Bank Project

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2nd Partial: Collaborative Project

Mauricio Leal A01194292

Patricio Quintana A01194125
Enrique Barragan A01194
Prepa TEC Campus Santa Catarina

Table of Contents

Part I: Individual Work4-6
Part I: Team Work7
Part II: Team Work...8
Part III: Individual9-11
Part III: Team Work12
Part IV: Team Work13


Lately in Math class we have been seeing investments and interests. So in this project
we will have to investigate about investment funds in different banks. We will need to visit them
and ask for assistance about which is the best fund for us. Using the formulas learned we will
graph a determinate amount that is used as an example. This amount will give us the
information necessary to know which fund is the best for us. Lastly we will need to find another
type of investment called Afore. Since Afore only works for workers we will need to ask
assistance to a familiar or friend.
This project will help us expand our knowledge about life. When we are older we will
need to make this, so this project will help us know what to do in a near future. Investment funds
and Afore is a must for every Mexican, and we are only a few years away from getting our first
official work.

PART I: Individual

Banamex (Enrique)
In Banamex theres a investment option of fix time of 1 month or with an annual
interest rate of 4% . Your initial amount is. $175,000 Mexican pesos. So why did I chose
this Bank? Simple, this is the most announced bank in Mexico, while you have other
banks like BanRegio, Banorte, HSBC. I can tell you with certainty that Banamex is the
most well known Mexican owned bank in the country, and to check banks you have to
go in to consider all this different options.

A = 175,000 (1 + .04/12)^12 t

Domain: (0 , )
Range: (175,000 , )
Asymptote: No Asymptote
Reference Point: (0 , 175,000)
Concavity: Upward

BanRegio (Patricio)
I went to BanRegio, I asked for the optimal option for the investment I wanted to
make. They told me that the best option was one that gave me 2.6% on interests,
compounded monthly. The problem is that there is a condition that this option has, and it
is that the investment works only if you leave your money 2 years or less. I chose this
option because it has a high rate interest, which benefits the client by increasing the
amount of the initial investment. Another reason why I chose this option is because I
asked the financial analyst of BanRegio, and he told me that due to the requirements
that I have, this is the best investment option.

A = 175,000 (1 + .026/12)^12 t

Domain: (0 , )
Range: (175,000 , )
Asymptote: No Asymptote
Reference Point: (0 , 175,000)
Concavity: Upward

HSBC (Mauricio)
I visited HSBC, and they showed me an option for an express investment. The
investment ratio is a good one, with 1.04% compounded annually. Even though there
are greater ratios, this one does not have as much limitations as the other. The
minimum money you need to invest is just $5,000. So I chose this option because even
though the ratio is not that big it is accessible for everyone. So people in medium and
low social classes can still have the benefits as medium high and high class people.

A = 175,000 (1 + .0104/1)^t

Domain: (0 , )
Range: (175,000 , )
Asymptote: No Asymptote
Reference Point: (0 , 175,000)
Concavity: Upward

PART I: Team Work

With BANAMEX, the investment in 10 years will become an amount of $260,895.72,
without making any deposit or withdraws.
With BanRegio, the investment in 10 years will become an amount of $226,898.93,
without making any deposit or withdraws.
With HSBC, the investment in 10 years will become an amount of $194,075.81, without
making any deposit or withdraws.
We chose BANAMEX and BanRegio, because they were the most beneficial for us,
giving us a bigger rate of interest, which increases the initial amount. We rejected HSBC
because it is the one with the lowest interest rate and is only compounded annually
while the others are compounded monthly.


PART II: Team Work

So after analyzing both investment options, we decided to chose Banamex. Not

only because the interest rest is considerably higher, but because in BanRegio you
need to withdrawal your money every 2 years. Which can be a big problem considering
it will take you 34 years to be able to buy the apartment. While in Banamex it will take
more than 10 years less, 23 years to be exact.

PART III: Individual

Afore Banamex is a founder organization in the Administration system for
Retirement Funds, recognized for optimizing investment portfolios, leader in service
provision* and with over 14 years' experience, which makes it one of the leading
companies in the market.
It manages over 6.5 million customers and it manages resources for over 1,384,494
million pesos, taking one of the leading places from the beginning and offering safety
and confidence to the workers who have trusted us with their retirement funds.
I chose to stay with my bank, which was Banamex, due to the good interest rate
that it has, as well as the investment is the middle one, the one more accessible, with
Banamex your interest rate is of 3.67%, which is pretty high

A = 175,000 (1 + 0.0367/1)^t

Domain: (0 , )
Range: (175,000 , )
Asymptote: No Asymptote
Reference Point: (0 , 175,000)
Concavity: Upward

The Afores is a service provided by financial institutions that administer your
savings account in the system of savings for retirement Basically it's a fund of savings,
which works as an investment, because it provides you with an interest rate.
I chose Afore BanCoopel. The interest rate of Afore BanCoopel is of 4.84%. To calculate
the amount of interest your money will get over time, added to the initial amount, here is
the mathematical model:

A = 175,000 (1 + 0.0484/1)^t

Domain: (0 , )
Range: (175,000 , )
Asymptote: No Asymptote
Reference Point: (0 , 175,000)
Concavity: Upward


Afores are institutions that take care of workers savings accounts. They get a
percentage of your base salary and deposit it into your account, in exchange you need
to pay them a small commission. Normally 1%. This money is then saved over the years
so when workers are not in working age, and they retire, they can have that money for
any expenses.
I chose the Afore of Profuturo GNP, that is an international organization in all
Latin America, with ten years of experience in this. They have four types of Afore,
SIEFORE Basic 1 through 4. I chose number 4 because even though it had higher
commission the interest was a lot higher. The rate was of 5.34% of the base salary,
compounded annually.

A = 175,000 (1 + .0.0534/1)^t

PART III: Team Work

Domain: (0 , )
Range: (175,000 , )
Asymptote: No Asymptote
Reference Point: (0 , 175,000)
Concavity: Upward

PART III: Team Work

After comparing the three Afores in different organizations we

decided to use BanCoppel and Profuturo GNP. First of all both of them
have bigger interest rates than Banamex (BanCoppel: 4.84%, Profuturo
GNP 5.34%, Banamex 3.67%). You may say that with higher interest, the
higher the commission, but not in this case. Banamex and GNP have only
4 decimals of difference in the commission (Banamex: 1.07%, GNP:
1.11%), Ban Coppel is a little bit further with 1.20%, but its still worth it.


PART IV: Team Work

In Parts I and III we investigated about two different types of funds, investment
fund and Afore. Investment Fund can be opened by anyone obviously paying a
commission but a minimum specific amount must be invested to be able to open the
trust fund. Most of these funds are also compounded monthly which gives a certain
advantage since the profit increases.
On the other hand, Afores can only be used by workers. When you are older than
18 and are working you will get a social security. A percentage of the money you earn
will be saved and can be used for when you retire.
He we show a Venn Diagram of advantages, disadvantages, and similarities.


Desmos Graphing Calculator. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2015, from
AFORE PROFUTURO GNP FONDO SB4. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29,
2015, from
Retrieved October 29, 2015, from
Inversiones a Plazo - Inversiones - HSBC Mxico. (n.d.). Retrieved October
29, 2015, from!
(n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2015, from
Mathway | Math Problem Solver. (n.d.). Retrieved October 29, 2015, from



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