Staceys Project

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Option 1: Synchronous 3-Day Model

Create a training program for distance learning facilitator trainees. The training manual will be
handed out to trainees and used by trainers in a 3-day, synchronous learning environment.
Tables and graphics may be used in the training manual. You may choose to focus on training
higher education facilitators or corporate trainers.
Part I Vital Information in the Facilitator Training
It is recommended that you begin this section of the Facilitator Training Program in Week 2.
Training program audience
o Identify your audience clearly.
o What are the assumed current skill sets?
o What are the assumed current experiences?
o What is the assumed level of current knowledge?
The target audience for this training is educated adults with a Masters degree or higher. Age
ranges of the group will range from early 30s to mid 60s. Learners will have a high comfort
level of using the computer, however their level of experience with the Talisma database is
considered entry level. While this live training session is a requirement for all full time faculty
members, adjunct faculty may review the recorded version, but will be held to the requirements
of the objectives within the training
Training program goals
o What are the key skills the facilitator or corporate trainer needs to be successful as a
distance facilitator?
In order to successfully carry out this training program, the facilitator must be prepared to
teach to different levels of learning, be prepared to adapt the training to different
to teach to different levels of learning, be prepared to adapt the training to different learning
styles and must be knowledgeable about the subject matter.
o What key training elements will you focus on for this training?
Some of the key elements of focus for this training are to teach instructors to use Talisma to
email students, to teach instructors how to document student interactions in Talisma, to teach
instructors how to use Talisma to obtain personal contact information for their students and to
teach instructors how to navigate the system and make them aware of the capabilities of this
Training program objectives
o Clearly identify the objectives of the program.
o Ensure that you have enough objectives to fill the three days of training.

o Objectives must be measurable.

Goal: Teach instructors to use Talisma to email students
Objective: Given a sample database, learners will utilize the Talisma database by responding
to and sending emails without error.

Goal: Teach instructors how to document student interactions in Talisma

Objective: Utilizing a sample database, learner will record and document all student
interactions such as phone calls, texts and classroom email interactions.

Goal: Teach instructors how to use Talisma to obtain personal contact information for their
Objective: Through a sample Talisma database, learners successfully obtain personal
contact information for students.

Goal: Teach instructors how to navigate the system and make them aware of the capabilities
of this system
Objective: Utilizing a sample database, learners will navigate the Talisma database with ease
and knowledge needed to complete all required system tasks.
These goals use project based learning as participants will use prior knowledge as well as
active learning to participate in training.
Summative assessment of trainee learning
o How will you measure the success of the trainees?
o How will you measure the success of your program?
Upon completion of each training session, learners will be asked to complete an assessment
regarding the sessions activities. Learners must achieve a score of 80% or higher to move on
to the next session. Scores under 80% require the session to be repeated. Participants will also
receive a survey link to participate in an anonymous survey about the training sessions which
will allow them to give honest and informative feedback which will be used for consideration
regarding improvements for future sessions.
Part II Facilitator Skills and Instructional Materials
Training materials
o Identify the skills needed for effective distance learning facilitators.
What skills are needed to create effective distance learning?
What strategies might you use to present these skills to facilitators?
In order to successfully carry out this training program, the facilitator must be prepared to teach
to different levels of learning, be prepared to adapt the training to different learning styles and
must be knowledgeable about the subject matter. This course will be delivered in a series of 3-

Day training sessions. Learners will actively participate in the training. This training will be
conducted in a direct instruction approach as the presenter will work directly with participants.
The presenter will walk participants through a PowerPoint presentation while participants
complete the steps through a sample Talisma database system allowing the learners to gain
experience with the database
o Describe the phases of development for distance learning facilitators.
Clearly describe the phases of development.
Identify transition between stages, where appropriate.
VisitorFaculty members who use the colleges email system, but do not integrate
technology into the classroom and rely on projectors and document cameras to deliver a lesson.
NoviceFaculty members who use the colleges email system and on occasion use
technology in the classroom. Students are urged to use the Internet for research, but classroom
use is limited.
ApprenticeFaculty members who use the colleges email system, are comfortable with
using online resources to supplement material for lesson plans and encourage student use of
InsiderFaculty members who use the colleges email system, encourage student use of
technology and often use technology to present classroom lessons.
MasterFaculty member who use the colleges email system and any other means of
technology supported by the college. These faculty members require students to participate and
submit work to an online classroom.
o Identify the theories of distance learning.
Provide a clear description of theories of distance learning.
Provide examples of how the different theories apply to different scenarios.
The learning theory to be used will be Community Based Learning.
o Describe the theories for engaging distance learners.
Provide a clear description of the theories of engagement.
Provide several examples of the application of each theory.
We want learners to work together on the simulations presented by the training. This will
allow for masters to help visitors and make them more comfortable with learning this new

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