Designing Cities

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Module 1 Reading

Suggested Readings for Module 1: How Todays City Evolved

Lecture: The Pre-Industrial City, Gary Hack

The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History by Spiro Kostof, Bulfinch /
Little Brown & Co, 1991: Introduction: The City as Artifact; The City in History pp. 9 - 41
Lecture: Cities in the Industrial Revolution, Jonathan Barnett

The City in History by Lewis Mumford, Harcourt, 1961

Chapter 15 Paleotechnic Paradise: Coketown pp. 446 - 481

Lecture: Cities in 1950, Jonathan Barnett

The Fractured Metropolis by Jonathan Barnett, HarperCollins, 1995

Chapter 5 How the Metropolis Split Apart pp. 95 - 118

Lecture: Todays Regional City Jonathan Barnett, Jonathan Barnett

Smart Growth in a Changing World edited by Jonathan Barnett, Planners Press, 2007

Chapter 1 Smart Growth in a Changing World, Chapter 2 What Are the Nations Future
Growth Trends, both by Jonathan Barnett; Chapter 3 The Runaway American Dream, by F.
Kaid Benfield, pp. 1 - 43

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