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Educational Technology AECT Artifacts Rationale Paper

Ira J. Miller
After successfully completing the curriculum for the Master of Educational Technology
degree from Boise State University, I have acquired the knowledge and skills that are
required in order to begin a successful career as an Educational Technologist. What
Ive learned from the core courses, Ive been able to apply this knowledge to my
everyday work. Im not a teacher, but my current career involves creating print and
online materials for various audiences. As I look back on this curriculum, several of my
favorite courses include; EdTech-502, EdTech-503, EdTech-511, EdTech-506, EdTech512, and EdTech-522. Ive learned so much about Educational Technology and how to
create effective learning material, as well as how to create web pages and web sites,
and how to apply the principles of design each time I create a printed document or an
online document. Another one of my favorite courses is, IPT536- Foundations of
Instructional and Performance Technology. This course is one of my favorite courses,
because this is where I learned about the foundational principles for instructional
development, and about the instructional systematic process of instructional design, and
it is these skills that I have applied during many of the EdTech-course that followed. I
also apply many of these skills at work when working on various projects and day to day
activities. I have acquired lifelong skills that I will use in my professional career as an
Educational Technologist.

Standard 1: Design
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to design conditions
for learning by applying principles of instructional systems design, message design,
instructional strategies, and learner characteristics.
EdTech-502 The Internet for Educators
In the EdTech-502 course, I learned about the four basic design principles which
includes alignment, proximity, repetition, and contrast. These principles are the main
factors that we see on the screen and even in print (Williams & Tollett, 2006). Before
this course, I thought everything should be centered, and I didnt know what proximity
meant. The projects for this course enabled me to understand that if I place items close
together on a web page, they appear to have a relationship, and if they are not close to
each other, they dont have a relationship. This course was one of my favorite courses
because it consisted of hands-on learning about the Web and how to design good web
sites and how to identify a good site from a bad site. Also, the assignments in this
course were fun and they allowed me to add some of my creative flair, while remaining
within the scope of each assignment. I enjoyed learning about design principles and
actually applying what I learned in this course by creating and submitting various
assignments, such as: EdTech-502 Web Accessibility, by using a combination of
software, and HTML/XHTML/CSS code. When designing each assignment, for this
course, I applied techniques that would ensure that the web pages were designed
according to the principles outlined in this course. In addition to the basic design
principles, Ive also learned how to design the interface including the navigation and

how to determine the style of the navigation (Williams & Tollett, 2006). I have applied
many of the skills learned in this course, to each web page that Ive created, Ive applied
these skills when designing my EdTech-Portfolio site. This course also taught me how
to incorporate contemporary instructional technology processes in the development of
interactive lessons that promote learning as seen in this project artifact; EdTech-502
Jigsaw Internet Activity. In addition, this course taught me how to design a web page
thats organized, contains the right combination of colors, and graphics and follows the
basic principles of design. This was a very exciting, fun, energizing and creative course.
EdTech-506- Instructional Message Design
In the EdTech-506 course, I learned how to effectively apply principles of visual literacy
to the design of instructional messages, and how to select and apply principles of
graphic design when developing instructional materials and presentations. In this
course, Ive also learned how to select the appropriate combinations of graphics and
image representations to supplement text-based instruction. This course has truly
enhanced my skills pertaining to the theory, design and selection of instructional media
that will be used in a high technology environment. In this course, by applying
perception theory, learning theory, communication theory and systems theory to the
design and evaluation of instructional media, Ive learned how to create and modify
signs and symbols that have been developed for the purpose of modifying the cognitive,
behavior of students. The project artifacts that support my expert skills for designing
instructional message designs that integrates multiple instructional messages in order to
achieve identified learning goals, are evident in the following assignments: EdTech-506

Visuals and Learning Project, EdTech-506 Message Design, EdTech-506 Instructional


EdTech-512 Online Course Design

This course emphasized an instructional design approach to the development of online
courses that are engaging and effective, and in alignment with standards and best
practice as identified by research. My design artifact that support my expert skills for
design is evident in this full Online Course thats customized for use in my own
instructional setting. In this course Ive learned how to conduct a needs assessment,
how to define the course goals and objectives, how to design the instructional lesson
plans, activities and materials, and the assessments. The Online Course project artifact
shows mastery of the Web-Based Instructional Design (WBID) Model for creating online
instruction. This artifact contains the major WBID components which are: analysis,
planning for evaluation, design, development, implementation and evaluation
(Davidson-Shivers & Rasmussen, 2006).
EdTech-503 Instructional System Design
During my EdTech-503 Instructional Design course, I was so thrilled to learn about the
many people through the world that are participating in Educational Technology
programs and enrolling in online courses to further their careers. In this course I
acquired some additional knowledge and skills pertaining to how to use a streamlined
systematic process of instructional design to create instructional materials. Reading
and understanding the various chapters in the course text book were reinforced by
working on various assignments and activities, since the assignments allowed me to

apply the systematic ADDIE model of instructional design in a realistic learning situation
while using different types of technologies (Larson & Lockee, 2014). The ADDIE model
is very similar to the software development model thats used to develop software, and
this is the iterative model that I use when designing print and online materials for
various audiences. The ADDIE model of instructional design consists of Analysis,
Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate and Continuously Improve on the design
(Larson & Lockee, 2014). This model has been used or mentioned in most of the
courses in the MET curriculum. This course taught me how to use the systematic
process of instructional design to create instructional products. In this course, being
engaged in activities that promoted reflective practices, and used various types of
communication technologies was tremendously effective. The instructional design
project artifact that I created during this course displays my master skills for designing,
project analysis, development, implementation and evaluation are evident in the
following artifact: EdTech-503 Project 1 Assignment.
EdTech-511 Interactive Courseware Development
The Interactive Courseware Development course was intimidating, exciting and fun all
at the same time. While enrolled in this course, I learned how to develop multimedia
materials that contained sound, graphics, animation, and interactive components. In this
course, I learned how to review and evaluate existing Flash projects, and gained handson experience developing Flash projects by following a series of practical tasks. In this
course I created various animated projects and created assignments consisting of
dynamic and engaging multimedia activity. In this course I was able to think about
many instructional ideas on how to incorporate interactivity into learning material while

at the same time, developing and learning technical skills using Adobe Flash and
participating in class discussions and helping others. I learned that in order to facilitate
learning, four activities should occur in order for learning to be effective and efficient,
these include: presenting information, guiding the learner, practicing and assessing the
learning (Alessi & Trollip, 2001). One project assignment that was part of this course
includes a PDF Training Guide.

IPT-536 Foundations of IPT

After completing IPT-536, I had obtained the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed
in order to apply principles of instructional systems design, message design,
instructional strategies, and learner characteristics. I learned how to use the
instructional design models such as the, Arcs Model, the Six Levels of the Cognitive
Domain, Nine events of Instruction and the ADDIE model when designing, developing
and evaluating instructional products to improve the educational process (Chyung,
2008). My understanding of these models are evident in the final assignment for this
course, The Origin and Strategies of Instructional Technology and Design.

Standard 2: Development
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to develop
instructional materials and experiences using print, audiovisual, computer-based,
and integrated technologies.
EdTech-506- Instructional Message Design

In the EdTech-506 course, I learned how to effectively apply principles of visual literacy
to the design of instructional messages, and how to select and apply principles of
graphic design when developing instructional materials and presentations. This course
has truly enhanced my skills pertaining to the theory, design and selection of
instructional media that will be used in a high technology environment. In this course, by
applying perception theory, learning theory, communication theory and systems theory
to the design and evaluation of instructional media, Ive learned how to create and
manipulate signs and symbols that have been developed for the purpose of modifying
the behavior of students.
In this course, Ive also learned how to select the appropriate combinations of graphics
and image representations to supplement text-based instruction. Project artifacts that
support my master level skills and abilities to design instructional content that integrates
multiple instructional messages in order to achieve identified learning goals, are evident
in each of the following EdTech-506 Instructional Message Design artifacts:EdTech-506Visuals and Learning Project, EdTech-506 Message Design, EdTech-506 Instructional

EdTech-551 Technical Writing

In EdTech-551-Technal and Grant Writing, I learned how to design and develop
technical documents by understanding and recognizing good writing and design and by
understanding and recognizing that technical writing is a craft. I demonstrated my
master skills by preparing printed and online artifacts by following the key steps in the
process that includes: identifying audience needs, planning, developing, organizing,

drafting, revising, and using graphics to graphically enhance online documentation. My

technical writing skills were acquired by applying the skills of revision, editing,
proofreading, and verifying information to the process of developing printed and online
documents. Evidence of my master level skills acquired in EdTech-551 can be seen in
the following project artifact: EdTech-551 Digital Newspaper Project.

EdTech-503 Instructional Design

In EdTech-503 I learned how to apply instructional design models in realistic contexts,
and use various types of communication technologies. Some of the assignments that I
developed in this course was an online instructional design assignment and it followed
the guidelines of the systematic process. In this course, I applied skills learned in
previous courses and created assignments that focused on describing and documenting
the rationale for and processes associated with assessing learner needs, front end
analysis, and task analysis. My assignments in this course consisted of clear
instructional goals and objectives, which led to the development of a motivational
instructional project. Assignments that reflect some of what Ive learned and acquired in
this course includes the following: An ID Job Description Posting and a Metaphor for ID

EdTech-511 Interactive Courseware Development

In EdTech-511, I learned how to use print technologies to produce learning materials,
such as books and static visual materials, by creating static Flash assignments. Ive
also learned how to use computer-based technologies to produce and deliver materials

which encompasses several forms of media that can be controlled by a personal

computer. This assignment- Lesson 2 reflects my skills for creating interactive and static
Flash material. This course taught me the importance of interactivity in learning since
interaction not only maintains attention, but helps to create and store new knowledge
and skills and it facilitates comprehension (Alessi & Trollip, 2001).

Standard 3: Utilization
Candidates demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions to use processes
and resources for learning by applying principles and theories of media utilization,
diffusion, implementation, and policy-making.

EdTech-502 The Internet for Educators

In the EdTech-502 course, Ive learned how to locate, retrieve, and evaluate information
found on the internet and design and produce instructional Web pages using a
combination of software and HTML/XHTML/CSS code. And, how to apply the
appropriate instructional strategies and models to the design of a digital curriculum.
The artifact that contains my master skills can be found at this link: EdTech-502 Jigsaw
Internet Search. I also learned how to create instructional plans that addressed the
needs of all learners, including appropriate accommodations for learners with special
needs. This course also taught me how to incorporate contemporary instructional
technology processes in the development of interactive lessons that promote student
learning as seen in this project artifact; EdTech-502 Interactive Concept Map. In this

course, I learned how to identify an instructional model and demonstrate the appropriate
contextualized application within practice and field experiences. This was a very
exciting, fun, energizing and creative course.

EdTech-506- Instructional Message Design

In the EdTech-506 course, I learned how to effectively apply the principles of visual
literacy to the design of instructional messages, and how to select and apply principles
of graphic design when developing instructional materials and presentations. In this
course, Ive also learned how to select the appropriate combinations of graphics and
image representations to supplement text-based instruction. Projects that support my
abilities to design instructional content that integrates multiple instructional messages in
order to achieve identified learning goals, are evident in the following project artifacts:
EdTech-506 Shape Tools, EdTech-506 CARP Design, EdTech-506 Integration

EdTech-551 Technical Writing

In EdTech-551, Technical and Grant Writing, I learned how to create and develop
technical documents by understanding and recognizing good writing and design and by
understanding that technical writing is a craft. I demonstrated my master skills and
knowledge by preparing printed and online artifacts and applying skills in order to
identify audience needs, plan the process, develop the design, organize the contents,
draft the documents, revise the contents of the document, and use graphics to enhance


online documentation. Evidence of my master level skills acquired in EdTech-551 is

evident in the following project artifact: EdTech-551 Digital Newspaper Project.

EdTech-541 Integrating Technology into the Classroom Curriculum

The EdTech-541 course, is where I learned how to identify and create effective
classroom activities using the correct technological tools including the Internet. Ive
learned how to create effective classroom activities by using advanced spreadsheet
software and by developing lessons that integrates with the spreadsheet software. I
have acquired the skills needed in order to classify assistive hardware and software for
students and teachers, along with acquiring the skills needed to productively use
Internet-based tools to design teaching and learning lessons (Roblyer & Doering, 2010).
This course has taught me how to use productivity software tools to illustrate teaching
and learning activities. Plus, Ive learned how to recognize current issues in all content
areas that will impact the selection and use of technology. In order for me to
successfully complete the assignments for this course, I applied specific skills and
character when creating learning activities using print, audiovisual, computer-based,
and integrated technologies while adhering and applying the principles of instructional
systems design, message design, instructional strategies, and learner characteristics.
Assignments that reflect my mastery in this standard includes: the Thematic Unit
assignment and the Google Earth assignment.

Standard 4: Management

Reflection on Practice Candidates analyze and interpret data and artifacts and
reflect on the effectiveness of the design, development and implementation of
technology-supported instruction and learning to enhance their professional
EdTech-504- Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments.
In this course, I honed my synthesis skills and applied them to better understand the
classic and the contemporary theories of learning and how to apply them in educational
technology, as well as the implications for using each of these. In the EdTech-504
course, there were several reflection assignments that I created and with each of these I
was able to create a linkage between my beliefs about the nature of learning and how I
develop course materials for instructional use. I was able to see that the learning
materials that I created were not in line with my own beliefs about the nature of learning.
Several of these assignments include the following reflections assignment for Module 2,
Module 3 and Module4. In this course I studied the various student-centered learning
environments, which consisted of problem-based learning, the learning communities,
the communities of practice, the simulated environments, the digital repositories and
constructionist learning environments (Jonassen & Land, 2012).

These reflection

assignments taught me how to reflect, because I didnt know how to truly reflect. In
order for me to reflect on the course material, I had to think deeply about each of these
modules and look at what I was being taught, and how this will help me as I pursue my
educational technology profession. After deep thinking sessions I was to make the
connections between what I was thinking, what I was being taught and how I actually
use whats being taught. I was able to determine that the process that I used for

creating distance learning material was not accurate, and that I need to create this
learning material differently on the next time. The reflective assignment includes the
following assignment module; Module 4 Reflection assignment. When creating my
Learning Theories Paper I began to see the connections between some of the learning
theories, and some of the instructional models that were founded on these theories. My
master skills in this module is evident in the following assignment: Module 2 Learning
Theories Paper IMiller.docx

EdTech-512 - Online Course Design

In this course Ive learned how to use a web based instructional design approach for
developing online courses that are engaging and effective, and in alignment with
standards and research-based best practice. Evidence of skills learned in this course
can be seen by accessing the fully-developed online course that was created for this
course. A link to the project is here- Online Training Course. In this course Ive also
learned how to conduct a needs assessments, and how to define course goals and
objectives, how to design course activities, course materials, and assessments- each of
these skills are evident in the Online Training Course.

EdTech-541- Integrating Technology into the Classroom

Before taking this course, I had no knowledge of how to use technology effectively as a
teaching tool. This course, taught me the historical foundations, the learning theories,
and current trends in the field of educational technology. This has helped me to develop
a broad understanding of the framework for effective technology integration. I have


learned how to locate and evaluate up-to-date research on educational technology and
this enabled me to create and have my own personal rationale for using technology in
education. I have learned how to define and identify the various instructional software
types and how to use them.
Learning how to identify and create effective classroom activities using the correct
technological tools along with the Internet was very exciting and fun. Ive acquired the
skills and knowledge that are needed in order to create effective classroom activities by
using advanced spreadsheet software and by developing lessons that integrates
spreadsheet software. I have acquired the skills needed in order to classify assistive
hardware and software for students and teachers, along with acquiring the skills needed
to productively use Internet-based tools to design teaching and learning lessons
(Roblyer & Doering, 2010). This course has taught me how to use productivity software
tools to illustrate teaching and learning activities. Plus, Ive learned how to recognize
current issues in all content areas that will impact the selection and use of technology.
In order for me to successfully complete the assignments for this course, I applied
specific skills and character when creating learning activities using print, audiovisual,
computer-based, and integrated technologies while adhering and applying the
principles of instructional systems design, message design, instructional strategies, and
learner characteristics.
Assignments in this course taught me how to apply basic Learning Management
System features and tools such as uploading and attaching documents and images.
Most of the projects in EdTech-541 required the integration of Word documents,
PowerPoint files, PDF files, video and audio media in order to create the instructional


material for the classroom. Various assignments in this course contain examples of my
mastery skills for integrating technology in networked environments, by designing,
developing, and maintaining both a blog and a professional/personal website that
showcases various projects and activities, and assignments. The Learning Log project
consists of registering and applying Web 2.0 tools and implementing widgets using html
code in order to develop and implement instructional materials in the classroom. The
Thematic Unit project illustrates my master skills and ability to identify and develop
effective classroom activities using the Internet and implement online learning activities.
The Google Earth project also illustrates my ability to identify and describe key
strategies for integrating technology into specific content areas, and identify software
and Web resources that are required in order to successfully carry out each integration
strategy. The following EdTech-541 projects are examples of what Ive learned from the
Integrating Technology into the Classroom course at Boise State University: Google
Earth Assignment , Assistive Technology Assignment, and the Technology Lesson Plan.

EdTech- 511 Interactive Courseware Development

In EdTech-511, the activities and the weekly hands on assignments provided the correct
environment for collaboration, reflection, assessing and evaluating the assignments
specific to designing multimedia materials and interactive components, and reviewing
and evaluating Flash project. When working on the assignments, collaborating,
reflecting on previous lessons, and assessing what was being created was a process
that was very instrumental with helping me to understand and grasp some of the
lessons within a reasonable time frame. When collaborating with others, this proved to


be very helpful, because each of us were able to learn so much more by working
together and asking questions and asking for help, with some of the difficult concepts.
One thing that Ive learned from this course and I think about so often, is the four
activities that must occur in order for learning to be effective and efficient, these include:
presenting information, guiding the learner, practicing and assessing the learning
(Williams & Tollett, 2006). One of the assignments that I created that reflect my mastery
of these skills includes this static web page assignment.

EdTech- 506 Instructional Message Design

In Edtech-506 I learned how to apply the principles of visual literacy to graphics that will
be used in learning. The hands on activities in this course taught me how to select a
graphic and apply principles of graphic design when developing instructional materials
and presentations. Another concept learned in this course is how to select the
appropriate combination of graphics and images to supplement text instructions. The
assignments that were developed in this course included instructional material that
contained multiple instructional messages that would help to achieve a specific learning
goal. Editing software was used in this course and by following the instructions, I was
able to learn how to use editing software to create new and modify existing images for
digital formats and for print as well. Some of the assignments created in this course
that exemplify my mastery in this course are: Lesson Plan1, Principles of Selection,
and the Addie Model.

Standard 5: Evaluation

Candidates demonstrate knowledge, skills, and dispositions to evaluate the

adequacy of instruction and learning by applying principles of problem analysis,
criterion-referenced measurement, formative and summative evaluation, and longrange planning.

EdTech-505 Evaluation for Educational Technologists

While enrolled in the EdTech-505 Evaluation course, I learned many concepts about
evaluation, and these include:, being able to define specific words related to the field of
evaluation and research and apply them to various EdTech- 505 projects; I learned what
evaluation means and the role it plays in educational technology as well as having
learned about the components of an evaluation report and their rationale. I was able to
understand the reason for conducting an evaluation and identify the role of the audience
and the stakeholders involved in an evaluation. This course also taught me how to
describe an Evaluation Program Description and why one should be used, and how to
differentiate between the various evaluation models and their components. While
developing my evaluation project, I used various types and levels of data and used
various data collection tools and obtained the skills needed in order to select an
appropriate evaluation strategy and procedure for my instructional project. Mastery of
this subject can be seen in this artifact: EdTech-505 Evaluation Project.
EdTech-504 Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology.
In the Theoretical Foundations of Educational Technology course, one of my
assignments, titled- Transactional Distance Theory is where I examined and analyzed

this learning theory and discovered that, Transactional distance theory is the
relationship between the instructor and student in terms of the essential course
structure, the dialog provided by the instructor, and the autonomy required by the
student, (Schulte, 2010). For this assignment, I performed research to find credible
articles, and then analyzed and synthesized the information from the various sources,
and after obtaining enough knowledge about this topic, I created this assignment. This
is the Learning Theories assignment. The artifact that support my master skills in the
standard can be found here:

IPT-536- Foundations of IPT

In the IPT-536 Foundations of Instructional and Performance Technology course, I
learned about the contributions of Edward Thorndike, Ralph Tyler, Burrhus Skinner and
Benjamin Bloom to the development of foundational principles of human learning and
teaching (Chyung, 2008). One of my assignments in IPT536 was to develop and turn in
a Synthesis Paper. While working on this assignment, I learned the definition on
synthesis and I was able to apply what I learned about synthesis to and created this
Synthesis assignment. This assignment exemplifies my ability to synthesize a topic of
discussion, by exploring various sources of information in an effort to become an expert
on the topic and show readers that I am familiar with the field and qualified to offer my
opinions. This paper is organized by topic and has been developed in a way to present
the information clearly in order to help the reader follow my line of thoughts. Credible
references that supports the contents of my paper are cited. This paper is designed in


order to help the reader see the information in a new way. My IPT-536 Synthesis
assignment is here:


When I began this journey toward obtaining this education to earn the M.E.T. degree, I
knew nothing about Benjamin Bloom, or the ARCS model, or the ADDIE model. Now,
after almost completing this curriculum, I feel ever more confident that Ive acquired the
education and skills thats needed in order to be successful in this field. Im sure that as
I continue to grow professionally, Ill always remember what Ive learned in the core
courses as well as in the electives courses. It is the combination of both of these that
have molded me into a well-educated Master of Educational Technology professional.
The journey has been long, but Im able to get a glimpse of something bright at the end
of the tunnel at this point. Im proud of what Ive learned from these great Professors at
Boise State University and I feel confident and certain that theyve taught me the things
that will make me successful, and I feel confident that Ive learned what was taught and
that Im ready to move on to the next chapter in my career.


Alessi, S. M., & Trollip, S. R. (2001). Multimedia for Learning. Needham Heights: Allyn &
Chyung, Y. (2008). Foundations of Instructional and Performance Technology.
Massachusetts: HRD Press, Inc.
Davidson-Shivers, G. & Rasmussen, K. (2006). Web-based learning: Design,
implementation, and evaluation. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Jonassen, D., & Land, S. (2012). Theoretical Foundations of Learning Environments.
New York: Routledge.
Larson, M. B., & Lockee, B. B. (2014). Streamlined ID A Practical Guide to Instructional
Design. New York: Routledge.
Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2010). Integrating Educational Technology into
Teaching. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Schulte, M. (2010). Faculty Perceptions of Technology Distance Education
Transactions. The Journal of Educators Online, 2-7.
Williams, R., & Tollett, J. (2006). The Non-Designer's WEb Book. Berkeley: Peachpit


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