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Raymond Cattell: Sixteen Trait Theory

1. When something is hard do you tend to tell yourself that you can do it or
do you tend to look at the negative side of things and think that you can't do
a.) You can do it b.) You can't do it
If you answered A then you are more likely to disagree with the Sixteen trait
theory because you are more self assured while if you answered B then
you are more self doubting.
2. When you are with a group of people are you usually relaxed or feel
more tense?
a.) Relax b.) Tense
If you chose answer B you tend to agree with the theory because you are
more tense. If you chose answer A then you would disagree because most
people in Raymond's theory were not relaxed.
3. Do you like to help other people out that are in need?
a.) Yes b.) No
If you answered A, then you are a more warm kind of person, while if you
answered no, you are more reserved and distant.
4. If someone offers you the chance to try something completely new
are you the type of person to want to go or the type of person that likes to
stay in their comfort zone?
a.) Not want to go b.) Want to go
If you answered B, then you are more open to change, while if you
answered B, then you might be someone that is more traditional, or
attached to something familiar.
5. If something doesn't look perfect do you usually stress about it or
does it not bother you
a.) Stress b.) not care
If you answered A, then you are usually really organized and very self
disciplined. If you answered B then you are usually flexible.
-6. Do you like to follow the rules when completing a task?

a.) yes b.) no

If you answered A then you are more likely a rule-conscious person, If you
answered B, then you are a more self indulgent person.
7. When you are with a big group of people are you more likely to be
the one always talking or someone who is more laid back and listens more
than talks.
a.) likes to talk b.) laid back
If you answered A then you are not private and like to speak you mind. If
you answered B then you are more private and like to keep to yourself.
8. If you were asked to go outside and play, do you go out, or stay
a.) go out b.) stay inside
If you answered A, then you are a more lively person, where if you chose
B, then you are more restrained.
9. If you were asked to present something in front of a crowd, do you
do it?
a.) yes b.) no
If you answered A, then you are more socially bold, while if you answered
B, then you are a more timid, or shy person.
10. If a friend needed emotional help, do you help them?
a.) yes b.) no
If you answered A, then you are a more sensitive person, while if you
answered B, you are more self-reliant and unsentimental.
11. If someone makes fun of the way you look or how smart you are
do usually feel bad about yourself or just brush it off as no big deal?
a.) Feel bad about yourself b.) Brush it off
If you answered A then you are more shy and threat sensitive but if you
answered B then you are more bold and thick skinned.
12. If you are asked to come up with something creative, would you
do a good job?
a.) yes b.) no
If you answered A, then you are a more abstract person, if you answered B,
then you are more practical, and conventional.

13. If you are put in a group for a project are you the type of person to
take charge of the group and be a leader or someone who sits back and
goes with the flow?
a.) Becomes a leader b.) goes with the flow
If you answered A then you are a more dominate person and are more
stubborn and bossy. If you answered B then you are someone that would
avoid conflict and be more humble.
14. If something personal were to happen to you, would you tell
someone or keep it a secret?
a.) tell someone b.) keep it a secret
If you answered A, then you are a more open individual, while if you
answered B, then you are a more private person.
15. If you were asked to change your entire schedule around, would
you comply with it?
a.) Yes b.) No
If you answered A, then you are a more open person to change, while if
you answered B, then you are more conservative.
16. Would you rather work in a group, or by yourself on a project?
a.) Group b.)Alone
If you answered A, then you are more of a follower, while if you answered
B, then you are more self sufficient, and a leader.
17. Are you the type of person to put everything on the line for
something you believe in or the type of person to not take chances?
a.) Take chances b.) Don't take chances
If you answered A then you are a more abstract person but if you answered
B then you are a more grounded person.
18. Are you an organized person?
a.) Yes b.) No
If you answered A, then you are more of a perfectionist, while if you
answered B, then you are more disorderly.
19. If you are learning something new, do you quickly absorb the

a.) yes b.) no

If you answered A, then you are a more reasonable or intelligent person,
while if you answered B, then you are a more concrete thinker.
20. Do you wear your seat belt?
a.) most of the time b.) mostly not
If you answered A then you usually don't take risk in life and like to keep it
safe. If you answered B then you like to life on the edge.

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