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PSIII Classroom Management Plan

PSIII Classroom Management Plan

Name: Eric Harty School: St. Thomas Aquinas Teacher Associate: Darcy Ura University Consultant: Ed Wasiak

Curriculum Planning
My curriculum planing will be based on secondary guitar and choral whilst relating
learning outcomes to the Ontario program of studies.
Learning Students Names, Other Information
My TA also suggested when I am taking attendance that I have them raise their hand
which forces me to visually look at the student as opposed to just listening for a response.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
I will ensure my students maximize their time spent making music and learning music by
minimizing the amount of class time spent on organizational tasks such as tuning
instruments, and dealing with behavioral issues. The set of school rules/code of conduct
can be found through the following link,
School Facilities and Equipment
The music room has a number of guitars (electric, acoustic, classical) and live audio
equipment that will be beneficial in both teaching and learning guitar. All of this
equipment is extremely accessible to both the teacher and the student.
The school also allows students to sign out instruments so they will be allowed to take
home with them to practice. The band room also has a number of extra materials and
other band accessories to help with the maintenance of the schools instruments, and also
to help students develop an understanding of how to care for their instruments.
School Policies and Procedures
We are a Roman Catholic School System dedicated to excellence in education, the
Christian formation of youth and strong partnerships with parents and the Church.
St. Thomas Aquinas High School is a Catholic community committed to excellence in
life long learning. Success for all will be achieved by educating students minds, bodies, and
souls through teaching respect, responsibility and Christian values.
The Catholic school exists only by virtue of its adherence to a specific faith and only lives
by an active participation in the tenets of that faith. In a Catholic school all students and
staff are expected to share actively in this basic belief. Our intent is to provide a
community where Catholic Christian values are respected both in theory and practice.
Thus the total environment of the school is one in which students and staff will
experience the benefits of living in a genuine Christian community where respect, love,
faith and equality are practiced. We welcome students who accept the challenge and
commitment of Catholic education.
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press


PSIII Classroom Management Plan

Organizing Classroom, Materials and Supplies

In regards to the organization of materials and supplies, much of the materials and
instruments are already very accessible within both the band and guitar room. I will
discuss with my TA how certain seating plans may work and may not work depending on
the combination of instruments and repertoire I am working with. For the choral class I
still need to look if there are risers or other materials that will be readily available.
In regards to the organization of the materials themselves, I have already been shown
where the materials are that I will be working with in the classroom such as the
instruments, extra strings, and other accessories, and I will also provide both digital
copies, and physical copies of music for the students.
Strategies for Building Positive Relationships
I will provide a comfortable learning environment that is different from other subjects,
and I will stress that this space is open for expression, risk-taking, and music making.
I will treat students with respect and develop positive rapport by not embarrassing or
singling out students.
I will exhibit organization, enthusiasm, encouragement, and especially patience.
I will model both behavior expectations as well as technique and playing expectations to
my students to show both high level of support and expectations.
I will make sure that my instructional materials and activities are both engaging and
I will be positive and passionate in what I am doing by providing focused feedback to
generate a positive response to enhance student learning.
Strategies for Building Classroom Community
I will communicate effectively with my students by using inclusive language so everyone
feels accountable for what they are contributing.
I will share my beliefs, values, understandings, standards, and expectations with my
students during the first class.
I will make sure that I get to know something about each of my students by providing a
'get to know you' sheet at the end of my first lesson.
I will also introduce myself by providing a quick little slideshow and pictures of my
interests and hobbies.
I will greet my students as they come into the classroom and welcome them into the
I will work hard for my students and in return they will work hard for me.
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press


PSIII Classroom Management Plan

Classroom Rules and Procedures

-Golden Rule: Treat others with kindness and respect- I will show up everyday ready and
willing to work, I expect the same level of organization and respect in return.

1.Attention getting procedure:

Each class I will run an active listening program that the students will start the class with
Each student, throughout the term, will be required to bring in a specific song that the
whole class will listen to, and provide a brief summary of why they like that particular
While actively listening, students will record within their journals their initial reactions to
the music, and why they either do, or do not like that particular song.
This will also help to give students an opportunity to explore different forms of music and
will help them to develop their own vocabulary in how they describe music.
2. Start-of-Class Procedure:
General Conduct: Students will enter the classroom quietly and orderly with all of their
Students are to respect each other and each other's property.
Punctuality: Students are to be seated within their assigned seats when the bell rings. If
students are late they will be marked late. The accumulation of three late slips will be
met with consequence.
3. End-of-Class Procedure:
Throw away trash and any unwanted items at the end of the period.
Only begin packing up and putting away instruments after the teacher gives permission.
The teacher dismisses the students the bell does not.
4. Question-Answering Procedure: Based on the level of discussion students will:
Respect everyones opinion within the classroom
Allow the speaker time to proficiently answer the question
Answer the question accordingly based on specific outcomes
Take turns to answer the questions/do not interrupt the intended speaker
5. Safety Procedures
Lock Down: It is recommended that, before locking a door, staff should gather everyone
in the immediate vicinity into their classroom or other secure area, but only if it is safe to
do so. Once inside a secure area, staff and students should; stay away from doors and
windows; turn off lights; close blinds; beware of sight lines if there is a window in the
classroom door, consider covering window; take cover if available (get behind something
solid); remain absolutely quiet; teachers to take attendance; no cell phone use unless
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press


PSIII Classroom Management Plan

necessary to communicate regarding the incident. Cell phones should be shut off or put on
Fire Drill:
Close the door upon exiting rooms
Remain calm and proceeding towards the nearest exit
Assemble at the designated muster point
All individuals must be accounted for
Exits guarded to prevent re-entry into the building

6. Other Procedures:
Student Effort: All students are responsible for making a conscious effort in their studies.
Religious Participation: All students are expected to participate in the religious life of the
Respect and Authority: All students are expected to show respect for authority.
Throughout your school life you will have to respect the authority of people who, because
of their position, have been given the authority under the Education Act to impose certain
requirements on you for academic diligence and proper behavior.
Explanation of Class Procedures (and how they will be taught and reinforced):
I will introduce these procedures within the first class to all of the students so they have
an understanding of what they are responsible for, and how they will behave within my
I will reinforce these class procedures by providing a copy on my own webpage, as well
as information that students can access for homework and expectation purposes.
Strategies for Responding to Misbehavior: All rules will be enforced using the following
stages of progressive discipline.
1-Verbal Warning to student
2-Verbal Warning and TA contacted for advice
3-Verbal Warning, discuss with TA possible parental contact
4-Referral to principles office/Administration is involved
5-TA and Administration will be involved in dealing with a that particular student.
Justification/Explanation of Strategies:
Realistically I cannot foresee moving past the first two stages unless the behavior persists
and becomes more and more severe. If that becomes the case I will first talk with my TA
to come up with a plan of action and from there the rest of the steps within this protocol
will be taken. With that being said I would also make sure the administration is kept
informed so once the student has to become involved with the administration it is not a
Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press


PSIII Classroom Management Plan

Relation of Strategies to School Policies and Procedures:

These strategies relate directly the the school policies and procedures in that I will first
deal with the students behavior myself. If the behavior persists and becomes out of my
control, I will then involve my TA in coming up with a plan to deal with this particular
students. If the behavior continues to escalate or even stays consistent, the
Administration will become involved where I will then keep a detailed event journal of
that students behavior and share any information I can to help assist the administration in
dealing with the student.

Version 3.0
Keith Roscoe, 2010, modified from Bosch, K. (2007). Planning classroom management (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press


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