo or sort | omen | corew| aang | camp ramon som sot] OS a ” « « ove a peaay “mae spas oom 6 evan] wom vas} sp ” m « ost sor srs OPH NE vas} 39] wa] ven « os} exoor % 3 uma ase tr nc Sao sotan exomgntoe Sone eed ore porotsa or "ao se vor | sap « oc | spams noon or zos0ei ss0e won onsag on owns 5 (a2) sae eu) ers mae pexweryaye | sor ay arn od stan ez ‘ytetopmy. 2S sounsa NO TE eter stem 298M AD "IE paige ogo org png yo 2 aN ste ie aot ADU ON spammy 90 (4 sn manip doug er ae 000708 | pape -rsaoyopon soot | sore ove coo ac zoo | (aan) | (aon) ‘L090e1 uogses | aftzaioy | seanoy | (ypc) | sup) aonsogome ovaes | snotsadm | “Supine | 44 peqes | remEs | 995 (C 20N) (aon) vie | weary | yooing pex| oma | tu) pears cy bomay vunueyy | conmeeyy | umunayy | apg "ape | anew ue | preg tu ae wry | 2s soodky onc B00 City of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Astcle 1311 SECTION 7: That Artele 1311 ~ DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE CL, CB AND RT DISTRICTS ‘be amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 1311 ~ DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE CL, CB, RT AND OMU DISTRICTS. 1311.01 Purposes, (@)_ Encourage appropriate redevelopment and reuse of underutilized sites. (&) Promote a mix of appropriate light business and residential uses in the same building (6) Expand use ofthe public transit system and pedestrian and bicycle circulation. (2) Create opportunities to live, shop and work in the same ara, (6). Improve the appearance of the City's commercial corridors, (9) Anract new customers and new sources of employment and tax revenve, {@}-lizethe-Frodtional Neighborhood Development provisions-ofte Pennsylvania ‘Muniipatitie Planing Code except in-the OML District (@) Enconragettie principals of Smart Growth to promote compact mixed-use development. 1311.02 Applicability, (@)_ Where a provision of this Section directly regulates the same matter as another setion of thie Ordinance or anther Cty Ordnance, the more restrictive reirement shall apply (©) Provisions using the word “shall” are mandatory. Provision using the word “should” are strongly recommended, and may be the basis ofa condition upon a special exception oF variance approval (©) Provisions of Section 1311.05 and 1311.06 shall not apply tothe RT District. 1311.03 Modifiestions. Upon receipt ofa written request, the Planning and Zoning Bureau and City Planning Commission shall consider modifications tothe standards of this Article 1311 based on the existing site conditions, the proposed use, hardships, or innovations in technology in aczordance with the terms of Article 1325.06() ofthis Ordinance, 1311.04 Building and Site Layouts and Setbacks (2), See Section 1306.05, Build-To Line for Font Building Setback, which establishes required front setbacks along certain streets to maintain consistency with existing buildings on that block. (©) Surface off-street parking and any garage doors shall be located tothe rear or side of principal buildings, as opposed to being newly placed between the front lt line along @ ‘stoet and the front wall of a new principal building. In the OMU District, garage doors shall be located tothe rear or side of principal non-residential a ‘buildings. This provision shall not limit rearrangement of spaces within existing parking areas. IFsuch lot is adjacent to two or more streets, this restriction shell only apply to the ‘one street that i the most heavily traveled by vehicles. (©) See City sidewalks requirements and City stect ree requirements in separate ordinances, ‘An average of at least one street tree shall be planted for each 30 fet of street length, 7 (Cy of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Aisle 1311 unless existing toes will be preserved to serve the same purpose. The spacing of such ‘wees may vary to provide for driveways, sight distance and other features, provide the average separation of tees is met. (@ Fora use involving @ new principal commercial building, a site plan shall be submited the City showing locations for garbage storage, tuck loading areas and parking areas, if applicable. Such locations shall be subject to approval by the City to minimize conflicts With sidewalks and dwellings 131105 Design Requirements, (@) Anew principal non-residential, multi-family, or mixed use build front facade comprised of more than thirty-three (33%)2S percent vinyl or aluminum siding. (©) New parking lot lights installed by a developer shal have a maximum total height of 20, fet and use a decorative design approved by the City. Light fixtures on private property are encouraged to use design that ae similar to any decorative fixtures used on the adjacent treet. (©) Anew principal building of over 150 fet in length along a street shall include variations in rooflnes, overhangs, architectural detail, setbacks, colors or facade materials or use canopies, arches and awnings. (@_Allong new principal building should have the appearance of smaller connected ‘uildngs. Article 1341.05.d docs not apply to the OMU District. (a) Blank walls without at least one door and one window shall not face an arterial street. Retail stores shall have display windows facing onto a street. Such display indows do not necetsarily have to be open tothe inside ofthe store, ifthere are security isues. The windows should have sufficient visibility fom the street for security purposes and be inviting to customers. Inthe OMU District, such doors and ‘windows may be for decorative purposes and do not have to funetion. (Ge) Tractor-trailer truck loading docks and service areas should be well sercened from ay street frontage by landscaping or ornamental fencing not exceeding 4 feet in heights i (GH Chainlink exposed metal fencing shall not be placed along any stret frontage. Picket ot comamentl fences are encouraged. Highwaystyl metal guide ris shall not be used if Visible froma street or pubic right-of-way. hg) The applicant fora new principal building, excep for single family detached or semi- detached dwellings, shall submit a setof preliminary architectural sketch or elevation plans ofthe front fcade and a description of proposed front facade materials othe City. Such materials may be offered to the City Planning Commission or other boards for review and comment, 8 appropriate, Gb) New construction should have rooflnes tht are similar to adjacent older buildings. Flat ‘oof shouldbe avoided, except when a decorative comice or parapet i used. Where 8 pitched rof snot practice, then the roof should atleast appear to have angles anda pitch ‘when viewed fom the sect 1311.06- Sidewalks and Pedestrian Access (@) New or replaced ‘thesidewalks in front of an arterial street should include use of ‘decorative brick, conerete pavers, patterned concrete or similar material that has the appearance of decorative masonry. Such materials may be used as accents, with the City of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Atle 1311 majority ofthe sidewalk being regular concrete. See guidelines from Public Works. Department. (0). Pedestrian crosswalks shouldbe provided elong arterial stret corridors using materials and colors that visually distinguish the rosswalk rom tho stret surface and that include ‘some texture. The use of pavers, patterned conerete or stamped textured asphalt is encouraged. (©) Pedestrian traffic shouldbe separated from major vehicle routes. Developments should be Seana se 22 —S ope esa a ‘Semcon eee PRP RR REPRE EE re See Euiieousens Sao pe pe ee ee ee See oar = POPPE EE Pe Nehitetcnematia oes saeteaaisicitanine "ST? En ee ‘ig ut weeny tat tahun see rae nese ay ‘EidSepe ty dried py el ace Inthe on ane are a et "ems y ca sng Se Seah hose ‘Sg i nt eB) NoWotzentd a any reg 2s. sa pee oe Saas” RP rk ee ee eee “Beecmam tS RT EE Reside paecaageeteieanatys ON ON ON OMS MSP OP OF OF Sea sa ESSoeeese SS ee sae ee Soe PERE EEE EE oo eee =o BEE eraeaeare fee oS eee se = Bette tamale sn flow ea 060 nem mr ra lg. A ‘Sl ntupinceng mete spe ss are ‘Rayon ag cea anny Ot) Sere at a a Sean tien etn 322 ‘Sect eee Reel Daiyin Inte ON Dy te gs rsa nl Para al eae rr = Seaaeimc = THT EEPaTiie ne SR a SSS =a a ee oye Comer a 1322) Beceem camer semeses mer aes meeaeme areca eee ERs aL E EEE “phe poeta ‘ime ee ee eee eae a ee Sore, Bg Sassi FERRE REEELE Sore FERFLEE EE EERE = Ready gee ney ety Zt i) 2D eects ae (isch Se Rien enn en 32 Se Ndinar naan Sete med ihe ingen Zn 15). ‘Saleen emmy cnn Zag Here Ds) ~=4 cea a Foaciomacng soca ‘oie Come eo Ratan NON ON POE "ini lg on by ai Sveum ony at Bt) en 2 Mba Rayment 22 a ae assed ‘ta ocr ne Noe x Sieagaeatamiacses SON OS ROR OF ‘ieee eae Sime tetera wee ek ee on xe hoe RR Keinthcadriniemnsign TT Mee ei. 27a pce Keowstembemrsiwrimpat NON ON $2 SN Sopamestewieoncen Rates smceniniwin NM ‘Segment ae Eslivettrenwemienciny NNN POP ON a ay a Se = Seiten oa ace oy) Bia) MEE aaetneqeonas sto 2 Teor =a aS (sta Sr) ee ST one ae om ea a er Det open Te Fir yn vee, shalom ctw ees Siguiente NOW OK He NON NON OM ‘Siam taal) NN MN SN NN NN WW ‘Ste hae ace ayo rman We Selvnase Tye ee yw x uy x iaeceyemnaen oF Mk RP RR ER BE h Moises tertm Marve) NSE ON OP OB OR ON NON ROR ON ‘needed key Sart set ens on Seite ‘pg tran ae ne il 8. : : 4 i Sen ee aria pan ia ST oa HRS le 5, en aoe mieten eo, fe > Relameltocarccseb eer oa She SERRE guar sen S22" Sor yeaa mgs mel ea mimi es "nnn (eden nen) 7 es Ca auc doe nas Siigemeelootesemest Slebederi ef pm ure stasee fs Disertiett ‘ets oe > ibaa Expfemeeed oes Oe —¥ poems be z [neta taogt Piyisermang eee any evecmcersa nc apy ere wcocresie incor zi i 5 3 1 : 3 SECTION 6 That ein Ses 130601) ied DIMENSIONAL REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, ie Zoning Oras, ante shal ened alae be OMU Dist lms co ve we como] aso ne pao! wot! sa | aamoo aly a | sc g0 a, ns tg | en vet} oma] oa saps far) cotpmay wren | ask, sma taw2 san yada 307 if Bien ain Once ‘Avice 31. SECTION Tha Arie 1311 —DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE C1, CB AND RF DISTRICTS ‘Semen trad ales ARTICLE 1311 - DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE CL, CB, RF AND OMU DISTRICTS. (Sto) Papas, (a) Encourage appropiate redevelopnent snes of nde! sen (2) Promotes mi of eprops igh en and ede! sinh ae bling {e) Expand se ofthe publican sytem an pedestrian nd eye ceculton {@) Cree operates olive, sop and ark inte same are {@) improve pperance of he Cys commercial corsa (5) Atte ow comer and new source of enplsmet a tx een ‘2}-Lline sho hon Nephron Davlaper pve the Bia ‘Maniialiier Banning Ce encptin te OMU Buti —1w) Hncouragetine principale of Smart Growth a promote compact mixd-we deveopmen. 1s1L02 Appeals, (@)Wherea provision of tis Seton dot regulates the same mae a anther ete of (@) Proving te ord shal” are dln. Proiins age werd "shoul ‘oonly recommend, sma be the feos concn upon spec exception or ‘atenc approval (6, Provision Secon 131.0 nd 131.0 shall ot apply tothe RT Dat, {S103 Maisons. Upon resi of writen requ, the Paning and Zoning Burau and (ly Planing Commisoe snl conser moiicaons 1 te sands of Avie 1511 based on he existing st conlens, te proposed use harp, oF novation a tecnology in aosrnce wth te te Arle 395.060) ef ths Ort: 1511.04 Bulldigand Ste Lave and Shacks, (a) Soe Staton 130605, Budo Lin for Front Ruling Stic, which eases ‘red fot acthci lng corain rst oman cota wih xing lags on aoc, (Sure offset parking and sy garage does shal be oat othe reo side of Principal bung as opposed fne ney pace ao he Fete oe 8 ‘OMU District, garage doors dings Ths povlsion sal a it eargument of spaces wha ess parking tes fh ot cue ow mre sre, th eto shal ony pp the {esc tts the et benllytaveled by veils, (See iy stdewals requene abd Cy sent ues urements in separate criances, An sveage ft ast oe Set eal be pant foreach 30 fet fre ent, hy Bae Zang Once dice 0 es extn ll be preserved to sare te same purpors. The spacing of ‘rer may van topo or evens, pnt dane and te eur ove he ‘erage spun reese (@Ferausevetving ven pac commer ding, ste plan sal be stm 0 the Cy showing eons fr prbape storage, eck long areas pang rs, tppieabe Suc lation shal beste sonal by the ly oi cents ‘win sewaks and tings 151105 Dosen Resumes (@) A new principal nonresdena multi or mite ae bling shall a havea front ade comprised more thon tithe {3°638 percent ay oF ‘eminem sing (@) New pring tpt islet ya developer shal have anni ttl igh 20 fea us deere cesinaproved by the Cy Ligh reso ee rope ‘Sc enourged oe Giga a te Slat sry Gc ores eed one (ew principal bang of oer 50 fin eng slg. oe sl ectude vis invootlnes overhang, wctecurl dais, sebacs esao eade marie opis, pores and avrg {@._Along new principal but ret eta stores shall hve dpay windows facing on stretch pay (fo) Tractor ruck londing docks and Service ares shuld ewe screened from avr frontage by Landscanng or eragumental fencing not eseeing {etn hse notbevisbedromany treet ont a Citric expoed mela cing Sal pt be pce lng ay set focage, ik or rant anes re encore, High-se mes pid al sll at te we ‘ble fom a resto pie eh-way. a) The eplieantfor anew rela balding kp fr singe ami etacodo se leche! dling sl suet st of preminwy arent evan ns ofthe Fon cade aa dscpon of proposed on nade mater hy. Stch mais my beled wo dhe Cy Play Commision rh bade or rove and commen os pop. (0) Now contraction soa fine tt are ilar to aun ldr blag Fe res shoul be oie, eae when door enc arapt sued. Whe cht roof sno practical, ten the eo auld eu apenr the ange and ch ‘then vowed othe ts, 1311.06 Seualks and Paden Aces, (4) Neva replaced The sidewalks infront oan atrial sect should ince me of Atcorative brick, concrete pavers, patterned corte similar material hatha the pearance of decorative masonry. Such materials maybe used ascents with he iyo etek Zing Orice iden ‘majority ofthe sidewalk heng regular concrete, See guidlines fom Public Works Deparment. (©) Pedi rssvalls sould be provided long ara racers sing mati fd os hat vill sings he cra om he set sure nda cde Some etre The uso ver, permed mero ged etre spb | seourget, (6) Pesan tai shoulé be soa om male vice ete. Development shou be clsigal sch way a oe vig or poesia alc ano provide cnet alkng ros rom pian sos, (Seite racks provsionsn Arie 519 —Pakng, 1319000), (e) Commerc buluings salu thr aia pedsan ence ings restora ‘eden waloay, (0, Gincapproved tres gata similar messes may be od nla rea with ‘Stenonopoidng satin plating weno sr thoes ree shade tre. Te Cy may approve eid ung tht ita et te sol provid 5 ‘at etios pedtian ad hela cose patsy provided within the ‘seme with ‘Ss Arce 721, Stews ani Sieve (@ Ary rence noe publi ipo eg an Erase Part om the (hy Deparment of Pusle Werks. 131107 Sie (@) Various sgn oa a propery shld be serdar ile an of bre ‘ype contracon soul be avo Sin shal ot ver ahead ‘Xeno tcotnd a sight angle fom sales coueged pve cet longa lek Fat ad weather poten Tet panel an sing my tend ora ln provided he en ae integrated with he sing nde ng isthe appearance a sotype mater Anyecroachment i te publ ga ‘say requiem Encoschmen Permit om he Cy Dae ub Work 131108 xine Deven, (4) Nonew ottstree parking spaces shal be placed betwen pracpal building an te crtine fan arterial src along the rent ofthe lot Ein parking spaces, Imay be rearranged, provided thy do nt res an increase off stret parking ‘Spaces in each eatin. (0) Nomew veil rveyny shall entero est onto an arterial treet aes sppicantproves hat wo feasible alternative exist sucha as of eyo de toes 20 apt ote ee _-- fem a) ("Parking ares shoal shal be well ersend rom the street by nding Se = Sect 131823. (Sse Svan 135.0) which low sme by in king regents Shared Parking among propery owners nd busine i ccouape wre tun paring Space et ered usage, Sx Secon 1519.02) repr lnéosapng beeen Perkng i an ras. (o) Parking arear shoal be wllscreene fom arterial and callectr srt by Tandseaping and decorative masonry wall or ornament ening ht exceeding 4 iy Beeb Zering Onoce ie 0. « ano © « © © o o {eet in eight. Any wal or fence sal be on the inside a rw of shrubs or ree lls otherwise approved by the Cty. Where ear parking not posite, then [arhing shall be prvidd to he sie os bag, Wheres rveway ness tener rom the front aces garage the garage sl be seach farther rom he et {han the house, andthe rreway shuld hea arrow as practical through the ont dard Anil 11.08. does ot appl odie OMU Dis, ‘Allis and Side cs. When new princi bung is roposed fara se alley exis acne hee rn cising alley cfs) beeen shal be sed as aces fray ne ‘el ara, dwayne aces coy acorn bate aes, ‘tivvoy r pring cena set tht is melong th ent ne. Thissutsecticn ‘Sha not apply fon alertve pt ove acess ssp que by te Prajna Deparment of Transports othe iy Paning Comms, tina Reasons. ‘Arica dso sal bud minimize the vs nga of mom reieniat {nage dors when hy nt pons se hen sh cao ee lowe [approved ty te Ci, te apican sl have te op ootrng a bldg os “ite Work Ua inthe CL, CB and ICR dict under Seton 1322052 ‘No cutsor balk stage hl te pert theo yd en shal oly be peed in Uesuleurson geuiftissemel nn vow faery heaping ne al Indvida balding and pdestan erances an pag wea sal bal ut rome pedeetan ccs nen iter os, Ever effort shouldbe mae preserve and rese older bultings and 0 ‘habitate histor estes. Modern sdons and feature shouldbe paced {towards the rear o the property. Aide 131.1 does aot pol to he OM Dist | ‘Wher existing adjacent oder Dallings have a certanhortzontl or verte! pate fapnl te the OMU District ‘Grey nectar ard bugs devi of dels shoud We aveded when ajcet bldg ve etter dls ‘Uninterrupted continuity of pedsrlan-eated wes are encouraged lang atrial sn clletr sre, partclarty In Srietaton wit storefronts, entrances i present aetity. Outward st front yards along arterial ‘ENltingoler porches sho emai! und ne pres sud be corded che front of now bulls. (Commeri IVAC stems shal be sresne rom view rom the fo of sing alls cng, roof ements or landscaping. Nos or odrpodcing veiion ‘ulpnon ald bepacd ee fr away om dling a eae (io Bech Zing Orne anil 111 (8 New oxerr fir esapes sul nt be const the fat ae of hulle, fan ‘era oeion exes () Solder mos sold soay gues wrl-down mt window covers hl pt be ard Security door er window ever th aes may ese Shou be instal fo the isd, win the wind or doe fans enh ede ‘da ctor tts enced by chet eae ean. (>) Bulgs should te const a hei compatible ith eiing sarong ‘zing: One ory bulls tal be ved om bos were xing uc a2 Sores or baker Wherean apa ind at4 stary bang et ps thyme ‘ele to const bln thts the apprine of 2 ry bling when viewed from the set (ch essing desraedarmen). Sohal sale veel snd ‘Sppove bythe Panne Barns ithe balding nt ose ns esgic ‘inne seri ere. a SECTION 8: That Arle 1314 of th Zoning Oninance be removed and replaced in ts ery a5 allows ARTICLE 1314 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OMU DISTRICT 131401 Papas, (@) nado serving te pups ofthe City Comprebensive Plan nthe ‘veal purpose ofthis Orns, thie Distict sad opens ‘edovelopment of eso he iy hate carey undenied ad ar only Porn developed. This Distr se ecogalzs at hs ren of Balch it {nique in tems of is (over 5 er) an it roxio ramp Time aces expresvy (PA. Rout 78). Tis Die lo nde 0 provide asia! soning provisions ace to «Coury Pack and ‘sngelasd hsorcl st, the Bursie Parton. This Disc lf Incended oencourage ground-floor real and seice se erste nnestvity been the residential and commercial balding on th overall 1314.0 Ate, Yad nd Building Results, (@) The ilowing Are, Yard anf Building Regultions sal apply forall ‘deal nhs, hss ela i seston) shall tap 9 1 Shangeof we ofa bing tat eid onthe rac pir othe eaten of thebiasce (Q) Maximum Dex 21 Dweling Unis! Acree (2) Maimum Lt Are Users (8) Minium Loe Wid Feet (Minima Building Setback 25 Feet nc long Schocnerville from the Perimcterof the Roadand Exton Aveus whee ‘Tiacand from Right-of-Way — the mnimum bung setback ofEnising Public Seas shallbe40 fee (6) Mii ator Front Yard Stack sett (6) Mii latrior ear Yard Stk 20 Feet () Minimum ntior Site Vad Satack Fes (el) *, excep hata 5035 fet tinimum sepuraon fom ay ober ulin al be regi for ing ‘ht ncades 4 oc mace sre, (@) Maximum Bullng Height haitabe sores or ee." ‘addin, buling may boven ‘aximun ofone above-ground parting Ive a (9) Maximum Buling Coverage csue** U0) Baer Yrs Regard No (1) Site Plan Rese by (Cy Plaming Commision Ye The Mximum Desi eppliblet al rien ues shal be based upon he goss acreage ofthe wae Distriet,witout ny deeton thar tha for Hehe ‘tay of enstng o proposed public sets, however, specially excluding Propote ples at sl be conllededortatind oy Homeowner” Asoitin ‘A buldig may exon # hablable sae ifthe elowing adorn stack ‘euiement is met fem any Distt boundary te than lg Avenue fo ‘Sch ooo ung height over 50 feo ational fet uling Setback sal be equzed. However ino cas sal anew baling exceed a ‘eal eight of more tha 120 fet 12 aris, whlcbve fs more resave “Am unenelsed nt rs och or soop or steps or andcapped an or roafovrhang rb Window ma) true up 0 feito the minimum font ‘rsideyars An snncosed desk mony extend uf 10 fe it th ar yard. 1 detached var garage sal be setbacks minima of fo fom there toes feral. ‘The masiou Baling Coverage sal based upon the ground level ‘ote fal Dung tote in the Distiet vido bythe tla ren of ‘hers District vida lots ay have haber buliing coverage, [alidal vein ats maybe owned in condominium srangemet, iho each condoms en nein to meet the minimum rd oui ‘The following Area, Yard an Bling Repulatioes hall aply fal nam ‘ese ies, however, thee aplaon in saesion (salt pf ‘change of use of bling that existe on he ct ror the enactment of this Overiay Discs (Q) Minis Lot Se 05 Acres (Q) Minion Lot Wit Sb eee (G)_ Minimum Bung Setace ftom te Perimeter ofthe Tract and fom Righi-of Way offistng Publ Sree 25 Fox esopt along Schoener Road and ston Avene where he ‘nin bling Fetback sal be 0 fest (2) Prot Yard Setback Feat (G) Minima Rear Yard Setback 30Fet™** (6) Minimum Side Yard Setback 10 Feet Eacy**, exept that 6035 {ext minim separation om sy ther bling sal be equied fora alg ance or more sie or a © @ © (©) Masionum Bing Height habitable sties. ** In ‘ono bailing may have a ‘maim of oe above-nd parking lee (8) Maximum Buling Coverage 60% (9) ter Yard Regis Xe (G0)SioPln Review by Ciy Yew ‘TemaximumBullilag Coverage sal be asd upon the ground level ecg ofl bulings om inte ast Dist vided by th total ea ofthe ‘eet District didlos may have higher bling coverage, provided that the maximum int exceeded forthe woe Dri. ‘Abusing may excl habitable ties the folowng ational stack ‘equrement ime form any Dstt boundary ne other tan Eig Avene fo each foot of bling eight ovr 30 et. vo adtona fet baling Satback sal be required. However nn os sl ne ling ected {oa hig of mote than 10 fet or 12 trie whichever is more rene Indiv ses or alsin maybe owned ina condominium sangeet ‘wahout each condominium ui needing ome the minima ord ‘urements, An unenelosed foot ore prch, roo overhang er cep, tops rbandeapped emp, ening, by window or posta sade ay nude Upto fio the minimum oat ride yard ‘A maximum 350,00 square fet of new bung fotprint i permite 9 ‘beat one It habiabe story dein. {reer planted with-new trer and shrobrrenproved for otdoor ‘vento focien ‘leat ne recetion il svaiiabe for oth publi and private ue shal be povided vo coanetcwelings to to poets slog the preter of the tac Stch ope land shal be regulated by a Conservation Exsoment or Deed Reston xablished byte applica’ and enforceable by he Cy of ‘Bethlehem, whih rhb the Consracton of lings pons he fate subdivision ofthe reid ope a. Areas use fr bulligs or vile king sal nt cout tovards the pen land requirement (0) Unless ater frm of ewnehi is approved by the City of Belcher as pt of al subi and Ian development plan, such eps shall {Ee ovned and sinned bya legal binding association of proper) ‘jer on the ct. The frm ofthe poperty-ownes' gal octets thal be set asepiane bythe iy Solita thre mua ‘wines agroumet basen the appli and the City Cool, pr oral ofthe open land maybe malsaoed as pul prk ‘Amini 100 fet ebuck shall apply Renen any neve rng bling Sn the line of ony pli park tha essed prt the opin of the OU ‘aris une ager setback required hy another ssn ie (rdianc. This 100 fet setback sal be reduced o anima of 75 fet ‘he bldg hat «maimam of bale stores and ifthe blige Spare the ple pr by a tow primi evergreen tees wh on ina eet of ee in don to preservation of existing bey mature ‘tet win sch ethack, 131403 Quel Master Pan Phasing and Des Resistins, (@) Porto he development of ay ew bling under the Diss provisions, the eplicat shall eben Overal Master le and Design Guilin fot the tnt Te Overall Maser Plan stall show the approximate lation, Ings ad use ofl bling, swell asthe aproimate loons of ‘proposed parking sot, andopen land. The Master Plan may index range ‘St lowed uss, os opposed to etlfing cack specif. The Overall “Maser Pln sail berate sill or rvew fr a mnimat of 30 ars by the City Ploning Commiston, Planning and Zoning Buren td he City Engine. () Design gidetinesoatlined in Artie 131 shal aly tal propertie ected the Distt. 131404 ftw Parking snd Loading Resa (@) Arise 1519 shal apply, excep flows (0) Omstret parking Spices along oe suet for non-residential wes may Saltdemeotup to a8 pect of tered oft cet pring ‘oyuirement fre tht ar thin 500 et of such frking pes. Of Steet parking spaces re ot reuie tobe on the same lots he we Ea {ssoved bythe puking rvided tht) th parking rated within 300 feof the se ht is served by the parking and ) he applic proves 0 the stisfcion ofthe Planing ata Zoning Bure that thee wl be ‘sicien ign mechanisms in place to ensare hat he pking ll ete to be aval slong asthe wei exis (@) Nepurtion othe front facade of any norresidental bu ‘composed of vehicle garage door). Vor residential buildings no ‘more than S08 409 of the first oor fon faade of any bang ‘hal be composed of vehicle garage doors (6) Toenre the ashy of stor puking frre detal we nthe devlopnent, an atonal (1) one parking space sal be created for ry woo three (3) delng ue exclaingmelistaiy ‘elings) and sch spaces hall eavalbl within 40 fs oth its they are ined fo serve. These spaces maybe onset oF custo king spaces win the development 1314.06 Susp Somes (@ Thesteep slope requirements of Section 1316 sal nt apply tis Disc, SECTIONS: Al Ores psf Onin inset ees eee arty pend PASSED fly inCatncilon be__dsyof_ 205 Freire Coa artesn aye ‘This Ones sproved tis ay of Ds Review 6/9/1S(HRP REVIEW 6/15) BILL NO. ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA, AS AMENDED ‘THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That curent Article 1302 titled DEFINITIONS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended to include the following 1302.103 Restaurant, Fast-Casual, An establishment that serves food and beverages that does not offer fll table service, regardless of whether seats or other accommodations are provided inside or outside of the building for patrons, but has a higher quality of food with fewer frozen or processed ingredients than @ fast-food restaurant. A Fast-Casual Restaurant may or may not have a drive-through service 1302.104 Restaurant, Fast-Food. An establishment that serves food and beverages prepared in a highly- processed fashion, typically prepared on a large seale from bulk ingredients using standardized cooking and production methods and equipment for consumption outside ofthe building or in vehicles parked upon the premises, regardless of whether seats or other accommodations are side or outside of the building for patrons. A Fast-Food Restaurant may or may nol havea drive-through service. All subsequent subsections are hereby renumbered accordingly. SECTION 2: That eurent Article 1303 titled CLASSIFICATION OF DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as ‘amended, shall be amended to include the following: 1303.07(p) OMU _Ofice Mixed Use District In addition to serving the purposes of the City ‘Comprehensive Pian and the overall purposes ofthis Ordinance, this Distiet is intended to promote redevelopment of areas ofthe City that are curently underutilized and are only partially developed, This District also recognizes that this area of Bethlehem i unigue in terms ofits size and is proximity to ramps ofa limited access expressway (PA. Route 378). This Distict is also intended to provide transitional zoning provisions adjacent to a County Park and recognized historical site, the Bumside Plantation. This Dstict also is intended to encourage ground-floor retail and service uses to cteate ‘connectivity between the residential and commercial buildings onthe overall tract. All subsequent subsections are hereby renumbered accordingly. ‘SECTION 3. That the Zoning Map of the City of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania be amended by changing "CM-LTN ~ Landmark Conservation and Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay District symbols and indications to OMU ~ Office Mixed Use District as shown on the attached Exhibit “A, SECTION 4: That curent Anticle 1305 tiled ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended to include the following: For aditional requirements ofthe OMU Distt, se Section 131 SECTION 5: That all charts in Article 1305 titled ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended a follows to include the OMU District: TYPES OF USES ornaments (See etaions in Seton 1302) Caen Nh OT OU RRR OM acs. 2 DETALLES Single Family Deuched Dveling NON (Note Manufstaredbe homes shal meee. the adlional requtenent of Sexton 1322) ‘Two Family St Detached Deling Ny ‘wo Fanly Deacbed Dwelling x ‘Two Family Atached Dwelling x z Single Farnly Sen Detached Bweling (cides) Tame Sig Famiy Ac Dig) 16.1522) ‘Mali-Famiy Dwellings (5.132), othe than ‘omversions ofan exising one fimily PP Sling io 2 or mre dvelings oarng owe ntues Rooming 86) 6.123) se ose se Manufactured obileHomePuk(S.1322) oN SEN ‘Group Home within a ll xing dling ‘il ($.1329) aot ecladag a Treatment Comer PP Cemsion fi Exsing Or Fay eligi “Two oe More Dveling Units (Se also NON ‘ai for areola nde Acesor Use) ‘the than 5 allowed byte above Mat Famiy DDuelingspovision wih atest evel commercial ws omit or other Housing ned ot ‘persed by aCaleseorUniveniy sad ON PAnCGPY NN, miedo Oecupany by Studens ora? NCS fe Callege o Unversity {inion hes std above) Frater Seon NON N NN NN PON NNN [ve Work Uni in compliance with te ee ome Oespatin and Live Wark Provisions of Secon 132205, Zz zzzz 2 zeez 2 zezz 2 zezz N N % zezz z 7 1 x N N y zz zz zz z 2% . ‘Such housing shal be loadin the same bullding principal commer ue tht eon the Gat set evel ‘This equiemeat for rest evel commercial we sal ot apply to bullags Woating on leases Sc ie ‘penal deny bows fr works housing in Arts 1307, ‘s+, = Inthe OMU Distt he manimum le sie fr ay singe fly dveling sal be 4,000 square fet ‘ts © Provision of Seton 132 shal et apply in the OMU Dist or malay dveings P= Permit by right use ning decison by Zoning Officer) Se = gelatin ning eon Zn Heine Bnd) = Netpemited (5.1323) Shea Requrenetsin Seton 1822 TYPES OF USES ZONNGDSTRICTS —— (See defnton in Section 1302) acer IN cM | MR IRR OM pcg ee COMMERCIAL USES ‘Adult Ore Esabsinen'(S.132) «NON ON ON SEN NN ON N NN ‘terHous Chh-Noe-Thiswebeticivey NON ON ON ON NN NN NN ON robited by State Act 219 of 1950. Airport 8.1522} (see also Heliport) NON NN SSN N NN NWN NW ‘Aster Arcade NOP ON NN NNN NPP PB “Amisement Park or Water Park Nop ON NN N NN NN NX ‘Animal Cemetery (8.1322) Mer ee re Ne NN ‘Animal Sete NON N P PON NON ON NON ON ‘arene Astoria PoP oP PON PoP PON POP ON ‘Atrio (Commer), Arena, Pefomlag Ans Cer ‘ot Eahibiton- Trade Show Comer fa Auto Body Stop or Aut RepsirGange(S.1529N PON POP ON NN NON ON OW ‘Aua, Bat or Mobile Menuacured Heme Sales ica) Nop ON NON NON N NN mW Bakey, Real Pee ee NN re re rte, Bed aod Breaks In (8. 1322) Beverage Disnbue(wholaaleandieretad) NP ON ON NN NN N POP ON ‘Bus Maintenance or erage Yard NON ON P P PON ON NNN OW ‘Bus, Tal or Paseager Ral Tefal PoP oP PoP bP ON NON POP ON BYOB Cubincompiance wih Seton 151833 NwinCO.N ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ar Wash (5.1322) woPoN NON NON NON ON NW Catering, Custom, fo OF Ste Consumption PPP PPO OP ORONO POOP (Check Cashing Busines, 1522) Nose NON ON NN NN NON WN CommnicuionsAnteaae, Commercial (8.132), Tinto accessory eatenaaatached 3 specie pes of seuctres Pore ee errr herrea Ccommunisatons Tower, Commercial(S.1322), NN ON §E SESE SE ON SE SE ON cer asa that re not alowed net theabove provision Confrence CenerorExpesiion ens NPP OPO POOP OP ON OB OPO (Constuston Campany o Tradesperson Head ‘aerating ba a edo Lediaping, ling des oat sonar). Soe also Home Oscapaton Aceon outdoor ‘age stall be permite provided It meas thosseonng equrements of Section 31823 P* RP SE* PP PPO ON BB open Cra or Ari's Sto Pea ea ere een Pearl ‘A maximum of 29% of et al be wed or outdoor sora, whih sal be reed by bulngs malo lenicaping om view ose s+ = ‘Limo sles of motor veils that prima conducted indoors Ste = Alletiland sec uses mate encloee within «bling Sse = Outoor storage et permited in OMU District. onl sercned-y bulge andlor andacaping from view tate B= Permit by right we (zoning decison by Zoning Ofc) Se Spoil exception us (soning decison by Zoning Hearing Boa) x Natpeeited (6.1329) See Adon! Requirement in Seton 1322 TYPES OF USES (See defini Section 1302) 7 Ot 1 CMD RRR OMG COMMERCIAL USES Com aston Priting, Copying axing Maing ‘Core Servis an snr secs trainees P Dog Deyeare P rere Clb P Fini aston (8.132; aca banks), ith Drive-Tirough flies allowed inthe CB end CL Aso ony they se rear fe veblle en aele ‘xt See Drvetrough facies egltns i Staion 152203." lea arkel Austin Howse neal Home, witout cremoriom Funeral Home wih «ceo (Gaming Fait, Licensed (S. 1322), ote than ‘al pamesofchance loved unde Sita ‘ute State Lowery (as Suton, which may occur with real store, N Sad wich maya lode fling af veils (sing hydrogen, aural so sina els Help (8, 1322) Hotel or Mat. 1322) Keael(S. 1522) Taunsromst ani, Commercial or Indust Mistry andr Mersey (Gs combination with estar ‘astnacon). PP otr Vehicle Racetrack, Outdoor. 1322) ‘igatcub(.1322) Ofc (is nla medial linis oa) Pav Shop (6.132) Peronl Senzer (rclaes ain, castor, reve making, haut, waved agency, ‘alsa, dog rooming dry-cleaning shoe rep, massage therapy cated” and closely ime wes) P Panaed Office Commercial Developmen compliance wi Sst 1313 (whlch zzzs zzze zzze zzwe zz zzezez gzszez zzzzs~ aeezee gezze grgzz zuge wae zzz zezzz » N ? z sinwsaidionl westibecMUDiwic) NON ON ON ON ON ON ON PON ON ON Pant Nursery (other tana Ret Store) N Nop pop oP PON PON 1 Nini caut be oa nia 20 oof» Radel Die oars See Ptsonal services, resaran of cafteras witout ive dough servic, «Laundromat, «Ghani aan, ‘deal stores maybe allowed as scetory ue in somites office buldng.ocllege uve tallaing provided thy do not hve ter own exer enttceand ze primarily despned serve student, stor pens ofthe nrttton. Ser ss th 0 Overay Distt in Arte 1312, sis = Inthe OMU Distr, drive trough fais for» Financial neitetion are Himited to 42 tne sss © sus font on a minor arterial street and must be Within 450" of the property Boundary ine of highway interchange. P emt by right we (zoning decison by Zoning Ofc) SE = Speialencepton use ong decison by Zoning Heung oad) N= Not pemited (S122) =" See Addon Requremens in Soon 1522 TYPES OF USES ZONING DERG (ce denon in Seton 1302) cae Nh OT Oo RRR OM COMMERCIAL USES ont Propane Ret Distr, oer han prepackaged sls, ‘vith SD fet minimum eback required Dtwox fy storage or ispensing faites nd any residential Gis ad wih FreDyurmentreiews NON ON SEP ON ON ON NON NN Recording Sua, Mosie. PoP P ? Recreation, Commer Indoor (8 1322 (les owlng ae, role oto eng ok, bing atc, nd ose simi aer oer an tees isd separa nhs Arle Ne er Recreation, Carmen Oudoo inline ‘al couse, gulag range, ache, Borstack Fiding. patil and lost simfar ues eter (dan uerlined separately inthis SeaionG05N PN BOPP ON PON, Bow Repae Servic, Howebold Appliance Pee NN BON Resurant or Banget Hall (S132), oter ana Noha <7 with deivetrough serie (8.1322) NP NON NN NON ON OW | thot diver arse perp NON N NWN PR POP OP estan Fast Casual Seth rve-thoogh(, 1322) PoP PON NON NPP pee 2 Fito adivecwongh pep PON ON ON PoP oP P Restaurant Fast Food “with drivethroughservice(S- 1822) NP ON ON ON oN NN ON SHON ON «without drivedhrough service pep Po ON ON ON NWN POP PP Rett tre no ceding ues ised nasal ‘is Seton 1305) Any dive-throuph fc ie shall eet Seton 152203, The ely ‘ive soagh real fits te C3, OU crcl disrtstallteforapiammary.” pee PON PON ONO ON pop pease sesarage Development (8.1522) NP oN bP PON NN NON NON Shopping Center (81522). perp PON N NNN ON POP OP ‘Tarp Range, Fleas rT Completely ndoorandeacosed = SNP ON POP ON ON ON ON op ow 1 other thn above (S1822) NON NON PON ON NNN NN “too oF Boy Piecing Esiablshent he thn Tempra tatoos or ear peng which are personal ervice wes) eee NWN ne ere ‘Twer oberthanaNighehb(S.1322)"*0" SEP PON PON ON NON POPP ToevsienorRadio Broaéasing Sttios, = POP OPPO PPO OBO ON ‘Those, indoe Movie or ive Theater, cher Vion an Adu Exablshment PoP oP oN PON P PON PoP? ‘= ise ist alowed aa tha aan to am atari eet euch ae Rost 3, s+ 5 esol seve, restaurants without dive-tough sevice Inudromt, sfc nto and rel ors may be Allowed sacesery use in ori, mel ofce bling or collage or university bung provi hy do a ave tr own enter entrance and re rina sand to serve tent sta ot uns of te natu, sv = Each busines rtablishment stall ve a maximum floor area of 1000 aguas fst on my oe Hoo o bulla. This ‘esta shall ac apy to eit sucess etme of adopion of hs Oxon e ‘erie by igh ws (ening decison by Zoning Offices). SE = Speci exception se aoring decison y Zoning Hearing Road) X= Necpeoited (6.1322)= See Additonal Requirements in Seton 1322 frst = Tavem anna be leet ihn 10 fet of Reside Disc boundary ine nthe OMU Distt any drivehrough fora Fas-Casual Restaurant of Pharmacy shall be mite | ane, TYPES OF USES zowiva pisTRICTS. (See defintons in Section 1302) Cceen Ny wT OO RRR OW oc Tine Hobby Sehoot PoP oP PoP PON PON BPN Vetrnarian ff (8.1322) ee re eee oe eee Visor Centr providing edueston and promotional fermion Pop oP PoP PP NoPoPON ‘Whole Sle sec dr Indust Uses INSTITUTIONAL /SEMLPUBLICUSES Comctey (ee Cemstorum istelseparany) PPP ON ON ON POP ON NON ON College o University = Educational an Suppor Bulking: SecahouderReidenialUss) POP OP ON OP OP OP OP ON POPP ‘Community Recreation Ceter lined a goverment ‘pontoredornonproftfaciiyverLivay PP PPP POP PBR Crematrln tha wctpetofstnerlbone NON ON SE SEN ON SEN NN N Catal Center or Meum Peers ea Wegner hs Re Ned ranean Bay Cae Contr Adu (S1322) eee ee eer Day Care Centr CaS. 1322) “Se also a a scent) Peer ee eM cesor e gree ree Dormia -See under Rese Use i this ble Emagen) Saview SttoncrTioinngFecliy PP =P POPP OPPO RPO Hop or Surgery Centro ele Testing snd "Teast ass ee NNN rN ese Meal Geter (8.1322) Se SEN NON ON S& NON NOW Menberhip Cub mevting and non-conmeril ‘seeaonl ilies, provided ht sch use ‘hal not be pen beeen ? nd AM nd froviled ta sh ane shal ony bellowed a eminaon with anther ef he tere iSallowed na date ant ifthe reuinnents forth wo are abo me PoP P P PON NN N P POW ‘Nupsing Home, Personal Care Home or Assisted “Living 1322) Nop NN N NN PN N PP Pace of Worsip(S.1322)(ncudesChuch) PoP oP ON N N P PoP Pop Pp Prison! Comestiooa Faciiy NON NN SN ON N NN ON WN School Publi or Pate, Pinary r Secondary 132) Pe eer eee Sevag Pump Stations Pop op P Po PP PON P POW eonpoay Seder (81325) SESE SEN NN N PON NN ON ‘Treumeat Center (5.1325) Noss N & S NON N NN NON = Perio by sight use oni decson by Zoning Ofer) SE = Special exception use zoning dcsion by Zoning Hearing Bose) N ‘Not permite (5. 1022)= See Adana! Requirements in Seton 1522 TPES OF Uses gonna pismiets. (See deitionia Secton 1302) Coe NM RRR OO Special exceptan use unin decison by Zoning Hearing Boo) N= Notpemited (8.1522) See Adon Resuremens in Seton 1322 "TYPES OF USES (See deans in Section 1302) Cae TE OM eae eg eats = NDUSTRIAL URES Gem ‘Manuftcure andor blk processing fhe flowing, Provided manufacturing oscar ony indoor: igen Paper Progut(cldgrsjling, bute ising mnnefacare ofa paper uy y Paper Raw Pulp N Paving Material other ha bik enufactre of sph x Pharmaceuticals nd Medicines N Plates, Polymers Resins, Vey, Costing, Cleaning Compounds, Soups, Adisives, N Pai, Piting Ink or Potorapic Fil Proc fom Previously Manufctued Materials, such ls, letersi celophang, ees, rubber oF sti rer ® ong tas an aepaSraed NN ‘Matra oe Natural or Sy Rubber Seon, letra Other Preston Instn ‘Spong Goo, Toys, Games, Masia aumento Signe ‘Transporation Equipment Trek Sup ‘Wed Pract a Faire tng ro per rl). ° SES 130s. fr mesh aot ated zz zz ze zz N N N N 2 uz zz 22 zz x Be zzz z “gozzs x ozzz Mineral Exton (S. 1822) nd rated processing, ‘Sock pig an sorage of materials ‘emoved fom the site otherthanas pat NNN SE SEN ‘fronton ofa development se Patkaing Noe Package Delivery Services Disribuiog NON ener Patoleum Refining or Manufctare of Ethanel ot Other serve fs YN Pring or Bockbinding NOP Resying Center, Buk Processing, povided all ofan indus scale ec itn ‘shnvlosed bldg (hse doesnot neude ‘Solid waste disposal ortrnsfrfaciiy) NN ON oP oP ON ON NN PON ON e Fesmited by it we ning dion by Zoning Of) SE = Special exceptan wb (sning dcion by Zoning Henig Board) x ‘Notperates ($1302) = "Se Aton! Requirements in Seton 1522 z z or =z "TYPES OF USES aso CS (See deintons in Seton 1302) Ge NM OT OR IRR OM TRDUSTRIAL USES. (Canty Research and Development, Eginsig or Testing Fall of Laboratory (ote an media lbs, whichis coosdered an oe we) and elated manure of rota, NON N PoP P PON NP PON Savmil lning Mi NON N Po PON NN N PON N Siuphebous,StockyaorTamey,wihaN oN ON ON SE NN N N ON ON WN 400 ftir stack or allt nes Solid Waste Lanai (5.1522) NON NN SEN ON NON NON WN Sold Wate Transfer Fale Puseson Waste to nergy Fal (S132), NON NN SEN ON NN NON OW Tricking Company Teminal(S.1322) NN ON SE PN N NN SEN ON WarbowngorSivageusapiniplse N oN oN PP oN N N ON SEN N WactowingerSingeasaonsie = POP POP OP OOP OP ON POR ON Welding NON N PF P Po Po NN PON ON Wholese Sales other than Motr Vehicles) NSE NP OP OP ON NN P PON £ _ AccESsoRY uses Sees ofaonal permite ss in Section 1306.05, ‘heh as Resident Accessory Suture o Use ‘See Aastion! Requirement a Sertion 152 for Specific "acces Uses. Bus Shee (5.1522) Pee ree err ee ‘Compesing(S. 1322), other tha eaves, rot Teeter mazes generated ote ‘wich are permite by ih NON NP PON NN NNN OW Dy Car Contr aces 1 and onthe sme ot an rising av Place of WoshiporpemiseduscP P= PPP POPP ay Cae (S132) a aecesery oa xing dling ‘Day ca of armani of3 ade you, i ‘Monto relaves of thecareiver, which ees ot med a pent PoP Dey Cae (1522) a ues fo an existing dela 2 Group Day Care Home (5.1322) 2 Family Day Care Home S. 1522) Home Occupation, Major or Minor (S182) Meal Center(S- 1522) ‘noo rt sale a osestory toa Prine (Comercal Use (5.1522) P ‘Outdoor trae an Display as aecesogy to "snes ae shal also comply wih ber yard ovo pe _p__pe_p_p pp _N_N_p_p_y zeae z 2 zzzzz oT anny oT ofl al be wid for outor orgs, which ball srene by bling ander Tndsoping fiom view of sree =n Pete by right use (ong decison by Zoning OMe) SE = Spotl exception ase zoning decison by Zoning Hesing Boar) Ni = Noeperitea (§.1522)~ Soe Adon! Requirements Section 1522 fea Outdoor Reta Sales sal nly be adjcet othe biking onthe tomtsiewal, bt bl manta S waking path on said sidewalk. TYPES OF USES (See deinons In Sein 1302) RR OMO ACCESSORVURES (Coty ‘etal Sales Acceso) fa Prnlpal Indust N ‘Use limited to items proded or tributed ta he premised io 8 minum of ‘Stott Moor aren ofthe principal se Unit for Care Relative, 152) on he oof ‘secising dling PoP PON NN NN PON ON ‘_MISceLLaNEous uses GiopFarmingand WioksaleGreenbousss «NP ON POPP OP POOR RN Foesy (6. 1322) Popo Po Pp Po PoP Po PoP PP LhesockorPouluy,Ralingof(S. 132)" ON ON oN NN N NN N ON ON ON NatrePreservetEwironmestalEdicaion Comer? =P PPP OPPO Parking Loa an scoasery te Pe re er Paling Lat as pineal se tht doesnot ‘imal Serve ractrsaer oc trues Re Ping Sauce of? More Levels ths doesnot pry serv ator-rier tnosis orale ee eee eee Parking Let or Scare tat primaily Seveiauriaiermasomies = NN N P P N N NN SE SEN ating Lat fr Carpooling eRe ONeg eer re ere ept rainy Recysing Calton Cer Nop ON PoP PP BON roN ‘SenageTestnen Plant NN NN PONNNNNWON Solr Energy Colleton Systems Pee een Wind bine Mainun ofcecosaloihatison =P «oP OP POPP OPP Oe accessory ue ais designed primarily for ‘mse cecsty use (8. 1522) Onecrmorewinduineotherthan ON ON ON SE P SE SE SE N SE SEN shove S322) ‘te ht willbe abit comply with he performance standards of this ordinance See the Envionmetl Protection requements of ‘ces NON NON ON NOW ON NON W See iy Orne ae 15 es P Permit by ght use (zoning dcson by Zoning OMiee) SE = Special exception ue (ning Scson by Zoning Heating Bord) x Notpeitet ‘See Addonl Requieneesin Section 1322 SECTION 6: That the table in Section 1306.01(a) titled DIMENSIONAL REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, inthe Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended to include the OMU District as follows: ‘LY pepe oom as, Imoseunaeo por 73 stony spp aon 295 130% 295 —spupams 250 PUN HIN Te) "1 fax | casey) ra} oe cee] one 0 ot som | ssn Cee] Gara) Goe a a's @ 2x9 suost| woot | swor | faa | Caaowdo, =F somny | "sengy | “sony | “Ssoenny ow oe sn CH sur pegs zoo | (aa) | (aon) ‘ose | Supine wong | aftioas | afsion09 aecy) | —_womog ose a conqeaeg | snorseday | “Buprng veges | s(n) | wpameeyi | aon) wwfio | wong | said pea | Cu) seas api | Cubs) many swnupey | ununey | umueyy | apis "upe | aon ayy | precio uy | rem | runt 23n yo a6, omni Buoy Gam | — O20) mos soe sor o o oF oe pee 2 pany yom HME 20 W'S ‘oo ‘et os ow] Gam a9 208 0s sor = a o O0e same Gaon) | G2ow) Supine Sin pamony =H (a Hos wo) OY or | tetoal y0 ra ood “oreo-9081 sac 99 99 unos 28 “09 4 a = = = — = — | suns sad 99 Gan) | Gam ‘woot sdunacg | 28005 | ¢y) (o99) on29 ose snowed | fupima | Peg 3 (a0) Tussin | sosiog Pea, Cope. tumaroyy | umuueyy | wnixape | opis "ay reg Mou UN 280 Jo 2841 sree Bo0Z am! ox] au! @amo oj want ‘oe 489 ar oI fa « oz in poy ez um aon 16 oe iq ons wad | (ver) ss" 2508 406 ss st st ow ost oper ssi snp N's oxo ott 606 so | (vam | (vai a o oaw'ot sn panoy os 3 st 8 508 oust yp wae eT'Z E So “smousss ap amano ote wey 2 Sem peat 2s Moy 5032 0 soe 09 we sre} | a2. snp oman G20 510805 Ca eee) snort se PeIS (aon) vain Pra, Co tmary unupey | umaseyy | apis uy | megan | pm iwolamy | woTme | ae a “neropmy ‘3s sonia AKO EL | seas Sts 2p on po 5 sete Bed jones A ON ove (@ conc | woudojonopey esa Mt “OF siunn0y | sfeion0 | (u)(uore) | 44(u) seoyzadiay | mpima | 4 PeQS | PENS (a20n) cub many wera | senso adc soem ve paseo ia mK, name | unumeyy | apis"uny | mou uy | peg son Cy of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Aicle 1311, SECTION 7: That Anise 131] ~DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE CL, CB AND RT DISTRICTS be amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 1311 - DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE CL, CB, RT AND OMU DISTRICTS. 131101 Purposes, (@) Encourage appropriate redevelopment and reuse of undersized sites. (b) Promote a mix of appropriate light business and residential uses inthe same building. (©) Expand use of the pbli wansisystem and pedestrian and bieycle eclation. {@) Create opportunities to live, shop and work nthe same area. {© Improve the appearance ofthe Cys commercial comidos (©) Attact new customers and new sources of employment and tx revenue (2}-Uilize the-Freditional Neighborhood Development provisions-of the Pennsylvania ‘Mniipalties Planning Gode-exeopt in-the OMU-Disteiet. __(@ EncourageUtilize principals of Smart Growth fo promote compact mixed-use development. 1311.02. Applicbily (@) Where a provision of this Section directly regulates the same matter as another section of this Ordinance or nother City Ordinance, the mote sestuetiveregulseuent shall apy (©) Provisions using the word “shall” are mandatory. Provisions using the word “should” are strongly recommended, and may be the bass of condition upon a special exception or variance approval (@) Provisions of Section 1311.05 and 1311.06 shall not apply tothe RT District. 1311.03 Modifications. Upon receipt of a written request, the Planning and Zoning Bureau and City Planning Commission shall consider modifications tothe standards ofthis Article 1311 based on the existing site conditions, the proposed use, hardships, or innovations in technology in accordance with the terms of Article 1325.06(t) ofthis Ordinance, 1311.04 Building and Site Layouts and Setbocks, (@)_ See Section 1306.05, Build-To Line for Front Building Setback, which establishes required front setbacks along certain streets to maintain consistency with existing buildings on that block, (©) Surface off-street parking and any garage doors shall be located tothe rear or side of| principal buildings, as opposed to being nevily placed between the font lt line along @ street andthe front wall of a new principal building. Inthe OMU Distriet, garage doors shall be located tothe rear or side of principal non-residential and mixed-use buildings. This provision shall not limit rearrangement of spaces within existing parking areas, If such lot i adjacent to two of mote streets, this restriction shall only apply tothe ‘one street that is the most heavily traveled by vehicles. (©) See Cty sidewalks requirements and City stret tre requirements in separate ordinances ‘An average of at least one street tree shal be planted for each 30 fect of street length, ” City of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Ace 1311 unless existing tees will be preserved to serve the same purpose, The spacing of such ‘tees may vary to provide for driveways, sight distance and other features, provided the average separation of tees is met. (@ Fora use involving a new principal commercial building, a site plan shall be submitted to the City showing locations for garbage storage, truck loading areas and parking areas, if applicable. Such locations shall be subject to approval by the City to minimize conflicts with sidewalks and dwellings 1311.05 Design Requirements, (@) Anew principal non-residential, multi-family, oF mixed use building shall not have a | ‘romt facade comprised of more than thirty-three (33%) percent vinyl oF aluminum siding. (©) New parking lot light installed by a developer shall have a maximum total heigh of 20, feet and use a decorative design approved bythe City. Ligh fixtures on private property are encouraged to use designs that are similar to any decorative fixtures sed onthe adjacent stot (©) Anew principal building of over 150 fet in lenth slong ste shall include vations in ooflins,ovechangs, architectural details, setbacks, colors or facade materials or use canopies, porches and awnings. (@)_A long new principal building should have the appearance of smaller connected ‘buildings. Article 1311,08.d does not apply to the OMU District. (ca) Blank walls without at least one door and one window shall not face an arterial street, Retail stores shall have display windows facing onto a street. Such display ‘windows do not necessarily have fo be open tothe inside ofthe story if there are Security issues. The windows should have sufficiont visibility fom the strect for security purposes and be inviting to customers. Inthe OMU District, such doors and windows may be for decorative purposes and do not have to faction. (G@) Tractor-trailer truck loading docks and service areas shouldbe well sereened from street frontage by landscaping or ormam. height shall not be visible from-any sree frontage, (af) Chairlink exposed metal fencing shall not be placed along any ste frontage. Picket or comamental fences are encouraged. Highway-syle metal guide ris shall not be wed if sible fom a street or public right-of way |g) The applicant fora new principal building, excep for single family detached or semi- ‘detached dwellings, shall submit set of preliminary architectural sketch or elevation plans ofthe font facade and a description of proposed front facade matrals tothe City Such materials may be offered tothe City Planning Commission or other boards for reviow and comment, as appropiats |i) New constroction should have rooflins that ar similar to adjacent older buildings. Fat ‘oft shouldbe avoided, except when a decorative comice or parapets used, Where a pitched roofs not practical, then the roof shoulda east appese to have angles and itch ‘when viewed from the sect. 1311.06. Sidewalks and Pedestrian Access. | @)_ New or replaced Fhesidewalks in front of an arterial street should include use of decorative brick, concrete pavers, patterned concrete or similar material that hs the appearance of decorative masonry. Such materials may be used as wocent, with the 8 Cy of Bethiohem Zoning Ordinance Arisie 1311 majority of the sidewalk being regular concrete. See guidelines from Public Works Department. (&)_ Pedestrian crosswalks should be provided along atrial street corridors using materials and colors that visually distinguish the crosswalk ffom the street surface and that include some texture. The use of pavers, patterned conerete of stamped textured asphalt is encouraged. (©) Pedestrian traffic shouldbe separated from major vehicle routes. Developments should be designed in such 2 way as tobe inviting for pedestian trafic and to provide convenient walking routes from publi transit stops. (@ See bike racks provisions in Article 1319 — Parking, 1319.02(). (©) Commercial buildings shall have their main pedestrian entrance facing a strest ora pedestrian walkway/plaza (9, City-approved tree grates or similar measures may be used in sidewalk areas, with attention to providing sufficient planting aea to sustain the root area of large size shade trees. The City may approve outdoor seating that intrudes into the sidewalk, provided a5 ‘foot continuous pedestrian and wheelchair accessible pathway is provided within the sidewalk width, See Anicle 721, Sueets and Sidewalks (@ Any encroechment into the public right-of-way requtes an Encroachment Permit from the City Department of Public Works. 1311.07 Signs (@)_ Various signs ona property should be coordinated, Internally illuminated signs of box- type construction should be avoided. Signs should not cover architectural details ‘Acvnings that extend ata craight angle from a building ae encouraged o provide ‘continuity slong block front and weather protection. The front pane! of en awning may bbe used fora sign provided the sign image is integrated withthe awning andthe awning thas the appearance ofa fabric-type material. Any encroachment into the public right-of- ‘way requites an Encroachment Perit from the City Department of Public Works. 1311.08. Parking and Driveways. (a) Nonnew offstreet parking spaces shall be placed between a principal building and ‘the curbline of an arterial street along the front of the lot. Existing parking spaces ‘may be re-arranged, provided they do not result in an increase in off-street parking spaces in such location. In the OMU District, parking spaces placed between Brinial ling and th carbine af material sre lng te front of thet shall to oe (1) driving aisle and twoone (24) rows of parking spaces. (0) Nonew vec driveway shal enter ore onto an artera srece als the applicant proves that no feasible alternative exists, such as use of alleys or aside street Article £311.08:b does not apply to the OMU District, (©) Parking areas should shall be well-sereened from the street by landscaping. See Section 1318.23. (@ See Section 1315,02(b) wich allow some flexibility in parking requirements, Shared parking among property owners and businesses is encouraged where adequate parking spaces exist for shaved usage, See Section 1319.02(g) regarding landscaping between, parking lots and streets (©) Parking areas should be wellscreened from arterial and collector streets by landscaping and a decorative masonry wall or ornamental fencing not exceeding 4 19 (City of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Asolo 1311 1311.09 @ 111.10 © © © @ © o @ w @ 0 feet in height. Any wall or fence shall be on the inside ofa row of shrubs or trees unless otherwise approved by the City. Where rear parking is not possible, then parking shall be provided tothe side ofa building. Where a driveway needs to enter from the front to access a garage, the garage shall be setback further from the street ‘than the house, and the driveway should be as narrow as practical through the front yard. Article 1311,08¢ does not apply to the OMU I Alleys and Side Access, When anew principal building is proposed, i rear or side alley exists adjacent tothe lot ‘or an existing alley can feasibly be extended, it shall be used as access for any new vehicle garage, driveway or parking spaces, except a comer lot may have a garage, Ariveway or parking acessing a stret that isnot along the front lt line. This subsection shall not apply if an alterative point of vehicle acess is specifically required by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation or the City Planning Commission Adiional Requirements Architoctral designs shal be used to minimize the visual impact of non-residential garage doors when they front upon a street, when such locations are allowed. If approved by the City, the applicant shall have the option of offering a building as a “Live Work Unit” in the CL, CB and IR-R districts undee Section 1322.03(2) [No outdoor bulk storage shal be permitted in the front yard and shall only be permed in the side or rar yard ite aoreened from view of stress by landecaping and/or buildings. Individual buildings and pedestrian entrances and parking area shall be laid out fo ‘promote pedestian access among different uses, Every effort should be made to preserve and reuse older buildings and to rehabilitate histori features. Modern additions and features should be placed towards the rear of the property. Article 1311.10.e does not apply to the OMU District, ‘Where existing adjacent older buildings have a certain horizontal or vertical pattern, ‘that orientation or pattern should be continued in new construction. Where existing ‘older buildings have a certain spacing of windows and doors, similar spacing (and similar sizes of windows and doors) should be continued. Article 1311.10.f does not to the OMU Distr (Overly modemistic or bland buildings devoid of details should be avoided when adjacent buildings have architectural details. Uninterrupted continuity of pedestrian-related uses are encouraged along arterial ‘and collector streets, particularly in areas of present activity. Outward street ‘orientation with storefronts, entrances and windows relating tothe street, rather ‘than an inward focus away from the street, shall be emphasized in new buildings. Street-oriented parking lots and non-pedestrian-related uses are not permitted in front yards along arterial and collector streets. [Existing older porches should be maintained and new porches should be considered on the front of new buildings ‘Commercial HVAC systems shall be screened from view from the font of ot using walls, fencing, roof elements or landscaping. Noise ot odor producing ventilation equipment should be placed as far sway from dwellings as is feasible. 20 City of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Aiele 1311 (&)_ New exterior fire escapes should not be constructed onthe front facade of @ building, ifan 0 (o) altemative location exists Solid or mostly slid security gates or rodown metal window covers shall not be permitted. Security doors or window covers that are mostly transparent may be used, and. Should be installed from the inside, within the window or door frames, or on the outside With a coilbox thats concealed by architectural features or an awning. Buildings should be constructed toa height compatible with existing surrounding buildings. One story buildings shall be evoided on blocks where existing structures are 2 stories or higher. Where an applicant finds that a2 story building i not possible, they are required to construct a building that ha the appearance of a2 story building when viewed ‘rom the stret (such as using decorative dormers). Such altemative shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Bureau ifthe building isnot located in an existing local ordinance historic district. a SECTION 8: That Article 1314 of the Zoning Ordinance be removed and replaced in is entirety as follows: ARTICLE 1314 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OMU DISTRICT 1314.01 Purposes, (@)_Inaddition to serving the purposes ofthe City Comprehensive Plan and the ‘overall purposes of this Ordinance, this Distt is intended to promate redevelopment of ares ofthe City that are curently underutilized and are only partially developed. This District also recognizes that tis area of Bethlehem is ‘unigue in terms of its size (over 50 ores) and its proximity to ramps of a limited access expressway (PA. Route 378). This District is also intended to provide transitional zoning provisions adjacent a County Park and recognized historical sit, the Burnside Plantation. This District also is mended to encourage ground-floor retail and sevice uses to create ‘connectivity between the resdentil and commercial buildings onthe overall 1314.02 Ares, Yard and Building Regulations. (2). The following Ares, Yard and Building Regulations shall apply for all residential uses: however, these repulatins in subsection (a) shall not apply 19 change of use ofa building that existed onthe tract prior tothe enactment of this District (1). Maximum Density 21 Dwelling Units/Acre* @) Minimum Lot Area 15 Acrest*** G) Minimum Lot Width 20 Feet *#°° (4) Minimum Building Setback 25 Feet except along Schoenersville from the Perimeter of the ‘Road and Eaton Avenue where ‘Tract and from Rights-of Way the minimum building setback of Existing Public Steets shall be 40 feet (5) Minimum Interior Front ‘Yard Setback SFeet** (© Minimum Interior Rear Yard Setback 20Feet** 5 Feet (ach)**, except that a 80 35 feet minimum separation from any other building shall be required fora building that includes 4 or more stories. (8) Maximum Building Height 4 habitable stories oF $0 feet. ** In dition, a building may have a maximum of one above-ground parking level 2 © (9) Maximum Building Coverage 609%¢** (10) Buffer Yard Required No (1) Site Plan Review by City Planning Commission Yes ‘The Maximum Density applicable to all residential uses shal be based upon the gross acreage ofthe tact District, without any deletions other than for rights- ‘of-way of existing or proposed publi streets, however, specifically excluding proposed public streets that shall be controled and/or maintained by a Homeowners’ Association ‘A building may exceed 4 habitable stories ifthe following addtional setback ‘requirement is met from any District boundary other than Eighth Avenue: for each foot of building height over 50 feet, two addtional feet of building setback shall e required. However, in no case shall a new building exceed @ {otal height of more than 120 feet ot 12 stories, whichever is more restitive. ‘An unenelosed font of side porch or stoop or scps or handicapped ramp or roof overhang or bay window may intrude up to 5 fet into the minimum front or side vards. An unenclosed deck may extend upto 10 feet nto the rear yard. ‘A detached rear garage shall be setback a minimum ofS feet from the tavel lanes of rear alle. ‘The maximum Building Coverage shall be based upon the ground level ‘footprint of all buildings on she tact in the District divided by the total area of the traet District. Individual lots may have a higher building coverage, provided thatthe maximum isnot exceed! fr the tet Ditrict. The following Ares, Yard and Building Regulations shall apply for all non- residential uses, however, these regulations in subsection (b) shall not apply to ‘change of use ofa building that existed on the tract prior othe enactment of this Overly District: (1) Minimum Lot Size 0.5 Acres *9* @) Minimum Lot Width 30 Feet *** @)_ Minimum Building Setback from the Perimeter of the ‘Tract and from Rights-of Way of Existing Public Streets 25 Feet except along Schoenersvile Road and Eaton Avenue where the ‘minimum building setback shall be 40 feet (4) Front Yard Setback 5 Feette* (8) Minimum Rear Yard Setback 30 Feet*** (6) Minimum Side Yard Setback 10 Feet ach)***, except that 2 6035 feet minimum separation from any oer ‘uilding shall be required for a building that includes 4 or more stores or 0-8 23 © © © (Maximum Building Height 4 habitable stores. ** In addition, a building may have a ‘maximum of one above-ground parking level (8) Maximum Building Coverage 60%" (0). Buffer Yard Required No (10) Site Pan Review by City Yes ‘The maximum Building Coverage shal be based upon the ground level footprint of al buildings om in the treet District divided by the total area ofthe ‘act District. Individual lots may have higher building coverage, provided ‘thatthe maximum isnot exceeded forthe tact District ‘A building may exceed 4 habitable stores i the following additional setback ‘requirement is met from any District boundary line other than Eighth Avenue: {or each foot of building height over 50 feet, two additional feet of building setback shall be required. However, in no case shall anew building exceed a {otal height of more than 120 feet or 12 stories, whichever is more restrictive. Individual uses or buildings may be owned in & condominium arrangement, Without each condominium unit needing to meet the minimum yard ‘equitements, An unenclosed front or side porch, roof overhang or stoop, steps ‘or handicapped ramp, awning, bay window, or pedestrian arcade may intrude upto 5 feet ino the minimum front or side yards. ‘A maximum 350,000 square feet of new building footprint is permitted to be of one (1) habitable story design. tees or planted with new treed shrubs or improved for outduor recreation felon ‘Atleast one reereation trail avilable for both publi and private use shall be rovided to connect dvelings to two points along the perimeter of the tract. Such open land shal be regulated by & Conservation Easement of Deed Restriction esublishe by the applicant and enforezableby the City of Bathchem, which prohibits the construction of buildings upon and the further subdivision ofthe required open land, Areas used for buildings or vehicle parking shall not count towards the open land requirement. (G)_ Unless anther form of ownership is approved by the City of Bethlehem as ‘put of inal subdivision and land development pan such open and shall, Be owned and maintained by legally binding association of propery~ ‘owners on the tract. The form of the property-owners' legal documents Shall be subject wo acceptance by the City Solicitor. thee fs mutual ‘writen agreement betwen the applicant and the City Council part or all af the open land may be maintained a a public park. ‘Aminimum 100 fect setback shall apply between any new prinipal building andthe ot ine of any public park that exited prior tthe adoption of the OMU Distt, unless a larger setback is required by nother section ofthis 2 Ordinance. This 10 fet setback shall be reduced toa minimum of 75 fet if the building has a maximum of 4 habitable stories and ifthe building is separated by the public park by a row of primarily evergreen trees with an initial height of S fet, in addition to preservation of existing heathy mature teoes within such setback 1314.03 Overall Master Plan, Phasing and Deed Restrictions, (@) Prior tothe development of any new building under the Dstict’s provisions, the applicant shall submit an Overall Master Pan and-Design-Guidelines for ‘the tract. The Overall Master Plan shall show the approximate locations, heights and uses ofall buildings, as well asthe approximate locations of proposed parking, streets and open land. The Master Plan may include a range ‘of allowed uses, a opposed to identifying each specific use. The Overall ‘Master Plan shall be made available for review for a minimum of 30 days by the City Planning Commission, Planning and Zoning Bureau and the City Engineer. (©) Design guidelines outined in Article 1311 shall apply to all properties located inthe District. 1314.04. Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations, @ 319 shall apply, except as follows: (1), On-street parking spaces along new strets for non-residential uses may Ie used to meet upto 28 percent of the requeed aff-teet parking requirements for Uses that are within 300 feet of such parking spaces. OfF- street parking spaces are not required to be on the same lot asthe use that is served by the parking provided tat: the parking is located within 300, {eet of the use that is served by the parking, and b) the applicant proves to the satisfaction ofthe Planning and Zoning Bureau that there will be sufficient legal mechanisms in place to ensure that the parking will continue t be available as long as the use is in existence. (2) No portion ofthe front facade of any non-residential building shall be ‘composed of vehicle garage door(s). For residential buildings, no ‘more than 80% 60% ofthe first floor front fagade of any building, shall be composed of vehicle garage doors. (3) To cnsure the availability of visitor parking for residential uses inthe development, an addtional (1) one parking space shall be created for every @)-4we-fowe- three (3) dvelling unit (excluding multi-family Date: Monday June 1, 2015 2t 4:17 PM Tor "Duane A. Wagner Subject: vole mall ust wanted to letyou know that we met today. We will meet again tomorrow. Iwill keep you poste, Darlene Haller Director of Planing and Zoning Cty ot Bethionem 510-997-7698 D/TIS Review 6/3/15 BILLNO. ‘ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA, AS AMENDED ‘THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. That current Article 1302 titled DEFINITIONS, inthe Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be ‘amended to include the following: 1302.103 Restaurant, Fast-Casual, An establishment tat serves food and beverages that does not offer fll table service, regardless of whether seas or other accommodations are provided inside or outside ofthe ‘building for patrons but has a higher quality of food with fewer frozen or processed ingredients than @ fast-food restaurant. A Fast-Casual Restaurant may or may not have a drive-through service, 1302.104 Restaurant, Fast-Food, An establishment that serves food and beverages prepared in a highly- processed fashion, typieally prepared on a large scale from bulk ingredients using standardized ‘cooking and production methods and equipment for consumption outside of the building or in vehicles parked upon the premises, regardless of whether seats or other accommodations are provided inside or outside of the building for patrons. A Fast-Food Restaurant may or may not hhave a drive-through service. All subsequent subsections are hereby renumbered accordingly. SECTION 2: That current Article 1308 titled CLASSIFICATION OF DISTRICTS, inthe Zoning Ordinance, as ‘amended, shall be amended to include the following: 1303.07(p) OMU_Office Mixed Use District -In addition to serving the purposes ofthe City ‘Comprehensive Plan and the overall purposes ofthis Ordinance, this District is intended to promote redevelopment of areas ofthe City that are currently underutilized and are only partially developed. ‘This District also recognizes that this area of Bethlehem is unique in terms of is size and its proximity to amps of a limited access expressway (PA. Route 378). This District is also intended to provide transitional zoning provisions adjacent to a County Park and recognized historical site, the Burnside Plantation, This District also is intended to encourage ground-floor retail and service uses to create ‘connectivity between the residential and commercial buildings on the overall tract All subsequent subsections are hereby renumbered accordingly SECTION 3. That the Zoning Map of the City of Bethichem, Pennsylvania be amended by changing all the ‘“CMCLTN ~ Landmark Conservation and Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay Distriet symbols and indications to OMU ~ Office Mixed Use Distrit as shown on the attached Exhibit “A, SECTION 4: That current Article 1305 titled ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended to include the following For addtional requirements ofthe OMU District, see Section 1314, SECTION 5: ‘That all chats in Article 1305 ted ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NON-RESIDENTIAL, ZONING DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended as follows to include the OMU Distiet: "TPES OF USES ZONING DISTRICTS (See defintons in Seton 1302) cee u NM wT On RRR OM DENTAL US Single Fanly Detached Deling NON NON N NON NON NON PH (Not = Manufaturedmobile homes shall met the adtoal requirement of Section 1322) Two Family Semi-Detached Dwelling NN NN NON NN NN BP Two Family Detached Dwelling NON NON NON NN NN P ‘Two Family Atached Dweling NON N NON N ON NN NON PB Single FamySemi-DeachedDweling © «NN ON oN N N NN N ON ON P (Gideby-side) ‘Towhous (Single Family Atached Dweling) NN ON NN N NN N ON PP S52) Muli-Family Dwellings (S. 1322), other han Conversions ofanexiingouefamily PY PY PY ON ON ON ON ON NN pooper weling nto 2. more dvelings Bonding Howe Grins Roming Hoe) “1322 SESE SEN ON NN SEN ON N WN ManufacturedMobile Home Putk(S.1322) ON SE NN N N N ON NN ON N Group Home within fl existing dwelling ‘it (6.1322) notinciainga TreammentCener PPO PON ON ON ON PON N NW (Conversion ofan Existing One Family Dwelling into Twoor More Dveling Unis Seeaiso” NN ON ON ON N N N N NON OW Unit for Care of Relive under Accesary Use), ‘other than a allowed by the above Mali-Famiy Dovelings provision witha soeet level omer use. Dormitories or ther Housing Ownod ‘Oper by College or University and —N PAinCGP* ON ON ON ON PN ON PON Limited to Oscupane by Stents or Saft Nin CS ofthe College or University (Gada housing sted above) rte or Sorority NON NON NN N PN NW WN Live Work Unt in compliance wit the Pee NN Nn rea "me Occupation and Live Work Provisions of Section 1522.03, + = Sach housing shal be loited in the same building as a principal commercial use that ison te frat suet ve. This requirement for a see evel commercial use shall not eply to buildings onting on loal sets See tbe ‘optional density boos fr workfors housing ia Article 1307. Inthe OMU District the maximum lot ize for any singe amily dwelling hall be $000 square eet. Provision of Seton 1322 shall not apply in the OMU Dist formu dvelings Permit by sight use (oning decision by Zoning Otie) ‘Special exception we (zning decison by Zoning Hearing Board) Not pemited ‘Soe Additonal Requirements in Seton 1322 TWPES OF USES (Gee etnitons in Seton 1502) ar Om | OO RRR OMB COMMERCIAL OSES ‘Adult Orented Establishment (8.1322) NN WN N SEN ON N NNN N ‘Afer Hous Chb-Note-Thisuseisefictiely NN ON NN N ON N N ON NN rbibited by Sate Act 219 of 1950, Alrpar'(S 132) (ee also Heliport) NON NN SN ON N NN WNW ‘ammscment Arcade eee Ne NG Ne Nn ees “Amusement Park or Water Park NP ON NN N NN NNN N ‘Animal Comer (8.1522) Gee Ne reer een Wee on ‘imal Sheer RG We NP GRe NaN NG Ne Neu ‘Aros or Auditorium PoP Pp PON PP PON POP ON [atrium (Commercia), Arn, Perfoming Ans Center ‘or Exhibition Trade Show Cone Per Ne ‘Auto Boy Shopor Auto Repair Garage (S.132)N PON Po OP ON N ON N N NON ‘Ato, Box or MobieMiantatured Home sles (6.1322) N oP ON N NN NN NON PW Bakery, Reta Pere ee Ne ee ol ‘Bed ah Breafist In (S. 1322) Pore NN NN ere Beverage Distibutr (wholealeandierrelai) NP ON NN N NN N Po PON ‘Bus Mantnance or Storage Yard NON NP P PON NN NON ON Bs, Tax or Passenger Ral Termin] Pop pop Pp PN NN PoP ON YOR Chibincomplanee wit Seoion WIR NNWCG NON ON ON ON ON N ON NON SEin cs Car Wash (8.1322) NOP ON NN N NNN NNN Catering, Cariom, for OWSie Consumpion =P oP oP PoP PP PON P PP Check Cashing Bsinss(S. 1322) NSE ON NON NN N NN NN Communications Antenae, Commercial (S. 1322), Timed to accessory anteana attached © speciied types of sructres PoP Per ere re ‘Commusicatons Tower, Commercial (8.1322), NNN SE PSE SE SE N SE SE N ‘or tberantensae that af not allowed under the above provision Conference Center oF Exposiion emer = «NP OPO PRON POPP ON OPO ON {Constction Company of Tradesperson's Head- ‘artes (nlding but at lined o landscaping, ulin ade rant contractor). See also as Home Occupation. Accessory outdoor ‘sorge sal be permite provide meets {He seecning equsenensofSecion [31823 PY P SEY POPP PON ON OP Op ‘cals. Artisans Studio. Pro Ph ere ey Pe ‘=X asian oF 23% a ot shal bowed To otloor argo, Which shal Be seared by bulingr andlor Jundscaping fom view of ses. Limited to sas of moto vehicles thas primarily conducted indoor. ‘Aleta and service uses nist be enclosed within building. ‘Oxtdoor storage not permitted im OMU District. wale serened-by buildings andor landaaping frome tsi, P= Permited righ we 2oning decision by Zoning Office) SE ‘Special exception se (Zoning decision by Zoning Hearing Boa’) N= Notperited (13227 See Additonal Requirement in Seton 1322 "TYPES OF USES ZONING DISTRICTS (See definition in Section 1302) CGeu No MT oo OR RR OM “8S © COMBERGIAL USES Cam ‘Custom Printing, Copying, Faxing, Mating or (Comer Service and similar services to businesses Poe ee Pr ree og Dayeare PoP ON PoP RP PON Po PoP P Berese Ch PoP PoP Pp Po P PRP PoP PP Fineclal nation (, 1322 ines banks, wth Drive-Through ilies allowed in the CB and CL asic only ithe wse rear for vice entry ante ‘it, SeeDrivetrough ilies reulitions in Seaion 132203,"" fork ee ee Flea Mark! Acton Howse rN Ne Funeral Home, witbou a crematorium Pop PN P NN PON PON ON Funeral Home wi erator NON ON SE PON N SEN ON NN ‘Gaming Fails, Liens (S 1322), oter han ‘all games of chance allowed under State law tad the State Lotery NON NON N NN NN PON W (Gu Sutin, which may occur witharcailswre, NP =ON ON PN NN N SEN Peeew ‘and wich may sliofclde Tuling of vebiles tring hydrogen, natural gato sil fl Heliport (5. 1522) NON N P PoP P PON P PN Hors of Motl (8.1522) NPN ee Ne Ne wee Kennel (S. 1522) NON N P PON NN NON WN ON [Lnromat Pop PON PON N P NWP PP ‘Laundy, Commercial o Industrial NON N Po P PON NN P PN Camber Yard NON ON FP PON NON ON POP ON Micr-bowery andor Miero-istilery (i combination witha esaran) Pg eg rea We ces Wea MN eN) Poe Motor Vehicle Raceback, Outdoor(S.1322) NN NN SEN N N NN ON N Night 8.1322) NSE SEN PON N NN P PP Office (May inchde medialcliniesorlabs) «=P «PPP POPP OPO avn Shop (S. 1522) N oS ON ON ON ON N ON N NN ON Parsonal Services (eludes ilorng, custom Aessmakng, nireuting ying, ave gency, nal salon, dog grooming, y- Perla by ght use Coming decison by Zning OFae) SE = Special exception use (aonng decision by Zoning Hearing Board) N= Notpermited (1322) =" "See Adkitonal Requirements in Section 1322 TVPES OF USES ZONING DISTRICTS (See dtnitons in Seton 1502) CCS uN A MT OR RR OM ses = RDUSRALUSES (Com ‘Research and Development, Engineering or Testing lity o Laboratory oer hua medical iaboraories, whic is considered an office we) and related ‘manufactre of prototypes NON NP P Po PON N Po PON ‘Sel Planing Mil NON N P PON N NN PON N Slaghteriouse, SockyadorTamey,wiaN oN oN oN SE NN ON N N NON 400 fet mininum setback rom alo ines ‘Sold Waste Land (8.1322) NON NN SEN N NN NN OW Sold Waste Tanster Fclty or Purescet Waste to Energy Feliy (8. 1322) NON NN SEN N NN NN ON ‘Trucking Company Terminal (S.1322) NN NS PON N ON N SEN ON WarchoisingorStoageasapracalwe N ON N Pp P oN NN N SEN ON WarchowringorStragessimonsie = PPP OPPO PORN POON accessory tse Welding NON N PoP oP NON PON ON ‘Whcesle Sule (other than Motor Vehicles) NSE NP POP NON PO PON £ ACCESSORY USES See lis of adaiional permited uses in Seton 1306.03 ‘suchas Residental Accessory Sucre or Use See Addtdnal Roqlremets in Section 1322 fr Specie "Acsassoy Uses ‘bis Sheer (8.1322) PoP oP P P PoP PoP PR PP ‘Composing (S122) oer han leaves, tee (HF or mses geberated ose which are permite by right NN er NN Ne Nn Day Care Center aecessory 1 and o the same lot a a0 existing awl Pace of Worship orpemittetweP PPP POPP PPO Day Care (5.1522) a5 acessory to an exising dwelling ‘ay care of maximum of 3 ads or yout, ‘addon to relatives of te caregiver, which oes not need «permit Pore NNN Re ery Day Care (8.1322) 35 acessry to an existing dwelling ‘Group Dey CueHome(S.1522) PPP ON ON ON OP OP ON PP ON 1 Family Day CaeHome S152) PPP ON ON ON PO PON POPP ‘Home Occupation Major Mine S.1322) PP oP oP P P P P PP pp ‘Meal Center (1522) PoP ON NN NN PN NNN ‘Outdoor real sales as accessory to Principal (Commercial Use(S. 1322) PoP PON NN NN PP Pp pte ‘Outdoor Storage and Disply as acessory toa ‘busines se shal also comply with bute yank i “0 pe_p pop oN WN ‘St = Kmaximum of 9 of let Sl be used for outdoor soaps, wick shal be sereened by Baldings andor ladicaping ‘hom view of set. e Permit by right use (zoning decision by Zoning Om) se Special exception use (zoning decision by Zoning Hearing Bosrd) NS Netpermiaed (G.1322)~ See Aadional Regutemen in Section 1322 se" Outdoor Ret Sale hall nly be aincet othe uiding on the fromtsidewalk, ut shall maltan 45 walking ath on said sidewalk. “TYPES OF USES (Ge definition in Section 1302) cee u Nn 7 EACCESSORYUSES Cont) Real Sales as Accessory ta Principal ndusialN NON PPP ‘Use itd t items produced or dsubuted onthe premises, an limited to a maxim of St. ofthe oor aren ofthe principal use Unit for Cae of Relative (S132) on the oof ‘an exitig dveling PoP PON 2 __MISCELLANEOUS USES {GropFarmingand Wholesale GreenbousesN Fores (8. 1322) P Livestock orPoulay, Raising of S.1522)" _N ‘Natre Preserve Environmental Education Center P Parking Lota an accssoy se P Parking Lota prinipal ise tht doesnot ‘primary seve waciraller tucks or ells Packing Stactr of2 or More Levels that doesnot pricy serve wacorsrler tracks orale Parking Loto Sct tht primarily serves ator rcks or les Parking Lot fer Cpeoling Recycling Collection Center ‘Sovage Treament Plant Sola Energy Colleeon Systems Wind webnes: ‘Maximum ofone on alotthatisan sccestry wae ands dsignd primarily for sit cleric use (S-1322) were weuez weaee wezee x x N N N P wzzzz wz2es wave (Oneormore wid tbies,otherthan =N ON oN SE PSE above (6. 1522) A Uses that wl be abl to comply with he performance standards of this ordnance. So the Environmental Protection requirements of Atle S NON N NON ON seuss wyeee se wewez ee weewe ss memes 2 yume wezss wzveg = wzswg © wenez x zzzzz ~ +S Se City Orinanoe are 1159 Porminod by eight use (oning decision by Zoning Officer) Spocal exception use (zoning daision by Zoning Hesring Board) ‘Not permed (.1322)= See Addonl Requirements in Seton 1322 ‘SECTION 6: That the table in Section 1306.01(a) titled DIMENSIONAL REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended to include the OMU District as follows: 106 son ty 20N9 4 001 sare Gana (avo opis WH, wena (a2v0 PIE WN et 1H Usps UO 205 sosn pawony 90 (4 or5—sPmpuns 25 PM soem mmopssng-ion ¢e eI SUN BD HL sn yo ad, asus Buwoz ory] — O20) ps108 oe vor o o we oa ‘yan op 9 pambos x es ss 019 ams orm] — amo | ‘coozioatesrs mara y 106 sar Fa Fa o oe ame ‘npanony sam meg Fags $9 aan | @mo Sepa 0s 989 7 ar | toa 30 o 00% ' ‘09081 Sateen oe "enya vonng “12509 pans Sane “ae SST eM POM snoyud, woatog amp “Bupa woakog same Cv) eeqHS BEA ao UH, ‘Lone! wona9g ost 5 (a0) Cu PEGS eg oI ss = moaning 299 09 (aan) Cy bs) eany wimpy | os joedky aemsia 3uoz worn sae sot | om} (orm | (aan | (aan) oj unt wp 9§ 295 408 689 o st 0 o woe sa 9987 vam | (yan) 408 459 st st 0 ost ae sous sep NS 40 vss} cvemp | eva o o cov 30 pono 31 st ‘asia emp MALT 0 ponony "eondt Sard 22924 2UON OF ont sue || ost eunpa pues 9 cy sar ypem19S, wove! —Gewn) | Garn) ‘osoet | Supyng ones | alensoy | afeanaan, wouas os ON cosqeans | snowuoduay | “Auprng, sas (aon) | we pomseaw | (aon) iad | auooag | aun (a) e098 'npun | Cabs) ary wunapseyy | unwise | nese pramouy-oy | rer | wT uN | espgoodky aoxusia Buoy nctpmy 295 suai KO “ZT S0e1 ws} — vo6ta ong 295 5 00, ose | si0s(e zov0et | —_(ae9on) wwono.g | sBesa10D osqeaas | snoruoduy ion | upaiog wnmpeeyy | uma 9 pomotry 210 (@ 5 eum doa (e wap - emda, NER wa PE uoadojoopoR STB MOL 57 30 ad sopnstc S007, (City of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Astle 1311 SECTION 7: That Article 1311 ~DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE CL, CB AND RI DISTRICTS ‘be amended to read as follows: ARTICLE 1311 DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE CL, CB, RT AND OMU DISTRICTS. 1311.01 Purposes (@) Encourage appropriate redevelopment and reuse of underutilized sites (b) Promote « mix of appropriate light business and residential uses inthe same building. (©) Expund use ofthe public transit system and pedestrian and bieyele etculation, (@ Create opportunities to live, shop and work inthe same area. ()_ Improve the appearance ofthe City’s commercial corridors. (D) Attract new customers and new sources of employment and tax revenue. (2) Este the-Traitions! Neighborhond Development provisions of the Pennsylvania (@ Utilize principals of Smart Growth to promote compact mixed-use development. 1311.02. Applicability. (2) Where a provision ofthis Section directly regulates the same matter as another section of this Ordinance or another City Ordinance, the more restrictive requirement shall apply. (&) Provisions using the word “shail” are mandatory. Provisions using the Word “should” are strongly recommended, and may be the basis of a condition upon a special exception or variance approval (©) Provisions of Section 1311.05 and 1311.06 shall not apply to the RT Distct. 1311.03 Modifications. Upon receipt ofa written request, the Planning and Zoning Bureau and City Planning Commission shall consider modifications to the standards ofthis Article 1311 based on the existing site conditions, the proposed us, hardships, or innovations in technology in accordance with the terms of Artile 1325,06(b) ofthis Ordinance. 1311.04 Building and Site Layouts and Setbacks, (See Section 1306.05, Build-To Line for Front Building Setback, which establishes required front setbacks along certain streets to maintain consistency with existing buildings on that block. (©) Surface off-street parking and any garage doors shall be located tothe retro side of principal buildings, as opposed to being newly placed between the font lot lin along a street and the front wall of a new principal building. In the OMU District, garage doors shall be located to the rear or side of principal non-residential and mixed-use buildings. This provision shall not limit rearrangement of spaces within existing parking areas. If such lot is adjacent to two or more streets, this restriction shall only apply to the ‘ne stret that isthe most heavily traveled by vehicles (©) Sce City sidewalks requirements and City street tree requirements in separate ordinances ‘An average of at least one street tree shall be planted for each 30 feet of street length, unless existing tees will be preserved to serve the same purpose. The spacing of such 7 City of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Aricle 1311 @ 1311.05 @ o © © @ o), 1311.06 ® © trees may vary to provide for driveways, sight distance and other features, provided the average Separation of trees is met. Fora use involving anew principal commercial building, a site plan shall be submited to the Cty showing locations for garbage storage ruck loading areas and parking areas, if applicable. Such locations shall be subject to approval bythe City to minimize conficts ‘with sidewalks and dwellings. ‘Design Requirements A new principal non-residential, multi-amily, or mixed use building shall not have a front facade comprised of more than 25 percent vinyl or aluminum siding. New parking lot ight installed by a developer shall have a maximum ttl height of 20 ‘et and use a decorative design approved by the City. Light fixtures on private property sare encouraged to use design that are similar to any decorative fixtures used onthe adjacent street ‘Anew principal building of over 150 fet in length along a street shal include variations in roofline, overhangs, architectural details, setbacks, colors or facade materials or use ‘canopies, porches and avmings. A long new principal building should have the appearance of smaller connected buildings Blank walls without at least one door and one window shall not face an arterial street, Retail stores shall have display windows facing onto a street. Such display ‘windows do not necessarily have to be open tothe inside of the store, ifthere are curity issues, The windaws should have sulficient visibility from the street for o customers. In the OMU District, such doors and et e purposes and do not have fo fencton. {Tractor-trailer truck lading docks and service areas shall not be vibe from any street frontage. ‘Chainlink exposed metal fencing shal not be placed along any street frontage, Picket or ‘omamental fences are encouraged. Highway-syle metal guide ral shal not be used if ‘sible from a stret or public right-of wa. “The applicant for anew principal building, excet for single family detache or sem detached dwellings, shall submit set of preliminary architectural sketch or elevation plans of the font facade and a description of proposed front facade material (othe City Such materials may be offered to the City Planing Commision or other boards for review and comment, as appropriate New construction should have rooflines that ae similar to adjacent older building, Flat roofs should be avoided, except when a decorative comice or parapet is used. Where a Pitched roof is not practical, then the roof should at leas appear to have angles anda pitch ‘when viewed from the steet. ‘Sidewalks and Pedestrian Access ‘The sidewalks in front of an arterial street should include use of decorative brick, conerete pavers, patterned concrete or similar material that has the appearance of ‘decorative masonry. Such materials may be used as accents, with the majority of the sidewalk being regular conerete. See guidelines from Publie Works Department. Pedestrian crosswalks should be provided along arterial street corridors using materials ‘and colors that visually distinguish the crosswalk from the street surface and that include some texture. The use of pavers, patterned concrete or stamped textured asphalt is 18 City of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Asile 1311 encouraged, (©). Pedestrian traffic should be separated from major vehicle routes. Developments should be designed in such a way as to be inviting for pedestrian traffic and to provide convenient walking routes ftom public transit stops. (@ See bike racks provisions in Article 1319 — Parking, 1319.02(n). (©) Commercial buildings shall have their main pedestrian entrance pedestrian walkway/plaza (D)City-approved tre grates or similar measures may be used in sidewalk areas, with attention to providing sufficient planting area to sustain the root area of large size shade ‘tees. The City may approve outdoor seating that intrudes into the sidewalk, provided a S {oot continuous pedestrian and wheelchair accessible pathway is provided within the sidewalk width. See Article 721, Streets and Sidewalks (@) Any encroachment into the public right-of-way requites an Encroachment Permit from the City Department of Public Works a street ora 1311.07 Signs (2) Various signs on a property should be coordinated. Internally illuminated signs of box: ‘ype construction should be avoided. Signs should not cover architectural details -Avwmnings that extend at a straight angle from a building are encouraged to provide Continuity along a block front and weather protection. The front panel of an awning may bbe used for a sign provided the sign image is integrated with the awning and the awning thas the appearance of a fabrictype material. Any encroachment into the public right-of- ‘way requires an Encroachment Permit from the City Department of Publie Works, 1311.08 Parking and Driveways, (@) No new offstreet parking space shall be placed between a principal building and the curbline of an arterial street along the front ofthe lot. Existing parking spaces may be re-arranged, provided they donot result in an increase in off-street parking spaces in such location, In the OMU District, parking spaces placed between a ili of a arterial stret along the front ofthe lat sh De limited toon e(1) driving alsleand one (1) row of parklng spaces (6) No new vehicle driveway shall enter or exit onto-an arterial street, unless the applicant proves that no feasible alternative exists, such as use of alleys ora side rect (©) Parking areas should shall be well-screened from the stret by landscaping, See Section 1318.23. {See Section 1319.02(0) which allow some flexibility in parking requirements. Shared parking among property owners and businesses is encouraged where adequate parking Spaces exist for shared usage. Soe Section 1319.02(g) regarding landscaping between parking lots and srets. (Parking areas should be well-sereened from arterial and collector streets by landscaping and a decorative masonry wall or ornamental fencing not exceeding 4 feet in height. Any wall or fence shall be on the inside of a row of shrubs or trees unless otherwise approved by the City. Where rear parking snot possible, then parking shall be provided tothe side ofa building. Where a driveway needs to enter from the front to access a garage, the garage shall be setback further from the stret than the house, and the driveway should be as narrow as practical through the front 9 City of Bethlehem Zoning Ordinance Ale 1311 1311.09 @ 131.10 @ © © @ © o © Oy @ 0 © 0 yard, Article 1311,08.¢ docs not apply to the OMU District, Alleys and Side Access, ‘When a new principal building is proposed, ia rear or sie alley exists adjacent tothe lot ‘or an existing alley can feasibly be extended, it shall be used as access for any new vehicle garage, driveway or parking spaces, except a comer lot may have a garage, Ariveway or parking accessing a street that is not along the fron lot line. This subsection shall not apply if an alternative point of vehicle access is specifically required by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation or the City Planning Commission. ‘garage doors when they front upon a street, when such locations are allowed, fapproved by the City, the applicant shal have the option of offering a building as a “Live Work Unit” in the CL, CB and IR-R districts under Section 1322.03(2). 'No outdoor bulk storage shal be permitted in the front yard and shall only be permitted in the side or rear yard if tis screened from view of streets by landscaping andior buildings Individual buildings and pedestrian entrances and parking areas shall be laid out to promote pedestrian access among different uses. Every effort should be made to preserve and reuse older buildings and to rehabilitate historic features. Modern additions and features should be placed wrds the rear of the property. Article 1311.10. doss not apply to the OMI horizontal or vertical pattern, that orientation or pattern should be continued in new construction, Where existing ‘older buildings have a certain spacing of windows and doors, similar spacing (and similar sizes of windows and doors) should be continued. Article 1311,10.f does no wooly to the OMU Distr (Overly modemistic or bland buildings devoid of details should be avoided when adjacent buildings have architectural details. Uninterrupted continuity of pedestrian-related uses are encouraged along arterial and collector streets, particularly in areas of present activity. Outward street orientation with storefronts, entrances and windows relating to the street, rather ‘han an inward focus away from the street, shall be emphasized in new buildings. ‘Street-oriented parking lots and non-pedestrian-related uses are not permitted in front yards along arterial and collector streets. Existing older porches should be maintained and new porches should be considered on the front of new buildings. Commercial HVAC systems shall be screened from view from the front ofa lot using ‘alls, fencing, roof elements or landscaping. Noise or odor producing ventilation equipment should be placed as far away from dwellings as i feasible. [New exterior fire escapes should not be constructed on the front facade ofa building, if an alternative location exists. Solid or mostly soli security gates or roll~iown metal window covers shall not be permitted. Security doors or window covers that are mostly transparent may be used, and should be installed ftom the inside, within the window or door frames, or on the outside 20 City of Bethichem Zoning Onnance Acie 1311 witha coilbox that is concealed by architectural features or an awning. (0m) Buildings should be constructed to height compatible with existing surrounding buildings. One story buildings shall be avoided on blocks where existing structures are 2 stories or higher. Where an applicant finds that a 2 story building is not possible, they are required to construct a building that has the appearance of a2 story building when viewed from the street (such as using decorative dormers). Such alternative shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Bureau ifthe building isnot located in an existing local ‘ordinance historic istrict, 2 SECTION 8: That Article 1314 ofthe Zoning Ordinance be removed and replaced in its entirety as follows: ARTICLE 1314 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OMU DISTRICT 1314.01 Purposes, (@)_In addition to serving the purposes ofthe City Comprehensive Plan and the ‘overall purposes of this Ordinance, this District is intended to promote redevelopment of areas ofthe City that are curently underutilized and are only partially developed. This District also recognizes that this area of Bethlehem is "unique in terms of its size (ver 50 acres) and its proximity to ramps of a limited access expressway (PA. Route 378) This District is also intended to provide transitional zoning provisions adjacent toa County Park and recognized historical ste, the Burnside Plantation, This District also is intended to encourage ground-floor retail and service uses to create connectivity between the residential and commercial buildings on the overall tract, 1314.02 Atea, Yard and Building Regulations, (@) The following Area, Yard and Building Regulations shall apply for all residential uses: however, these regulations in subsection (2) shall not apply ta ‘a change of use of a building that existed on the tract prior tothe enactment of this District: (1). Maximum Density 21 Dwelling Units/Acre*® @) Minimum Lot Area 1.5 Acrest*** @) Minimum Lot Width 20 Feet **¢* @ Minimum Building Setback 25 Feet excep along Schoenersville fiom the Pesimete of the Road and Eston Avenue where Tract and from Right-of-Way the minimum building setback of Existing Pubic Sueets shall be 40 feet (©) Minimum Interior Front Yard Setback SFeatt® © Min i Rear Yard Setback 20 Feet** (©) Minimum Interior Side Yard Setback 5 Feet (Each)*, except that a 8835 fet ‘minimum separation from any other building shall be required for a building that includes 4 or more stories. (8) Maximum Building Height 4 habitable stories or-80-fet, ** In addition, a building may have a ‘im of one above-ground pring © (®) Maximum Building Coverage 60%¢** (10) Buffer Yard Required No (10 Site Plan Review by City Planning Commission Yes ‘The Maximum Density applicable to all residential uses shall be based upon the ‘ross acreage of the tract Distriet, without any deletions other than for rights- ‘of-way of existing or proposed public streets, however, specifically excluding proposed public stoets that shall be controlled and/or maintained by a Homeowners’ Association A building may exceed 4 habitable stories ifthe following additonal setback ‘requirement is met ftom any District boundary other than Eighth Avenue: for each foot of building height over 50 feet, two additional feet of building sethack shall be required. However, in no case shall a new building exceed a total height of more than 120 feet or 12 stories, whichever is more restrictive. ‘An unenclosed front or side porch or stoop or steps or handicapped ramp or roof overhang or bay window may intrade upto 5 feet into the minimum front or side yards. An unenclosed deck may extend up to 10 feet into the rea yar ‘A detached rear garage shall be setback a minimum of § feet from the travel lanes of a rear alley. ‘The maximum Building Coverage shall be based upon the ground level footprint of al buildings om-the-tact in the Distriet divided by the total area of the tract Distriet. Individual los may have « higher building coverage, provided that the maximum is not exoeded forthe trast District Individual dwelling units may be owned in a condominium arrangement, ‘without each condominium unit needing to meet the minimum yard requirements, ‘The following Ares, Yard and Building Regulations shall apply forall non- residential uses, however, these regulations in subsection (b shall not apply to a change of use of a building that existed on the tract prior to the enactment of this Overlay District: (1) Minimum Lot Size 05 Acres *** Q) Minimum Lot Width 30 Feet *** G). Minimum Building Setback from the Perimeter of the ‘Tract and from Rights-of- Way ‘of Existing Public Streets 25 Feet except along Schoenersvlle ‘Road and Faton Avenue where the minimum building setback shall be 40 feet (4). Front Yard Setback 5 Feett** (3) Minimum Rear Yard Setback 30 Feet?** (©) Minimum Side Yard Setback 10 Feet (Each)***, except that a 80.35. feet minimum separation from any other building shall be required for «building that includes 4 or more stories o” $0‘. © @ © (7) Maximum Building Height 4 hubitabe stories. ** In addition, a building may have 8 ‘maximum of one above-ground parking level. (8) Maximum Building Coverage 60%* (9). Buffer Yard Required No (10) Site Plan Review by City Yes ‘The maximum Building Coverage shall be based upon the ground level footprint of al buildings om in the tat District dived by the total area ofthe ‘act District Individual lots may have a higher building coverage, provided that the maximum isnot exceeded for the tact District. ‘A building may exceed 4 habitable stories ifthe following addtional setback requirement is met from any District boundary line other than Eighth Avenue: for cach foot of building height over 50 fet, two additional feet of building setback shall be required. However, in no case shall a new building exceed a {otal height of more than 120 feet or 12 stories, whichever is more restrictive. Individual uses or buildings may be owned in a condominium arrangement, without each condominium unit needing to meet the minimum yard requirements, An unenclosed front or side porch, roof overhang or stoop, stops or handicapped ramp, awning, bay window, or pedestrian arcade may intrude up to 5 fect into the minimum front or side yards. ‘A maximum 350,000 square fet of new building footprint is permitted to be of one (1) habitable story design. anche thereridenteandemploreesof the inet or by invitees of sucht Se eee eet ‘At Teast one recreation trail available for both public and private se shall be provided to connect dwellings to two points along the perimeter ofthe tract Such open land shall be regulated by a Conservation Easement or Deed Restriction established by the applicant and enforceable by the City of Bethlchem, which prohibits the construction of buildings upon and the further subdivision of the required open land. Areas used for buildings or vehicle ‘parking shall not count towards the open land requirement. ()_ Unless another form of ownership is approved by the City of Bethlehem as part of a final subdivision and land development plan, such open land shall 'be owned and maintained by a legally binding association of property ‘owners on the tract, The form of the property-owners” legal documents shall be subject to acceptance by the City Solicitor. If there is mutual ‘written agreement between the applicant and the City Council pat or all of the open land may be maintained as a public park. ‘A minimum 100 feet setback shall apply between any new principal building tnd the lot line of any publi park that existed prior tothe adoption of the OMU District, unless a larger setback is required by another section of this 4 131403 @ © 131404 @ 1314.06 @ Ordinance. This 100 fet sethack shall be reduced to a minimum of 75 feet if the building has a maximum of 4 habitable stories and ifthe building is separated by the public park by a row of primarily evergreen tres with an initial height ofS feet, in addition to preservation of existing healthy mature ‘toes within such setback, Overall Mater Plan, Phasing and Deed Restrictions. Prior to the development of any new building under the District's provisions, ‘the applicant shall submit an Overall Master Plan and-Desiga- Guidelines for the tract. The Overall Master Plan shall show the approximate locations, ‘heights and uses of all buildings, as well asthe approximate locations of proposed parking, streets, and open land. The Master Plan may include a range of allowed uses, as opposed to identifying each specific use. The Overall ‘Master Plan shall be made available for review for a minimum of 30 days by the City Planning Commission, Planning and Zoning Bureau and the City Engineer. Design guidelines outlined in Article 1311 shall apply to all properties, located in the District. ‘OfE:Stret Parking and Loading Regulations ‘Artie 1319 shall apply, except as follows: (2) On-steet parking spaces along new streets for non-residential uses may bbe used to meet up to 25 percent of the required offeret parking requirements for uses that are within 30 fet of such parking spaces. Of stret parking spaces are not required tobe onthe same lot as the use that is served by the parking provided that: ) the perkng i located within 300 feet ofthe use that is served by the parking, and b) the applicant proves to the satisfaction ofthe Planning and Zoning Bureau that there wil be slficient legal mechanisms in place to ensure thatthe parking will continue to be availabe a long asthe use is in existence. @) No portion of the front facade of any non-residential building shal be composed of vehicle garage door(s). For residential buildings, no more than 56% 60% ofthe first floor front fagade of any building shall be composed of vehicle garage doors, @) Toensute the availability of visitor parking fr residential uses in the development, an additional (1) one parking space shall be crated for every @h4we-four three (3) dwelling units (excluding multi-family Subject: MT- Gas Station Distance Darlene, Please gle me acallto discuss the attached. Thanks, Ci Tea DMS. =| eae SDEMMCHCHE AHH INE OKO MT - Bethlehem Zoning Revisions Duane A. Wagner Sens Fiy, pti, 205 at ter Ht’, arene ‘Attachments: = MU Dra HR vy =p (659 KB T= of Bethe Zo~1.oce (8B); T= OMU Brat HRP hye ce 157 5) Darlene, Attached is the current revised (redline) drat ofthe Bethlehem Office Mixed-Use (OMU} zoning ordinance for the Tower propery. ‘included the fies 2s POFS and Word documents, Note the POF file contains both the OMU Ordinance and Design Guidelines (Section 1313) n one document. Please give meal to discuss upon your review. Thanks, Duane Cin of Belen Zoning Ordnance ‘e131 DESIGN STANDARDS INTHE CL, CB AND RT DISTRICTS. 13119) Bao. () Eocourage appropriate redevelopment andres of wend ste (0) Pomeiesiie of appa igh sins nd esidel we nb ame bald, (e) Bepanduse ate ple erst stan cn pasearan nd yee cealsion (@) Creme opportunist live shop and wrkin the same en {2 Improve te mpprence of be Cys Sommers cargos (6) Atmos ne caomars nde me of ployment an reve ‘Muniipiee Parnas x 131102 poi. (@Whecaprovsion ofthis Seton direct ele the sme te as another section of {hs Ordhanee or another iy Orie he more Yescve rue al pp. (&) Provisorstingthe worl are mandaary Provsns singe Word-sou” we ‘eorly ecrmend, ond maybe heb canon yon a pela expan oe ‘trance eval (e3 Provatons of Seton 1311.05 ad 131.05 ot apy te RT Dist, 131103 Moieton, Upon ein of writen request he Planing wn Zoning Breas and {Sti tae on helsing st cones, he propose ears or lanvatons in technology acsrdance wih eens of Anil 13050500 fh Gans. 1311.08 Bilis Se anos Ses (0) See Seton 90805, Buit-T Line fr Fran Bung Setback hich sabes ‘uel ron seas slong carina minim enoisany with eine bles on ht ls. (0) Suricesttsverportinand any gmege coos salt te locnlsesherararsidest pinapaingroppomsictangretypeeenemeentetoreiiwsoe \Gectan eon nl arene pina inline Pheprovaionshastcrtiie “ ‘anengenersofspoeseir crs pring res anch it nto me tnererea in eticionshaltantyapiytthc ane soe! ba thomex vend sone . (o) Soci sdewale reunenets and Cy eve ree reqireensin separ esas ‘An svengsfa leat ne see eel be pane for ech 30fet of et en, nes evitng eel be preserved o svete sane pups. The sac of such ‘rons my vary fo provide for renays ight dtance nd eres, provid Sveagesepwraio fees mee (@) Forces volving a nepal corer buling a se pa shall be bite» She Cy showing bens or enbage srg, rock ating areas nd parking ref ‘pba. Such oct bl Be sje to aprovaly the Cyr cane srthskdewas and deine 131108 Design Renuements, (0)-nenpinipalconseientshuliipvormineus bung salathavea ont Tieodecomptantofnoredar SS pcantvintorseinansiing (0) Newpuing tgs stale by develop! sal hve maxi al ght of 20 ‘Beant usea destrve design proved by he iy, Light tres eat propery ‘nvencuraged a ue Gg ht are sir an sorte fares ed one (©) Aow pip! bung of ver 150 fain gh longs stall nctue varies lntoones overhangs, sctsecal etal shack sas ade materials rae Ssrupen pores en mung viene rein being chet bares: stamolerseneeseabuiings| (Bunk was witout est oe dor mone window oor an wis ae atid [efnsenia sal ot fc nari ste ‘as str: shal have dpiy windows fang oases. Such ply windows do sotsecrni veto be pe oe lnsie of e sre, ere ae ery sus The ‘indo ald have sfc Vs om he See fr scart purposes be (} Tati useing Sacaandsenie anaes ec bevidie froma eet ‘eraem (0, Chink cone atl ecg shal nt be place lng any set Gone Picket evar fener encourage. Highway ye mel pie rls shal nat be wed if _ tlle Bom see or pubic pofeny. {Gi Theappcan fora new pial baling ect fers fiydeached or sei ‘ins te ron facade and denon of pepe Fo fete wae te Ci Sich mlerals may bored she Cy Pang Commission reer bares or svewant comet ppt (i) Newest sald he oof hare ilar act oer bldg. Fat ‘of hold be stole, xp wha Jecraive coc of papel used Whee Deo nti ot pti, ben te of sud tas appear tba ales a pitch ‘tho sewed om the see. 131106 Sideulisand Palen Aces, (6) Tres nt nara eld inlaw of donne cone oven tena emcee cniarmavral dttar th appewance econ nen Suchraay bos race hemor fhe soma bie {Rear conenee See pices fom Pose Sarar pero (@) Petia croswals sold be provide log ara ste cord ula eters ‘col hat uly ditnguh the ross fem eset suc and at le fometexure. The use of pavers paral coer Sap tard aa "8 ‘ovursee. (o) Peioaran ri should be spr fom major veil routs, Development shoule ene in sch raya tbe ving fr peer rac ando provide convenient ‘ting routes fen publ rant one (a) Scebieracsprovisnsin Ariel 1919 Pang 191.020) (©) Coemeril ings shal hve tel main eden enrac> acing west or pea eehovayca. = (iy alee Zing Otnrce nse 381 (9 Cpeaproved esate similr meses may be wed nado eas, ih ‘Stenson roving fier laing wen sustain rose of age ize hae ‘os. The ly ny apyrove eta seing ha neues he eval povided ‘Botenmiavos pean né whistle psy povided wine sleet wane Arce 721, Seousand Seas, {ay Aa teeachncat tbe pbti io ay eure an Enoschmest Pe for he iy Deparment of Pb Wer ‘bina Sie (a) Vaous signs ona rope soul be odode lumina igs of ox ‘ype consmction shouldbe olde Sigs shoud not oer wehtzcal els ‘eings ha extend ta sagt agle fon abullag we encurage prove entity lng bloc or and wea proton. Te fn pal fn ang may Seen forage provide sin imager negra withthe aing ad esons ite aneurnct ofa laiciype mall Any content Ge plc ro ‘ns roe an ncoacnet Prat fom he Cy Depart of Pe Work 13148 Parkingand Driven, (a)-Nosesoft sees prhing pnw sal be placed teva anil idingandte ‘ine ofan aaa cretion be toto teiat Ensing eng pace eset ‘Serge preted nes dover sokinanarce votes parngapeee oat ‘craton Neneeibiiedeha eter opeceoctren arate sete o) Hagerstown ean (9, SoeSecion 131202) whi slow ume Neil iptng euirements Stared Pirdng among propery rer nd busneses is encurged ete nega paring (pecs esr ge Ses Seton 319004) epg lnccping beeen Besa iad eens 131109 Allon nd ide Aces, (©) When anew rnp bling propo if rer rade ey ein acer othe ot fa exiting ly can fey be end, thal eed sce ory et ‘eh pwags eteway orparin pas excep cre may hanes pms, {venay or king axes tra at ot slong ee ine Ths escton ‘hallo apply if aerate pin of eile seme spiel eqs ye ‘Prony Deparnent of Trsporaion he iy Pmt Commis. (if elon Zig Oroasce Arie 111 : 151110 duns Renee, (2) Archulet bess minnie int inpetot eden ey dentaponaswersensechcatnrareatone (@) Ifappovady he Cy, he appa sal Rave he opin of faring a bang wt a Live Work Uni ine CL, CB and IRR duet andr Sten 1322032). (©) Nooudor balk sage sale pemitedn he Feet yan hl aly Se permite Uhesideormaryard tsa om view of erst ladsesnne morales (@) Invision osetian nrc td pking res a ea ot, promo pdestia acess wong een es. cnanesoorfusre shoo te setinend nse concracion ‘Worsening eer ‘sidings fovea cera spacing window and denna acng and lar ‘Seeeto @ Ove mederstio ban bling devi of el shal be voided when jack Baten hve ahd deals (yng canie poesia aod us aencouaged along etn : iccrsceapnetatenersipeenscin oxtesbercteat eitmabndtnraingeneneneneareiwetncet Siostrereratcopini nat bing treating O Bitgiieyetsumtionenintmdae pete cadmas ee GT Bite peters Soran edoovpnaesnistecmacocionhe GSE Cone WAC esl be seo vie et a ig ‘it ig vndcncs riage de ne eos “elt pce ey ches eee co bare cies rot hen ofl, : dices et (9 ‘Seiden mcr om ntl non cn lo soni Setlpaaanerlaon coves me my puny Se nd ‘SSluincte few non des on ar ‘baci aches aero wi (a) Bildap ttn come sig conan ending Sle: On cn ldap leiden ia whaw eng ara? s soiaspat Whom Spe fata sybase ge aye ‘Sl wernt lg te pees styl eed Hinestee (ck vig eee dane) Sa once tence oat ‘sowclty de ning Bes bug t t o iiee Siratescome ‘HE COUNCIL OFTHE GU. SEMILEIEM HEREBY ORDAINSASFOLLONS SECTION 1. That in rele 1302 tied DEFINTIONS, nth Zoning Odin as mended sal be ended nls flonng: 130210 sua sas, An esblshment ha sees fond and beverage tds tf al we ‘eve repdis of wher sear ror common se proved ie ote of he eng pasos ut higher gi ooo wi ower bonnes rest a soles A Pastas Reet ny ory ot haves iveeah eve 1300104 RestaranEnsEaad Anebtahent hat serves ood an beverages prepared in bigh= Proceed ain, ply prepared on tarescle fom bl npreicte singed {Soking and predation metho nl eeipment for consumption oui he bing en ‘bil parsd pon the premise earls of wheter sensor ther seabed ae Droid tie ute of the using fr patony A Tate Foo Kesturat may may oat sequen are hot emanating SUCTION : That cares Arle 133 ied CLASSIFICATION OF DISTRICT, nthe Zong Oran, at sede sal he amends nce be lowing 10sartp) OMe Mixed Use Dist Jn atonw eving he pupae oe Cy Cpe Pan a ov proses of th Orne hs Dis eco rome ‘eleeopnae of wea he iy he ie drt! od ae ony partly vege Ths ‘hats econ isan Beles ius nt of and roy ‘ano mf ass exeeanny (PA Rose 7) Th Die ra ese pone ‘Sunstein fice! ox Comty Ped resized Hcl ee Durie Panne Ths Date ab ended ems woud ean see es ee nme betwen ie edna dear Paldngy nS veal Ashe ten ae ery euered acting SECTION: That he Zoning Map of the City of Wether, Peaniytvans be amended by chaning al the "EMLIN- ba eration an Tradtonal Neghberhoo Deveopmest Overy Dstt ‘yt and idan te OMU Ofer Med Ue Dari ar shown on te stached EX "A SECTION 4: Tha caren rl 13 it ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NOW RESIDENTIAL 2ONING DISTRICTS mtb Zaning Orcnane a amend sal be mando! 9 nce flowing Foradionl onsen ofthe OMU Dis se Sion 114, [SECTION 5 Thatl tarts in Ar 19d ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NONS-RESIDENTIAL {ZONING DISTRICT, nt Zong Ontrnce send ale ane fll le oe OMT Rupee SR SE a rel Sean icetDean) NON ON ON ON ON OM OM ON PP ‘NoanoeDuaingimGeme NOW OX N ON ON N NM ON ON ON OW ‘Geran maloeetyy tose a ‘prundbyacateg rue and Nin WON ON PON KRW Cinlbespaty susacrsar Nees ToS eta nom) rine Rove oe Mw pow ow yon Cea OF OR OP OW OR ON ROR RON PON "7 SRN Sittae frestes et ssecsea tS Sr apy lang feng ce So Riateeast i msietonige cosy =) Rea item am ge hy gh be age a Se” fetetSeo taste Bream og Fo 2 BTSs cng Scty Za gba) (anh Se hidmo Rgunnen insect 152 — ea i i 7 SaaS ‘Aer ows Cas: Noe Tes wets sino’ a fe pe ‘Comm 5) ‘cou eee tre xaapeees a vases os | dl Set a om ‘Shain Congny oe Hed Sarasa. ‘Sie tener ater eo eo f= enact nan sey sorb ame) fe I Reiieeietee oon Sones Ze nr oe) {Sah EER nimminSnion 22 ‘pommel tg Ci ae ie Solent weer wey ar Some ee tp ee ee ke ‘tng Py, lee S122, an ‘ Reet wer, © RR KK hk ‘Sate troop ng ae, ‘stale ree. a ep ko we Pe ide Coane Dope “ene hase ee Naciiey(aoertantcalson) NON OP OP POR ROM ROP =H Sas en | A eT a ae ST z aA Png re on rere, Erect freSzetmenene "Svecobaneeseete ve Bens ee Socata, seenake eragh (S522) ee eee pope eee Ceti eer ee me eee ‘oso haat ns Sah ven ud a lon dl te Seen me hi a wey oy ns orate tht py tng sacs ae me actin tee Onde Fimactip pee etary aneng oma pict ang yD a et Fahim Se bre prep e rupee x ‘Tere er 2) PRR RRP ERE REE ‘Weanepoleson an a Sereomemmemy ss tor MS rr Kw Rime ep ew Nena yop ow ww NON OP Ww PRP Vemma 6 ke wm Boe we mW OR Grete ee ee ee SEER hate ig a ‘Reed Guna rps tom atc anna ww Ppt we rw Tegncimcmeeeimsete Sekro. FT edt ame cin by Zag on Sidhe Heke ngumeme Sones 22 —— So $c nr Seen 8 a 7 EE, ‘Meda tpn tog, ‘Meter Genaa enone Set creator, woe rp we NN PNW Sonny TP ER EE ER EE See eee ole ee SS \ontansay y N oN PoP oR ON NON PON W Ta Be ny ago eaten i os ed Tajo Ee Xeioat Rosman si 21 (sxe cen) DEES oredr Parc eg, ee Sones aces i cS. ad ed, Eitebaneysevntinnin OK OK ROS Siohdotedipnlorometeteagyy NON ON POP ON EE aaa ST ee aa en Kam” %wantRepinen ino 322 Sty ostomy ea tessa ri SRL aa See ee eGeieem FPP k PEL} Pee S EE PPP PP EE EE EEE ce ee amy an ote Seige Fr op yy x Nope inaOeneuos greens a) OF pre perce tect PRR MAR Rew camccsueea p pp oN Nw Poe Poem fear nat ccnp sake SAE a a wt er a a ene ey fends sig ei by Zoe), ‘oui om ee ot) SE eae see 22 Tc ators te i NS an ng Tr __—————— eee Kee Repuamaw NON PP PON WOH POP Ow cee ee poeta ees femme ba) : era at er ciemnics eres ae Gnwericeint 4 4 « 8 4 Soe a) nur Se coy we Eeimad scr ngerenao -Eoveen ne by git (ig ion by Zeng Of) ST Geetecin a ng s h e Gams SESE nme eon 2 SECTION 6: Tha he mle i Seton 136019 ted DIMENSIONAL REGULATIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL BISTRICTS, nie Zl td, 2 mene, Sl beeen se fe OMU D5 ows: eon mannan ony aes 0) gon atey i wrap | q30%8K. oumaiemer ‘ert | oro | comma) tea) ame nomi — (yay | vam vas] ase] vam | vse « | oo spoon wa ps WaT Susie ae — eyomame so acon bey ld | er soa | sa ce| oe soaps sneak mana tee wea ceo fang auton verton | senyoadiy sma aunee| SECTION 7."That Article 1311 ~DESIGN STANDARDS INTHE CL, CB AND RT DISTRICTS be amend to reads flo pistRICTs. w ARTICLE 1811 DESIGN STANDARDS IN THE CL, CB, RT ANDOMU li SECTION: That Aree 1314 ofthe Zoning Ordinance be removed an ele ints ee allows: ARTICLE 134 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE OMU DISTRICT 151401 Purposes, (0) tn adon 1 serving the purpose the City Comprehensive Plan aad he ‘veal purposes of is Orde, this Distt is nended to promote Iedevelopnt of was af the City at re curry undevlzed dae oly rll developed. This Di al esogaae that hi en of Been = niga nos ks ze hr SO ars) ands pron tramps of & td acess expressway (PA. Rot 378), This Dist also inede | provide ransom zning rovsiosajacent = County Park and oogeas historical se, he Bumsde Pataron, This Distt los ‘pisos a encourage rumi-on ral apd svi uses wo crete “Shomatvty Bewcen the esienia and conmesil bling nthe overall 151602 Ares, Yied and Buln Relations (0) The folowing Ars, Yard and Bulling Relations shal apply forall reidenal sts; however these regulations in sbsetion (2) shal ot apply to ‘change oft of a bulding hat exited onthe wat paar th enact of ‘tisbisnice () Masamu Densiy 21 Dweling Unie/acre® (@) Minioum Lov Ares lsacresseee @) Minimum Lot wat lifer (@) Minimum Bung Setback 28 Feet except along Schocersvile ffomihe Peimeer ofthe Roudand Eaton Avene wher Tractand fom Righsot'Way the minimum bulding sack fistng Puc Seat shales feet, (6) Minin ater Font Yard Saback seats (6) Mls nee ne DEAD ® Rese Yaré Stack ore (7) Minin Interior ide Yard Setack 5 Pes Bch excep tat 3880 Ft. ‘nium separ roman ker ‘wlding sal be roqued for bling that cates or more sti. (8) Maximum Builing Height tabfable stories abet ** Tn ‘dion, bulking may have woe tmaximom of ene sve rd parking lore (9). Maximum Buin Coverage ov (00) Butter Yard Reguted Ne (1) Ste Plan Review by Cy Panning Commision ve “The Meximum Deny spline lesen wes Sal e Based upon the Dos aceage ofthe wot Distr, wou any dltions ether than fr Hight Eaveyofxisingor proposed pe sts, howeve special exuding proper pubic ses tht ol be onl andor sitio by «| Fomeowners” Assocation ‘Audigy oxen! # habitable sti ifthe lowing addon setback ‘eaurermeet set ot ny Disc boundary thr han Eighth Aven: for {heh fot of blight ove SO fee atonal et of buldng Tal height of ore than 20 for 2 sores, whichever i more restive, [An unrelose font sie poh eretagp oes er bardcapped ap | ‘oroverbang ot bey nino aye pf fst nt te mau Fort {Sloe yd: Ax antnloed deck my extend up o 10 fet it he es yard 1 detected ear garage shal be saack a mim o feet fom he vel lanes of rear aly. ‘Th nium Bung Coverage shal be based upon the ground lve {lui ol uldags om teat nthe Dist vied he tal of theta istit individual ltr may hve ager bung coverage, ‘Tove that te maimum got exceeded forthe at Distt Fodividal dveling smite maybe ewoed in condominium aangenet, Without cach sondern nf nding to eet hemi Jord ‘The following Are, Yard snd Building Repultins shal apply fr all non ‘ideal uses, mever thet regains a subsection sal tap 0 ngs of use of «bling that existed on thera pior othe enacnent of ths Over Dist (0) Minima Lat ie 05 aces (2) Misi Lot Wied Sb Pere (3) Minima Dating Setback fom te Perimeter of the “Tact an ro igh Way © @ of Bung Palle Sees 25 Feat except hong Schonesvile Road and Exon Avene where the ‘ninun bailing tacks be aD fet (4). From Yard satack seas (S) Minimum Rear Yard Setback 30 Fet** S (G, Mime ie Yet Seta 1DFet accept S60 emma sini sepa fos ay the "aiing sal be required fra bling Tha incaes 4 more sare SB (Masi Bulldog Height able starts ** ‘aon, basing ay havea 4 ‘maximum of ne above glued puking revel 48)" Vali Bulling Coverage O56" (0). Botter Yard Requires Ne C)StePian Review by ly Yes ‘The maximum Suing Coverage sale bse upon he pound eve ‘vit fal bulge weet District dvd the oa ea of he ‘cnt Disc. inal os any ves ier bling Coverage, pve thatthe maxims ot excendd fre ww DUT ‘Nbulding may oxen ail reste flowing ain sack ‘gies etm my Dstt bound ine oe tan Eighth Aven {breach fot of builing ep over 3 fe ho tora et of bldg fetck shal beregue Hower, no case alla new bling exces Inala of or tan 120 foe 12 or, wbichever oe rate. invite! eso uldings ay be owed condominium ange, without each snd nt nesting ee hemi ed Tepremert An iene ont ose pc roo overhang or sp, eps hanleappe amp, ening. by window, cr afestln mene may neue ‘pte fet tthe minimum nor sde and Xeoximum SSEDUD square fer of em Dlg four permitted to _-- {Fem oxeactas——) Seofone (i aabiabie ory design {is-acseecane snes orproved er owdoor reson oct ‘Ricts one eration il val orth publi snd private use sal be provided connect veings to two points lng the perimeter ofthe. sth open land shall be regu by a Conservation Easement & Deed, Reston established by he aplcr and enforceable by the Cy of Betiatem, whic poe heCnsouctoo of bung gonad he fer subetisin ofthe equied open land. Areas sed fr bling or vehicle ‘acting salt count ovata te open an eiement. i (2), Untess ate orm of ownership is approve by the City of Bethe as prt fal subdison and lnddevlopeet lars ope abd hal ‘eowned and munaind bya legally ining sociation of propery ‘ners on the tc. The fom of the popery-ownes” lel documents Shale sibjet to aceptance bythe City Sacer. heres tal ‘writen sgrement between he appa ad the iy Counc, part rll, {the open ané may be inane as publi pak (Amini 100 fet setback shall apply Benoen any new pincpal balling fh the ot in fy publi park that exited prior othe adepton of he ONU Distt, unless rger setback is required by another ston of this ‘ruins Thie 10 fet sebck sal be rece oa minima of75 tf the bulding hat masimam of habfabe stort an ihe busines Separated byte pale par by aco of pry evergreen tees wh an ina big of fx, raion preservation of exing hel mare sree in sch seback. 131463. Over Master Pls, Phasing nd Dowd Resins, (0) Prior tothe developent fay ne bldg under te Dst’s provisions, ‘epoca shal smi an Overall Mase Plan an ‘Gaiden Need cneu foc the oct. Th Oval Mater the sprentt loons, nop andes fl Dung, wal the proximate locates of pope puking Suet, and ope ad. The Master Flin may ncude wrnge cf allowed vents opposed neta rach ‘pci un The Overall Master Pan hl sade valle or rviw for & ‘iimsen of 0 yy te City Planing Commision, Planing a Zoning Boren andthe Cy Enlace. 131604 Of:Sueet Parkag and Loaina Regustins, (@)_ Atle 319 shal apy, neat as follows (0) Omavet paring aces nang ne sed for nonresidential uses may Ue wed tne upto percent ofthe eqied of ret puking ‘erect for sed ee within 0D feo uch paring spaces, OF eet ulin spaces arene equred fo bec the sae os the use that it served the parking povided Ua) partng oat wii 300 ‘et f tease tas served bythe parking end) the aplcnt roves to ‘he isfcion ofthe Planing sd Zain Bureau ta tee Wl be sient gal mechanisms in place teas tha the parking Wl (2) Noporton ofthe font facade ofany non-residential buling shal be ‘composed of vehicle garage door) For residential bullings, no smorethan 60% ofthe fest Sao rot fagadef any building sal be Compose of velele garage dors. (2) Toensute he aval fate parking sen ues athe : serge snl) oe ing spe lb eed vey (8) Re fo deli un eclingmulfuly ello) [Rema a ‘nd sh paces hal be va sble within 400 fet of he ns hey re Intended o serve These spaces muy be o-stet or cst parng spaces within he development, _ {rometa rot mitse ———) 131406 Step Sloss. (a) The ste slope roquements of Seton 1516 shall nt apply this Dist. SECTION: AllOndnacu apr f Oras csr rih athe same e ety epee Sporty ‘PASSED finly in Counc on the_dayof_ 201, ‘ThsOrdnacesopovedtis__ devo. 2s. BILLNO, ORDINANCE NO, ‘AN ORDINANCE AMENDINO THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM, PENNSYLVANIA, AS AMENDED "THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BETHLEHEM HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1, That current Artile 1302 sled DEFINITIONS, inthe Zoning Ordinance, as emended, sall be amended fo include the following: 1302,103 Restaurant, Fast-Casuel, An establishment tat serves food and beverages that doesnot offer full ble service, regarlest of whether seas or other accommodation are provided inside or outside ofthe building for patrons, but has a igher quality of food with fewer frozen or processed ingredients than a ‘stiGod restaurant, A Fast-Casual Restaurant may or may not have a drive-through service, 1302104 Restaurant, Fast-Food, An establishment that serves food and beverages prepared in a highly~ processed fashion, typically prepared on a large scale from bulk ingredients using standardized ‘cooking and production methods and equipment for consumption outside ofthe building or in ‘yehieles parked upon the premises, regardless of whether seats or other accommodations are provided inside or outside ofthe building for patrons. A Fast-Food Restaurant may oF may not have a drive-through service. All subsequent subsections are hereby renumbered acconingy. ‘SECTION 2; ‘That current Article 1303 tiled CLASSIFICATION OF DISTRICTS, inthe Zoning Ordinance, 8 mended, shell be amended to include te following: 1303.07(p) OMU_Ofice Mixed Use District - In addition fo serving the purposes ofthe City ‘Comprehensive lan andthe overall purposes ofthis Ordinance, this District is intended to promote redevelopment of areas of the City that ae curently underutilized and are ony partially developed. This District also recognizes that this area of Betlchem i unique in terms of its size and its proximity to ramps ofa limited access expressway (PA. Route 378). This District is alo intended to provide transitional zoning provisions adjecent toa County Park and recognized historical sit, the Burnside Plantation. ‘This District also is intended to encourage ground-floor retail and service ses to create ‘oanectvity between the residential and commercil buildings on the overall tract. ‘All subsequent subsections are hereby renumbered accordingly. SECTION 3. That the Zoning Map ofthe City of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania be atnended by changing all the ‘CM-LTN ~ Landmark Conservation and Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay District symbols and indications to OMU — Office Mixed Use Distriet as shown on the attached Exhibit “A. SECTION 4: That current Article 1305 tiled ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, inthe Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended to include the following: For additional requirements of the OMU District, se Section 1314. SECTION 5: ‘Vata in Article 1305 titled ALLOWED USES IN PRIMARILY NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS, in the Zoning Ordinance, as amended, shall be amended as follows to include the OMU Distt: TPES OF USES ZING DISTRI (So sino Section 1302) Cee NM OT OO RRR OM ee cg 2 SDETAL USES Single Famly Deached Dweling NON NON NON OW NON om (iste Marafaeutedde homes shall mst the edo eqiement of Seatsn 1522) ‘Two Famiy Sent-Detched Dneling NON NON NON NON NON ON P ‘Two Family Detached Delon NON NN N NN N NON ON P ‘Two Family Atacbo Dweling NON NN NON NN NON ON P SingleFamiy SomeDeached elig = «NON ON ON ON NON ON ON ON ON P (eyes) Tommboue Single Famly Atached Dveling) NON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON ON PoP (S182) utFamly Dwellings (8.1822), ote tan Comerionrofsrexsingece my PY PY PY ON ON ON ON ON ON ON OP pate thalog i a or dwalings ‘oartng Howse (cludes Rooming ous) (S152) se sk se NON N N SEN ON ON OW ManulacuredMobie Home Puk.1322) NSE NN ON N ON NN ON ON ON Group Heme without exiting dveling wee) wliudnetetnn Ca? oP OP ON ON ON N PON ON ON OW ‘Conversion oft Exiting One Fay Deli no Twoerhor DweliagUnit(Sedip NON ON ON ON N N,N N NON OW ‘Unitfor Cae of Relate ander Areery Use), ‘ber tan allowed bythe above Mult-Famiy Selngsprovion with atest lee commer se. Dominio Hoing Owned ot ‘pend by Coles or Uniesiyaad_ = -N PYnGPY NON mtd to Oscpuney by Students orSist — NinCS fhe Colege or Untersty finaddton to towing ed shove) interior MON NON WON NOP oN WN ON OW Li Work Ustincomplicewitbe P Tiere Osiption sd Live Work Provision of Seton 12203, += Sic housing bal elated in th same billig at «princi commrcal ase hat onthe fost set eve “This eget fr» soet level summer we alls eply to bulls foming on neal seat See te _ ge wcnfinal deny tana for werkfos houring Arle 1307 vevuw “take OMU Dist th kur lots foray singe fly ling stall be 400 square et 1+ = Provision af econ 132 sl etsy in the OMU Distt or mf dvellogs P= Permit by ight us(osing decision by Zoning OFF). SE Speci exceptionus (ening decision by Zoning Hearing Bou) No = Notpermited (5.1323). See Adon Recuremensin Seton 1322

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