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Shot List


1. -Establishing shot of office from outside, shows most of building (low
2. -C/U Of Chiefs office window (Match cut 1)


1. -Over-the shoulder to Chief looking out window (Match Cut2)
2. -C/U Phone vibrates in Chiefs pocket
3. -C/U Hand taking phone out of pocket
4. -M/S figure looking at phone, face shrouded in shadow
5. -C/U hand holding phone, viewing text message
6. -M/S Chiefs torso, slow tilts down (match cut 1)
7. -C/U heels momentarily paused, then walking to desk (match cut 2)
8. -Over-the-shoulder Chief sits down, face not yet revealed
9. -Mid shot of Chief moving to place phone on desk (match cut 1)
10.-C/U Chiefs hand placing down phone (match cut 2)
11.-C/U phone on placed on desk, high angle (match cut 3)
12.-Over-the-shoulder of chief, purposely keeping face hidden (Focus pull,
figure to pencil on desk) high angle
13.-C/U Chief tapping pencil on desk impatiently, camera tilts up (foreshowing
Crawfords arrival)
14.- W/S Crawford behind door (match cut 1)
15.-C/U door handle turning (Chiefs P.O.V) (match cut 2)
16.-Reaction shot, Low angle Chief looks up at opening door
17.-C/U Chief stops tapping pencil, high angle
18.-L/S Crawford in doorway
19.-M/S Crawford dialogue, you summoned me, Chief
20.-W/S Chief seated and gestures to chair, ordering Crawford to sit
21.-Over-the-shoulder on Chief (Focus pull gestured from Chiefs hand to
Crawford sitting in chair)
22.-M/S Crawford sitting and dialogue, May I ask what this is about, Chief?
23.-C/U Chief snapping pencil upon desk
24.-C/U Chiefs hands on the desk
25.-Over-the-shoulder, Chief pushing himself up from desk, in a rough manner
26.- Reaction shot, low angle (face still unrevealed) due to Miss Crawfords
words, Dont give me that crap, angry facial expression I think you
know damn well why youre here. Ive been in this business a long time I
27.-180 turn, shown moving around desk (from behind chief to behind
Crawford) after Chief pauses in speech
28.-Head and shoulder/S Miss Crawford
29.-Reaction/S Crawford shocked at Chiefs words
30.-Side/S, high angle, (L/S) Miss Crawford, rises from chair and stands
31.-C/U Miss Crawfords eyes avoiding Chiefs gaze
32.-M/S, low angle, bemused expression from Chief at Crawfords actions
33.- M/S, high angle, Crawford looking vulnerable/slightly fearful
34.- C/U Chief smirks at Crawfords apparent fear

35.- W/S, shows both Crawford and Chief, (Crawfords back to camera), Chief
advancing towards Crawford
36.- M/S Chiefs legs walking (match cut 1)
37.-C/U Chiefs feet coming to a stop beside Crawford (match cut 2)
38.-W/S (side view) Chief looming over Crawford
39.- M/S Chiefs dialogue And guess what?
40.- C/U Of Chiefs mouth whispering into Crawfords ear, Chief I know a
snake when I see one
41.- W/S, tilt up, Crawfords shoulders tense (back to camera), creates
momentary pause for effect
42.- M/S Side view, Crawford smirks, turns to camera (head-and-shoulders
shot), high angle (Chief P.O.V)
43.-Head and shoulder/S Crawford Im impressed Chief, but still- (pauses in
44.-Head and shoulder/S of Chiefs facial expression slightly shocked at
Crawfords sudden confidence.
45.- C/U Crawfords eyes looking down from Chiefs face (match cut 1)
46.- Head and shoulders/S, Tilt down from Chiefs face to memory stick
hanging around neck (match cut 2)
47.- Head-and-shoulders Crawford looks back up to meet Chiefs gaze, smirks
at finding the memory stick
48.-C/U Crawford flexes fingers
49.-C/U Crawford shifts feet ready to attack
50.-M/S Crawford speaks, Im afraid that youre a little too late. (Slight high
51.-L/S Crawford lunges towards Chief
52.-Reaction shot of Chief
53.-Over the shoulder, Chief pushed to wall
54.-Head-and-shoulders/S, Crawford looks down at memory stick
55.-Reaction shot, Chief struggles to fight off Crawfords attempts at taking
the stick
56.-M/S, high angle, Crawfords hands around Chiefs throat
57.- M/S Crawfords determination to defeat Chief
58.-Head-and-shoulder/S, Chief struggling to breath against grip
59.-M/S Chief raising leg, preparing to kick (match cut 1)
60.- Two/S Chief kicks Crawford in the stomach (match cut 2)
61.- C/U Crawford in pain from kick
62.-Wide, reaction/S, Crawford stumbles back (slight high angle)
63.-M/S Crawford breathing heavily, hand clenching stomach in pain
64.- Head-and-shoulders, Crawford frowns when hearing Chiefs laughter
65.-M/S, Chief laughing and coughing rubs neck, leaning against wall for
support I see... So you knew of this did you?
66.-M/S, chief reaching for memory stick
67.-C/U memory stick in Chiefs hand, held up to the viewer (focus pull from
chiefs face to memory stick)
68.- Reaction/S Crawford looks determined to take back the stick (frowns at
Chiefs mockery)
69.-M/S, tilt down to Chiefs pocket, hand reaching for gun, still chuckling
you really are a fool (side view)
70.-M/S Chief brings up gun and prepares to take aim (focus pull to Crawford
already taking aim)
71.- Reaction/S, Chief shocked, eyes widen in panic

72.-L/S, low angle Crawford gun poised, shoots chief in shoulder

73.-Reaction/S, chief in pain, cries out DAMN YOU
74.-M/S Gun falling out of Chiefs hand (match cut 1)
75.-C/U Gun fallen to floor (match cut 2)
76.-W/S Chief slumps to floor, appears to be dead
77.-M/S Crawford putting gun away
78.- W/S Crawford walks towards Chief (low angle)
79.- C/U kicks away Chiefs gun on floor out of reach
80.-Side view, W/S crouches beside Chief
81.- Over-the-shoulder/S , Chief unconscious on floor
82.-C/U, Crawford ripping away memory stick from around chiefs neck
83.- M/S Crawford checking Chief once more. Looks at memory stick.
84.- C/U Crawford encloses hand around stick
85.-L/S Crawford stands and turns back to Chief bringing out phone
86.-M/S Crawford typing message of phone
87.-C/U Phone in Crawfords hand shows message Codes retrieved, returning
to base.
88.-Over-the-shoulder/S Crawford sending message, putting phone away
89.-M/S Crawford facing camera, Chiefs arms thrown around Crawford
90.-Reaction/S Crawford taken by surprise
91.-M/S Crawford pushed backwards
92.- C/U dropping memory stick (match cut 1)
93.- M/S Memory stick slides across floor
94.- L/S Chief sees memory stick
95.-Shot reverse/S Chief looks from memory stick, Crawford in pain to
memory stick
96.- Low angle, L/S, Chief lunging for memory stick (towards camera, memory
stick P.O.V)
97.- M/S Crawford determined to stop Chief, moves to stop him
98.- C/U Crawford grabs hold of Chiefs leg
99.- Reaction Shot of Chief falling on injured shoulder
-L/S Crawford moves to memory tick
- C/U Crawfords hand grabbing memory stick
- L/S Crawford taking out gun
- C/U Crawford loading gun
-M/S Chief on floor in pain, high angle, You cant do this! My men
will destroy you-, focus remains upon Chief when interrupted by Hey
Chief? by Crawford
-Reaction shot of Chief wide eyed in shock, fear and outrage
- M/S Crawford aiming gun towards Chief, low angle
-Head-and-shoulders, Crawford Youre fired.
-C/U barrel of Crawfords gun
- (Transition of cut to Black-End of Scene)

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